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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Sep 1954, p. 13

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'r- JED D EPT. 23rd, 1954 '~ T~ - ~ TEM CANADIAN sTATESMAN, EOWMANvrVL, ONTAMuo PAGE TIRTEEN 'yrone W. 1. Provides Program Ma pie Grove Wins For Fine Maple Grove Meeting Businesaf the Sept. 13t] eeting of Maple Grave Warr 9'5 Institute was conducte y president, Mrs. Ceci Miii. olutions submitted by th, ranches ta the area conver ion committee were read ang are to be vated an at the Ocl mneeting. Mn. Ray Metcalfe was ap ted delegate ta the are. tian. pEarl Stephenson, leader Mns. Morley Flintoff, as &nt, wil be in charge c te girls' hamemaking clul p rject for 1954, "What Shall ear? " Arnang thank you's receive( Was ane Jçom Mrs. Ron Rager (ElVa S*jwden) for the lavell uPper ind service provide( ythe W. I. far her wedding. Mrs. Grant Bennett, conven. er of citizenship and educatior was in charge of the progranr which was provided by guest- of the evening, Tyrane W.] )Ars. Eber Snowden (Mapli Grave) spoke on the W. I. pro- gram motta, "Now we are to- g ether, let's be merry". Speak- n ng far the rural community in R articular, Mrs. Snowden said, 'The rural community is basic In civilizatian and the well.-be- ing afi a civilization depends Upon a prosperous, healthy ru- rai cammunity." Whether We have much or littie, smiles, fniendljness and an autgoing spirit toward aur neighbors, riew or old are of greater value than wealth or high attain- rnents la any community. Mrs, Snawden concluded witha Soern by Edgar Guest: "He tuled his happiness out a: these", etc., ending with "Seek- ers for happiness wander fan, and, oh, how jaded and tirec they are, forever pursuing the strange thrill they neyer have caught and neyer wili! But he faund friendships and flowers and trees, and builded his hap- piness out of these." Mrs. Everton White, president of Tyrane, W.I. took the chair for their excellent pragram. Speaker of the evening, Mr'. Lorne Annis, provided mast Interesting education an the Jron re development at Steep Yiock, with highlights from the .Atikakan W.I. ten miles framn Steep Rock whiçh is midway between the head of the lakes and Winnipeg. There was great ineed ai Iran are in Ontario. Due to the red clar ai the rocks in the vicinity ai Steep ,Rock t was believed by the Indians and eventualiy by other cîtizens that iran are wauld be laund under that lake. In 1930 MVr. J. Cross ai Part Arthur, by d 'L$ing, faund the are under theYlake and fnom this discav- ery the gigantic epnoject af changing water courses by bai rs, dnaining the lake and tbraising the silt fnamn the boLtam ai the lake was corm- pleted. Since iran are is the cane ai steel and Canadian are goes ta the U.S.A. ta their steel SlantS fan pracessing the second Pugeaoperatian was that ai raising the are ta graund level and then transparting it for An Expensive Cut IF FIREMEN have to fight their way through to a blaze ln your home, every swing of their axes wiIi mean a hale in your packetboak.. unless You have adequate insurance. Don't wait for that blow ta fail! Get your Fine Insurance today fnom STUAIT R. JAMES Iv: urance Phones: Office Ring Street Real Estate 681-. Res. 493 Bowmanville th Ck- !d [S' le 1- id ýa r, S- [b I ýd ýy ýd 1- ni n e shipment by boat ta U.1ý Open pit miaing wiii be4 ried an ta 600 ft. depth. One ai the langé haseu in dralning the lake came fi the Goadyear plant in Bi manville. In spite ai a highi scandai, gaad raads are ap ing up the northland wl there is an outiet fan thep ulation pressure la urban ai and gaod schoais, churci baspitais and recreatian praviding gaad cammuaity1 Huntiag aad iishiag are an tractive natural resaurce ai area. Mns. Annis aiso told an ar iag stary ai the work af atkakaa W. I. and drcw att tion ta the pîcture on the c er ai the Summer edition "Home and Country" ai first prize rug ia the Proviri rug competition wbic'hN won by this W. I. The rug siga ai an origiaanaioftrillii and maple leaves. Entertaining and thai. provakiag readiags were gii by Mrs. G. Rosevear, "What a Girl and What is a Bc "Flowers and Women" by X Norman Woodiey. A charming tria af istE Joan, Kay and Joyce Daveyi lighted the ladies witb aumbers and twa encares tap dancing. They were acco pan led by their mother, M Don Davey, at the piano. M Clarence Waodiey piayed piano solo. On behaîf af the Mal Grave - members, Mrs. Et aSnowden tbanked the gui for the splendid pnognama Mrs. Don Stainton express appreciation ion the Tyrone dies ai the Maple Grave hi pitaiity. Whiie refresbments wE served by Mrs. Bennett and t group a happy social timem senjoyed. ]BLACKSTOCK * Miss Marjorie McLeana Miss Darothy Benson,* Oshav are hoiidaying la New York *a conducted tour. Miss Joyce Veaning, ai local Bell Telephone staff, is holiday s. Mrs. Doreen Palka Mrs. Giadys Trewin are worki at the office. Miss Jessie McArthur and Jý Norman Dysant netunned ta \ý tania Caliege, University ai ' ronto, an Manday. Miss Betty McArthur netur ta London University an Thui day. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Saywt and Mn. and Mns. Bab Hart. ( bourg, are matoring la the Stat this' week. Mr. and Mrs. Jcl Ross are caring for the Sayw( childrea and Mrs. John Grie, and Vannie are la the stne. Misg Fva Parr attended a BE Telephone Pioneens' Conventi( la Toronto lest week. Miss Mildned Archer, Toront was holidayiag with ber paren iast week and Mr. Bert Sm.l was down ion the weekend. Mrs. Ed. Strang and Miss Del Lathangue, Bowmaaville, w:l Mrs. George Fowien. Mrs. John Mariow is ia Torci ta with ber cousin, Mrs. H. Forbes. Mn. and Mns. Clarence Gin and famiiy, Mn. and Mns. Albe: Wright and family, Mn. and Mr Ed. Hennis and femiiy, Mn. a: Mrs. Harvey Ginnanad fami.: Mrs. James Gian, Mrs. Rebeec Dickey and Mn. Riddeii wei Suaday guests ai Mn. and Mr William Lawrence at their ce, tage at Vîew Lake. Sarry ta, hean that Miss Li] Hooey, Toronto, broke a bonei ber shoulden. Her many mrienc here wish her a speedy recover, Glenn Van Camp is attendin McMaster University. Hamiitci taking Civil Engineering. Ralph Strong and Benn Hoayen are atteading Victori Coilege, Toronto, taking the Ai Course. David Swain is ettendiag Ry erson Institute. Toronto. Mrs. Inene Nickelson and so Leslie, Toronto, with Mrs. Ge( Fowlen. Mn. and Mns. Eani Dorreli en Mn. and Mrs. Norman Mountir. enjoyed a moton trip ta Aigon quin Park and Huntsville laE Mrs Robent Fallis (formerl Marie Lamb) , Methea ad Susar Liadsay, with Mn. and Mr. Thos. Smith. Mn. and Mrs. Grant Fergusci and Ian, Toronto, and Miss Maxi Fergusan at Roy Fergusan's. Misses Peanl Wright, Marici Moore and Betty Emery, Tarai ta, with Mn. and Mns. Car Wright. Pearl and Marlon pni sented the pictures ai thei Mexican holidaY ta a very ap preciatîve gathering at the Unit TIO N ADDRESS FOR )THING 15 4HFRTCV., IATTEN YOUR RIGHT A DUTCH CL( C.4 ¶P6 King St. M (Above The Canadian S tatesman Office) NOTICE THE VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE wiII return to EASTERN STANDARD TIME at 2 a.m. Sunday, Sept. Z6th John Rickard, Reeve. ,GOD SAVE THE QUEEN SA. car- used fnom Bow- way ýpen- rhere pop- nreas hes, are lii e. iat- the naz- the tten- io the ,iciai was de- ums ught yven t 15 Junior Soccer Championship1 andMnsgJohn! Er.eander Womenhn Mns. Grace May, Part Hope; MrM. i nryS1it and Mrs. #Kennedy Gray and Daivid visited an Sunday with H l e t etn 'Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gray and Hu et etn Mn. and Mrs. Jameý Gray, the With president Mns. E. Wer- latter ceiebratiag thein lOth wed- r y in the chair and Mrs. Char. ding anniversary. Congratula- les P'ound pnesiding at the pi- tions ta you bath. ana, the regular ineel ing af the Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence Adams Aiternoon Auxiliany oi the and family, Bowmaaville, wenej Womnan's Missionary Society of 4 Sunday visitons ai Mn. and Mrs. Ebenezer. opened its mieeting Jim Failis. by singing "Take Time To Be Mrs. Louis McGiil and Harvey, Haly". Mns. Gannet Tubb, sec- Mn. and Mrs. Walter McGil retary ai Christian Steward- Jaaetvilie; Mn. and Mrs. Hector ship, pnesented some valuable Thampsoa, Mn. Archie and Mn. thoughts on aur Stewardship s Harold Marlow, Oshawa, wene ai "Time". Business period fol. Sunday evening guests af Mn. lowed and lettens ai apprecia- and Mns. Norman Robren. tian were read from Joanne 1Mn. and Mrs. Louis Stînson Mackie and Naacy Brawn, who and famiiy, Mn. and Mrs. Gerald' teddteSho o ed Stinson and famiiy, Mn. and Mrs .ens at Whitby. Ronald Gian ail gathened at the Mrs. Win. Bickle was in home ai Mn. and Mrs. Clarence charge ai the Study Book and Gia an gve rs.C.Gin awas assisted by Mrs. Ailan mantel mirar in honoun ai her Down and Mrs. Garnet Tubb. birthday on Sunday evening; Mrs. G. F. Ainis favoned also Mn. and Mrs. Wiil Lawvrence, with a vocal sola "God Hatn Toronto, spent the weekead with Not Promised" accompaaied ai the Gians and ail enjayed a ine- the piano by Miss Louise Os- union picaic at View Lake on borne. Saturday at the Lawrence's cot- Wosppeodvaincng tage. ai Mrs. Robent Muir on the Farmers' Union held a success- theine "A Nation Before God". fui euchre Party at Blackstock Mrs. Lloyd Dowa xvas assist- Recreatian Hall an Friday even- , ing mnember and Mrs R. R. Gay i îng with Mrs. Chanlie Fee win- oifered prayý ters, icre is the Maple Grave teamn which took the junior soccer charnpionship ning high lady's prize and Mr. Offering, de- last week, by defeating Bowmanville's Trinity Church Trail Rangers two games to Bert Gibson winning high gent's Mrs. Ted Hù t w,, one. They are, front row, lef t ta right: Bill Laird, Carlos Cryderman, Grant Flintoff, the. Mors.ere. PosrWf yMs u of Don Mason, Ron Hagerman, Bob Laird, Bill O'Neill; back row, Bob Carswell, John dorpze This meetý im- Reeker, Don Flint, Ken Brooks, Ray Preston and Larry Armstrong. Absent: Elgin by Mrs. A. J. Mrs- swenater Wayne Patterson, Jack O'Neill and Coach Howard Bradley. The attractive LONG SAULTn a seatrswere donated by "Mike" Osborne's Coal Company. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson, Mr. and Mv ru àACurhonStudy vnig Jack and Jean, were Sunday panied by I :pe eMCrconMsatBucyevebsnîng.irst rau ivMeeting UA1JiVUS guests at their daughters, Mr. Rundle, Salei 2sts Marion and Dennis, Port Hope, C.iad fl IIvan owley, Pal- il aetndoti and with Mr. and Mrs. M. Graham. i JI. rau i S IveniIIg Lotus Ladies' Aid held their grave. Hl n t 3sd Mr. an~d Mrs. Ray McGiîî, , I et Septemben meeting at the home Mr. and Mrs. John Wright over the w la- Misses Alberta Freelen and W.A. Held Sept J1 aiofMn. and Mrs. Kennedy Gray and Muriel, Janetville; Mvr. and Mr. and 105Jace eningwih on Friday evening. Visitons at Mrs. Stanley Gable and boys, Bruce and 7er srogsat Burnt R her. Anm- S t allEeing WiA.hedthe meeting were Mr. and Mns. Courtice, were Sunday supper aPnt th.erw strons Rier. heirfirstfaîlmeetng i theReg. Suttan, Mrs. Harny Rawe guests ai Mr. and Mrs. RyeadMs.E lier Earl Bradburns, Ray Brad- Lecture Room ai the church on and Mrs. Fred Kelly, al ai Gibson and Sandra. M.adI wsburns and Wiil Forders attended Monday evening, Sept. 13, wîth Orono. Mrs. Rowe necited and Mrs. Edith Murphy spent the Gloria and1 the xedding ai Patricia Brad- Scugog Street Graup in charge.itwseoydbal.ekndwt M.adMr.M nd r burn at Janetville an Satunday. Trinity Ladies' Quartette i a noe yal ekn ihM.adMs r n r Rev. Battensby, Lindsay, taok composed ai Mrs. Van Driel, Mrs. Kennedy Gray served a Roy McLaughlia, Blackstock. and Jane, H the service at St. John's on Sun- Mrs. James, Mrs. Richmond and lvl uc and L laat M.adMr.W.JhsnM.aurir day. Harold and Bessie Craw- Mrs. Alldread, sang the beautiful eveaing was spent by ail. and Wiliie, visited with Mrn.dguests ainM ford had lovely flowens an the, hyma "Remember Now Thy Mrs. James McKee is visit- and Mrs. John Archer, Burke- Smîsth andMC and communion table in memany af Creator", in delightiul harmony. ing friends in Toronto. ton.Smtan G ýwa, Mns. Florence Crawford. Mrs. Dan Williams and Mns. Mn. and Mrs. Gilbert Gibsan, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Babich Mn. and 1~ an Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Thomp- Jack Welsh conducted them wor- Toonto, spent the week-end and sons, Courtice, wene Sun- wcnesundaJ.y teson, Linda and Tenny, Oshawa, ship service. with Mn. Charles Gibson. day guests ai Mn. and Mrs. G. Mill.R.J teat Lorne Thompson's. Mrs. Rowe Seymour ai En- Eanl and Donny Henry, Osha- Kovacs and Gabriel. vle ad Mrs. H. Bailey, Neil and Cath- eveningwasinrdc wa, spent Sunday at Lamne Mc- Mn. Stanley Fletcher, Toron- Ms .J :igFie r adMs pe Pr nrdcd by Mrs. Kees.ta, spent the weekend 'with bis Heather and ing Toonto Mrs. ayesPant- Jack Welsh. Mrs. Seymour gave Rev. and Mrs. Midgley and parents, Mn. and Mrs. Gardon home last Ti Mr. Tron wt rs a rt an interesting and inspiing talk family. Hamilton, were Friday Fletcher. Mn. and Mrs. T. Tur- iting with he VI.chn.on the wark and duties ai and Satunday guests ai Mr. and ner', Elaine and Bruce, Toron- ters in Lachu ic.. Mn. and Mns. Bruce Mountjoy church members, with particullar' Mrs. Arthur Hanna. ta, were also Sunday visitons death ai ber ro- and family, Langstaffe; Mn. and reference ta the W.A. Mr. and Mns. Gardon Stinsan, at the Fletcher home. ago. Mrs. Edward MacNeil and Doug- Ia opening, Mrs. Seymour said Lotus, were Sunday evening Mn. and Mrs. Orme Millern1Sarry ta re ras las, Tononto; Mn. and Mns. Frank she spoke with the hope that a guests ai Mn. and Mrs. Arthur were dinnen guests ai Mn. and Ibeen on the ns- Hoskin and iamily, Mn. and Mns. few thingý she might say would Hanna. Mrs. Eanl Dewali Sunday aight. 1ilu bug. Murray, Byens and family céle- help us ta lead betten Christian ell brated Mrs. Norman Mountjoy's lives. She quoted a little Co- birthday with Mn. N. Mountjoy prayen j ites at Ivan Mountjay's on Sunday, "Lord f 111 my mouth with warth- ha Sept. 12. while stufi f 'ell The Farmers' Union held a And nudge me when I've said ET ve card panty at the Recreational enough!" SEE TH Centre on Friday evening. Mrs. Our main business to-day, the elI Charlie Fee, Mns. Bruce Ashton, speaker said, is to iind some way an Bert Gibson and Vernon Assel- ai doing the wark ai the Church, stine won the pnizes. somehow nat found up until ta, Congratulations ta Mn. and aaw. We see things needeni ta rts Mns. Russell Mountjoy who cele- be done in the Church and in ith brated their 25th wedding an- the W.A. We knaw that they niversary at the home ai Mn. are needed, know the value ai fla and Mns. Cecil Ferguson, New- them, yet we don't do them. îth castle, on Satunday evening. Mn. Thene's a job for us ta do! Christ 00r and Mns. Leslie Mountjay, Mn. pointed out that job ta us while ~ <' a- and Mrs. Norman Mountjoy, he was hene on eanth. Christ M. Mrs. Harry Graham and Verena, said, "Go and do these things!" Toronto, were alsa preseat. The Mrs. Seymour said there was hn happy couple wene presented a lack ai prayer when we knew ert with a floor lamp. the power ai prayer and cam- Irs. meated that mast people knaw ns. Miss Sharon Larmen is visiting dMn. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow- everything about lufe ta-day ex- [y , Solina. cept how ta jive it. She wonden- Cales ed if indifiereace ta prayen had ne 0. N. 0. Meeting anythiag ta do with world con- rs. Mns. Ross Dufi was hostess ditions ta-day. ot- ta the September meeting ai the She reparted having atteaded O.N.O. Club last Thunsday even- the Whitby Evangelical Con- ila ing. feence whene one speaker$made in The rall caîl was answered by the startling statement that aur idsI "What 1 would do with an extra Church is ta-day just one genera- ry .haun in the day". tion away from extinction. ýng President Noreen Malcolm The neasoas given were: 1- c, conducted a lengthy business That we have been ringiag period. church helîs instead ai ringing ny Secretary Aileen Snooks nead doon belîs. She asked that mem- ia several cands ai thanks fan bers do more visitiag and in- ts flowens, gifts. etc. Then the vite other people ta came out ta hostess and Norma Walfe con- church. She said sa much cauld ,y- ducted several amusing contests be done by laymen, visiting twa and gamces which were greatly by two, ringing door-belîs and on enjoyed. shaning their religion with oth- Lo. A deliciaus "make-youn-own ens. Sharing is an important sandwiches, cookies and fresh word in,-Chistian living. 2- nd fruit lunch was enjoyed and a We've been doing things by >y sc l chat brought the meeting proxy instead ai pnaximity (let a- ta 'a close. George do it!) 3-We've beea i Th Blackstock W. A. using aur purse instead af our I hp September meeting ai the persan! 1y1 W. A. ai St. John's Church was It's sa easy ta make a cash i, held in the Parish Hall with the donation instead ai putting your. rs President in the chair. The shouider ta the wheel. This mayv meeting waý; apeaed with devo- be due ta lack ai interest or be- n tional exerc"ýes conducted by lst cause we're just tao busy. "Ite na Vice-Pres. Mrs. J. McArthur. was not possible these days ta The ast wo haptrs f th bea lazy Christian", she said. n The lBstktwo chtapers ai sths bM s. Seymour advised each; E. Ptdarr. w r tk n y Mis lady ta take stock ai herseli at *rl Eh Parr. io te ea j n:"Thank you" notes were. ne- tebgniga h enjs ceived, and reports wenre given a- she would take stock ai ber by the Carresponding n Don- pantry and remarked "If we p-ica.Scrtgis anecd could oniy see ounselves as ath- ta have a booth at the local fair esseuw' ee eiv and serve bot dogs, pie and coi- it".. She asked for freedom iran'. îee as usual. prejudice, remarking that it held Mrs, T. Langfeld kindly offer- back aur church more than any- ed ta drive ta the Dean ery at thing in the world. Colborne and take the five atb- S he asked that we forget the en memibers who were able ta go.I expression, '4We've always done The resdentwelomedthethings this way!" and be less visitors and the meeting closed dogmatic, mare creative and with th't benediction after which more ready ta receive sug- lunch v'as served by Group II gestions fram new members. with Mrs. E. Dancy convener. Mns. Seymour told the graup when she taught school ta Men- nonite children in Saskatchewan, COURTICE shlvouldata n kind ai schoo] would this schoi be if everyone Courtice Circuit 'Young Pea- acted just like yciu!" The beaut B ci itf JJ , 1 ipie's Union met Mandav even- ai discipline is one thing so e u i u T wlg t Caurtice United -Churcn many of us do not have, she said. wihtwenty-niipnepesent. Pre- In closing. the snpeaker ak., was received by ittan and dedicated ting was ai'ranged 1Gay. IVrs. R. Muir 1 i. Bickie. %ms. R. Sîm accam- M/r. and Mrs. Ken m, enjoyed a veny rip ta Ottawa and bher eastern points ,ekend. Vins. Tom Turner, Elaine, Toronto, eekend with' Mn. nest Harper. VIns. F. O. Smith, Bob, Bowmanviile; rs. H. C. McClure [appy Valley, and sJ. C. Cook, John ne, were Sunday r. and Mrs. F. G. Grace. Mrs. Fred Partaer guests ai Mr. and Flemming, Union- McLaggan, Janet, 1Bruce, returned 'hursday aiten vis- er mothen and sis- ute, Que,, since the father twa weeks ,pont sevenal have sick list with the OBITUARY MRS. JAMES COYLE Elizabeth Coyle, wha passed away in Memonial Hospital. Bowvmanviiie, an Sept. 16, ai- ter a lengthy iilness, wîill oc gneatiy missed by a wide cir- ,cIe ai iniends and assaciates. ,Mrs. Coyie was 70 years of )fage. 9 The deceased was born in ýScotland on May 17, 1884. She wvas inarnied ta James Coyle la 19014 and they came out ta eCanada la 1912. settlîag finst R at Hastings, Ont. They moved ta Bawmanviiie district about 27 years ago whene Mrs. Coyle e bas even since taken an active part in community lufe. She wvas iaimemben ai the Ladies' Auxilîary ai the Canadian nLegion and an active workcr lai ail the organizatians ai ber nchurcb, St. Andrew's Presby- terian. She wvas ever wiiling ta help ber aeighbors and dfniends and wvas beloved by ail who knew ber. Menibcrs ai the Ladies' Auxiiiary attended ia a body at the funerai home ai North- e cutt and Smith to pay their n ast tnibute ta a layailinember and acted as fiowen bearers at the funera] service. The ser- Yvice xvas beld la St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chunch on Sat- ir urday, Sept. 18, with Rev. A. d G. Scott, ber minister, officia- ting. Mn. W. E. C. Wonkman jpresided at the organ and ac- * compaaied Mrs. Lloyd Ayre who sang the hyma, "We'Ii Understaad." Maay beautiful floral trib- *utes were evidence ai the af- afection and esteem in which vthe deceased was heid. These Jincluded 'tokens irom the Lad- sies' Auxiliary ai the Canadien Legion, B.E.S.L., Bow-manviiie Home and School Association; Tire & Rubber Ca. Dept 272. Palibearers wene Messrs. D. Alldread, L. Jackson, H. Hockiey, D. Beamish, Frank Brown, Sam Wilkins. Inter- ment was in Bowmanviiie 1Cemetery. 1 Among the iniends from a distance who atteaded the fun- eral were Mr. and Mrs. Don Beamish, Mn. Arthur Beamish, ai Hastings; Mn. and Mrs. 1George McCubbin, Frànk Brown Mn. Eiiiott, St. Catharines; Mnr. and Mrs. Peter Coyle and fam- ily, Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Panke, Toronto. Surviving are the deceased's husband, James Coyie, and two sons James C. Cayle, Bowman- ville, William George Cayle, Toronto. ettemw Cank for s'e- Statesman Classifieds. AL SET dmiral .195 Shop. PRONE 3262 ~V. Bowmanville .ýj- . 7,- -- - -- - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - . 1 ý 1 1 '- . , , --- ý ý- - -111illiffl 1 1 DFrlý )N AN

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