Imm TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVILLE. ONTAM~ TT~T~AV SEPT. l6tb. 1954 Men 's Major Bowling Opens The Season Starting Wednesday The Men's Major League»Ill get underway at 7 p.m. on Wed- nesday, September 22nd. President Ray Fry will opený the bowling season. Following is a complete list of teams and the schedule o bath sections as released byh Secretary Alan Osborne. Bowlers are requested ta eut Otber- out the schedule for future ref- 6 7:00 erence.8:30 erece ,13 7:00 MaJof' League Teanis, 1954-551 8:30 20 7:00 Team No. 1-Capt. Dick Little, 8:30 George Elliott, Hap Palmer:1 27 7:00 George Piper, Si Trewin, BillI 8:30 Begley, Jack Cole. 1oebr Teamn No. 2-Capt. AI Osborne, 3 7:00er Jack Gay, Jack Coole, Walt De- 3 8:0 Geer, Dave McKnight, Fred Cale, 10 7:00 John Stainton. 8:30 Team No. 3-Capt. Phil Can- 17 7:001 cilla, Bill Hearle, Pat Yeo, RussI 8:30 Hallman, Farewell Blackburn, 24 7:00 Cecil Mutton, Garf Clarke. 8:301 Team No. 4-Capt. Elton December- Brock, Jack Lander, Clarence 1 7:00 Oke, Morley Oke, Eddie Rundie, 8:30 Bud Moses, Dick Patfield. 8 7:00 Teami No. 5-Capt. Dr. H. 15 7:00 Rundle, Hank Janzan, Ted Phil- Secon lips, Jim Callan, Jack Knight, Bill Oliver, Ray Fry.DaeTm Team No. 6-Capt. Ted Bag-Dae ie nell, Frank Samis, Russ Oke, January- Frak Bun, NrmHennings, 5 7:00 Wilf Craig, Don Wright. 12 7:3001 Team No. 7-Capt. Jim Fair,ý 8:30 Bill Westlake, Ron Maynard,'19 7:00 George Stephens, Cecil Osborne, 8:30 Ron Richards, Bob Kent. 26 7:00 Team No. 8-Capt. Ross Mc- 8:30 Knight, Norm O'Rourke. Murray February- Larmer, Ken Luxton, Ted Miller, 2 7:00 Bob Stocker, Andy Anderson. 8:30 Team No. 9-Capt. Bruce 9 7:001 Milne, Bill PolIey, Kari Bickell, 8:30 Bill Mutton, Matt Harrison, Jack 16 7:001 Brough, Murray Tighe. 8:30 Team No. 1-Capt. Bill Bates, 23 7:00 Ah. Piper, John Graham, Mel 8:30 Dale, Dr. Austin, Glen Lander, March- Bob Cale. 2 7:00 8:301 Team No. 1-Capt. Ernie Per- 9 7:00 fect, Doug Taylor, Reg Hearle, 8:301 Art Spicer, Harold Bennett, Bert 16 7:00 Engiey, Ray Brock. 8:301 Team No. 12-Capt. Dr. K. 2,3 7:00 Sieman, Bob Williams, Samý 30 7:00 Woods, Morley Vanstone, Milt, April- Corson, Ross Wright, Blin 6 7:00 a - rLeague iedule Alleys 9-10 11-12 3- 4 5- 6 9- 8 1-12 7- 6 2- 3 12- 2 12- 9 10-12 2- 4 4- 9 8- 5 6-10 11- 3 7-11 5- 2 2- 6 10- 7 1- 7 3- 8 8-10 6- 4 6- 3 8-11 9-11 7- 5 2- 7 10- 1 4- 1 12- 7 3-10 4- 8 12- 5 3- 9 11- 2 5-10 10- 4 9- 2 3- 5 9- 7 4- 7 2-10 8- 6 1- 3 12- 3 11- 6 2- 8 5- 9 9- i 6-12 il- 4 8- i 6- 9 12- 4 8-12 1l- 5 3- 7 6- 1 Play'avffs Pla), of fs md Schedule Alleys 1-2 3-4 5- 6 3- 4 11-12 9-10 2- 3 7- 6 1-12 9- 8 6- 4 1-Il 8-10 12- 2 8-1l 12- 9 6- 3 5- 1 7- 5 2- 4 9-Il 10-12 10- 1 8- 5 2- 7 4- 9 12- 7 Il- 3 4- i 6-10 4- 8 5- 2 3-10 7-11 3- b 10- 7 12- 5 2- 6 5-10 3- 8 Il- 2 1- 7 9- 2 6-i1 10- 4 11- 5 Playofis Playoffs Carter Family Trop]: $ LOANSS Are your present monthly commit- $mt ton o eavy to carry? $ Cosul Belvuetoday for an easier ' way to Iighten your financial $ worries.$ A plan to suit every income. $ A Belivue Loan is as near $ as your Phone. $ BELLVUE FINANCE $ G. H. Wilson, Manager $ 2% Simcoe St. S. Oshawa PHONE OSHAWA 5-1121 xx WINTERIZE WITH tREPIIAIR AND INSULATING MATERIALS Those worn spots on the roof and walls of your home can couse reol trouble wh.n snow and ice go to work on fhem. But you con "bot old mon winter te the draw"' with a few minor rmpairs - if you make th.m rigkt awayl isco CauHueng Com- pounds, roof cotingsa nd sid- ings are the ideal mfteriohs for quick, effective home repairs. Fleece Une Reek WaalI n sulaton - onother f*ne Mime. ANOT14IR Product- wiN bring new cernl. fort into yeur home. 14ee« few pars wfth fuel wflo suUne whfl po fertfln justa McGregor Hardware 95 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE Harness Races Attract Capacity' Crowd 78 Harness races whic] 1- points in Ontario were a poçi 9- 71 on Saturday, filling the gr 3- 5 2-10 1- 3 Bethany Team 11- 6WIns Trophy in ,_North Durham 9- 1 Once again the Duncan Tro- 81 hy for the North Durham 11 Basehail League cames ta Beth- 12: 41 any, Wednesday night's gamne 69 with the score 2-0 over the 37 eene visitars being the final 8-12 game of the series. Ta the large crowd of fans it loaked liket professional baIl. For the first four innings there was no score "Y on either side . . . just two er- rors for Keene and one for the locaîs. Edmunds an the mound for Bethany gave a top per- formance with 10 strikeouts w ith veteran Wilf. Reynolds an the receiving end. Howard Mc- G ill was the star of the gamne, his twa-base hit bringing ln the first run in the fifth. The en- tire teama gave gaod support with nat a Keene runner getting beyond second base. Elmhirst was on the mound, for the visitars with Colt his battery mate, weIl backed by the field. Tea ms: Keene: Renwick 2h; Wood ss; McCarthy If; Mackness lb; Elmhirst p; Sheerer cf; Lang 3b; Coît c; D. Shearer rf. 1 Bethany: B. Ryley 2b; H. Ry- ley 3h; C. Rowan lb; Edmunds p; Reynolds c: W. Rowan If; McGill cf; Challice ss; Stewarti rf. Umpires, Calladine at plate, Coursey on bases, bath af Pe- terborough. This North Durham series has been ful af surprises. Eariy in the seasan Bethany was at the bottom af the list with Mill- brook in first place. In the semi- finals, four out af seven, the Keene team taok over fromn * Milibrook and ln the east sec-v tinn, Bethanv playing improv-C ed bail. forged up ta win theQ four games straight from Jan- etville. In the finals, three out of five, they again took the three closely cantested gaines with the scores 8-3, 5-1 and~ 2-0. There is no sehedule as yet for the Durhamn caunty finals and the contest for the Johnny James Cup (danated by John James, M.P.). Ia the south hali, Welcome and Orona arc still hattling it aut-Peterboro Examiner. Tennis Juniors In Exhibition At Whitby Club The junior members ai the Bowmanvîlle Tennis Club tra- vteled to Whitby September 1 for an exhibition tournament with the Whitby juniors whicb i they won 6-2. Follawing the i matches the Whitby players ' served a deliciaus lunch anda pleasant social hour was enjay- i ed. Following are the resuits: OBoys' doubles -1 Martin Buck- span and D. Cattran, Baw. def. Don Hird and John Hird, 6-4. Bill Bradley and Frank Mc- Quay, Whit., def. N. Dale and J. Turner 6-3. Martin Buckspan and N. Dale, Baw., def. Don Hird and D. Vickery, 6-4. Doug James and Ross Turner, Bow., def. P. King and A. Duguid, 6- 0. Girls' doubles-Berta Higgon and Joan Turner, Bow., def. G. Vickery and M. Price, 6-1. Mixed doubles-Ross Turner and Berta Higgon, BoW. def. D. Brennan and G. Vickery, 6-0. 1 Boy's singles-Dan Cattran,1 Bow., def. John Hird, 6-0. P.j King, Whit., def. Doug James,c .6-o.S TI1CK ET S TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamship Consuit JURY & LOVELL Bowmanville 15 King St. W. - Phone 778 [h drew entries from many înterested spectators. In the above photo the fast paced pular attraction at Orono Fair animais are paraded before the grandstand by their drivers grandstand to capacity with while a large crowd hugs the rail to look on. ambJ with los <By AI Osborime The series with Milton is ail tied up at one game apiece. The Roses won the first game here 8-4 but in Milton on Saturday everything was evened up with an 8-7 victory for aur oppon- ents. The third and final game was scheduled for last night in Mil- ton. The line score of Saturday's game was Milton 8 runs 10 hits and 2 errors. with our boys hav- ing 7 runs 8 hits and 6 errors. Stainton started, Falls took HAYDON Visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron's were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Metcalfe, Base LUne, Mr. and Mrs. James Hayman and Carl, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Potts and Francis Potts and Jimmie McDonald, Collingwood, Mrs. George Ferguson, Mrs. MaK. Johnson and family, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts and Mrs. W. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Brock Perry, Crow Lake, at Mr. and Mrs. M. Bertrim's. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and family, Toronto, spent the weekend at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Tre- win, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery and Vernon, Salem, Mrs. Elias Ashton, Ma- pie Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Treveil, Beth and Bruce, Osh- awa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold, Toron- ta, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J:..Aikenhead. Mrs. W. Thompson spent the weekend with relatives ini To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Thomp- son and daughters, visited Mr. and Mrs. Pingle, Hampton. Mr. J. Walker spent Thurs- day in Toronto and attended the Exhibition and visited Mr. and Mrs. MacAlpine. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin, Burketon. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon called on Mr, and Mrs. Harold VlcLaughlin, Blackstock on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hett. Toron- to, Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson and 3rian, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. H. Avery and Ronnie, Mr. and /Irs. Clarence Avery and fam- ly, Burketon, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cook, Scarboro, Mrs. F. Denby, Mr. and Mrs. Fay Mountjoy and fami]y, Bowmanville, at Mr. and Mlrs. Norman Avery's. Hla'-don W.A. was entertain- ed at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Asi 'ton*s on Thursday after- .oon. President, Mrs. Lloyd Slemon opened the meeting. ,Irs. Charlie Garrard, present- d the devotional. Program was In charge of Mrs. Arthur Tre- win. Instrumental by Mrs. Lloyd Siemon. Mrs. Daw of Hampton gave a very interest- ig paper on "Trees". Mrs. Ro- lad Thompson gave a reading and Mrs. W. Blackburn. Mrs. ARead conducted a musical contest after which lunch was 3rved. Haydon publie sehool open- ýd en Sept. 7th with Miss M. Brouck as teacher with 41 pu- ils attending. Plans are being made for )ur Thank-offering Service on unday evening, Septemnbe 16th. si e n s e1 Canada has ten cities of more than 100,000 population, six in the East and four in the Wese The Womnen's Institute, now; a world-wide organization , was founded at Stoney Creek, On- tario. by Mrs. Adelaide Hood- leu in 1897. 'Midgets Lose ling iTo Newmarket the l. n Opener 11-8 Bawmanville's Midget "'B" E S basebaîl team, ,who won the Eiastern Ontario championship 5 I semni-finaLs 11-8 ta the New- market Midgets at the High Schoal grounds last Thursday night. in the third and Generai Jones Pitcher Gary 'Hank" Lane went ta the mound with 2 Out started off badly for Bowman- in the 7th. Hooper did the ville, letting in five runs and catching. Marshall started for ileaving the bases loaded for Milton and was relieved in the *Mort Richards, wha came in ta 7th by Gervais. relieve hlm. Richards gave up * * *one mare run before retiring Manager Crombie spent mast the side. ai the game in the stands for The locals graduaiiy xvhittled arguing with the firsqt base um- down the Newmarket 6-0 lead pire. Jack Parker was aiso put and by. the end of the fifth in- out ai the gaine for talking back ning the caunt was 8-7 in favar ta the home plate umpire. ai the visitors. Hank Lane re- * adeemed himsclf by lashingou The errors made passible the a grounds-rule double inta the Milton win and sent' the series trees in leit centre field. into an extra game. In the sixth and final inning, * *as the game xvas calied foi' Buck Cowie was the hitting dnrkness, Richards found hlm- str o teRoe hvng~ self in a tight spot ou the1 safeties out ai 4 tries, while mud h ak eelae ýMilton's center fielder Toletzka and pinch-hitter MeKenzie aif had pefec day4 fr 4 C.Newmarket hit a three and two Gervais right fielder had a pic ntehl ewe hr mammoth home run ln the first and second ta score three runs inning with nobody ahoard. and make the caunt 11-7. * *Bawmanviile added one roF ma their haif of the sixth but This bail player Taletzka l5 could nat pull the game oui some hitter. He has been at bat of the fire. 9 times against the Rases pitch- -__________ ing staff in the two games and has had 8 bits for an .889 bat- A man's fear, unconqueredi, ting average. canqueis hlm, la whatever direc- * * * .tian.-Mai'y Baker Eddy. Crombie will have ta go ail In 1953 American tuîiriszts )ut in this final game if the spent $282 million in Canada, Roses are ta continue on the Canadian taurists spent $307 cnampîansnîp trail. TASTY - E HEDDAR MILD CHEESE New0f ficers Elected SFur Badminton Club Iýd Season Starts Oct. .2 The Bowmanville Badminton Club held an organization meet- ing for the 1954-55 season at the Badminton Hall on Tuesdav evening of last week at which the foilowing officers assumed their duties: President, Gary Tighe; Vice- President, Art Hooper: Secre- tary, Mrs. Fred Cole; Treasur- er, Mrs. AI Osborne; Housei Chairman. AI Osborne assisted by Stu Candler; Tournament Chairman, Mel Burgess as.sist- ed by Bill Burgess; Social Con- venor, Marion Burgess assisted by Mrs. L. W. Dippeil; Junior Director. Naei Dudley; Lockers, Frank Mohun: Dance Commit- tee, Gary Tighe assisted by the directors. The club officers decided ta make every effort this year ta interest Juniors in joining the club nd in heiping thema to learn the game. It has been decided ta have senior memi- bers instruct the juniors and assist thein in every way pas- sible. Juniors or aider persans wishing ta join the Bowm-an- ville Badminton Club are ask- ed ta contact any of the officers named above. It xvas decided ta start the Asrn ff--tha dnceat he Badminton Hall an Saturday, October 2, and play will start the week of October 3. Pros- pective menibers are cordialiv invited ta attend this dance, 1,hich is open ta the generaý- public. Information regarie-MI tickets; may be obtained frq'j Mrs. Fred Cole. The members have beený painting the dressing room]:, the playing floor and thje lounge in .readiness for the - ginning of the seasan, whicli it is hoped wiil be a very suc- ce.ssuone If You're TI R ALL THE T1IME Everybody gels a bit run-down now and then, tired-out, heavy-headed, and maybe bothereul by backaclses. Perhaps nothing seriously wrong, just a temporary toxic condition causeul by excess acids and wastes. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys, and so help restore their normal action of remnoving excess acids and wastes. Tlien you f ccl better, sleep better. work better. Get Dodd's Kidney 'Puil now. Looks for the blue box with the red band at al druggists. You can depend on Dodd's. 52 IN THE WILDEPNEGGS" A derisive term used in Toronto and Montreal newspapers when Ottawa was chosen as Coao's capital in 1858. ONE 0F A SERIES PRESENTED BY BREWERS SINCE 1786 million in the U.S.-' - . 'o1 Save on Meats This Weekend- DEVON -RND ON - SMOKED - TASTY SIDE BACON ROLLED - ONELESS - FRONT VEAL ROAT Dutstanding Values One Lb. 59c Lb. 4c 1b 5 1 Values effective Thursday, Friday, Saturday, September 16- 17 -19 I at Dominion Stores Ltd., Bowmanville, Ont. Men's Major First Sch4 Date Tîie 1-2 September- 22 7:00 7- 8 8:30 1- 2 29 7:00 10-11 8:30 4- 5 \' THE \A/}E,,TMIPJSTEP, youv home now. GRANULATED - - FINE SOCK UP FOR FALL S UGR 100 Lb. gag $7,98 'g- - m- ý miq TUE CANADIAN STATESM". ISOWMANVffýLE. ONTAIUO IrHTIRSDAY. 5-6 1 Lb.