T!CWADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVILL, ONTARIO THU-RSDAY. 1,ÇFr Rloth. lam Cattie Classes Draw Many Entries at Fair lkj Back beyond the excitement of the track where crowd.,,f interested dairy and cattie farrr the races and other ententainment wene in progress, the animais were shown at this vear's West Di vanjous cattie classes were judged and inspected by a large at Onono Friday and Satunday. Playgrounds The Playgnourdý weeks ago after a ful summer progr pervi.sors did an conducting their sports, games, ant etc. j, "LORý DOREEI Radio and TVb Phone 274 Niagara, Peninsula a Recreation ~Î Mine of Canadian Hic Revues l As Reviewed by Ferguc By AL VAIL r One of the most popular trips to recapture1 ifor motorists, including honey- from the Ameri moon couples, is to Niagara buried at the b, Summary Four hundred and eighty-six Falls. It is one of the greatest il. s closed three Bowmanvjlle children register- beauty spots in Ontario and at- Up towards àvery success- ed with the Recreation Dept. tracts thousands of people eachI the rebujît For ra.The su- and used the playground facili- year. There is also historicail eral interestini excellent job ties this summer. One hundred significance and importance to tnies frorn Quý program of and two children participated this area which we sometimes the site of V. ts and crafts, in the Recreation Department'r overlook. To refresh our read- One gun fired learn to swim programme at ers' mind on this point we are October 13th, the Boy's Training School Pool. reproducing an article fromn the American inv Each playground had several Fergus News-Record, by Bill farther on is special days throughout the Templin, son of Dr. Hugh Temp- General Brock summer, such as "Indian Day", lin, farnous weekly publisher orite unit andu "Decorated Bikes", "Plays" etc. and author, which makes most "Press on, Y( - Our annual picnic'for the Play- interesting reading and should , grounds was held at Orono also have the tendency of urging Just above Q Park with one hundred and another trip in the near future edge of the h( fortv-nine parents, chu dren and to this historîcal area. The spot where thE suprvsos ttndig.Th sm-article fof-lows: also marked. supevisos atendng.The um-these places, th~ mer closed with the annual The Niagara Peninsula be- fan-off battie field day and crafts dispiay, tween Niagara- On -The-Lake and heard. with one hundred and twenty- Fort Erie is one of the Most five children attending. intenesting spots in this part of From the ver * *the Province. Usually, a men- ston Heights, t 04Basebal tion of Niagara means honey- scene stretches1 moons and such, but for the Tlie gently curv Congratulations to the Bow- penson who is interested it also er that wasn't manville Bantam Lgonie means a step back into histony.' October day; th- for a very successful season, In The Niagara frontien was the tefo f'h winning the Lakeshone Bantarn scene of many important engage- was called then, League titie. Also congratula- ments in the War of 1812-1814. icans landed aný Ld tions are in store for Donnie What is more interesting is that of the invaders osBagnell's team on winning the great pains 'have been taken to in the late af ter town"PeeWee" title. prescerve this bit of history. On etrw i * aliActvites ~ themidle f Ocobe, 112,icer in the Yor] In te midleof Otobr, 112,sentence in it: Fa,,Actiitie thearmy of the United States oun peaceful sh The Recreation Dept. will of Amnenica attempted an in- principled neigh hold Registration Night for its vasion of Canada across the inated mn the eni fall activities on Wednesday, Niagara River. This was just army with eve, Sept. 29th. The activities will one of the battles that consol- ovelr, ot excep be much the same as last year. idated forever the British hold dards, with th, If you should desire any infor- on the florthern part of North device of the mation regarding fal ctivi- America. uo h lb. ties please feel free to contact Along the Canadian side of pon 11theb. ordepartment. Orp ans e the Niagara River are cairns and on1813.oebe MES not finalized but we will be re- Plaques marking variousim j leasing our faîl program sched- portant events in the War of ule in the very near future. 1812. On top of the high bill * * * at Queenston is the tail memon- . Office Moves To Arena ial to General Brock, the gallant Anyone desiring information ofcrwof i ntefg tn from our department after Fn '*I day, Sept. 17, please caîl the imeet on Wednesday, Sept. 29, Arena Office. We are moving at 4:00 p.m. Corne on boys let'ý, our office fnom the Lions Com- j have a good turnout from both RN WA( rnunity' Centre to the Arena for age groups! A A Mînor HockeyTh Teen Town Club will wi meeting, of ail Pee Wee lhold their opening dance on 1w N boy s, inlerested in plaving hoc- Fridav, Sept. 17. Corne on nowv, Vi R URI Service ke'v, wilbe held at the Arenia kids, let's corne out and sup- THE .~ JI l on uesavSept. 28, at 4.00 port your Club! 1ý ___ pmboys o atr g i 0f anamag w Tlin yW.M.S. DEENALE r Pays Tribue REPAIR WORK Y To Mrs. PickardJI~WI ALWAYS PAYS f Bring your car troubles tc expert repair mien and get the job done right the FIRST tme. You'll save money in the end! Drive in. Frank's Gare Phaone 3231 Bowmanv ille 72 S The September meeting af TrnitY Afternoon Auxiliary was held in the S.S. Room on Tuesday, September 17 with Mrs. Ives in the chair and Mrs. r ~Hincock at the piano. Mrs. Ive.3 Sopenedth meeting with pnay- M rs. Jamieson was in change of the worship'senr'ice assisted by Mns. Brooks, Mrs. Gibbs and jMrs. Hardy the topic being "A -'Nation Befone God." M ns. Black accompanied, by lUMrs. Cole sang a beautifu i solo. Te offering was received by Mns. Nicholls and Mrs. Hut- ~~chinson and ded tdb r. Jamieson. edctdbMr Mrs. C. A.« Wight in a feiv words paid a verv fittmng tri-j e bute to the memony of the late Mns. A. W. Pickard who had been a valued member of Tria-j ity W.M.5. for rnany yeans. Mns. Hoskin reviewed oun new Study Book, "'The Churcli in India". Mrs. Ives presided over the business session wheîu secretaries gave their reports. S the treasurer and diffenent I Ms.Ivs reminded the ie- âg e Ibers ofvthe Au t u m n R a 11ofVhe Eastern section of W.M.S. to be cugog St. held in Tynone on Oct. 5th. The meeting closed with the MLiipahi ben"dction. 1I1 a.-..al a -eoezM commancters on both sides ca-n be approved or condemneçi. Out- M side the cities along the river, progress hasn't advanced enough. to change the scenery. It is stili thene to be admired. The present monument to Gen- eral Bnock On Queenston Heights - sn't the original one. It was E L estryedby a renegade Irish- EL dmanrinea fit of anger. The present one was sponsoed by a wealthy railroad magnate of the L district, who was intenested in keepin histr alive. Even it NfOW! hs eý darnaged tims top and broke off a great chunk EVICE of the upper part of the body. That piece still sits at the base or I410 f the monument and it seems or ~rather symbolic. In human form and in stone, General Brock was mortally wounded on the hill in the Niagara district. ne s A more or Iess leisurel rtrip lel CO. 1ms ntrsigexperience 'You most crucial stages in our j 2 Scountry's hîstory. Here was de- 33 cîded the fate of our nation for bui&edis ci «M e fb oe. FILL UP PROMPT SE Phone 897, Osbort Coal & Fu( ORONO M.Clarence and Roy Bur- Iley, Mrs. Hazel Robinson and SMrs. Willis Farrow arrived home from a moton trip and visiting relatives in Treherne, Manitoba. Mr. and Mns. L. Buckley, Pe- ten oro ghspent a few days with Mrs. Harve"ý Curtis and attended Orono Fair. Mrs. Giddus Jones, Bowman-1 ville, visited Mrs. E. Evans. HCongratulations to Mrs. M. H. Langrnaid, Oshawa, whoj birthday. ~. Mr. and Mrs. A. Clough and Mr. Arthur Clough, Trenton, spent Sunday with M. and Mrs. Jim Major and farnily. ~ T Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brown, T orônto, were guests o r and Mrs. J. C. Garney and called on several friends in MidswayveyCobbledick pass- faîl on Saturday. Funeral was from Onono United Church on Tuesday, Sept. 14. Interment Orono Cemeteny. Mrs. John MeManus of AI- bany, N.Y., visited with her sister In Oshawa, also with Mrs. Patton and Mrs. Rose Osborne and friends, Newcastle. '~ s~ , ~ Congratulations to Mr. John i Moat, Oakville, on his 96th birthday today. ~ ~. *~ Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Cuttel, 4'Westfield, N.Y.. were Fair Day guests of Miss Alma Cuttel. Mn. and Mrs. Charles Johns, ' Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. SGeorge Cowthen and sons, >:, Newcastle, visited Mr. and Mrs. CalsWood. iMrand Mrs. Bruce Thomp- Json, Cobourg, Mr. and Ms. W. W. Mutton, Casteton, were SFair Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'RR.Waddell. Mn. and Mrs. Leland Keat, ~ Toronto, visited M. and Ms. S.,Wm. Davey and attended the Fair. iers. Many fine M. and Mrs. Ross Patton urhami Fair held and Larry, Oshawa, visited Mrs. Patton and Ms. Osborne. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robet Chamberlain, To- ronto, on their marriage at Tinity United Church Parson- GôId age, Sept. 1llth by Rev. T. A. Morgan. Ms. Chamberlain was storyformerly Freeda Wilson Keith of Onono. M. and Mrs, Wm. Jordon, Editor Ajax, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. s Editor Mitchell, Fair Day. Mn. and Mrs. Harry Mercen this strategic hill called Sunday on Dr. and Mrs. icans. His body is John H. Leslie and daughter, ase of the rnemor- Petenborough. Miss Grace Smith, Tyone, Lake Ontario and spent Fair weekend with M. t George are sev- and Mrs. Wm. Miller. g9 spots. A feýv Mr. and Mrs. Tom Foster, Mr. ,eenston village is Rennie Foster, Toronto, and rooman's battery. Mns. Cooper, Oshawa, werei over 100 shots on visiting friends and attended D-Day for the the Fair. vasion. A little Miss Manion McKelvey, To- the spot where ronto, spent past week visiting :greeted his fav- Mrs. Fred Brimacomb and Miss ittered the words, C. Stewart and Mn. Neil Stew- 1ork Volunteers!", art. ýueenston, on the Mrs. Orme Gery is a patient eights, the exact in Memorial Hospital, Bow- e General fel is manville. When you stop at Ms. Frank Parker, former~ e sounds of that Foence Eddy, passed awayj can alrost be very suddenly at her Ysidence, 3rd Line of Clark. Funeral wa3 ry top of Queen- held on Tuesday, Sept. 14th with interment in Orono cem- the whole battle etery. before Your eyes. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Millenr, vi0 quietaon that Kingsvilie, spent their vacation ue lqtietvillageat with Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Miller. 'Mountain," as it Mn. and Mrs. Joe Smith, whee te Aer-Buffalo, N.Y., Mn. and Mns. Les id where the ast Vitue, Pot Peny, called Sun- :was annihilated day on M. and Mrs. Wr. J. noon. Riddel and M. and Ms. J. ritten b an of-Bal k Militia has this M. and Mrs. Morley Brooks The invasion of and M. and Mrs. Lloyd Red- oresby is ~ dick, Picton, Mr. and Mrs. Herb uors, hais tur- Gilbank, Woodbridge, Mrs. E. ire loss of thein Hall and Miss Peggy Gulliver, ýrything brought Port Hope, visited Mr. Frank ting their stan- Cooprand n ndM.O ie very modest Cwn Eagle perched M. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnston, Oshawa* spent Fair Day with Niagara district Miss Brtha Cain. ýcame a battie 7 ý gnound. This time, the Amer- ~ icans succeeded in capturing Fort George, near the m uh 0 the Niagara River. The tet with an TELE VISION SET SUPER CASCODE MODEL -s379.95s The e igS.W 3 M 0 King St. W. Bowmanville Phone 3262 hop pi 4* -j>~- SEE ANO HEAIR THE CA] BETha > p 0 BEST Bowmanville