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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Sep 1954, p. 11

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TTT~ !AN 1~A~ ~ & 'i YTRA7~.T7T I I~~YI' ~- -- . ----- . - ~ .* - " ~ ~'~~ ~uu £A~'.. P GPAGEV~ OronQ air Prize Lis~t rn, Mc1ntosh, 5 apples-Welli ton Farrow, L. A. Squair, Tamblyn. Wolf River, 5 apples-L. dSquair. L. Blenheim Pippin, 5 appît Lloyd Snowden. th Crab Apples, 12, any varit _R -. K. Squair. 'Spy, 5 apples-L. A. SquE C. Tamblyn, R. K. Squair. De!icious, 5 apples - R. Squair, C. Tamblyn, L. Squair. r. La.salle, 5 apples - C. T& 'i blyn. Golden Russet, 5 apples- SjA. Squair, Lloyd Snowden, Farrow. et Stark, 5 apples-L. A. Squa r. Lloyd Snowden. S- Baldwin, 5 apples - L. V- Squair, Lloyd Snowden. IGreenings, 5 apples - R. JSquair, W. Farrow, L. A. Squa Talman Sweet, 5 apples - ~.A. Squair, C. Tamblyn, W. Fz row. r, IPEARS )S Best collection of Pears, cc di rectly named, six varieties, 4 each kind-L. A. Squair. Five Bartlett-L. A. Squa R. K. Squair, C. Tamblyn. Five Flemish Beauty - R. Squair, J. H.' Jose, C. Tambly Five Buerre Bosec - L. Scjvair, J. H. Jose, R. K. Squa. Five Clanps Favorite - Tamblyn, Lloyd Snowden, J. n Jose. PLUMS Ton Bradshaw - Carlos Tar -blyn. Ten Burbank-Robt. Hendi & Sons. Ten Imperial Gage - J.1 Jose, Carlos Tamblyn. Ten Lombard - Mrs. W.1 Hoar, J. H. Jose. Ten Reinclaude - R. 1 Squair, J. H. Jose. Ten Prune Plums - Carl] Tamblyn, J. H. Jose, Robt. Hei dry & Sons. GRAPES Three bunches, Red, wit vine attached-Mrs. M. J. Tari blyn. Three bunches, Green, wi vine attached-Mrs. M. J. Tari blyn. Three bunches, Black, wit vine attached-Mrs, M. J. Tari blyn. COMMERCIAL FEATURE APPLES Five 6 qt. baskets Melba-4 H. Jose. Five 6 qt. baskets Duchess- Lloyd Snowden. Five 6 qt. baskets McIntos] -W. Farrow. Five 6 qt. baskets Scarle Pippin-J. H. Jose. One 6 qt. basket Clapps Robt. Hendry & Sons, Lloyi Snowden, J. H. Jose. One 6 qt. basket, Bartlett-J. E Jose, Lloyd Snowden. NEEDLECRAFT DEPT. Clasa 31 HOUSEHOLD LINEN Luncheon Set, embroidered cloth, 2 serviettes - Miss P Leach. Luncheon Set, cutwork, dlot] 2 serviettes-Mrs. G. H. Dean. Luncheon Set, crosstitch, dlott 2 serviettes-Mrs. E. Rainey. _Buffet Set, crocheted, 3 piecee -Mrs. W. G. Hawks. Buffet Set, tatted, 3 pieces- Alma Cuttle, Mrs. G. H. Dean Bridge Set, crocheted trin. med-Mrs. G. H. Dean. Pillow Cases, hemstitched- Mrs. M. Coates, Mrs. G. H. Dear, Pillow Cases, embroidered- Mrs. Dora Morris, Mrs. E Youngman. Pillow Cases, cut work-Mi&c P. Leach, Dora Morris. Pillow Cases, tatted work- Dora Morris, Mrs. G. H. Dean. Pillow Cases, crocheted trir - Mrs. M. Coates, Mrs. S, Moore. Pillow Cases, crosstitch em- broidery-Mrs. G. H. Dean, Mrs. W. Moorey, Mrs. S. Moore. Pillow Cases, knitted lace trim-Mrs. E. Youngman, Mrs. S. Moore. Set, embroidered Top Sheel, matching Pillow Cases-Mrs. G. H. Dean, Mrs. S. Moore. Set cutwork Top Sheet, matching Pillow Cases-Mrs. M. Coates. Guest Towels, 1 pair, match- ed-Mrs. E. Youngman, Mrs. S. ISAVed monev on My life Insurance bcueIbought SMutuel LAf poic.. 'When I teck out most cf rny lifo insurance, my first thought was 'How big a premiuni will I have te pay?' Thon a representative cf The Mutual Lii e cf Canada said: 'The real cest cf life insurance is the premiunis less thie arnount you'd roceivo in dividends.' '4He showed me the outstanding Sdividend record cf The Mutual Lie o~ f Canada. That convinced nme. "Over the years, I'm already several hundred dollars te the geed Iteck eut a Mutual Life pelicy." 1-àoget the bout protection for youa family at Iowest net cost, consuif The Mutual Life of Canada ropresentative in your comnmunity today. Your local Mutual Lif. of Canada ropr FLOYD H. McKINLEY Newcastle, Ontario I ms.ntat lys: 54L.2~-54 Phone MA !81 Moore, Mrs. M. Coates. Moore, Mrs. D. Thompson. Bath Towel, crocheted trim - Child's Sun Dress, cotton, 2 Dora Morris, Mrs. E. Young- to 6 ycars-Mrs. M. Coates, Mrs. man, Mrs. M. Coates. D. Thompson. Bath Towel, tatted trim - Child's Play Suit, overalîs Dora Morris, Mrs. E. Young- and Jacket, 2 to 6 yrs.-Mrs. W. man. 1Moorey. Tea Towels, embroidered, one Child's Dress, smocked, 2 to in'- pair-Dora Morris, Mrs. S. 4 years-Mts. M. Williams, Miss ' Moore, Mrs. W. B. Hoar. Prust, Mrs. W. Moorey. Individual Place Mats M Child's Dress, smocked, 6 to A.Mrs. L. Guly. 8 years-Connie Hooey. A. Mats mor Hot Dishes, 3 cr0- Infant's Dress, dainty, short, cheted-Mrs. M. Coates, Mrs. E. cotton-Mrs. M. Williams, Mrs. e-Youngman. D. Thompson. iey Centre Piece for Table, cr0- Infant's Jacket and Bonnet, hetty d, app. 18" dia.-Mrs. S. knit-Mrs. E. Youngman, Mrs. iai r, h apman, Connie Hooey, Mrs. 1.Moe M. Coates, Mrs. E. Youngman. Infant's Jacket and Bonnet, K. Centre Piece for Table, tat- crocheted-Mrs. E. Youngman, A.* ted, app. 12" dia.-Dora Morris, Mrs. W. Moorey. AI Ama Cuttle. FNYWR Table Cloth, crocheted, not C FAinCY WO-rK.S Moe am- less than 54 inches - Mrs. W. Csh .in, ikora S.Moore L.Moorey. Ms .RieDr ors -L* Fancy Handkerchief, 3 de- Knittingt Bag, felt, appliqued- W. sigos, hand inade-Mrs. G. H. Mrs. G. H. Dean. Dean, Mrs. M. Coates. Display of three hand made tair, QUILTS AND BEDSPREADS articles suitable for Christmas Quilt, appliqued and embrol- gifts. Limited cost $1.50 each- A. dered-Mrs. S. Moore, Miss P. Mrs. M. Coates, Mrs. S. Moore, KLeach. Mrs. G. H. Dean, Connie Hooey. air: Quilt, appliqued - Mrs. S., Petite Point, 1 pîece-Mrs. S. arMoore. Moore. Quilt, Cotton, pieced-Mrs. S. Needlework picture, framed1 7ar- Moore, Miss P. Leach. -Mrs. S. Prust, Mrs. E. Young- Quilt, fancy quilting - Mrs. mnan, Mrs. D.. Thompson. S. Moore. Pot Holders, 3 varieties, one of o-Bedspread, crocheted-Mrs. M.ech in- s.EYon an kof Coates. Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. P. Leach. Bedspread, quilted -Miss p. 4-ticle in Leather Handicraft air, Leach, Mrs. S. Moore. -'irs. S. Moore, Mrs. G. H. Afghan, croche'ed - Mrs. M. Dean. K. Coates. BOYS' WEAR yn. Afghan, knitted - Mrs. S. Boy's sleeveless Pullover- A. Moore. Mrs. D. Thompson. air.1 LADIES' VVEAR BEoyýs Overalls-Mrs. S. Moor- C. Eedacket, wool - 2ârs. M. 'OY. H. Coates, Mrs. W. Moorey. Doy's Shirt, 6 to 10 years- Houscdrezýs. smart st yle, one Mrs. M. Coates, Mrs. D. Thomp- piece-VIrs. M. Coates, Mrs. S. son, Mrs. S. Moorey. (m- Moore. RUGS Kitchen Apron, practical style, Hearth Rug, wool, hooked- Iry cotton-Mrs. M. Staples, Mrs. Mrs. P. Leach, Mrs. S. Moore. M. Coates, Mrs. S. Moore. Hearth Rug, rag, hooked - H-. Kitchen Apron, plestic-Mrs. Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. M. Coates. S. Moore. Bedroom Rug, any kind - B. Apron, fancy-Alma Cuttie, Mrs. P. Leach, Mrs. M. Coates. Mrs. G. H. Dean, Mrs. S. Moore. OA HKN TNG C - K. Ladies' Blouse, smockcd or OAC KNTIG OM t embroidered-M\,rs. W. Moorev. PANY SPECIAL los Ladies' Sun Dress, matching For the best exhibit in La- n- jacket-Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. M. dies' Work, of a garment thatE Coates. has been knitted with Monarch ? After Ski Socks - Mrs. M. Yarns. Bands from the Mon- Coates, Mrs. W. Moorey. arch Yamns used must be dis- t th Cardigan, wool knit-Connie played with the exhibit-Spe-1 m- Hooey, Mrs. W. Moorey. cial Prize $5.00. - Mrs. 'D.( Pullover Sweater, knit, wool Thompson. th -Mrs. M. Coates. "NEW CANADIANS"O EXHIBITt m-MEN'S WEAR The New Canadians in Dur- ith Work Socks, handknit-Mrs. ham Central District have nS. Moore, Mrs. M. Coates. agreed to put on an Exhibition Fine Socks, handknit-Mrs. S. of Fancy Work or Handcmaft of Moore, Connie Hooey. any kind. Don't fail to see thist Socks, diamond knit-Mrs. S. Exhibit-Mrs. Dick, Mrs. Hart- Moore. emink. .. Pyjalnas, cotton - Mrs. M. WOESINTUE Coates, Mrs, S. Moore. OEI NTTT - Pyjamas, flannelette-Mrs. S. DEPARTMENT Moore. HOME HOBBIES sh Mitts, wool, handknit -Mrs. Enniskillen, Tyrone, Bow- M. Coates. manville, Orono, Blackstock. [et Sleeveless Sweater, handknit DOMESTIC SCIENCE 2 --Mrs. W. Moorey. Class 34' h -d CHILDREN'S WEAR One Loaf, White Bread, ap- Child's Mîtis, fancy knit - prox. 24 ozs.-Mrs. C. Tamblyn,- H.Mrs. M. Coates, Mrs. D. Thomp- Mrs. C. W. Downey. son. One Loaf Whole Wheat Bread Child's Cardigan - Mrs. S. approx. 24 ozs.-Mrs. A. W Steel, Mrs. C. Tamblyn. Business Directory Fruit Loaf, yeast-Mrs. Don _____________________Thompson, Mrs. C. Tamblyn. d, lPan of Buns-Mrs. C. Tam-. B P.L E G A L blyn, Mrs. A. W. Steel. R Pan Chelsea Buns-Mrs. A. h, STRIKE and STRIKE W. Steel, Mrs. Don Thompson.V Barristers, Solicitors Six Tea Biscuts-Mrs. W. G. ýh Notaries Public Hawke, Mrs. Wm. Tomlinson. - W. R. Strike, Q.C. Six Bran Muffins-Mrs. R. G. 40 A. A. H. Strike. B.A. Moffat, Mrs. W. B. Hoar. 40Ring St. W. Telephone 791 Six Scones-Mrs. R. G. Mof-- Bowmanville fat, Mrs. A. W. Steel. LAnNE~ SN .. Banana Cake, iced-Mrs. D. LAWRNCE . MAON, .A.Hall, Mrs. R. G. Moffat. oary Pub, Slictr Jelly Roll, lemon filllng - Nig t. W.-ubowanii e Mrs. R. G. Moffat, Mrs. Ed KigS. .-Bwmnil Youngman. Phones: Office 688 - Res. 553 Angel Cake (made In tube JOHN REGAN, B.A. pan), not iced-Mrs. Jack Reid, Barrister Mrs. Stan Allen. ss Noary PblieLayer Cake, dark chocolate 3 eprNe tary Plic 292 ced-Mrs. D. Hall, Irs. Carlos Temp mant. he 392Tamblyn. BowmavilleLayer Cake, light, Iced-fMrs. n MISS APIIA I. HODGINS Stan Allen, Mrs. S. Moore, 3. Barrister, Solicitor, Date Loaf-Mrs. D. Hall, Mrs. Notary Public Stan Allen. iTemperance St. - Bowmanville Six Cup Cakes, Iced-Mrs. E. S. R. Rainey, Mrs. R. G. Moffat. D E N TA L Spice Cake, caramel iced, ýe_________________ square-Mrs. A. W. Steel, Mrs. S. DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Stan Allen. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. Fruit Cake, uniced, approx. 2 40 King St. W. - B3owmanville lbs.-Mrs. C. W. Downey, Mrs. J. HNTERAND OMPAY IFour practicai ways of semv- Ct.fiUNedubiACOMntANYs ing tomatoes-Mrs. M. J. Tam- 64 Kie Pie Streetan blyn. Mrs. Stan Allen. 64KiSta et1E2 Working man's lunch -Mrs. Oucssoasto O5S.6 obb D. Hall, Mrs. Ed Youngman. Succssos t 0. . Hbbs Chili Sauce - Mrs. Connie CHIROPRACTIC Hooev , Mrs. Stan Allen. _________________________ Pckles, sweet mixed-Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. R. Van Homne. G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Mustard Relish -Mrs. Don Chiropractor Thompson, Mrs. Connie Hooey. Office: Pickles, bread and butter - Specialty Paper Produets Bldg. Mrs. E. Rainey, Mrs. D. Hall. 63 Temperance St. - Phone 509 Collection Canned Fruit, four Office Hours: By Appointment varieties, pint gems-Mrs. D. O ~T o M T Y Hall, Mlrs Don Thompson. and strawberry pint gems, cook- KEITH A. BILLETT ed by pressure - Mrs. W, B. Optometrist Hoar, Mrs. Stan Allen. 141 King St. E. - Bowmanville SEIL Telephone 3252 SEIL Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 pm One pr. Chiekens, dressed for g4onday to Saturday market-lst prize 1 case of9 erxcept Wednesday. 9 - 12 canned goods donated by Can- 9 Evenings by Appointment adian Canners Ltd., Bowman- ville; 2nd Prize $1.00; 3rd Prize JOHN A. OVENS 7-c -Mrs. W. G. Hawke, Mrs. Optometrist I orY, Mrs. C. Tamblyn. Jury & Lovell Bowmainville I 1 rCieken, roasted and gar- Phone 77ï8 nished on iplatter - lât Prize :uFOs Mrs.R L. Guy $3.00 Mdse., donated by Hoop- er's Jewellery and Gift Shop, Bowmanville; 2nd Prize $1.00; 3rd Prize 75c.-Mrs. W. Farrow, Mrs. C. Tamblyn, Mrs. Moorey. Luncheon Plate for 2 persons laid on Card Tables. Points - Food 60; Table Centre 20; Tea- eloth, china and flatware 20. Ta- 'bles will be provlded. Prizes- lst. $5.00; 2nd. $3.00-Mrs. E. Rainey, Mrs. D. Hall. NEW EXHIBITORS Cake (iced) any kind - lst Prize $3.00; 2nd $2.00; 3rd Prize $1.00; 4th Prize $1.00. (No entry fee required for this class>. Cash awards for above 2 class- es: Domninion Store, Bowman- ville $10.00; McGregor Hard- ware, Bowmanville $5.00-Mrs. A. W. Steel, Mrs. J. H. Lowery, Mrs. Gord Watson. CANAD3A PACKER SPECIAL Canada Packers Pies-Mrs. A. W. Steel, Mrs. Don Thompson, Mrs. R. G. Moffat. Cakes-Mrs. D. Hall, Mrs. D. Thompson, Mrs. S. Moore. SIMPSON-BEARS LTD., SPECIAL A piece of silver, value $14.95, for the lady winning most points ln Class 31 (Needlecraft) and Class 34 (Domestic Science)- Mrs. S. Moore, FLOWERS AND ]PLANTS Class 30 Carnations, collection- Mrs. L. Guy, Miss P. Leach, Mrs. Tink. Rose, best display, one con- tainer-Mrs. A. Hooey, Mrs. L. Guy, Mrs. Tlnk. Rose, best single bloom-Mrs. L. Guy, Mrs. M. G. Tamblyn, Mrs. J. Reid. Zinnia, pom-pom, collection- A. Whitnee, M rs. S. Moore, Mrs. J. Reid. Zinnia, large-flowered, six bloom-Mrs. W. Hooey, Mrs. J. Reid, Robt. Hendry & Son. Zinnia, 5 blooms, any other variety-Mrs. J. H. Lowery, Mrs. A. Whitnee, Mrs. A. Hooey. Dahlias, collection. (not more than 10 blooms, one container) -Mrs. Van Horn, Mrs. L. Guy. Dining-table bouquet (not to exceel 12")-Mrs. S. Burns, Mvrs. Van Horn, Mrs. Tink. Living-room bouquet, (con- tainer to be a vase) - Mrs. S. Burns, L. Oughtred, Mrs. L. Guy.. Best basket of Glads, (artis- tically arranged)-L. Oughtred, Mfrs. Tink, Mrs. A. Whitnee. Gladioli, arranged in low bowl-L. Oughtred, Mrs. Van HIorn, Mrs. Tink. Miniature Bouquets, collec- tion, (not less than three, and not to exceed 6" in height)- Mfrs. Tlnk, Mrs. L. Guy, Mrs. W. B. Hoar. Best arranged High Basket (not less than 32" in height)- L. Aughtred, Mrs. Van Horn, vfrs. Tinik. Low Basket (not to exceed 20" in height) - L. Oughtred, v!rs. A. Hooey, W. Farrow. Boutonniere, 3-aIl different -W. Farrow, Mrs. Tink. Dlsh Garden (not to exceed 12" in diameter) - Mrs. Tink, vlrs. L. Guy, Mrs. Stan Allen. Corsage - L. Oughtred, W. !'arrow, Mrs. Van Horn. Asters, collection - Mrs. Burns, Mrs. L. Guy, Mrs. J. Reid. Asters, white, 4 bloom-Mrs. Van Homn>, Mrs. S. Burns. Asters, sheli pink, 4 bloom -Mrs. L. Guy, Mrs. S. Burns. Asters, Rose, 4 bloom-Mrs. S. *Asters, Red, 4 bloorn-Mrs. S. Burns, Mrs. L. Guy. Asters, Mauve, 4 bloom-Mrs. *S. Burns, Mrs. L. uy. *Asters, Purple, 4 bloom-Mrs. L. Guy, Mrs. S. Burns. Marigold, African, 8 bloom - Mrs. L. Guy, MrsI Van Horn. Marigold, French, best dis- play-Mrs. Tink, Mrs. Coates. Nasturtiumns, collection-Mrs. Tink, Mrs. M, Morris. Scabiosa, 12 bloom-Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. S. Burns. Petunias, single, plain, 8 sprays-Mrs. S. Burns, Mrs. S. H. Dean. iPetunias, single, fancy, eight sprays-Miss P. Leach, Mrs. L. Guy, Petunlas, double, 8 bloom -j Mrs. P. Leach. Stocks, collection - Mrs. L. Guy, A. Whitme. Verbenas, collection - Mrs. Alice Hooey, A. Whitme. Salvia, not less than 6 bloom -Mrs. P. Leach, Mrs. L. Guy. Snapdragons, collection-Mrs. L. Guy, Mrs. Moore. Phlox, drummondi, collection -Mrs. Moore. Mrs. Whitme. Cosmos, collection - Mrs. Moore, Mrs. L. Guy. Dahlias, Cactus, 2 blooms, with foliage-Mrs. Van Horn, Mrs. Guy. Dahlias, decorative, 2 blooms, with foliage - Mrs. Van Horn, Mrs. Don Thompson. Dahlias, pom-pom, 4 blooms -Mrs. Van Horne, Mrs. L. Guy.' bahlias, Miniature, 4 bloom., (2 to 4 ins.)-A. Whitme, Mrs. Van Horne. Dahlias, best bloom, any var- iety-Mrs. L. Guy, Mrs. Van Horne. Gladioli, single spike, any' color, named - L. Oughtred, Mrs. Van Horne. Gladioli, white, 2 spikes, named-L. Oughtred, J. H. Jose.; Gladioli, Red, 2 spikes, nal-- ed-Mrs. S. Burns, Mrs. R. Van Horne. Gladioli, Pink or Rose, 2 spikes, named - L. Oughtred, ,Mrs. S. Burns. Gladioli, Yellow, two spikes, named - Mrs. Van Horne, L. Aughtred. Gladioli, A.O.K. 2 spikes, named-A. Whitme, Mrs. S Burns. CASE DEALER Ring St. W. Bowmanville Boy, Scouts PAPER DRIVE siarfing ai 6 p.. Friday, Sept. l7th Residents are requested to have thefr papers tl.d in bundies and placed on the boulevard in front cf their home&s. Your co-operation will b. appr.clated. 19 îI=W==m When you buy 'b1ue coal'-you buy quality ... a hard coal that contains more heat per ton. 'blue coal' burns with a steady even heat that means big savings on your heating budget. Insist on this quality colormarked coal, your assurance of clean, healthy comfort. Why settie for anything less-when the best costs no more? Buy 'blue coal' and SAVEI Order today from- 5heppumd & Gwui Lumber Co. Limiàted 6 King St., E Bowmanvillie Phone 715 Autliorized 'blue coal' dealer 84-27 Mrs. L. Guy, Mrs. Tink. Pansies, best collection, not more than 12 blooms-Mrs. I. Guy, Robt. Hendry & Sons.j Tuberous Begonias, ln bloomn -Mrs. Connie Hooey, Miss P. Leach. Bouquet, suitable for child in Hospital-Mrs. R. Van Horne, Mrs. Tink. Bouquet, modernistic arrange- ment, suitable for a Hall-Mrs. L. Guy, Mrs. R. Van Honef, Mrs. S, Burns. Federal unemployment ln- surance benefit payments to- talled $73 million in 1951, iý .4 million in 1952, $152 millioni in 1953. For the first four months of 1954 the total was $108 million. Conserve moisturo und topsoil by deep plowlng wtthGLENCOEOI Cushion Mums. Bounuet Phono 497 M Phone 497 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMT-r- MmrAwm . .. the sub-tIIIer with fast power fift The ruged Gicncoe sub-tiiier plow reaks up the hardpa ailowing moisture go be absoîbea faster and deeper. The exclusive power lift (or alternative hydrau. lic lift) enables the plow to ho raised or iowered, instantly---irom the tra ctor seat. Penetration may be set at any depth up to l4*. Each shank bas strong double aprings for fast, trouble free clearance of obstacles. Glencoe frices are lower-5', 70, 10' or 12 models available. Wtite for your (mec foider. Ask for a Demonstration W. He BROWN ý à ~m mv q

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