fac t in cannection with Col. R. S. p vIcared in'h storv whicn O rono Fair Ray Dudley Sta appeaed i theSept. 15 issue (EX U -'e sonof MaCleans iMýagazine on "My (Contmnued from page one) N x o t Phone 3303 ~picture of the MeLaughlin fac- nings to M. Cochrane who had~ r a ulvfmu o house in the background which Ioss. Both drivers involved in pianist of Bowmanville and c is identified by Mrs. Stevens teacdn aehd mn Courtice. begins his seconda MissHeln Gikie Toont, Mis LrnaFletherlef .eas bging formerly the Maronevfthe acchidng haepernce.Ni-season of concerts with Columbia ispthe e ekewThoro to, Mssurdab et.che.,for on house. now occupied by herseif te a nue te hnArtists management next month. th eeed ih e StrdybyTC.. frTampa, and MIr. Stevens. kfei aunt, Mrs. Wilbert Hoar. Florida, to spend two weeks M]ýembers of Durham Chap- sufes.n from shock and brui- His itinerary begins, appropriate- t ses. ly, in Ontario with concertsii Misss Jne ad .Bett Mc, wth hr bothe, M. an Mr. tr. 11, . E.S.,attedin Statfod, altCoCobourg le-. Milisss aneOand Bletty McSun-Ken. Fletcher. tr 8,O .Satnig The remainder of the Faivle01 t 1 GillirayOakvlleweroSun- Grand Chapter sessions in Lon- whl o ut 0setaculrvll, rila and mis Fas. day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lynch,, don last week were: Mrs. Edna was o neof qute sest i strv hn1os nIoVh.and W. James. Brockville; Mr. and Mrs. Ern- Anderson, who was elected asasotendgover t e ars Thenia Mar i tim ges on erethe Cwi-ll be . Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cator ad etBdigllHg ie, rn odcrs fOtro; crowds were of record propor- S augher iane Toonto viit Alta., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Velma Sutton, Worthytin th wahewsprfc on Sunday with Mrs. F. Cator' .M . ong. Matron: Mrs. Duaine Palmer. 'and ietc and inside dis- fSnd Edgar.1 Mr. adL . eiKar al r Assistant Worthy Matron: Past ly were excellent. Mrs rsand Mres vcarioallareMatrons Mrs. Elsie A]ldread, in playsxibtsV Miss Lena Taylor and Mrs. sedn ek aaina r Florence Northcutt, Mrs. FIeInieEhbt "MaelBagel spntSunayhis brothers', Mr. and Mr"' Ruby Cox, Mrs. Emma Ruth- Visitors received a most wel- With Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fln- M Cr. ~ all, rt EAlnWan, 'en Mrs. Beth Teeple. and corne lift whèn they entered lav of Wicklow. j rPndMsaAln Wasn i Patrons Elmo Anderson the main display building. It a .Ir. and Mrs. Bert Syer, Dun- Burlingtdn. and Wilbert Teeple. acrwe wih xibtofe CFII and Rodney spent Sundày Miss JoanLuon dugtr Bwanil Rtran at- everything from home cooking, t 'WAh âr. and Mrs. Ross Stone-i of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Luxton,,1 tending the Rotary Convention flwr, preserves, etc., to an f Tornt enjoyed a week-end visit with at the Royal York Hotel this excellent show put on by local S 'oot.Miss Marilyn Miller, Toronto,,wek ee:.F.RsoPs conservation authorities under I tr. and Mrs. Bill Fraser and' before attending Peterborough and Mrs. Robson, Mr. and Mrs. direction of Game Warden Ken Jo-Ami of North Vancouver, Teachers' College. fFa Jaisn r n r Tolmie and ably assisted by B..,cl~d nmany of their M.Caec kTw s e an r n r.Wl several local members of Orona old friends last week.MrClrneOeTonA-TdMnM.adMs a FsanHutlb.Thews Mr. Walter Stewart, Beeton, sessor, attended lectures on ter DeGeer, Mr. and Mrs. Keith afindfHu n CbnsTer asns Is spending a week with his municipal problemis gîven for Jackson, Mr. and Mrs.t Geo. ea fin e ilm nCoservatuiond si ter,' Mrs. Mina Colwell and civic officials in Convocation Moody, Mr. and Mrs. Don s eer andliveaanmas inchuig ic, r. et owe Hall, University of Toronto, on Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Tom aIeradrhaat. h ae . R.ICo, Mr . anrtd Mrsl . Monday of this week. Rehder, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. attendants were most co-opera- Chias. Cox and Margaret Mary, Out-of-town guests attended Rickaby, Dr. and Mrs.* Bill tiv ntelnsyugant Toonoviitd issite, rs th Brn -Wico wddngRudeIl, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Wa,- about the need for conserving fr Gus Bounsaîl, on Sunday. from East Pembroke. N.Y., trM.RnSmkn ad1u nmlrsucs Montreal, Hamilton, Lindsy friend, Mr. and Mrs. Bobi For many, the flower exhi- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith and Wîck, Toronto, Whitby, Osh- tensbsere the mrostoloarfuAl eer daughter Carol, Ajax, and Mr. awa and Port Hope. Recent visitors with Mrs. J. H.se tteOoofi.Ams Smith's mother, Mrs. Alice Mr.EC.vashsetre H. Jury were Mrs. Gordon Jury haif of the large building was Smith, Windsor, visited Mrs. F. hmr.E.aftE nspediga eek'se Waterdown, wbo spent a week taken u p with this show, fea Cator. vacation with Mr. and Mrs. here, and Miss Mary Jurytrn 1doh any u i-RyDde Mre and Mrs. Blak~e ShortLeieTdr Toronto, advstTrno over the weekend.dBoth cluding many other varieties in ar vsiin M.ndMr. es of theseladiesntilabe îeavîngsmaller quantities. beard in Halifax and Truiro, and 7- ar iiigM. n r e-ing her husband who is a patient oforther couties wiblin te Te eeabe1ls tratdjpossibly other centres there. Be- ley erd nen, AlvinnBandiy unboo opt next few months. Mrs. Gordon considerable attention, espe- fore going ýon to the New Eng- distrit. heGoginB3 Mr. Robert Noble spent a Jury plans to spend the winter cially the huge pumpkins, di- land States from which hie will Bi pleasant weekend in Cleveland, in Mexico, and hier daugbter Miss rectly opposite the fruit dispiay procee d across the U. S. to the D: Ohio, flying by T.C.A. both Mary Jury, will leave Toronto by the Durham Cold Storage Torotoat win an enag- ways. He took in the Cleve- in J'anuary for Australia. Mary plant at Newcastle. There were mernto ov r BC nradio Teae land - Yankee double -header has been asked to inaugurate a also 'automobiles, needlework meof is ilbe ranno.nce dlaterM basebaîl game while there. course in Social Welfare at and the dozen and one ather ex- othahis wlmbeanfried inthis S T. J HNSMH. H. Humphries, Mrs. W. Adelaide University, Adelaide, hibits cômmon to ____ ___ _______________frend inthi E H.Densem and their sîster, Mrs. and is looking forward with an- Bands Ini Attendance 1 ý ý;uW.. Rowe, Toronto, attended ticipation to this exberience in a At the start of the afternoon, CHU RCH the reception held in Oshawa new country.th oiy'prsdnCls (Agia)occasion of hs90th birthday.th lag rw ta jme Rev. Warren Turner, On Saturday evening the HAMPTON the lrsarg codHamaed I A, B.D. Woodsmen's Lodge of Oshawa cial mention of the part played were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Reynolds, by Orono Citizens Band and the 9 a.m. Frank Mace at an old-fashion- Toronto, v isited Miss L. Rey- bugle band from the Ontario ed corn roast at their home, nolds on Friday. Training School for Boys at I HOLY COMMUNION the "Old Cheerio Radio Sta- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chapman ,Bowmanville. They led a pa- tion." and daugbter, Gail, Toronto, rade prior to the opening 10 a.m.- Mr. John Stacey, son of Mr- spent Saturday with Mrs. Joe through the streets of Orono to- SR. SUNDAY SCHOOL and Mrs. Mansell Stacey, Or- Chapman. let the folks know the fair was chard View Boulevard, has start- Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mount- about to open. 11NDY SHOO ed the school terni at Ryerson joy visited with Mr. and Mrs. John M. James, M.P. for ~..dn Institute in Toronto where e G. Black, Cadmus. Durbam conducted the officiailrgg. JR. UNA SHOL 5 taking a three-year electronics Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cryder- opening and lauded the Officers Afiane .(incluCongratulationssseto coward.man, Bowmanville, were Sun- and directors for the grounds Congatuatins t Edardday guests of Mrs. E. H. Cole.- improvement and the excen- Il a.m. - (Ted) Colwell, son of Mrs. Bert Ms ayLuDw .. tionalyv fine and large number Colwell, Carlisle Ave., on win-Tontvsed erpetso exhibits. He ffientioned that ning the Dominion-Provincial Mr. ànd Mrs. C. E. Daw, dur- the fair was celebrating the en- COMMUNION Student Aid Bursary valued at ing the weekend. ora iton i its eod inauura1 of/ $250.00. Ted and Ivan Woolley opIato sIVVl iagua 7 p.m. - left Monday for Peterborough Mrs. J. Cbapman visited re- Ition. EVNOGTeachers' College. latives in Oshawa on Sunday Grandstand Show HOME PERMANENTS EVENSONG ~~Capt. Cyril Mumford of Mrs. C. E. Jeffrey has re - HOETENEOI Hampton paid the higbest turned after spending two weeks The grandstand performance, JUST RIGHT FOR YOUR HAIR _____________________price, $2500, for a Shorthorn nO Toronto. ably assisted by Peter the heier t he isprsl sleat r. ndMrs BrceBronClown wbo bas been attending , _____________________ eieratth dsprsi al a M-.an Ms.YceBon Orono fair for several years, CU f tbe Grant Campbell farm ýnear Jaln ob, saa eewas aiso one of the finest in 'FOR NORMAL HAIR! I I *Moffat recently. An average recent visitors witb Mrs. J. some time. The BT.S. boys un- .... EvangeIstIcite o 1005beadsd. Td fr hePm trsfmiynTrntder direction of Physical Direc- visited atictteeborne ofdberlpar-heWintonsBilliBanToronpo t Ms. esle Jcksn ad M s e ts, er. hnomrs.o.fler r ornn xcellt tumbllg an- Centre Bertha Bailey are visiting wbo bave been on the sickgymnnastic display, A bit of un- FRHR-OWV Pentecstal rlativs in Trontolist. We trust they will soon be expected humour was in.ieced . RHAR-OWA Onaro tretNoth and St. Catharines. Mrs. Bailey weîî ji,-' thi'; rprforniance when on- Ontari Stree Nort expects to leave by 'plane for Mrs. C. Daw visited ber of tbe lads inadvertently sp ,it Re. . . ifel, asor Victoria, B.C., on Wednesday agtr r.D.R .Bl the seat of bis trousers and was *. VERY morning. after having spent eight adfmlTrno forced to retire in some indie- 6PJL weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mr.Jh HisMiesac nitv. Later, the matcbless Vi- * FRE$T i ~~~~~~Jackson and friends in Bow- eets rnCizn Bd, WV IR Sunday, September 19 manville, also in Ottawa. Mont- qu n and Gwnov usd oterono Ctes Bandt*,...... attended a trousseau tea for an te ubr etthe e 10 a.m.- real, Oshawa, Toronto and St. Miss Lenore Osborne1 on Sat- crowd thrilled and amused in ONLY S DA SHOL Catharines. urday at the home of Mr. and between various trotting race _____I SUNDY SCOOLMrs. C. A. Wight and Mrs.1 Mrs. Russell Osborne, Bowman- heats and driving classes. f Geo. W. James were in Oakville ill.Wbile these events were un - Friday, attending an afternoon Mran Mrs. Harland Truli, derwav on the track, the heavy GIVES YOU A CUSTOM-MADE Il a.m. - WORSHIPI tea given by Mrs. T. A. McGil- and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cun- horses were being judged in PERMANENT JUST RIGHT FOR YOU livray in bonor of ber guest, Mrs. ninghamn, Fenelon Falls, have the enclosure on the infield, jMldred Adolph of Williamsburg, returned from a pleasant mo- the Black and White Holstein 7 p.m. - EVANGELISTIC Virginia. Mrs. Adolph return- tor trip to Boston and Cape dayv was in full swing in tbe ed wîth Mrs. James to spend the Cod. backfield, the Midway was weekend wben among other We welcome to our village1 booming along and everyone M C E N Tune in CBL, Sunday, places she visited lier birtbplace Mr. and Mrs. S. Hedges and I was havin%ý a wonderfiîl time Sept. 19, 2:30 p.mn., hear at the late Joe Osborne fairm two chilîdren who bave pur- watching for the many friends'PR XD Pentecostal Assemblies of west of Tyrone. cbased the home in the south who bad corne home to Orono One of the famous borse-sboe end from Mr. Bert Hoskin. from distant places. Secretary rfl ,A, E Canaa Boadast diect pitchîng McLaugblins, Dean by A number from Hampton at- Col. J. C. Ganîev described the from Winnipeg, Man. name, bas done it again. Last tended the funeral of Mrs. Min- lfair as one of the finest in his Saturday nîgbt lhe again won nie Ruse at the Morris Funeral Imanv years of contact with the tbe Canadian cbampionship Chapel, Bowmanville, on Fni- organization. Coming Thursday, Sept. over a field of 24 of the best day afternoon. Interment was 23, Mr. Roger Smith, confl in the country. He topped off in the Bowmanville cerneterv. We do ourselves wrong, and Ive.rte.d atheist and alconholile. 85 ringers every. 100 hots to She was a Former -gly-r- tomal siaeteh- ,~ Trinif y United Church Minister, Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. I1 A.M. - "Jesus and the Lawyers' Question" 7 P.M. - "The Giver and the Gifi" Sanday School Opeing *»A-M. - Baby-sitting service. Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary Depts. 12:15 P.M. - Junior, Intermediate, Senior Depts. NEXT SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26tb 11 A.M. - The Sacrament of Infant Baptism. the words "A Booster for Hockey in Bowmanville". Al donors are asked to place these stickers on the windows of their homes or stores. ln addition, you will receive a 1 receipt for your money. i i Everyone is asked ta make his or her donation as large as possible for this cause. You may leave your donations and pick up your stickers at the Canadian Bank of Commerce, The Bank of Montreal, Frank Jamieson Tire Depot, Sheppard & Gi Lumber Co., Nelson E. Osborne Insurance, S. Blain Elliott, Bowmanvile Arena, Mutton's Service Station. Let's see as many of those stiekers as possible on the windows in the next few days. If sufficient money isn't raised by voluntary subseription, a door-to-door and store-to-store canvass will be made to seek additional funds. The list of hockey boosters wiIl be published in The Statesman but flot the amounts given. For those wishing to donate by mail a coupon is placed below for your convenie'nce. Kindly clip it out and mail to Nelson E. Osborne, Secretary-Treasurer, Bowman- ville Barons Hockey Club, Bowmanville, and a sticker and a receipt will be sent to you by return mail. NELSON E. OSBORNE, Secretary-Treasurer Bowrmanville Barons Hockey Club, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Dear Sir: Please find enclosed $ -------------which Is I mv donation to the Bowmanville Barons Hockey Club. Please send Booster Sticker and Receipt to: NAME STREET Organist. "%r. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M.f arts on Tour ith Columbia district who have followed his career with interest may have another opportunity of hearing himi play. Ray will give 50 concerts in alI thîs season. He will go from N~ew England to West Virgina, the Carolinas, Pennsylvania, Michigan and on through the Mliddle Western States to Cal- fornia where he will play in ;everal cities including Los Angeles and San Francisco. Ray is looking forward to the .vhole tour with great enthus- asm, following a summer spent at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Courtice, during which he studied, practis- ed and rested. He has been on- the East and West Coasts be- foe but the Middle Western States such as Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Indiana, Nebraska and Wyoming will ail be mainly new and exciting territory. His tour last year was highly successful and there is little doubt that he will achieve-even greater popularity and acclaim in this year's extensive tour. ,Varmest wishes for continued success go witb him from bhis friends in thîs district. M'emoriaI Hospital Neekly Report For the week of September -13: Admissions --- - - ----- 29 Birtbs, 4 male, 1 female -..- )ischarges -- ------------------- 47 MIaj or operations 6 ilinor operations---------. 4 Emergency treatments ---- 9 Annual Police Games IAt B. T. S.- Wednesday ,Ail Citiiens Are lnvifed A popular idea, the Annual Police Games, which were started six years ago, wi* be carried on again this yelF on Wednesday, September -22nd, at the Ontario Training School for Boys. Policemen from var- ious forces in the area and ia- cluding the R.C.M.P. and the Ontario Provincial Police will be on hand, not only to super- vise, but to take part in the events. Feature event of the ath- letic mccl, in which schools from ail the surroundîng area take part, will be a three- legged race, with each team consisling of a police offier and a boy from the Training Sebool tied together at the ankle. Six different trophies arc of- fered by tbe varlous police forces represented, for tbe dit- ferent age classifications and special events. The Oshawa City Police bave donated the Junior School Cbampionsbip trophy. The Ontario Provin- cial Police will present theIn termediate School Trophy, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (complete with red coais and wide-brimmed hats) wMl be on hand to present thelir Senior Scbool Cbampionship Trophy. Bowmanville Police Depart-I ment bas donated a shield for the winners of the Public Scbool tug-of-war, in which sebools from the Oshawa and Bowmanville districts will en- ter eight men on a team. In the Open Mile event, the only one that is without an age limit, the Durham and North- umberland Trophy will be won. The age classifications are aî follows, with ail ages reekonea as of September 1, 1954: Junior - under 13 years; In- termediale - under 16 years; Senior - under 18 years. Wînners of cacb event wil receive a Bronze Junior Police Game medal for a f irst in each final, and ribbons for second, third and fourth, in aIl events except the Open Mile. The scoring which -will be addeda to find the sehool team champ- ionships gives 10 points for a first, six for a second, five for athrd and four for a fourth. TeOpen Mile, Tug-of-War and tbree-legged race will not be scored for the team champ- ionships. Entries for the atbletic meet are to be in to Physical Educa- lion instructor Bill Bagnell, the Ontario Training Scbool for Boys, Bownianville, before noon of Monday, September 20, in order that a prograin may be arranged. Preliminary heats in as niany events as possible will be mun off in the morning of the 22nd. Athletes in the Open Mi!c event will be the only ones ai- lowed ta vear spike shoes. Due to the variety of runnin.g events, starting blocks will be provided to prevent holes be- ing dug in the track. It's easy finding reasons why other folks sbould be patient.- George Eliot. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SElR SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY IT'S HERE! ANNUAL A.B.C. D DRUG SALE ALL THIS WEEK! BYL4 Featuring Exceptional Buys plus popular items at the lowest prices arranged in a handy aiphabetical check list. Shop at I.D.A. and save! EXTRA SAVINGS Minerai Oul I.D.A. Brand 16 oz., reg. 55e 40 oz. reg. 1.10 43c, 87c I.D.A. Paper Napkins 70's. white embossed reg. 17e box 15c, 2 for 29e Shaving Cream I.DA. Brand Fine, rich bubble lather Large 49e tube 39e "Auer" Cigarette Lighter Triple gear action. Finish iin chrome and enamel $1.00 "Beacon" Alarm ('Iock good alarm keeps time sturdy case shatterproof glass reg. 2.29 - 1.98 Billfolds AIl round zipper, change purse ticket holders 1.00 English Morocco leather change purse, etc., 1.79 Eclipse Fountain Pen Special! Iridium tipped nibs. Gold- plated rnb band 1.50 value Lady Esther 4-Purpose IFace Cream Speclal! 1.50 size 1.19 I.D.. Band EXTRA I.D.. Band SAVINGS Specials LD.A.Brni Toilet Tissue I.D.A. COLD CREAM SOAP 750-sheei rois Contains Lanolin, reg. 2 for 25e reg. 2 bars 25c 2 for 23e 2 for 23c COCOANUT OR SHAMPOO 4 oz., 8 oz., reg. 33c, 49c 23c, 39e 'EASI-GLOSS" FLOOR WAX 1 lb. tin reg. 53e 39e I.D.A. EPSOM SALT 1 lb., reg. 25e 19e HALIBIJT LIVER OIL CAPS. 100s reg. 1.29 - 500s reg. 4.79 93e 3.89 H.B. PENCILS reg. 5c - 6 for 25c, 3 for 10c, 12 for 39c "'UTILITY" BRAND 2 Yr. guarantee HOT WATER BOTTLES reg. 1.79 for 1.29 HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 4 oz., R80oz.,f16<oz., reg. 19c, 29c, 45e 15c, 23c, 39e MAGNESIA TABLETS 100's reg. 39e - 300's reg. 89c 33c. 69e MILK 0F MAGNESIA 11 oz. reg, 35c, 32 oz. reg, 60e 29c, 49c OLIVE OIL 4 oz., reg. 35e - 8 oz., reg. 55e 29e - 44e SPECIAL! A.S.A. TABLETS 5 grain, 100's, 300's, 19c, 49c ROY ROGERS LUNCH KIT Sturdy metal lunch box Litho finish. Ineludes genuine Thermos bottie 3.79 SOAP SPECIAL! oz 0. and 2 oz. cakes Fine fragrances Re-usable plastic bag 10 bars for 49e Noxzemna Noxzemna 3-Way Shave Skin Cream JA new exper- lence la shav- Special ing comfort 10 oz. reg. 1.15 6 on. jar 98c S890 I.D.A. Tooth Paste (with Lauryl 45) Freshens breath Whitens teeth, reg. 57e tube, 39c I.D.A. Wax Paper 100' roll 12" wide box with metal eut- ting edge reg. 29e roll 25e Wash Cloths 12" size. variety of colours. attractive patteras 25e value 2 for 25e Sehool Special! Zipper Binder Leathereen 1 U2 "rings Trigger action Two pockets 2.75 value 1.99 Gage Stuart Hall Stationery 70 sheets 30 envelopes 1.50 value Special 98e Papermate Pen Retractablej Provedj performance Refuis 69e Full Price Refund on Pablum Buy one 8-oz. pkige. Get full price ref unded from maker Get Acqualnted Offer DRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Your Local I.D.A.. Drug Store viol For Balanced Fitness PLEASANT TA STING no wont, babyt like other soopi and shompo 59< e e * s a Dru FWICE JRSI)AY CREEK THE PERFECT HAIR DRESSING ln handsome lors hsndy tubesi sting ieyes Phone 792 IL- 1- - - - è - L- 0-THUMDAT. SM"r. lfth, 1954 THE CANADUN BTATESM", BOWMANVMLE, ONTAMM vltm lerm m