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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Sep 1954, p. 12

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PAGE TWI £sv9MANtM -r% on-ama CHmA Harvesters Win Fourth To Tie Softball Series Tom C o wa n's Harvesters fan the Harvestinen were Don downed Bowmanville Surplus Gilhooly, Tom Depew, Ted Bag- Sales 8-1 in a gaine played at neli, Ted Hoar and .Jim Croin- 5 p.m. at Creain of Banley Park bic, each with a single. Sunday afternoon ta capture the These teams meet for the fifth founth gaine of thein best-of-five and deciding gaine at Memorial series. Park on Sunday at 2 p.m. and Doug Kostka lookcd after the it is. haped that a good crowd hunling for the Hanvesters, giv- will tunn out fan this contest. ing up only a total of seven bits. Tom Cowan's Harvesters-Don Doug Jackman picked up two of Gilhooly, ss; Lloyd Hamilton, If; these bits for the Surplus Sales, Doug Kastka, p; Frank Hooper, Maxie Yourth and Jack Parken cf; Dan Girandi, 2b; Tom Depew, had doubles and Chuck Kil- lb; Ted Bagnell, 3b;, Ted Hoar, patniek, Gary Tighe and George nf; Jin Crombie, c. Stephens had a single eacb. Bawmanville Surplus Sales- George Stephens on the mound Clint Fenguson, nf; Bud Perfect, for Surplus Sales yielded oniy 3b; Bob Gallagher. c; Maxie eight bits, but a certain amnount Yaurth, ss; Chuck Kilpatrick, If; of wildncss contributed ta saine Jack Parker, 8, Doug Jackman, of the Hanvesters runs. Alto- 2b; Gary Tighe, lb; George gether he issued seven frec pass- Stephens, p. es, Also, three errons by bis Umnpire-George Piper, plate; team-nates in the fourth inning Dan Masters, Mel Burgess,.bases. helned aceount for four runs. __________ For the Hanvestens Frank Hooper, was the hitting star o f Thne-quarters of the prov- the gaine. collecting a triple, ince of New Brunswick is cov- double and single. Other bittens. ercd with menchantable timber. ROSENEATH FAIR F~4rI~y & Satudeuy Tr~1 Af Ler cruising t Satu doy railRangers of Bowmanvi deetdby Maple Grove la & C before their second ioss to %O iC m m i I R 1 oolner, Ed. Leavens, Bi IJoh Lunn, Ralph Vivian, I"Bucky" Buckspan, John 1 FOUR RACES DANCE AND FLOOR SHOW 1 teamn was coached by Arno TORONTO ORCHESTRA SOLINA A. J. CAMPBELL, C. W. VARCOE, Mrs. Bryce Brown, Oshawa, President. See'y-Treas. entertained a numnber of So- lina ladies at a presentation party in honor of Miss Jean Reynolds, bride-to-be. Gift-, included severai articles of ----- -------- hammered aluminurn. Tasty refreshinents were scrved by the hostess. Several Sauina ladies attend- ed the trousseau tea given by Mrs. Isobel Reynolds of Bow- manville, for ber daughter Jean on Saturday aftcrnoon. Darlington Ail-Stars cam- __________peted with a teain fromn Osh- dh ~awa in a soccer garnl at Solina on Saturday night. The scorc was 1-1. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hutcheon and son, Oshawa, were Sun- day visitors at Mr. C. Vice's. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hamer and children visited at Mr. George L N Schell's, Sr., at Ajax on Sun- wedding annîversary at Mr.Nol etaf1, saa JUST OFF QUEEN ELIZABETH WAY AND Sorry to learn Jean Cryder- man is in Oshawa Hospital. HIGHWAY 27 We aIl wish her a speedy re- cavery. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hilis, Carol and Anne visited at Mr. A. Hilîs', Tyrone. -and Miss Lena Taylor, Bow-1 manville, visited at Mr. A. Bal-( son's and Mr. E. R. Taylor's. z Mr and Mrs. Stan Milîson, Mr« avidBeath's, Columbus. Èfr.andMrs. O. Cruick-t 1:30 P.M. sak n Joan, Mrs. Ida Wil- cox, Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Brown, Jean andc Bobbie, Oshawa, visited at Mr. Bruce Tink's. SEPT. 30 - O CT. 23 M.adMs et cil visitors at Mr. Chas. Lang- ADMISSION (inc. tax) $1.15 No children under 16 maid's. Sqaf aen Ample Parking Space visited at Mr. Roy Langmaid's.e Mrs. F. Burrows, Mrs. Marg- aâret Crouse, Oshawa, visited FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT a Mr. and rs. N. Fiee andc FullCouse Maisfrom75esons, Taunton, visited at Mn. Fui Curs Mal frm 5eF. Westlake's, Sr. s Mr. and Mrs. Percy West- d *lake and children were Sun- The Town of Bowmanville will return to Eastern.SanadTurne cut 2 .m. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 261h On this date ail citizens of the Town of Bowmanville are requested to turn their dlocks and watches back one hour and thug change from Daylight Sav'ing Time to Eastern Standard Time. F. MORLEY VANSTONE Mayor, Town of Bowinanville. COD SAVE THE QUEEN I liro ugh regulat ille ran into ar ast week. Here, )the new cham [n Jackson, Die John Fowler, Ci /Iason, Bob Johi ild Lobb and Er iFirsi F To Be 1-Iockey practitE l-formeci Bown Hockey teain - wiIl be a true c ject in every sen -will start on. ber 4, it has beec Business Mai Jamnieson, witht of the Arena Cornmittee, bas tirne for an inte campaign. For a1 weeks, an hour'. been arranged f ing froin Mon çla' elusive. On Mor the practice time 6 ta 7 p.m., and four nights of th( be froin 6.30 to7 Playing Coach has stressed the hockey players i are welcome ta It and make thet needed, and one ces of making thi good as the next will be judged or only. Develop Home-T The executive that the Bow. B Club is interested a home-town tearz ville for tthe futi this winter willi one-year project three years or me However, in or club may go a] plans for a team Grove Bowmanville Juniors Lose to Maple Vikey (XV) 6c-3 'arin iEd sanad uUlcs-nM a t in Bucksao aci K rni Muo (B) 3ef. Luch l TI a'v1 z DI ; L UGail Vikkery (W)cef. Julia Aihin and Ross Turner (B) 6-5; lion play without a loss ail season, Trinity Cathandine Ja es BEtaHi- ceai set-back in the piayoffs and werc finaiiy Rosemanie Mornill and Dave ýthey are shown in a happy rnood, just Higgon (B) def. Dawn Vickery ýipions. From ieft to right, front row: Red and Frank McQuay (W) 6-1. ck Denhertog, Morley Richards; back row: xeorge Mariow and Barry Cowling. A Bg H cky Ngh inston, Lewis Bickie, Gary Pickard. hsBg H ce ih )an Marsden. At Port Perry Arena for With Leafs Present ractlce fo Darons Through'the kindness of Port Perr's oodfrind illMac- il ~, 4 Brien. Chairman of the Board of Directors of Mapie Leaf Hela iM on.,LOct. 41Gardens, Toronto, and the courtesy of Mr. Conn Sin)the, Y! O Manager of Maple Leaf Hockey /'w~~tI DClub, the citizens of Port Perry Your Contrbution Iland surraunding c*nmunt r going ta have the rare oiotn es for the new- shore League this wintcr and ity of witnessing anc of the best rianvilie Barons ta have Playing Coach Ernie games of hockey, ever ta be play- -the tearn that Dickens devciop younger play- ed in Port Perry. ommunity pro- ers for the future, the execu- Mr. Coon Srnythc and As-' ise of the térin tive must first naise the neces- sistant Manager Mr. Hap Day,i Manday, Octo- sary $2.500 ta get the teain are bringing ta Port Perry Arena n announced. under way. The he]p of every their last year's Maple Leafs, nager Franîk citizen is needed in Ibis pro- plus mnany nexv players, ta play the cooperation jeet and ail thase businesses a gaine against Pittsburgh Hor- 1Management and individutals who hiave ioct nets. There \vil1 be about 45 ;arranged ice Yct made thiîi contribution star hockey players in bath bensive trainin,, are asked ta do sa at once. No clubs. period of tbree contribution is tao smali and This wiil be one of the very 's practice bas ahi are urgently needed. best gaines you couid possibly for each even- Depots For Donations sec, as the boys will all he giving y ta Friday in~- Donations may be left at the their best, trying for a Dlace an )nday evenings Canadian Bank of Commerce, the big tearn for the .coming ewill be frorn The Bank of Montreal, Frank season. i ontheothn Jaiesn Tre epot Shppad bThe Toronto Maple Leafs will e we te it whl GisLumbier Ca., SNeson E e coached by King Clancy and 7.30 k t il OshoneInouran eS lin E.the Pittsburg Hornets by Howie Ernie Dickens Elliott, Bowmanvjlle Arena Mepeetafore trso.h fact that ail Mutton's Service Station. Those ThMaple son in this district making contributions wiîî re- Te gamte Poirtis err ing on- urn out ta try eeive a stieker with the words Cluedby ilb ldi the PortLin team. Al r ABotrfrHce nBw Perry Arena, on Thursday, Sep- player's chani- manvihle" which may be past- tember 3th at 8:30 p.m., and is teain are as cd on the windows of their the entire procceds arc bcing one's. Players homes, stores or cars. Receipts gîven by the Lions Club ta the ýn their ability will also be given for funds Port Perry Rink Committce ta cantributed. The list of hockey hel a h ot fisalto 17w okybterh ilb pbi di of artificial ice plant and cernent have stresscd Te Statesman, but flot the floor. Barons Hockey amounts given. Don't forget the date and make in deveioping With the gencrous help of sure of your reserve seats early n in Bowman- every citizen it is hoped ta have as no doubt this event wiîî draw ure. The club a hockey team in Bowmanvilie anc of the largest crawds ever ta not be just a this wintcr of which everyone witness a hockey match in Part but one of cai, be praud. Penry. &VIrU )rden that the head with its in the Lake- day visitors at Mr. Frank West- Iakè's, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tam Baker and family werc Sunday visitors at Mr. Keith Ormiston's, Eben- ezer. Mr. J. Baker rccently judg- ed at Midland and Campbell- croft. Mr. and Mrs. A. Allin and aons, Bowmanviile, were Sun- day visitons at Mr. Wes. Yei- lowlees'. Miss Sharon Larmer, Black- tock, spent the weekend with MIr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow- les and Karen. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Patsy, M-r. and Mrs. J. Yellowlees wene Sunday even- rig visitons at Mr. J. E. H. Davis', Oshawa. Miss Pearl Gerry, Toronto; Miss Lena Taylor, Bawman- ville, visited at Mn. E. Cryder- man 's and were Saturday ev- ning callers at Mr. N. Wot- ten's. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Baker, roronto, visited at Mr. George [amlin's. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Darth and Jaughters visited on Sunday it Mn. Sid Elcombe's, Ajax. Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams, aowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. ;arn Dewell, Hampton; Mr. td Mrs. Frank Gilbert were ;unday visitors at Mn. and [nrs. N. C. Wotten's celebnating ie iatter's birthday anniven- ry whieh was on Saturday. Mns. Real, Blaekwater; Mn. m Eldon, Toronto, visited at Ir. John Knox's. Mns. Laver, Miss Helen Gney, Ir. and Mrs. V. Sheridan and lverley, Toronto. were week- nd visitons at Mr. Clarence rice 's. Miss Betty King, Thornton's Jrners, was a Monday visitor tMn. Ralph Davis'. Mn. A. L. Pascoe spent Mon- ay with Mn. R. J. Luke, Ked- )n. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bray of wift Current, Sask., vi,5ited SMn. A. L. Pascac's. Mn. and Mns. A. Patter, Mr. d Mrs. A. Balson were Sun- y visitons at Mn. Ray Middle- m's, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. D. McLaughlin nted at Mr. A. L. Pascoe-s. ar in i 1m vi ni er teý T( M da at Bc Sa ai Su Jir Mi Mi Be eni Cu at da ron Sw at anc day ton Last Year's Champs Start Off Strong ln Durham Bowling The Durham Bowling League got off ta a good start last Fri- day night wvîth 12 teams in ac- tion. The Bow'manville Foun- dry team, Iast year's champions, again started off strongly, rall- Tennis Club Wins Against Whitby Here Whitby Juniors took quite a trouncing fromn Bowmanville's Young tennis playens here on Saturday wvhen the locals took nine out of eleven contests. It was -a return engagement. Bowmanville had visited Whit- by carlien and there taok six of eight \sets. For many of the yaungsters, it wvas their first expenience in tournament play and did a great deal ta revive intcrcst in the courts after summer layoffs due ta hall- idays. The nesults on Saturday ,were as follows: Boys' doubls-Martin Buck- span and Dan Cattran (B) def. John Hleard and Daug Heard (W) 6-1; Doug James and John James (B) def. Walt Bradley and Frank McQuay (W) 6-1; Doug James and Dave Higgan (B) def. Andrew Duguid and Paul King (W) 6-3. Boys' singles -Dan Cattran (B) def. John Ilcard (W) 6-1; Ross Turner (B) def. Paul I iog (W)> 6-5. iGirL< doubIc3 - Karen Mu'- tan and Julia Alunr (B) def.* Lucille Tutt and Cither,'Iae Cauldburn (WV) C-3: Rosemnar c Mornili and Berta Hi-on (B) def. Gail Vickerv andI Dawn Jimn Levitt, 206; Hap Palms% 205; Ken Kelly, 202 and ICeith Yeo, 202. Neil Builey had a hlgh triple for the night of 731. Mapte Greve Wins Junior Soccer Titie Thursdoy, Sept. 30 Game Tirne 8:30 p.m. Notables who will be present for this garne, are: COL. W. A. H. MacBRIEN, Chairman of Board'af Directors of Maple Leaf Gardens CONN SMYTHE, Manager of Maple Leaf Hockey Club HAP DAY, Assistant Manager KING CLANCY, Coach TEEDER KENNEDY, Captain of Toronto Maple Leafs HOWIE MEEKER, Coaeh of Pittsburgh Hockey Club FOSTER HEWITT, Famous Sports Broadeaster THERE WILL BE AN ADVANCED SALE OF TICKETS Tickets may be purchased from stores in Port Ferry and Mike's Place in Oshawa SALE PRICE-Reserved $1.50 Students $1.00 General $1.25 y 0 T R DOMINION 0RE MARYLAND No. 1 - WASHED AND WAXED - LOW PRICE Sweet Potcutoes 3Lbs. 19C ONE MORE WEEK - FIRM - GREEN - LARGE HEADS CABBAE FOR1 c LADIES - PREPARE NOW FOR THA!' WINTER SEWING Bleuch.d White Cotton Sug ni Beugs EACH 3 RICHMELLO - PKG. 0F 8 - TASTY Cheese Susces Values effective Thursday, Friday, Saturday, September 23, 24, 25 Dominion Stores Lirnited, Bowmanville, Ont. --r- - ~ -~ -Pip THE CANADIAif STAITWAlff- mwuAmr.,r.p.- nmmÀ&lzTe% qqmmanàv avrDqq "VA 4 the nîght good for- seven points. Maple Grove copped the The Palmer Motor Sales squad. championship of the Darling- also made a good start, topping ton Junior Football League 3,000 with a score of 3,065 also last Thursday night in Maple good for seven points. Grave by shading Bowman- Other team scores of the ville 2-1 in the third.gaine ~ night were. their best-of-three series. é. Team - Pins Points In the first gaine of.êe'tt 3 L.O.L. Ne. 2384 2779 7 series Maple Grave won 2-0, 4 Enniskillen No. 2 2899 5 but Bowmanville came back 5 Enniskillen No. 1 2581 4 ta win the seconld by the same 6 A. &P.- 2494 4 score. 7 Tyrone - 2634 3 In the deciding gaine, the 8 McNulty's 2592 3 winning goal for the * home 9 BlSkstock___ 2630 2 team was deflected .i net 10 C. 0. F ------ 2911 0 off the head of one of V~- il M pe Grave 2398 0 manville players. B ry . o i 12 Hampton --------- 2354 0 ing notched the only B owman- , In individual scoring Neil ville goal in a desperate at- B3ailey came out on top with tempt to make up for his fatal -à high score of 244. Other in.. mistake. clividual scores were: Bill The f irst Maple Grave goal Smith, 222; Jin Thompson, came at 10 minutes of the 219; Bill Westlake, '218; Frank Isecond haif on a penalty shot Smith. 216, L. Wearn, 213; B. against Marlowe. Ray Preston Hennings, 213; Ron Brock, 209; kicked it in for his team. for things you need and want now! $50 to $1000 L~ WITHOUT BAN KABLE SECURITY Easy ta meet requirernents. Loans fast, on your own signature. 24 months ta repay. REMEMIER... .2 out of 3 prefer HFC 1 SHOUSEHOLO FINANCE 1 11/2 Slmco. St.South, second floor, ph one Oshawa 5- 1139 OSHAWA, ONT. PORT HOPE BRANCH: 71 Walton St., 2nd floor, phone 3050 PORT PERRY LIONS CLUB PRESENTS HOCKEY NIGHT Port perry TORONTO MAPLE LE4AFS Vs. PITTSBURGH HORNETS »> ý J' - plkg-

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