-r--- --- rv - - LONG SAULT Mn. and Mrs. R. Sim visited Mns. Mary Sim at Mrs. Pat. Eyre's, Bowmanville. Sunday evening. Mr. Stanley Fletcher, Toronto,i spent the long wekend with bis parents, Mr. and Mns. G. Fletch- er. Mn. and Mrs. Clifford Miler and Mrs. Lucy Miler, Hampton, wcre Sunday guests af Mn. and Mrns. Gabriel Kayacs and Gabriel. *Mn. and Mrs. Johnstor' Kidd, r.and Mn,. Ted Kidd and Rod- r Goodwood, were Sunday at the Smith home. Mrs. Wtye retunned home having en- jyda weck's holiday. with Mr. and Mn.. Don Kidd, Islmngtan, and Mn. and, Mns. J. Kidd at their cottage on Six Mile Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Kcnneth Rundie, balem,' wene Saturday evenlng iguests of Mn. and Mn,. R. Sim. rsj4 n. Dick Evers were > I44l~j9uets of Rev. and Mrn. DOUId Lute, Gare'. Landing. Sympathy ai the cammunity extended ta Mn.. A. J. Mc- Laggan in the suddcn passing af liher fathen, Mn. Ernest Evans, La Shute, Quebec. Mr. and Mns. .MeLaggan and family left canly - Tuesday morning ta attend the lun eral which wa. heid Wcdnes-t iday.1 !m eAAn FÂTMAN.. DOWMANVILLE. OUTAMT Mr. and Mrs. Ormne Miller spent Sunday with ber bnbther and faxily, Mr. and Mns. T6m McClelland., et their cottage on Six Mile Lake in Muskoka. Miss Sandra Gibson visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peterson, Oshawa, lest week and also visit- ed with hen sister, Mrs. John Wright, Janetvilie, accampany- ing them an a picnic ta the Cneem ai Barley Park, sponsor- ed by the Janetviile Young People on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. AI. Webb and family. Bawmanville, visiteddMn. and Mn.. Rye Gîbson an Sunday. Mn.. Edith Murphy and Mn. Jack Achesan were Sunday guests ai Mn. and Mns. Hugh Murphy, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mn.. Fred Partnen were Sunday guests ai Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Gable, Courtice. Master Garry Murphy was the lucky winnen ai the electric pop- up toaster given away at the dnaw at Devitt's Hall lest Fni- day night. Mr. and Mns. W. Vaneyk and Mn. Jim Travers with Mr. and Mrs. Andy Sutch, Pontypool, an Sunday. He wbo is not contented with what he bas, would nat be con- tented with what he wauid like ta hav.-Socrates. f hi Gifts for a , ail Bride New goods are arriving deily and among the loveliest are some beautiful Lace Tablecloths, British made. Prices start at $6.98 "LILY-OF-THE-VALLEY" Melba Bone China Dinnerware made by Adderley's is a lovely new pattern - crisp, ever f resh looking, it will bring yau new pleasure in entertaining. This is a quality English china dinnenware and il is pra- duced to seli et a very reasonable price. Special-20-pc. Service for Four, Introductory 0f fer $24.95 see.t at -I' Reg. Rackham Is Promoted to Police Corporal Member of the Ontaria Pro- vincial Police for five-end-a- hall yeans, Constable Reginald Rackham, 160 George Street, bas been prornated te the rank of corporal. He ia e son ai Bey. and Mrs. Rackham, Lind- say iormcrly ai Hampton, and a brother ai Mn. Doug Rack- hem, Bowmanville. Mn.. Rack- hem is the former Miss Efleen Thompion, daugbter ai Mn. and Mns. George Thampson, -Tem- penance St. A native ai Hamipton, Cp.. Rackham senved. for three-and- a-hall yeers with the RCAF during World Wen II, bcing stetîoned in the test flight sec- tion et St. John's, Quebec. Foliowing the wer be was with the Depatment ai Refonin In- stitution, as physical instructor et the Ontario Training School for Boys et Bowmenviile and later tnanferred ta the Ontario Provincial Police. He is head ai the photo- graphy and fingerpnint section et district O.P.P. headquantcns at Belleville. OBITUARY MRS. W. P. FLETCHER Followîng an illness of six months the death occurred in the Kingston Genenal Hospital on Friday night, September 3, of Gertrude Gadsby, widow of Rev. Dr. W. P. Fletcher. Mrs. Fletcher was in ber 77th year. A daughten of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Gadsby, the deceased was born in the Cedan Dale section of Oshawa and received her education at the Base Line West High School. Married in Oshawa in 1900 at the time ber husband was pastor of the Oshawa Christian Church, she was of great assist- ance ta him in hîs various pas- toral charges and enjoyed a wide circle of friends. Follow- ing Dr. Fletcher's retirement they returned ta Oshawa il years ago and lived at 70 Ross- land Road East. Mrs. Fletcher is survived by one daughter, Mrs. D. F. Ayls- worth (Pearl) of Bath and four sons, L. C. Fletcher of Grand Forks, British Columbia; Rev. W. G. Fletcher of Stirling; Percy G. Fletcher of Oshawa, and George A. Fletcher of London, Ont. Also surviving are two sis- ters, Mrs. Sadie Herring of Calgary and Mrs. W. Inch of Toronto. The remains rested at the Armstrong Funeral Homne for service in Centre Street United Church at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, September 7. Rev. A. F. Cowan pastor of the chuncb, conduct- ed the services. Interment was in Nwmaket Cemetery. UM 0 T RDOMIN ION R CANNING SPECIAL - BLENDED - Deposit Extra VINEGAR ral MANNINGS - FIRST 0F THE SEASON Ch *c. Mallows. 45< 20-Bise. Pkg. 15 TASTY- NOURISHING - TRINIDAD BRAND Grapefruit Juice PRICE 2 FOR tn BONELESS - LEAN ROLLED VeaUl Roast Lb. 39c MAPLE LEAF- SM04KED- DELICIOUS Si,.de Baocon ½-b 9< -DON'T WAIT TOO LONG FOR CANNING suyElberta Peaches o A SMALL CROP IS EXPECTED AESH- JIJICY -MEATY -CALIFORNIA -RED Tokay G rimpes 2 Lbs. 25c Owned and Operated by Dominion Stores Ltd. Values effectve Thursday, Friday, Saturday, September 9 - 10 - Il at Bowmanville TRIBUTE To a Good and1 Miss Julia Honor Her many relatives a n d friends were shocked ta learn of the passing of Miss Julia Honora (Nana) Werry on Sept. 1.t, 1954, after a few days' illness in Oshawa General Hospital. She was in ber 7th year. She was the youngest daugh- ter af the late William Werry and Elizabeth Bray, and was born at "Roselandvale Farm," Sauina, an January lOth, 1879. She had lived practically al ber lie in the Solina -Kedron districts, with the exception af a few years when she was a teacher in the St. Catharines Business Coliege, where a wel known native of Durham County, Mr. T. Frank Wright, was principal of the college. Miss Werny was one of a large family of eight children, and being the only anc who did flot manry she was in great demand as the familles of ber brothens and sisters were growing up. It just seemed naturai for Nora to assume the many and various household responsibilities she was called upan ta perform, including of- ten the duties of a practical nurse, be it a new born babe or the loving cane and com- panionsbip of older relatives in their declining years. She. possessed a genial personality which combined with ber char- actenistic willingness ta give a helping hand wbenever need- ed, made her a favorite amang aremarkably wîde circle of friends beyond ber own im- lmediate relatives. Throughout the many years af faitbful and unselfish service in her quiet and effective way, she meited the encomiumn "she went about doing good." Her talents were not confin- ed ta home and relatives, for she gave wholehearted and de- voted practical service ta Eldad United Church and Sunday School for many years, and later ta the new Kedron United Church when it was under construction and since in the variaus women's organizaians. She was a charter member of Solina Women's Institute and recently in recognition af the splendid work she had contni- buted ta this worthy organiza- tion was honored by being made a life member. Before the turn of the cen- tury when the Sans of Temper- ance wielded such power and influence in the development of Christian character and ad- vocated temperance in numer- ous villages throughout Dar- lington Township, Miss Werv was an active member and of- ficer af Solina Division. Even when the Divisions became a thing of the past she neyer ceased, right through the years, ta preach the principles of temperance and the evils of strong drink. In recent years she made ber home at Kedron looking aiter ber brothen-in-law, Mn. Richard J. Luke. Wbile a resident there, right up ta the time of ber death, she was the Kedron correspondent for the Oshawa Daily Times-Gazette. She en- joyed doîng this important branch of newspaper work, and we venture the opinion the paper she represented neyer had a more faithful and con- scientious rural reporter. Slue had what edîtors refer in tbe vernacular "the nase for news." She possessed a wide vocabu- lary wa.s strong on details, and ber descriptive powers seerped unlimited in which the occas- ionai bit af humor would creep inta ber wnitings. We wonder who wil now filber literary place, particularly In repcrting the annuai Werny -Philps fani- ily picnic. Her reporting of this annual get-together was a inasterpieca af accuracy and thonoughness. Her uncle, the late M. A. James, editor ai The Canadian Statesman, ofteni told Nana she missed ber caîl- ing as she bad ail the requisites for a successful newspaper Go by Train to the LONDON EXHIBITION SEPT. 13-19 Low Rail Farci $8.35 Coach ood goint Saturday, Sept. Il to Saturday, Sept. 18 inclusive. Returu Limit-Sépt. 30 Full information fnom any ag ent. AV You'11. own the Finest made PAGE TMIMELW South Durham Finals Gallant Woman Now Being Played M (Nra) erry Welcome vs. Orono aTh (Nora) WforySouth Duhamn #rt of a turnlp pie "llike mother Bâmabll Championship started used ta meke"' To further bring tht. week with Orona and Wei- to light enôther af her many corne the contenden.. The furt good deeds which wene se aten geme aif the best-ai-five series donc ini ber quiet way, thie lest waa played Tuesday night at letten 1 received iram her Orono. The second game wil cantained a cheq~ue for th~e take place to-night at Welcome. Crippied Children s Work 0of All gaes. start at 5.30 sharp. the Rotary Club.--G.W.J. Âdditlanal" gaines wiii be She i. survived by thnee played at Orana Tuesday, Sept. brothers, James A. Wer' oi 14th, at Welcome, Sept. l6th, Enniskillen, W. Charles ;Wenry if necessary and Sept. 21st ut af Oshawa, and 9. Edgar WerryOrano If a fifth geme je ne- of Saline. yquired. She was predeoeased by iwo sisters, 'Mrs. A. L. Pascoe (Della) afi Sauna, and Mns. R. HÀAYDON J. Luke <Minnie) of Xedron, and two brother,, P. Luther Mn. and Mrs. G0. Bentiey and ,Worry of Mantreel, and B. Babbie, Mn. and Mns. T. Bentley, Fletchier Werry of Kedron. Tarante; Mn. and Mns. J. Cook, The funeral service which Scarboro; Mrs. Frank Denby, tllled the church te ovenflaw. Mn. and Mn.. Fay Mountjoy and ing, was heid Saturday after- lamily, Bowmanvilie, at Mr. and noon in the beautiful cathedrel- Mn.. Norman Avery's. like Eided Church, with its Mr. and Mn.. Henry Danekes, eight impressive and dignified Calif., is vilting Mn. and Mn.. stained inemonial Win d a w s. Arthur Read end femily. Rev. F. J. Reed, ministen i MnedMn.WoLwsfTrn Hampton circuit, canducted the Mr ndthe W.eekedwiTorMn. service. He was assisted by anto pnthwekndihMr ald fricnd ai the Werry îarnily, dMs J. Aikenheed. Rev. M. R. Sanderson, pastor Mr&. H. Gay, Oshawa, spent ai North, Parkdale United the week-end with Mn. and Mn.. Church, Toronto, who padaCharles Ganrard. most fitting tribute ta o e de- Mn.. Chanlie Garrard, Mn.. H. ceased by summing up bis ne- Gay and Robert, Oshawa, attend- marks by saying she lavcd lufe, cd the Decaration Service at the she loved people, she loved Nestieton Cemetery on Sunday. work and she loved ber God. aitennoon. The service was flot anc ai Mn,. Arthur Read and Ina bercavement and maurning, Beryl spent a couple ai day. in but anc ai rejoicing for a de- Toronto lest week. parted loved anc who hed been Mr. and Mn.. Lloyd Slemon at called ta ber etennal home ion Hall'. Lake on Sunday, and caîl- a higher service. cd on Mn. and Mns. Cecil Slemon. Many beautiful flowers sur- Mn. and Mn.. D. Black and roundcd the casket as a sulent Jean and Donna vîsited Mn. and tnibute ta one wha bad been a Mns. Clarence Ginn, Cadmus, on truc and loving friend ta se Sunday, and attended the Dec- many people. anatian Service at Nestîcton Interment was in the famlly Ccmctery. plat in the adjoining Eldad Ray Ashton visited Mns. W. Cemnetery with six ncphcws Bnawnlcc and Mn. and Mrs. J. acting as palîbeaners, Wilifrd Aikenbead, Toronto.' Werny, Frances Werny, Dr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn George Wenry, Clarence Wenry, and famiiy and Mns. T. Cowling -Bert Luke and Meredith Moi- wcne in Toronta an Saturday and f att. attended the Exhibition. The funeral arrangements Mr. and Mn.. W. Vivian and wene in charge af the Arm- famxily visitcd Mn. and Mn.. W. strong Funenal Home ai Osh- Hoskin, Oshawa. awa. Mr. and Mn.. Norman Avery and femily visitcd Mn. and Mrs. T. Bentley, Toronto. One out af four warking Can- Mn. and Mn.. Lloyd Ashton adians is employed in manu- and Marie, at Mn. and Mn.. W. facturing, the same proportian Ashton's, Caesarea. as in the United States. Mr. and Mn.. Roland Thomp- FOR PICKLING SUCCESS PICK HEINZ CANADAS BEST SEWNG VIN IGARS IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN* 1. Providing yeur family wilh more food, beller food, a greaier 'varbety el1 bol. 2. Saving heurs of kitchen drudgery, planning and preparation of moulu. 3. Iucr.aing the overali health of your farnily. 4. Ownlng a heautilul Amana ""Stor-mor" Freezer. 5. Elhninating WASTE. You Can Have Ail This for Less Money than You Are Presently Spending for Food Alone. Why not 1.t us have a fully trained food counsellor corne around Io your home and heIp you with your meal planning, food budget and kitchen work. 0 00..06 e é6 .1 060 00.. 00et ý60 *-0 0 6 0 é.-10 - ----------------------------- There 15 Definitely No Obligation is e see 666000 600660006 6466-bi* *i ê ----------* ** tt Ottt * tt t teet t t You will receivo ahsolutely free a beautiful sel of menu cards in a plasticised recipe file box when sur food counsellor cones oui Io your home. Ail foods specially proces.d for home freezer use in a goverrnent inspected plant of Canada'. largesi food packer.. If You Live in the Areas Serviced by this Newspaper Phone Bowmanville 578 or Write Kitson' s Amana Plan in Bowmanville. Clip and Mail This Coupon and we will make an appoinimeni wiih you to have a fr4ined food counsellor help you wih pour problema. This Can Mean Unlimited Savings in Time, Money and Labour, to You. mm KITSON'S ANANA PLAN ca73 KING ST. WEST' BOWMANVILLEE MPlease send Food Counsellor to:, eMName MAddress Phone___ __ ___ "At No Obligation Whatsoever»__ son and daughters and Mrs. W. Thompson at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Osmonds, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Aihton and family and Mr. Ronald Ashton visited Mrs. W. Brownlee and Miss Emma Werny, Toronto. Mr. and Mri. Arthur Trewin at Mr. and Mrs. Thurston's, Duns- ford. Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Siemon attended Port Penry Fair, on Monday. Misses Marie Ashton, Joyce McGil, Enniskiilen. and A. Beck- ett, I<yrone, ieft by 'plane on Monday for Victoria and Van- couver, on a couple of weeks' holidays. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vivian at- tended the funeral of her ne- phew, Gordon Hoskin, Oshawa, on Saturday. W.A. Septemben meeting wil ho held at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Thursday aften- naon, Sept. 9th, at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Arthur Trewin's Group in charge. Mr. and Mrs. J. Aikenhead, Mn. and Mrs. W. Lewis wene tea guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton 's. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Thomp- son and daughters were tea guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Chanlie Rankine on Saturday evening. When Mr. and Mrs. Thompson anived home friends and neigh- bours had gathered at their them as they are moving soon ta When Mr. and Mrs. Thompson were seated. Mrs. Cowling read an address and Mrs. Blackburn and Mrs. A. Trewin presented them with a table lamp and an end table. Mr. Thompson thank- ed their fniends for the gifts after which readingu were given by Mrs. Charlie Garrard and Mrs. Cowling. The remainder jof the evening was spent in a 1friendly time and lunch was Lserved. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. LEliner Layng and 'famaiy ci Oshawa ta our commnunity, hav- ing moved into their home purchased from Mr. J. Ranna. Church service Sunday after- noon at 3 p.m. Sunday School at 2 p.m. Visitors at Mr. and Mru. Wm. Trewin's were Mr. and Mrs. Silas Trewin and Judith, Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin and family, Bowman- ville; Miss Grace Trewin, and Mr. F. Castie, Toronto. A 215-pound, 7-foot sturgeon recently caught ini Ontario's Lake of the Woods was estim- ated to be 152 years aid. At the time of the 1951 cen- sus Canadian farrns had one tractor in use for every 242 acres of improved agricultural land. Mid Eaveutroughing Estimates without obligation Gord,on Coller Phone Orono 64 r 7, Collect