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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1954, p. 15

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* A I.? A ~? A W A ~M A W ~D A ~-- W - A.~ - ________________________________________________________________________________ *4~~ ~d&LN~W4.1~.&1 ~ W IVU W ~ ~z. A.amaiaq~ 5W~ N~I.D ~ '.Can adian Legion. RaIIy H.ears Durham's M.P. on New C.P.R. Dayliner Stopped by Locali Photographer e- "Many may be akeptical ekabout re-arning Germany, but eithas to be done", the speaker ny and the Brussels Pact, we will ng have the controls ta make sure ist the Germans do flot get out of >r- hand". àn Here in Canada, Mr. James M etthat compulsory mltr a service is on the way. He pro- a- phesied thata formmo compul- he sory service will be set Up SOOn- e r than most people think, pro- ay bably starting with the Resenve Army. "A great many people ,e are working. on details now so es that it coulad become, effective n-acrosa Canada. Yoù in your own ut local Legion branches have iP been a great factor ini binging n this about by quietly pressing. il for compulsony militany servicej e which undoubtedly will corne ~rin onaewyoaohr, .d-While the new Toronto-Peterborough C.P.R. Day- iecard liner train above looks as though it is standing stili, iÀ was Recalling that he had spoken g ta a Zone Fl Legion Rally in actually doing close to 80 miles per hour when it was e lBowmanvîlle last December snapped by Photographer Ernie Rehder of Bowmanville ~following his return as a dele- who used a very fast time exposure to take the shot. The dgate from the Canadian Gov- pcuewstknls eka h uktnCPR tto erriment to the United Nations pcuewstknls eka h uktnCPR tto hGeneral Assenfib1y, Mr. Jones LO stated that there has since been dent Bill Beaton of the Osh- 9some significant developments awa Legion Branzh. -in international affairs. He sided over the meeting andiPa 5pointed out that several con- MVayor John Nayion of Oshiawa IB r" t ferences on wars and the cessa- and President Bill Beaton oai'flrn5atPM il tion of war have been nemoved ýthe host branch welcomed the ýP from the United Nations alto- delegates. These included eighit It gether. from the Bowrnanville Legion i e U.N. Bein YPse Branch hae by President P o o e 9 The Indo-Chinese war has Ross McKnight. -s been lifted from it, and the President McKnight was in- A very Înteresting clipping vastiy important nine-power vited ta the platformn along fnom the Swift Current Sun agreement on re-arming West with Presidents or representa- has been received concerningi Germany held in London last tives of Legion Branches in the work of Stanley E. Snow- '~week actually had nothing to Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Port den on a mission field at Stew- r do with the U.N. 'To be suc- Perry, Claremont, Dunbarton, art Valley and Success, near cessful, the United Nations has Uxbnidge and Sunderland. Also Swift Current. Stanley is the rta be a driving force," the on the platform were District son of Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Sspeaker maintained. "I don't "F" C o mn m a n d e r "Scotty" Snowden of Maple Grove and Sthink the other accomplish- Broughton, Brighton; Deputy a candidate for the ministry Sments going on in the world Zone Commander Reg Moor- from the Oshawa Presbytery. n outside of the U.N. will allow head, Port Ferry; Past 'Zone He has entered his final year it to remain as strong a force Commander, James Loveli, of study this Eall. as it has to be. So long as the Oshawa; Assistant Provincial His wife is the former Anna major decisions are kept from Secretary Art Farsythe, Aj ax; Johns, daughter of Mr. and the U.N., only the minor ones District Sports Officer Doug Mrs. C. Johns, Concession St. o will be left". Weeks, Oshawa; and Zone hy wr maie tre He stated that a year ago Sports Officer Bill Bates, Bow- Ty e g n mae pth there had been a great deal of manville. three summers on the mission skepticism in the United States Seroli Presented fields, the last two on the one on the future o! U.N. as a force A highlight of the meeting refenred to in the article in international political- aff airs was the presentation of a which is nepnoduced henewith. and expnessed the hope that commemonative scroîl to G. Stan is a memben of Maple this skepticism does not prove King, father of Miss Edwina Grove United Chunch and his well founded. I King, an Oshawa high school wife of Tinity United Chunch, Mn. James paid tibute ta 1 student who won a $300 Provin- Bowmanville. the fine work being done by jcial Legion University Scholar- The building purchased had the Canadian Legion in bing- 'ship.' h was the first time a 1 b be moved 35 miles and the ing their requests for better Legion Scholanship has been whole project of buying, mov- treatment of veterans to the at- awarded to a student in Zone ing and establishing a new tention of the Dominion Gov- Fl. church in the short time al- ernment. "Without the Legion Resolutions Chairman Frank lowed by a summen on the throughout Canada, veterans' Grant read a letten fnom Miss mission field is an accomplish- legislation could easily be haif King, who is now attendingI ment of which Mn. and Mrs. as good as it is today", he as- the University of Western On- Snowden may well be proud serted. tario, thanking ail the Legion The chipping follows: As a member of the Veter- members who hadc lye "When student minister S. ans' Affairs Committee, the part in obtaining thIcoa*Sp owden and Mrs. Snowden speaker assuned his audience ship for her. The presentation nre ere in 1953, hopes wene that thein briefs are very cane- was made by President Beaton raised to get a church building fully considered by the coîn- of Oshawa. but nothing much was done. mittee whice hmsmaevup oft Two cetificates o! mnent When they retunned ta the M.P.s andoatre themseesvet- were also awarded in connec- field this spring action began ith erasanfaralofy interested tion with the sports prograîn and Mn. Snowden did some in he ehfneo! x-srvie-in Zone FI. District Sports 0f- scouting anound and located a men. The Legion brief was the ficen Doug Weeks presented couple of empty chirches in firt oe onsdnd b te cm-on e ta the Oshawa Branch for the country. A meeting was mgitee he aid, antd hd ee their fine work ini sponsoring held and a committee appoint- give x'ry crefl stdy. a Minor basebali league for ed to look into getting a build- Seek W.V.A. Increase youngstens -a program on ing, naising necessany money He painted out that British which the Branch spent $3,000 to pay for the building, dig- Columbia veterans are pressing this year. The other was pre- ging basement, etc. the government veny strongly sented.cita the Dunharton Branch The building purchased was ta raise the War Veterans' AI- for sponsoring a youth mnove- the Trinity Lutheran church lowance above $50 a month. "If ment which includes archery, southwest of Succesff. we raised it there, howeven, a rifle club and leathercraft On July 5th the wonk began we would have ta raîse At ail work. diggmng of the basement with aver Canada and such an in- Zone Commander Dunn con- the municipal caterpillan and crease wauld upset the whole gratulated those branches in fnom thene on, men, engines, scad.of"Ites geatsdeans, fheirquotaIof intating25 er schovsesswaer , bus ckshndh sale of otheen p gensins" ea o eFlotwhfich iare m25einghorselsscnaenbs tnuck han study, but I, wouldn't be sur- cent more new membens duning weaten permitted. On July 22 prised if the British Columbia the year. Only three branches there were 18 men gathered agitation nesuits eventually in in the Zone are achîeving this ta give a hancl at runnîng ce- an increase of Wan Veterans' goal, however, and he urged ment for the fulI-sized base- Allowance al aven Canada". the other six ta intensify thein ment. Three cement mixers Mn. James was introduced mem bership drive during the were kept busy and the ladies by Zone Commander Stan remainden of the year. supplied the eats. Durin and thanked by Presi- President McKnight of the During the time the founda- ______ - -tion was dnying, wonk was CARTWRIGHT FAIR will b. held in BLACKSTOCK starting at 1:30 p.m. Saturday,_October 9th Special Attractions HOWSIOE PITCHING CONTEST MANY CONTESTS TRIALS 0F SPEED MIDWAY Lindsay Boys Band in attendane Admission - 50e Autos - 25e Public School Children FREE FRE D TREWIN, President Saturday Evening, October 9th CONCERT li Recreation Hall At 5:30 p.m. TURKEY SUPPER u.rved by ladies of United Church HENRY THOMPSON, Secretary a few days after the new Dayliner service xvas started on September 27, between Peterborough and Toronto. The fast,streamlined diesel car makes i he run between Toronto and the Lift-lock City in an hour and a haif and does not make any stops between the two cities. -Photo by Relder ýstor in S'ask. apIe Grove kewChurch done getting the building nais- ed aud maved, and on July 19, is arrived in aur hamhet. Once again the work began, helping the moyen ta get it on the foundation, using engines ta push and pull it. # During a veny wet week the men again lent a helping hand, a! ter the ladies had cleaned the chunch, ta help them do a good painting job on the inside. Twenty in al helped the afternoon o! Aug. 26. That evening at six o'clock a sudden electric stonm came up and during that stonm. the chunch was stnuck on the north gable end, ripping the door frame and going out via the east wall, thmowing splin- ters o! wood on the adjolning lawn. Mn. Snowden who had been the hast to leave the building, was knocked off his feet as he ran ta the neighbors whene he was staying. On August 29 the flrst ser- vice was held in our new church with 63 present. On August 30 a group o! men ran cernent fon the base- ment floor and stanted laying brick fan a chimney. On Aug- ust 31 the men stanted paint- ing the autside o! the building with some ladies aiso belping. Plans wene made far dedica- tion o! the church for Septern- ber 5th. just two months aften the !irst sod was turned for the basement. The Rev. Dr. W. K. Elliott, B.A., B.D., o! Regina was the guest speaker for the occasion. The day was very wet and roads impassable un places, but 79 managed ta attend. Rev. Elliott read the dedica- tion and Rev. Bell o!, Swift Current led in prayen. Rev. Elliott aiso sang "Bless This Hause" with Mns. Peterson ac- companying. Rev. Elliott also named the chunch the Stewart i Valley United Church. This was fanewell Sunday for Mn. and Mrs. Snowden, as they go back to Toronto. Mn. Snowden will finish bis stud- ies and b. ordamned next sprlng. ENFIELD Miss Evelyn Cunningham and Miss Freda Schnellar, Brantford, Bowmanville Branch reponted ;0,è".adMs.Wi Ga 1r athat' wsmeetingi hs quo-astayîng in Toronto for a week crad tatmmbnhi hsii before leaving fon Calgary whene creaed ror 264 hast yean ta they will spent sorne tirne with 335 ta date this yean, with Mr. and Mrs. Will Gray Jr. some 20 applications still pend- We welcome Mr. and Mrs. * ing.George Moore and family a! Stress Membershlip Drive Oshawa who have moved onto District Commander "Scot- the Stank !arm. ty" Bnoughton also asked the Mmm. Jim Harris anîd Mis& Legion members ta work hard Marie Prescott were co-hastesses on incneasing membershîp in at a kitchen showen for Miss their branches, He aiso remind- Lois Ormiston, at Marie's home ed those present o! the need Friday evening. About 15 o! for community service work Lais' girl friends presented ber jon the part o! Legian Branch- with articles bath attractive and es. "Do something ta help youn useful. The guesta were enter- community", he urged. "*Also tained with contests and games owhen you have wothwhile Le- suitable for the occasion and jgion news make sure that you were served a lovehy lunch. ,vrite an account o! it ta be Rv .MtoWibcn iublished in youn local paper".dRcev. H. MutonseWibco n- The subject o! Legion public ducthed ou chunch wserc u- relations alsa came ta the fore idga whialurpstriws peMan- when the Port Penny Branchicgest er. Scia evce t oMaT- introduced a resolution that Lchese.Sar asmeno!Te the Provincial Command work aLoted'seupprhwaseadminie.e out a co-ardinated plan o! ad-_ttecoeo!tesrie verisig n the daily press Mn. and Mns. Milton Samis, poiningautta e-sevicmenMiss Elsie Samis, Mn. and Mrs. the adagu o t o in-sring 'th Fred Samis attended the Van Can adiantaegion. AsistateBancor - Abernethy wedding in PronialSecintA ssiFostnt Woodville United Chunch on. Proinedautheen, that sthisSeptemben 25th. woultd b.utaoepevetat pro- Mns. Smith and Mn. L. Barra- gram for the Provincial Com- beonono isitdwt M.M inand ta finance. H. stated that tan.Sani s. LarneGy the best method o! attracting n. fanMrlKs aw rncBrucay new members was not thraugh aunfmy, LwKinsae; Mr.Bruce paid advertising but by mak- Lunney, BowmdyanvileCl.ande ing sure that local papers getMs.J'S. ddvaCnk accunt o!Legon ctîitis.Union; Mr. and Mrs. Eanl Pres - i accu tso a voe t mtion. cott, Tyran.: Mn. and Mns. Wih-j When put t oetemto bent Smith, Shirley and Donothy, was defeated. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Smith and manville asked what had been *A. W. Pescott's..1 don. towand setting up a bhood Tii, O.P.P. were here hast bank for veterans' families in week investigating a sack with ZneF a rsolution requested 35 ned pullets in a slighthy de-' Pin reoluionsponsored bycamposed state which had been teBowmanville Branch at the tossed mbt a farmer's field, for spning zone rally. Zone Com- some unknown neason. No mat- mander Dunn reported that this ter what neason, it was a foul, matter is stili beixig invest.igat- !owî trick. ed. -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ District Commander Bnough- ton reminded members o! the The devotion o! thought ta importance o! wonking hard an honest achievement makes an poppy sales in cannection the achievement possible.- with Remebrano. Daw. Mary Baker Eddly. ENNISKILLEN W. A. Meeting L- W.A. met at the home a! Mns. E. A. Werry, with 30 present and president Mns. H. Mills, in the chàir. Mrs. F. W. Werry was in charge of the devotion- ai which was on "The wvork of aur Hands". Bible neading by Mrs. E. Trewin. Mrs. F. Mc- Laughlin was in charge of pro- gram. Miss Phyllis Stnang, and Mrs. Harold McLaughlin, accompan- ied by Mns. Strang, favoured as with two duets, and Miss Nan- cy Wood gave a veny interest- ing report on the week spent at the school for leaders, at Whitby College. Mn. Schraven, o! Bowman- ville, gave a talk on the plant- ing and cane of rases, whîch was very întenesting. He brought roses o! each kînd far demonstration. After the meet- ing each lady received these roses which was very much ap- preciated. Meeting closed with theme sang and prayen. Lunch was served by Gmoup 1. Mn. and Mns. J. D. Brown, Mn. and Mrs. E. Milîson and Ellen ,Miss Katheline Hooey, Orono, with Mr. and Mms. R. J. Ormiston. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Fergu- son visited Mn. and Mrs. Clan- ence Ginn, Cadmus. Mn. and Mrs. Keith, McGill, Bowmanville; Mn. Raîpli Vin- tue, Mn. and Mrs. Roy McGill, and Reva, Mn. and Mrs. Jas. A. Wenry, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. On- mistan, were necent dinner guests of Mr. and Mns. H. Mc- Gll. Mrs. Mantha Vanstone, Mr. and Mrs. Emmet 0ke, Whitby, with Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs. Mn. and Mns. Cameron 0ke, Master Alphie Bender, Oshawa, visited Mn. and Mrs. A. Oke. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Brown- ridge, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Fred Toms, were ýunday din- ner guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin. Mn. and Mrs. Russell Mc- Laugblin have bought a home in Bowmanviile. Mn. and Mrs. H. Gnubb of Toronto, has pur- chased their home and busi- ness here in Enniskîhlen. Sorny to las. Mn. and Mrs. McLaugh- lin. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashtanj and boys with Mn. and Ms . Kersey, Hampton. Mn. and Mns. Adamn Sharp visited Mn. and Mns. L. Byers, Blackstock. Mn. S. R. Pethick had thîe pleasure of accampanying Mn. 'eýer, ta rsel lthec rest of the con- tents of a store owned by the Millwere Sisters at Port Hope Mr. and Mrm Herbert Wright and children, and friends, To- ronto; Mr. and Mns. Edgar Wer- ry, Solina, were 'Sunday tee guests with Mr. and Mrs. N Wright. Mrs. E. Werry x'emain- ed for a visit. E Mr. and Mrs, Carl Ferguson and Bernice with Mr. and Mrs. W. Laviolette, Port Penny. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Red- knapp, Newtonville, visited Mr. jand Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Werry, Mrs. John Borrowdale, Oshawa; Mrs. F. E. Werry, Solina, Mn. and Mrs. Jas. A. Werry, Mn. and Mrs. Allan Werry, were recent tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry. Master Douglas Ashton, en- tertained eight of his cousins to a birthday perty Wednesday afternoon. Mn. and Mrs. Austin Brown- ridge, Toronto, were weekend FAST RELIEF FOR TIRED FEET guests of !Nil. and Mrs. Fred Toms. Miss Susan Weann, Spent the weekend with Miss Betty Jane Werry. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn, Donald and Lamna, wlth Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wearn, Clame- mont. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Walker, Daiphine and Joanne, Bowman- ville; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Griffi, Heather and Dale,. were Sunday dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. Russell Griffin's. Mr. and Mms. C. B. Wagg, Uxbridge, with Mr. and Mra. A. L. Wearn. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Gear, Mr. W. C. Stainton, Toronto, were Sunday dinnen guests of Mr. and .Mrs. H. Stevens. Mrs. H. Stevens and Gordon visited the former's daughter, Mrs. C. R. Walton, Kingston, recently. Mrs. J. Kennedy, Bowman- ville, spent a few day.s at Mr. and Mrs. H-. litevens. IEvening Branch 0Of St. George's 'HoId Meeting Sixteen members of the Even- ang Branch of St. George's Woman's Auxiliary gathered at the Parish Hall on Wednes- Lday, Septemýber 29th for the re- gular meeting. During the business portion of the meeting the group decid- ed to hold a card party. Final details of the event were left tover for discussion at the next meeting. A "Thank Yau" card, received from Mrs. Lena Thom- ias was read to the members. The remainder of the even- ing was spent by the members inmaking baby clothes for thi bale and the meeting conclud- ed with the serving o! delicious refreshments. Special ...0 Friday & Saturday Two pieces complete LINED JEANS and Matching Flannelette PLAID SHIRT Sizes 2 to 6Ix Regular $3.95 Matching Shirt and Jeans complets on!y $2.60 Headquarters HUNTING SUPPLIES We carry a complete stock of hunting supplies at low, low prices - Rubber boots, Rip Boots, Hunting Clothes, Camp Cots, Sleeping Bags, Blankets, Repent Special for Friday and Saturday LIMITED QUANTITY T'he response wase great the Isat lime we Put on this Speolal thst w. eomPletely sold out. We were able to secune a few mnore that w. are again offering at thls low price. Rernomber the supply ln lmlted, CHILDREN'$ snow suiots Iturdy Gabardine Snowouits with Matcbing Helmet, Quilted Lining and Zipper. Sizes 2 te 8 REGULAR $6.95 3095 BIoWMANVILLE SURPLUS SALES 42 King St. E. IRowmanvilhe Phone MA 3-3211 .1 1 1 - ----------------------------- - - - ---------- - ----- 9,VW. RAVAlmkyàýv WrAqqmmÀv- É%Wnv&iezm IDAPM v qp un 9 1

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