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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Sep 1954, p. 15

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~>AY~ UPT. tk. I54 TEE CANADLAN STATESMAR. EOWMANV!LLE. OWTAEIO IN MEMORIAM ALLDREAD-în loving memnory of may dear mother, who passed away, September 12, 1953. What is home without a mother Ail things this world may send, But when I lost my darling mother, lost my dearest friend. --#Bhdly missed by daughter and uh and. 36-1* B(EN-.In loving memory cof d r wife and mother, Emma o'Und. who passed away, Sept. l .1943. The anc we love has gene to rest, R ler fond truc heart is stili; Trhe hand that always helped us Now lies in death's cold chill. 36-1* ]CDG' E 'In -lovîng memory of Eira th M. Edger, who passed away, September 6th, 1934. The flowers we placéd upon your grave May wither and decay, BUt the memory of the anc wc love May neyer fade away. .-Ever remnembered by the fam- ily. 36-1* PIPER-A tribute of love ta the memnory of a dear father and xnother, Nelson and Elizabeth Piper, who passed away Septem- ber 9, 1932, and September 19, 1952. -Ever remembered by the fam- fly. 36-1 * TAYLOR-In memory of New- ton Taylor who passed away September lth, 1953. -Ever remembered by the family. 36-1* WILLIAMS-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, fercy Williams, who passed awyon year ago today, Sep- tember 9, 1953. ]R is memory is a keepsake With which we will neyer part God has him in His keeping, We have hjm in aur hearts. -Ever remembered by wile Xlva and family. 36-1 Repairs XADIOS and small electrical * appliànces repaired and guaran-1 1*ed by experienced techniciaxi. C. J. Elston, 73 Concession~ St. Xaut. Phone 482. 23-tf ]RADIO and television reeairs. Prompt service. Pick up and delivery. Lorne Doreen. Phone 2741. <Formerly partner ini "The Radio Shop"). 21-tf REPAIRS toalal makes of refrig- erators, domestic and commer- milking coolers. Higgon ~ctrîc, 42 King St. E . Phone Vr, 1725-tf WÀTCPI REPAIRING at MÀàR R S JE WELLEEY de gime 8$W. Phione 4 BeWMANVIJLE .21-tf Canadians consume 800 lb.. of steel per person per year; Americans consume 1,300 lb.s of steel per capita. TTIC KE9T S I TO EVERYWHEXEE AirRadlor teamship IJURY & LOVELL 1 HowmanvilleJ 115 KingSt W. - Phono 719 The Statesman SoId At Following Stores Trull's Store. Courtice Strong's Store, Port Hope Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethany Johnson's Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle S. Brown, Newtonvilie C. Pethick, Enniskillen T. M. Siemon. Ennisklllen Y. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton A. E. Ribey, Burketon H. T. Saywell, Blackstock Keith Bradley, Pontyponi C. B. Tyrreil, Orono N. K. Reynolds, Kendal Gilbert Food Market, Millbrook Hendersen'a Book Store, Oshawa - Bowmanvile - R. P. Rickaby - "Big 20" W. J. Berry Jack's Smoke Shop Rite's Smoke Shop Jury & Lovell Elgie Harnden's Handy Store The Statesman Office Enniskillen Cornes Seco nd to Win Reynolds Trophy Auciion Sales: Durham Community Auction,! Orono Sales Barn, at 7 p.m. Thursday. 24-tf I have received instructions ta seli by public auction, the estate of Wilfrcd McKay in the Village of Newtonville, on Saturday, September i8th, at 1 p.m., in-i cluding hi, hausehold furniture, dishes and fencing eq uipment. Terms cash. Lloyd s a e auctioneer. 3- The undcrsigned has rcceived Instructions fnom Neil Curtis, one mile south af Pontypool, 12 miles north ai Newcastle, on! Highway No. 35, te si by public auction on Saturday, Setm r luth, starting at 1:30 ptmbien stock, furnitune and household equipment. Jack Payne' auc- tioneer. 36-1l* We have receivcd instructions fnomn Mr. William O'Brian, Lot 14, Concession 5, Cavan Town- ship, iinst farmn east af Mill- brook, ta sell by public auction on Wednesday, Sept. 15, at 1 p.m. sharp his entire herd of Jersey cattle, tractor, combine, farmn machinery, milking equip- ment. hay, grain, pouitry, etc. Terms cash, no neserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer; Lawrence Har- ris,- clerk. 35-2 I have received instructions by the executors for the estateC of the late Mrs. Edith C. Eliiott, 63 Concession St., Bowmanville, ta seil by public auction on Sat- urday. Septemben 18, the house- hold efiects ai the nine-noomned bouse. also the praperty. List of articles in next week's paper. Lloyd Siemon, Alvin Boyd, ex- ecutors. Terms of furniture. cash. Terms of praperty given day af sale. Clifford Pethick, auctioneer. 36-1 I have received instructions imom the executon ai the estate ai the late G. E. A. Robinson, Lot 9, Concession 7, Hope Town- ship, at Campbellcnait, known as the Wcston Pump Works, ta sedI by public auction, on Friday, Septemben 24, at 1 p.m. sharp, plumbing and tinsmitb equip- ment, electric matons, lathe, emery, line shafts, pipe fittings, boats, etc., and his entire house- bold effects. Ternis cash. No resenve. Jack Reid, auctioneen. 38-3 Under instructions fromn Don- ald Robb, te sell by public auc- tien at his farm, 1 mile west of Orono village, on Saturday, Septemnber l8th, at 1 p.m.: 1 up- right German piano. dark oak silver cabinet, living-room and bedroom furniture includîng 3- piece chesterfield suite, daven- part, wicker and kitchen chairs, aise large wainut office desk, <7 drawers); large quantity of dishes inciuding 1 tea set Royal Doulton china (for 6), also 1 dinner set, Lasol Wave for 12); many odd pieces of china, glass, silverware; large quantity of ail- wool blankets, aIma slk-rimmed flannelette blankets, linen sheets, table cloths and varieus lînen pieceg, drapes, set of carpcnter's tools, domestic canning machine and many ether articles. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctianeer. Lawrence Harris, clcrk. . 36-2 Notices Mrs. W. E. C. Workman is re- suming her classes in piano and "Kelly Kirby Kindergarten Methods", Monday, September l3th. 36-1 Dr. C. W. Slemon's office, Church Street, wili be closed frorm September 8th te October lst, 1954, inclusive. (Autumn holidays). 35-2 Moving te U.S.A. Selling al household furnishings, plus tale- vision, garden tools, etc. Corne in and see what you need. Apply 15 Jacknian Rd. J. Stackaruk. 36-1* To ail Scouts of 2nd Bowman- ville Troop: There will be a meeting at the Scout Hall, Tues- day, September l4th at 7 p.m. Yours in Scouting, C. Biggs, Scout Master. 36-If TUE HARVEY DANCING ACADEMY REGISTER SAT.. 9 - 12 NOON fer Tap Dancing Lessons CANADIAN LEGION HALL 84 Queen Street - B3owmanvllle Student Teaeher, Dawa Joncs 36-4 Studenis Clerk-Typisis are always in demand Yom eau complet. Ibis course lu six mouths. Enrol now while1 there la stili room for you. 1 Bownianville Business Schood 36-4 Tyrone Farmer Has Twb C.N.E. Champions Lloyd Skinner of Tyran. had twa champions in Berk- ahiie wine judglng at tlie CanadimiNaI#tional Exhibition on Tuesday. Hia Maryvilla Emblem 12G was the senior and grand chamnp'i Benkeire boan, and his 24H was junior chamnpion 30W. Saturday evening saw the conclusion a bit earlier- Ralph'Virtue, Grant Werry,. Keith MeGili, Reg. Griffin, athn usual of the Senior Darlington Football League when Jim McLaughlin, Joe McGill and Clarke Werry; back row: last year's winners, Enriiskillen, lost out to the Solina squad Clem Rahm, Capt. Carl Brunt, Harold McLaughlin, 3 to 0. This will entitie Enniskillen ta receive the Jack Manager Gordon Stevens, Harry Venderheul, Carl Mc- Reynolds Memorial Trophy for the runner-up in the play- Laughl in and Ross Sharp. offs. The hilltop crew includes, front row, left ta right: Rockets Bow t'O Dixie In Ont. Sofîbal Final Lose Two Games in Row Aiter eiiminating Stauffville and Tillsonbung ini thé Provin- cial Women's Saftball Union playdowns. the Bowmanvilie Rackets bowed out in the finals ta Dixie Rackets who werel crowned Womnen's Intermediate "'B" champions of Ontario. The Rockets lost in Dixie 15-4 on Wednesda.v af last week and dnopped the second game at the High Scbaal grounds Iast Thurs- day night 11-4. Ruth Brock bandlcd the burl- ing chores in the game bere and gave up oniy eight bits. Four errons by ber teammates belpcd Dixie ta cbalk up their 11-4 win. Donothy Kilpatrick led the Rack- ets at bat with two singles. Jewel Vivian and Betty Piper each stnoked triples, Darothy Hockin had a double, and Marg Snow-, den and Ruth Brock bath had singles. Dixie-Cantelan. 3b; Wilson, ss; Scott. 2b: Stanfieid, c; Inéie, lb; Thomas, ni; Lee, ci, Cale, If; Langdon, p. Bowmanvillc-Donathy Hock- in, 3b: Marg Snowden, ni; Dor- atby Kiipatrick, ss; Jewel Vivian, lb; Betty Piper, c; Ruth Bnock, p; Audney Richards, cf; Ruth Bragg, 2h; Catherine Vivian, Barbara Batbgate (9) ni. Auditorium Renovation Wl! Be Cc By End of The ne-decoratian af the au- ditarium at the Town Hall bas beeni practically iinished, Chair- man Wilfrid Camruthens ai the Public Propcrty Committee ne- ported at the negular meeting ai Town Council Tuesday night. The anly wonk remaining, lie said, is the installation ai the stage lighting whicb cannot be donc until the new curtains have been installcd by the Baw- manville Business and Proies- sionai Women's Club. It is cx- pected that this wiii be donc and ail work can lie complet- cd by the end af this month. Coun. Carruthers pointed out that the Bowmanviilc Rotary Club bad also assisted in ttbe re-decoration projcct by paying fan the cost ai moving the val- ance bax neanen ta the front ai the stage, and that anather on- ganizatian may help with ne- maining work such as placing rubbcr mats in the aisies, van- nisbing the scats and painting the floons. He aiso stated that the windows in the main part ai thc auditorium would b& frasted sa that the sua's rayt would nat fade the curtains. "The town centainly appre- ciates the help given by the service clubs in the ne-decorat- ing pnogram" Coun. Cannu- thers stated. "i believe that the decorators have donc a vcry gaad job and that the citizens wiil be praud ai the auditorium naw. It is somctbing that bas been nceded for many years". Radiator Taps To Be Changcd He stated that he bad con- sultcd S. Blain Elliott on cbang- ing the water vents on the na- diators in the Town Hall irom tbe tap type ta a key-apenated type. Mr. Elliott agrced that the only change would be the diffenence ta the cast betwcen the twa types ai taps. Dcputy-Rcevc Owen Nich- alas asked Coun. Canruthers wben nepains would lie made, ta the outside cavestroughs on the building. He ncplicd that there anc many repairs wbich must be made on the exterior ai the building but that bis committec had felt that the ne- decoratian should be donc first whilc the service clubs were wiliing to bclp and the outside repairs couid be leit until acxt yeair. The desks in the counicil chataber will be refinished when the plasten above te bas been ncpaircd, he said. The Public Property Com- mittee has decided ta nc-seed the grounds anound the Ceno- taph, lic reported. and Arthur Baker has been authorizcd ta do thus wbnk: this fail. The trees tn the park wili also be tnirmed and the dates 1939- 1945 added to the Cenctaph. Snow fence will be put around the graunds aiter the re-zeed- ing bas been carried out tw keep chuîdnen out until the grass bas a chance te grow. Bills submitted by Chairman Nelson Osborne af the Finance Committee for payrnent includ- ced 'sîzeable accaunts from Bardiord-Hashai Ltd. in con- nection witb the Vincent Mas. scy Public School arid Ange; Brothers for sidewalks. Coun- Osborne also necommended 1hat the town pav~ the cost of -i corre:soondence course on as- ,ýessîng given hy Queens Uni- ystw bu lub ake. h1WIMme Dmpleted This Mon th, Assessor Clarence Oke. Chairman Fred Cole af the Fine Commltte ncported that Fireman Walter Hately had faund the fine alarmn boxes in tawn ta be in need ai replace- ment. He necommcndcd that the seven boxs be replaccd at the rate of two a yean beginning in 1955. This necammendation will be passcd alang ta ncxt year's council. The sum of $120, which us haif af the amaunt collectcd by the tawn ion outsidc fines dur- ing August, was tunncd aven te the fire dcpantment. Coun. Dave Higgon neponted that the tawn by-law which nequines ail those doinig electni- cal installations ta be liceu'used is being violated. Hie suggcsted that wben a home builder asks for his building permit lie be informed ai the by-law, and that the building inspectan check whevi making bis inspec- tion that a licensed ciectrician is doing the wiring. Pipe Band Holds Annual Picnic Major Foote's Membars aif the Bowmanvii< Legion Pipe Band, their wives and familtes cnjoycd their an- nual picnic an the grounds ai th< estate ai Major John Foote, V.C., Minister ai Reform Institutions fan Ontario, at the castera out- skimts ai Cobourg on Laban Day. Thcy leit, Bowmanville in fthe morning on twa chartcncd Gar- tan buses and on their arrival wcnc grectad by Mrs. Faote. Un- iortunatcly, Major Facte was net able ta be present as he was awày on a trip fon health reas- ops. Mms. Robert Hilditch, Pres- ident gi the Tartan Club which is the Làdies' Auxilianv oi the Band, presented Mn,. Fade with a grouse claw. . Band President Don Brooks showed Mn,. Foote an illu.min- ated scroll pnoclaiming Major Foote as Honenary Presidant of the Bowrnanville Legian Pipe Band. This acroli was painted in calor on a drum head by Ba Drummer Jimmy Taylor. It is a very beautiful and artistie seroll and will be presentad te Major Foete at a inter date. Piay Specisi Number The Band played a speciaï salection "'Major Foote". written in his hono- by Pipe Major Doug Blore, and il alsc perforuned a slow manch, quuck mareh and played several strathspeys and roda for Mr,. Foot. The members and thein iam- ilies enjoyed the picnic lunchesi which tliey had brouglit an the spadious lawns af the &Uate and tliey were jained by Mrs. Foote and ber ncphew. In the aier- noon a soitbaîl game was held and thene wene races anl games ai aIl kinds, wifh pnizes, for bolh the men and the children. The 'ladies enjoyed several ganwa of bingo. Sevemal of the bandsmen en- joved a swirn in Lake Ontario to bring the vemy pleasant day f0 a âe. K t s I Accountant Opens New Business Here Over Bus Station We are plcased ta see that the Town has acquimed a new busi- ness in Mr. W. J. H. Coggins, Cbartered Accountant, whosc office will, for the present, be locatcd aven Garton Bus Sta- tion, 64 King St. E., Bowman- ville. Mn. Coggins is by ne means a s!ran!ger Io many, having W. J. H. Coggins course of enquiry should be af benefit ta the towrn as a whalc. As a comparativeiy new ne- sident of this tawn. I have been impressed with the fact that the municipality has spent a great deal of money in pnovid- ing new water facilities. bath for industry and for residential purposes. Howeven, it is suggcsted that wc are hiding our iight under a bushel, and flot pubiicising these facts. This town should have large signs. bath at the eastern and western entrances ta the town, and adjacent ta Higbway Na. 401, advcntising that wc anc în a position ta pravide ample water facilities to new industries, and that thene anc many industnial sites available. The langer the sign the better. Lct's let tbem know that Bowmanvilie is as progressive as any athen town adjacent ta the forthcaming St. Lawrence Seaway. Yours tnuiy, John Regan. Friends Entertain Barbara Goddard Prior te Marriage Mrs. John Edward Buttonshaw senved variaus businesses and wbo efae brmangels the town for many years in tbe Saturday. Sept. 4, was Miss past thnaugh bis previaus pro- Barbara Goddard, was mucli en- fessional, associations. tentaincd as a bnide-eiect. On Unfartunatciy, due te family August 16 seven girl friends cammitments, we understand gathercd at the home af Mrs. that it will not be! possible for Austin Wiltshire, Oshawa, and bim ta immediately take up pnesented ber with a double permanent residence bere but gease aeck bcd lamp. She was intends ta do so as soan as it is also pncscnted with a iavciy con- possible, sage. The cveniag concluded We wîsb him evcny success with a deliciaus lunch served by in bis returnata the profession the liostcss. and are confident that those The girls af the Sales Dept., wbo have bad the services of General Motars, Oshawa, wberc Mn. Caggins in the past w;1l the bride is empiayed, gave a also be ta accord thcrcwith. sbower on August 18 at which Besides bis proiessional expert- she was presentcd with a laveiy cace whicb dates back ta 1934, corsage, and gifts ai a wraugbt Mr. Coggias was associated as iran magazine rack and corn- comptrolcn and seccetary- flowcr bowl. treasuren in industny for two Mn,. A. Masters, Miss Barbara years wbich has given hlm the, Faircy and Miss Lamna Fletcher perspective and expenience ai wenc co-bostesses at the home ai ýthe business man. Mrs. Masters, Bawmanville, an IAugust 28 whcn abaut 30 iniends aif the bride gathered te present ber with many lavely gifts. The Letters Pour -In bride, ber mother and the groom's mother werc ail present- cd witb beautiful corsages, and Space carce the bride also rcceivcd a lovely W rte YoUrS bride', book. Aiten the giits 'I were opcncd, a deliciaus lunch was served by the bastasses. A mîscellaneous sbowen was Last week we asked for hcld at the home oi Mns. Fred letters from our readers CaeBwmniI Bac, n withther sugesionsfor August 27, when Mrs. Cale, Mn,. lmproving and their enltie- W. Currie and Miss Doratliy Ann Isnia cf the town of Bow- Curnie ai Torrmnta were ca-hast- manville, The response and esses. About 30 iniends wcre nome of the suggestions present. Thbebnide-clcct ecciv- were very good. However cd a corsage and many lovcly with one day leu tb pro- giits. The hostesses served a duce this week's edition wc delicious lunch. are flot able to gel lhemt Co-workers ai the bride in thc ail ln Ibis Issue. Sales Dept., General Matons, We publlsh a few below Oshawa, an Sept. 2 pnesented ber aud in next week's States- wîth a pair ai lavciy matching man y'ou will find more. wrought iran table lamps. Write us today _________ -Dear Sir, t The boys have 'been building WEDDING 9soap box cars, why flot get a -derby up and give pnîzes. McGJILL - BROCK - Also been u town they could A t almne omn e simn olac u ville, an August 28th, Keith Le- -soufli wand ancelanarth ward. Roy *McGili, son ai Mr. and Mn,. - h The children could go there an~d Roy McGill, Enniskillen, took as learn f0 swm. bis bride Ruth Edlfh Bnock, :9 Also the show in summer daugliter of Mn. and Mrs. Lyle Sjtime could stay open Tuesday 'Bnock, Bowmanviile. or Thuraday aternoon beside Re.HriTunrficad their niglit shaw. The Are,,ain a double ring cenemony. ecouid stay open in sumrner dtirne for rolIer skating,yu The bride looked lavely lu a could make a flôor ion it. io strapiess balienina gawn of white Brn inI satin wîth a nylon nef ovenskirt î Bin ii awarehouse 50 peo-I aad lace insertion with matching ,r ple can buy the been here and lace jacket. taka it home se tliey can cnjav A peami tnummcd lace bat held if. Let some ncw iactory corne i ber fingertip veil and she car- da Bomnll n fg . ricd a cascade ai rcd roses and n Eveny once in a whilc let a stephanotis. cincus with animale came in or The bride's only attendant 9one with rides for g ro wing was lier sisten. Mrs. Kani Piper, ,clilîdrea suuh as you see at To-1 Bownanville, dreued in a coral rente Midway. Surely tht. il ballerina gown ai nylon nef aven what the children like why lot taficta with matching head- the'in go ta Oshawa"'when you dress and glaves. She carried a -can bring if hene ta them? Let cascade of ycilow 'mums. j them sec scmething. Mr. Cliarles Langmaid, Hamp-! As fon the stores, their dia- ton, cousin of the groom, was t plays are lovely, tliey keep bcst maos.i them cdean. Aiter the neceptian beld at thliî Cugtamer1 home ai the bride's parents for! ________ flicimmediate tamilv. flic happy 336meac t couple left amid shoý'.crs ai con- Bowntanville, Ont. fetti aad besf wishcs an a mator trip te Northi Bey, Renfrew and f De«rtir: casteru points. Your publication la te b. For travelling the bride chose, -commendcd in seeking letters a beige suit with navv accessanies' i tram nesidents af Bowmanville and a corsar-e cof pin.k iuof, .(cn R wtth refemence to umprave- their netu mn they wii resude in mm theutOWIa. Such a' 8ewmanvmle. PACE m KEU I Solina Wins Top Place Defeats Enniskillen ln Third Game 3 -O0 Solina, ini a decisive fashion, This will b. played sème Urne captured the Moe Breslin Trophy in September and will be an- at Tyrone Saturday night by nounced in The Statesman if at defeating Enniskillen 3-0. En- ail possible, as soon as the ex- niskillen as cup finalists will re- ecutive receive word from Osha- ceive the Jack Reyniolds Mem- wa. criai Trophy. Bowmanville and Maple Grove The game featured fast play start their finals this week for miost of the game and the out- the Junior 'Trophy. Bowman- corne neyer seemed in doubt. ville defeated Courtice 4-0 in the This was quite the reverse of the serni-final round, and Maple second game of the series at En- Grave defeated Zion 8-1 in their niskillen last Wednesday when sertes. Enniskillen domninated the play, The following schedule i.a tet but stellar work by B. Harris, up for the Junior finals, gané the Solina goalie, kept the score to start at 6:30 p.m., P,.D.T. This at 0-0. is a best-of-three series with f irst The Solina team. led by vet- four points being a deciding eran Johnny Baker with two factor. If any games are post- goals, ail played stellar bail. poned for ramn they will be play- Jim Patter was the other goal- ed on the following Monday. getter for Sauina. Chas. Lang- Wednesday, September 8th- maid and Jack Munday played Bowmanville at Maple Grave. autstanding bail in bath the Wednesday, September 15- Courtice and Enniskillen series, Bowmanville at Maple Gtove. and alang with Bill Harris were Saturday, Septembér 11lth- big factors in keeping the op- if necesÉary-Bowmanville at position off the large end of the, Maple Grave. score. Bowmanville m a n à g e mént This winds up senior bail for have decided to play their home this year except the ail-star and neutral game at Maple game return match with the Grave due ta technîcal difficul- Ontario County League ail-stars. ties at their own field. Teen Town Club! Holds Meeting Plans for Dance The executive af the Bowman- ville Teen Town Club held its first meeting af the season last Thursday night in the Lions Community Centre and decided ta get the faîl scasan under way with a dance on Friday, Septemn- ber 17. President Alvin Stacey was in charge of the meeting and Re- creation Director AI Vail was, present for the finst haur and' offcncd several suggestions ta the club. A graup ai interestcd teen-agers was also present. Several names were suprgcsted for the variaus committees, but it was dccided that a vote on these would be taken at the next meeting, which wiil be held on Tuesda3ý, September 14 at 7 p.m. A hayridc ta be hcld ai ter the first dance was also discussed and interested teen-agers anc asked ta attend the meeting ta discuss this and other projccts. Family Presents Chest cf Silverware To Surprised Parents Mr. and Mrs. Victar Jcffery, 62 Duke St., Bowmanvilie, celc- brated their 25th wedding an- niversary quietiy with thein iam- ily at their home on August 31. During the evcning a number of close friends dropped in ta offer congratulations. Their son Ross. and bis wiie Joyce, and their daughter Marie, surprised their parents with flic gift ai a loveiy chest af silver flatwarc in Community plate. Their littie daugliter, Penny, an bebali of her father. pnescnted ber mother with a lovely silver tray ion her tea services. Othen gifts and cards were received from fnicnds. Mn. and Mrs. Jefiery wene. married in Tninity Unitedi Church 25 years ago by Rev. Dr.' D. W. Best, at that time min- isten af St. Paul's Cburch. Mn,. Jeffeny is the former Margareti Davia af Toronto. YELVERTON By Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Malcolm The aid order cbangcth yieid- ing place ta new: likewise with news correspandents as we take aven for Ruth for whom the bell tolls, school bell that is. We don't expect ta fili hem shacs metaphoricaily speaking being les, (verse) a tule. Our only claime te literary accom- plishment is the three ycars it took us ta master Middle Scheel English Composition. It pmovided the only appartunity we had ai casting iii conccaied slurs on the Seats af the Mighty ( aur beloved Engiish teacher) under the guise ai literary effort sans fear of, chastisernent aor epimand. Good old school days! News! Oh, yes! Mn. and Mrs. Wes. Wright and Morley, Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Wright of Janetville, mataredi back te Kinmount te attendý the Fain. Mr. and Balfour Moore visitcd Mr. and' Mrs. Herb Weldan of Oakwood. Mn. and Mrs. Brt Gibson accompanicd by Mr. and Mrn. Ray McGill, Blackstock, enïjoy- ed a motor trip ta Buckhorn. Mrs. Jas. Shackleton spent a few davs with hOn sister. Miss Betty Whittaker, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Robinson and family spent the weekénd with Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Hendenson, Toronto. after at- tending the Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Heaslij, welcomed son Lloyd for a few days befone returning ta bhis teaching duties. Reg. Ruskin was also a weekend visitor. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stinson called on Mr. and Mr&. Bud Walker, Janetile. Sister Sandra spent sevenal days with Mrs. John Wright this past week. Mr. and Mr&. Floyd Stinson, Dale and Pam enjoyed a day with Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Traynon, Peterborough. Master Lloyd Wilson had a few days vacation with TXnny, Marguerite and Brian Wilsôn. Mr. ahd Mrs. Ivan Proutt and Bcth were Sunday evening caliers at the Harvey Mal- colm's. Sympathy af the community is extenidcd ta the Ted Spenc- ily's in the lesa of Mrs. Spen- cily's mother, Mrs. Gorrie. Those fnomn Yelverton whe attended the shower for the bride-elect, Miss Jean Fallis, held at the home af Mrs. Percy Preston, were Mesdames Lamna, Isabel, Ruth and Mns. Geo. Wil- son, Mrs. A. McQuade and Doris Rowan. adMs Enny Lane were weekend guests at the Roy Henders' home in Port Penry taking ýn the local fair on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. E. Wilson were dinner guests of Mn. and Mrs. Art Smith, Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sny- der s p nt the long weekend with Mr. and Mns. Hugh Mc- Gui. Giad te hear that Jack Wil- son is recovering from bis seille with the gout (or housemaij'u knee). Could it be that tho0e years of riotous living and too much goad food arc catch ing up on him. If you marny a good cook such is yaur rcward4 if you marry a poor anc Indigestion. Such la liue! * * le Velverton FamlW Club Yelventon Family Club hei4 their annual picnic this year at the Cneamn of Barley Camp ira Bowmanville on Sunday, Sept. 5th. After a very unprafess- tonal softball garne, amateur acrobatics on the playground equipmcnt, pony rides f or the kiddies, humans amusing them- selves at the monkeyshines af the mankey, and vice versa, the Yelvertons nearly 60 stnang committed mayhem on the provisions stnewed on the pic- nic tables, reducing in minutes the delicacies ta crumbs and empty containers; washed dowri this mass of carbohydrates, fat and protein with six dozen bottles af pap, concluded thiz gourmet's dcbauchery with two and one-half gallons af ice cream., cleaning il up to the last sticky drap. ____ TiredyWoak Mon! Cet New Pep at 40,50,60 Cet oew stzength, gad ¶'lythequk esy way that amnaze thou*ands ,y Omtrez TonicTabletstodar. For weok, ruadown, tu*d- out feeling due to lack of iron at 40, 5%, or 60& conditions you May eall "getting old . They' stimulate, invigorate, revitalize and eue rgize blood., organs, nerve.. You soon feel c-ars youflger. Bath sexe&s et nawr . New "et acquainted"' gAz. OUIY 60. taldruggista Bowma.t1i4. hy Scot* PAPER DRIVE uldSimoiletS .M. Fetimy, Sept. 1I7tkc Resadenis are requested te have papen. led in hundies and plaoed on the boulevard la front of du*irhomes Your co-operation will b. appreciated. L Ckssiefimed j»MA'r. MMT. #th, mw TEE CANADUN STATZMUN, BOWMANVffJj& ONTAIUO à

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