- ~ OCT.e Ifli, lUI CAIIADIAN WrATMAN. DOVEANVILLE. ONTAIIB **PIW Ed I.nmasCou Local Entries In Oshavm "M .Statesma'G»ass Bots CoWluniu IFo:t=ll l 1inmount, Ontario! from the fish, ln aider to have lo hyilve years Vve heard the 4istrict biologist determine Blot about this place - irom its age. iOr residents, the Albert Mr. Anderson, the proud eMahon iamlly and irom Bert finherman,. spake af entering lhardson, Pantypool's vet- his catch in the Toronto Daily eran deer hunter, who usuaiiy Star's "biggest iish" content. foys a iortnight at hie favor- Pete McGilen, the Tele- -~receation in this general Iga sotormn aawy enj a ity .boosting P eterboro C ounty' a i!Ut waa nat until Sept 21 good fîshing. Now, heu .-reaflY àl'this year that I managed ta got samething ta brag about. lo to spend when arders camne Frank Jamieson, Bowmanvllle's to pen a ew days there, heip- Izaac Waiton", won't be able ta ~.igta plant trees. Thus it was cancentrate on hie business for that your scribe was right in a manth, aften reading this ac- on that big iish story that was caunt of the ane that d.ldn't cariled an the radia, and in get away. the press, recentiy. Howard A couple ai amusing incidents Shown above is the Bowmanville Track CI Ioek- came into the house, inciudedt seeing the game war- Club track meet held in Oshawa on Septemnber 18. Meln hia wife and I that a den, Waiiy Scott, hooking his :Zeal , lg fish had just been finger in the fish's gill, and manville Club did very well at the meet, placing Y caught and could be seen at para ding aven ta the front of right are: Bruce ColweIl, Barbara Bathga te, Dot E the Glme Warden's house. the Kinmount Anglican Church, when the picture was taken was Lloyd Coverly. Sa the three af us soon ankled in order that the faithful (who oven ta have a look sec. And were just emerging) cauld view . Iglnt os hm rud What a iish! It was a smal it. And mny landiady, Mrs. Hop- cmn nt oste rud M luth black base, Weighne kins, suddeniy remembening They were kindness itseif, r1ine and three quartier pounds;1 that she stili had ber apron made me feel very weîcome, r stablsh Rfeasuring twenty-foun inches1 on. taking it off, hanging it on were caunteous enough ta hope long; twenty-one inches around1 the back ai a hydro truck the we'd meet again, came day.E, the tummry; was caught in picking it up o n the returrn Well, ail I've got ta say is, if A * * Blrch Bark Lake, Pe-.erboro journe$. My contribution ta we do-here's hoping aur stay A l ,Caunty (about four miles from "Life's Little Comedies'" was ta togethen wiii be as pleasant as Xinmaunt), by Andy Anderson, get a pair ai wet feet by going the last time. L ofYor th te. reusrdatwt ad ud inha air sai ed rom I stngs, it wasn't long '4Forn 'Y or th tonawaneuidaethrod uhinthe pram oakedrasm s thughtw were longptl live Minutes ta land the beauty, slippers that shouid have been Isameone mentioned knowing A record dating back tc wlth an ordinary iiy rod, six dHiscarded three years aga. Mr. Bert Richardson and Harry was shattered at the Bov ,.tound leader, and a frog for Hopkins, who is an expert elec- Carter ai Pontypooi. Anoth'Žr ville High Sehool Track Lait. The local folk excitediy trician, xasn't long rigging up chap knew Fred Lycett, Pete Field Meet heid at the ciaimcd it is the biggest of its a camera and flash ta secune a Mercen, Sid Hughes, Jim Tam- ýSchooi f ield on Wednesd kind ever caught in their local- picture ai the grand daddy blyn ai Orono, whiie quite a last week and twa other 1ty. Even the usuaily caim and irom Binch Bark Lake. Perhaps few knew Mr. and Mrs. Albert records were aiea posted. çüllected O.P.P. afficer drove a copy ai the photo may oe McMahon ai Bowmanvile. One Intermediate athiete ttôm Minden, tweive miles dis- made available in a future Is- chap remembered 1purchasing Fowier set twa ai the tant, ta have a peek at this rarc sue ai this journal. appies from Mel Stapies, Or- marks and in turn had a tpeoiman ai the finny tnibe. When I was notiiied ta go ana. his own records brokei the game wanden pnocured a north I was a littie apprehen- 1Ail these littie incidents, Chanlie Trim. Fowien couple af scales (with the aid sive cf the reactions ai the Kmn- seemingiy trivial, made us ail the high jump record ai . of the Youngman jack knife) mount people ta a stranger sort aif "country cousins", and 2 inches set in 1946 by1 heiped ta break down any pas- "Sonny'" Hoopen with a i sibie icy reserve before it got mark ai 5 icet 33/ inche, a chance ta become establish- aiea broke the Interm( N . ed. 440 record ai 1.10:1 set ini With ail the nain, we were by Lyle Hoopen with a compelied ta wean knee rub- time af 1.05. bers. Gaîng home ane night, my Chanlie Tnim shaved onE feet were so bot, I remaved the ond off the Junior 440 r IF À% B i À% Nrubbers, which made the dri- ai 1.09:33 reconded by F fromn the car-to be picked *.I new mark af 1.08:3. next marning. Anothen passen- Most ai the students -ti SC O T L A N Donly goes ta show haw people up'" for the Tni-School me S C O T LA N D deiight ta pick on a littie ici- Port Hope October 6a low like me. winnere ai the variaus e At the Hopkins place (aur travellcd there ta cor .I.. .. boanding bouse), we were against Port Hope and Col -~ ~~.:..'..::x.shown an armchain, rocking sinte ths niowaville- chiand settee, made ai solid d, B hs owmaonvionetr mahogany-for sale too - atScolbsotonyacr A fire in aLondon about three hundred dollarsthtfrJnoBaeas fan the set. The clase championship, huereveals a skeîeton by total points ai thosee boseSame ai the men were speak- cd îram the class, weni waIIed up in an old ing ai foot racing, when the iaunth fonm with 154 p closet. It is dressed in a wndrcr îefrtebn They wili now receive a dred yard dash was mentianed, ta hang in the raam. The ,; Crimean War uniform. weepnaca h a ners-up fan this award ' ~There is a pistol ballin ttdta e a etnta 11B and 9D, with 117 eaclh time quite easiiy. I demunred! the skull. Yet with the He then expiained that, out for Idvda hmin hecws anc time, a bear chas- The individual high pain aid of the C..D.s Crime ed his dog, the dog ran ta- taie ion the championships Laboratory Inspector wards him, and he took off for awarded ta the iollowing: 'the house-iinishing well ahead ion girls, Barbara Bathgate, Fabian proves that the man of a the dag and bear, in lese points; runup Sharon Ki time than At took ta tell it. nick 26 points, interme bad been murdered only Ante apcing huck- girls, Pat Conway, 25 pc 9 years earlier. Now on lebernies in July, shat a bear, Shirley Bathgate, 25½/2p( TV eeth rcostucton*.~.~. bt it gat away. M'hile tree Wiima Bates 121/ points. TV see te reconsructanting the ather day, we Boys champions: Junior1 of the events that led to . ....found the remains ai pon aid Charles Tnim, 25 points; bruin, where he had hidden in Cnassey, 20 points; intermei a charge of murder in the thc swaie, and died. boys: John Fowien, 26 pi Ted ary24pit;s case of the "SKELETON Out here, an the Ganaraska, boys:-'Fain2Rintars, IN HE LOST". *we plant about anc thousand pointe; Joe McGiil, 19 point IN TH CLOST"..trees per acre, but in Galway one of a senies taken from £ 1ownship, there is sa much Senior Boys Events rock that enough earth ta sus- 100-yard dash: 1 Joe Me the files of Scotland Yard tain trees je bard ta find; we 11.1 seconds; 2. B. Pana! and specially prepared in wene only able ta plant about anc hundred and iifty trees per England for Television. acre. Incidentaly, I saw my , *.I cuteet billiant "Chinese ned" ua Lu mu uE NEXT eyebnows. These birds, some- what langer than a partridge, W H M TWEDNESDAY are quite tame, coming within 1 U W U. W.. Wten feet ai us, which probably CHANNEL 5 ROCHESTER AT 10.30 expiaine why they are soa scance--easy prey ion the hun- __________________________________________________ ter. About the only things deteet- L abe pthre en tebick I Local Man's Brother Presented to Queen Receives Watch Mn. G. Hilderly ai Wisiey, Surrey, England, a brother uf Luke Hilderiy, Bowmanviile, had the honor recentiy ai being presented ta Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mathen. Mn. Hilderiy bas been 50 years in the service ai the Royal Harticuitunai Society at Wisiey, and in honon ai hie long and expert service receivcdz from the hands ai the Qucen Mother a goid watch. Hon. David Bowes-Lyon, brother ai the Qucen Mothen, ie president ai the Society and af Mr. Hiidenly he said:*' He is anc ai the experts and pas- sesses a surgeon's skill with the knife. He is an expert at bud- ding and grafting." Mr. Hilderly and another 50 yean empioyee who came ta Wisiey a balf century aga when the Society apened its gardens there had their photographe n the Surrey Advertisen and County Times as cach received hic watch from the Qucen Mother. The occasion was the apening ai a hostel for special- ized training ai student gar- deners. Aiter training they ne- ceive a national dipioma ai horticulture. To know the laws ai God In nature and revelation, and then ta fashion the affections and wil inta harmony with those la-ws - this le education --Syl- veste sSveLà va -Track Meet Lub's entry at the Shamrock Athletie With Only five entries the Bow- Zfourth among 12 entries. Left to Kilpatrick and Lyle Hooper. Absent -Photo by Allan Richards Three Records >. Field Meet n> Wins Tille to 1946 vman- ck and High [ay of -r new John new one of an by erased 5 feet Frank anew es. He iediate r1952 Snew ie sec- record Fowler vith a turned o take vents. warm- Let in is the events nmpete ýbourg. uning High rophy, fall. won enter- t to points. Rflag arun- were h. nt ta- were Jun- :ilpat- ediate )oints; :oints. boys, Glen ediate mints; senior 2 41/j Is. zcGill, as, 3.1 B. Laskaris and G. Richarde (tic). 220-yard dash: 1. Jae McGiil, 27 seconds; 2. B. Panas, 3. G. Richards. 440-yard dash: 1. Joe McGiil, 1.01.1, 2. G. Richards, 3. B. Col- well. 880-yard dash. 1. Bruce Coi- well, 2 min., 36 sec.; 2. J. Mc- Gi, 3. B. Panas. Shat put: 1. Charlie Bruce, 34 feet, 2¼/ inches; 2. B. Panas, 3. G. Richards. High jump: 1. Charlie Bruce, 4 feet, 10 inches; 2. G. Rich- ards, 3. B. Panas. Broad jump: 1. Doug Wood- iock. 18 feet, 53/4 inches; 2. G. Richards, 3. Hl. Kennett. Hop, step and jump: 1. Doug Woodlack, 37 feet, 3 inches; 2. G. Richards, 3. B. Laskaris. Intermedilate Boys Events 100-yard dash: 1. John Fow- ler, 11.4 seconds; 2. T. Faincy, 3. G. Marlowe. 220-yard dash: 1. John Fow- 1er, 27.2 seconds; 2. T. Fainey, 3. J. Lunn. 440-yard dash: 1. John Faw- ler, 1.05, a new record, 2. J. Webb. 3. T. Fairey. The former record ai 1.10:1 was set ini 1952 by Lyle Hooper. 880-yard dash: 1. Jim Webb, 2.43:9; 2. J. Lunn, 3. J. Fengu- son. Shot put: 1. George Mariow, 31 feet, '83/ inches; 2. K. Wil- liamson, 3. J. Fowlen. High jump: i. John Fowler, 5 feet 33/ inchas;, a new record; 2. B. Jackson, 3. K. Bragg. The former BHS record was 5 feet,j 2 inches, set by Frank Hooper. Bnoad jump: 1. Ted Faircy, 16 feet; 2. G. Marlowe, 3. K. Purdy. Hop. step and jump: 1. Bill Brunt, 35 feet, 9 inches; 2. J. Williams, 3. J. Fowien. Junior Boys Event 100-Yard Dash: 1. Chanlie Trim, 12 seconds; 2. G. Cros- sey; 3. V. Jarvis. 220 Yard Dash: 1. Chanlie Trim, 30.3.seconde; 2. G. Cros- sey; 3. R. Majernison.. z 440 Yard Dash: 1. Chanlie Tnim, 1.08.3,- a ncw record; 2. G. Crossey, 3. V. Jarvis. The1 former record was heid by John Fowier.4 Shot Put: 1. Bob Hannah, 361 it., 6 ins.; 2. M. Richards; 3. D. )ON'T CRY.. cail Zenith 13000 end ask for kin'itone RY CLEANING SERVICE Sou How Our Sclentfflc Dry Cieuning Gel s Out More Diri, TET consTSNo moRE I Clothes can get so soiied that even Sanitone Dry Cleaning won't help, but tbeC's mighty, niighty rare. Sa, don' c despair. Scnd it today for the best ini dry cleaning. PUT YOUR NAME, ADDRESS jAND PHONE NUMBER HURE I I I I g I s I I I I I I I a I I I g g I I I I REALLY GETS OUT ALL THE DIRT SPOT: AND STAINS DISAPPEAR >RAPES SETTER PRESS LASTS LONGER DAILY PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Lemi Agent.-HOOPEES LADIES'WEAR PHONE: OSHAWA ZECNTH ISM <!ntended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. George Goddard were receni visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fin. McDermott in Toronto. Friends of Mrs. J. Brown will be pleased ta know she arrived home from hospital an Sunday after upending three months there. Mre. Mabel Allen celebrated her 8Oth birthday on Monday, the 27th, at the home af her daughter, Mrs. M. C. Brown. Joining in the happy occasion were: Mrs. Allen's son, Ray, and daughter-in-law, and great- grand-daughter, Heather Ann Holland, Belleville, Heather Ann wau celebrating her sixth birthday on ber great-grand- mother's natal day; aiea attend- ing was a niece, Mrs. Jack Hoad- ley and Mr. Hoadley, Michigan, and their daughter Jackie and son Davey John, aillof whom spent the weekend at the Brown home. Another niece, Mrs. Cecil Eiliott and Mr. Eliiott from To- ronto, with their son Paul, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schoenau, Oshawa, anch dauglfter Gail. On Tuesday aiternoon Mrs. Allen received numeraus friende and neighbours wha were invited ta share her happiness and ta par- take af her birthday cake and tea. We wish Mrs. Allen mnany happy returns ai her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Fultan, Mr. and Mrs. J. McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Harban, Mrs. George Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hutton, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. George Hutton, Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. E. Biakely, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hutton and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hutton attended the Hutton - Cornish wedding at Orono an Saturday aiternoon. Mrs. George Reynolds visited with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Barra- bail, Orono, on Saturday aiter- noon. Miss Jean Grant, Mr. Daniel Goddard ôf New Westminster, B.C.; Mrs. Finn McDermnott and grand-daughter Glania of Toron- ta, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Goddard. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Adams are visiting with friends and rela- tives at Austin, Manitoba. The Courtice Choir held Its usual practice on Tuesday even- ing and during the social hour Phyllis Cowie (nee Adams) was presented with a pair ai table iamps and a lovely decorated cake. Mrs. George Reynolds and' grandson, Jerry, visited with: Mrs. Jack Goyne and Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson at Thorn-' ton's Corners. The Home for the Aged at Ca- bourg has received the last ai the three chairs promised them! some time ago by the Friend- 1 ship Graup ai West Courtice.1 For a time the chair was in use,1 iocally, and was later completeiy re-uphoistered and repainted. ýRelatives, neighbours and friends of Kenneth Hutton and, his bride-to-be, Miss JoanneI Cornish; Orono, gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hut- ton on Wednesday evening ta present them with a few it before their marriage. Kýennetth and Joanne were seated be- side the decorated table laden with gifts. Mrs. George JohnsonI and Mrs. A. Hoy were ca-hast- esses. Mrs. Johnson gave a few words and caiied the group 'ta orden. The many ioveiy gifts1 were opened aiter which Jo-ý anne and Kenneth bath expre ss- ed their appreciation and in- McGregor. Hîgh Jump:' 1. Chanlie Trim, 4 ft., 6 ins.; 2. H. Lewis; 3. D. Welsh. Bnoad Jump: 1. Charlie Trim, 16 it., 1 lM2is.; 2. G. Cnosscy; 3. D. Weish. Hop, Step and Jump: 1. Mau- rice Richards, 32 it., 1/ in.: 2. G. Crassey; 3. R. Stnickwcrda. Senior Girls Events 75 Yard Dash: 1. Shirley Bathgate, 10 seconde; 2. B. Eowling; 3. C. Milne. 100 Yard Dash: 1. L. Shirley Bathgate, 13.5 seconde; 2. B. Cowiing; 3. C. Milne. Standing Broad Jump- 1. Joan Mutton, 7 ft.; 2. N. Ham- lin; 3. S. Bathgate. Running Broad Jump: 1.Si- ley Bathgate, 12 it., 2 ins.; 2. E. Pascae; 3. W. Bates. High Jump: 1. Shirley Bath- gate, 3 ft., 8 mns.; 2. J. Mutton, 3., Distance Saftbali: i. Wiima Bates, 107 it., 16 ins. 2. N. Ham- lin, 3. S. Bathgate. Speed Saitbali: 1. Shirley Bathgate and Wilma Bates, 59 imes; 2. E. Prowen and H-. Webber; 3. J. Mutton and N. Hamlin. Intermediate Girls Events 75 Yard Dash; 1. Pat Conway, .5 seconds; 2. V. Stephenson; 3. G. Craig. 100 Yard Dash-1. Pat Con- way, 13.2 seconds; 2. J. Smith; -V. Stephenson. Standing eroad Jump: 1. Pat Canway, 7 it., 10-1/men.; 2. G. ýraig; 3. J. Mutton. ,Running Broad Jump: 1. Pat onway, 13 it., l11/ ms.; 2.-G. raig; 3. L. Bagneli. High Jump: 1. G. -Craig, 4 ft.. 1 is.; 2. E. Osborne; 3. P. Con- vay. Distance Softball: i. Joan > ith, 156 ft.; 2. G. Craig; 3. 1. 7onway. Speed Softbaii: 1. Nancv litcheil and Manlene Peel, 55 imes; 2. Manlene McDonaid nd R. Diliing; 3. J. Taylor and Beckett. I Junior Girls' Events c'ou'ii hardlv sfwu.. ,..1.------- 50-yard dash: 1. Barbara sensational hiding power and brilliant whiter white can beautify Bathgate, 7. seconde; 2. S. Kil- yu oe patrick, 3. B. Stephenson. yU oe 75-yard dash: I. Barbara Just one coat of DURA-HIDE coi-rs solid over any coior -eveu Bathgatc, 9.5 seconde; 2. Sha- black. Hides ail imali checks and cracks. Provides a tough, weatber- non Kiipatrick, 3. B. Stephen- resistnt rurface that Jasts season after season. la avery way it does a sandigbo.ju .Sa better job than ay white bouse peint you've ever usd. ron Kilpatrick, 7 feet, il inches; Seif.cleansing, nan-yeliowing properties in DURA-HIDE heip 2. S. Kilpatrick, 3. p. Simr)san. keep your home bright. les easy ro apply. Doesn't sag. Try it! High jump: i. Sharon Kilpat- Mode by the. makeri\olf fons fli"gma CWoIzerp pints ia 1,322 colore., rick, 4 feet, 31/ incheF; 2. B.: Bathgate, 3. S. Constable. Distance softbaii: i. Barbara Bathgate, 118 feet, 9 inches: 2. Sharon Kilpatrick. 3 B. Ste- La nder H-ardware Sneed softbaii: I. Barbara 7 King St. E. BOIVMANVILLE Phone 774 Bathgate and Josie Brooks, 59 times per minute, r1 c i c t c JE C ti: J COURTICE - Le A. PARKER& SONS PLUMDING *aIIEATING s OIL BURNERS 47 RING ST. E. - BOWMANVILLE - MA 3-5651 E 4~J~5(4U~ 'I OURABj RID Amazlng new-formulo DURA-HIDE does a whuter, longer loufa Ing lob ln one coat thon two coats of many ordlnary pointai Write clearly and give COMPLETE address; include postal Zone Number in Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg and Vancouver. * PUT REIURN ADDRESS ON AUL MAIL Get the habit of including your return ad.t dress on tihe top left corner of envefle and porcels. (Include zone number if ap. plicable). *%,euat fit clots mail, if 8 ournces or under, posed in Canada for distant points within Canada, goa by oir, where dWW"er «m b. spesded. POSTAL RATES - FIRST CLASS LETTEIS.. LOCAL DEUYMR - 4 cenfts &saounce; 2 nts *oadditiano amas. OTHER PARTS OF CANAD, U.S.A., BRITISH COM- MONWEALTH, CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA, FRANCE AND SPAIN- 5 cents first ounce; 3 cents Och additifonai ounce. AUL OTHER CO(JNTRIES - 6 cents first ounce. 4 cents 0" o&dionel ounce. POeYcARDiS..EVERYWHERI - 4 es CANADA PST OFFIC H. J LCD C lt Q.C M.P. W.j U N1L TM CAWADUR 8TATIMIUM. BOW L4WVMU& ONTAM IRAÉM MM u2m vited everyone ta visit them ln new teachers, Mrs. Booth anAl their new home at Orono which Mr. Pratt. Mrs. H. Gay la te they hope ta have compieted be the press reporter for the soon. Everyone enjoyed a social coming yea'. Mrs. L. MeIntyre time together. favoured wlth a vocal solo. 1. Young People's Meeting The group was then entertaina t The Courtice Circuit Young ed by a film strip on Home and *Peopie's Union held its regular'School work. which al i m.m meeting on Monday evening at bers enjoyed. The meeting clos- IMaple Grve nte ihuc ed with "God Save The Quen" 1with 33 present. President followed by a social time. rDorothy Somerville accupied the Woman's Association schair and the meeting opened by Courtice Woman's Association ail repeating the Young People's met on Thursday afternoon, Purpose. During the business September 16th and the meet- period the new officers for the ing apened with the theme hymn *coming year were eiected as fol- fallowed with prayer by Mrs. lows: President-Miss Dorothy Penfound. Thanks was extend- Somerville; Vce-Presdent-Mr. ed toalal the ladies who helped 1Bruce Down; Secretary-Mr. wjth the lunch served at Vaca- Ron Brooks; Treasurer-Miss tion Bible School, alsa the wed- Joan Rinsman; Recreation-Miss ding reception an Sept. llth. Marion Wyman and Mr. Wesley Lais er renddta LDown; Publication-Mr. Ailan Mrs. Robertson. the secretary, Thompson; Citizenship and Com- has cards and notions for sale munity Service-Mr. Ron Os for the Woman's Association. It borne; Faith and Evangelism- was decided ta buy twa leaders' Miss Shirley Antil; StewardshiP books for Explorers. A donationi an4 Training-Miss lia Crago; will be sent ta Canadian Girls ini Missions and World Outreach- Training and Expiorers' Leader- Miss Lois Antil. ship Training. Mrs. Wilkins was Miss Margaret McGregar pre- in charge af the devotional whicli sented a gift on behaif of the a pened with hymn. Jean Adams 1graup ta Phyllis and Don Cowle. read the 90th Psalm, foiiowed by' The newiy married couple thank- a reading by Mrs. Wilkins on the Young People for the lavely "The Work af Our Hands" which book-ends. told that no matter how smaUl 1 The devotional was in charge the work ive do God will mag- of Miss Marion Wyman and Miss nlfy it.with Hie love. Mrs. Her- lia Craga. Quiet music opened ron led in prayer and Mrs. Cecil the devotianal, followed by a Adams.gave a reading on "The hymn. Marion read a medita- Trend is Back ta God". The tion on "Faith"*. followed by devotianal closed with a hymn. scripture selections by Ila. Mar- Mrs. McKenzie read a paem ion led in prayer after which ail ca]led "Foiiow". Mrs. Nichais joined in a hymn. Recreation read the topic on Citizenship was ied by Marion which' calied "The Meaning Of It", brought a great deal af laughs aIl which toid how many haurs and excitement. per week we spend in aur awn Home and School pleasures and sa few for God's Courtice Home and Sehool As- work. If we set aur aims higher sociation heid their manthly than material gains and take meeting on Tuesday evening, God into partnership with us September 21st at the schaol. we xviii achieve true peace on~ The President, Mrs. G. Tubb earth. Mrs. NichaIs read "A presided and opened the meet- Modern Parable". Lunch was ing with "O Canada" followed served. The next meeting wilI by Te Lrd'sPraer.be in charge of the Missionary It Tashe d'saedresnt Graup an Thursday evening, It ws dcide topresnt insOctober Zlst. ta the graduating ciasse in Nao-______________ vember. It was announced by Mrs. Penfound for interested T 1 C K E T S pupils that Mission Band would TG EVERYWHERE be starting. The President ask- Air, Rail or Steamship ed ail members ta attend Coun- Consuit cil meeting an the 28th, when JURY & LOVELL the President af Canfederation omvil is ta be the guest speaker. 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 Mrs. Aidons intraduced the ______________ 55flg>'t try te fix lit Tourseli - CatiAa R.attng Expert"' "WNHV BE- IN P, RURRV NOLV~? YOU WEREN'T, ABOUT CPALLING A~ GOOD IETN CONTRP.CTOR TO CHECK THE STEPAM PRESSURE!" 9 147 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE - MA 3-5651