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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Sep 1954, p. 15

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AT, P?. tam. Us. TifS ~ANAmAIr uu'&w. uo~avwia.. ~'vauR~ UA - IN MEMORIAM ~TSI l~ng erryof a a ,rnmohr ho pasued a'afkonancyear mgo, September Sth. 1953. ~Dear grandma, you are gane but flot forgotten, Though on earth yau are no mare Still in mcmnory you are with us tili As you always were before. -Ever renr-ibered b>' grand- eh Ë ren. Pil37-1 CURTIS-In loving memory of a dear wifc and mother wha page- ed away anc year aga, Séptem- ber 8th, 1953. Loving and kind in ahl hem ways Upright and juslta the end af ber days, Siriceme and truc in her heart and mind, Beautiful memories ahe left behind. -.-Sadly misscd by husband, daughters, sans, sans-in-law. 37-1 IVES-Motber, wha passed away Septemnber 15th, 1949 (Mary Ann) and dad, March 18, 1952, (James Arthur). Love's greateat guit, remembrance. -Thé Famnily. 37-11 ROBINSON-In loving mefnary af à dear hubby and dadd3r wha passed away on September 14, 1953. As it dawns another yeam In aur lonely hours af thinking Thoughts af you are ever near. --Sadly missed, Hazel, Jobnnie. 37-1* VAN CAMP, William-mn fond and loving memamy of a dean husband and father who leit us se suddenly five years mgo today, September l8th. "The Memory of You" There is à tender thoughb of you Down deep within aur hearts, That forma af every lovely day The brigbtesb dearest part. Tha' deatb ',ur patha did separate And bide your smile fmom vlew It's powerlesa ta take from us This memory of you. -Wife Nancy, and daugbtems, Mabel, Helen,. Wilma, Jessie. 37-11j S~Cds of Thanks -4Ae wish ta express ôur sincére thanku to thase wha helped in our fund and those who sponhor- ed it. Hýqwig and Pete Kesaler. IVP 37-1* I would like ta express my thanks ta Drs. Keith, Harold and C. W. Sleman and the staff of Memarial.Hospital, Bowman- ville, for the help and kindness shawn me during my recent 111- liess. Mrs. Stan. Norrish. 37-1 I would like to expres my thanks for the cards, flowers and fruit sent to me while in the hospital. A special thanks to Dr. Wîtzel and nurses Memnorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Ronald Sutcliffe._ I wauld like ta thaak ahl my frientis, relatives andi "ci;ours for thein lovely carde Meters, flowers andi kiits eccv, ad dur- Ing my stay la Wester Rfospibal,' Toronto. Ib was veny mucb ap- preciateti.1 Mmi. Hamry Smith. »7-1 Mn. andi Mrs. Russell Ormn- istoa wisb ta thank thein frienis. andi ncighboums for kindly re- nembering Russell with fruit anti carda. A big thanks ta Ronald Ashton for camnying on bis work wbile he was la boa- pitl and during bis conval- escence at homo. 37-1 On hehali ai the family of the laIe Mms. Herman Hoocy, Black- stock. I wish ta lhaak ber fionda anti a.igbbours fan their ,synipathy anti floral tribute. durnag ur bereavement, and for the kîrinacs shown aur sisten in hon time ai trouble. Mrs. W. Bruce. Mq-i My "icene Ibanks le Drs. Sturgis. Glazier. Smith, nurses and assistants ai A2, Oshawa Generai Hospital, ion wontierful came I received during my thmee weeks theno. Also for eards, flowers, books, fruit andi kinti- nos:sbown my famil>'. (Mrs.) Blanche Cordon. 37-1* Mea will wrangie for reli- gion; write for il; figbt for il; dis for tt; evenytbing but liv. fon it. -Chances C. Colton. 1 COMING EVNTS Plan ta attend St. John's Guild annual poinsettia tea and bazaar on Friday. December 3rd, 1954, 3 ta à p.m. 37-1* Leakard Unitcd Church annual turkey banquet will be held on Wednesday, November 3rd. Mark this date on your calendar. Full particulars later. 37-1 Our fifth annual doîl sale, October lst and 2nd. Watch for window display. McNulty's Tays, 6 King St, E., Bowmanville. 37-1 The Cartwright Local of The Ontario Farmers' Union are holding a cuchre, Friday, Sep- tember 17, at Cartwright Recrea- tional Centre. Prizes and re- freshments. 37-1 Dance at Sauina Community Hall, Fmîday, October lst. Music by Bryce Bown's Sevenaires Orchestra. Sponsored by Solina Librany Board. Prizes. Ceme and have a good time. Admis- sion: gentlemen 75c, ladies 50c. 37-1* C hrysanthemum tea at Mem, orial Park Club House, Satur- day. November 6 at 2:30 p.m. Home baking and rummage sale. Afternoon tea, 25c. Eulhre, Wednesday afternoon at the Club House, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. 37-1 Beehive Rebekah Lodge Penny Sale, Frîday, Septemnber 24th, at Lions Centre. Aiternoon tea and home baking sale, from 2:30 ta 5 p.m. Door prizes every hour, draw at 8 p.m. Articles on display in Public Utilities win- dow tram Friday, September 17. 37-2 Don't miss Business and Pro- fessional Women's Club Oppor- tunity Sale, Saturday, Septem- ber 25, from 2:30 ta 6 p.m. in St. John's Parish Hall. Good used clothing and other articles for sale. Atternoon tea wlll be served. Proceeds for the purchase of Town Hall new stage drapes. 37-2 Notices Mrs. Lloyd Beacock, A.T.C. M.. teacher of piano and theory. Classes for aIl ages. Phone Blackstock 17 r 4. 37.1* THE HARVEY DANCING ACADEMY REGISTER SAT.. 9 - 12 NOON for Tap Dancing Lessons CANADIAN LEGION HALL 84 Queen Street - Bowmanville Student Teaebes', Dawn Jones 36-4 The Hospital Marathon Bridge is again being organized. If enough are interested groups of mixed players will be formed, also groupa of canasta and five bundred as well as bridge. If you wish ta participate, calanc of the folowing committee be- fore September 20th: Mrs. J. O'Neil, Mrs. E. V. Hoar, Mrs. L. W. Dippell, Mrs. Aubrey Smith, Mrs. George Young, Mrs. Lloyd Ayre, Mrs. Bruce Mutton. __________37-1 DAÀN C INi CLASSE: 0Fp LILLIAN MAE MARSH DE.A. Ballet - Tap- Characier Toe Registration MONDAY, SEPT. 2Oih 3 p.M. to 6 p.m. ttse Lions Community Centre BOWMANVILLE FOR INFORMATION Dial Oshawa 3-7253 .1 * Where triîe religion bas pre- vented anc crime, fais. relig1ons bave affordeti a pretext for a thausand. Savage Red 'School Eu painSals, souKf- prefte xek. 2- House Shoes tir brown fratser ppatent ~saI~r.~bove Mae la atk >B. 'DC, D md E withs. stues £ te P$4395 pair M«a. 84t" m $4.25 pair mmne. 12% te.1 ' $4.45 pair Auciion Sales Durham Community Auction, Orono Sales Barn, at 7 p.m. Thursday. 24-tf 1 have been instructed to sell by public auction, at 33 Horsey Street, Bowmanville, the house- hold effeets of Florence Werry, on Saturday, September 25th. List in next week's paper. Sale ta be at 1:30 p.m. Clifford Peth- ick, auctioneer. 37-1 I have received instructions to seil by public auction, -the estate of Wilfred McKay in the Village of Newtonville, on Saturday, September l8th, at 1 p.m., in- cluding his household furniture, dishes and fencing equipment. Terms cash. Lloyd Clysdale, auctioneer. 36-2 The undersîgned auctioneer has received instructions from Walter E. Rundie, Lot 28, Con. B.F., Darlington, on Courtice Road, south of Highway 401, toi seli by public auction on Satur- day, September 25th at 1 p.m., his entire farm stock and impIe- ments. Terms cash. Ted Jack- son, auctioneer. Everton White, clerk. 37-1 I have meceived instructions from the executor of the estate af the late G. E. A. Robinson, Lot 9, Concession 7, Hope Town- ship, at Campbellcroft. known as the Weston Pump Works, to sell by public auction, on Fniday, September 24, at 1 p.m. sharp, plunibing and tinsmith equip- ment, electrie motors, lathe, emery. uine shafts, pipe fittings, boats, etc., and his entire bouse- hold*%ffects. Terre cash. No reserve. Jack Rein' auctioneer. Under instructions from. Don- ald Robb, ta sell by public auc- tion at bis farm, 1 mile west af Orono village, on Saturday, September l8tb, aI 1 p.m.: 1 up- rigbt German piano. dank oak silver cabinet, living-room . and bedmoom. furniture including 3- piece cbesterficld suite, daven- port, wicker and kitchen chairs, also large walnut office desk, (7 drawers): large quantity af dishes including 1 tea set Royal Doulton china (for 6), also 1 dinner set, Losol Wavc (for 12); many add pieces of china, glass, silverware; large quantity af ail- wool blankets, also silk-rimmed flannelette blankets, linen sheets, table cloths and variaus linen pieces, drapes, set of carpenter's tools, domestie canning machine and many other articles. No resenve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. Lawrence Hanris, clerk. 36-21 I have been instructed by the Executors af the ecaate ai the late Mms. Edith C. Elliott, 631 Concession St., Bowmanvillc, ta sell by public auctian on Satur- day. September l8tb, all the houscbold effects, as follows: 3- piece chesterfield, 2 occasional chairs, 4 rocking chairs book- case, china cabinet, 2 end tables, Electrolux vacuum cleaner, near- ly new; 3-piece bedroom suite, writing desk, walnut table, two floor lampa, studio caucb, Gen- eral Electric refrigerator, Gen- emal Electric stave, new; kitchen range, washing machine; 3 table lamps, kitchen table and chairs, Walton nug, 6x9; floor cavemings, sewing machine, day-beds, twa radios, two 3-picce bedroom suites. 10 doz. sealers, drapes and linens. bedding. blankets, dishea, cooking utensîls, garden tools. numenous other articles. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Tcrms cash. Lloyd Slemon, Alvin Boyd, cx- ecutors. Clifford Pethick, auc-1 tioneer. 37-11I Repczirs RADIOS and amali electrical appliances repaired and guaran- teed by experienced technician. C. J. Elston, 73 Concession St. East. Phone 482. 23-tf RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick up and delivery. Lamne Doreen. Phone 2741. (Formerly partner in "The Radio Shap"). 21-tf REPAIRS toalal makes of refrig- erators. domestic and commer- cial; xilking coolers. Higgon Electric, 42 King St. 19. Phone 438. 25-tf WATCH REPAIRING at MARR'S JEWELLERY 44 NIm stW. Phome 4" BOWMAN VILLE 21 - ti Tenders Wanied Tenders wiII b. recclved b>' the Durham Count>' District Uttk Seolol dafor construge- Nom et a RifhSc"oo1at POIl Hope, Ontario Drawiffl andi specfications b7 BAENtTr andi RIEDER ARCRJTECT wil b. avatiabie at thefr offlees lu Toropato. andi 301 DRIDGE DLDG., PORT HOPE, andti he TORONTO DUILDERS EXCHANGE, on andi after MONDAY, SEPT., 13, 1954. Tenders shah b. delvereti by hanti net laier than 4 p.m.,»r29th, 1954 IAdtirew to Scoreiary Durhsam Ceuni>' District High School B foard. c/e Barnet & ieder Architect, 644 Bayvlew Ave., Toronto, or Barneti anti Rieder Arehiteet, 301 Bridge nids., Port Hope. Ontario. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accpted. $25 de- posîl choque requireti for draw- ma a" Mfflaionà& Ho rses, Drivers and Buggie s Tossed in Unusual Accident Eye witnesses of the accident which took place on Orono Fair track Saturday say they will neyer forget il. Two teams of horses, travelling at an estimated 25 miles an hour crashed head-on mbt each other. When they hit, horses, drivers and buggies went into the air in a mad scramble. Horses were kicking and trying to get loose from the harness to get up. One horse, "Little Evy" owned by Ivan Cochrane, Nestleton, neyer did get up. After some attempts to get away on a stoneboat and ev generously donated their cas to help offset the heavy fir snapped on the spot by Chai a spectator is holding one h to is fet hile "Little Evy' at the rear. Kinsmen Enjoy Annual Fishirg Trip To Sturgeon Lake Memnberu of the Eowman- ville Kinsmeni Club enjayed their annual flshing trip week- end asat week whcn they visit- ed Stone Lodge on Sturgeon Lake. Amang thase who were pre- sent at this annual auting were Art Hooper, Bill Wallis, Jack Lander, Murray Larmer, Royr Swindells, Ray La thangue, Bobo King, Irvine Brown, Ken Nickas and Ross Richards. Ail report an excellent time at this vaca- tion spot.ï * M President Marr Given Boost at Lions Meeting «Honor Yeur President" night at Bowmanville Lions Club on S Monday saw Lion Ron Hether- À ington previde a real "boast" for President James Marr by giving details of his early history whicb, according ta Lion Jim, he didn't think even bis wife knew. President Marr was born irn the smaîl town of Tarrift, Scot- land, 46 years ago. Five years it to its feet, it was hauled later bis parents came ta Canada ;entallydestoyed Driersand settled in Toronto. He still enîully estoyed Driersretains ane Scotch trait, he likes sh winnmngs to Mr. Cochrane porridge for breakfast. riancial loss. In this photo He was cducated at Palmer- Lres Tyrrell, Orono druggist, stan Ave. Public School and orse which has been brought Centrai Technical, but like so remans roneon he tackmany others, wasn't sure what remans pone on he tackhe wanted as a lifetime job. Me studied dnaftîng for a time, then started lus jewellery and Russell Osborne honored P.W.Elis af Toron' C,. ~1e ~ g* g~J Bruce Semple on the arrival ai LO NG SAULT P- wEkn njee S r l sfr Weekend Outing Mn. and Mrs.Frn ls frLions will be held at Cha- daughten, Bowmaniville, wcre cameof a epti Tow n S oftba l P layoffs teau Wembley on Sept. 24tliSunday guests of Mr.and Mrs. igadetne a catd teirintntin a beng Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sim, Osha- his speciai stech, N ext G a m O n S un onhand for this good fellow- wa, with Mn. and Mrs. R. Sim In 1934, sMrdyX ex ca e ~ nS n l y ship trip. Program schedules and attended Orono Fair Sat- oreonmecn After losing a one-sided bat- getting the opener and Galla- made il dlean that Lionnim unday afternoon. ao y eanomc co' Etic 10-2 ta the Harvesters on gher caunting the wlnnlng tai- te o ofllowng wkays el.on Mn. Jack Acheson was sud-ibuha jeweîlery si Sunday, Surplus Sales came lir. Peculiarly, both were put on Monday, Sept. 26th, there is a derkly caled h go tawi mnvll. hesa base witb walks. rglrmeigado h 7h okSna onn wn amarried bis chai bk iha vneneo us eua etn n on the re a the sudden death af his son-mn- graciaus wife, Jessa da ngt~ laof atl t oner for g thCown's Har e . will bha special meeting îaw. Sympathy af the commun- joincd bbc Bowmai win 2-1. The game was anc of vesters with a home run in the inKnao hnPs ne-iy la xbended ta bbceMurphy Club. the astat i te saso, bingsixh. or whle n t~e ev-national President S. A. Dadge family.TeMarJwl the astst f th seson beng sxth Fo a hilein he ev-will be visiting District A3. At TeMr eel played in less than an hour. enth, ib looked as though the ]east anc carload from here Club 50 will meet at the now a landmark ii Il feaîured supemb baîl playing score might ide differant with will attend the Kingston affair. home ai Mrs. Walter Vaneyk ville. Long befome by bath sides. The win for Sur- two bases occupied by Dcpaw Vocal Entertainment Tuesday evening, Sept. 21. Mrs. entened the picture plus put Ihem ahead anc game and B a g n e 1 1 but Girardi In addition ta a rousing sing- Edibb Murphy and Mrs. John Horn's Jewellery in bbc Ihrec out aifi ive series. grounded ta first for the final song led by John Watson, Jac Jobnston arc pmogram canven- Moorc's, but for tl The fourtb baIlle, whicb could out for the Harvesters and the Cooper favored the club 'with os erMm' a be he ecdin on, illbegam wa oer.. everal ai bis famous Al. Jol- Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Baker and beaubiful scicclion c Piark. udy a emna upu wr addfu son sangs. W. E. C. Workman family, Cookstown, were Sun- aur time pleces ln ar.walks, banged 5 hits and had no iieîd forth at the piano. LIon day supper guests of Mn. and given special advic On Tucsday, Surplus Sales errars. Harvesters had two hit, Watson also participated in Mrs. Gardon Baker. special gits we find gaI their runs in bbc third and werc granled two walks and the meeting as bead of the Min- A goodly numben attended ta purchase nat infnt sixtb inning, with Stephens bad twa errors. strel Show committec. Eacb Orono Faim and met a numben Jessie and Jim Ma mnember had been requestad ai aid iriends. lovcly daughters, P I Nl Eta bing a suilable jake wbich Mn. and Mrs. Howard Miller, High School) and IV T nr e ve cas ie ie m s might provide script for bbe Kingsville, ware Sunday guests (at Public School). Thre N ew ast e Te m s how. Ljgn Watson was delu i- ai Mn. and Mrs. Orme Miller. in a lovely aId lbar ed ith th em and read anebiI- I was back ta school again Street, just a stonie's nrous ona ta the meeting. lasI Tucsday morning for 32 the Lions Commun I ti .>nta lo 'l y'c ov 'n a Saveral Birthdays pupils with Mrs. Audrey Rose- Living as close as ln O n ario P layd w ns Jack Parker, Dave Preston,' vean as teacher. Linda Davey Lions bcadquartcirs John Watson, Harry Cryder- and Delones Marchant are bbe bclped Jim somewha There are tbm.. local base- Saturday aitemnoon ln the first man and Bruce Semple came in only twa new beginners, with mendous job ho ha bail teama entarad in the O.B. gamc ai bbe Eastern Ontaria for bîrtbday congratulations and 'Audrey Cox coming from New aur Bowmanville c A. ploydowns. The local Ban- Finals. The locals took this the usual fines collected by Tail Park No. 20 in one af the bigb- bas lhcld every positi tams have already eiiminated game 12 ta 2 and were slated ta Twister "~Little Deac" Goddard. cm grades. culminabing Ibis yeý bbc Stavensville team in two play bbc second game in Silîs- Guests included Internation- Jack Frost visitcd us Satunday aur Honoured Prcsidq stmaigbt games and at lime ai ville on Wednesday (yester- ai Councillor Ernie Hougbton night ion bbc first lime Ibis ________ writing are awaiting word from day>. af Toronto, Past President ai seasan, finisbing many tomata tb. OBA. as ta wben and The finals of bbc South Dur- International Asgociation af and cucumben vines as wcll as Ail those who 1( whcrc th.ey will b. playing the ham Basebali League are now Lions Clubs of Canada, and same tobacco on aur local tabac- sh. laves in returi next round. underway in Welcome and Or- Arthur Brunton. Port Perry, cojamm. richly reward, nat pi The Atwood Midgets defeal- ana witb each team baving tak- ýZone Chairman ai Zone 3, as miss G race Smitb spent tbc the goad things, ai cd tbc local boys here last week en anc victary at the time afi weîî as ane local visitar, Bill waekand wiîb Mn. and Mrs. Wm. commoni>' called, bu by a 15 ta 2 score and tbc local wniting. The Orono teamn have1 Rundle, who was introduced Miller, Orono. best things of Ibis boys are makiag bbc trip la At- alsa taken their final round in1 by bis father, Lion Walter E. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Evers leit with money and ti wood ta try ta overcame Ibis the Intermediate "D" OBA. Rundle. Ibis weck ion thein new' job in and canniages, but - anc game laad Ibis week. Playdowns having avercomne1 The Gucat Speaker Toronto. Althougb Ihey bave and happy tbought Sillsville met bbc local In- the Kedran team in two International CouncilibrnJ. J. oaly been ln Canada a short ment and peace af r temmediate "C" enbry bher. an sraigbt. Brown intrÔducad guest speak- lime thelr many friends wisb er W. Mansel Ketchen ai Port tbemn evcmy succesin thein new II*'I C~redit, Immediate PasI Presi- job. _________ T vro e î srî u~edent af the International Assa- Mn. and Mrs. John Wriglt Tyrone Insti ute V i itS catian af Lions Clubs ai Can- and Muriel, Janelville; lir. 19911c fada and Executive Secretary ai Mrs. Rye Gibson and Sandra 5' ~ te Toronto Stock Exchange. attcnded bbc 25th wedding an--___ D ST IC T ba co ,- rm Mn. Kaîchan bas been associaI- aiversary ai Mr. and Mms. J. R. EXrP.AVAGA3tJI GIRI D is ric To acc Fa m d with Lion ism since 1943 as Parkinson, Wexiord, and spent PoaR WIV-S - ANI a key mnembar and pasî presi- the weekand with friands. MUSSANDS! . The Tyrone Institute met aI Tobacco picking ia f.lnished in dont ai the Credit Valley Lions Mn. and Mrs. Bert Jobnson, bbc home ai Mrs. Vancyk who Seplemban if the frost doas not Club. Ha bas aiso bean a Dis- Jack and Jean, visiled Mn. and was kind cnougb ta give us ber destoy it sooner. Now the rye trict Governan. Mrs. Wilinad Sanderson, Colum- lime ta show us tbnough thein has been cambined and the straw His antire address was ai an bus. 1 tohacco farm is lait on the ground for fertil- inspiratianal nature sîrassing m and m ls. oMcLaughli Firsb Mrs. Vaneyk explaincd izer. Two hundrads mare paunds bbc place ai Lionism in thea andfaiy, Bltsacksthek, re la us how thcy begani work in ai fertilizar wilI be put on bbe co mmunity and inl the nationalSuaygstatbcMrh bbc greenhouse. This stants la sîraw and Ibis is where theiand international spbera. Ha home. tbcowl eplantati next ugdLost gv ossat Mns. Cbar-les Frank and Wal- March and is callad steaming. toacco willLon be becositet er, Bowmanvilla, wera Sundayl It takes 80 ta 100 Ibs. pressure, ye ar I afw nfrstencouragement ta their aificers visitons aifl'Mr. and Mms. Bent lait on for 20 minutes, ta cook . Ths1r uIa e neat and, indaed, la othar elected Jbsn bbc ground and kili ail germa, îng points which wera denion- l andi appainlad aificials charged IJo htakn.Itos t insects and weeds ta prepare it straati ta us by Mrs. Vanayk. l with responsibility la bbecocm- co-operale la givang Ms. R.a fanrs pHng . rekunnerifta the homeai munity. Ha gave classie exam- Gibsan thein news on tbe Bell Ib is bard ta believe Ihat tbmee MsH.Sinrfrbcomn-pies ai bbc nasuits which could lin.. ounces ai tiny seed will plant dae, ai lb. meeting wbere bbc ha achievedti trougb encaur- business was transacteti and two whole greenhouses, enough Mrs. Davey andi Mrs. Parka' agemant, laking swimmer Mar- h are asking for their finan- ta plant tbc entire tobacco farm ilyn Bail anti famous composerwb andthebb coat haiag onc dollar group servcd a deliclous lunch. Rachmaninoff as typical. Wibb- cial support for thein projects. 10V per ounce. This secd is mixed Mns. Davey expressed thanks ta out encouragement. naîther ai W. musI sow seadLs ai goodI witb waben andi spririkled on la aur hostesa ion bier baspitalîty. tham would have achievad bhe deeds which lika tbe pld par- bbc greanhouse by a sprinkler. wandenful nesuits bhay titi. En- able will lake root, grow anti Starting la May thcy spray dauragamant ta peoplea s the be multiplicd many limes. i fan bbc cutworn anti thon tbhCl same as fuel ta an engine. ît Lion Bob Kent exprassati l a isransplanted mb lbh Lions Cl b rastaras aur mental andi spirit- tihe cluh's appreciation ta h fields. This planting ends n (ontinued îompaeo) ual batteries, speaker. in strips ta probect bbc land 100 percent attendance night Encouragement bas amoused an gucat Braie Houghton who1 against the wind. Rye la maaîîy but this innovation proved mare enthusiasmn among Lions ne- said a few womtis ai graeting. used. popular. Presitienî James Marr sulting in formation ai new Hamvesting hegins on Auguat was given a read 'boost" bath dlub,,, expansion af club pro- 10-15 wben thc bohacco la now a thmough a special lufe history grams until taday. thare areZ a beight ai 40 la 50 !inches. The presenlalion ant inlatbbc m- naarîy 500 Lions Clubs la Can- I k frteG au . ib lowen has been taken off andi marks ai sevemal speakers dur- ada with aven 21,000 members. W 6 p 3t ià also the suekens 50 that the ing lhe evening. Al ai this gnowth bas been strength goca inta bbc plant. ln Memariam adhiaved in a remamkably short ee Wen pickmng tobacco you h- On. ai lb. funniest items aof periati ai im. And, it is sillel v s on S r i gin hy pickiag bbc bottom three the evening was the raading spreading rapid-ly, Mr. Ketchene ev s o S r i caves first until this bas been of a Meniai Card, annaunc- sain. done ta the. whole field. Now 'agthe death ai the New York The speaker paid tribute ta you came back and pick the next Yankees aI Clevelandi Indians Bowmanville Lions for th.e en- thee lavs ndso on until lb. ball park the Sunday previaus. couragement they had g4e P roftecfion C o. whole plant la pickod. Lions Don Williams, Bob Kent, their prasidant during tbe ov- Mn. Vaneyk expecta 35 kilns Bud 0k. and Andy Tbompson,1 ening and for their achieve- i O V N IL frorm 45 acres, wbich is bis quota. ardent Yank fans wame given 1manIa over the ycars. Tbe fine i f àU L I The pickers must fili anc kiln a rei r ibbing- because of their Com.munily Centre ln Bow- É day and il takes 1,224 sticks .idole' pon showing. manvilla 's a reat example af wità 1abora4or'y et 3 D4vWaon K3*. a fi11 ana kiln. On a stick thor Change af Date fine cammuniîy service boing tre 30 ta 34 bunches and thnee ecause Tbanksgiving will randared ber. by your club W caves ta abch. ptin teintenter, with 1h. final mccl-andis typical af the rnany ewlofr Thelobccola ut itabbcing in October, lb was dccided greal thinga wbic.h Lions are1 :îla green and isl steamed at a la change lb. data ai the mýeet- daing right across Canada. 1 GUA.RANTEED ONE-DAY T Y SiMY9 omperatune af 80 ta 90'F for ing ta October 41h. Originally,f Latea$ ia bis adtircss, b. gave wo t bbee days ta make it a the data had heen sel for Gela- a bit ai advice ta members tao 0 on ANY make of T V SM~ etter colour ai yellow. Alto- b2er 181h, but a Chamber ai ýsow seads of bonesty, integrity, 'ether il takes five ta seven tiays Commerce dinner on that data i sincanity and responsibility by a and will offer the sanme high speed see. * cure tobacco. interirrti for many mcm- ýthoir actions within and wiîh-l Aiter buis proces it is aloreti bers so lbe carlier day was se- ou t tbe Lions Club. W. musi uAjax - Wbitby - Oshawa - Bowmanviit. -Ne * tb. barn waiting ta be atrip-iîected. lguarti theo nputatianfni ,aur1. i a tl a It ti N: t, ile te t i y career witft ita, ane of the .lery supply great number ïand watch. Ontario. As ient, Jim be- watch repair- )r night class- ,maklng this Iarr, despite litions, cour- Taronto and stare in Bow- me year, ha arming and sie, and also, inville Lions lery Store la in Bowman- eMr. Marr It had been and later the past 20 3carried a of gifts, kept iorder and .e an those 1It necessary equently. [rr have two Patsy 14 (at Mary Lau il .They live me on Lowe sthrow fram nity Centre. ihe does to 3may have mt in the tre- ts donc for club for he ion possible, ear in being lent for 1954. love Nature n, and will perhaps with as they are )t with the world-not tles, horses with bright .5s, content- mind.-Jahn &S MAkE 1POORyR iE'- NE..- Dte wCastie --g- i>, Lloyd 31*83sihos 39 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE PHONE $41 - 1 Ra"Mfta "M CAVAMM WAWMM, . la c"-Am PAM vqvqý ricic 14

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