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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Sep 1954, p. 4

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PA GE TO UE - ATH W WNA IftL BTA rjSM . BOW M A INVI IZ* ONTA RIO T H! R D Y. S P . S8 d W POPULAR The response1 appearing in th ceîîtly on Prince ty has been surp tifying. We havE a subject in a lar has brought sa cails and persoa joyed them ail. number of peopl in and arounc and district cal countY of Prince For aur part, roughly enjoy spf week or two vi churchcs and hearing staries families, theirt urnphs. We hopt ahle ta Continue tion of Prince summer. and ifv be sure we will there is a pub]isý the county we w cate a capy. bu have not heard( t he story of the1 in this area. and ciet 'v of Friends enters inta rman v We have a bit of it fram aur bri wc uscful "Box of Thrc Thoiisands of worn* btin hoeirry, sox nwn and bo -s... fort and lo, ng car Wilh .A Happy Hir the' adi But fun fui frow JAY with Phenulium. T1 zncdication that gel corn and helps Pus] underneath .-.. -th new medication fc calluses in aven se'. a.c4iailtests, Pheny] work 13% faster, more surol.y than ar îng remedy. Easy fao out of four corn sul tht' hest news iin artce!-skfor BI WC ~ Pli-Iim at yourf count"r today. The Guess-Work's KýRAFT DINNER riq/tt exery t ime! con.-oîme, well-seasc anti a tos'.ed salad. andtihie crtary tc-xf like that, anti yoîil 1-toa-omnicaillv fed t4 Dînnen cosis b' il yoiin farnily will be b innen cooks in just flin ttble,!). So, m'la ibis farily fav-oritc. Hiere's A Truth health, happiness. an( vat-at ion . . . at "Mi "IVe < -AtJO 0'VE 3¾4%1 a Author 0 Short tg e 3-Y4% In five yea STER cO0R NFA O Offlff 3n2lySTee chenr toay.ceived the folder listing officers tiersexcelle ent farmrset- e f ch o )p nnd convenors for the year tesexcellet wrer gad H m setol Oen ,545. This little foider Is SC urrent their descendants taday show something new which the exe- and duce, brought ta the ro Pres ent New Teachers provuuse tuandinte mring, is beu Treasurer's report given by nes.Mrs. R. Richard showed a Te taaot ise leaon inesbank balance of $180.70 and Te make t e l onli'"TwL rea he icash of $3.25. Minutes were 6-O fd n t& lfloors of a large building in ra0yMs I udy n By Elsie Carruthers Lunney downtown Kitchener, and in edb Mr.IMuayan the square outside there are as The opening meeting of Bow- policemen wili possibly be pro- two letters of thanks by Mrs. well, raws of trucks backed up manville Homne and Sëhool As. vided. Seriaus consideration E. Perfect. Corr. Sec'y. These SUBJECT one thing about seeing the aid' ta the sidewalk. sociatian held on Wednesday was given ta the drawing up of wére from the Grade 8 pupils ta the material house in Wellington buiît by The array of fruit and veget- evening, Sept. 15, in Central baundaries for those attending for their annual outing to To- his olun r- Rynods n 178-bt fr te lble, rie. res an crs .Schaol, had a large attendance. the new schooai and though ronto, and the Recreation Dept. his ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P counr-Ryodsi178btfrth-berp.frs3n rs, Many were present for the first these have meant changes for for assistance with the summer Edward Caun- time being we will change di- beautiful ta the eye and sug- tmadteea eia e ae ti ipdta h r iyrud.Ms .Smn prising and gra- rection and go back ta Western gests mauth-watering goodness. guamemr and hs staffls orte-ranme t ilî provha te sa.Is-asisted at the piano fo n- ng t w ite n an Ontida wh re we be an aur lnos, abesides find of gsau three public schols were wel- factay for ail. ing and closing exercises. mn while which oliay.eas ared ailkns foawi saucomed by President Mrs. Mel Mr. Thompson expressed thel any tell ehone this district is s0 famous, and Wiseman. About 130 attended. hope' that the parents presentSe r1 a aîs en- KITCHENER MARKET AND the most delicius looking home Main purpose of this initial would get ta know the teach Severa Show 'r Appaowrentlv a THE GRAND VALLEY baking. Coffee rings and un- meeting of tpe season was for ens. "They would like ta know Bonile Themareresiitceingo familiar oo k in g delicacies parents and 'eachers ta get ac- you," he said. "We cannat do il the historie Saturday marning is a sight eptheyanapti.Adqune, and the president a job together until we do Edward, home, ta behold. We were told by the chiekens! As aur hostess said called on Supervising Princi- know each other, that is why For Lenore Osborne we cauld tho- fiends with whom we staved they look so white and dlean pal A. M. Thompson ta intro- we meet here." He added that ending anather that we mustnt miss seeing' it they must have been scrubbed. duce the teaching staffs. First criticismn is often the result of Miss Frances Lenare Osbarne 'isiting the aid and they were absolutely ight. Behind the cauniters are both o n the list was Principal A. A. lack af understanding. whose marriage ta Mn. Robent homes there. The Mennonites fram Pennsx,'- men and wQmen, some inth Merkley of Vincent Massey Director Speaks Neil Coulson took Place in of the early vania were the first settiers in Mennonite dress. the women n School, and teachers Miss.Dor- Mr. Thompsan also introdue- Trinity United Church, Bow- trials and tri- the block of land which became their long dark skints and l othy Mann, Miss Jane Hodg- e erain avleo audyeeig pe we will be Waterloo. Coiint\. 1'~~~~lttle kinson, Ms yaCoeMs dM.A al e erain avleo audyeeig wil beWaenlo ounv. Their first black bonnets; the men in black Ms yaCoeMs al Director, who took the op- Sept. 18, has been feted at sev- e hsepoa eteet eeweeKth ut ihn aesan wear Norma Gratton and Mrs. Mur- portunity ta make himself ac- eral pre-liuptiai events. eEdward next ener and Waterloo now stand. ing black hats. But more often iei Symons. quainted with the parents pre- Mrs. James Matthews, King- we do, yau can On the land of Benjamin Ebv in the market the men are in At Ontario Street Schoal the sent. "We have one thing in stan Road, East, assisted by Mrs. I tell of it. If was erected the Mennonites more workaday ciothes. Des- principal this year is Mr, M. camman," Mr. Vail said. "Our Alfred Flintoff, Mns. J. Victor shed history of first meeting-house in 1813; in- cendants of the fînst Amnish Slute and vice-principal is Miss main interest happens ta he Burnidge, Mns. Walter Edgar vill try and Io- deed it was the f irst meeting- people are also here. They Marjonie Couch. Teaching staff boys and girls." The Recrea- and Mrs. Douglas Moore, en- ut ta date we house in the immense region were, and are still we believe, is composed ai Mn. John Lem- tion programme aims ta de- tertained at a miscellaneolys of one, thaugh from the Mohawk settlement more conservative in dress than on, Miss Aifreda Milligan, Miss velop a sense af fair play, ta showver. U. E. Loyalists below Brant's Ford (Brantford) the Mennonites. Thein beiief is Audrey Young, Miss Manjonie keep children out af trouble Mns. Harny Kift Sr., Mrs. ci also the So- ta Georgian Bay.. In 1834 a similar ta the Mennonites and Somerville. Miss Wiida Hanker, and ta make of them good citi- Paul Kift. and Mrs. Harry Kift or Quakers, large frame building replaced they came direct ta the Kitch- Miss Phyllis Parker, Mrs. D. zens for this or any other coin- Jr. were ca-hostesses at a mis- yather books. the original log structurîe and ener district from Germany in Hendny, Mrs. Robinson. The munity. cellaneous shower. t mare to tell an this same site stands the 1824 and 1825. They took up latter was on the staff last year Mn. Vail said that he had ne- A miscellaneous showen was rief visît- for First Mennonite Church of Kit- altogether, 63,336 acres of land. as Miss Donothy Sanders. ceived excellent co-operation arranged by Mrs. Gregory ________________________________ The story af the Mennonite Husband-Wife Team since coming ta Bowmanvilie' O'Regan and Mns. Ernest Luke. settiement in Uppen Canada is At Centrai School Mr. Tom and expressed the hope that Assisting were Mrs. Wilson ONFID NTIA LY Y RtoI d in fiction form in Mabel Turner is principal with the the Recreation Dept. might ne- Gambie and Mrs. Gregory Bra- Dunham's "Trail of the Canes- following staff: Mn. Leonard ceive the co-aperation ai the dy. II toga". Though fictionalized, the Swatnidge, Mrs. Edna Philp, Home and Schooi Association Mrs. Douglas Couison and MONTREAL - "Lovelv... lovely . . . lovelyl"y story is true, and as we have Mn. Paul Cowan, Mrs. Paul should the occasion arise. Mrs. W. Dexter af Ottawa were Thtt'8 what, I said to myseif when I had a previcw mentioned before, fascinating Cowan, Miss Margaret McGre- Pnagram for the evening was hostesses at a kitchen shower; of the new faîl shadps in CIRCLE BAR full-fashion- reading. Equaliy 50 is Mabel gar, Miss Leta Bragg, Miss Vi- in charge of Mns. Fred Cale the assistants being Mrs. James pd nylons. Thry're really stunning . .. wilh a 'iheený Dunham's non-fiction book, Vian Bunner, Miss Agnes Car- and included several musical O'Regan and Mns. Gregory Bra- flawless, beaîîîv w1iih wîli me-an Sa mîui to vour l'Grand River", which.telis the ruthers, Miss Myrtie Hall, Miss numbers. Miss Canal Plummer dy. poise and aLtraetivr'neqs this Fail andIM'inter. You'II history ai the country alang the Ruby Morrow, Miss M. Cole, played two piano solos, "Soria- From the kitchen staff ai the int1 the spasoa's top faslîion calai-s in Cir-le Bar'sq Grand from its mouth an Lake Miss Gwen Bartlett. tina" and '"Study One". Ste- Oshawa Çeneral Hospital the ce" p airs. (Sa wije to buy three pairs at one liime!) Erie ta Fergus, many miles in- It wiil bie , noted that there phen Zubkavitch and his young- future bride received a white in-! ke me-feel that Ciri-le Bar is the' label for the land. is once again a husband and er brother, Joseph, of Oshawa woolen blanket. , and siockin", for evcryane in the farnîly . .. the This is a book we recommend wife teamn on the staff in the played several duets on the Mrs. Robent Howsam aof Port . not ber and daughters. Ycs. . fine qu(ÀlitY, cOln- highly. In it is the stary i pensons ai Mr. and Mrs. Cowan violin and piano accordion, and Penny entertained lit a miscel- rcorne with the Cirele Ban label. Brant and the Mohawks wha who come from Ottawa. Last each also favoned with solo laneous shower at the home of int 0/Autumnfought for the British in 1776 year's team aof Mr. and Mrs. numbet-s which were much en- hier mather, Mrs. Clarence Al- th ir l8 u ~and their grant of land along Murray McDonau have leftL jacu. lni Newcastle; those in at- righ kin ofthe Grand; the selling by Brant Bowmanville ta take positions Piarent-Teacher coint was tendance being school chums lay for a walk. ai six bocs o t iad ad inth vicinity ofTooto on b Miss Morrow and Miss o h uuebie Lwalking's ne the subsequent settlement bv There are 1080 pupils in the Bragg at Central; Miss Milligan ThS..No9ClrCin whena pin.Mennonites, Germans andl three schools thîs yean, Mn. and Miss Harker at Ontario, munity held a presentatian at corn(r a pain- Scotch: the foundlng af Guelph, Thompson said, which is an in- and Miss Mann at Vincent Mas- the home af Mr. and Mrs. Han- Yan tense and HowýMvrny Shades Of White Gaît, Kitchener, Waterloo, Ela- crease ai about 80 aven last sey. At the end ai thc year a old Gibson and presented Miss wniir.So akeCanYouditinui:h? h(,-e re ra - Fergus, Preston, Paris and year. The new school, Vincent shield is prcsented ta the class Osborne with a card table and advice.. . dozens yotî know. Manv of thcm Brantford. "Grand River" is an Massey, is being used though in each school with the largest chairs and a wraught iran ta- new BLU'E- are biard ta sec-but theres on extreel el done regional it is not entinely campleted. attendance of parents at meet- ble lamp. FCorn Plasters 1icar recognize every time. It's history, and if you haven't ai- We the pupils leave at four ings duning the year. Ms usl olo, lc t he whitc that cornes from Latin- ready read it, you have a reai a dlock, the warkmen take ov.ýr BwigRsms§. saa aeata eev lhat's the new pesr eoeyu twi announcedl 2 tnihti that ing with Mrs. Coulson wene the et ne yu r lu.Tik fyu asdyTepresident bndeelctan br oten sh it ont f rom products this way; soap and double your interest in those onden ta finish the job as soon the ladies' bowling team angan- Mrs. Ruell Osond er aiNew- '. fra raîydetergenta - egardless of their cities and towns, and like us as passible. ized lasuseerlloOdsresue onfcNstwe ore cons "an colour - take out dirt. Bleach you wili want ta return for a Changes For somne Sept. 20 and asked any athers Mrs. Douglas Coulson kept fo ny a n takes out stains. But Lauindry leisurely explaning ai this in ai Crossings are under contrai interested ta came and j'in the doon and the guest book. vpt eas n leadswiens oyour white teresting part of Ontario. to Town Counceil, Mr. Thomp- with thcm. Mns. Ernest Luke was living dliom wcnt to iaI hes. In your rînse water, seems as if there are a gi'eat son stated. and if numbers and A nurnbcr ai parents and room hostess. Mrs. Leslie Guy worked 35% Iaundrv Bloc hecomps millions many things ta sec, iust in aur danger are feit ta warrant it in teachers paid their 35e mm andMsHarKitS.pue a" thr ea- f iy prilsia ev own province. connection with the schooi bership ice to join the Home tea. The tea assistants werc sec why three thrauizlî «'oîtr cît-an clothes, catch- Bath ai these books by Ma- population ai Vincent Masscy, and Sehiool Association and re- Ms ar itJ. r.Ge uftirers sav its î ng light like miniature sequins- hel Dunham are in Bowman- Ms ar itJ. r.Ge ta give vour white cloîh s new, il irr gary O'Regan, Mrs. Walter Ed- vears! oullb,llinnt whiteness. It works n. .Vco urd lueJav wth tw nkîng * -M rs. Gregory Brady and M rs. favounite dnîg Cet IRJCKITT'S BL UE or AND THIS ONE Why flot plan for Paul Kifli J. KEEN", BLUE. While on the subjcct ai books, Mns. Russell Osborne ai New- Taken Out 0,f h! Whrn yau serve delicioti. we wauld like ta say how mucn L "7e castle entertained for ber lo your fanîily . . . il's exact/t, we enioyed rcading Luella 1 a fl ins v in e v daughter at a trousseau tea. Wh v fot try it taniqht-wjîh - - Cneighton's second novel, 'Turn OilH a i g t i i t l Hostesses wene Mrs. J. T. onte(! meat-bails in brawn gravy, East, Turn West". Her charac- Brown and Mrs. Claire Aluni.j *Adtl the' mellow -heese flavor' tens are very real and so is the 0 ECONOMICAL Mns. Harold Hammond and tuc fKrftDnnr aa eni-D Ontario tawn which is the set- Miss Eleanar Osborne kept the lhave a family hat's well-ed! O ting ai the stry. Sme ai you . . . CLEAN door. Pouring wee Ms. Harry în-5oneti s Aninaf raft who can remember the first... UO AI Kift Sr., and Mns. Harold Gil?- bo ico!tAddo' fret cars scaring the hanses, the*..AUO TI son and Mrs. Gardon Martin ýe eýl as well, for Kraft shops of those days and the Haeau etn sse hc nd ere MialMabraet eyv- ;t seven minutes (Off the shelf-into the pot-a-nto igid rules of etiguette in smailHaf or eatheil rste h ce n eeMs agrtRy îdy-you save time, effort and moniey-in scrviing town circles, wil be arebfo tealruh nolds and Miss Josie Bittman ____right back. But hte oN T and Mrs. Robent Howsom and I'vc proved it aver and over. Most people' can 'rememben that fan back on not, £BG Miss Myrâ Cooper.. Othens as- 'gel wiiat Iliev realy want-if thev 'plan fon il. yau wili enjoy this .staory and 1* E R A sisting were AMs aron Band Take a stîmmer vacation, fon instance. Only four the skîll afilis telling. We 6 Mili Street Phonn,64 M s. AstinTur ia ten ('anadians get awav from home "for a laoking fonwand ta ber next and Poe27 r.Asi unr real holiday. Main reaon-'ýNot e-nough m)nev!" sa will you. At Bowmanvillc Dealer for In change af the raams con- ...There's anc way yotit cn bc snre of yollr Library toa for those ai you tann hesoe adwd vacation: Open a Sunthiie Arroaut at the wba live nearby. Car Wood anda seBaRilg nf ding giits, trousseau and linens BA-NK 0 F MONTREAI, and inake it a point wr Miss ettyGibo rOsbre- to Put away a few dollars ev'eny pay day. Next Miss_______________________________________Gre-___ surn-r y0 11,1 have enougli L t hep make yolun Over $33 Million gary O'Regan, Miss Betty Os- dlivîd'enl.q n rnany ways-it', an in'. esnint inCur Mrs. D. R. Coulson. corne inie .Agood holidaybyaCh-sch .VbreMs.any itJ. d heiter living Sa sîart saving now for lta t'55 Y BAK". arg Inceas ~ Y '?.Fellowship Circle The United Church ai Can- ada naised a total of $33,467,-H lsFrs e tn '642 for nah purposes ai lfth. nK na et ~/~ Ilj I't SLC.~IS.pas;toral avensight' across-Canie cold, in' the bottle.b Ji U NU V X Kada are 2,131.650 pensons. n Fýlu mber s When the United Chuncb was i GUARNTEE TRST CRTIICATS1-formed in 1925 the membership GUARATEEDTRUS CERTFIcAESI"was 600,522. . The report indicatcd the con- BOWNANVILLE gregations arc increasing insur- it in f,n.~Peet4fgr ub ized investment for trust funds. ance on ctiunch property, the furff., iaffi axture of shorp Pre JI take the re uxbr :erm-5 years. *present total being $142,781 ,- "Mosmna 4e.".dwl arke t" hus "124" Ï52 or an increase of $12,331,- u'ri,.Wofah would become yearly interesc, payable half-yearly. 143 ax'cr the previaus year. b-ccn. HecI und, br,. 8' MAnet3-13a Total valuie of church proper- nlon i, 5o. -Me. fies i., given as $210227,976, an writu. Present Z-figure numbers Lrs, $415-24 aCCUMulates to $50)00o increase ai more than $17,000,- wiII take the prefix 000.I "MArket 3-5"so, that "567" ]Fris.'ftr descriptive folder wudbcm There's on]y one kind ai club 6 8fl otn 6 MArket 3-5567" TEmemben ta be. That's an enthus- lacludinu Faderai Taxas LAENT TIE astîc, wonking memben. Othen- Plus deposi2c par buleYu ul ubr hudb ,,,,-;evseyou are so much dead ieau onghe Disrtancwe, n -wood- Sa if ý,ou find that x'ou Authoqzd bot. of Cee-CWOl und« wifh Coca-cola Ld. ocalLnDitcead M ING TRUSTS are missing as many meetings sdoalprne mte. as Yo-u attend, that you are al- 41 Fan local calîs you need dial P % T 'a V s fao sYtaserve an active AI R as) K. oAESnly the five figures. P R A T Ntcommnitîce, that you neally BRANCH OFFICE aren't interested in mnaking yaur OSHAWA, ONT. 1-3 Dunop SI., Bord'e clîib's projects a success, why 3-3i not resigo' , There's no law that avs-' vo u have ta staY in a club "Coke" is a *Wgstred fv.d-Mrk once yoê'v J.oSt tereat in 14 the Officiai Board for the work done by mémbers of the Circle in painting at the parsonage. %, DonIiie Mercer favoredwith a piano solo. Catherine Stewart gave a talk an her recent trip to the United States thraugh, New York, Pennsylvania, Ma- ryland, West Virginia and Vir- ginia. She aisa told af her visit ta the city of Washington and her trip through the 'Capital Buildings and the White House. The battlefieid at Gettysburg was also a highlight of thte trip and alsa the spot where Abra- ham Lincoln gave his famous Gettysburg speech. Our attendance wvas quite small; we are sorry ta repart, but hope for a renewed inter. est in the work when we meet at Newtonville on Tuesday, Sept. 21. at 8 p.m. Everyone ia welcome. Let them wo rk for vou-Th. Statesman Ciassifieds. -XI 'i ~ovIo ~îcî Local Agent:- OOPER'S LADIES' WEAR PHONE: OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 There's NEW "Travel Comfort"fl on to" Winnipeg - Jasper -Vancouver You'll finrid smnart new travcl comnfort and convenjence on Canadian National's "Continental Limited." Attractive day coaches, relaxing lounges, spacious drawing rooms and compartmnents, restfvîl bedroomns, populax-priced duplex. roomettes and berths. Hene is pleasant travelling, with a wide range of accon* 1,1 modations for every budget. For example, look at these ~- iow coach fanes bctween Toronto and Vancouver. One way $67.1I1; round trip $1 07.25. Proportionately iow fares apply for tourist and other types of sleeping car travel.~ Ask about substonfial savings offered by New Famil V~'st Western Canadla and ta Mid-West and Western U.S.A. East and west every doy, "The Continental Lmitd" serves Montroal, Ottawo, Toronto, Minaki, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper and Vancouver. For reservatiors and information, se., -rx' write or 'phone your local Canadian ..LV'- National Passenger Agent. q4m fw,&%rAINTAW PAGE vu= - - - -- -- ---- ---- il

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