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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Sep 1954, p. 6

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r'-' PAGE Sm X Septemter IlPopular THE CANADIAN. STATESMAN. BOWMANVIILE. ONTARIO W>ecdrngs Mon' t for Mrs. John Edward Buttonshaw, Jr., signs the register while the groom Iooks on approvingly. Their marriage took place in Trinity United Church on Saturday afternoon, September 4. The bride is the former Barbara Anne Goddard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert LeBaron Goddard, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Edward Buttonshaw, ail of Bowmanville. -Photo bv Carson Studio, Port Hope Following their marriage in Maple Grove United Church on September 4, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald George Rogers observe the rite of cutting the wedding cake. The bride is the former Elva Dorothy Snowden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alan T. Snowden, Maple Grove, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Rogers, Bowmanille.-Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope French tulle. Their velvet head- Miss Colleen Lowe ai Belleville dresses matched their gowns teaching at Kendal; Miss Don- and they carried bouquets of rene Powell at McLean's; Miss yellaw chrysanthemums and Valena Coppirig at Sixth Line, ivy. They wore tlny peari neck- Miss Catherine Stewart is again laces and earrings, the gifts oi teaching at Starkville, and Mns. the bride.. Reg. Eiliott at Enterprise; Miss Miss Diane Harrison was N. Harness is teaching at Oak. fiower girl wearing a full- Mr. Elmer Patton and family, ~ *~length gown of yellaw nylon Weston, visited Mr. and Mrs. and lace styled with a round Norman Patton. ncckline and pufied slecves. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Alexander, She wone a matching velvet Bob Alexander and friends spent headdress and a small goid Sunday visiting in Pelerborough locket, the gift ai the bride, and and Onono. carnied a small basket af pastel Mn. and Mrs. Selby Grant, coiored flowers. Bowmanville, were guests af Mn. Mr. Kenneth Tink, brother and Mrs. Norman Kennedy, Sat- Observing the old tradition of cutting the wedding cake are Mr. and Mrs. ai the bridegroom, was best urday. DulsFallis who, were miarried on August 7 at the home of the bride's parents, man and the ushens were Mr. (Intended for last week) DoulasRonald Biakle and Mr. Maurice Sunday guests wlth Mr. and M~'r. and Mrs. Clarke Williams, Nestieton. The bride is the former Phyllis Avelyn Jebsan. Mrs. George Mencer were Mr. Wlliams and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fallis, Pontypool. A reception was held on the and Mrs. Cy Elsley and daugh- Church lawn where the bride's ters, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. tulle. the full skirt fashioned in mother received wearing a Ted Coatham and iamily, Orono.i graefu tirs.A lng leeed treet-length dress o! navy blue. Mr. and Mrs. John Patton and lac jaketwaswon avr at e with pink accessories. The Boy spent a couple af days ilu lac jaketwaswor ov he bridegroom's mother who as- Toronto visiting friends and at moldd srapess odie. er sisted was in gray siik with rose the C.N.E. pul eri eridered juiet ca accessonies. Bath wore corsages Mr. and Mrs. Bill Boyd, Toron- X ' 7e dngS afulllegthveiiwacughet a of roses. to, spent the weekend with Mr. W edd ad she canied a fan shape Later Mn. and Mrs. Tlnk leit and Mrs. Boy Mercen. bouquet ai orchid gladioli. fer a wedding trip ta North Bay Mn. and Mrs. Morris Patton1 M, ~The bride was attended by and Ottawa and on their returu visited Sunday with bis parents,1 ber three sisters, Mary, Mar- will live in Courtice. For travel- Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Patton. ganet and Edna Snowden. Miss ling the bride wore a beige Guests with Mn. and Mns. Bihl Edna Snowden was maîd ef check suit with dank brown and Turansky Saturday evening1 honor, wearing yellow nylon white accessanies and a corsage were Mn. and Mrs. John Thomp- net aven taffeta, and the ai white gardenias. Out-of- son, Miss Margaret Jackson and bnidesmaids were simulariy town guests were -present from Alec Little. gowned, Miss Mary Snowden Lindsay, Woodville, Pleasant Miss Irene Inch hai return-1 in green and Miss Margaret Point and Peterberough. ed from her seven weeks' tour Snowden in mauve. Ail wore oi Western Canada and United1 IBUTerONSHAW GODDARD Imatching earrings and thefflaw- bandeaux ai matching net lem- States, with many interestingj Trnt Uie Cuc, o-er girl a goid locket, gifts ai broidered with pearîs and car- - r'MTII pictures and stories ai the praces1 Tnniy nie CurhBo-the bride. ied bouquets of mauve andKIZ J visited. She visîted aneund1 xnanville. was the scene of a Penforming the duties of best yellow 'munis. Kendal a feW days this week be- very pnetty wedding an Satun- man was Mn. Frank (Sonnie) Mn. Bob Robers, brother ai Miss Ruth Jackson leit Friday fore leaving ta assume ber teach- day aftennoon, Sept. 4, when Hooper, and ushers were Mn. the groom, was best mxan and fon Ottawa where she is start- ing. Barbara Anne Goddard, daugh- iTerry Masters and Mn. Lou ushers wene Mn. Harry Snow- ing ber nurse's training in the Mn. and Mns. Arthur Grant, fer ai Mr. and Mrs. Herbent Le- Lyle, brother-in-law ai the den and Mn. Walter Goode. Civic Hospital. Uxbridge, spent a few days hast Baron Goddard, became the groom, al ai Bowmanville. The For the reception held in the Ted Mathison, Taranto, spent week with Mn. and Mrs. Wm. bride of John Edward Button- groom's gift ta each was a lea- basement o! the church, the a few days last week with bis Mencer. shaw, son of Mr. and Mns. John then wallet. bride's mathen wore a dress of brother, Bari, at Percy Burley's. M.adMs alMre n EdwmadButosbwlAl rea Following the ceremony, a royal blue nylon lace with Mr. and Mns. George Clarke, family, London, are visiting ber Bomavile eceptîon wvas beld at the Lions white accessories and corsage Toronto, spent the weekend at parents, Mn. and Mns. F. Warren. The ceremony was penionni- Community Centre whene the of white gladioli. Assistîng ber t hein summer home. A number froni hene went eut ccl by Rev. Harold Turner bride's mothen neceivd the was the gnoom's mothen who Mn. and Mrs. Cook and Linda, Ita the fine whicb destnoyed Peter against a background fonmed guests wearîng a dress ai navy wore a dress ai navy blue sheer Tononto, wbo have been holiday- 1 Kessler's barn Monday nigbt but bv baskets of white gladioli, taffeta witb large white coîlar witb wbite accessonies and cor- ing at thein cottage near L. were unable ta be of any assis- Shasta 'mums and green fern. and white pleated inset in the sage of pink gladioli. Glasses have returned ta the city. tance as the fire bad spnead veny1 Miss Lamna Fletcher played the front o! the skirt. With it she « The young couple leit laten Mn. anedtrdaM. he,Torn,#. dyi hehyaçisrw wedding music and accompan- ,ore navy accessonies, wite an a wedding trp around Lake tB iitdthb duhn, a>. Klenld it ric t listwell sup- ied Mn. Donald Williams who gloves, and a corsageofrd naithbiewaigfo Ba Cockbumn aven theheia.pedwtninthsmkngt "Te Lrd' Pryen andross. ssitin be oin re Ont-othae a itemave ness doadrs. Cecil Glass visit- bad for the fanmens who stili yer' angosw.ass teg enroo mo trawih a biacenes aved cr- s Mrs. George Smitb, New- have grain in the fields. The 'BecaLise".byhanfa- w w te a rss ! avy rp ag ith white 'mms. Oes ndthcorcastle. We are pleased they are greenness ai the tobacco is also Given ln manriage b e a h o e adIs f n v r p a e of w ie u s n t er bot eln et r n w od n p h r etn si a the, the bride vas lovely in featuing a tucked pepluni. She neturn they wil reside in Osh- otrfeelngbettn fi. holding up had restain as tebso da floor lengt1ý gown af mist wore white gloves and navv awa. M.ary d ns. WA . Hkony andstunned ren aan ier whie sa lace odicele.accsoie n' craeofýYý Phyllis Jackson and Bob Van- A very pleasant evening meet-t rýleopac klie featureda white carnations, TINK - WALLACE natto wene guests ai Mn. and ing was held .Wednesday, August1 Foo uIieoffset with a For their wedding tnip ta Mns. Wm. Jackson, Sunday. 25 by the Kendal W.A. at the wcebad f shirred net a.nd Washington and otuien points in In a double-ring cenemony at Miss Sylvia Camipbell, Peter- home ai Miss Catheine Stew- the long scevs fonmcd points the United States, the bride St. Stephen's United Church bora. and Miss Inez Gardon art. The guest speaker was Mrs. over the hands. Tbe full skirt chose for travelling a t aîîored Oshawa, Saturday aitenoon, spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Burley oi Newtonville who was fashioned with a deep suit ai powder blue gabardine Aug. 28th, Manjorie Georgîna Spence Gardon. hem-line of tulle. She wore a wt ml aybtadmth Wallace, daughter of n n n n Mrs.Lodls and1 spoke on the meaning and amis thrcestran peal choer an ingaccesoriei. He corsge Ms. Alert ailaaurf vathifausranganizations.ions thrc standpean chkerand ng ccesonis. en on.sge rs.Aibet Wllae ofNonh Bnnie and Mn. and Mrs. Chanlie Misses Gwen and Jackie Bailey rnatching earrings, the gift Of was af pink carnations. O n thein Oshbawa, became the bride af Byers attended the C.N.E. Tues- and Canolyn and Patsy Fosten the groon. lier finger-tmp vei return the young cupew;]l Herbert (Walter) Tink, son of ~x-s augt a amacbig apYesdeoup4lein S . EsMr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink ofdav. favê,ured with a numben ai %vascutedwtb ja lathnd sph sie wîanvi46l KingoSt.tEcstMrs. D. Vannatto and Cecil, sangs they bad leanned at campb encrste wih jwel an sheBownanill. Curtce.Bowmanville, spent Sunday witb this summen. The W.A. decided carrîed a cascade bouqueto The bride is a graduate f Gladioli foned the back- Mn. and Mrs. Percy Buley. ta hold a bazaan the latter part rd nases and Illy-of-tbe-valley. BoWmanville Public and High gnound fr the ceremany per-f Miss Anne Gardon, Whitby, o! September and mateial was The bride was attended by Scbools and Osbawa Business formed by tbe Rev. L. M. Soin- spent the weekend with Mr. and given eut ta make aprons, etc. her maid ai bonor, Miss Bar- College. She bas been empioy- mnervilie, assisted by Mn. S. G. Mrs. Earl Burley. Mrs. Thos. Falls aid Miss Stew- b a r a Fairey, Bowmanviiie; ed as a stenographen on the1 Saywell. Mrs. S. C. Rundie Mns. Norman Elgear and Bon- art, hostesses ion the evening, s bridesmaids Miss Donna Quinn, office staff of General Matons, !played the wedding mnusic and nie spent part o! last week at served a tasty lunch.a Sinicoe, and Miss Pat Hyde, To- Oshawa. The groom. who is 'Miss Manjonie Rundie sang 'The thein sumnmer home bere, witb _______A___ renta; and little Miss Janice aise a graduate o! Bowýmanville Lond's Prayer" during the cere- Mn. and Mrs. Nornan Therteli Lyle, niece o! the groom, a3 schools, awns and eperates a imony and "O Perfect Lave" and Norman Elgear coming It wouid, we think, be a weh- s iloiverginl. groceny store business and is1 during the signing of the regis- down fon the week-end. conied change in aur. daily pa- ir The maîd ai honor wene pink active in sports, being a nieni ter. Mrs. Lamne Paeden and Jean1 pers if stores af crime, destruc- and the bridesniaids pale blue, ber o! tbe Brookdale Roses ba!ll Given in mariage by ber fa- visited Mn. and Mrs. Bert !tien and bloodshed, wene rnde- o floon length gowns similarly team. ther the bride wone a long- Tbompson, Sundav. Mn. and i gated te a less censpicuous po- F fashone lastrples stle ithIeeved gown o! Chantilly lace Mrs. Cecil Glass visited them n i sition than the iront page, where bouffant skirts o! nylon tulle ROGERS - SNOIiUEN i'with a pieated underskirt ai Friday. itbeir preminence unden glaring IV aven taffeta. Over the gowns Ibridai tuile. A pleated rule o!f George B-yers spent Tbursday type faces, distunbs the nenves F were worn Chantilly lace red- The mamiage toek place on; Frencb bridaI tulle formed an nt bis summen haine bere. j and t angles the mind.-Hunts- 1V ingotes edged with taffeta pip- Saturdax', Sept. 4, in Maple ýapron effect te the back o! the Mn. and Mrs. Boy Mercen and ville Fon esten.P ing and tulle fluting, fasbiened Grave United Church of Elva Iskirt. A sniall mnatching head- iMn. and Mns. Bill Boyd, Toron- -C__________ 'witb neunded neckline. Tbey Dorotby, daugbter of Mn. and dress conipleîented with tiny 1ta, leit Saturday marning ion aIV %vore bandeaux o! white Shas- Mrs. Alan T. Snowden, Maple Iseed peanîs and sequins held1 10-day trip thnough Easterns ta 'rnums and carried cascade Grove, and Ronald George Rog- bher fingertip veil and she car- Canada and tbe United States. g uI bouquets of the sanie ilowens. ers, son o! Mn. and Mrs. Robert ied an aIl white bouquet ai Mn. Lorne Henryv, Miss Lenona S The lttie flower girl wore a C. Rogers, Bownianville. Bas- sumrmen flowers. She ware Henry, Don and Alec Little visit- pinuk foor length gown o! ny- kets of mauve and white giad- ipeanîs and earings, the gift ai ed Mrs. Neya Little aiten the r lon tulle with tafieta undenslip. ieli decorated the cburcb. the bidegrooni. funeral. B The bouffant skirt featuned Bev. L. M. Semierville per- 1 Miss Muriel Wallace, sîster Gusts with Mn. and Mrs.S rows of double rutile, ai tuile. iormed the ceremany and Mrs. io! the bride, was maid-of-hon- iClarence Thenteil duning the a A tulle sash ivas tied at the William Laird. Maphe Grave,,or. The bridesmaids were Miss weekend were Mn. and Mrs. . tc back in a butterfly bow, and played the wedding music. Miss !Muriel Tink. sister af the bride- Stan Therteil, Taranto; Mns. she carried a bine ruffled gatb- Greta Snowden, Maple Grave. groom . nd Miss Kathenino \Valten Thertell. Mn. and Mns. o ering basket ai white Shasta was soloList. \Val%'ce. s:;ster af the bride. A.! Harold Therteil and famuly and f 1ril IGvn nmmig b e oc f Il lengxb aowns of 1Mn. and Mrs. Grant Thertel. The bride's attendant. wore flather, the bride wore a f loor French llac nylon chiffon wih ownanviiie.YTrH r- dc silugle strand pemni ehoks with length Kawn 01 white nylon,'underskirta i taffeta andi School has started a&ain withi - . 'j'. ~~11~JRSDAY, SEPT. Otis, fOU Nestlebon Station Mn. Frankc Nesbitt, Toranto, and Mn. Orton Bradburn, Jan- etville, wene Sunday gucats o! Mn. and Mns. M. Nesbitt. Miss Patricia Bowles and Miss Olga Honhington ficw ta Ber- muda fon a thnec week vacation with Miss Horlingtan's parents before attending Ontario Col- lege ai Education in the fahi. Miss Gladys Emersan bas 'completed three years' training as a nurse and taken a position at Oshawa Gener.i Hospital. -Miss Rose Mountjoy is spend- iuga few days In Toronto. Msses Joan and Marlon and Master Boy Bradburn vlslted Mr. and Mrs,. Donald Thomp- son. Syznpathy ià extended te the familles ai the late Mns. Hen- mian Hooey. Nestieton fionda attcnded the service at McDer- mott Funetýai home wlth inter- ment lu Prince Albent an Mon- day are pleased ta report !i- pi"ovcment in aur sick folk. Mn. Fred Hyland is baie from Ta- renta whcre with surgery and new eycgiasses he is much bet- ter again. Stewart Hedge te- turned from Port Perry hospi- tai and ail anc glad te knaw la iipnoving niceiy since his ac- cicent. Word fnom Mn. and Mrs. Oliver Robren contains the gaod news that tbnce-year-oid Douglas is talklng nicely and able ta walk about alone for short distances. We welcomc Miss Yvonne Chant te the village. She bas rnoved inta the pstalns apant- ment lu the new Hcaslip home. Mn. and Mrs. Marvin Ncsbitt attended the Labar Day week- end events at Williams Point and report most interestlng en- tertainment. Nesticton Women's Institute membens werc pleased ta ne- ceive second pnize on their In- stitute display at Part Penny Faiîr on Manday. Mn. and Mrs. Arnold Wil- ,liams, Miss Elaine Thanmpson and Mn. Neil Bailey pttended a blrtbday party lu honar ai Miss Yvonne Cbant at the Chant cottage at Emcnsan's Beach an Saturday evenmng. A short social evcning o! lunch and program was enjoy- cd by the cangregation and vis- itons lu the Presbytenian Church, Nestieton,' on Sunday ni glht. Dcýonation service at Nestie- ton United cemetery was lange- ly attendcd on Sunday. Bey. C. W. Hutton eificiated and friends wenc present from Watendown, Welland, Oshawa, Broaklil, Lindsay, Port Penny, Bowman- ville, Toronto and other points. ENFIELD Miss Isabelle Gibson and Mn. Bruce Miller, Port Pcrry, wene guests ai Miss Marie Prescatt's. Mn. and Mrs. Will Hemphill, Mn. James Hempii, Long Branch, were visitons at the Prescott homes. Becent visiters nt Mr. A. W. Prescott's werc: Mn.. Wilfrid Prescatt, Mxi. Mabel Tennant, Mn. Raiph Nivon, Mrs. Bill Gil- noy, Oshawa; Mrs. C. J. Smales, Mn. Leslie Brooks, Mns. Mabel Sleight, Mr. and.Mn.. Rutseli Bobbins, Bownanville; Mrs. George Gilroy, Columbus; Mn. and Mxis. J. S. Eddyvean, Clark Union; Mn. Peter Lubberden, Richmond Hill; Mn. and Mrs. Earl Prescott and Mn. and Ms.. Ken Hardy, Tyrone. Mr. and Mxi. Frank Ormis- ton, Brookhl; Mn. and Mrs. Dan Ormistan, Oshawa, were visitors at the Stark home. Mn. and Mrs. Elmer Gibson, Gneenbank, Mi.. Ruth Lunney, Bowmanville, visited at J. Han- ris'. Mn. and Mrs. Elmen Le. ac- companied Mn. and Mns. Ches- ter Le. ai Wbitby, on a nioton trip tbrough the state ai New York. School has opened with Mns. J. MeKenzie lu charage anid 12 pupils attcnding. NE WTON VILLE Mn. and Mrs. Don Vinkle spent the long week-end wfth Mn. and Mrs. John Vinkie ai Belleville. Mrs. William UgloW with Mn. and Mrs. Don Powell o! Ehiza- bethville. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stephen- son and famuly af Cooksville with Mn. and Mrs. George Ovens. Mn. and Mrs. Harry Lane of Dundalk with Mn. and Mrs. Cleland Lane. Mrs. Elsie Izzard ai Toronto with Mn. and Mns. Wiifned Cox. Mrs. Benniece Snell ai Toron- ta with Mn. and Mns. Leland Payne. Mn. Bud Joncs ai Montreal, Miss Shirley Jefis ai Napanee and Mrs. Zena Canlaw af Bnownsview with Mn. and Mrs. Willis Joncs. Miss Druny af Toronto wîth Mn. and Mns. Ernest Elcy. Miss Alice Nesbitt ai Toronto with ber sister, Miss Annie Nes- bitt. Miss Gloria Lane wmth Mn. and Mrs. James Adams of Toronta. Mn. G. Van Londen af Ottawa wîtb his family bere. Miss Kirkpatrick ai Batten- sea, aur new pnimany teacher, arnivcd on Fniday and is wîth Mrn. and Mrs. Howand Ormiston. Miss Bertha Thonipsan is spending a few days with iniends in Toronto. M. and Mrs. Laurence Gilmer of Buffalo witb bis mothen, Mn. F'rank Gilmen. Becent visitons with Mn. and Mns. George Stapletan were Mi. F. Nickle, Bancroft, Mn. Allan M.'artin, Public Schooi Inspecton, Pont Credit. Mn. Arthur Martin, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. Gardon' M~artin, Joyce and Doris. Lake- shore, Mn. and Mrs. Cyril Max- im, Keswick, and Mn.. George Smith, Newcastle. Mr. and Mns. Jack Elliott have returned frain a mator trip ta Buffalo and Cleveland. On Sunday their guests werc Mn. and Mns. Wray Seules ai Toron- to. Mn. and Mn.. George Geoffroy of Taranto. accompanied by four friends froni Pakistan, spent i Suicdav w'itb Mnr. and Mrs. An-' dr"'v Reicirath. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glover ai Detroit, Michigan, with Mr. and From there lit aimply poured Mrs. Murray Porter. until we arrived ab Toronto. Miss Jennie Thompsan and One incident on aur trip wlR PMrs. Winnle MclntYre of Toron- neyer be forgotten. It "happen- to spent a week with Mr. and cd on the first nlght we spent Mrs. Harold Smith cf Welling. Ilin the States. There we put uip tan. eta very nice-lookidig moto? Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Court. Ail went we i un til Arthur Redknap over the bol- arounid 4- a.m. when WVe wer.ei iday were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cale awaenxcd by the shrieking af and Mr. Cliford Punnett of one af the members of aur par- Rochester; Mr. and Mrs. Sheidon yamsew rnigvr aid er face and piliow! It does xx.t Pethick of Enniakillen; Mr. akecia:ato o o Mrs. Peter Bradley ai Bowm6fl- apictuecf fourination ifrn ville, and Mr. Alfred Redknap l itr ffu oin i of Oshawa. inight attire chaslng with lnte,:î Mr. nd M . Water hitto kili, "a wee bit mausie",. l- Mr. ad Mx. Waler W lnallY, we chased lt out ai the taker and family ai Taranto;1 cabin, snapped the lights ar.dI Mrs. John Pearce and Mrs. Bob settled dcown only ta beared' Pearce spent Wednesday at the'onice more and the r utCotge at Rice Lake 'ith on agaîn. This timer b ,n the Osborne fam ly. On Su day was dspatched by a 1elUiM . Mrs. Pearce and Bob went ta dbo rn h elc 1toroiito ta return Master Ken.- sho rmte elo, neth Whittaker who had stayed he a few days with his grandmoth-. Darlcness and silence f cr er. waile. then tha battle mwas on or. again until number tbree moi". Mr. and Mxi. Alex. Clarke cf aie was cornered at last in Buffalo came over for the weelc- dawer where ii was. ahat i.p end. His mother, Mrs. Etta pending the arrivai at t p"ro- Clarke, returned home with prietar later on.. themn. Teewsfamr le Mr.an4Mx. Cintn arrowa uite early we got aur rnax attended the Farrow - Finnie lown ta view the spogas af the weddlirg in Bownianville on chase. He was %Yer' flanchaient ~aturday.about the incident b ut when we Mr. and Mx's. Raymond Bruce su . ested a rebate - we had weekend to return their three cabin whlch wvas the Most we niecés In time for school. had paid ail aiong - he iraze The newiy-decarated Sunday completeîy. There was nathirig Schacl hall wxll b. re-opened an daing so with as much dignity Sunday, SePtember l2th at il as we could muster we got into o'clack. An interesting service the car and away eisewhere for la being arranged. Special Mugic breakfst and it wasn"& very by the Junior Choir and the tiny funny atter ail! tats. On Monday evenlng there The wayside tables, bar.7be- wiil be a variety concert provid- cues and- running water were ed by local talent. Silver coi- mucli appreciated. Often we lection at the door. Lunch. stopped ta coak breakf ast, lunch and sometinies dinner. We kept a supply ai dry wood MOIRRISHin the trunk af the car which MO RIHwe faund very useful t tar Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Holdaway but rn e laokd pey odu and daughter of Highland Park, u oeloe eygo Michigan, visitcd recentîy witîh when we arrived at 2.15 ar. his aister, Mrs. F. Anderson and Manday morning. family. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cornish Mr. Neil Anderson and friend and famiiy ai Mille Roche have Jimmny, returned ta Brantford been spending part af theiv- on Monday where Neil will re- cation with the forner's math.. sume teaching for anather year. er, Mrs. P. Cornish. They left Church and Sunday Schoci for home on.Sunday. were held as usuai on Sept. 5, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Carr and with a smaîler number présent two chiidren ai Sudburyr spent than usual which seems ta im- a few days with Mr. R. J. Ash- Ply that holidays are not quite ton alsa Mr. and Mrs. Jim over and some travellers are Ashton af Fort Erie, visited making the moat ai the last there aver the holiday. few days cf vacations. Mrs. Wm. McHoim was the On Sunday the 1Gth the anni- guest ai Mr. and Mrs. C. Uaner versary and Thanksgiving ser. and Mrs. Cuite on Sunday at vices wIll be at 11 a.m. and 7 30 Sandicacks Cabins an the p.m. with the Bey. J. Kitchen shores ai Rice Lake.h ai Orono ait guest minister. Spe- cial music with visiting chairs LN AL are promlsed for bath services LN AL1 and we would like to sec aur Mr. and Mrs. H. Vandenmeu- nioeiy dccorated church fillied len, Rochester, U.S.A., Mr. and ta capacity ta make this day a Mxi. D. Evers, were Saturday truly Thanksgiving one. visitors wlth Mr. and Mns. W. A large lacust tree which Vaneijk and John. has long been a menace ta the Mrs.* W. Vaneijk and Mr J. church steeple bas at last been M. Travis with Mr. F. Faugïçn. removed by the Dept. ai High- tobacco cure.r at the Andy Sh ways. With its removal the farm, Pontypool. 4 front entrance is very much im- Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneljk with praved and the safety af church Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partner. property assured. Our vacation trip to Capreol, Michigan, ta the strait af Mac- Spencer Coste Port Huron, London and s0 te Eeimtered since 1942 Morniuh, was very much enjoyI cd. We spent three daya at Cap- 1 Mrs. E. Page reol. Heavy rain kept u there Enaïskinlen the third day. This was the only Phione Bowmanvlle 2828 ramn until we reacbed London. ____________ C. C.F. PUBLIC MEETING TOWN HALL4 ORONO Friclay, September l7th et 8 F.M. tb Nominale a Candidate for Durham Provincial Ricl!ng Speaker: DONALD C. McDONALD Ontario C.C.F. Leader EVERYONE WELCOME Antizyme special 696 New Lady Esther PUFF MAGIO PRESSED POWDEB 1890 - 1.501 Pepoodent Speciai 590 Lanolin Shampoo Deodorani Sprays WVhite Rain - 45c, 75e Stoppette 75c, 1.25 CharIc$ Anteli - 75c, 1.25 Odo-no-no _____49c, 75c Lanolin Plus -____ 1.25 Mum Mist ---- -89C Bankera Pen Wat.nman's Flair Auer Liihters 1.00 Stick Cologne$ 1.00 -1.25 Hay Fever Relief Allertltas 1.00, 2.50 Co-Pyronyl -- 2.25 Rasmah Caps. - 65c, 1.35 Privine Drops - 95e Lantigen E -____ 6.00 Pyrithia Co. Tabs.- 65e Bensedrex Inhaler- 75e Children's Lunch Kits Complet. wlth Thermos $3.69 Nestie's Bain lins. 15cs - 39e Tintz Shampoo 1.79 Wildroot Shampoo Gcritol Tonic 3.29 Waferman's- Pen and PencilS* 5.00 - 7.30 - 9.50 - 15.50 - 16.75 Waterman's Pens from 1.95 fo 10.35 COWLI NG'S PHON4E DRUG STORE %VE FIT CRI 'S S9F 1 - - - -- - - - - m - a

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