PAM UGflT'flW TEE ANAAW ~A~D W uDam. - -* Turn Page for Additional Classifieds BIRTHS HANNAN-Kim LeAnne, sister far Wayne, at Memarial Has- pital, Bawmanville, on Saturday, September 25th. Narm and Madelene Hannan. 40-1* HODGE-Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hodge, Burketon, are happy ta announce the birth of their son, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on Monday, September 27. 40-1* KNOX-George and Eileen Knox are happy ta announce the ar- rivai of their daughter, Marilyn Joan, at the Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on October 5th, 1954, a baby sister for Caral. 40-1 ORMISTON-Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ormiston, Enfield, wish ta an- nounce the birth of their daugh- ter, Bannie Margaret, at Oshawa General Hospital on Saturday, October 2, 1954. 40-1 SECORD - Dorothy and Roy Secord announce the birth of their daughter, Mary Catherine, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on Friday, October lst. A sister for Dennis and Eleanor. 40-1* Mr. and Mrs. William A. Clarke, are proud ta announce the births af their three grand- children. BARBER-To Fît/Lt Gardon and Pat Barber, on Sept. 18/54, in the Cambridge Maternity Hos- pital, Cambridge, England, a son, Maîtland Joslyn II "Josh". PLINTOFF - To Carl and Jacqueline Flintoff on Sept. 16/54, in the Oshawa General Hospital a daughter, Veronica Carla, a sister for Margaret Mary. LaPRAIRIE-To Cliffgrd and Colleen LaPrairie on Sept. 29/54, in St. Micbael's Hospital, Toron- ta, a san, William Clarke "Clarke". 40-If ENGAGEMENTS Reception Mr. and Mns. A. Reichr iNewtonville, Ont., will be c, brating their Golden Wedé IAnniversary, Sunday, Octo lOth. They will be at homE their friends and relativesS day afternaon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. W. Jan Bowmanville, will be at boni their friends at the Lions Cc munity Centre, Beech Ave., Friday, October 15, from 3t and 7 ta 10 p.m., on the accas of their 35th wedding niversary. 4G HeIp Wanted SALESLADY wanted. NO perience required. Apply B: lin's Ladies' Wear. 3 WANTED: Man for steady tra among cansumers in Bowm ville. Permanent connect with large manufàcturer. O reliable bustIer considered. Wi Rawleigh's Dept. -J-140-1 Montreal, P.Q.4 START a business of your o with a permanent year-rou way of making monrey. C quality products including c metics, culinary extracts, spic floor polish, windo-brite, toni ointments, cold tablets, vitami etc., assure quick easy sa] Openings in your surroundir For details write ta: Famili Dept. 1, Montreal 24. 4( PART-TIME interviewers lac ed in the vicinity of Darlingi for Market Research and Pub Opinion Company. No selli involved. Must have senior nr triculation and be familiar wi local geograpby. Ownership access ta car desirable. Must able an occasion ta work fu time. Write details, age, edu( tion, amount time available p week, experience, etc. StE mileage and direction frc centre îndicated above. Gruneý Research Limited, 20 Bloor 1 West, Toronto, Ont. 3 Employmeni and Claims Officer Grade 2 Mn. and Mns. Regiaald C. Me- ;pzo- iý%'L'U Culiocb, Campbellford, Ont., an- for the nounce the engagement ai their Unemployment Insurance only d a u g h t e r, Gwendoiyn Commission Agnes, to John Leslie Coombes, OSHAWA, ONTARIO son af Mn. and Mns. Leslie Open ta qualified residents in Coombes, Bawmanviile, Ontanio; the area served by this office. the mamiage ta take place in St. Panticulans regarding duties, Andrew's Pnesbyieniani Church, qualifications, etc., abtainabie Campbeilford, on October 3th. fram posters displayed ai Nation- 404' ai Empioyment Service and Post DEATHS Office. ________________________ .Applications availabie thereat sbould be fiied witb the BOYD, James Everet-At bis Civil Service Commission home, 41 Roxboraugh St. W., 1200 Bay Street, Toronto, Ont. Toronto, on Wednesday, Sept. 29, NOT LATER THAN 1954, James Evenett Boyd, be- OTBR2t,15 loved husband of Kathleen Hart- OTBR21,15 riey, and dean faihen ai Evelyn Competition aumber 54-T6251 Baird Boyd, dean brother ai sbauld be quoted Margaret Boyd, Niagara Falls, 40-1l Ont.; stepfathen af Mrs. George W ne Rust D'Eye (Kathleen), James W me To Buy H. G. Wallace and Thomas Clark Wallace of Newcastle. Rested CHILD'S cnib, in gaod condition. ai Bates and Maddocks funeral Phone MA 3-3821. 40-1 chapel, 124 Avenue Rd. Service was beld in the chapel Thi.rsday WHEAT, up ta 400 bus., tbresh- at 8 p.m. Interment Waterfond ed preferred. Phone MA 3-2720. Cemetery. 40-1 40-1* sionUSED piano, appearance and ]JUNN-In Wbitby Towns n quality important. Phone MA Thunsday, Sept. 30, 1954, Arthur 3-564117 hr S. 01 T. H. Duan, beloved busband of 1 7 hrhS.4- Christina Wilson, fathen ai Cal- FARM witb 50-100 acres af vin, Picton; Murray, Niagara workable land, wanted ta buy. Falls; Eleanor, Kindensiey, Sask.; Write Box 241, c/o Canadian broiber ai Benson, Osbawa. Statesman. 40-1 Funeral was beld ai Noribcutt & Srmith Funeral Home, 53 Division BOWMANVILLE or district, Street, Bowmaniville. Interment small or large loi wanted with Welcome Cemetery. 40-1* sewer and waier. Cash. Write Box 246, Bowmanvlle. 40-1* MAYER-At the residence of ber daughter, Mrs. Leighion BEFORE selling your live poul- Powell, 33 Empress Ave., Ham- tmw, try us. Our pices are bigh- ilton, on Monday, Oct. 4, 1954, en. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Betbany. Margaret Ann Maynard, beloved Phane 7 r 13. Reverse charges. v'1ýe of Otto Mayer (îorrnerly ai51t Bomanville) in ber 82nd year. WANTED-Live paultny. goose Bested at J. B. Marlait Funeral feathens, feather ticks, scrap Home, Hamilton. Service was iran, rags and metals. Raw hcld on V "ednesdav ai 3 p.m. furs and deerskins. Phone 3-2043 Intermeni Woodland Cemnetery. Osbawa. colleci. 46-tf - - 401 HOUSE, wiih iwo bednooms and PASCOE, Arihur L.-Suddenly, plumbing, in Bowmanville or a-L Memorial H-ospital, Bowman- surrounding district. $2.000 cash,1 vffie, on Ttie. dav, October 5tb,! balance $80 montbly. Apply 1 934, Arthur L. Pascoe, beloved Box 238, c/o Canadian States- b 'ibanci of the iate Minnie E. i man. 40-1 B -and dear father of Gertie, - î -.Dou' la: sýMcLauwh]in i aif C and al Harold of Sohîîna, i WilirPay Cash Now hIs 38th ~ Resting at North- for 25,000 SCOT*B FINE cint & Smith Fuincral Home, 5~3j C"' L'vision Si.. Bowmanville. Serv- C risfmas ±rees ice in Eldad United Cburcb on Apply Fr:JaV. October 8th. ai 2:30 p.m IntrmntHampton Cemet ery Ric.ardsons Garage r Officers and members ai Jer-, PO1'TYPOOL ONT. usalem Lodge AF. & A.M., No. 31. G.R.C., kindlv meet ai North- 23tf cutt & Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division Street, Bowmanville, W anted Thursclav evening ai 7:30 p.m., ta attend tbe service ai oun laie HOME for Spaniel pups. Phone brother. 40-1 Clarke 1922. 40-2* RICHARDS - At Bowmanville, WANTED-A goad home for on Wednesday, Sepiember 29' 21½ manth old puppy, no charge. 1954, William James Richards: Phone MA 3-5772. 40-1 aged 71 years, beloved busband MANURE wanted. Caîl 3-5690I ai the laie Tena Prout Richards. Manday ta Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 Service was beld ai the Monrris p.m. 3- Funeral Chapel, Bawmaaville, 3- on Saturday, October 2 at 2 DEAD STOCK removed frani o'clock. Interment Bowmanville yaun farm promptly fan saaiîary Cemetery. 40-1 disposai. Telephone colleet: Ca- aurg 1266 or Toronto EM. 3-3636. Notices Gardon Young Limited. 50-tf Ortelephone number has WANTED been changed from 264t MAnýket 3-3771 for b o th bus-od Moigg mness and residence cails and i eod M rgg not MArket 3-2674 for residence Moneys on commercial praperty as listed ini new directary. Selby in Durhanm County Grant. 40-2 Particulars af Fint Mortgate and place of property will be We are now manufactuning tiven tu interested Party. cement blocks, bath interlocking and standard, and wauld be AX Roy Willmoii, Q.C. pieased ta serve yau witb a gaad IBritEc product ai a reasonabie pnice. riseEc Tripp Construction. Phone 392W, j MLBROOK ONTARIO 14" se. «-atg .I. Aticles rfor baie ONE coal ail heater, reasonable price. Phane MA 3-5637. 40-1w ONTARIO potatoes, 75 lb.- bags, delivered in Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-2473. 31-tf TWO pairs white skates, size 7 and 9; youth's blue suit, 16. MA 3-3939. 40-.1* RIOASTING chiekens, rough dressed or ready for aven. Phone MA 3-3821. 40-1 i PUREBRED St. Bernard Dog, male, 16 montbs old; good watch dog for farm. Phone MA 3-2004 evenings. 40-1* POTATOES, 75-lb. bag, $1.50. Ed Mosteri, finsi fanm soutb-east ai narrow subway, No. 2 High- way, Newcastle. 40-2 SAVE on lumber, direct from miii ta yau. Pbillips Lumben Co., Kinmaunt, Ont. Phone l7Il. 13-tf BOY'S C.C.M. skates, size one, in neal good condition, $5. Mrs. J. Hately. Phone MA 3-3464. 40-1 WATERMELONS, citrons and pumpkins for sale. Pat White, East ai Stephens' Old Mill. 40-1* WARM Monning coal beaten wiih thermostat, in perfect con- dition; also 26 concrete chimney blocks. Phone MA 3-3580. 40-1 GURNEY cook stove with 7" stove pipes, bot water front and tank, in good condition. Phone MA 3-5457. 40-1 USED Beatty wasber, excellent condition, $69.50. Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 King E., Bowman- ville. Phone MA 3-5408. 40-1 500 ELECTRIC chick brooder, like new; poultry equipment, lumber, cbeap. Phone Oshawa 5-4946. 40-1 ALL aluminum combînation doors and windows installed. Fanr free estimaies Phone MA 3-2753. M. Jurko. 37-tf HOLLAND tulips, daffodils hyacintbs, etc., top size buibs oniy for better blooms just an- rived. Stewat's Seeds. 37-tf "CLIMATITE"' ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS MALONEY ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOORS $59.50 insfalled EASY TERMS ROSS CLARK Phane MA 3-3801 Bowrnanville Wanda's Beauty Shop 1 40-tf~ y CHOICE ïOUNG TURKEYS ALL WEIGHTS )RESSED AND DELIVERE» ORDER YOUR rhanksgiving Turkeys NOW PHIL FINNEY Phone MA 3-2309 BILL'S BICYCLE WRECKERS, Paris Boughi, Sold and Exchanged Ipposite C.N.R. Si afion Recondiiioned Bikes $20 and up Phone MA 3-2916 IF YOU HAVE A Junior Bike to sel WE WILL DO IT FOR YOU Free of charge -e-- e 40-1l ~LL LAI..L~~ .L~ UL ~uie ýrath, cele- Iding tber le ta Sun- 40-1 mes, e ta aorn- *, on ta 6 ision an- 10-2f ex- ýres- ý9-tf avel an- ion 'n'y 'ritej 31- 10-1 wn und Our os- ces, lies, [ns, les. Igs. [ex, at- ton ng jý rith or- be C a1- g per - ate E om b ýau P St. 1 mnicies r or baie Singer Sewing Machine Co. FOR SERVICE Phone MA 3-3649 1DO IT YOURSELF T IL E 71/2c each and up - Ail kinds Expert instruçtions supplied CUSTOM FLOORS LAID H. G. HEAL Phone MA 3-2902 Bowmanville 1 28-tf WANTED YOUNG CALVES FOR SALE FRESHER & SPRINGER COWS SCHWARZ BROS. WE BUY - SELL - TRADE Credit can be arranged Telephones MA 3-2895 - MA 3-5935l 34-tf Strayed SHORT-HAIRED pup, white .witb black spots. Found Sun- day night. Phone MA 3-2359. STRAYED from the home af Merlin Suggitt, R.R. 2, Nestieton, on Sep t. 6, black on tan all maie ho=nd Anyone finding hound please Phone Blackstack 17 r 1l colleet. 39-2 1 Arf;rlàmo Q-L USED Quaker space heater1 with fan, excellent condition. Phone MA 3-3490. 40-1* MAN'S bicycle, in good con- dition, standard size, will accept $16.00. Phone MA 3-5902. 40-1 PAIR of Sulent Glaw oùl burners for cook stove. Phone MA 3-3865. 40-1 FINDLAY Oval cook stove, al- Most like new. Phone MA 3-2156. 40-1 PLUMP young turkeys. Allan Macklin. Phone 1M 3-2202. 40-1 131 MODEL A Ford, A.C. arc welder, air compressor. James Harris, Enniskillen. 40-1 SMALL cedar trees for sale, 10 cents each, delivered. Phone MIA 3-2017. 40-1* F'RIGIDAIRE electnlc stove, 4- burner with full sized oven. Phone MA 3-2551. 40-1 MI'AN'S station wagon coat, in very good condition. Apply 42 Liberty South. 40-1 ONE pair skates, white, size 8, good condition. Phone MA 3-3095. 40-1* BARGAINS for sameone-drop- back couch, 2 trilight lamps. Phone MA 3-3576, Bowmanville. 40-.1* 1 PIANO, in good condition. Phon MA 3-5920. 40-14 QUANTITY of good'oats. Phon MA 3-2997 evenings. 40-1 NEW apple boxes. May be seen at Durbam Cold Storage, New. castle, or at farm of J. A. Car- scadden, Orono. 39-20 DO your own floors- rent a sander or a floor palisher franm Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 34-tf McCLARY furnace in Eldal United Cburch, cani be seen ai any time. For further partie- ulars contact Stah Milîsan. 40-1 ONE grey fur coat, new last year, worn only a few times, perfect condition, siie 12; manth- ly payments' if desired, seli cheap. Phone MA 3-3047. 40-1 HEAVY duty electric McClary cook stave, 'in very good con- dition, four rings, controlled aven heat, $40.00. Jackson. Phone MA 3-2215. 40-1* IF backacbes are slowing you up, take Rumacaps and belp yourself ta relief fnom pains and aches. Ask your druggist. 40-1 INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Workmansbip guaranteed. Free estimates. Harny L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf AFRICAN violets. Say it witb Stewart's beautiful A f r i c a n violets, tbey make a low-pniced, Long-lasting g i f t. Stewart's Seeds. 39-tf DRY bardwood, $18.00 a cord; hardwood slabs, $18.00 a cord; softwood slabs, $10.00 a cord; sawed and delivered. Telephone Newcastle 2146. 38-tf TWO 7.50-17, two 7.00-17, tire, ;ube and wbeel $35, each six studs; 1 G.M. generator $3.00 and 1-tan rear end $20. Apply A. -lane, Concession St. E. 40-1* HEARING aid service, testing ervice and complete stock ao batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5438. 20-tf KEYS cut ta order by new, miodern machines, automatically, wbile you wait, at Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 King St. E., Bow- manville. Phone MA 3-5408. 36-tf MALL white enamel cook stove Dquipped with Silent Glow ail urners and 45-gal. ail drum; Iso 1 pair lady's white figure <ates, size 8. J. Ballingaîl. bone Blackstock 65J. 40-1* rENETIAN blfnds - Stock sizes, vhite or eggshell slats, plastic ecloth matcbing tapes. Made- o-measure blinds a specialty; ree installation; 28 tape and slat olons. Morris Ca. Telephorie 4A 3-5480. 10-tf JSED International Super "A" ractor; Gibson "H"; John Deere WO-Plauigh tractor, Oliver "60"t ith wide front end at Farm :uipment and Automotive,' 134 ing St. E., Bowmanville. Phone IA 3-5689. 40-1 ]Rugs, Broadloom AVE 50%. New Rugi Made 'm Your Old Rugs, Carpets, Ïoollens, etc.2 BLANKETS ALSO MADE hone MA 3-3446 - Bowmanville 1 29-tf 2McCORMICK, W4 Standard,- lassey-Harris 102 Jr., '48 Ford ,ctor. Tbese tractons are re- )nditioned and cbecked thon- igly. A liberal guarantee )es wih eacb tractor, Came i id see. Sid Lancaster, Massey- arnis-Ferguson dealer, High-r ay No. 2, East af Newcastle._t 40-11 ESTIMATES FREE L TURNER 0. BOX 177, BOWMANVILLI 33-t P.c FURNACES Air Condifioning 011 Burners Sheef Mefal Work EXPERIENCE COUNTS Eavesfroughing IR. FINNIGAN <Formerly Davis & Co.) 2 Mill Lane Bowmanville 39-tf F Before You Buy- Give "Siew" a TrI '46 CHEV. SEDAN '47 FORD SEDAN '48 CHEV. SEDAN DEI '48 PONTIAC SEDAN1 '49 MERCURY SEDAN '50 AUSTIN STATION '50 AUSTIN SEDAN '50 FORD COACH '50 FORD COACH '51 CHEV. SEDAN '51 CHEV. COACH '52 METEOR COACH '53v METoocr Cs Trd onM Aboe gcars ad ed an n Recurys oedand PMeter to clear GUARANTEED PERMANENT, TYP)m 395.( WL 495.C DEL. 595.0 WAGOJ Gallon tin SUBURBAN TYPE "Sno-Grips"' 6.00X16 _________ 12.95 6.50xl6 _________ 14,95 6.70xl5 ______-- 13.95 GO ! ! when you want ta STOP ! ! when yau have to Bramley Motor Sales Llnmited Mercury - Lincoln - Meteor NEWCASTLE PHONE 2871 Always Open BUILDING Lost New Homes EASTERN Star ring at High Scolgrounds. 'Finder Phone CrefryMA3-2113. 40-1 Bul-nCarpboidyBusiness Opportunity Buii-i Cuhoads Hoi House Business Flooring 200# frontage on highway, a Tule or Wood Bowranvlle. Seven thousand R oofing - Siding heated, good supply af soIt and hard water under pressure. Smnall bouse, heated fram plant. 'REE ESTIMATES Pniced ta senI. REASONABLE RATES W. S. CROXALL - Hu 1-3391 Car. Phone - Mobile ZA 6-2735 Evgs. Port Ferry 469 i Herman Kassinger J. A. IVILLOUGHBY & SONS Llmnited, Realtors BUILDING CONTRACTORt 46 Eglinton Ave., E., Toronto PHONE MA 3-2729 401 U 1-33911 incudê al averjsand the udersigned will not b@ lacuds ctl aderisig ot able any Persan ofwbose porzons or firma se lny Cdaim tbey shall not then have desor goods of aneylescripi ion notice. -3c per word; rminimum charge 75c cash with order. To requins DATED ai' Tononto Ibis- 22ncf advertizezz payable mnonthly. day ai September, 1954, DipaCnsîîdu 1.0pz FRANK WILLIAM ~hifh a mninimum 0f 0" 1KIRKENDALL and inch. Addifional insertions ati MYRTLE ZERUIAH WARREN the lame rates C/o J. N. Mulballand, Esquire. Ail Ciassified Acis oust be in Q.C., 331 Bay Street, Toronto this office nof later flwn Thein solicitor. 34 12 o'clock n"on, Wedesday. for gend cash. efaImpa or Mon. order and save money. Tunr ae o Clip this ouf for handy reference diioa lasfi 0rS#..~S -. ..-..*p. Auction Sales se ie Masonry a Work Wanted HEMSTITCHING and picot edg- ing. Phane MA 3-3766. 39-3 PLASTERING, cbimney build- ing and repairs. Phone MA 3-3694, Bawmanville. 40-2* DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- tan, for custamn killing. Phone MA 3-3243. 32-tf FLOOR and wall tile laid, cup- boards built or any carpentry wark done. M. Jurko. Phone MA 3-2753. 37-tf BABY-SITTER, any nigbt except Saturday and Sunday. Ineke Denhertog, 66 King St. W., Bow- manville. 40-1* HAVE your ganden . plougbed bef are the winter. Cail A. de Jager. -Phone MA 3-2017. 40-1* GARDENS done with rata-tiller. Phone MA 3-5757. Harry Van Belle, 18 Mill Lane, Bowman- ville. 40-2 TRUCK driver desires work, wil- ling ta take responsibility. Apply Box 240, c/o Canadian States- man. 40-1* BULLDOZING, e xca v at i ng, trencbing, field, draining, sand gravel, loam, septic tank drains dug, 15c per ft. Gerald Balson, Hampton. Phone MA 3-2733. 37-4 SAVE MONEY AT DAVE'S SHOE REPAIR SKATES SHARPENED 35 TEMPERANCE ST. e.n rear) 47-tf Masonry Consiruciion BRICK - BLOCK - CONCRETE Free Estimates ANGER BROS. Phones: MA 3-2273 or MA 3-3375 40-tf Local and Long Distance MOVING R" 1 i I I I Preston Transport Phone MA 3-2493 Bowmanville 29-tf BULLDOZING EXCAVATING TRENCHING - LOADING DRAGLINE - CLAM WORK Trucks and Loader for Gravel and Fill Jobs FREE ESTIMATES Tripp Construction PORT FERRY 392W 32ti A. E. (SAMMY) COLE Plumbing and Heaiing ,AGENT FOR Mor-Sun The Furnace with thme 10-year guarantee 26 Ontario St., Phone MA 3-3473 BOWMANVILLE <Formerly Bothwell & Cale) 30-tf General Concrefe "onsfrucfion or Repairi 1 1 Also GENERAL TRUCKING P.C.V. Class "C", "F" and ' Livestack sales are held ev Manday evening cammencinfi 7 p.m. at the Durham Cou Sales Arena, situated a half n west af the Pravincial Fore Station at Orano. AUl livesi, sold 'in the order in which cames in. Yaur cansignmE are always appneciated. place where buyer and se. meet. Owned and operated Jack Reid, auctioneer. 4 70 head of beef cattle, bneeding ewes and lambs, pigs, 8 horses, 200 tons hay, 2, bus, grain, 15 acres of ensi]i corn, 2 complete lines of fa machinery, poultry, woad,e the estate of the late Hari Carscadden, Lots 10, 11, 12 E 13, Clarke Twp., first farm w of Kendal, ta be sold withý reserve, on Saturday, October cammencing at 10 a.m. Ter cash. Lawrence Harris, CIe Jack Reid, auctioneer. 3 Mr. Ross Hallowell, Lots 7a 8, Concession 4, Clarke Tov ship, thnee concessions north Newtonville, at the end of1 Pavement, bas sold bisfarma will seIl by public auction Saturday, October 23, bis eni berd of Sbortborn cattle, hors swine, breeding ewes, pouli hay, grain, stove wood, neai new Watenloo tractor, full l1 of exceptionally good fai machinery, furniture, dish glassware, stoves, etc. Furniti ta be sold commencing at 10 tbe mnorning. Terms cash, reserve. Jack Reid, auctione Lawrence Harris, Clerk. 4( Livestock For SaUE LAYINIG strain Rock pulle 30 Hunt St., Bowmanville. 40. ONE year-old purebred Shro sbire ram; 1 purebred Sbortho bull. L . Patterson, Orono. 40- DUCKS for sale. Apply J1 Redmond, R.R. 1, Nestleto Phone Blackstock 47 r 21. 40 WELL bred purebred Sborthc: bull, ready for use. The pri is reasonable. C. H. Mumfor Lot 28, Fifth Con., West Hampton. 40- Cars Foi Sale '40 CHEV. in good running col dition. Phone Blackstock 64 r1 40-. 1953 FARGO one-ton, 9' bo 4,000 miles. Phone MA 3-234~ 40-: '38 CHEV. coach, good conditioa AppIY Charles Rundie. Phai MIA 3-2204. 39. 5ý0 PONTIAC, -will sell cheaj w'ill accept trade-in. Phone M. 3-5868 after 6 p.m. 40-1 1941 DODGE sedan, good ru ber, good running condition, $9ý Apply Lloyd Beech. Phone M, 3-2788. 40- 1954 DEMONSTRATOR Fordi Farm Equipment and Autamoi ive, 134 King St. E., Bowmar ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 40- .1 1 -1 Il 1 ,1- 1 . 1 Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For S<I.T ver Pewel Rel Esaie 0. . CARSON REAL ESTATUN kg ai ewl ieît~ ~ $1,000 down-1 year ad bungi unty Farina and ail ther prperties, aiwXS#n R.Ut o mile uiesset.fosa. way. $5,500 full pice. estryb si e es et , fo sa . sî,ooo d o w n - R u g brick ;tok lwbardwood, modern kit~ii h tH. C. Pedwell, Broker atomtcoi unce o- ,nts Newcastle- Highway. Full pice $6000. The ~ Pone 38-SSL 1,00don,8raamed houl 1bY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE No. 35 Highway, 4 miles for 40-2 No. 2. Full pice $4700. Properties Sold. Rented. .32,600 down, well located ii 50 Managed and Aperaised Oshawa, five raoom stuccoeil 60 L. M. A L LIS ON brick, hardwood* furnaceý '000 Real Estate Broker very beautiful. ),q rns age Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. iis week. Sacrifice at $6,5~ lamn Two blocks north of traffic Homes-In Oshawa, Bown,~ etc., signal, Newcastle. ville and Port Hope vicinity., per 20-tf Farms-We ave several -or and Ontari's top fanms neer beon. West LEASK REAL ESTATE listed. hout 8 roomed brick bungalow with Businesses - Theatres, store,!, r16, stne tim, just finished, picture garages, factoies and summer, =s window, oak fonrs, oak tim, prpeties. erk. ample cupboard space, on new; Chas. D. Rankine 39-3 street. $5,500 cash with easy MA 3-2762 Bowmanvilieh and payments on balance. 40.1; ,wn- 5 roamed solid brick ouse Pewl elEib ofnear centre of Bowmanville, bot the air furrace, bardwood dawn andlPd elR a sae and one room upstairs, full basement, $5,500-5 acres, 5 oom bung.' n deep lot, double garage, ý$6,200. alow, furnised; double ire Four-romed bungalow ith garage, new tractor and .-bathroom, 4 acres af land, ½ i ail garden equipment, ~emile soutb of No. 2 Highw aa Must have $3,000 down rly large Grave; barn with loft, paymeni. lie labe garage, lien bouse. Suit- We have a large list of the best rnm able00for vetean. Full price farms, from $ 5,900 ta hes, $ ,400.$35,000. W e alsa have te We have lots, bouses, farms bouses in ail the nearby in and businesses in Bawmanville iowns and villages. no and su rrounding district. A 5-roomed bungalow, in Part eer. M. E. Leask, Broker Hope, cellar full size, 10-2 65 Ontario St., Phone MA 3-5919 laundry tubs, heavy wir. - Bowmanville ing, electric bot watere bot 40-1 water beating, living-room De WTH RAL ETATE12' x 15', kitchen 10'x 121 ets. De WTH RAL ETATEwith cupboards, 2 large 4* 100 acre farm, ail workable,! bedrooms witb cupboards, -Clay land, creek, wells, 100x301 3-piece batraom, lot 40t op- fi. bank barn with L-sbaped ex- x 210', reasonable dawmi orn tension, dniving shed, modemn payment, balance as reat. .îl* stabling, water bawls, steel stan- Immediate possession. -~ chions, silo, lien bouse gaae! .Pd eBoe on. furnace, bot and cold runnipg Nwate .hoe3-S waer, ardwod floors, etc. Ask- i Necsl40hn 8816 y 1 i n g p i c e $ 1 4 , 5 0 0 . T e r m i s . 4 0 -1__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ce 90 acre dairy farm, 85 acres FrR n 71eworkable clay-loam land, 5 acres F rR n SWood, creek, wells, good road, of 85x40 fi. bank barn. water bowls; THREE-roamed apantment with 1*milk bouse with eectric coolen pnvate bath and enrance. Telsý. -silo, implement shed; 7 roameci phone MA 33818. 39-3 brick bouse with ail furnace, ROOMS, suitable for fèmily use - hydro throug baut. P nice $16,000.1o n i i u l. A p y N i u i an- Terms. Milk quota 5 cans per is, Pontypool. Phone Orono 12. day.10 1l* 135 acre farm, 125 acres work- 81 r10 - able goad medium loam land, FOUR moims andbahu ix, 10 acres maple bush, 3 wells, 2 apartment, beated, privais en- 16. cisterns, 120x35 ft. bank ban 9 trance, adults. Apply Box 237, 1*years aid; 8 raomed insulated c/ Canadian Statesman. 40-1* o- bouse with furnace, bardwood 60foos hydro, etc. Terms. TWO rooms, ai 143 Duk 8t. 60acre farm, sandy loam, /8. available November lsty Z.mile off a higbway, 8x40 ft. Bookdale Kngsway Nurskies, p bank barn, silo, wells; 7 raamed 40-tf &A frame bouse, heavy wiring, etc. NE L de oa d fi -r me .* Pnice $5,500. Terms. EL deoadfi-rme - 6 oamed stucco ouse, Bow- apanîment, witb bath, availabbe ib- manville, with furnace," bath- November s. Apply 7 King E., 90. oom, pressure system, electrie Apanment 2. 40-11 IA beater, etc., large lot. Pnice ATTRACTIVE tbree raam heate )- $6,500.' $2,000 down. ed apaniment, separate bath, - 6 roamed unfinished bungalow, finsi floor, centrally located. at Bowmanville, with picture win- Phone MA 3-2436. 4- C)t dow, has 3 bedrooms, sewer and 4- - water available. Pnice $4,200 FOUR-roomed beated apariment, Scash. 3-piece bath, pnivate enirance, 5 roomed lnsulated bungalow aisci two-roomed cottage with at Newcastle, fireplace, bath- 3-piece bath. Immediate pas. raam, buili in cupboands, beavy session. Phone MA 3-5655. 40-1 wiring, Storm windows and fscreens. Price $5,000. Termis, MODERN sel-conained aparte 00 6 oomed insulated new bouse ment 4 moins and tiled bath- an 66x150 f. lot, bairoom, oom, hardwood flors, bt water electic beater, pressure sysem, beated; electie stove and refrig. 00 bardwood floors, eavy wiring, erator; ground floor ai Kings.? garage, etc. Price $5,500. Easy way Apartments, King St. E. Ail teries bugao newly decorated, available now. m6nviile unalwn Bow-. Apply N. J. Scott, Brookdal; W mnvile,3 bedrooms, bathroam, Kmngsway Nurseries. 40-1 living noom with dinette, pictune window, furnace, bardwood JRepairs floors thnougbout, modern kit- chen, full basement, nice trees RADIOS and smali electnical around. Pnice $8,000. Termis. appliances repaired and gikarane I6 roomed unfinisbed ranch eed by expeienced tecbncian. style bungalow, Bawmanville, 3 C. J. Elson, 73 ConcessionSt bedrooms, living-noom with dia- East.- Phone MA 3-5482, 23-t eue, etc., swen ad water ava il- w able. Pice $4,500 cash. REPAIRS toaial makes of refrige We ave approximately 40) eators, dorestic and ommen. more properties ta chose fom cial; m ilking coolers. Higgon Contact rm Eleciic Limited, 42 King St. E. John F. De WIth, Realtor Phone MA 3-5438. 25-ti Newcastle Phone 3341 RADIO and television repalnw. 40-1 Prompt service. Pick up and delivery. Lamne Doreen, 85 Kingf Room and Board E. Phone MA 3-5713. (Formerly FRON be-sltin nam fr ~ pantner in "The Radia Sbap"). FRONTbed-ittiiz rnm38-tfu Contact 1 . 1 TM «MAMM VfATENUtPAU nnWWAWVWI.le nwpàwm