* -; __________________ - CJAP.IfIr& Àu 1 a à Imi--ma TEE <ANADIAN WAIKAN. Impressive Ceremony On Friday Opens New Cartwright School w D y BrDoris IEaiw Kozub and Larry Ashton. Rev. Pry Ocber îst, 19540 George Nicholson dedicated iwlaways be known as a the fia and ail it means, and it very important day in the iu was hoisted on the pole by lhe tory of Cartwright Township. recipients. For, on the afternoon of this Mr. Wallace Marlow, chair- day the, officiai opening of the mian of the Board, expressed new Cartwright Central Pub- his appreciation to the archi- lic School was conducted ln a tect George Tonks, Oshawa; to very lipressive manner. the Trimble Construction <(Mrs. A huge crowd haed gathered Mary Triffible) Oshawa, and from the township and neigh- called the foreman Reg Moun- bouring towns well before the tain to take a bow. He thanked aPPointed hour of 3 o'olock. the present Coundil and last Seata were placed iu front of year's Council which was head- the !ow red brick school and ed by Mr. George Black, for 'inl the semi-circle driv'eway.- their support and co-operation. Charm n C W Sw et ReveMr. Black went forward and ofCartwrig.ht.Towshi, caed expressed his satisfaction and the gathering to order and the pien h iihdjb Maple Leaf Forever was sung. Mr. Marlow expressed his Grades 7 and 8 floe bpleasure at the interest taken ysinging "Bleus This School". y our neighbours and cailed Mr. J hn H milt n, a niem the front M r. H arry Peel, ber. o henBoardt, alle o eReeve of Port Perry, Mr. Ar- ber of he oar , c lle to the chie M cD erm ott, council m em.- front Mr. Earle J. Webster, f)f ber, Mr. S. E. Beare, of. the -Oshawa, one of our School In- Por't Perry School Board and spectars' of Oshawa and Dur- Mr. R. Cornish, Principal Port ham West Mr. A. Archibald, Perry Public School; Mr. A.1 of Whitby! Inspector of South M. Thompson, Principal Bow-1 Ontario County and Mr. W. H. manville Public Schopl; Johni Carlton, of Cobourg, Inspector M. James, M.P. and Statesman of Northumberland and East photagrapher; Archie Farmer, Durham. Then he asked Mr. Port Perry Star representative.i Roy Turner, teacher of Grades Mr. J. Helm, manager Cana-1 7 and 8, and Principal of the dian Bank o! Commerce, Port Cartwright Public Schools to Perry and many other impor-- introduce his staff. Mr. Turner tant visitors were in the crowd.i gave a brief account of the Hon. Major John~ W. Foote,s school system to the present Minister of Reform, Institutions,E day, then introduced the teach- wa unable to attend as he is1 ers: Miss Yvonne Chant, Grade in Europe.1 1; Mrs. John Venning, Grade The other members of thei 2; Mr. Neil Bailey, Grade 3; School Board who turned in1 Mrs. Bruce Heaslip, Grade 4; countlese hours of work are W.C Mr. Grant Campbell, Grades.5 Jackson, J. Hamilton, J. Brad-v and 6; Mr. Gay, the music burn and R. Davison. teacher. and Miss Betty Flax-. The National Anthemn was man the school nurse. sung, then inspection o! the Mr. T. R. McEwen, Inspector school followed. The wives of of Oshawa and West Durham the School Board served cof- t Schools, introduced Mr. J. R. fee atid cookies. I 'McCarthy, Asst. Supt. of Edu- The achool is situated verYC cation, the guest speaker. favourably on a knol, on the t Mr. McCarthy brought greet- north side o! Alexander Street,d ings and congratulations frorn a nice distance off the Scugag Dr. W. J. Dunlop, Minister of road, in the village of Black- Education and Dr. Cecil F. stock. The large semi-circl- Cannon, Deputy Minister of driveway wiil be excellent for Education. the yellow school buses to come He commended the School and go. Landscaping la planned *Board and citizens for the fore- for next Spring. sight they displayed in erecting The exterior of the school lu such a fine school to keep pace red brick. In the interior, Brit- with the present dayý world. ish Columbia red cedar in 3" For illustration he recalled plank in natural finish is large- the story of Rip Van Winkle, ly used. The floors are of dif- who, after his long sleep, look- ferent colored tule. One whale ed about him for reassurance. wall in each classroom is new- At one side of the field was a type reflector windows of dou- new super highway with high- ble glass. No blinds are need- powered cars; at another aide, ed, except the black blinds in- new farmn machinery; at an- stalled in Grade 4 room where other aide, an aeroplane went the projector will be used. flying overhead; but on the There are four class rooms, fourth side there was the little the principal's office and the red school house that he knew. teacher's and board room. The As yet, Mr. McCarthy said, heating and plumbing facilities the new school is without a bis- are capable of accommadating tory. For this it must depend two more rooms if required. on the girls and boys who at- In the Junior Room there are tend now and in the days to small tables which seat four corne to forrn its character and pupils. There are new desks in reputation. Room 3, with the old desks re- Mr. McCarthy unlocked the finished by Karl Weyrick, New- door and declared the achool castle, in the other rooms. open. On al sides delighted coin- Our 'Very highly respected ments were beard, which should citizen , Rev. Dr. R. P. Bowles, niake the hearts of ail who always interested in the pro- worked ta make the school a. gress of the township, express- reality. very happy. ed appreciation for the splen- Mr. Henry Thompson, as did job done and offered a Townsbip Treasurer worked Prayer of Dedication. overtime on the $74,000 deben- Mr. Henry Thompson, Secre- ture issue, selling it ail in Cart- tarY-Treasurer of the School wright and Port Perry. Board presented his gift of a We will now look ta the fu- new Ïlag to the school, which ture to reap the benefits of aur was accepted by pupils Sylvia fine new Public School. Celebration Held at Oid Mill For 25th Wedding Anni versary 0f Mr. a nd Mrs. Jas. Reynolds !?his finc-iooking group willlook after the teach- right: Principal Roy Turner, Grant Campbell, Neil Bailey ing of publie school pupils at Cartwright's new sc hoolCIand Miss Yvonne Chant, Mrs. Bruce Heaslip, Mrs. John Ven another older school nearby. They include: from left to ning and Mr. Gay, Musical Director. Discouraging circumstances failed to stop these retary-treasurer, a man of many parts in Cartwright, who 'inen of Cartwright Area Public School Board in their donated the Union Jack which will fly from the flagpole; eéfforts to build a new school at Blackstock. On Friday, Joseph Bradburn, Wilfred Jackson, Reeve C. 'Wesley Sweet, the resuits of their efforts bore fruit with the school open- Board Chairman Wallace Marlow, Richard Davison and .îng. They are, from left to right: Henry Thompson, sec- John Hamilton. '7Tl~ tp ~ ~ idGerow. Mrs. Best lsi Wome s Istitte pen Seaon ION(Hope Twsi)meeting wt ryr Mr. and Mrs. N. eo an iAII ~ /I A i ]IThe regular monthly Mission Mrs. R. Gerow were in Tor- :VVilfl v eii ,-uienaea e tn Band meeting was held at Zion onto for the weekend. OnThrdaSet OhBw maey e tig school Sept. 24. Meeting op- Mr edad is Hla On Tursdy, ept.30t, Bo- imtel 42,00.ened with rall caîl followed Mn.Fr and Mnis Hild 42,000. by reading cf the minutes.RayadMsMeilyspt m>anville Women's Institutef Richard Cartwright junior Schoal sang a hymu; Samn Saturday evening with Mr. aud m"Iet at the LUnion Hall, Presi- ;was the real founder and first Htyk ra h eitr __________ dent Mrs. T. ButLLiy piesiding. mnoulder of Kingston. Rev John reading; Mission Band PurposeMr.Kse. $lihe expressed her giatitication Sew~art the first Rector of the was repeated and Mission Band lit the attendance, g'eîed the I Anglican Church in ULpPer Hymn sang. Mrs. N. Gerow Lake Shore, Clarke members, and welconied th Canada settled inKnso n ead froin the study book. Visitors. 1785. At thlht turne the popula- Maxine Sunday took up the Poeueo uicsflov tion was around 400. Septern- offering. Private A. G. Seanl, Camp Bor- ed in usual manner. Sàiactoirv br 10, 1810, saw the first news- The birthday box was passed den, spent the weekend with .paper, and this paper was the Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Jaynesý Mr. .Sby r R. Cranciler Neport lst ta publish an eye witness and contributions for Sept. and Mrs. A. Wade and family, ..,y rs.R.Canle. Nw 1 n-ac caunt of the battie at Chrys- were Heather Best, David Ger- Newtonviile, and Mrs. G. vention rules and rePulatîonsý lers' farm on Nov. 20, 1813. In aw, Paul Kowalozyck. Elec- Smith, Chicago, visited Mr. and were reaci by iVrs. Cahîler. 1818 came the first Bank in tion of officens were as foi- Mrs. Jaynes. President Butter': spu 1w on Uplic-, Canada. June 1853, Re- lows: President - Zozra Les- Misses Donna aud Sandra the leaders' uur1*e for 4-H geoplies College xvas opened. nick; Vice-Pres. - Gea. Raby; and Masters Floyd and Dans Girls Club, coIIduciOC by Miss 18411 Queens University was es- Sec'y.-Sam Hutnyck; Treas.- Coulten, Downsview, spent the Eleanor Syxc ome Econorn- tablisled. It was foun ded un- Jean Best; Peace Se'y.-Patsy weekend with their gnandpar- « ist for Durh-lami, Peturooroîu,1h, der charter from Queen Vic- Sunday; Press Sec'y. - Elaine ents, Mn. and Mns. S. Powell. and Victoria Cournîies. 'l he toria. The Royal Military Col- C Course's purpose xvas ta teach lege is situated on a beautiful Casweli; World Friends- Day- Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dean sud the leaders how ta instruct Peninsula of about 40 acres ad- thein clubs in the 4-H p roject, Pal ning the historic Fort Fred- "What ShialI Wear. M nls. T. eric. The memorial Arch erect- Buttery and M1rs. Webber aie 'ed by the R.M.C. in 1923 iu leaders for Bowmanville Club.meov f those graduates Mrs. Chas. Mlutton gave a, who died in the first worid splendid report of the District i4ar.t .Annual Convention heid on l rs. Youiigs spoke with en- spe5.fied roefr thneir a- sanintefetnheer aty a! Jue 5.e mbroefr paed a - oftsîa nd hee ay lce per Cannivai proceeds in the! the Thousand Island trip. Most way of donating the stage light- !of all ivas the beautiful story ng .system for the town Hall. ýof Hart's Castle, which left thet Kn.E. Passant was chosen ýlistenens entrauced in an en- '-tng delegate for the Area chanted dneam of romance. 1"'oýnvention to be held lat the This historicai, educational, aud O FO lal York Hotel, Toronto., romantic address was enjoyed November 3rd, 4th, and 5. by aIl. itrs. Chas. Mutton and Mrs. Two beautiful vocal duets: A RP L. 'eumas were appointed tick- "Whispening Hope" '*Wheu E U e,,con& ers fo the C9pper i You 'ne Smiling" by the Misses WCnivckets ta be uniform Ioemarie Marnil and Patsy s*'n ickness. Cheethan. The accompsuying F IRST Ic Mrfs. Shackleton, programme piauist was Mrs.,Stuart James. h cônveuer, introduced Mrs. G. Apprecistion o! this young tai- Yeunp as guest speaker on the lent was shown by the applause.Ifyur edWfootrpasO topic. lHistoric Research" re- lThe President, Mrs. T. Buttenyfyour edi'fr Oth r prCo lative to the Thousand Islandi and Mrs. Shackleton hakduscrusin' around towfl .aur, rad- trip of Aug. 5. Mrs. G. Young those takîng part in the pro- service always keeps your C cara- spoke chiefi' on the history af gramme. Lunch was served by ready and rarin' to go! Ali ehf Kingston, mientionirîg that here ithe group in change,. efscrefullY checked .. service John A. MacDonald grewv up !cal__________el nable. Drive Wp and fought for recognition, of work alWaYs reaso i the Indian Warfare, the neyai- I 'j ink so ey xp ni ,Q ution, and the war of 1812, then father?" very xensîve foilowing the transformation off '.Why, no hat makes you nit.d 7 ra gegs. r ~~ston into a Cathiedral City, think so?" Bwavlea ier cy omercanduofto e Well, mother Seems quite 101-9.1-BWSvîl 2SciO t moencmeal. and ofnto-ie disturbed because I spilled saine I day with population Of approx- i on the hall carpe t."11 r 1 Mauy frieuds from tbis dis- trict were preseut at the Gar- rett Room lu the Old Ml, To- routa, an Sunday, Sept. 26, when Mr. and Mrs. James R. Reynolds celebrated their 25th wedding auuiversary. Mn. sud Mrs. Reynolds, formerly o! Sa- lina sud Hampton, now reside in Arva, Ont. where Mr. Rey- nolds bolds the position o! clerk of the Township o! London. A reception was beld for ail their friends sud relatives at the Old Mill from 4.30 to 7.30 pin. Mr. J. W. Reynolds was Master o! Ceremonies and a!ter pnopasiug a toast to tbe bride aud groom o! 25 years ago in which ail joiued, he called on Mr. A. L. Blanchard, Mr. N. W. Reynolds, Reeve Howard B. El- son, Deputy Reeve H. J. Mc- Clure sud several others for brie! remarku. Many lovely gilts were re- ceived sud also messages from those who could flot be present. Mr. and Mra. Reynolds wene married lu Toronto 25 years ago sud now bave a famiiy of thnee boys: David, in his fourth year at Medway High School; John, who is just beginuing hiigh school, sud Robent, four yea.rs aid. The boys were with their parents on Sunday ta help tbem celebrate. Among those attending w.,. family upent Suuday iun Igm- iltou sud Burlirigton. Mn. sud Mrs. Cynil Avery and family visited Mn. sud Mns. Clarence Avery, Bunketon. .Mr. sud Mn.. Ernest Brown, Oshawa, spent Sunday wlth Mir. and Mra. Chas. Bedwiu. Mn. sud Mrs. Frank Taylor, Midlsud, Mns. H. 9. Taylor, aourtice, wene visitons with Mn. and Mns. Arthur Bedwîu. Mn. sud Mr.. Bill Lake sud family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mns. Alf Brown. Mn. sud Mrs. Alf Brown vis- ted Mns. H. Brown ai the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, To- routo. The Lake Shore Ladies K. S. àhd C. Club met ai the home )f Mrn. Bev Jaynes. Next meet- ig wîil be at the home of Mr&. 9. Usom -Miss Lulu Reynolds, Mn. sud .Mis. K. Caverly, Mr. aud Mrs. 7A. L. Blanchard, Mn.r.sud Mns. L. Clemens, Mr. sud Mrs. C.' Tink, Mn. sud Mrs. C. Warren, LMr. sud Mrs. D. Hall; Mn. sud Mrs. Jas. Sinales, aIl framn Hampton, ntaria; Ms. Isobel ]Reynolds, Bowmniville, Miss Bessie Reyuolds, Mr. A. Hos3- keil, Oshawa; Mn. sud Mrs. J W. Reynolds, Mr. sud Mns. A E. Whitueli, Mr. sudMI&s. N. W . Reyuolds, Mn. sud Mrs. Wmn. Brodie, Mn. and Mrs. Win. Gil- christ, Mn. and IMns. Jas. Bro- die, Mn. and Mrs. Allan Arm- strong, Mrs. Agues Stewart, Mrs. Isobel Christian, Mn. sud Mrs. Jack MacKasey, ail of To- routa; Mn. and Mns. Harold Booth. Burliugton; Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbert Irouside, Arva, ont.; Reeve Howard B. Elson and Mxs. Elson, Deputy Reeve H. J. McClure sud Mns. McClure o! Landau Township. KIENDÂL Mn. sud Mus. Fred Grahamn sud Ment-il vîsited Mrs. Neya Little Saturday evening. Toronto visitons with Mr. and Mra. Milton Robinson Fnl- day were Mina Mar McLean, Mrs. E. Brown LsuM. snd Mrs. Cal Thompson. Mr. aud. Mrs. Clarence Ther- tell sud Mn. sud Mrs. Gardon ýMantînel1 spent a day in Osh- awa last week. Mn. and Mns. Earl Burley aud daugbterg sud Miss 4une Gondon o! Whitby visite« ne- latives lu Dundalk Suuday.J Mrs. Mary Luxon sud Miss Mdarion White wene guests o!f Mr. sud Mns. Ray Hughes, Port Hope. several dayif last week and wene pleased ta have Mn. and Mrs. Hughes sud Gloria come back ta Kendal with them. Mn. sud Mis. Ken Saper sud Mrn. sud Mrs. Bert Thompson eujoyed a trip ta Geongian Bay. !nroute they visited Mn. sud M.rs. Snelgrove sud Mr. Harry Rutherford at Woodbridge. Mn. sud Mrs. Fred Graham Md Mua 4 daàslNeva I E I i Little attended Markham Vair and visited Mr. and Mn. Ayl- ward Little and family. We are glad ta hear that Mr. Ceci Glass came home from Memorial Hospital Suni- day and hope he will soon be out around again. Mrs. E. tCouroux and Misses Theressa Couroux and Shirley Canbell were lu Toronto Thursday. Shirley who has been here with hier uncle, Ed- die Couroux, the past couple o! montbs, was enroute to her home in Cache Bay. Mrs. Ceci Glass spent Wed-* nesday with Mrs. Bert Thomp- son. Kendal was well represented at the stock car races in Osh- awa Saturday. Kendal, or at least the Sev- enth Line just north of Ken- dal, was included in the Aut- umn Colour tour 11, which was spansored by the Telegram on Sunday. They drove through the Durham Frest and Gan- araska visiting Tower Hill which is the heigbt of land in these parts. Judging by the number of cars it must have been a very popular trip. Mrs. Neya Little and Alec visited M. John McHardy at Fergus. The W.A. meeting was held Wednesday evening at the home f Mrs. Chas. Thompson with Mrs. G. Cathcart presid- ing. Mrs. Westhauser o! Stark- ville, gave an interesting taik on Kindergartens, a project which she is undertaking in her home. Mrs. Morley Robin- son, accompanied by Mrs. L. Hallowell, sang a very pieas- ing solo. Ail enjoyed the sing- song of old tunes. It was decid- ed ta leave the bazaar for a later date as the W.A. had been requested ta serve lunch at Carscaddens sale. Mrs. Thos. Falls and Mrs. Lloyd Glass were pragrami conveners while Mrs. N. Patton and Mrs. Edna Robinson pravided a de- liciaus lunch. As Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Luxon were unable ta attend the first day of the Leaders' Training Class for the 4-H Clubs in Bowmanville, they at- tended itlu Lindsay on Mon- ENDS- OF-LINES CLEARANCE Bresl.mnys Ladi*es' Wecur Misses" & Women's Blouses Broken styles lu long or short sleeves. Nylons, Crepes, Cottons, Rayons. Sizes 12 te 20 - 38 to 44 Reg. 2.98 to 5.98 Misses' Fiannelette Pyjamas Smaller sizes only in warm 2-piece flannelette. Pyjamas that uold regularly ai 2.98, ;.98 Misses" Eiastic Girciles Two-way Stretch Grenier Elastie Girdies ln regular. slip-on or panty style. Reg. 2.98 and 3.98 Ladies' Wear' BOWMANVILLE CLASSES Basic Engiish and1 Citizenship NEW CANADIANS Thurs., Oct. 14 8 p.. CENTRAL PUBLIC SCI-IQOL Sponaored by Publie Sehool Noaid OIKE'Ts O VERYWHERE I Consuit JURY & LOVELL ES King St. W. MA .1-5778 Husbands! Wives! WantnlvPeand Vim? 'Mum& fv%« mweak, wr-n,~ acquainted" u»zOrly 600. At mi agIsu NOW IN SERVICE MArket 3 telephone num bers ijn BOWMANVILLE Ail 4-figure numbers now start with "MArket 3". For example: "MArket 3-1234" Ail 3-figure numbers now start with "MArket 3-5" so that "567" becanie "MArket 3-5567". PLEASE REMEMBER to give your full number to the operator when you caîl Long Distance, and use it on ail printed mat- ter. For local calls you need dial oui-y tihe five figures. ut . 1 oomm«» 1 .11.77 $1.77 .11.77