- ~ - LY, OCT. 7th, 1954 TUE CANADUAI STATFaMAN. BOWMLANVLE.t ONTARIO for1 fiko.Who ors ahout tNe PRICE ISN'T EVERYTHINGI They say eVerythng has its pricel And in buying ai TV set, do remember that in most cases, you get just what yau pay for. Low-priced sets may flot have everything tbat's needed for top TV performance. A few dollars more often buy those built-in extras that mean years of botter entertainment with less upkeep. "DANCING" PICTURES AREN'T GOOD. Have you ever been watching a Newsreel at the movies when it seemed ta "flicker" or have litIle block spots run across the picture? Or perhaps the picture suddenly flipped over? Weil, this can happen on a TV set-if lt's nol powerful enough ta hold the picture steady. Look for these signs-before you buyl Power is importanti IS THE PICTURE FULL SIZË? Sometimes the power systemn in a TV set is flot st rang enough ta produce a picture the full size of the picture tube. This hopp*ns most oftfon in a low-priced set, where power is sacriflced for price. Blank areas at the edges resut- sometimes as much as 11/2". These areas are then masked off, so you wiIl nat be readlily aware of the smuller picture you're getting. Check before buyingl SOUND IS HALF 0F TV ENTERTAINMENT. True sound reproduction is just as important ta good TV as a sharp picture. Sa before yau buy, listen ais wel as looki A good test is ta turn the volume up full. Then listen carefully. Are deep voices or notes indistinct? Is there ai vibration on high notes? If sa, yoy'd botter look at another TV set. ANYONE A MECHANIC? Make sure ail the contrais are easy ta get at. Sametimes for the sake of design, essentiel dials are placed on the back. of the set. This may give the set a clean, uncluttered look. However, it mens yau've gaIta reach behind or even move the set everytime you want ta make an adjustment. I -r- BEWARE 0F FADEOUTS. Watch the set of your chaice for 5 or 10 minutes. Does the pitur. alter- nately darken und brighten? This is caused by a variation in lighting in the scenes being Ielevised. A good TV set ès equipped ta compensate automnatically for these fluctuations-sa you get a piclure of constant brightness. .ie r NO BUTTING IN. Get your dealer ta turn on a vacuum cleaner or some other appliance. If the picture flutters or wavers when the appliance is an it s not sufficiently'protected aigainst outside inter- ference. Streetcars and ignition static will also affect the picture in this way on poorly shielded sets. 't' y IT MAY NOT BE YOUR EVES. How are the edges of the picture? Are figures distorted and fuzzyl A quality set will give you clear, distortion-free pictures from edge totedge. Watch for distorted areas an any set. After ail, you aire going ta be watching it a lot in the future. A GUIDE FOR FOLKS ON SPARTON TV Now check these points against a Sparton TV set. If's complefely protec;ed against ail common TV fouîts. IPRICI-You'Il i nd Sparton's price is reasonabie. ln addition oaci, set is given the. careful attention and inspection found only in custom- mode products. PULL SIZE PICTUR-Sparton TV sets ore buiît wlth éroserve power". Every set that loaves our plant will produce a fuit size picture-right te the edg.et the tube. FINE SOUND SYSTEM-Sparton TV sets use a high quality FPM sound systemn. The cabinets have been designed for tonal quaiity. In addition, aIl 17" and 21 " models feature speakers in front ta eliminate annoying echoes and loss et sound. HANDY CONTROLS-Sparton TV sets have ail the essential controls in front. They have been simplified A~ they are easy te understand and easy to adiust. STEADY PICTURE-Sparton TV sets use a system caiI.d a "Sync" Hold Circuit. t supplies the set with more than enough power te hold the picture aeady-continuously-through il types et disturbances. NO FADING-Sparton TV sets ar* equipped with a circuit called a 'Compensatedi Automatic Gain Control". t regulates the flow et power in the set s0 you aiways get a clear picture. When the station signal varies, this circuit oither boosts or cuts bock the brightness for asy-on-lie-oye viewi ng. NO INTIRFERENCE-Sparton TV sets are tully shielded te keep eut aui inteferoc. This shieiding cm pleteiy eliminates outslde disturbances. NO MOI! DISTORTION-Sparten TV sets are equipped with the 'gedtusive Cosmic Iye Sconning System. This development by Sparton 'wIgineers enables you te gel sieur, sharp pictures over t" entire ameeoftthe creen. ~&84lN e Her... TED ut e... WODARF 21" NEPTUNEI A deluxe TV set at a prie you conA fford. Naotures Incude aiumintied O D Y Rtube with glare-eiinoting telegias fliter... new, morE powerfui custais- line chassis ... front-mountedi speaker. At your Sparton deaiers w AppUicnces Orono and Bow.nunvillo PAGE -, I ETMRTEEU ý7