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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Sep 1954, p. 13

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Calforia atîgTabe SO*kN~.~ een declared on upland game CaioneFiit EtnTbeOokN.1bird, mn the Lindsay District. TOKAY RAPES hich itncludas the Counties aof onVictoria, Peterbor- APPLS 6cit ask79c34 cllobag ScýPartridge (grouse) including British Co!umbra Fancy * pnuce Partridge: BARTETTPEAR 6 or 2c * October 2nd ta Octoben 1l]th, BARTLETT PEARS 6 ic, 29c and fmom oebr8htN- White Table Stoci: No. 1 vember 20th,' 1954, in the Coun- P~T TOE 10lb ag 9 *ties of HaliburtonVictoria, Pet- YeHow Ontri;oNo the:Township of Cartwright, Bag limit i. 5 bird. per day with a possession limit ai 15 191ccCbirds at anc time. November îst ta Navember 6th, 1954, ini the' Townships af Clarke and Daml- S UPER IG T M~ATS ington o! Durham County, hr the bag limit is 3 bird. per day PORK SALEand not mone than 15 birds may! E Huaganian Pantridge: Shanke.a * September 8th ta N vemben' po*K~~ ~ ~ ~ HO L M R A T13.k 2th, 1954, in al parts ai the * PO K S'4O LDIRROA T ~ >~< Lindsay District except Clarke tyK and Darlington Townships o!f DuhmCounty, November lst ?e RKBUTTROAS toNovember 6th. in Clarke and' Darlington Townships. * Soaf ~Possession lixit is 8 birds pený PORK TENDIRLOIN b 79e c.y:and not more than 16 in EusexrndC~antr Stye or mallLnkPheasants:an Ç iia dUR CoWnry SyeUrSrailLn Octoben 27th ta October 30th *Super Right Riridiest, Smoked 3Lindsay Dintilt. h * SIE BA ON bfl< Bag lîiit in three oock bird. *Oven Ready NOTE-A special township ** RAD A U~K b 5< license isrequined ta hunt GR D Àrs Caught 16k àrSc Pheasants, rabbits or fox in thé, Fros Cauht ake rieTownships o! Clarke on Darhing- Pton o! Durham County. B ASS F&LLITS bà43 * The Pelce Island' pheasant j Mscason is set fon the dates ofj 0 rie« Octaben 27th and 28th ' 1954,ý affemi* with a possession limit o! 14, e.' lu S u e a k t birds fan the twa day. rd.y rom 1941 ta 1951 the rlirt' 'lation'y3 per cent. A~~ 0E.YRFRNEONSOR NCLE Group Type Symp- toms Usual age of Caif Medi- cation IN JElCTIOUS WHITE c (INFECTIOUS) High Temperature Poor Appetite Glassy Eye. Droopy Appearanet Scourfng * One lVeek to Six Months Scourex or Scourex * Tablets Sconrex Comlpound Llquld or Tableta DEFICIENCY SHIPPING FEVER ad PNEUMONIA Hcavy Breathing Higli Temperature Cougliing Scouring One Week to Aduit Age Fevrex Cal! i. duli Shows no vltality Refuse« ta get up Breathes heavily UsuallY the first Twenty-four heurs of ife Preventex Tablet. ,Regular Preventex Tablets wlth Streptomycin U or iaoieu Liqui or Tble Musyulexr Tablet.n -&qu&Llquld or Tableta NOTE--To prevent the various deficiency diseases and assure healthy calves, eveny new-horn caif should be given PREVENTEX TABLETS .EGULAR or PREvENTEX TABLETS ýwith STREPTOMYCIN, starting at binth. PREVENTEX TABLETS contain Vitamins A,- D, B-Complex, C. E. with Trace Elements Cobalt, Iran, Potassium, Sulpur and Manganese in a Calcium Phosphate Base. Pon appetite No intcrest in food or drink Scours intermittently One wcek te six moaths Preventex Tablet. Regular Preventex Tablets PHOSPHORUS and VITAMIN E Animal walks stlffly as with nheumatism: Finally goes down and refuses to get up; wil cat and drink, howcver. Scouns (tenerally) Three to %L, mon ths __ Ix abet VITAMIN B-C OMPLEX Animalslilck theni- selves contlnually; chew boards; hair ceat i. duil and rough; have poor aPPetite; usually Two te six months Preventex Tablet. Regular JUIRY &LOVELL 3hone 778 DOWIW BWViiiO n 'r I I I p I i M i B i hI E 1 c vi 6 1 -.77, TlblTýin- VITAMN A COBALT M4 Tff~THECANADIN STATESMAN, BOWMAVTLL,_ONTAPMX Farm e s Pl n PettionYELVERTON C.C.F. SpeakerE Mr- and Mrs. Wm. MCalle, steaming hot corn were pre- Gif tCmite r.J ar e s P a e i i nENNISKILLEN Mr. 0. Malley, Oronowee is pared by Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd and r.E cai;Hsia HerY!HerY!Wokoitors atMr. and Mrs. E.lAshton. The corn was donatied conveoMs .Tei.Fl Her e Ha Y! ok nSympathy ta Mr, and Mrs. J. Wright's. to theegirLs by Mr. andMrs.eF.lowin ebuins O n W heat M arke fin g ton nearscornpletion! Ater oly psigWersry.r Ms oa r ndMs m.Hw "Broad" Road south of Yelver- A. Werry and family on te tMran Ms.W.he 0lin . bfè tlunchlarewas les ckein w 9passihotng rs iprobis sisty, f er. s Nraand family attended te oi uftsyefo ag alscp n acr ssel ev There w as a good represen- keting Schem e ini its entirety. on this 1/ of a m ile stretch w ilI "W r y f e r n e d ng A n v r a y of he r n h e a n. S il y M is nd ng t e c m u t . L n h w s tation from five townships pres- This matter was reviewed and soo fi be concluded. Thi M. a d M s r nk D ra d p r ns r. a d M s o m n Cester s M ilspr made o brif se v d y M s. L W an, M s ent at the regular meeting uf it was decided tG have the time Indian trail has beenre were Sunday tea guests of Mr. Moore, Trenton. Fifty guests "pehsi epeso Foar W oel ndM.J imn Directors of the Durham Coun- wheat produers petitioii the vamped and extended in width ad rsAbetO.ateedtscebato.M.pcainnd ahl sang NFo tY Federatiorn of Agriculture, Ontario Dept. of Agriculture. ta accommodate fot one Indian Mr. and Mns. W. H. Moore, is and Mrs. Wm. Howell spent a They Are Jolly Good Fellows" r n r.AlnWr3 )eld on Sept. 1 at the hom e of T he petition as ta be of at but a w hole tribe. F or benefit ?m r v g S O l .f w d y i h t e .t h c r n r . L o d w r i n r g e t n S n . 31r. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer, least 10% of the Durhami wheat of those fot "in the know" this Ms H. Mills attended the M*~r. and Mrs. F. Cowing, htn, r. Tand Mr.J.Aen- t .ad Mrsa.rrb n R R. 2, Nesteton. Twenty di- producers. is part af that road oiginated P tter and T anlinson wedding B aclstck, visited Mr. and Mrs. had reld. Tihe Lat di eday Whte and teMgr.a o r e t o s e r r e e n . d g r A f e r t h p t t i n a s b e n b y t h e I n d i a r s a s a p o r t a g e i n - B o w m a n v i l e o n S a t u r d a y . R . M c N e i l . w tG o d N i h L a e sn d r . n r s . E L e e Nichois, R. R. 3, Port Hope, eevdb h iit r ofth etKwrth LakesOnarifactno Mr. Edwin OmsoCu- Ms .Milis, Port Penny,Tas president, was in the chair . h a at a L k s a f c otc , r c nl iie r n p n e a s wt r n f M s . P c ei g w n n c o n w t th F e - A g ricu ltu re , 'lie th en se ts u p self - resp ec tin g , M is. S y-lvia M g 1 H a m.s. L e o ar S t in o n l oncinwtth e-procedure for a vote in which acso o-tcrcni iie n n pn e aswt n n erven.Colub met at th oeitnseta1ekwt3n er2:Wncam sie, he ecetay, hipingredkinwold areta r.shippinge Bileredskin an wou.lFdBrdcarer orao wa66intructd tofvte.edim ta ame i thespstnha cg'ilsn ampsit tedcrta,62/%0fteroursm t admit. Its greatest distinction, Douglas, Scarboro Bluffs, Mn. Bowmanvile, accompanied by corn erwr letd rs vt.adMradMs. Fred BMcillett and Mr. and Mr. P.eFn Bley, pr iesn.Floigofcsfr__________ and rs.Keih MGii, Bw- n. nd rs~BenCol, Rch-idet. Mrs. W. Howelis; Vice- In tefrtsxmnh f15 fI opr t a h e r se s o Appointed ta look after the been its inaccessibility due to.Mr. A bha î f a th e F de a i n w l p etition in th e vario u s t w n sn ow from th e first w hite frost rR . S a e! l , M s . PM n c. a d M s . G I Traveeiltrsee o tw- cGll rear, Mrs. . Lashetn;Sc-themot ecee eprab 0eE îlo andel tap wls.ships were: Darlington-Ewart in the faluntil the 24th of May, Mrcese . n, Mrs. W M. andBrc shd it Seretary, Mrs. .stton; $175,900,ooo he d irors ad een en-es Leask, Charles Osborne, Gien Aiter much passing o! the buck, \Tese Ms W 'edehace, Beth and Bue, Ohwa, ___________________________L._______________$175,_ T h e i rç t o r h a b e n e - P c k el , B b H n d r ; C a rk = vT a n o n to , w e re r e c e n t te a g u e s ts M . a n d M rs . O . C . A s h to n . deavouring ta secure some ad- FncBoHedyClke pu-tey speaking, ofai aoida .a va nAacm Panombe LeGresley, Clan- Ida raiy, our Manvers Coun- M d n., . .Labae vertising matter to place wîth ail oIdfeM.anitK . Span iedr. f.ied onr ac the diffçrent Fail fairs and had ence Allun, Bab Stevenson, Mel cil has seen fit ta have Some Mnel. ad Mr.Kn ol n I V ffà'Yo LaorDa tariq Cieam Producers Market- Cartrih -RaDonald Wih rig t in OrL.r and Randy, Oshawa, with Mrs. Bertha Yeo, Misses Ber- ingBoratTrno T erl Dorreli,. Stanford Va eartiest congratulations we ex- Ontario C.C.F. leader will be the M.andM. . Ashton. nOeadBetaCNvle r naeilhowever, has been Cm; avn.Ahutewart, tend ta Manves Reeve Allan guest speaker at a political rally Ms e.Fruo, Ms ak Clil, Bwavîe A chance ai securing an:,* from rm self a wie, on Satuday, Sep- on Friday, Septemben 7th ry, were callers at Mr. and Mn. Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. G.I f Ju"u his source will be through pa When thetpetitions have been tember 11, also ta bachelor Jack starting at 8 p.m. The purpose Albert Oke's. M e5 Rot ible cancellations campleted, he secretary is ta Payne on having hi. portrait of the meeting is ta naminate MnTadhe. ohBEIGî!m . nod n, esraiU An investigation has ieen Iforwand theni ta the Ontario grace the front page o! this a C.C.P. candidate ta contest Muriel and Robent, visited Mn.. N.Y., has been visiting with carried on by the Federation in Federation af Agriculture, To- paper. In duplicate, too! Durham County in the next Geo. Squibb, Churchill. Mn. and Mn.. Edgar Wright.u h 'u u gaine from Silverwoods trucks 1The secretay was also e- hppenings, hee's ne' for the day. M. and Mn. A. Leadbeater.U IIl iII IU and wagons and it was neported lquested ta contact Mn. J. S. books (no o'ffence, Jeck). Mrs. Hackett and baby, Osh- Mn. and Mn.. E. Wright, vis- sJuuIfo y that this ha. been definitely Dunan, president a! Massey- Last Sunday in Peterboro, St.HA P O awa, spent the week-end at Mn. ited Mn. and Mrs. L. M. Keith, discontinued. Hams - Ferguson, as guest Giles Church played host ta a and Mrs. E. McNain's. Toronto, and Miss Marguerite At a meeting held at Cavan peakefa the annual pot luck most u nusuai guest. During the (Intended for last week) M. and Ms. C. B. Wagg and Wright, St. Catharines. . Thene on Aug. 3 when 65 were pres- 1 supper ta be held the irst service a bearded strangen manv xrdgwt M. r.Walc rifnT e losFe- nt, it w as decided ta support Thursday in D ecem ben. If M n . bl d ire t ro g the chancel M n. and M n.. D ennis M a an r . A . W a n n a i e e S n a e o t theOntri Feeraio ofAgr- uncn s uabl t coe, hedoo, ooked around, decided ta shall Brampton, and Miss Mn. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson guests ai M n. and Mn,. N. Coi- et culture Wheat Producers Ma'. secmetary and president were stay. It is an unwritten code Ethel Gilbert, Chalk River, vis- an family with Mr. and Mrs. lacutt, Tyrone. on fuelc5~ apitdt eueaohrthat ail are welcome in God's ited their parents, Mn. and Mms. Raeatduothell Up ta E.2.5%lke isteeeureano e House; not sa with thîs shaggy, Gea. Gilbert, duning the week- M~isLaura Giffin with Miss and family, Bowmanîîle with2.G The committee appointed ta unkempt individual. Though hU end. Betty Jane Wenry. Mn. and Mns. R. Griffin. hs hune and interview prospective mnanners wene impeccable, he Mr. Russell Reynolds, Toron-- Mn. and Mn.. Oliver Hubbard, The lawn at the cottage ai om field men interviewd Mrs. May- wone a certain air about hlm .ta, spent a few day, with his Mn. and Mns. Howard Oke and Mr. and Mns. J. Aikenhead in dru ling, Prt Hope. The report was which ailed ta impress one as sister, Miss L. Reynolds. Garry, M. and Mn. John Oke, Haydon was a perfect setting shadowdmhgnorgen. withheld and put ven ta hs admissability. The reason M. and Mn. Carl MMullen and Randy, with M. and Mn. for the corn roast sponsoed by Ing blodmhgneae. regulan meeting in Octo er as was capably stated in a loud and son, Wayne, Trenton, Mich- Walter Oke. the C.G.I.T. A glwing camp- 3. OutfahgLwPleNo In concluding the meeting the stage whispen by a certain smaîl igan, spent a few days with M. and Mrs. Cecil Roinson, fine by a babbling brook on a hr members thanked Mn. and Mns. !ny was this: "Say, Daddy, Mr. and Mn.. H. Quarny. Mm.. Newtanviile. Mn. and Mn,. J. delightfui evening was suffi- 'Larmen fan a deliciaus lunch. there's a goat . There was! T. McMullen is spending a cou- DeMara, Scugog Island, with dient ta lunre about 47 Young autamia i etnwt hs Gospel tnuth, no "kidding". pie of months in Trenton, Mich. Mn. and Mn.. John E. Gniffin. people ta the party. President unique etrspqe alw PU M UM M UM M UU E , Mn,. Jean McCabe and wee 1Mr. nd Mrs. N. C. Yellow- Mn. and Mrs. Norman Wilson Shirley Mili. dimected the op- -o Eleanar Jean wene week-day lees výisitd Mn. and Mm.. Frank have retunned home fnom a va- ening twilight service with Cal-CMOnCSSS TL visitons a! Mn. and Mrs. W. Me-1 Westlake, Sauina. cation at New York. ta Woship by Gloria Wright, WT OEA A & P IN V IT E SeOJ hMrauhteann.d Mns..H. Macklin, Ty- M. alhLamb spent the scripture reading by RuthIOIw s$79 M.Josh Evans, Raglan, cal rone, with Mn. and Mn,. R. J. week-end with Glen Hodgens, Lamb, prayen by Reva McGill, Wilson. 1Miss Eleanon Jillard and Mn,. Mn. Elwvyn Dickie, Mr. and the Book a! Heaven", by Ele- f ~ aI ~ iand Terry were Sunday evening tan Li D Cavelyan daugh- tn with M. and Ms. M. Cannai Wright. Period of ecrea- D Adinnen guests at M. and Mns. te, nda, Bwmanville, visit- Staiton. tion was unden the direction ai E n. l Mand . . Ke ael.L nr Hi Victor Malcolm's, Nestieton. e n n n. e ael. Mn. and Mn.. L. M. Keith, To- Shirley Mills, Mary Griffîn, UNU S Mn. and Mrs. Hnl Sisn Mn, . H. Cale is spending ronto, visited Mn. and Mns. Non- Nanc7 KoodGand La.a eamn, V K visited at Mn. and Mn.. Dalton a few day, with friends in To- man WrVight, Miss Flonence Van Mm.Symoun led in a livelY NGSXEBO M VILPH E77 Ioccasion o! Douglas' return irom' Mrs. Mabel McKessock, Osh-Ns eundh m ihfe . igsn.H g otieso Koea. Welcoime home, Doug. awa, spent a few day, with hen ______ Yelverton W.A . wiîî meet at sister, m.JeCamn MAJ PAIKER home af Mn.. Clarence Page on School e-opened on Tuesday Thunsday, Sept. 3th, a week with the same teachers, Mns. canlien than usual. Frank Gilbert oai Sauna, as Mn.. Dave Wilson ha. started principal and Mns. Hazel Rut- the season wîth her music les- ta i care i heJr rom sons at Blackstock - an 0 p pisirel 39<M. and Ms. Ralph Malcolm tedig shool at Salem. *hchc and girls wene with Mrs. J. P Miss Nancy John. ha. return-- Let This Book H eIp You 3 ' 9 Henderson o! Bethany on Sun_ ed ta hiem teaching dutie, in REQ. 4e SAVE kOs day. Toronto. * Mn. and Mns. Ray Robinson, Mn, Donald White returned pJudy >nd Clame were guests of ta Oakville. ,&P Nectar GAVE oc the Howard Robinsons of Cavan. Anubeeronhr ated ra*Mn. and Mn.. S. E. Robinson wîth ed the Labun Day weekend TE0B, pg90 j Mr.and MrsWill Robinson.d moens at William.' Point, Lake *T A A G p o 9 ( $ he Sn d rs we e ee en S ug .,,and others spent the m r fjOb Ayme AVE 2c a guests at the Hugh McGihl's. 1 aý7 at the Ex. h a DE A mm mw TOM TO SOU 2îOotn2l torn attended Onno Faim Satur-~ daugfter whao ocupied an ' -- * -ztns l Ayneprntiga frm Yele- Marmnd n aMrs. Bum e n , - *mw Liquid Bleach MAE2 show despite cool weather. Wright's house, have moved ta 23< . A numben ni YelvetoniansCotie 2 joined the humain meîee hast Congratulation, ta Mn. Reg. rgtnyuwhlotokonfe!Adoui JA V EX 32-oz W12 3 c M ~~~week at the Toronto Exhibition. Rackha, i Bellevihlea (former-ursavng pas-oo Premium BSAVE 2o Those atnigincluded teI fHmtn nhsrcn Nor attandingk isosthe promaionamton oh . r ecen ofd Pcseoa-aewtbyu vnapasbo 1l ig2< :Murray and Howard Malcolm lice Corporal; he lia, been a ramiding uto add ta youn bank balance every CHRISTIES SODAS 1i g2 cM NfamanlesanheJas. ShWilon tî be r o fn the anari Po- .r n o Burn's BAE a and the Maurice ebts ciah Police for five and a haîf a.Wyntoe aig con oa ~~ EAT BALLS * Sory ta report one case aiof .irma400 ietpr at ur nearest brancl-there arc more than 650 ~~ ~ 33< : le in our comrnunitv Mr. Bruce Cavanly ha, ne- .toeveyu anadian literdfcdnsaMitzi1 throuli~ the Central and East- UU~PIorr 41 :Marie. el-IlStates. UILU CHEESE f Our thought for the week as1 Synmpai.hy is extended ta the mn. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 :a o aI ae~Icd* anmdio u ii arelatives of the late Gardonl *chunch on Sunday: "What kindHolnaaro hJIT~ D~ AE~q ~ . oa a church woud îy church hc,! d( ri deall. Hae as a nephew NIIIL BREAD 4oz loaf ~< If evemy memnber were as loyal - - Hoqlin and a grand- *as me?"p son ai Mn. and Mms. Wesley BUT ERt6azar' i*j iucKiiifl ormemly o ai pon ): DatesBGiven for About a thousand pensons are gorous & Winzy-Customn Graund NEW LOW PRICE fishing industry an Great SlaveBo anilBrn -H G. AC NG Mnae IOKAR COFFEE va 1.15 *8 O pen Season (a~ NnhLentne.-_ _ _ _ _ _ LUVELL Phone 778 1

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