IAGE SIXTEEW - eANABTAW WPA~MAW ~IA ~ ?W *~ -- "~~S~* ~.Ad&A, 'JS~A~LI~I~ TNVES~ 818, E2r,1 \~I ~s(g _ - OMM " ' Turn Page for Addilional Classifieds BIRTHSl BURGESS-Bill and Marion are happy to announce the arrivai of their daughter, Judith Kath- leen, at Memorial Hospital, Bow- znanville, on September l5th, 1954. 38-1 CARTER-To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter (Mary Adams), a son, on September 20th, at St. Joseph's Hospital, Peterborough. 38-if HOY-Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hoy are happy to announce the ar- rival of a daughter, Joan Mar- lene, in Memorial Hospital. Bow- manville, on Thursday, Septem- ber 16. A sister for Donna, Ralph and Neil. 38-1* MOORE-Mr. and Mrs. Bill Moore are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Shawn Elizabeth, on September 18, at Memorial Hospital, Bow- unanville. A baby sister for Gordie. 38-1 'VERMEULEN-Peter and Jen- nie Vermeulen are happy to an- nounce and thankful to God for the birth of their son John Peter, on September 21st, at Mernorial Hospital, Bowmanville. 38-1* WEISE-Mr. and Mrs. 3. Weise (nee Elsie Scott), are happy to announce the birth of a daugh- ter at Memorial Hospital, Bow- inanville, on September 2lst, 1954. 38-1 ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ormiston, Enfield, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Lois Iona, to Irvin I. Puckrin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Puck- rin, Whitby. The marriage to take place on October 16th, 1954, at 2:30 p.m. 38-1 Mr. and Mns. William C. Kil- 1,atrick, Bowmanviile, wish ta announce the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy Marina, to 'John S. Bond, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sîd Bond, Bowmanville. Trhe wedding wili take place Sat- urday, October 16, at 2:00 p.m. in Tinity United Church. 38-1* Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Ogden, Newtonvilie, Ont., announce the engagement of their daughter Mabel Aileen, to Mr. Wilbert Moreton Henderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henderson, R.R. 1, Port Hope, Ont. The marriage will take place on Saturday, October 9th, 1954, in Newton- ville United Church. 38-1* The engagement is announced ef Lorraine Elizabeth, daughter of Mrs. George Dyson and the late Mr. Dyson, to James Harold Michelson, son of Mr. and Mrs.' ,Charles Michelson, Arnprior. The marriage to take place on Friday, October 8th, 7 o'clock, in Evangeiistic Centre, Bowman- ville. 38-1 The engagement is announced o! Joan Ruth, datughter of Mrs. liHarry Rice and the late Mý. Rice, to Walter Ernest Bell of L6i!'don, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Bell of Toronto. The marriage wîi take place on Saturday, October l6th, 1954, at 3 o'clock in St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville. 38-1*' MARRIAGE 1 Articlesm ForSela1 tr 4lp-q Pv-v rip.m 2,500 FEET dry pine, some fin- ished. Phone 2194. 38-1* ONE tangue and groove wood silo, 14'x30'. Phone 2279. 38-1 ONE cook stove with ail burn- ers, $35.00. Phone 2675. 38-l* SWEET CORN for sale. Phone, 2790. 38-1* LARGE size, ivory. ail-metal crib, high chair, C.C.M. Kiddie Car. Phone 3421. 38-1* BOY'S brown 3-piece winter outfit, size 3X. Phone 3066. 38-1* ABOUT 1,000 feet pine plank 21/2' thick by 16 ft. long. Phone 2107. 38-1 ONE Underwood typewriter, boy's skates, size 6. Phone 3502. 38-i* PLUMP young turkeys, 10 to 18' lbs. Alan Macklin. Phone 2202. ___________38-1 WALNUT dining-room suite. Apply Harry Allin, 55 Centre St. 38-1 KITCHEN cabinet in good con- dition, reasonable price. Phone 3060. 38-1* ONTARIO potatoes, 75 lb. bags, delivered in Bowmanville. Phone 2473. 31-tf NINE-piece bardwood dining- room suite. Mrs. H. Schmid, Newcastle. 38-1* SAVE on lumber, direct from miii to you. Phiilips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phone 17rll. 13-tf kNEW refrigerator, vacuum dlean- ,er, washing machine and waterî system. Priced to sell, Cash or; terms. Phone 2240. 38-2 QUAKER oil space heater, with circulating fan, like new; a1s Findlay Ovai cook stove. Phone 2386. 38-1 DO youn own flons - ent a sanden or a floon polisher !noa Landen Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone 774. 34-tf MEDIUM sized space heaten (with heat saven, gaod condition, reasonabie, easy on ail. Phone 872. 38-1* FINDLAY range, white enamel, in good condition, also Norge space heater. Phone Clarke 3823. 38-î* ALL aluminum combination doors and windows înstalled. Far free estimates Telephone 2753. M. Jurko. 37-t! HOLLAND tulips, daffodils hyacintbs, etc., top size bulbs only for better blooms just an- rived. Stewart's Seeds. 37-tf HEARING aid service, testing service and complete stock o! batteries and cards at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone 438. 20-tf DRY hardwood, $ 18.00 a cord; bardwood slabs, $18.00 a cord; softwood slabs, $10.00 a cord; sawed and delivered. Telephone Newcastle 2146. 38-tf WHY suffen tbe agony a! rbeu- matic pain, sciatica, lumbago, wben Rumacaps wilI beîp you ta welcome relie!. Ask your dmug- gist. 38-1 KEYS eut ta order hy new, modemn machines, automatically, wbile you wait, at Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 King St. E., Bow- manville. Phone 408. 36-tf PTT T 'Q' X£.LiuAlub -C VJ.IJ',..LL COOK stove, Princess Pat, wc or coal, warming oven. ApI Ray Bradburn, Burketon. Pho Blackstock 80 r 3. 38. SHOTGUN, 12 gauge, single lm rel, 1 year old, $12.00; bo, bicycle, in the best of conditi' extras, and full balloon tir G. Barrett, 27 Queen St. 38. ONE standard size outside do with frame and lock, can be usi for front or back door. small cc oil stove, reasonable price. Pho: 637. 38- PI3 "e s 'ni .1' SMALL dresser, Singer sewing machine, special attacbments; hand wasben, wringem. 45 Tem- perance St. Apt 4, upstaims. 38-1* CORN, tamatoes, beets, cucum- bers, carrots, apples-St. Law- rence, Eanly Mclntosb, crabs; pears-Bartlett, Flenîisb Beauty. Sbaw's Market. 38-1* WHITE enamel bath tub, side- board witb wall mirar, cabinet gramophone witb records. Mrs. Bert Johnson, R.R. 1, Tymone. Phone 2290. 38-1 ONE 12 gauge shotgun and two .22 calibre rifles, 1 mubber-timed wagon, single and double walk- ing plows, 1 set o! team sleigbs, 1 cutter and quantity o! baled straw. Phone 2159. 38-1* TWO only, new 1953 New Hol- ]and forage harvesters. Must be sold ta make room for fall ship- ments. See tbem at S. S. Morton & Son, New Holiand dealer. 38-1 ONE Findlay cook stove with reservair and - vanming aven equipped with ail-burner, two years aid. with two 45-gaI, ail drums with taps. Phone 2 r 7, Orono. 38-i AUTO trailer, 2-wheel, for live- stack, etc.. baIl hitcli, sturdy construction, good tires, $50,00; tbnee standard auto snow chains, good condition, $6.00. Schon, 8 Beech Ave., Bowmanville. Phone 700. 38-1* NICE ail paintings, Quebec beat- er, large kitchen cabinet, 2 single beds witb good springs, dresser, radio, Singer band sewîng ma- chine, boy's bicycle, lawn mow- er, some garden tools. Phone 3309. 38-1 RESTAURANT e quîip me n t Caunter, 23' 6" witb 20" med Arborite top; wall sbelving, no finish, 7'x8"; glass display case with glass shelves; wood sbelv- ing. Apply 5 Bloor Street East orn Phane 5-3433 Oshawa. 38-1' ITENETIAN BLINDS - Stock sizes, white on eggsheil slats, Plastic or clotb matching tapes. M!ade - ta - measure blinds a specialty. free installation; 28 ape and slat colons. Morris Ca. Phone 480. 10-tf WINCHESTER repeating rifle, .44- .40, lever action, magazine hoîds 6 or 7 shots, gold bead fonesight, adjustable rear sight, 8 rounds of ammunition. Turn vest at Caesanea Scbool. Eddie Bruce. 38-1*' DO IT YOURSELF T IL E 71,'c each and up - Alil kinds Expert instructions supplied CUSTOM FLOORS LAIM H. G. HEAL SPENCER - HARWOOD - On JJ.La-ù jphone 2902 Bowmanville Septemben l8th, 1954, at St 28-tf John's Anglican Chunch, Por BICYCLE WRECKERS Hope, by Rev. Barett, the mar- 1rO ' DL Y riage took place o! Marie Vic- OPPOSITE CN.R. STATION D NTD L Y toria, daughten o! Mn. and Mrs.I V. Hamwood, _1rt Hope, ta U OA Ernest Richard spencer, son a! Bowmanville BU TOA ! M.and Mrs. Tom Spencer, PART OGT OD I PRAETTP Newcastle. 38-i1 T OUH.SLD EMNETTP EXCHANGED J non-evaporating CHAMBERLAIN - KEITH On A TT EZ Satunday, Septemben llth, ati Recondiiioned Bicycles AN IF EZ 7:30 p.m., in Trinity United (Ethylene-Glycol) Cburc4i parsanage, Bowmanville, 2 Girls' and 1 Boy's, S30 each Mixes with any Permanent type by Rev. T. A. Morgan, Freeda Ruth Keith, daughten o! Mn.i BICYCLES anti-freeze Chas. Wilson and the late Mrs.R 50-50 mix proteets ta 34 beiow Wilson, Toronto, ta RobentM.ep aired a nd Painfed Chamberlain, son of Mns. Wm.'.9 Chamberlain, Toronto. 38-1 1 Phone 296I DEATHS COYLE, Elizabeth E.-At Mem- orial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Thursday, September l6th, 1954, Elizabeth E. Coyle, beloved wife of James Coyle, and dear mother of James C., Bowmanvilie, and William George, Toronto. Rest- ed at Northcutt & Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division St., Bowman- ville. Service was held in St. Andrew's Preshyterian Church, Saturday, September i8th, at 2 p.m.' Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 38-1 TAYLOR, Rose-At Salem, on Mahday, September 2th, 1954, Rose Wiles, beloved wife of the late Sidney J. Taylor and dean mothen of Eleanor (Mrs. James Hall), Dorothy, Torontoi William at home, Percy of Oshawa, in her 9lst yean. Rested at North- cutt & Smith Funerai Home, 53 Division St., Bowmanville. Serv- ice was held on Wednesday, September 22nd. at 2 p.m. In- terment Union Cemetery, Osha- wa. 38-1 Lost LARGE light fawn hair female 2680. , 38-1 BLACK wallet, containing im- portazqt papers and a sum of rnaney, in vicinity of Jack Reid's Sales Barn. Orono. Gilbert Zek- veld. Poritypool. R.R. 1. Phone 211i r 3, Mllbrook. reverse c huagai. -10 open 8 a.m. ta 8 p.m. WE ARE REPAIR ARTISTS-, net replacement specialilts PRICES SLASHED M41954 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER REFRIGERATORS 8.2 ubie tt. Full Freezer - Sheives on door Regular $350.00 On Sale $259.0 * 10.4 cubie tt. Freezer - Sheives 'on door Recuiar $410.00 On Sale $300.00 We have a quantity ot Used Washing Machines ai ýBargain Prices . at Farm Equipmeni and Automolive 134 King St. E. Rowmanville' Phone 689 CASH and CARRY Bramley Mofor Salesi i Limited IMercury - Lincoln - Meteor NEWCASTLE PHONE 2871 Open Day and Night 38-1 USED FARM MACHINEHY Farmaîl Super "A" Tracior wiih hydraulic Oliver 60 Tracior John Deere Tracior 8-foot Cockshuiî Binder Iniernafional Combine with motor Threshing Machine 28x46, on rubber* at Farm Equipmenî and Aufomotive 134 King St. F. Phone 689 Bo'wmanville la )d ly le j* n, )r :1 ,e se PC Fl Ai Pl SA fr Wi Pl CI-assified Ad ]Phone Numh ers Listed below in ail our classified ads are the old telephone nunibers that are in use until MWIDNIGHT SA!., SEPT. 25 Af ter this date when the new numbers corne intc effect present 4-figure numbers wilI take the prefix MArket 3; present 3-figure numbers wiIl take the prefix MArket 3-5. THE NEW TELEPHONE NUMBER FOR STATESMAN CLASSIFIED ADS. IS MArket 3-3303 You need only dial the five figures if your are on the Bowrnanville Exchange. Articles For Sale )D you know we stock and ill Otaco machinery, plow oints for Ford, John Deere, eury, Oliver, International, ,e 8, wagons, plows, cernent, faster feeds, grain, etc., and ail lumbing supplies. See or tele- hone Harvey Partner, Tyrone ill, 2240. 38-2 Rugs, Broadloom AVE 50%. New Rugs Made >m Your Old Rugs, Carpets, roollens, etc. BLANKETS ALSO MADE HONE 3446 - BOWMANVILLE 29-tf Singer Sewing Machine Co. FOR SERVICE « PHONE Bowmanville 3649 36-t! DRAPERIES and venetian blinds custom made, on draperies sold by the yard. Oun representative wiil call at youn home any time with a complete range o! samples and suggestions without obflga- tian. Free estimates and free in- stallation within 35-mile anea. Lawest prices in tawn. Fabric Town, 59 King St. W. Phone 3609, Bawmanviiie. 8-tf WA.NTED YOUNG CALVES FOR SALE FRESHER & SPRINGER COWS SCHWARZ BROS. WE BUY - SELL - TRADE Credit can be arranged Phone 2895 or 935 BOWMANVILLE 34-tf CHOICE YOUNG TURKEYS ALL WEIGHTS DRESSED AND DELIVERED. Order your THANKSGIVING TURKEYS NOW PHIL FINNEY Phone 2309 "CLIMATITE" ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS MALONEY ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOORS $59.50 insialled EASY TERMS ROSS CLARK Phone 2851 Bowmanvlille Wanda's Beauty Shop Otaco Specials 2-Furrow PLOUGH demonstrator, neyer used S195.00 with used tires, regular $297. 3-Furrow Demonstrator original points $195.00 used tires, regular $324 SPREADER demonstrator, $249 regular $386 Timken-bearing WAGON $139 with car wheels and tires regulan $168 Also TRAILER, hait-ton, steel box 6.70xl6 tires, $85 FARM TRAILER, one-ton steel box, 7.50x16 8-piy tires 99 FARM TRAILER 7x9x3 Plattornu and Racksu $149 One CASE DISC, b PLOUGH POINTS for meut makes Cast and DuetaIIor FRANK IOSIKIN 3LACKSTOCK ONTji __R eception Mr. and Ms. Norman Haitr 124 Nassau St., Oshawa, wil] at home ta their relativesa friends an the oiçcasion o! th 5Otb wedding anniversamy, Se 27tb, %\1954, from 3-5, 7-10 p, 37 Wanted ONE Guernsey or Jersey n shipper in the pmoximity o! Bo manvilie. Apply Glen I Dairy. 3 DEAD STOCK rernoved fr( youn fanm promptly for sanits disposaI. Telephone colleet: C aurg 1266 an Toronto EM. 3-36. Gardon Young Limited. 50 ADULT family m;ould like ment, witb option ta buy, hou with smalI acreage betwe, Bowmanville and Oshawa. App Box 234, c/o Canadian StatE man. 38 Help Wanted PLUMBER, full or part tir Write or Phone Harvey PamtnE 2240, stating expeience» -38 TRUCK driver, expemience good wages paid. Apply Danlirý ton Abattoir, Hampton. 38. GIRL for counter work Kingsway Lunch, Newcastl Experienced preferable. Phor 2411 Newcastle. 38- RAWLEIGH business now ope in Bowmanville. Trade wî establisbed. Excellent opportur ity. Full time. Write at ane( Rawleigb's Dept. -I-140-18f M.'ontreal, P.Q. 38- A special invitation ta men wh ,vauld gamble a stamp ta secur a business appartunity. No tin like naw ta get in business fo yourself with oun 250 househol necessities. Write for fri catalogue and details. Famile) )ept. D. Montreai 24. 38- N'OMEN - Christmas sellirj eason stants early witb Avci Produets. Valuable sales te itory now available in Bowman ville and vicinity. If you have few spare hours daily and wan te earn a good income Write Boi 30, c/a Canadian Statesman r Mrs. G. Tate, 34 Benson Ave. Peterbono, Qnt. 37-4 A rypisi or Sienographe APPLY Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. BOWMANVILLE BOOKKEEPER Young lady with high scheoo education, required at once to maintain stock and kardex frecords, aise generai office ex- penience. Knowledge of typing essentiai. Must have iegible handwriting and be good ai figures. Permanent position. Good opportuntty for advance- ment. Appiy BOX 229, c/o The Canadian Statesman 38-1 Articles For Sale USED International eut box, in excellent condition; Cockshutt manure spreader on rubben, good; Cobey manure spreaden, 100-bus., like new, used Inter- national forage harvester. S. S. Morton & Son, New Holland Dealer. Phone 2279. 38-1 Dress Beauiifully AT REASONABLE COST BY WEARING NORTH AMERICAN Fashion Frocks Over 100 iovely styles . lDresses and Suite, sizes 9 - 52, Amerlca's best vaiues In smart appareil. Latent colours, rlch tabries. Let me show you this grand collection et FALL and WINTER FASHIONS Mrs. Doug. Colbary i1.1t.6Bowmanalle M -56 MUflE ieL s. cinated. Neil Malcolm-. Phono EAST end of Tymone village. 16 oomed insuîated newbos Blackstock 66 R 4.381 Phone 234. 38.2 on 66x150 ft. lot, witb bathroam, ROO, to bdstelphoe piv' hot and cold running w.ater, i THE Grey-Bruce Live Stock Co.. ROO, wo ed tlehone pnaniv- b85!andwaad fI oors, starm windows, a perative are holding their Third 38-I' h avy ini g, arag . P ice annual sale of feeder catte at after5530.p.merms. Wianton on Thursday, Oct.ober WE have a few raoms avaîlabie 6 raomed unfinished 38x24 ft 7tb, 1,700 head; sale commences at reasonable weekly rates. The ranch style bungalow witb full at 10 a.m. AIl cattie somted, Balmoral Hotel. 6-tf basement in Bowmanville, bas gmaded and divided into truck 3 bednooms, lange living 'room and car load lots. T. Stewart Personal with dinette, picture Wl ndw621 Cooper, Secnetary, Grey-Bruce XIOO t. lot, sewer and te Live Stock Co-opeative, Mark- HYGIENIC supplies - (rubber available. Pnice $4,500.* dale, Ont. 38-2 goods) mailed postpaid in plain, We have appnaximately 45 seaîed envelope with Price list. mare properties ta choase fmom. Six samples 25c, 24 sampies! Contact Turn Page for $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28,. John F. De WIth, Realtor Nov-Rubber Co.. Box 91. Ham- Newcastle Phone 3j ÀdiioalCasife /0 0/ 1 - MAT, IICPT. 28m, 1 1 TM CMAMM »rATROMM. BMVnf&WvffýT.le ommamrm à te -. Auction Sale Real Estate For -Sale Real Estate For -Sale FARM STOCK, TRACTOR IN Blackstock, 10-roomed brick REAL ESTATE FOR SALr, 7 r AND JMPLEMENTS bouse in good condition, double! 1 super flve-room new'*e Property et lot, close to schools, stores and bungalow. Buiit spkial~.-a churches. Immediate possession.,r retired couple trom out o! tanfi W. E. Rundie Phone Orono 17 - 10. 37-31 Severe illness forces change LOT 8, ON.B.F. TW los, 6'x20',eastof owplans. $5,000 cash requîred LOT 8, ON.B.F. TW los, 6'x20',easto! ow-handle; $10,500 is the sacrifice, DARLINGTON, on Courtice Rd., manville on the Ayre's property. Ipnice. South of Htghway 401, on For information write or 'phone J. Van Neat Real Estate S afurday, Sept. 25 Oshawa. 38-id118Kn E 38-1 at On@. p.m. sharp D î ,r1~~np NIXON REAL ES VATE FARM IMPLEMENTS Ped~wenJll Rel Esatuj 5-room new frame bungalovyi,, J o h D e re Tra tor M del B, ?a m s n d il oth n p o p rti s, h eav y w ir n g , fu ll b asem en t, John Dee e Tr cto , M del , F rms and ll the pro erteswell, insuiated, cupboards, cook John Deere Row Crop Cultivat- businesses, etc., for sale. stove, etc., between Bowman- or Attachment, M.-H. Tracton il n saa.$.0.Tra Cutivator, Cockshutt 2-furrow HviPed ellan5-O shawbrick ,bungalowis Tracton Piow, M.-H. Tractor H .C.Pd el Bioker,5ro bic buglw 3 Manure Spreader, John Deere Newcastle Poe3-S bedrooms, hardwood floors, in- Side-deiivery Hay Rake, Cock- Poe3-S sulated, venetian blinds, 4-piece > shutt Mower, (tractar hitch); 25-tf bath, oil furnace, heavy wiring, Steel-tire Wagon, Deering Bind- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE landscaped, $9,000. Terms. c er, M.-H. Binder, (tractar hitch); 7-raom solid brick home,, 3-section Fleury-Bissel Spring- Properties Sold. Rented. modern tiled kitchen with cup. tooth Harrow, McCormick-Deer- Managed and Appraised boards, dining and living-rooms, ing Hay Loader, Sliding Hay L. M. ALL .I S ON nicely decorated, 3-piece bath, Rack, 2 Rubben-tire Wagons, Real Estate Broker hardwood floors, furnace, $9,200. Fleury Tractor Grinden, Cock-' Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont, Ternis. Possession annanged. shutt Seed Drill, Fertilizer At- Two blocks north of traffic 6-room brick home, living-din. tachment; Niagara Crop, Duster signal, Newcastle. ing-raam, modern kitchen, 3 (Bniggs & Stratton mator); Steel 20-tf bedrooms, furnace, garage, gar- Rollen, Cream Separator,, set. den, many extras, beautiful Toboggan Sleighs, 2 DeLaval REAL ESTATE FOR SALE home, $10,000. Ternis. Mîlker Units, (new type); set $8,750 with $3,950 cash, bai- 6-room solid brick, bath, oil of Racks for Chev. ½/2-ton ance on 41/2% low monthly pay_ furnace, hardwood floors, base- Tnuck, 2-row .Scuffler, l-row ment basis, 5 room brick, oi ment, storm doors and windowp. Scuffler, Hay Tedder, Horse, heat, modern kitchen, a good' garage. $7,000. Dise Harnow, Qil Drums, Cross- buy.r 7-room insul-bric bouse, bath, cut Saws, Cutter, 40-f t. Drive $7,000-5 room frame, furnace, hydro, garage, on cernent road, Belt (7 in.); Hanrows, quantity close to school, very good home, $4, 700. Termis. Immediate pas- o! Belting, Lumben, Hase, Forks, pniced to sell quickly. session. Hoes, Shovels, Chains, etc.; Col- $6,500 cash-S moins plus one 100 acre farm, 90 tillable, bal- - ony House, 10x12, Colony House, in basement, ail conveniences; ance Pasture, dlay loam, 2 barns, 10xl0; 2 Jamesway Brooders ownen wants to buy farm. 1 spring, 2 wells, small fruit, good - (ail); Poultry ±'ounts, Hoppers, we have gooci fanms, ranging i stable, well fenced, implement nes, etc.; Fanning Mill, 2,000-lb. fnom 5 to 200 acres, also grocery shed and double garage; 10-noom be Scales, Hay Fork, Sling Ropes, 2r and service stations. Stop in, famyexhous, phieavy wining,3 and Eiectric Fencer Units. talk it over. many ersnicdt sl 3 ýeir CATTLE J. Van Nest Real Estate day[ ossin ;ept. HosenCw3ys.brdM 118 King East Phone 32301 60 acres level land. 45 tillable, P.m. HosenCw3 r. bred ar. ____________ 38-1 15 acres bush and grave], creek, 7 2;Holstein Cow, 4 yrs.,be -. wel barn, garage, 6-noom brick -~2* 2a20;HostinC ,4 r.0.ECASNR L ESTATE house, heavy wiring, on good - rMar. 12; HostinCow, 4 vmso, O .CRO ELraad, $8,500. Terras. 5- . bred Mar. 2; ; HolJe steiow Four-moorned bungalow, one; 8 acres sandy loarn, 2 wells, Co, yrs., bred Mar. 1;Hoteind el oniioonN. - Cow 4 ys., ned an. i; Ho- yer ol, ovecodiionesonfNo.barn, stable, garage, 4-roomn iiik stein Cow, 4 yrs., bred Mar. 25; ibwy heemlseto brick house, ¾1/-mile from school, ow Holstein Heifer, 2 yrs., bred Mar. Bowmanville. $1,000.00 down! low taxes, $4,800. Hal! cash. Rae 13; Holstein Heifer, 2 yrs., bred buys this desirable propenty. 1 possession 'arranged. 81Apr. 8, Holstein Heifen, 2 yrs. Take advantage o! the cumnent, Lotover i acre, with water 18_2 bred Mar. 25; Holstein Heifer, ï economie upswing and list youn and hdro available, $200. rom yns., bred Mar. 20; Black Jersey property with us. Also lots on No. 2 Highway. ýay Heifen, 2 yrs., bned Apr. 24. Hones-In Oshawa, Bowman- James Nixon, Broker Ca HEPville and Port Hope vicinity. 1 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Co6.EE Farms-We' have several of hn 8 )-tf 12 good Leicester Ewes, 2 and Ontario's top famms neyer before 38-1* - 3 yrs. old, 1 Purebned Leicester iisted. ta Ram, 4 yrs. aid; 14 Feeder Businesses - Theatres, stores, Found ýuse Lambs. garages, factonies and summer _______________ een RAY properties. YOUNG Collie dog, male, kind ýly About 250 bales Claver Hay. Chas. D. Rankine ta childnen, needs home; f ;ee. Les- Phone 2762 Bowmanvilie Phone 718. 8_1 GRAIN 38-1 - - - 600 bus. Oats, 100 bus. Bariey.- Cars For Sale T e r m s - C a s hL E A S K R E A L E S T A TE_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - 7 roomed bouse in thriving '41 MERCURY, best offen. Apply ~ - EVERTON WHITE, Clerk. town, 4 bednooms, kitchen cup- 35 Temperance St. 38-1' rie. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. boards, dining-room, living-room, --- --- -- ieI, 38-1 bathnoom, bot waten heater,; 1936 PONTIAC' coach, in runming 8-1 ~goad basement, large lot, garage,i order, $30.00. G. Bamrett, 27 Auctio Sales low taxes, immediate possession. Queen St.381 6.19e-utr od1 e '41 CHEV. five-passengen coupe, 81 Durham Communit'y Auction, bouse, genuine cut stone and radia and heater, $225. FrL-,ik at Onono Sales Barn, at 7 p.m. clapboand, large fireplace, 3 bedý Hoskin, Black.9tock. Phone *2.1 le. Thunsday. 24-tf moins, Chnysler Ain-Temp air ___________ 38-1 ýne conditioner and beaten, 4-piece1 1952 CHEV. haîf-ton pickup, -2 The undensigned auctioneen bath, lange lot, Thon Auto-Magie 22,000 miles, new tires, excellent - has been autborized by J. Coop- combîned wasbîng machine and cniin elMtaf hn en en, 136 King St. E., Bowman- disb washer included' Will seil coniti. N38Meca-.Phn eîl ville, ta seli by public auction an autrîgbt on trade for bouse in,-- in- Satunday, October 2nd, 1954, a, Toronto, pneferably in West end.1 1954 FORD sedan, demonsts.aton, e. quantity o! household furnitune. If you are thinking, of building; automatic transmission, power 9, Itemized list next week. Any- see this house first.i steering, etc., at Farm Equip. -2 one wisbing ta add ta this sale Choice buiîdihig lots on Elgin! ment & Automative, 134 King - telephone 815. Jack Payne, auc- St. and Second St., good size. St. E., Bowmanvilie. Phone 689. ho tioneer. 38-1 We have lots, bouses, farms, 8i ir o t g s a d businesses for sale .3 -l îd A C IO AL S 6 M. E. Leask, Broker Repossessed VEHICLE for SALE Ontania St. Phe 99 1939 Ford Coach ee D urhamBwmnie ý De WITH REAL ESTATE License No. W6579 '- CUIIAAUnify A CV )I 90 acre fanm, lay loam, 85 o bcs- ,' he hgh t ider ng acres wonkable, 5 acres o! waod, Ia«t the DURHAM COMMUNITY D rn e an cneek, wells, 85x4O ftbank barn AUCTION ORONO SALES n- Dar Sales at 2 p.m. - starting bowl, il ouse with eîectnic 1ANonSPTMERSth55 a cooler, silo, garage, implement at 2 p.m. Sepiemher l6ih shed; 7-roomed brick bouse witb rh 1a v±re n e f m jr 1 f i u n c ,heavy wiring, 1/'2,1~ n, 35-5 mile fnom highway, 5 cans a day milk quota. Pnice $16.000. Terma 175 King St. W. Phone 2148 I have neceived' instructions Iarranged. BOWMANVILLE - ONT. -from the executon o! the estateJ 100 acre farm, alI workable, We - Build - Better - Customners o! the late G. E. A. Robinson,,r with creek, 2 wells, 100 x t0 !t. 38-1 Lot 9, Concession 7, Hope Town- bank barn, steel stanchions, steel ýr ship, at Campbeîlcroft, known boxes, water bowls, silo, driving Livestock For Sale as the Weston Pump Wonks, ta sheds: etc.; 10-roomed brick_______________ seli by public auction, an Fnîday, I ouse, with furnace. hardwood: AFfrva n.Aa ak September 24, at 1 p.m. sharp, floons, bot and cold running ClF fornea202.Aln 3ac- plumbîng and tinsmith equip- water, beavy wiring, garage, 2li.P oe2 2 38 1 ment, electric matons, lathe, miles from town. Asking pnrice 200 LAYING Rock pullets, six emery, line shafts, pipe fittings, 1314.500 o nramrned.Trs otsai.Poe29. 3- 1