PAG FVR!EW EECAADAI ~ATOM7LNOMA-MURSIPATE To Cali, F High Schoi Start Wori Plans for the building of th modern new addition to th Bowmanville District Hig, School are pragressing rapidl and an important step was tai en on Wednesday eveningc last week when a special'méee ing of the Durham District Higi School Board approved the ar chitect's working plans for th, structure. The architect's estin ate of cost of the additioni $383,000. The meeting also authorizeg the architeet, John B. Park:i Associates, Toronto. to eal fo. tenders for construction of thi building. The tenders will b advertised by September 9 an( iwas expected that ail tender will be submitted by the first o, October. Ail that will be needec then is the third reading b3 Counties Council of the deber. ture by-law ta obtain the ne cessary funds, final approvai ci the Department of Educatiai and final apeoval by the cour. cils of the eight municipalitie. in the Durham Hîgh School Dis trict. The working plans as outlin- ed ta the meeting by Williar Burgoyne, John Marr and Ar- thur Wilson of John B. Parkin Associates show that the new addition wiIl be a modern handsome structure designed ta fi every educ ational need of the large number of high school students from West Dur- ham wham it wiil serve. Contains Nine Classrooms It will contain nine class- rooms, a gymnasium anda principal's office, and a cafe- teria will also be built in the basement of the aid schaol util- lzing space naw taken up by two lunchraoms and a baller room. The classrooms will be a general shop room for teach- ing woodworking and metal work, an agriculture room fa' teaching modern agricultural science, a home ecanamics room, a sewing raam, a music room, Conwve niisturo MWd topsoal Iby deep plowing wi G LENCOE! ..the sub-tiler with fast power 1fi? The ruggeds Giencoe sub-tiller plow break up the hardpan, NIallowing Inoisture ta be absorbed '~-faster and deeper. The exclusive Epower lift (or alternative hydrau- lic lift) enables the piow ta ho raised or lowercd, instantly-/rom tMe tractor seat. Penetration may ho s et at any depth up tO 14'. Each shank bas srong double spings for fast, trouble free clearance of obstacles. Glencoe prices are lower- 5', 71, 10' or 12 models available. Write 6o yo frece folder. Ask for a Dernonstration wu Hu BROWN CASE DEALER Phone 497 King St. W. FRIDAY - SATURDJ vuHuIm ANGFURY BOWERY Meef The N-Pb'.-TUES.-WED. - Aduit :or Ten ders Arc o! Addition ,k in Fait lie an art oom, a iibmary and two lie standard classrooms. In addi- gh tion, the new structure will con- Iy itain a greenhouse off the agri- k- ' culture noom and boys' and of girls' washnooms. It The new addition wil be L-. h sbaped, with the new ciass- r- rooms fomming the long sîde of hc the L at the east side of the !- aid school and the gymnasîum 13 fanming the bottom of the L, same distance south of the aid d schoai building. The achtect's in sketch of the new structure or wbich accompanies this stony he gives a gnaphîc illustration of be the bancisome ncw structure. id The portion of the addition rs on the east sîde of the present Of building will be 37/ý feet wîdc d and 181 feet deep. The new ad- )y dition on this side stants be- 1- bind-and is no widem tban-the e- front of the present building, f and wili fi in and square off Pictured above is t n, the present structure. The gym- 1l-romr addition ta the BoN 1- nasîum itseif at the sauth endwhcwilbictdonh E! of 4he L will be 11lO½ feet long.wihwl elctdo h s- Pamtly Below Ground - building. The east wing i Although the new building wd n lofil nteW nwill be twa storcys high,' muen south portion of this wing of the lower storey will be be- High School grounds aimaos ýn low ground level. and the sec- an the playing field. The wond stomey wili be on a levc'l Swith the fimst storey of the aid building. The new addition ing-radiant, hot waten anc dwili extend down over the bill steam, The new boiler rooLn hon the High School groundis Lsing ail, wiil be located be- -and the south extremity wil be tween the new gymnasîum anc within a few feet of where the the old building. Ail rooms hn third base line is presently the new addition will be mech- manked out on the basebail dia- anically ventiiatcd, Mn. Wilson -monci. The south extremity of stated. a the new addition will be 80 feet Good Time To Tender beyond the south extnemity of Tbe tbnee representatives of e the aId building. the anchitects answened many 1- Mn. Burgoyne explained the questions by th board memberç y plans fan each naom in detail during the meeting and gavea ýr ta the board membens present, dlean picture of constnuction de- ýe autlining the type of floors, fix- tails. They pointed out that by -turcs and woodwork which will tendening in the faîl as they Sbe installed. He also indicated are, the board may get a mare r the type of equipment which favorable price from contnaL- would be needed in rooms such tors on the addition as they are as the home economics, agricul- anxious ta keep their men busy, ture and sewing rooms, but tb:iS during the lcss-active winter equipment will be in addition manths. tQ the construction contmact and Read Budge, Port Hope, wiil be purchased by the High Chairman of the Durham Dis. Schooi Board. trict Higb School Board, and The new cafeteria will seat Carrail Nichais, Hope Town- 114 and thene wili be a kitchen ship, Chairman of the Building adjoining it. Ample provision Committee, tbanked the archi- will be made in the new addi- tects for being present at tbe tion fan boys' and girls' wash- meeting and expiaining con- maoms. There wiil be a green- struction details s0 cleariy. bouse off the agriculture noom, Othen board members present and eacfl af the classrooms dc voted ta special subjects suc as home economics, shop wor and sewing will have ami starage and cubboard space. Large New Gymnasium The gymnasium will have spectatars gallery overlookin the gym floor, which willt 85 feet by 45 feet and suital for ail types of indoor sport Ample showers and lockers wi be provided. The possibilityc installing a rifle range for us by the cadets was discussed ai the architects will make ever effort ta have this includedî the building, provided thatj will not add toa much ta th estimated casts. Mr. Wilson and Mr. Marr e: plained the mechanical detail of the building ta the boai members. An interesting fea ture of the addition is that large portion of it will be heat ed by radiant heating throug] the floors. When the additioc is camp]eted, three differen types of heating wiil be use( in the whole High School builc *WNAXVIL&B AY - SEPT. 10 -I OF GUERILLA WAR... JOY J. CARROL; 1*PAGE*NAISH* YANTHONY CARUSO- FRANK deKOVA ALI[O Iistisr '.M~c BOYS IN Mons fer -SEPT. 13 - 14 15 'THEMflhims WHIJMOREe EDMUNO GWENN .-JOAN WELDON JMES ARNESS»e> O.wwc~~ OMM O DUe Aduit - - -- 1~1UIWVAY. 3~FT. UtIi, 1151 Barbara Cryderman Feted by Friends At Farewell Party iOn Fiday evcnlng, Sept. 3, Miss Barbara Crydemman, who wifl be attending McDonaid In- stitute, Guelph, this year, was jgiven a gaîng away pamty by -same of ber friends. Elizabeth IPmowen and Janet McGregar *were co-bostesses at the party Aften the arrivai of Miss Cry- demman who was taken com- pleteiy 'by surprise upon find- ing rnany of ber fricnds gath- ered thene, tbe evening was spent in games. Appropniate prizes werc presented ta the winners with Miss Crydemman finaiiy managing ta defeat ber campetitons in a bard fought struggle fan tbe bobby pnize. Miss Prowen then prescnted the guest of bonon with a love- ly bnown leathen bag on behaîf af ber friends. Miss Cryderman made a graciaus iittle speech tbankîng ber fniends for the gift and the party. A delîciaus lunch senved by the hostesses bnought the even- ing ta a close. Lake Shore, Clarke Mn. and Mrs. Bob Sbupak and family, Toronto, and Miss E. Holmes, Oshawa, visitcd Mn. and Mns. W. Holmes., Mrs. Bertha Hamilton, Mrs. Edna Selby, Mrs. Albert Crago and Mn. Lloyd Crago spent Sun- day with Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Martin. Misses Joyce and Doris Martin and Mn. Alec Martin and friend visited Mr. and Mns. Alec Mc- Neil, Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Les Aiidred and famiiy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mns. Robin Aildned. The sympathy of the commun- itY is cxtended ta Mms. Don Coulten and family. Miss Kay Allun, Vancouver, B.C., spent 10 days with Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Alldned and Mns. Paul Hotson. Mn. and Mms. Sam Powell spent a few days witb Mms. Don Coulter and family, Downsview. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Bedwin and family visited at Midiand, Saturday. MAPLE GROVE Sunday Scboal and Chuncb service stant on Sunday at the usuai time, S.S. 1:30 p.m. and churcb service at 2:40 p.m. e- atthe meetiFngwere:_Alex Mc- £ailY, Bu IaoN.Y.. spent the The first W.M.S. meeting ofaf M. nd Mrhe Hronto EGifria h savertre rrn ader n chl Gregor, Walter Reynolds, Bow- holiday weekend with Mrs. the Fali season was held on attended the TorotopExhibt-ehave- rk manville; Bruce Tink, Walter Thornton Wilson and other Tuesday afternoon. The program tion and visited at R. Shep- ifeoyato tnp a hejoPa 1le Rundie, Darlingtan Township; relatives. was in charge of Mrs. R. Allin. herd's. visit wîth relatives in Manito. H. J. Toms, Newcastle; R. R. Mrs. Mary La Delma Ogden Miss Ariene Rainey gave her im- Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glaspeli, b n ak Waddell, Clarke Township; L. Little passed away at ber res- pressions of the W.M.S. School Mr. and Mrs. Donald Yellow- coaid eneSonTukd. aH. Winsiow, Counties Council idence, 572 Miilwood Raad, for Leaders held at Whitby this lees, Mr. and Mrs. George Gib-with te olowind n Teesdin ng Representative, Miibrook; Reg Toronto, August 31. Widow of1 summer ta which Miss Rainey son attended the wedding and charge: Principal, Mr. Hicks; be Fallis, Cavan; Stuart Ryan. Part John Little and mother of Hazel was a delegate. reception of Mr. Walter Tink Mrs. Olive Moffatt, Mrs. Bea- le Hope and H. J. Mitchell, Secre- (Mrs. G. Halloweli), Toronto; Miss Carolyn Jones entertain- and Miss Marjorie Wallace ait trice Cale, Miss Graham, Miss ts. tary-Tneasurer of the Board, Hanvey, St. Albans, Vermont, ed a number of the sehool pals St. Stephen's United Churcn, Greta Snowden; Nearly 200 ,i Part Hope. and the late Frank Little. Fn of Miss Joan Bruton an Labor North Oshawa. pupils registered. of Principal L. W. Dippeli of the eral was last Thursday with in- Day who presented Joan with Mr. Grant Glaspel, Tyrone, This community extends sin- ise Bowmanvilie D i s t r i c t High terment in Orono Cemetery. a travelling dlock, on the eve was hoiidaying for a few days cene congratulations ta Mr. id School, and Principal P. j. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones, of ber entering as a nurse-mn- with Alan Glaspeil. Sam Snowden, Oshawa, who, my Bigelow of the Part Hope High Julie and Paul visited relatives. training at St. Joseph's Hospital, Mn. Hans Geissberger, Jr., on Sept. 5th, ceiebrated bis in School were also present at the in Port Hope and district and Toronto. Miss Bertha Geissberger, wene 90th birtbday. it meeting. attended the fair. Miss Shirley Ponter, Oshawa, on holiday for a week at Tbess- Congratulations are extend- he A similar meeting was heici Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carman wîth Mr. and Mrs. Neil Porter. alan. ed ta Miss Elva Snawden, and last night (Wednesday) ta çdis- and Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. For- Mrs. C. S. McLaren is teach-Ms eaaFinyo thr ,c- cuss womking plans of the new rester have retumned home from ing at Newcastle Pubiiç School Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCamn- Ms eeaaFneyoh ils Port Hope District High Scbooi. a trip ta Niagara Falls along this year. mond, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. recent manriages. the south shore of Lake Erie ta Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Found,'Robert Killen, took a moton Miss Margaret Campbell left rd Dtrot. tip o Nigar Fals. Monday for Toronto wbere she a- Dtot Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Dane tpt igr aî..wiil be teaching this year. aS LE Mrs. Chas. Shaw and Raiph, Found and Mary. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nemîs Ms ignaHpislf it- SALEMOshawa; Mn. and Mrs. H. Lux- Mrs. Cliff Dunlop, Perth, and and family had a nice holiday ss Vi fr ngaHopkins eft ghton and family, Bawmanviile, Mrs. M. Gamble spent the week- with Mn. and Mrs. Eari Brady, sewl ec giiti er >~Mrs. Farewell Blackburn. and weme Sunday guests of Mr. and end with Mrs. Percy Morgan. Lowbanks, Ontario. se i e shooaen this r Dt Mrs. Leslie Welsh cailed ta see Mrs. Harry Mercer. Mr. Carmen Bendail of Lon- MBansMs eryIratw e wth n. Paoliared, Orono d their aunt and uncle, Rev. and Among the out-of-town guests don, Ont., spent a few days with Kitchener, at Russell P.erkîns. as teacher and attendance ap- d. Mrs. F. J. Chapman at the home at the McCoy - Hall wedding in Mn. and Mns. Percy Morgan. Congratulations ta Mr. and proximately 23. - of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens St. Paui's United Cburch, Bow- Mr. Percy Morgan is spending Mrs. ±-aoîd Stinson . (Isobel Mn. and Mns. Charles Green- à, last Tuesday afternoon, it being. manville, Sept. 4th, wene Mns. this week with fniends in Perth Cruickshanks) on their recent ham, Elgin and Carole, spent the occasion of their 5th wed- Frank Hall, Mms. Jhn Marris, and Smiths Falls. mamiage at Bowmanviile. the weekend at their cottage at ding annivemsary. Mn. John Genmy, Toronto, Hanwood an Rice Lake. 2Mn. Mr. and Mrs. Len Bnock and yY.<y..- Mr. and Mns. J. A. Rosevean spent a week with Mns. F. B. and Mns. Morley Fiintoff and famil.y, London; Mn. and Mrs. TYRONE ana d famiîy. Giaspeli. family spent Sunday with C. Brock, Toronto; Mn. and Mns. M.M .C Mr M. and Mrs. Alex McMas- them. Leslie Skewis and Donothy, M. and Mrs. J. Giies and M. Strachan, Mrs. A. Chapman, ten oa rpoNiaandRsF oalls - . Re elaie shand fnien aoun Oshawa, were visitons iast week children have moved east Of Ottawa, wene weekend guests ton tn ta Niaga C.a Fali hre edwr sockerd henthay with Mn. and Mrs. Farewell Bunketon. of Mn. and Mns. L. F. Hoopen. Mn. and Mrs. R. C. Stainton, Mecivd ord on ThuKerday hat Blackburn. The September meeting of MrsNarman Byens, Mn. and Mn. and Mrs. eih Stainton, M israaWer.Kdrn a Many fnom the community the Wamen's Institute wili be Mr.Cead Ms.da n.nd nsJiStionMn passed away in Oshawa Hospi- hae ee atedig heC..E vsi t Mpl Gav Isttue Fred Cead r.IaBert Beekel, Miss Marilyn Ross, tai. Warbe gadt epor that Mn.E on Mit oda e vingspte- Jackson, Mn. Albert Bradley, Mr. Ted Coilis, Miss Carole Congratulations go to Miss GergSllet prst home Mrfnom ber l3th. I Sete Toronto, visited Mns. Otto Vin- Stephen had a corn and wiener Muriel Stevens on graduation Sunnybnook Hospital. M.adMs oadGvlrata .C titnsStr fromn Toronto Western Hospi- Sehol r-opeed n Tus ra and oysaccomand Mn.and Mr. and Mrs. H. Spnagg and day nigbt.. tai as a nurse and neceiving mcorning with Miss uesaManjn bys, DugasCuopniead Mraugn- family, visited Mn. and Mrs. H. Misses Beth and Mamie ber Reg. N. degnee. Colicott hargess te Seiore r ta olasl land ash ackson Hall with Ethel Hall retunning Moore, Oshawa, spent the week- IMms. Ashton bas eun Rolao an Missgeafthie SCiraiPtert Hand ake smcoe on n-home, also Billie Spmagg return- end at Russel Stainton's. Ifrom visiting hen thnee daugb- Roo ad MssBearie Cai PontandLae Smce o Sn-ed with bis parents. Mms. Clarke Moore, Oshawa, -'Y- rs. Ed. Rodman, Port in charge of the Juniors. Grades day. Rev. and Mns. A. E. Cress- Mn. Gil Thonburn and fiend Pny r.S aSnnde 4il anbe fo Hampdng to school is Mn. and Mrs. G. Phiip Cas- weli, Lindsay, calied on Mr. at Keith Stainton's. S. 7ell Oshawa. wiea atnig hssholti tieton visited Mr. and Mns. and Mrs. L. J. Goodman. Quite a good number tumned _________ Howard Phiip on Sunday, and. Sorry ta ieann Mn. M. Dubyk out ta the presentation for the Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Shackle- accompanied Mn. and Mrs. is very sick. Ail wish him a newly-weds at the school on V T Tr ton and family, Mn. and Mms. Howard Philp and Miss Jean speedy recovery. Friday evening. They pnesented WELEYVIILLE Roland Shackleton attended.the Philp ta visit Mn. and Mrs. Cy- Mm. M. Janczyn, Chelan, Mn. and Mns. Michael Heenan wedding of the latten's niece, nil Philp, Kitchener. Sask., left for bis home Tues- (Jessie Nemis) with an acca- Al aven the country, child- l Miss Margaret Mantin and Mn. Mr. and Mms. M. Dubyk and day after spending twa months sional chair and Mn. and Mrs. ren and teachers are going Howard Stamper, at Oakwood Drane, visited Mn. and Mrs. with bis son Toni and Mrs. Harold Stinson (Isobel Cruick- back ta scboal this week, United Chumch, Toronto, iast M. Shutka of Stankville and Janezyn. shanks) witb a triligbt lamp many of the children for the Friday evening. Iaiso Mr. and Mns. Paul Kow- Mn. and Mns. Arthur Young- and a table iamp. Master Ed- finst time. Althougb the ex- Mm. and Mms. Ken Shackieton' alski, Maple Grave. man and boys visited Mn. and wamd Haass rendered a piano penience is not such a change as anifmcoe. sonud at ak s.uestsJon Jucka- nMrs. BoYoungman, an n-iu solo and ecr and JryHs eoethe"aay from hgome" anifm il sen.Sndystoak s. red J.o Jnak-anMrs. B Youngmand Mon. soloaan encor a l n d ery as-dboethe daay o of lymeun Mr. Fred Twist aidgand - m and Mrs. W.' T. Banting 1typoual. encore. Bath couples expressed activities for wee tots, neyer children, DavId and Ronald Kay,1 and Edward of Alliston. Mns. Mm. and Mrs. Lamne Phare, their thanks for the gifts and the less it is a very important Whîithvý, were Sunday visitons .Banting is remaining ta spend I Mm. Lance Phare, attended the the ladies semved a very boun- beginning and many parents with Mr. and Mms. E. Twist, a few days this week with hem! McCoy-HalI wedding at St. tiful and delîciaus lunch. feel that loneliness mixed willi Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist and daughten. IPaul's United Cburch, Bow- Mr. and Mns. R. C. Stainton the pride of seeing the lîttle family were Sunday eveningi Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Stevens i manville. and Laurel, accompanied Mr. boy on girl step out alone. vi 'sitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cynil and daUghter, Whitbv. visited Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam vis- and Mns. Roy Mintz, Whitby, ta There are seven beginners hère Avery, Newcastle. Mr.' and Mrs. M. Dubyk. , ited Mr. and Mns. George Me- Lake Simcoe on Labor Day. this yeam-Gloria Nichais, Val- Misses Joan, Beatrice and 'Mr. and Mns. J. A. Rosevear Clellan, Peterborough. Mn. and Mns. Douglas Skin- enie Austin, Linda Thorndyke, Gerda Cmaig, Grace Blackburn visited hem father, Mn. I. ýW. Mn, and Mrs. Chas. Murney ner, Lynda and Patti, Oshawa, Gwennie Ford, Barbara Dinner and Marion Buttery spent part Lammer, who is in Millbnook and famiiy, Mn. and Mrs. James at Jim Stainton's. and a littie boy fromn R. Laz- of last week at a cottage at Hospital with pleurisy. Park and family, Peterborough, Mn. and Mns. Tom Curnie, ien's and ane from Elmen Williarus Point. Rev. and Mns. H. S. Cobb, To- with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park, Hamilton, at Robent Killen's. Green's. Mrs. L. Cnaig is back onta, Mns. C. A. Wight, Bow- Jr. Mn. and Mrs. Eari Brady, with us again, and also Miss manvilie, were dinnen guests Mr. and Mns. T. Scott and Lowbanks at Michael Nemig Perritt at Port Britain. E NS IL E ast week of Mrs. S. T. Hoan, famiiy visited relatives at Well- for the weekend. Between 50 and 60 attended ENNISKILEN onSatumday Mrs. Mil- and and Niagara. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Ward and the ciosing party for the play- ton Sanderson visited Mms. Mr. and Mrs. M. LeBrun, Ot- Ross, Port Hope, at Wes Cam- gnound children an Wednesday Mm. and Mms. George Imwin, Hoar. tawa, spent tbe weekend with eron's for the weekend. ;evening when the childnen ex- Donna Gail and Rodney visited 1Mr. and Mms. Arthur Young- Mr. and Mrs. T. Gibbs. Zion W.A. was beld in the bibited their summer wonk and Mm. and Mns. Charles Bell,: man and boys accampanied Mn. Mn. and Mns. M. Sears, Hay- Sunday School on September play equipment. After a short Trenton, and Mr. and Mrs. John!'and Mrs. Norman Leach of don, visited Mms. L. Young. i when the Satina WlJ. ladies programme by the chiidren the i Henry, Huntingdon, Que. 1 Taunton, ta visit Mr. and Mrs. Mms. Flamence Scott spent the were aur guests. The eoin guests enjoyed square dancing Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson,!'Jae Allun, Brampton. weekend with Mr. and Mrs. ai was in charge ofMs.Ae on the school iawn and ended wi th Mm. and Mns. George Bow- Miss Bessie His is teaching Chas Cannuthers, Bowmanville. McMasten. Mrs. R. C. Stainton la happy evening with a corn ens, Nestieton. at Lakeview. The Wamen's Missionamy Sc- read the seipture and Mns I and marshmallow roast. i Mr. and Mrs. Clamence Brad-! Miss Marion Wright is teach- cietv beld their meeting at the Alex McMasten nead the Élevo- Most of the neighboums spent ley and Maurice, Bawmanville;' ing at the Duke of Edinbungh lhomýe of Mrs. O. Beckett with tional eading and prayer. Miss at least ane day at Toronto Miss Jean McLean. Toronto, Schooi in Oshawa. la faim attendance. President Jean Baker gave a vocal sala, Exhibition and Saturday of last with Mn. and Mrs. Leonard Miss Helen Wallace, Oshawa- Mrs. J. C. Cook pesided. Plans and Mms. Everett Crydemman week at aur awn faim in Part Bradley. is teacbing at Blithesda witb were made for the W.M.S. and Mms. Howard Milîson sang Hope wheme Len Oughtned ex- 17 pupils. Preshyteniai October 5tb in Ty- a duet accampanied by Mri. hibited with success bis gladioli IMr. and Mrs. Douglas Wight marne United Chunch. Mns. W. Wes Yeilowlees and Mms. How- and also African vio11 The The average capacity of a box and chiidren, Bowmanville, Rabm gave the Devotional an ard Milîson and Mrs. Wes Yei- school children recei'e*d the car in use on Canadian aiiways visited Mn. and Mrs. Aldin "My Bnotbem's Keeper". Mrs. lowlees sang a duet with Mrs. cup fan singing for the second is aver 44 tons. Hoar. Percy Werny gave a reading Evenett Cryderman at the pi- time. Absence of competitionj Fromn 1945 ta 1952 the n um- Mrs. R. Hathemly visited hem on Tempérance and Mrs. O. ana. Mns. Daw of Hampton gave taok away from the sense of ber of Canadians voluntamîlv in- ;sar. Mr. Jack Hlatheriv, New- Beckett had the Study Book. a verv interesting taik on accüomplisbment but the cup s~ured against hospital, mnedict-l tonville. 1; Al] those having jars ta fil] for Tes"Zliiî ladies served e- *\%as i dc,',ervpd at. "'%ry. or surgica] expense inceased 1 mI. and Mms. Robent Laramer jHospital, would vau kindlv 1fnesbments and ail enjoyed a There weme 50 at' Sunday 'frooe 2,850,000 te 12,35&,000. 1 an~d amiIlr, MilUbmkOI, visited - leave them with "i. Rahm al;J iceo social tin» together. School on Sunday morning, q -hitect's. Drawing of B. H. S. Addition SALE WALLPAPER Our entire stock or Wall- paper is being eleared t. make roorn for the fail pat- terns that are eoming in. Corne in early and ehoose Yours whiie the selection Io atits4 best. Abernethy's Paint & WaIpapeý% Phone 431 85 King St. e' Bvoouwor Reseavch Shoos with Orthopedic Rbols and Seel Shanks Sizes 6 to 4 $6.95 Io $8.95 at Lloyd EKis Shoes 39 King St. W. Phone 941 BOWMflNVILLE A R,-;f =c , B dP But Import"M TODAY'S SOARING val- ues plus a Iack of insur- ance knowledge are oIf us- Ing many property oW-neru as t. how they'll stand, irn case of disaster. If you're not sure of your Insurance protection, don't take a chance. Check up nowl Cali on STUAR-àT 1. JAMES Phones: Office 681;,lRe@. 493 King Street Bowmauvtllie with egular teachers prescnit ecept Mms. Clarence Nichails. AU summen, attendance il:rs been augmcnted by r pesenoe of summer visitons and they m iii be missed. Church service 'n the evening has had smaii at. tendance ail summen as many bave been away but this wilI improve with regulan ciiûn« practice. Thene wcre many Iovely giads ta lbighten i.e cburcb as well as the f ' St basket of lovely asters provid. ed by the Septemben W.A. graup. Mn. and Mns. Anderson af Westmeath spent the weeken~d with Mr. and Mrs. Clare*ëé Nicholis. Beside ber par Mms. Nichoils' sister, Grace, ,nc aunt and uncle wene hene tquý attend the graduation of Rutii.., Anderson as R.N. in Toronto. Tbey attended churcb in To- monta fan the graduation service: on Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. P. Snell visited recentiy in Terra C and Ken Langman of coot~n Sunday at thein home andNto0,k back daughtem Louise ta Toron- ta fnom hem halidays with cou- sins at Ken Dinners. Mn. and Mrs. Menvyn Clarke and son Wayne and friend Sharon of Hamilton, spent Sun- day witb tbe Beightons. Mm. and Mrs. Peter Clark. spent the weekend there and wiii return ta Uttenson with Phillip who bas spent the wbole ssummen with bis grandparents; Mns. R. Bec of Port Hope on Monday afternoon also. ýe architect's sketch of the new ýwmanvilie Distrct High School ie east and south of the present is 181 feet long and 37/2 feet ,eli left in the aid building. The, ,extends down the hili on the st ta the present third-base line ebottom part ofrhe L-shaped i rs addition will be the new gymnasium, 110%k feet long. The new addition will also contain a general shop room, agriculture room with greenhouse, home economics rooni, sewing room, music room, art room, library, two standard classrooms, principal's office and washrooms. A cafeteria wiIl be buit in the basement of the aid structure. Tenders for construction of the addition are being called for this 1week. The Orono News Visitons wîth Mn. and Mrs. Mrs. Harry Rowc, Mn. and Mns. 1Alex Watson werc Mn. and Mns. Allan Hall and Mn. and Mns. James Ferguson and Nancy, Albert Morton. Rochester, N.Y.; Mms. Anchie Mns. P. Lunn retunned home ýWatson, Betty Ann and Larny, on Sunday fnom Memanial Hos- Toronto. pital, Bowmanviile. Mr. and Mrs. Les Dancb and Mrs. John Morris and Mrs. jDavid, Scarboro; Mrs. J. Hatiey Gea. Butters wcne in Oshawa on and family, Bowmanvilie, weme Tuesday. week-end guests of Mn. and Mrs. Miss Dianne Phasey, Oshawa, Carl Tennant. Mm.andMr. Cas Wod isi -spent the long week-end with Mr.andMrs Chs. oodvist-Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood. cd Mn. and Mms. Wes. Hoskins, Mrs. J. E. Richards was in Harmony, an Satumday, and at- Peterborough this week. tended the funemal of their grancison, Mr. Gardon Hoskin. Mn. Frank Hall is a patient in Mns. Neil Rainey is in Mcm- Memorial Hospital, Bowman- anial Hospital, Bowmanvilie. ville. Mn. and Mns. Donald Stephens, Miss Audtey Billiîngs, Oshawa, Bowmanvilie; Miss Canolyn witb Mn. and Mns. Carl Biliings. Joncs and Mn. Earl Brown visit- Susan Cantreil returnnd home cd in the Thousand Islands Sunday following an appendix district on Sunday. operation at Memorial Hospital, soan as possible. A dainty lunch was scrvcd by Mrs. K. Colbary's group. Mission Band met Sunday manning with eleven present. Audrey Wood, pmsidcnt, pre- sidcd. Our secrctany, Laumaine Cook, rcad the minutes. Mis- Mission Band Purpose and 23rd Psalm was nepcated by ail, readings werc given by Es- ther Annc Rosevear, .Shirley Coombes, Lynn Stainton and Shelagh Murphy. Devotional by Mrs, W. Rabm. Mns. Walter Murphy assistcd. Tyrone Public Sebool opcned with 57 pupils, 23 pupils in the senior room with Mn. Paul MacIntosh, Coldsprings, as teacher; 34 pupils in the junior noam, Miss Elizabeth Knox of Fenelon Falls as teacher. More particulars next week about Tyrone school. The trustees have been quite busy and de- 1 rve IIucn creuit. ZION 3 'ir L - rýý of Insurance PA« FOVRTM THE CANADUN STATESUM. BOWMANVff£& MTAMD vFMErWým ell% A qr miàný - ý r% prici Real Estate
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