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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1954, p. 16

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eANAD!AlÇ UTATESMAN, EOWMANvILLE. ONTAKVÔ Rebekah Lodge Installation Team for District The members of the Installation Team from Bee- 1 District Deputy President; Mrs. Elsie Richards, Deput hive Rebekah Lodge, Bowmanville, who will instail officersJ Marshall; Mrs. Annie Wood, Mrs. Grace MurdochW Ba in ail the lodges of District No. 8, are pictured above as row: Mrs. Hilda Humphreys, Mrs. Eva McMurter, Mj the Bowmanville lodge met on Monday evening, October Dorothy Van Driel, Mrs. Hilda Colwell, Mrs. Hazel Sam 4, in the lodge r om, I.O.O.F. Hall, King Street East. Mrs. Aima Powell, Mrs. Lorena Highfield, Mrs. Bert] Front rovJ, eft to right: Mrs. Vera Flett, Mrs. < Hackney. Jessie Prout, Mrs. Elva Leach, Mrs. Florence Moore, -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Ho. *Winners at High School Track Meel Last Wednesday B.H.S. held its annual track and Bathgate, Wilma Bates, G( field meet when several records were shattered. Pictured Back row: John Fowler, above are the winners of the various championships, front Crossey, Ted Fairey and low, left ta right: Sharon Kilpatrick, Pat Conway, Shirley -] and Les Coombes. The hap Given Co w Sho wer cwbls ikn tos , bales of straw, mangels, tt nips, a delicate blue sait l To Hon or Purchase arofbjr wbeelbarrow, and a stal 0f P rebed H re ord broom tied with a red ribbor Of Puebre Herford On behaif of the Herefo wbo as a purebred lady bas Bawmanville Choral Society asked ta be seated at the front pamne as long as ber ownei at their practice on Monday of the rooam and Mrs. Albert arm, Mrs. Martin was presenti evening took a Cow-Cow-floo- Cale displayed a scrap book with a bouquet of corn stal. gie theme, which seemns an the modelled after a Bride's Book~ in Fali tanes, and for berselif face of it a somewhat startling often made up at bridai show- lavely bouquet of 'mums. departure from the usual choir ers. Mrs. Martin said she wou tones wbicb usually emanate Howls of merriment fromi treasure the scrap book alor from this seriaus minded graup the guests af bonor and mem- with ber own Bride's Bac of singers. bers greeted the pictures and Bath Mr. and Mrs. Martin sa Follawing regular practice, poems in the book portraying they hadn't bad sa much fun which was held in St. Paul's the life of the littlç caw, and years and cauld easily see w] Sunday Schaol Auditarium, Mr. and Mrs....Martfri in farin living in a small town was members gave a Cow Shawer garb laaking ater ber welfare. attractive. This kind of frien( for Mrs. Hugh Martin, wife of This clever boak was entirely ly, let-your-hair-down eveni the Saciety's directar, who a the wark of Mrs. Cale.- is a rare thing in a big cil week aga became the praud Fallawing this the gifis were like Taronto. owner af a pure bred Hereford brought in by Howard Bickle, Though the Martins livei caw. Mr. and Mrs. Martin were Walter Woolley, Bill Buckley the heart af the City, Mrs. Mai For Highway Crossing Until Lighf Installed IA stop 'light will be installed a vote of five ta three, tbereby at the corner af Liberty St. and eliminàting the original motion. 'King St. E. as soon as permis- To Instail Dummy Policemen sion can be obtamned from the Mr. Braden also requested Department o Highways andpeisanfrteLnsCu the signal can be purchased, it tormbtsin aonumerLiafsCubm 1 w as decided at the regular o lo i mn sin s a aer at tbe meeng ayighTow. onclOapproaches tq tbe Bowmanville Monla night. dto ak schools. These warning signs arrangements for a temporary are amountedfona eestaland Counîl lsodecdedto akeare aoutefoura feet bihand scbool crossing guard ta% look iro aeh ai.Tylo after cbildren *crossing , the virn base. e ad. ey lookt street at this point durlng th eroliealie and rere st a periad wben arrangements arepoiea wthbsrmsr- being made for the stop light.chedaout in the gesture ta stop. Te Police Committee made On te back of these signs js plan to meet on edne day an advertisem ent for a soft pateron t bire sucb a ar drink campany, and they can aft rno n t hi e s ch g u rd be obtained by the L ions C lu b ~iand also to appoint a tempor- Ife !cag rmti im aryeechairmangtafreplacesDe-ri a r y h ai r a n o r e l a c e D e - C o u n . W ilf r id C a r r u t b e r s o b - jputy Reeve Owen Nichola-, who jce~a h onwudb ay for a trip ta <belping ta spnsr an adver- he needvforaaesto. ig ttising campaign for the soft j The busy Librstopingn te drink manufacturer, but Dep- 1 waebs Lbrgtain teraten:uty Reeve Nichalas' motion tion Br rogttote ae- that the Lions Club be granted tion of council by Wally Ba!permission ta abtain these den ai Safety and Communitv in n install two at eacb Bawtemnile Lins lofwbih Bmanville scbool was pas s- BettemeLCommts lfbhe ed Cou n. Dave Higgon con made the request for the stop meed. teLosCu o ligbt installation. He painted imei ne te ins rffClubfor out that the beavy trafîle *)n <themntst ntafcsft. ty- bath King St. E. and on Liber- IAlte a eevdfo .ck ty ta the new higbway creates1 the Bawmanville Public Schooi [rs. a very seriaus danger ta the Board asking cauncil ta cantact Li, large num ber , ai cbildren cross- H r y C s o r , t e s h o liing these streets ta attend the Hrry Cggab a theroscand ha new Vincent Massey Publicecroing Sgutsad a Brown an Schol. 1wear the bat and carry tbe )pe 50 Chlldren Use Crossing stop sîgn that bas been provid- - His own daugbter had been ed ta identiy bim ta motorists struck by a car at this pont as a scbool crossing guard. The be said, and if some means ofi letter alsa pointed out that he traffiacantrol were not estab- Isbauld be equipped with a lîsbed, there was a passîbility Iwbite Sarn Brown-type belt ta o! one of the 50 or 60 scbool further identify him as a cross- pupils crassing tbe intersection ing guard. being killed. Coun. Nelson Osbarne's mo- Mayor Marley Vanstane sta- tion was passed that Tawn ted that he bad also received Clerk Alick Lyle write Mr. a request for a crassing guard Casbqurn asking bim ta wear at Simpson Ave. and wander- b is cap and carrying the sign. ed wiehwoul bethe best The clerk was also instructed place for the cbildren ta cross ta aiýtain a belt far Mr. Cas - King St. Tbe majority af caun- bourn and make temparary ar-I cil felt that Liberty and King ýrangements for abtaining the would be the logical crassing same type of equipment for tbe place, however, and Mr. Bra- crassing guard wbo will be on den stated that some of the duty tempararily at tbe inter- scbool board members also section of King and Liberty agreed witb tbis. j __________________ Reeve Sidney Little propos- Sres cd a motion tbat a guard be placed at the crossing for the T 1 C K E T S present time aid the police TO EVERYWHERE cmmittee make a study ta see ArRalo tms i) 1woula oe aest at thie intersec- a L-nsuit IiIDae o tion and submit their recom- iJ U R Y & L OVE LL Pease and Gar Wood Heating Units mendation ta cauncil.I 3owmanville I DeuyReeve Nicholas feit 15 King St. W. M 3-5778 _____________________________ that a stop light sbould be in- stalled as soon as possible, bow- ever, and Caun. Lloyd Preston also favored installation o! a stop ligbt ta stop speeding on King St. E. as well as ta pro- Bo me v lle tect the school cbildren. Mr Bwa v * icholas sponsared an amend- ment ta the motion that the 1 stop ligbt be installed as soan i i i u l i ~ i~ i as possible and that a crassîpgMm ri l A r n guard be abtained for the YA-_______ tersection in the meantime. This amendment was secanded byM Coun. Fred Cole and passed by 4 Friends Hohour Pu'blic Skatin 4, -g 11 October Bride-Elect Friday, O0ct. 8 Dorothy Kilpatrick KDuring October Miss Dorotby 8 fo'10p.m. * t Kilpatrick was bonored at a miscellaneous shower at the ADMISSION - - Aduits, 35e- Children, 20e erdaCra an Babar Bahgae. home of Irs. R. White, King erda MCagadBrar aha Street. Miss Kilpatrick enter- Joe cGi1, Charles Trim, Glen ed the living-room thraugh an ZlfI Glenn Richards. archway decorated in- pink EVERY IàY NIGHT WILL BE Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope and white streamers and a white wedding bell. The bride-elect was escorted PUBLIC SKATING NIGHT AT THE AIRENAà )py tin's father owns a farm near ta a chair nicely decorated for ai Toronto and ber new purchase, the occasion with streamers, wo made at an auction sale, wiil bows and pastel balloons con- ur- snuggle down in bis barn with taining confetti, e She was pre- ok, other purebred bossies. The sented with a corsage ai red ias stargaes that wben the auc- rases and white carnations. ial ticne said, "Sold ta the lady Aiter opening the many S t r a , O t ble in the front row," Hugh Mar- lovely giits, wbicb were placed " n. tin looked ail around and real- en a coffee table decorated ini rd ized witb a distinct sbock that pink and white, she tbanked ;a bis wife bad become the awner each one in turn. She was r's of a Hereford cow. Nobody en- presented with a lovely bride's Led joyed the Cow Shower more book made and decorated by ul"S kt n Iks than ha. ber hostesses, Mrs. R. White 1a and Mrs. F. Lewins. It con- MEMORIAL HOSPITAL tained pictures and bits of non- 3 le 5 n.M.aind 8 le 10 n.m. sense describing the bride's id WEE!tLY REPORT life. ','g For the week of Sept 28 - Eaoh guest was given a ADMISSION - - - Aduits 35e - Chiidren 20e k. Oct. 4: beart-shaped leaflet irom the Ld Adm~issions - ----------------- -40 bride's book on wbich tbey in Births, 2 male, 6 female- 8 gave advice ta the bride-ta-be. hy Discbarges ------50 Tbis was a source of much I E U E à A àBL soMajor operations 9 merriment when each one was id- Miýnor operations .. 10 read alaud. ngEmergency treatments ------- 15 A delightful evening was ty Tbese facts are publishpd brougbt to a close witb the For Reservations Phone the Arena, MA 3-5728 weekly in an effort to acquaint serving af lunch by bostesses, in this community witb the ser- Mrs. R. White and Mrs. F.' ir- vices o! aur haspital. Lewins. ------ ,,!Town Supplies Guard NOTICE CHANGE OF TELEPHONE NUMBER Correction of Listing in New Directory Old Number 2674 is canceiied. New Number is For BOTH Residence and Business CalIs 6 Mill Street (off Scugog) Wed. Trhurs. -IFn.Sut OC14TOBER 13-14. 15 -16 Twice as much for only a penny more! 15 King Ste W. JUR-Y LOVELL mu.uwm MAJ% MUOM - 58 fl ~ A LI~ lm!!MF _qmwww»ý CANADIAII RrATWMM, BOWMANVnl& ONTAIUO L. v MUPMAT, OCT. 7th, 1054 Bowmanville Dealer for TY O Edays with r. Stanto, jMr. and Mrs. H. Bracken. Mr. nd rs.Eri Stainonridge and famil , South Moba. Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. ghan, visited Mr,. and Mme J. Horace Hall. A. Rosevear. Mr. Ernest Gardiner, Engle- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brad. hart. visited bis sister, Mrs. Ann ley and family, BowmanvilWé Phillips. were tea guests of Mr. and Mms Mrs. Ed Youngman, Ponty- Lloyd Alldread. pool, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. A. Rahm vlgit. Mr .and Mrs. A. 'Youngman. ed Mr. and Mrs. Sýtanley Rahiji, Mrs. George Bickle, Mr. and Blackstock. M rs. W . Cann, Bowm anville ; r n r .J .R s v a Mr. Mervvn Bird, Brooklin, r. tad Mrs J.A. asevear visited Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Wr e ussSna vn Hooper. ing of Mr. and Mrs. Harolâ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werry Macklin. recently visited Mrs. C.F. Mrs. Walter Rahm and ClerA Awde and Mr. and Mrs. D. G. visited at Hamilton and Wat,~ Hooper, Orono. dawn. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam vis- Mission Band was heldSli ited Mr. and Mrs. James Mur- day mornîng witb 27 cbildreat doch and boys, Bowmanville. present. Readings were given Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park Ce- by Bruce Stainton, Gwen Glas-' cile and Douglas, visited Mr. pell and -Lynn Stainton. Mis- and Mrs. James Park and also sion Band Purpose and 23rd visited his sister, Mrs. Howard Psalm wvere repeated; officers. Steele, wha is very ill in St. were elected for caming year aS Joseph Hospital, Peterborough. follows: President, Lauraine spent a few aays with her sis- Glaspeli; secretary, I r uc ter, Mrs. C. T. May, Windsor. Stainton, Leaders, yqII Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young- Rahm and Mrs. W. NMrphAy -V man and Linda, Pontypool, Tyrone was a very busy spot visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur an Sunday when over a thous- Youngman. and cars passed through here Mr. and Mrs. John Van Gel- ion a tour, sponsored by the euwe, Rochester, spent a few Telegram._ MArket'3-3771 A "m

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