TKURSDAT. SEPT. Mt. 1954 Stores Plan Con test "With Generous Prizes .Will Start October lst ]Plans for the "Know Your have two of them pubiished, Bownianville"l picture contest to aiong with the names of the be sPonsored by the Retail Mer- merchants donating to the pro- chants Committee of the Bow- ject, in The Canadian Statesman manville Chamber of Commerce' each week. w e discussed by the committee To Last 14 Weeks aI$T'*ited to handie this contest, hie by Chairman R. P. Each picture wili appear oniy «'R - Rickaby, at the Balmoral, oncp, and at the end of the con- B~otel last Thursday night. test, which is expected to iast The ommtte aprovd, ith14 weeks, an entry biank will be ah few sit ateratos, lter.available for anyone wishing to apreparihaedbMr Ricksay t goi compete jin the contest. The Petatodail mr.chtsand rtago entry form must include a copy ers in Bowmanviîîe asking thern9*ec itrecretyiet to akepar intheconest~ iified and be turned in to the iS tak hat te tst.2I Chamber of Commerce, who will 's bbed tha at eas 25sort out the correct answers. meWr jnts will contribute $151 These will be deposited in a re- eato sponsor it. Ail merchants' ~tC~fo hc h inr taagpart must be members of! will be drawn, on a weli-adver- the Bowmanvjlie Chamber of! tised date, by someone chosen by Commerce. the Chamber, whose decision will The prime purpose of the be final. Employees of the firms picture contest is to promote sponsoring the contest and of buying in Bowmanville stores. It The Canadian Statesman will flot is pianned to have pictures taken be eligible for the contest. of a certain portion of the stores It is proposed to have 'a num- sponsoring the contest and to ber of prizes totaliing $250 or. ~ more. The winners will receive coupons redeemable at any of I the sponsors' stores in mer- Deau Stock chandise. Suggested prizes will be $75 for first, $50 for second, $25 for third, and 10 prizes of $10 R,,-moved ah Highest prices paid for The Retail Merchants Commit- Dead, OId and Crippled tee hope to start the contest by Farmi Stock. October 1 so that the prizes may be drawn by the middle o! De- TELEPHONE COLLECT cember to enable the winners to i use thoir coupons for Christmas Cobo rg 1«787 shopping. NICK PECONI A letter outlining the plans for PETERBOROUGH Z20280 the contest and inviting them to take part will be sent to al merchants in Bowmanville in MONTREAL.I find it's a pleasure . .. te .~talk about something m-hich lias been of help te as many people as ABSORBINE JR. over the years... Take, for instance, the ordinary, everyday matter of tired, aching feet. Every one of us bus them at times. And the worst of it is that the tenseness and pain doesn't stay in our feet-it shows Up in our faces. And tiny pain-lines can deepen in time te - wrinkles! That's why those who've discovered the secret, rub cooling, soothing Absorbine Jr. W ! en their feet and find niuscle-relaxing relief very quickly. Available at ail drug counters for $1.25. &Mr y V w. Hav@ Akei ne to explim why I use Laundry Blue with my cther washday products. [Ce really very simpie-Laundry Blue workil differently. In your aise water. Laundry Blue becomes mnillions of tiny particles that tX weave tbrouh your dlean clothes, e.atchinc the light like miniature l equin-to give your clothes new, e'briant whiteness. Yen see. ail the goaps and detergent - regardie.. Z of their colour -take eut dirt. ,.Blach taces eut stains. But SLaundr-Y Blue addç whitenew to . your wite things. 1 wouldn't b. '~without it-it works in a jiffy, and '~it's veraj nexpensive to use. Get SRECKITT'S BLUE or KEEN'S BLUE. That LiveIy, Yet D.5C.ue flavor ci M 1 RACLE WHIP SALAD l DRESSING in y a haunting one - its made from a secret recipe k no * only te Kraft . . .80iican' (Makes me undertand why ouf grandmnothers were se protective aottheir most precious rec- ips 1) The"e are the perfect « salad days" for fruits or vege- tables. Alway8 biend them with the '<one and only" Miracle Whip, Yeu. you'Il taste the difference wth Miracle Whip!1 It has that extra goodneMs which makes vour family asic for second helpings, Salado are most nutritiojs . . . 8e serve one every day in this lovely xnontb of September. Whether it's a toued alad . .. fruit . .. vege- table . . . chicken ..-. . fiah... Miracle Whîp a<slea mke. better 1 Hal/ Did, Ec Didn'g go away for holidays this year. according te a recent Gallup Poil. Many of the lucky omes who did get away are piibbaly plabnmg their next year's vacation now. I've found thattlhe only wsy te se the p lace@ I want to.see and do the thingu I want te do is te steirt savmng early in a Sunshine Acceunt at the BANK 0F MONTREAL. ln this way I <an buy mny '55 vacation in easy instalmenta -one day at a turne. Each peyday I deposit enough te cover expenses for one vacation day. Then, when holiday-time roua 'round, 1 have a tidy sum set aud-and ne meney worries te eloud my holidays. Wby don't yen open your B of M Suyuhine Âccouat today and procmise yotur.ef a care- free vacation inu'55? Photo Contés! Rules and Prizes ANYONE MAY ENTER '0O-iHING TO BUY SIMPLY L-ie a rqll1 of film for dcve1oping. When you 'pick it t.,p yau recz've a slip to write yzour name and address on. Deposit the slip in the Contest Drawé Box at our door. DRAW WILL BE MADE Sat., November 27th Enter as often as yon wish ~msor winners will appear in Canadian Statesmnan 6 PRIZES lskv-Kodak Pony 135 Camera- $41.25 ' 2ff'-Leather Gadg-ii Bag - - $26.50 3rd-Lealher Gadg-ii Bag - - $ 9.00 PLUS Ten Prizes of 2 Rolis of Verichrome Film Io fi your cameraj JURY & L@VELL When We Test Eyeu kt la Doue Properly YOL'R REXALL DRUG STORE BOWMANVILLE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMAUNVJILE ONTAMO the very near future. Those wishing to co-operate in sponsor- ing the "Know Your Bowman- ville" picture contest are asked te write or 'phone Secretary Jack Weise o! the Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce as soon as possible. It was pointed eut by the con- test committee members that the contest wiil encourage shoppers to visit the Bowmanvilie stores taking part in contest in order to identify the pictures in the conte9t. Aiso, the stores taking part will obtain a considerable amount o! publicity, as theïr. names will be listed along with the pictures run each week in the paper for 14 weeks. Committee members present at the meeting last Thursday pight were Mr. Rickaby, Co-Chair- men Jim Stutt and Don Morris o! the Retail Merchants Commit- tee, Secretary Jack Weise and Lloyd Ellis. 1 BETHANY Weekend guests with Mr. anc Mrs. James McKinnon were Mr and Mrs. Larry Ingram o! Cleve. land, 0hio; Mr. and Mrs. J Abren, Sandra Ahren and Misi Joan McGill o! Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gervin Mulligan Mr. and Mrs. Verne Mulligar and Dianne motored te Buffalo N.Y., for the holiday weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMastei have left for three weeks' vaca- tion, going to the West Coast. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Neals, Feversham, were weekend guestu< with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carr. Mrs. Clara Armstrong and ber sister, Miss Emma Reynolds, have returned from a week's visit with relatives in Brantford, Mrs. Emma Cavano spent sev- eral days recently with Mr. and Mrs. JohnýGillespie in Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyl Daine apd family o! Zephyr were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Coppins. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bruce, Petrolia, spent the holiday week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Driver. Dr. and Mrs. G. M. Longfieid are on vacation, motoring to Quebec. Miss Laura Hutchinson, Toron- to, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Kennedy. Mr. Raymond Kincaide, Mal- ton, is with his brother, Harold Kincaide, for vacation. Creighton Carr and Thomas Staples were on a weekend fish- ing trip to Trout Lake, Mrs. O. Owens o! Biensart, Sask.; Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Scott o! Temiskaming were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jennings. Mr. Milton Wright, who bas been iii at his home for several days, was taken by ambulance to a Peterborough Hospital on Sunday evening. His many friends are wishing him a speedy recovery. Miss Lauretta Rowan, who bas spent the summer months on a tour through the British Isles, F'rance, Germany and Italy was home last week with her parents, M4r. and Mrs. Walter Rowan, eaving again on Monday to resume ber duties on the teach- ng staff at Iroquois Falls. Friends wilI be pleased to know that Mr. Harry Preston has .arrived home from a Peter- borough bospîtal. Mrs. Marie Yonkus, Kitchener, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martichenko. Bethany basebail teamn were vunners on Friday night with the score 9-1 over Keene. Manvers United Cburch is holding anniversary services next Sunday, September l2th, at 7:30 in the evening, with Rev. Richard Bonsteel in charge. The WToman's Association have just e omrnpie t ed redecorating the church and are hoping for a good attendance. t i b d s fi ri SI tg c ci HAPEL -ON-THE -HILL fThe final service o! the sea- * n was held at the Chapel-on- * e-Hill last Sunday. As bas * cen the custom throughout *h e years, the service was con- 1 ducted by Mr. Baîl, who aise f ýave the address. The service opened with the 1 hymn 4'My Faith Looks Up te Thee" which was peculiarly *apprepriate te the subject o! the *address. This was followed by the paslm reading and hymn gsinging period conducted by Mr. fIAttwell. During the effertory a musical selection was given by j Edmund Barrick on the clar- i met and William Barrick on the itrumpet. The president, Mr. gRobins, welcomed the gather- Iing and reminded those present that the services would be re- sumed on the first Sunday next Mr. Bail's subject was "Faith" iHe used as the basis o! bis talk the three miracles performed by 1 Jesus Christ: the healing o! the centurian's soldier, the healing of the woman who had an issue of blood,and the restoring o! sight te the blind man. All o! î these events demonstrated the ! faith which somebody had in the power of Jesus Christ te performn the respective miracle of bealing. The speaker called on bis listeners te have an equal !aitb in Jesus Christ. There is ne use asking every- thing o! Him unless we have î!alth that our prayers wiil be answered. The sér vice closed with the fitting hymn "God Be ýWithj Yen Till We Meet Again" and j the selection mce iergant . "Go- lm liom.w ln generai the new design is iess ornais and this simplicity contributes ta sasior recognition of the various denominations. If aiso moas if casier ta distinguish a genuine note from an atfempt at forgery.. Other changes Include the plocing of fhe portrait cf Queen Elizabeth ai the rlght hand side cf the note. ln this position the engraving of the portrait wiil nof b. subject ta the wear from the constant foiding of notes fhrough the conter. The aliegoricai figu res which appear on thec bock panels of the present issue aire now re- piaced by engrovings from phofographs cf various types cf Canadien countryside. The notes are prinfed by new processes which give them a distinctive "foed". The colours cf the various dienominations ore approximateiy the same cas at present but close examination wiii show thaf the colour on the face cfach note resuits from th. combinafion of two colours printed one over the other. These and other changes have been mode ta improve the appearance of Canad' currency, PAGI and Joanne. Aise surviving are his pater- nal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoskins; his maternai grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Love and his fian- cee, Mary Leveque, whom he had planned to marry in Nov- ember. Funeral ýservice was held at the Luke-Mclntosh F un e r a Home, Osrawa, last Saturday at 3.30. p.m. conducted by Rev. D. Summers. Interment was in the Oshawa Union Cemetery. HAMPTON Miss Marie Power and Master Ralph Power, Sunderland, spent a few days with their cou- sins the Johnston girls. Mrs. Laura Ranton left on Wednesday by plane for Van- couver, B.C., where she will spend a month with her daugh- ter an son-in-law and boy. * Mr. W. G. Griffler ,Sunder- land, was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Mountjoy. i Mr. and Mrs. Tom White, and )sn Toronto, were recent visit- 'ors wt Mr. and Mrs. Bert Algonquin Park's unique Nature Museum attract- Stevens Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Lock- ed more than 50,000 visitors last year, 43,346 from Ontario, wod and Miss Wilson, Osh- 7,057 from 44 States of the U.S. and Mexico and 858 from awa3, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ce- 51 other countries. The Museum is part of the extensiye cil Lockwood and family on Nature Programme carried out by officers of the Ontario Sunday. Depatmen ofLand an Forscs.1<Ttureproramms s Ethel Gibson, Toronto, Depatmet ofLans ad Focs"s.]ýa'ureproramms ws aweekend visitor witn are proving popular also at Rondeau and Sibley Provincial Miss Wilma Leach. Parks. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moase and claughter Karen, Little Britain, were Sunday guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johnson. Carol re- jHar ony an Klied turned home with them for a Harm nyMMn.Klled vis Mrs. T.Wrywt When Grave! Loaa.,r Osawa, on ody Women's Institute meeting a this Thursday at 2 p.m. Program in charge o! centre group. Ail ladies welcome. The community of Harmony at its lowest level due to heavy We welcome to our village was saddened last Thursday a!- rains. It was here that the ma- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Williams, ternoon to learn o! the deathc o! Gordon Hoskin, 21, who was chine plunged over the bank, and family of Oshawa, who crushed to death when a five- pinning Mr. Hoskin under- have purchased the property in the west side formeriy occu- ton, gravel loader overturned neath. Mr. Ehret was thrown pied by Mr. and Mrs. J. Coens on him.clear and escaped with minor who with their !amily have Mr. Hoskin was the son Of cuts and shock. I moved to Belleville, where they Howard Hoskin and grandson First on the scene was Gor- have secured a farm. oth ole osi ohf ar el kon don's grandfather, Wesley Hos- Mr. and Mrs. John Hilîs visit- bothof wom re wll kownkmn who lives only a short dis- ed Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Grant, in Bowmianville. tance away. The victim's fath- Raglan. The accident happened short- er, Howard Hoskin, had gone M.a nd M Prs. uredt Da andun [y after 3 o'ciock last Thursday to Toronto, leaving his son in aiy or rdt setSn afternoon close to the Hoskin charge o! the operation. dy with Mr. and Mrs. John home on Harmony Road when Mr. Hoskin was aiopularHis. the gravel loader skidded 01mebr1fth amoy com Miss Jacqueline Hilis spent slippery ground and toppled mme fteHroycm the weekend with Miss Marion over an embankment. munity and was a regular at- Rankine at Wasaga Beach. tendant at Harmony United _________ rno EnAIe. , .oia wa was riding on the shovel of the loader, said he and Hoskin1 were on their way to get gravel to fi in a mud hole when the accident took place. They had been using the machine to-oa Ia truck with topsoil in a nearby field. Plunged Over Bank On the way to get gravel they had to drive down a fairl steep winding bank, the road- way of which was a mud-hole Business Directory LE GA L STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors -Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King Sè. W. Telephone 791 Bowmanville LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanvîlle Phones: Office 688 - Res. 553 JOHN REGAN, B.A. Barrister Notary Public 33 Temperance St. Phone 3292 Bowmanville MISS APHA J. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Temperance St. - Bowmanvile D ENTA L à DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Office Phone 790 Hlouse Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 10Liberty St. N. - Bownanville OfieHours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m to 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Telephone - Office 459 ACCOUNTANCY WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 64 King St. E. Bowmanville (Above Garton's Bus Station) Phone 3612 J. HUNTER AND COMPANY Certified Public Accountants 64 King Street E. Oshawa 5-1621 Successors to O. S. Hobbs CHIROPRACTIC G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor iOffice: Specialty Paper Products Bldg. 63 Temperance St.- Phone 5ffl Off ice Hours: By Appointment OPTOMETRY KEITH A. BILLETI! Optometrist 141 King St. E. - Bowmanville Telephone 3252 Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 pan Monday to Saturday except Wednesdav 9 - 12 Evenings by Appointment JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist Jury & Loveli Bowmanvillej Phone778 Cnurch andi active in Sunday School work. Associated with bhis father, who operates a cern- ent tile business, be was widely known in the contracting trade. He was born in East Whitby Township near Camp Samac and was a lifelong resident o! the district. Many Survivors The eldest son o! Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hoskin, he is sur- vived by his parents; tbree brothers, Kenneth, Jack and Gary; and five sisters, Anna- Marie'. Shirley,, Betty, Donna Os hawa Girl Wins Legion Scholarship Miss Edwina Frances King, o! 622 Carnegie Ave., Oshawa, was recently seiected from among High Scbool students in the area in Zone Fi o! the Canadian Legion, in whicb Bow- CANADA yS BANK manvile is included, to receive a Canadian Legion University Scholarship. ,Her scholarship for the Un- iversity year of 1954-55 Was one of 23 awarded in the Provincial Legion Command. Miss King wil attend the University of Western Ontario. Since 1950, 124 Canadian 1 riva Legion Scholarships have been awarded with a total valiae of $37,300, enabling many des«:-.'- ing students to attend college who would otherwise have beçn unable to do so. Ail happy families resemble each other; each unhappy fam- i iy is unhappy iniits own way. A Lovely Way to LooX This Fa!! fa! . Angora Topped Beauty Sty le No. 7109 Lovely way to, look this Fail - the step-in silhouette in rayon flannel with a billowing skirt on which swirling tucks go round and round. Adorable Angora trimmed collar. In Anthracite grey, heather brown. Sizes 9 -11- 13 -15 ------- $-9 You Saw It in SEVENTEEN BOWMANVILLE -WHITBY -c, i. v v as' >1 NOTEIS te lessen the risk cf countorfeiting, and ta reduce the cost cf production. Mony people ask 'lis there net some speclai means cf distinguishing genuine bank notes from counterfeits?" The answer is that there are o great many means-singly and in cern- bintion-so many that a full description could b. confusing and wouid cnly help those who might attempi ta counterfeit. The best means cf distinguishing genuin. bank notes from suspected notes is the simplesf, namely-compare a suspected note side-by- side with one known ta b. genuine. Even smaii variations-no one of which might be notice- able by itseif-wiii usuaiiy combine t. produce an eaisily distinguishabie difference in generai appeorance. Good notes look "good" because cf the skiiied craftsmanship behind them. As you corne into possession of the new bank notes, study them te become familier with their generai appearance. This wiii help safeguard one cf Canad', most important facilities -your currency. - AJH -- &-.-.1 i( ý u lumum NEW CANADA'S NEW BANK NOTES wiIl begin to replace the present issue this month. The new notes will b. put into circulation from time to tirne as worn and soiled notes of the oid issue are withdrawn. It wiII thus 6e some time before the new notes have completely replaced the old. Banks wiII have ai limited quantity for distribution in the introductory period. As you corne into possessiont of the new notes you wil 6e caware of a number of new Meatures. e --i 'I 'IL.. 'a-, w, t' 4<, 'r,, ~ 4, 1~e ""f 4', f il z, f ~tm PHONE 778 BANK 0F CANADA l/f y'wWý -, , ý - ----------- PAGE