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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1954, p. 17

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S - - - ~, UflA , O T. Ih, 1 4 'WU ANA WAW £P A rtA Uf% AWV lU ~ - ~ ~ *** ~ - -* * V ~ '.~h' £d B~~~ 5 VPAL Carda of Thank r wat to thank aUl those wha kldiy ent mecrd nd gift dt(f~ mystay in Oa a H tI, mi0aneighbourh, for their khWtIeusta olks t home. âmI Chas. Wilson, Blaclcstock. 40-1* êwouid like ta thank aur, relatives, nelghbours and inembers for flowers and of kindness ta us 'on the Lau.M41-aur dear daughter, Linda. 'M.and Mrs. Ross MeRoberts 40-1* Iwçguld like ta extend my thariks ta my friends, neighbours ahd >relatives for baskets of fruit, gifts 'and cards wishjng me well oh ýtbe o%ýûn of m 93rd brthday; i~he Toronto Daily ftBr for ther help.Per. 40-1* IWish to express my sincere thianks ta Dr. McKenzie and' SPecçial nurses, for the care given me during my stay in hospital and-tab my many friends who gent me cards, flowers, and gifts ithe hospital and after my re- türn home. Thank vou. Mrs. Leland Payne. 40-1*! We wish ta extend sincere thanks and appreciation for the rnanY kindnesses, msages of' 1.nderstanding and beautiful flor- al offerings from aur many Sffiends, relatives, neighbours and Sfellow-workmen tendered dur-1 Vrithe death of our father, Mr. ,m. Richards.ThFaiy 40-1* IN MEMORIAM BROKS-In proud and loving 1 memoy ofa dear son and broth- Dortmund, Germany, October 1 Glenn. -Adever remembered by MoDad, Gwendolynan CHAMBERS-I1n nemory of Darothy and Donald Chambers who were bath accidentally kili- ed, Dorothy, October 13, 1953; Gare dear Dorothy and Don fi ever *How we miss your smilir face, Jlut you left to remember, *None on earth can take yot -place. 4ppy home once we enjoyE Ssweet the memory stil' tdeath bas left a Ioneliness -The world can neyer fi. '±Father, mother, and brothei M~ax, Perce. 40- .U<MAN-In loving memor ot4 dear husband and fathe 3Wtederick Raymond Jackmai Who passed away, October 8tl Tere is a road called remenr brance -Where thoughts and wishE meet, Wýe take that road in thougi, Stoday _For the one we cannot greet. -wLovingly remembered by hi vole andI family. 40-1 WORDEN-To the beautift z4emorY of my dear husbanc Russell L. Worden, who passe, itway,-Oct. 4th, 1948. 4ist a thought of sweet remeri brance, Just a memory sad and true, e~st the love and sweet devotioi 0Of one who thinks of you. rHlIs loving wife, Ethel. ______________40-1 Rooms ta Rent IWZ have a few rooms availabli a* reasonable weekly rates. Thi Personal W~GIENIC supplies - (rubbel gà ,ods) mailed Postpaid In plair sqsled envelope with price lisi SIX sâmples 25c, 24 sample. $1,P00. Mai] Order Dept. T-28 Ný<v-Rubber Ca.. Box 91. Ham. Lorne Doreen :RADIO and Te.V. :Service 85 King St. E. . Btowmanville Phone MA 3-5713 ;iefiàed Council Ma COMING EVENTS Opera Hou. Canadian Legion Ladies' Aux- baaaloi a turil oding nlat o ix Squt ihia arywi e oding its 1afiua the Legion Hall. 40-i The extensive prograni of repaira and re-decoration of Thanksgiving turkey shoot, 11/4 the auditorium af the Town miles north of Newcastle on Hall is being continued with Highway 35, 1 p.m., October 9. two donations received recent- 39-2 ly, Chairman Wilfrid Carruth- ers of the Public Property The annual bazaar of St. An- Committee reported ta Town drew's Ladies' Aid will be heid Council Monday night. on Thursday. Nov. l8th in the The $550 donated by the church basement. 40-1, Lions Club Is being uséd ta varnîsh the seats and paint the Columbus United Church tur-! foar, he said, and $275 donat- key suppen, Wednesday, October cd by the Bowmanville Wom- 13, 4:30 until ail are served. en's Institute is being used for 40-1 new lighting on the stage. He stated that these generous Reserve Saturday aftemrnoon, donations have left a small a- October 3th for McKenzie Tea mount over in bis budget ta and bazaar sponsored by the repain the main stains leading Tartan Club, ta be held in the ta the auditorium'and take out Legion Hall. 40-1:1 the squeaks, and ta finish the decoration of the dressing Give the family a real treat moims at the rean of the stage. by attendin Yelverton turkey He also plans ta ,'replace the supper an Monday, Oct. 11, fol- stairs froni the main floor ta lowed by variety concert. Ad- the back stage portion, and the mission, $1.50 and 75c. 40-11 stairs from the dressing roinis to the stage. "I may run Modemn and aid tume dancingi slightly over in my budget but evemy Saturday night in TyroneîI tee] the job should be dlean- Community Hall. Dancing from ed urn," Coun. Carruthers de- 9 ta 12. Music by Sellecks' clared. Musicaîres. 40-tf He aiso reported that the Business and Professional Wu~- Thank-Offening service. En- men's Club is sponsoring a niskillen, Sunday, Oct. 10, 7:30: Shakespearian play in the aud- p.m. Rev. Jackson of Tyrone, itorium on October 28 and guest preacher. Special music.i plans at that tume ta make a 40-1 formai preeentation ta the tawn of the beautiful new 1The Waman's Auxiliary of St. drapes which they donated t George's Church, Newcastle, the auditorium. plans ta hold a bazaar and tea Parking Site Investigated in the Lions roomn of the Com- munity Hall an November l6th. Coun. Carruthers stated that1 Please resenve date. 40-1i he had investigated the site ati ________the rear of the R. M. Hollings- The Cartwright Local of The head Company storage build-1 Onit. Fanmers' Union, monthly ing at Division and Church meeting, Friday, Oct. 8, 8:30, the Streets recommended byr the Township Hall, Blackstock. Cham.ber of Commerce for a1 Guest speaker, Mr. A. V. Cormac. possible parking lot. At thez Everyone welcome. Lunch. 40-1 present time he would not re- _____commend any action be taken1 Annivensary service of New- on this proposai, he said, duei tonville Presbytenian Church, ta the fact that considenabe) Thanksglving Sunday evening: levelling would have ta bec October lth, at 7:30 pin. Guest done on the property andc speaker, Rev. E. W. B. McKay, lights installed. The Hollinga- B.A., of Cobourg. Speciai music. bead Company is not preparedi Everyone welcome. 39-2 ta grant a lease on the locationE and he did not feel that the1 On Fniday evening, October , tawn should spend money onc 15 th- Oshawa Chapter of Barber1 fixing up a parking lot when( Shop Quartets will be at Cart-1 a lease could not be obtainedi r 1wnright R-creational Ceèntre,-also other talent, sponsored b y O.N.I 5!~AI A rkes Added rse Repairs ,eaky Sf airs Thene are also prîvate pro. perty owners i that sectionc whom be felt would abject to a public parking lot being es- tablished. Windows af the storage building would alsc have ta be screened, and the entrances ta the lot from bath Chunch and Division Streets are veny narraw. At the arena, he said, the parking stalîs have alreacty been marked off an the north side of the building. However, be feit it would be advisable ta wait and see how these are patronized befone marking off the 56 stalis suggested on the west side of the arena. Sitn New Ready A sign advising motanists that parking space la available at the arena bas already been painted and is ready for erc- tian at the four corners. A sign will also be made painting out that parking space is avail- able at the north aide of the Town Hall, he said. Coun. Camruthers also me- ported that the grounds around the Cenotaph have been fixed up and he had heard many favorable comments on the job. Coun. Dave Higgon, who is chairman of a special coni- mittee appointed earlier 'oy council ta study the possibility of establishing a civic garbage collection, gave an interini re- port on what bas been accom- piished. He stated that two companies h a v e submitted prices on a special type of gar- bage truck and that bath are around $10,200. Cobourg bad infonmed him that it cost the town $1,500 annually ta aperate their dump and that the cost of the gar- bage contract was an addition- ai $9,000. Port Hope neported that they have a truck with four men working on it making hi.- weekly collections at a total coat of $11,300, inciuding the operation of the dump. Firma selling garbage-collect- ing equipment are willing either ta show films picturing their equipment in operation or take councillors ta Oshawa or Whitby ta view it in opera- tion, he said. d e- ce id. n- et 'tt S. ie ie ng 50C and 25c. 40-1l' e inancE iaEiE , wawy wawe. ur Visit aur home baking sale, unFriday, October 8 (to-mamnow)$ 9 , 0 0 i h So i Kd ing pm. at the Hydro Sbop,10 0 HihS h o KigStreet West, under the auspices of Haydon W.A. YOur 1 Ilf holiday baking supplie,ýd here D etaiieu fo Louncillors 41 ptlAxlin aeo Proceedinga necessary f a r High Scboool: Building carn Homs-kitld cildrenSaseat- Bowmanville ta assume its share tract, $419,000; architect's tees ens, socks, men's socks,fac of the $971,000 coat of the ad- $25,140; Furnitune and equip * argodue clthnSa- dition ta the Bowmanville Dis- ment, $56,000; Grounds anc in, uray o ue on, S t tict High School and the new fencing, $12,000; Contingen h, Prayis Nov. 6, 3-6 p.. St. John's Port Hope High School were cies (including perfanmanef PaihHall. Tea served, 25c. started at the regular mneeting of bond and legaàl fees) $10,000 n- 40-11j Town Coutncil Mondayý night. for a total coat of $522,140. etuPlan ta attend the annual A nesolution asking the United The achool will accommodat Surkey dinner in St. John's Par- Counties of Nortbumbenland and 400 pupils when compieted hish Hall on Thursday, Oct. 21, Durham ta issue debentunes fan Dunken Construction Coin 1954. Dinnen senved at 5, 6 and1 $97 1,000 ta pay for cost of con- pany, Kitchener, have beer 7 a'clock. Anyone wisbing struction of the new buildings awarded the building contracý ltickets please Phone MA3-2764. was passed and fonwarded ta and the architecta are Barneti j* 40-1 United Counties Chuncil. First & Reiden, Port Hope. *and second neadinga were givenf Estimated costa of the addi _ ul Bawmanville Boy Scouts wîîî ta a by-law providing for the tian ta the Bowmanvîlle Dis dbe out in full force on their borrowing of the money on 20- trict High School are as tollows Annual Apple Day, Saturday, year debentunes ta pay for Bow- Building cantract $365,943; anr ýdOctoben l6th. Be sure you give manville's ahane (estimated at chitect's fees, $21.957; fumni. theni a hand by taking as many' $335,560) of cost of construction ture and equipment, $43,500 a- apples as possible. Al tunda of the new Pont Hope High grounds and fencing, $7,5001 are used localiy for Scouting. Schaol and the addition ta the contingencies (including per- ,n 40-2 Bowmanville High School. formnance bond and legal tees) The by-law will be held for $9,960; ton a total coat of $448,- Rememnben, this year's Lions third and final reading untîl 860. *Cammunity Auction Sale wiil be notification bas been received With the new addition thE held at the Community Centre tramn Counties Councîl that al achool wili . accommadate 56C on Saturday, October 23rd. necessary proceedlng in cannec- pupils. Bradford Hoshal Asso- Donations of any type will bel tian wîth construction of the ciates Ltd. have been awandec -gratefully accepted, such as new school and addition have the building cantnact, and the le furnitune, produce, electnical ap- been approved. It will then be architects are John B. Pankin le pliances and lothiing. For quick torwarded ta the United Coun- assaciates. tl pickup Dial MA 3-3334 and MA ties whicb wili float ail the de- o rcsOtie 3-3410. 38-tf bentures needed ta finance the LwPresOane buildings. Mn. McGregor stated that the. - Bazaan in aid of District Centre Delegation Present High School Board had been nr fon Cerebral Palsied Children, A delegation was present very pleased with the pnices ne n ta be held in Simcoe Street tram the Durhami District Hig'n ceivediamth contractonHesaor t. Church, Oshawa, Friday, Oct. School Board ta expiain de- ththh etuiding cotat a He sai 5s 29th. Anyone wisbing ta donate tails of financing the construc- $69,000 lower than the original Iarticles for this please contact tion of the achools. This was estimate. The lowen prices -Mrs. Ralpb Campbell, MA 3-2907, beaded by Trustee Alex Mc- were due ta the time of year ai 2 Bowmanville representatîve. Gregor, and other membens which the contracta were let, - 40-2* were Trustees Walter Reynolds Mm. MéGregon feit, as the con- COME ONE - COME ALL of Bowmanville; Walter Rundie tractons are anxiaus ta keep > 1 and Forbes Heyland of Darling- their men emplayed duning the to the first of the tan and Principal L. W. Dip- winter months.- peu Hig heSchool. vl Ds Dances af Ennisklillen 1tnîct of he BowmnileDi-It ishoped that actual cOn- Hall FrdayOct 8f!Greor ointd ot 'hat ow-thelatter part of Novemben. ga1onedotta Coun. Fred Cale asked Mr. Sponore bytheEnnlskillen , manville's percentage of the McGregor about the item ai Athietie Club ýcast of erecting the new achools $,0 o rud n ecn Mugie by Ruth Wilson's Orchestra is 24 per cent, which makes the$7,0fogrudadfecn 40-1 estiriîated cost of Bowman-at he omnvleDsrc ville's share $335,560 aven a 20- Higb Schoal. He replied that "What are Your chiidren misa- yean peniod. The estimated an- the Board plans ta establish a ing when tbey don't go ta Kin-,i nual payment by the toWn is parking lot between the school dergarten?" Miss Isobel Cleland '$16,778. However, deducting and Dr. H. Fenguson's and ta of Toronto will answen this the amaunt of the Provincialpu a fence between the school question on Thursday evening * grant at $125,620, or an estim- poet n i npry lo October 14, at 8:15 p.m. ai Stark- ated annual net payment of he sin ew of the fact that vile chol.Parnt frm iry'$,21 oera 2-yarperiad. the gymnasium of the new ad- vill Scooi Paentstra Kiby 6,28 avn a20-eandition wili extend down ta the ta Newcastle, Newtonville ta Mn. McGnegon stated that the present third base line of the 'Kendal are condially invited ta Provincial grant on capital ex-baldmnd te dim d hear her speak. For information penditures at present is 75 per will have to be swung around about Kindergarten in ibis area, cent and that the total grant ta the west and sanie fi will write on phone ta Mns. West- on the two achools will De 1be necessary along the west beuser, R.R. 1, Newtonville. 1$874,800, which works out ta aide of the field. A certain Phone Onono 7 n 19. 40-1 $43,740 per year. amount of sodding will alan -He impressed on council that bave ta be donc around the No legacy is sa icb as hon- ýthe Durhami District High new addition when it is coin- estY.-Shakespeare. 'Schoool Board had ta neccîve pîeted. Let us have faîth that right the appraval of five of the eight Caun!, Lloyd Preston enquir- makes might, and in tbat faitbmunîcîpalîties inth district ed whethen cafeterias had been letus t te nd dne t d by November 13 on the pnov- established" in high achools aur uyaste ndaestndo~ incial grant wauld drap fnomn built recently in this area. -Lincoin. $000prtahn nt t Principal L. W. Dippeli neplied - - $20,000 per teaching unit. This that the new Pickering Hlgh wouid rmean a los Of some School bas sucb a cafeteria $300,000 on the two *achools. which serves an excellent mca] When the approval of five of ta atudents at coit. Since 45 the eight municipalities is ne- per cent of the bigh achool stu- ceived, Mn. McGnegon said, the dents here bring thein lunches Board can apply ta the Ontario at present, he felt that the cafe- A33303 09-433303Municipal Board for approval teria in the new addition will fer of the financing plans. meet a long-felt need. for ~~~Municipalitles' Pereentagea ________ Jj.JEach of the mncplte &will pay the following pencen. The amit ought neyer ta per- SRIEtages of the costs: Port Hope, petuate a temporary xrs 30.25 per cent; Bowmanville, sion.-Ralph Waido Emerson. 24: Dariington, 16; Clarke, This age is reaching out ta- 10.75; Hope, 10.25; Cavan. 3.75; wards the perfect Pnincipie of Newca.stle, 2.75; MiIbrook, things; is pushing towands per- 2.25.I fection in art, invention and Followîng are the éstimated manufacture. - Mary Baker costs Of the Port Hope District1 Eddy. Joanne Cornish, Ken. Hutton Entertained By Their Friends About 45 relatives, neighbars Kenneth bath expressed their and friends of Kenneth Hutton appreciatian and invited every- and is bideto-b, Mis J ann ne ta visit them in their new andhisbrde-a-b, issJoanehome at Orono which they hope Cornish, daughter of Mrs. John ta have campleted soan. Every- J. Cornish of Orono and the late one enjoyed a social time ta- Mr. Cornish, gathered gt the gether. home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mr. and Mrs. C. Fulton, Mr. Huttan ta present them with a and Mrs. J. McKenzie, Mr. and few glfts before their m;prriage. Mrs. Wm. Horban, Mrs. George Kenneth and Joanne were Reynolds, Mr. -and Mrs. Frank seated beside the decorated table Hutton of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. laden with gifts. Mrs. George George Hutton of Guelph, Mr. Johnson and Mrs. A. Hoy were and Mrs. E. Blakely of Oshawa, co-hostesses. Mrs. Johnson call- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hutton also edThe rouan orer. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hutton at- * Th mpn lovly ifts were tended the Hutton-Cornish wed- opened after which joanne and' ding at Orona. Baby Pram Botfleneck May Be Near Solution At Elgin Streef Bridge 9 After wrestling for sevIeral ,months with the pro blem of ewhat should be done at the south side of the C.P.R. bridge on Elgin St. ta eliminate the necessity for mothers with baby carniages ta cross froin the east side of the street ta the west side because of the stairs leading ta the bridge on the east side, Town Council on Monday night reached what may 'be the solution. An amendment ta a motion was passed that a sidewalk be buiît on the west side of the street.- between the bridge and Concession St. -sa that those with baby carrnages can cross from the east ta the west side at Concession and Elgin Sts. and thus eliminate the neces- sity of crossing near the bridge. Coun. Dave Higgon braught the matter up at a meeting of council early in the year, point- ing out that it was dangerous for the mothers with baby car- niages ta cross this street near «the bridge because of the ob- structed view of southbound traffic caused by the bridge. Consider Retainint Wall Since that time council has considered the matter several times and a suggestion had been nmade that the solution mlght be ta billd a retalning wall on the east side of the street near the bridge ta forma a sort of ramp from the sidewalk ta the bridge. This was investigated and found ta be too costly, however, as nearly $1,500 would be required ta build it. Another solution suggested was ta build a sidewalk on the west side of Elgin St. froni the bridge ta Concession St., but a drawback ta this was the fàct that the property on the west side ail belongs ta Col. Lamne McLaughlin, anid the sidewalk could therefore not be paid for under local improvements. An- other objection raised tt this solution was the question of who would keep such a side- walk cleared. in the winter. Chairman Sidney Little of the Roads and Streets Commit- tee was requested at the last meeting of council ta get an opinion from the municipal highways engineer of the dis- trict. He did so and reported Monday night that the engin- eer had recommended that a sidewalk be built about 150 feet south of the bridge on the west side of Elgin ta the point opposite where there is a drive- way ta the street on the east side. He felt that mothers witb their baby carniages could thus cross froni the west ta the east aide at this driveway and have sufficient visibillty of south- bound motor traffic that there would be no danger of acci- dents. He aisa recommended that guide posts be put at the edge of the street on the east aide near the bridge. Motion Supports Engineer Reeve Little sponsored a mo- tion that the idea of the ramp on the east side at the bridge be dropped and the recommen- dations made by the engineer be carnied out. However an amendment ta the motion was moved by Coun. Higgon that a four-foot sidewalk be built at thÊ town's expense on the west side from the bridge to Conces- sion St., subject ta approval by the town solicitor of the le- gality of the move. The amendment was passed wlth Reeve Little objecting, and bis original motion was therefore invalid. Cost of the new sidewalk was estimated at about $600. Mayor Morley Vanstane drew council's attention ta the pub- lic meeting on the new town zoning by-law ta be held at the Town Hall on October 18 at 8.30 p.m. and requested ail mernbers ta be present. He aiso wished Deputy Reeve Owen Nicholas a pleasant trip ta Wales. DANCE Featuring in Person From Radia Station CHML, Hamniltan Wed., Oct. 13, Red Born OSHAWA MAPLE GROVE Mn. and Mrs. Sam Snowdèn,! Oshawa; Mm. W. J. Snowden,! wene dinnen guests on Sept. 30 with their brother, C. H. Snow- den and wife. Mn. and Mrs. Ray Snowdon,! Toronto, weme Friday guests~ with Mn. W. J. Snowdon and Mn. and Mns. R. R. Stevens. Mn. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens ne- turned ta Toronto with theni for 1, a visit. Sorny ta bac Mn. and Mns. Glenn Metcalf, son Grant, tram aur cammunity. They have pur- chased a home in Oshawa and moved thene. Quite a number of our W.M. S. ladies, some evening auxil-.: iany membens, attended the Autumn Rally, Eastenn section of Oshawa Preabyteriai and W. 1 M.S., at Tyrone on Tuesday. Mn. and Mrs. Wallace Mun.I day, son Donald, were Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mrs.' Douglas Kennedy, Toronto. Countice Circuit Couples Club meet on Thursday even- ing (tonight) Oct. 7th, at 8 o'clock in MapleGnove church basement, when Mn. Ed. Young- mnan wlll be guest speaker. Mn. and Mns. Howard Cryden- man attended Mankham faim on Satunday, spent Sunday in Ta- ronto wîth their cousins, Mn. and Mns. Jack Lard. September meeting of the Evening Auxiliary was held at the home of Mary McGuirk with Leona Miils' gmoup ini charge. Theme, "A Notion Be- fore God". Warship service pre- sented by Leona Milîs, Rena Snowden and Joan Stevens. Mms. Ivison Munday Introdue- ed aur Study Book on India.. President Myrtie Bradley took the chair for the business period. Oun annual bazaar ia ta be held in the church basement on Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 10. Ladies of the Afternoon and Evening Auxilianies are plan- ning a "let's get tagethen even- ing"l in the church basement on Oct. 21st when ail newcom- ens ta the community are invit- cd. Came and get ta know youn neighboun. Several Auxiiiany members are helping, with Explorera for the caming year. Meeting clos- ed with Benediction. Numben pnesent 25. The Oct. meeting of W.M.S. was heid on Wednesday, Sept. 29 instead of this week. Meet- ing opened wlth President Mrs. Charles Gneenham in the chair, Stop! WE SERVICE NO DOWN PAYMENT 34 KING ST. EAST with singing of hymin and prayer. 'The preaident took charge of business. Worship and Mroramn in charge of Mns. M. Munday, Mrs. H. J. Brook., Mrs. Brooks taking the chair. Senipture by Mrs. F. Swalaw, story, Mrs. H. Freemnan, pray- er, Mrs. A. Laird. Programme 2nd chapter of Study Bookc, church in India, based on "~Christian Impacts and Influ- ences", those assisting, Mrs. H. .1. Brooks, as Mrs. Dr. Winni- fred Bryce; Mrs. I. Munday is Mrs. Kenneth Masih; Mrs. J. D. Stevens, Miss Sing; Mrs. R. IR. Stevens as Dr. Gaikuad; benediction in unison froni manthly. Lion Lou DeweII n io e h ýs e y h r, e e 's e n He is a Darector of the Club this year. Hi l a member of the Bow- inanville Branch of the Cana- dian Leglon and is an the Board of Trinity' United Church. He -s alsa a member of the Jack and Jill Club of that church. Mr. Dewell is married ta the former Lorraine Plckard and they have two sans, Randy and Ric iý. Fducation is a possession which cannot be taken away fronM men.-Epictetus. Frlendship must be actom- panied with virtue, and always. lodged in great and generaus - mind.-Joseph Trapp. MIU GET YOUR DECORATING SUPPLIES HERE Wallpapers Spred Satin SpredI Glous Brushes, ail types Kem-Glo Kem-Tone Super Kem-Tone Relier Casiers Magl-Costers Pittsburgh Paints Plstie Papers Gyptex Plastigloss Penetrem Floar Wax Luxor Finihes WalI-Flx Abernethy's Paint & Wallpaper 85 King Street West Phone MA 3-5431 Jury & Loveli Phane MA 3-5778 Eyes Examined - Glass.. Fitted More Heaf .... * af less cosf with th-@ POPU LAR QUAKER OIL SPÂCE HEATERS Corne in and see the many models that we now have on display. There is a model for every purpose and every purs. W. H. ROWN DeLaval Milkeru moi Separators Beatty Brou. @table Equtprnent KING ST. W. PHONE 407 Sava TOM COWAN, Prop. Puol LAST WEEK 0F SALE ELECTRICAL APPL lANCES 21" MOTOROLA TELEVISION * Table Madel with Aluminized Picture Tube REGULAR $310 4 for $269 17-inchCOFFIELD WASHER PHILIPS TELEVISION# Autamatic Timer and Punip Table Made] Regular $199.95 Regular $279 $139 $252e with your trade-in International 8.2 Cu. ht. Refrigerator : eFreezer Across the Top - Shelves in Daar - No Plastic 5-year Guarantee * REGULAR $350 *for $249 -WHAT WE SELL 24. MONTHS TO PAY Farm Equipmont & Autoative NE A -589 r, MT M, M4 Meeting on Monday Lion Lau Dewell was given a "boost" at the meeting of the Bowmanville Lions Club Mon- day night by Lion Jack Ross. He pointed out that Mr. Dew- ell was born at Solina but re- ceived his public and high schoal education in Bowman- ville. After graduation he join- ed the office staff of the Good- year firm here. He enlisted in the Canadian Army in May, 1942 and served, in France with the Black Watch Regiment, belng waund- ed in action in September, 1944 He received his discharge in January 1945. Mr. Dewell returned ta the Goodyear, plant ta work and was given a position in thei merchandise distribution de. partment of which he is now, Supervisor. He joined the Bowmanville Lions Club ini 1946 and bas served as Treas- urer for the past four years. w l= eANADIM STATIMÉAN. BôWM&WVMLlR- MM,& lu à 61%19 - 1 -

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