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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Sep 1954, p. 14

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1THEANNAAN STA&TESMAM.BOWVAMX,% L~ OMAMO pDWriAT, m"P. Ui XIRBY TheW.M.S. and W.A. he their September meetingi Wednesday night, Sept. 8 the home af Mrs. Wm. Ai The theme of the meeting wi "A Nation Before God". Mr Allin opened the meeting w.l a worship service assisted1 Mrs. Wm. Rutherford and Mr S. Chapman. The Autumnn Rai at Tyran. on Ct. 5 was ar nounced. t was decided1 hold aur Autumn Thankoffez ing on Sunday, Oct. 3. Mn J .H. Lowey nvited the ladie ta her home for the Novembe meeting. She gave an interest ing introduction to the nev Itudy book on the ohureh i 4ndia. I a short dialogue Mrs Lowery assisted by Miss Ha: ness brought out many interest kng facts about India; its people their life and their problems the greatest prablem being food Mrs. Wm. Wannan openeé the W. A. meeting with a hymr and prayer. Mis. Wannan gavE a devotionai on Faith and Trust, based on the scripture, Matthew 21. Nine points were given which go ta make a good leader. The minutes and re- ports were followed by a leng- t.hy business period. Aiter the benediction the hostess served a deiicious lunch and a social time was enjoyed. Mrs. Youmans has returneci ta Toronto. We are glad Mrs. Lizzie Hen- derson is able ta be aut af the hospital and at the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hender- son. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bryson and babe visited with their parents. Mis. Neta Patterson, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Patter- son and Gary, Antioch, Mr. and Mrs. Marwood McKee, Cadmus and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wannan and Ross, were guests with Mr. and Mrs.. Ken Bail. Mr,. Tom Tebble1 Jack and Jim, Hamilton, vîsited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Copping this weekend. Mrs. Annie Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wannan and Ross were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lawson, TYelverton. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McLar- en and famiiy, Orono, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ruth- erford. Mr. W. T. Bigelow, Oakville,1 ~'isited with his mother, Mrs.1 A. J. Bigelow.< Congratulations ta Mr. and1 Mrs. Jack Chapman on the1 aithoftheir son. Leld an at lin. Irs. Bridai Party in Recent Cerernony of Interest by Irs. ta -s. ies it- - n rs. X- it- ,e d ýn re d Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Paul Leavitt are pictured with members from lef t to right are: Mr. Bruce Cole, Mrs. Barbara Kennedy, bridesmaid; of their bridai party following their marriage on August 21 in St. the groom, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Leavitt, Oshawa; the Gregory's Church, Oshawa. The bride is the former Patricia Joan Cale,j bride,' Mn. Robent Irvine who was best man, Miss Mary Cox, maid of daughter of Mrs. Cole and the late Arthur Cale af Bowmanville. Pictured jhonor, and Mr. Ted Arnold. -Photo by Rehder CASA EACA M S ug esio s for tlerate long expsue ta strang African violet ouse,an ur CAES REA ADMU Sug estins ays o sun. Too much light will against overfeeding. Congatuating a Ms. il M. ad Ms. ardn Hnnaause "sunbumn" causing the SOIL-Be sure ta use sterile aigrtuaCanet Msanea, and.famidyMrs. GrdsseHi elhH r e ulu e fplant ta become hard and yel- sail, whethen yaun awn an pur-- brdWet eril o h binth- and auilyai ORusllWaene o e ut r o io. A helpiul rl sta hsd olmay be sterilized whomea ed uher 7and soh- n-dMrsanurofanna adai w rcan ioet "Mare light wil genenaliy help by heating ta, 180 F for about day an September 9th at the weekend guests ai Mr n. a "shy" bloomer into a flowen". 30) minutes. A well prepaned hon-ioflMr and Mer ason-ryitedArthurs. Bob Vniýlvis- ai .a V oes During the winter youn plants sou sbould have good drainage in-lw, r. nd Ms. ere ite wih Ms. Bb Vvia ofneed a "brigbt" location but inl and have ample onganie con- Hamilton of Milibrook. Janetville an Sunday. (Mns. Sami Stewart) late spring and summer, this tent. Mrs. Hamilton served a love- Mn. and Mrs. Clarence The culture ai Ainican violets spot mnay become too light. Be ly supper, aiter which the tam- MonsyadM.adMs novs yu nesadn aeu iyu ih odtos INSECT, AND DISEASE WeathenniltdMs.ivlesyu udrtndn caeu f orlih odiin.CONTROL-Insects and disease ily presented Mrs. Wahrl Tennyson Samelis taok in On- and prapen application ai sev- HUMIDITY-Fairly high bu- are otten bard ta contrai. The Happy Birthday. That same evening Mrs. Weatherilt went Mr. Allan Passant and Mr. vinanment. When yaur plants home. Many people raise good plants tram a neliable source, home with ber daughten and Mickey Oliver spent Saturday have the praper conditions, they. violets in thé kitchen as prab- Rotenone sprays are good ail- son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill at the Exhibition in Toronto. will thrive. If you fail ta supply ably the bumidity thene is help- purpose insecticides, and fer- Reid, ai Newtonville and spent Mr. Bevenly Black bas been any one condition your plants fui. In many homes, bawever, mate, or dithane are satisiactony the weekend and attended On- holidaying for a week witb his will suifer. We make the fol- it is difiicuIt ta maintain a suf- tungicides when used as direct- ana Fair on Saturday. parents, Mr. and Mrs. George lowing suggestions. ficientl,ï hi, ,,,.-mii+., r W8UmAgWUg w9DBWNAN VIILLE TIRX. - FRI..- SAT. - SEPT. 16 - 17 - Il r vuoMAWMOWM~.NO OIMN JAY 5UHIILS * A UfWAL UTERSADO UIM RAIDERS 0F TEE SEVEN SEUS NGNDAY - TIIESDAY - SEPT. 20 -21 W D. - THUR.- SEPTEMBER 22 -23 1 [ m-e* OW »@W Emm ~sUe Bo6tooeOf Nier Mebt., Abobw ML mies RUE,!.- , n- - I -00 0- auiu o-Y pm yl -Black. Miss Jane Passant, Oshawa and about twenty ai ber young fniends enjayed a corn naast on ber parents' fanm on Sunday aitennoon. Mn. and Mrs. Melvillé Henry and iamily, Mn. and Mrs. Frank~ Tripp and family of Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. Eldridge, Shey and Lamne, ai Janetville, were weekend visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Lamne McKee, also Mn. Lloyd Henry, ai Bowmanville, who is necuperating aiter a stay in the bospitai. Mn. and Mrs. Verdun Leth- angue and family, Ballyduif, weme Sunday guests ai Mn. and Mrs. James Falhis, and Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Hanna and tam- ily, Oshawa, wene Monday guests. Mn. and Mns. Frank Boland and Helen, ai Campbelicraft, Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson Sam- eils, wene Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Passant. Mn. and Mrs. Dorval Gibbons, Misses Joanne and Jacqueline Barn, Toronto, and Mn. and Mrs. Walter McGiil, Janetvîlle, were Sunday visitons ai Mn. and Mrs. Nonman Robrer. Mr. and Mrs. Robent Stinson and Maureen, Lotus, were Sun- day evening guests oi Mn. and Mrs. Milton Gray's. Mn. and Mrs. Marvin Baker, Susan, Charles, Petenborough; Mr. and Mrs. Steele, Nestleton; Mr. and Mrs. Brian Wilson, Mi. and Mrs. Don Edmunds and Ross, ai Millbrook, were Satunday and Sunday guests with Mn. and Mrs. James Mc- Mullen and Mn. and Mrs. How- ard MeMullen. I STÀRK VILLE Miss Shirley Curtis and friend, Burnt River, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mis. Orme Falls. Mr. Lloyd Hallowell ini To- ronto recentiy. -r ad rs. Gordon Power, Clarke nion, were recent guests at Mr. Jim Stark's. MsBeulah Hallowell, Capt. and Ms. Darlington and Joe, Taranto, were week-end guests lof Miss Norma Hailowell. Mr. and Mrs. John Stone, Or- ana; Mr. Laverne Stone, Bran- te, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hait and family, Toronto, were en- tertained by their mother, Mrs. F. Stone, Sunday, when she served a turkey dinner in hon- or of Mr. and Mrs. John Stone's twenty-fifth wedding anniver- sary. Mrs. Ahf Dobson and Mary Lau attended the C.N.E. Fni- day. Many attended the party far Mn. and Mns. Pete Kessier ini Newtonville, Friday evening when they were presented with a substantial sum, having lost theip barn in a recent storm. Some tram the district at- tended Orono Fair Saturday and were pleased with the fine fain. Mn. and Mns. Liew Hallowell visited Mrs. Thos. Falls,' Ken- dal. --Intended for asat week Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robin- son anid family visited :Mn. and Mrs. R. Baughen, Newtonville. Mr. and Mrs. D. Shutka and family with Mr. and Mrs. M. Shutka. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence White, Maple Grave, at Mn. Ross HaUlowell's. Miss Catherine Pawer, Clarke Union, visited Miss Donna Stark. Mis. Lamne Paeden and Jean visited Mr. and Mrs. B. Thomp- son, Kendal. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gil- mer and family with Mr. and Mis. H. B. Gilmer, Bowman- ville. Mrs. G. Plum, Toronto, spent tibe haùmw at M& AuùM àe2s. L I G H T - I n s u f i ie n t lig t is 1 Wa te n LI i S t h e r e f o r e v e y ~ i the mst cmmn reason on tant.s rfevryi g pon blooming ai violets. Your WATER-Plants sbould Splants may have leaves unden kept iairly maist. Interme pon light conditions, but they conditions are best. You require a good amaunt ai light injure or kili plants by frfa flwening. Violets will not much an too littie water. A tam watering methad is1 Mn. and Mrs. Russell Low- Simply add waten ta the su eny, Toronto, at Mn. A. Dob- under the pot, but allow ason's on Monday and Marilyn saucer ta dry completely 1returned ta the city with them tween watenings. It is a( aiten spending a few weeks at able ta water plants irom a] the Dobson home, about twice a month. This Mn. and Mns. Keith Rowe and distributes fentilizers in Kenny, Bawmanville, at Mi. sou., Howard Farnow's. TEMPERATURE-Violets Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Hal- best at a minimum nigbt1 loweil, Mount Forest, visited perature ai about 65F. Teir fniends duning the holiday and# atures below 55 are toa low attended Pont Hope fair, Sat- under Most conditions unday. barmful. During the dayt School re-apened Tuesday perature ai 75 is usually with Miss C. W. Stewart in quate. charge. Beginners this term are FERTILZERS-Tbe tend Bruce Trim, Bill Gilmen and cv ai many people ta aver- B. Adams. tilîze. A tertilizen should Misses Helen and Amy Car- used ta maintain a plant son have stanted an a business good growth. When a plani course at Bawmanville this pon and stunted, consider term wbile Miss Mary Lau passibiiity ai taa much asç Dabson is cantinuing Uppen as too littie feed. A plant School studies. gaod grawing condition will Mn. and Mrs. Morley Robin- quire fertilizer about twicE son and daughten visited Mrs. manth. Use a gaod balan, W. Prause, Osaca. teed as recommended by EnjoyA Cooey Coinfot e 6a *Am..hê, P~ phbud $dm* ber msd- Mason & Da-le HARDWARE Phone M08 Bowmanville Jung st. E. inpon- d be PONTYPOOL ediate u can Local tobacco gnowers' good too luck bas gone a bit wnong ne- 1 bat- cently. Hail fist did some dam- good. age, then wind and finally Sun- 3ucer day manning~s trost took its v the toil. We trust tbat lasses are ybe- not too heavy as it is a very ýdvis- important industry ini aur cam- abave munity. th e- We congratulate Betbany teBasebail Club on taking the fi- & nais in North Durham Leaguc *do in three straigbt. Tbey will tem- meet the winners ai the Wel- nper- come-Onono series. iand are Wedding belîs wene ninging tem- recently with aur Reeve Allan ade- Beer away on bis honeymaon. Anothen wedding ai local in- ke-terest taak place on Friday at -fer- Stirling when Mn. Jack Eliiott h eofa Dunsfard and Miss Jean Fal- t lis ai Ballyduif, wene manried ri swith the Rev. Victor Waiken tepentorming the ceremony. ivell Mi. George Brown is very Iin pleased with the prospects ai 1 e- the highway going through . a West Pontypool. eorge claims nced be will operate a booth (naad- an side service) seiling vegetabies, raasting chicken, eggs, etc. Mr. Keith Bradley is build- -ing an additianal noom. on the u4pstaîns ai bis store and resi- dence. Mn. Ken Moses and Roy Simipson are in harge af op- erations. IlRKETON Mr. and Mis. Wallace, Break, .êlan and Jean, returned tram Cambridge, England, alter :three years' study at Cam- bridge Univeraity, and are naw ,staying with Mns. T. G, Bneck .until, they retunn ta IKingston, 'Ont. Mu OGrant CarnPchan d Mis. ýom Trick visited at M r. Dan -napp's. Mr. Jim Avis Todmorden, New York, spent a week withi Carters and iniends. Mr!. and Mns. Ross Hubband and b.aby Janet, Trenton; Mn. and Mis. B, Hubbard and fam- ily, Mis. T. Slingerland, Nia- ga ra-an-the-Lake; Mn. and Mmi. Mn. W. Boyko, Toronto, with Mrs. E. Caughill as recent guests. Mns. B. Rubbard la Oshawa, Swith friends. Mn. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey Elwene at Baltimore, Mn. and Mrs. (Clamence Rahm at Westan; Mn. and -Mns. C~. Rahm with Mis. H. Rahm. Mrs. N. -Mulien, Sunderland, with ber sister, Mrs. Pearl Avery. Mr. and Mrs. K. Abbott wereq at Manitaulin Island recently. Mmi. Hender Trick was hast- ess to tbe W.A. for the Septem- ber meeting* last Tbunsday witb a gaad attendance. Scbool apened with a lange attençiance wîth Mn. Gardon Munro as their teachen. A family picnic was held at the farm home af Mr. and Mns. Russell Dean in honon ai Mns. Dean's bimthday. Over 30 at- tended. Bert Dean Jr. bas retiarned tram Oshawa Hospital aiter three weeks thene. Many attended the C.N.E. Mn. and Mrs. Bill Slinger- land, Mm. and Mrs. Merle Hub- bard spent a weekend in Buf-- falo. Mim Isobel Canten, Orilia, with Mn. and Mms. J. Carter and famiiy. Mr. and Mns. E. Adams, Mrs. T. G. Breck, Mn. and Mrs. Wallace Breck and children were in Peterbaro with Mn. and Mrs. R. C. Carter. Mrs. L. Paterson spent a 4-à week with Mn. and Mr&. E. Ââ1.àý ." oi lâmaa work ai my hands". Mrs. A. at present. Bo aysr AII-WooI Dress Ponts Boys' AN-WOOI Dress Pants la Ievge variety of colours Si.., 6 to 12 Filây -Saltrday special .11.95 Pair Girfr or Boy's' Jeans, Trigger Brand Ireus Pauis r-Shiris Double knee Nil ty plaIds IUBmiàg 5h... Reg. 2.95 - SPFCIAL Nylon, Iong-wearing White or oolored la aimoais cku MANy nepatena35 Rubbin pern $2.45 $1.25 $3.95, 69C $3.95 $3.95 SURPLUS SALES KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE saii r X - ~2~ÏIIYI'. ~ ~ -W I I Rubber il lm hiris WESLE YILLE Ford read Psalm 90 and the Thorndyke. "Deep Roots" was Except for ane or two ferms, read by Mrs. Nicholis, follow- the season's threshing is done ed by prayer led by her. Mrs. and tomato picking and plow- Thorndyke read a letten iroin ing are the cunrent chores. her cousin in Africa and this School got off ta a good start month's chapter of the story but the two boys who planned book was read by Mrs. Murray ta came did not arrive the first Payne. week. Chicken pox made it.s Further discussion af the appearance toa, sa at least one program ai service was contin- little girl is out for a few days. ued during the serving of a de- Thp others who have it are lîciaus lunch. school age. The ennoliment at Sunday School was held as Port Britain school is on a usual with ail teachers present sliding scale too with about 20 and mast ai the children. Dur- attending naw. Sorne famniies ing the lesson in the Bible are planning ta move within Class, which deait with Chrj1 the next month. ian feiiowship, an excerpt,ý'_ On Wednesday aiternoon, read irom an aid story teTfi- the regular W.A. meeting was ai eariy days aofMethodis n i held at the home of Mr5. Ar- Yorkshire which tells oai eý nold Thorndyke with about 17 "love ieast" which does so ladies present. The presîdent, much ta make Christians at Mrs. Reeve, canducted the home with each ather' whether business and plans were made they live in an Indian hut or for faîl activities. The same Canadian laghouse, and which day, the following week was it wouid be stark, taningmad . set for the church cleaning bee nes ta weaken or desrob This and two mare Red Cross quilts part aof church worshiî, yas were ta be set up at the home dropped'long before union-and ~ ai Mrs. Reeve in the near fut- perhaps is replaced by an ef-. ure. An invitation was sent taO fort on the part ai church Newtonville W.A. ta present members ta embrace a wider their play here in Octoben and ieliowship. $10 was vated ta send comionts Mr. adn' iesro ta missionary friends in Niger- c Harndinghs fne hosmo ia. Mrs. Tutt plans ta pack an- conerhnd te mnwho ai other bale for save the chiid- 'OetigIko. ren in a few days, so anyne Visitos last weekend were: wha had articles ta cntibute Mr- and Mrs. Don Corby, Don- was asked ta hand them in as na and Teddie af Toronto withi soon as possible. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Austin. The pragram was in charge We are %giad ta report that ai Mesdames A. Thorndyke, A. Mrs. L. Holdaway has necaver- Fard, Clarence Nichoils, C. ed tram her recent illness and Payne, and M. Payne. The bas ber daughter, Shirley, theme for the day was "The fram Detroit staying with hcr back-to-school ESSEnTifIL51 1 mgr m-- x m x iî-QF&ig Lý il SPEC MAL! FOR THE LADIES Friday ai-id Saturday Only Fîrst Quality Sizes 9-11 51 Gauge 15 Denier Regular $1.19 pairK. 6 CPair Two pairs to a eust-omer only R m 1 1

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