- .~rn~!i~1B~q; E~ 33n6, 1854 New Highw ciy Betweer Orono and Pet erboro Expected Open in Oct. A uwift new highway cut-off 10 miles on highway 35, and for motorjsts travelling between then proceed north-east on the Toronto and Peterborough is 17-odd-mile new highway due to open forth of Newcastle which joins No. 28 about sever about the middle of October." miles south of Peterborough. Tffis. was the word from an Officlially termed a "Limited 1Ofcal f the Ontario Depart- Access" speedway, the new 'of Highways here today. highway will be named 115. are s till paving at the Opcning of the new road en ftenwhgwy"means that much heavy traf- the official said, "and that fic moving between Toronto should be completed by the end and Peterborough will no long- Of this week. Then there will be er travel through Weicome and sorne work to be done on the Dale, two miles north of here. ishoulders before it is opened. The ncw spcedway skirts The iýw highway xiii suce even the smalicst villages. It is 15 M4ýoff the present 90-mile 22 feet in width. run frl$m Toronto to the lift- Being donc by contract for 1o,ýk City. the Ontario Department of It wili link highway 35-now Highways by the Peel Con- running north from Newcastle struction Company and thtý -with highway 28 which runs McFarland Construction Com- between Peterborgugh and Port pany of Picton, Ont., workmen Hope. have been laying about 9,000 Motorists travelling from To- feet of fresh asphait a day. Two ronto will turn off at Newcas- -il-ton asphaît sprqaders were tie and hiead forth for about ibeing used last weck in efforts ONLY '1 HAS The BIG 3 that give you so much, for your mooey! 1. TOP I.eOflng Performance. The marvelous new Fuel-Air ...........* Control-an exclusive Coleman - . feature -saves you up to 25% 2. Glamorous Appearance. * ~. These smartcst-lookng-of-.alî home heaters corne in two won- derful Coleman finishes: ich shadowcd mahogany Or glearn- ing blond rnahogany enamel. j 3. Oufstandlng Low Price. No-. whcre cisc can You find an j automatic oil heater with these unique features pniced so low! COM FORT COSTS Sa LITTLE WITH A COLEMAN Models prlced es 10w as $71.95 EAIS! TERMS provo It f0 yOur&elf. Corne In todays Lander Hardware' 1i1GST. E. BOIVIIANVILLE PHONE 774! --- ;ý-Ul - IE!f~?W~?OYA YE'b1AN? BOWUNVqW1' NTARIO Spencer Corsetiere Registered since 1942 Mrs. E. Page Enniskillen Phone Bowmanville 2828 ONLY DacIc$'sumo Offers you such an oufstanding seletilon of qualiiy shoes! 'Yes, only Dack's offers you over 90 finest quality shoe styles bearing the same distinguished name. . . in a variety of sizes and lasts thal promises the utmost in comfort and satisfaction! Over 90 styles, from $15.00 to $35.00 Dack's "The shoes al men admire" N Lloyd Ellis ShaesI 39 King St. W. Bowmanville MA 3-5941 The above SI in Brown or B1i Bowmanville - Me morialArena Publilc'Skating Friday., Sept. 24 8 *10 p... ADMISSION --Adults, 35c- Children, 20e EVERY FRIDAT NIGHT WILL BE PUBLIC SKATING NIGHT AT THE ARENA 'Saturday, Sept. 25 'PbllcSkating 3 Io 5 p... ADMISSIO Aduits 35e - Children 20e ICE TINE AVAILABLE For reservations Phone the Arena, 728 more people wili be added to Phone 3612r the commun ity. It will also J. HUNTER AND COMPANY mean $270,000 more in bank CniidPbi conat deposits and an increase of C 64 Kd uingSe ctan $360,000 in retail sales. 64sKana 5-1621E Must Cooperate Wlth Councll Successors 1o0O. S. Hobbs Turning to civic aspects of Chamber work, Mn. Wilson de- CH-£wIROPRACTIC clared that the Chamber. must________________ at al l imes. work in close co- G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. operalion and harmony xith Chinopractor the Town Council. Much can Office: be accomplished in such things Specialty Paiper Products Bldg. as cleanup and fire prevention 63 Tempenance St. - Phone 509 carnpaigns, he said, if the co- Office Hours: By Appointment operation of the counci lis se- cured. He also stressed the im- OPTOM ETRY portance of -get out the vote"_________________ campaigns. 'The vote in mun- KEITH A. BILLETT icipal campaigns is otten less Optometrist than 50 per cent", he stated. 141 King St. E. - Bowmanvile, "The Communist vote nin suc!h Telephone 3252 campaigns is 98 per ce, how- Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 pmr ever. We must not delude our- Monday 10 Saturday seil'es that the Communists excçpt Wednesday. 9 - 12 cannaI take over hene. One way Evenings by, Appointment to assure that they do not is to make certain that ever 'vone JOHN A. OVENS exercises his franchise at edcc-' Optomnetrist tion iime". 1jury & Lovrll 2rwnianville, hlr. Wilson ako â1rcýscçl tliru' hone 7-88 PAGE VIVE ta keep the work Up to con tinie. Creeplng along at abai feet a minute, like giant c pillars, the spreadlng macl iay an estimated 1,500 ton asphaît per day. The four-inch thick r.] of asphait cuts across Ci and Manvers townships an underiain by courser grave huge rnixing plant on theE 1 lne makes transportation materials from large cei junnecessary. IIAYDON Mr. and Mrs. Fred AsI 1and family, Toronto, att cottage on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford xvin, Mrs. T. Prout, Bown ville, at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. win's. Mr. and Mrs. Charles An, son and Carolyn, Downsv j visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Ai 1Trcwin. Ê Mr. and Mrs. Cramp, To to, spent the weekend with and Mrs. David Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Youngn Pontypool, Mr. and Mrs. R ard Steer, Manchester, vis Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Black. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilt I olina, at Mr. and Mrs. LI Slemon's. Mr. and Mrs:ý Leslie Graf visited Mr. Reuben Asi Morrish, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Garr accompanied Mrs. Harold( and Robert, of Oshawa, or motor trip to Ottawa, and Thousand Islands. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Ash were tea guests of Mr. and 1 Wm. McLaughiin, Burke! on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. W. Blackl and family, visited Mr. and I F. Blackburn, Salem, on S day. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trei visited at Port Hope. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Asi and family. at Mr. and N Wmn. McLaughlin's Burketc Mr. and Mrs. Norman Av, and daughter, visited Mn. Mrs. Frank Denby, Bown ville. There was a very good tendance at Sunday Schooi Sunday aftcrnoon, also at chunch service. Rcv. F. Ja son gave a fine message. 1Sunday School wiil be wi drawn on Sunday afterno September 26th. Good has but one enemy,1 evii; but the cvii has two ei mies, the good and itseif.- Von- Muller. t20 Informative iiuuress n ofoBy Ontario Offciai on îbbo- ,ý sChamber of Commerce cil A Fallis ýn of An intcresting and informa- importance of cooperating with mtres tive address on the principles agriculture. There are 3,000,000 and aims of Chamber of Com- rural residents in Canada, he merce work in general as weil stated, and 17 per cent of the as specific hints and ideas for population of Ontario are farm- the Bowmanville, Chamber was ers. He mentioned that 4mprov- given at the Septemben meet- ed parking facilities are very ing of the local onganizatio-ri important to farmers. In Or- shton hcid Monday night at the Bai- illia, he said, the Chamnber their moral Hotel. holds an annual "Rural Night" The speaker was J.T.A. which is attended by 2,000 Tre- "Jack" Wilson, Toronto, assist- farmers and does much to irn- mri- ant Ontario Manager of ýhc prove urban-rural relations. Tr'ý3- Canadian Chamber of Com- Need Business Bureaus merce. Chairman Keith Lath- In the commercial field,t nder- angue of the Parking Commit- Chambens can do much to co- view, tee introduced Mr. Wilson, whi ordinate the opinions of mer- thur had a successfui career as of- chants on mattens affecting fice manager of R. B. Rice & tiiem ahl. Anothen important oron- service the Chambor can nen- 1 Mr.der in this field is 10 set up a man, business bureau for the con- rnantrol of hawkcrs and peddlers. Rich This acîs as a clearing bouse [sitedfor information on such people for the merchants in town. Thec ,loydpcddlcrs can be made to regis- ter with the Chamben heforeE they are allowed 10 operate inr Mon, town and Ibis xveeds out theS uindesirabie ones. -rard The Chamber can aiso dý Gay much to stage speciai events1 in a for merchants, Mr. Wilson sta-a the ted, but he foît that suchP events should be financed out i ihton of special levies rathen than* out of general funds.9 Mrs. Ho suggested that the Cham- eton, ber should do cxerything pos-a sible 10 get the ladies 10 take t urs. an active part in its work and Sun- activities. "Lidies committeesa n-anc usually veýy successful. Ia awin suggcst strongly that you or-e Wfl J. T. A. (Jack) Wilson ganizc sueh a committee anda listenl cloV~ly to them. It 7,s rtoil Sons, Realtons, Toronto and also a good idea to have oie,l M'rs. purchasiîîg ag-ent of National or two meetings a year toI Lo' Adhiesives (Canada) Ltd., To- which the wives of niemibe-s 1 /ery ronto, before juining the Caniiu- aie invited lu sec what is go- 13 and dian Chamber of Commerce a ing on." r nan- year ago. Lists Histony of Chamber u a-Mn. Wilson statecd that the MrWisnao stdom P at-me'bers of the -Ontario and ivr iso lolitdsm on Canadian Chambers of Com- of the history and organiza- ri the merce xvere verv pieased t tionai detail.s of the Chamber1 îck- spa 0lclcabr o f Commerce movement, whichy theakto bocalgh terowan- he pointed out is international S ith- vht ie ogi7tnh oie bertin scope. The fairs and mer-T ~ I ishe ofthe resdent cfchant guilds ini medieval Eu- I both heseofgrhups. Heiicornope were the forerunners of bot thse rops.He onga-the modern Chambers of Coin- tulated the Bowmanville Cham- merce. he- said, wvhich now th-~ ber on ils success to date, es- exist1 throught the world out- c ne- pecially in institutin g Friday side the Iron Curtain. The first ,-J. night store ýopening. Th is lias Chamber in Canada xvas found- b e c o m e very widespread cd ini Halifax in 1750.N - throughout Ontario, he said, At the present lime the Can- Dl - with the latest town to adopt adian Chamben of Commerce W it beinc Preston. has 2,300 companies which arcs e He î vas vcry pleased ho 5e'Ž mnembers, and most of ils funds steps heing taken to alleviatd oefo hs im.Ol parkng robems whch re 2 per cent of Chamber funds 'cc of considerable concerniii cverv are dierived from the dues of Eý rtn Te stablin hento ý member Chambers across the pl wase ecptbisith li country. These compýanies con-M is lso a ortwhle entre,,tribute to the Canadian Cham- T he declared. ber because they believe thatj Explains Purpose what they put into the com- H. Mr. Wilson went on 10 ex-r munities of the country they er plain th-e purpose and aims cf BE the Chamben of Commerce Business Directory movement in genenal. 'Ever'y- - thing we enjoy is due 10 theTEG A L thoughts and work of- sorn,- LJJ G Lar one", he said. The Chamben of Commerce is a voîuntary group STRIKE and STRIKE JL whose thoughts are devoted -v Barîsters, Solicitors SL pnomoting a botter civic, agni- Notanies PubliceIM cultural and industrial life for 1 W. R. Stnike, Q.C. the community and ils sut- A. A. H. Strike, B.A. Pi roundings". 40 King St. W. Telephone 791 i: He poinhed out that no com- Bowmanville munity is static. it is cîthen ad- LWEC .MSN ..an vancing or rctarding. In order Barnister, Solicitor, 10 advance, its citizens must bc Notary Public S willing to work. They a'-3o King St. W. - Bowmanville- nced leadership and the Cham- Phones: Office 688 - Res. 553 ber develops this, leadership. Mn. Wilson stated that the JOHN REGAN, B.A. Chamben is also concerned Banister with planning for the future Notary Public years when our children have 33 Tempenance St. Phone 3292 grown up. In many communi- Bowmanville tics the young people must beave when they are grown be- MISS APHA I. HODGINS cause thene is nothing for them. Barrister, Solicitor, The Chamben stnives to de- Notary Public iioe velop the community so that Temperance St. - Bowmanvile these childnen wiii be able 10 ack stay because there are good D EN TA L jobs and opportunities for them. DR. W. M. RUDELL. D.D.S. - The Chamber musi.t make i Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. Planners for Better Living Ontario Hydro bas 108 Rural Operating Areas. The manager, wîth headquarters ini the Area Office is a specialist in rural a electric supply. He is an authority on the most practical and the most economical use of. power. But hils prime purpose la niamtaining a dependable electrie service to ail kils custmers ..*.*roviding a iow-cost hired d to speed work on the farni, and help make life in Ontarlo's rural areas, comparable in convenience, comfort and efficiency 10 that in the largest cities. INAI H'I I' .. T W RKf 'RYOUAN Iftfiimdtica cOICeOhifit g 0èlltýUdlù Un b. obtand by wiitiing te You Hydici Chiinan., 620 University Avenue, Toronto. 1,1954 g will eventualiy take out. Mr. Wilson stated that both the Ontario and Canadian Chamibers of Commerce quite frequently present briefs to the government and their briefs are always listened to. In addi- tion, the government often cornes to them for their ad- vice. He pointed out that the rea- son for an increasing leftist trend in the xvorld is that those who believe in free enterpriqe fail to make themselves heard. Uniess the voice of business and profefflional mnen is heard, through such organizations as Chambers of Commerce, ha said, even our own country rnay give way to the ideologies such as Cornmunism xvhicin promise much but give nothing. Mr. Wilson was thanked for his very intercsting address by Violet MeFeeters on behaif of the Chamber. Will Plant 200,000 Trees in Local Forests During Fali Season 200,000 trees arc to- be plant- cd this faîl on Northumberland and Ganaraska Forests, and on an area of Crown land in the forth end of Galway Towvn- ship), Peterborough Countx-. Springtimne is best for Plant- ing trees in Eastern Canadia. However, it is possible to have aia successful catch of fail- PI anted seedlings if the autun is wet and a fairly constant snow-cover romains on the ground during the winter. Since some of our winters here arc "open" ,vith little sn-ow, the eleinent of chance romains. Land is becoming expensive and difficuit to purchase in thc, agricultural areas. Thus the expansion of County Forests and River Valley Authority Forests is slower than former- ly. Howevcr, great arcas of Z'rown Land in thc forth part, of the District are not proper- ]y stocke4j with trees. and xviii riot produce economic forests unicss planted. Croxvn Land Planting by the Government s a projeet that xviii be cai- ried on annuaily for many years 10 corne. Planting has ;tarted in Galway and Methuen Townships. ENNJSKILLEN Correctionî of Iast week's news Mr'. and Mrs. Cecil Robinson, Newtonville, Mr. and Mrs. .. DeMara, Scugog Island, were vith Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp. This Week's News Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, ae- ompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trcwin, Doreen and Don- ald, spent Sunday with Mr. andJ Mrs. Austin Brownridge, North Toronto. Mrs. J. McGill, Mr. and Mrs. H. McGili, attended the fun- rai of the late Mr. T. E. Shea, Bethany, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Page and family. Newcastle, with Mr.C and Mrs. Leonard Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Henry, udy and Beth, Lindsay, xvere Sunday visitors of Mr. andc Mrs. Ada*i Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Reid, Pickering Beach, were with Ir. and Mrs. W. Howels'. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wright, ind children, Newcastle, with \Ir. and Mrs. K. V. Svancfelt. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Schell, 3outh River, spent a week of A Lovely Way ta Look This FalI! . A practical jumper in Avondale's fine whale corduroy. Bodice glowing with rhinesîone-centered, multi- colored felt flowers. Billowing skirt. Wear it with or without a sweater or blouse. In blue, red, grey, purpie, camel. Sizes 9 10 15. $12.95 BRESLIN'*S BOWMANVILLE - WHITBY 10) YOU KNOW? Since 1945 yaur Hydro bas more than doubied the number of its rural custoners, hum a total ot 156,5w Ioa 371,749, as of Jufle Stili $25ato FOR THE FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE The RED Cool For a short time the summer price on coal will prevail. Stock up immediately and save money. O 'sbarne's Coal Ca. holidays with Mn. and Mrs. E. McNair. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wagg, Uxbridge, were with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn. Very sorry to report Mr. W. H. Moore has been taken to Bowrnanviile Hospital. He is a little improved. His rnany fniends wish him a speedy ne - covery. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dove. Hamilton, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Peth- ick. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stain- ton, and family, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Stainton, Tynone. Misses Marie Ashton ani Joyce McGill returned on Tues- day from a very enjoyable trip to the West Coast. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp, Mr. Ralph Virtue, Mrs. Earl Masters, attcnded the funcrai of their cousin, the late Mci- rose Sanderson, Toronto. L -,-r - r 7 - , , -1- - - f - r 7MM f-#AMAnTA" qlrÀMVqlffAV e%%?MAi3,rm ý, Miss Betty Wright visited M iss Maureen McNair. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Wearing. Rickey, Thornhili, spent the weekènd with their paren:s, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore, re- turned home xvith them for a irest. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lang- mraid, and Maralene, Solinu, wîth Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill. Miss Lena Taylor, Bowvinx- ville, Miss Pearl Gerry, Toron- to, were flying callers at Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wright's. Mr. and Mrs. E, R. Walke.r, Daiphine and Joanne, Bow- manvîlle. with Mr. and Mrs. W. Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill, Bownianvilie, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGiil. Mrs. R. M. Scymour and Mrs. O. C. Ashton attended one of the sessions for C.G.I.T. lead-