~. -- -~ -- - *-.....-....~. PAGE SMx -TUE CANAD!ANSTATESMMIq., EOV;WVTLE,ONTARIO ý The Orono News' Mr. and Mrs. Herb Murray Chas Wood visited Mr. and Mm. Visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Ail-JIRy Barraball, Whitby. dreai Tyrone., Mrs. George Butters spent a Mrs. W. G. McCulloch and few days in Bowmanville, vis- Miss Alma Cuttel visited Mr. itingMir. and Mrs. Garnet Go- and Mrs. Orme Falls, Starkc- heen and family, Mr. and Mirs. ville. Donald Robb and Mits. Wyven 4>11 and Mrs. Eldon Essery Reid. and iamily, YIrs. George Rey- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cooper nlolds, Courtice: Mr. and Mrs. and sons, London, are spending Bill barrabail and family, Bow- this week with Mr. and Mrs. manville, visied Mr. and Mrs. Carl Tennant. Mr. Cooper will Luther Barrabail. attend Conventions in Toron- Mr. and Mlrs. Dave Hooper, to. Mrs. ý_as. Awde, spent Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Junior West day with Mr. and Mrs. L. Hoop- and family, Peterborough, Mr. CI', T1yrone. Ronnie West, Toronto, visited .$everaiiniembers of the Or- Mr. and Mrs. A. E. West. ono Orange Lodge visited Pe- Miss Audrey Billings, Osh- terborough Lodge last Friday awa, spent the weekend with evening. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings. ývirs. Fred Duncan returned Mrs. Neil Smith is staying home fromn Peterborough where with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Smith -she attended the funeral of her and famnily, Willowdale. sister, MVrs. Jas. E. Peel-Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. R. Rutherford J. s-uggins her niece from Pe- visited Mr. and Mrs. W. A. terborough is visiting Mrs. Adams, Lakeshore. Duncan. Miss Edith Sherwln is in To- Mr. and Mrs. Neil Porter, Mr. ronto General Hospital, Toron- and Mrs. Alex Watson, Mrs. to. Wmn. Cobbledick, are in Toron- Mrs. Harold Snell and son, tO rr;Lirn'a- aand Frida\'. Toronto, are visiting Mrs. Ken Ni1rs. Harvey L. iranion, Garrsby this week. WÀiiý-r, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Cob- O. Cowan. bledick, Leamington, visited Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Wm. Cobbledick. Chas. Wood were Mrs. Mary Mr. and Mrs. Jim Major and 1 Phasey and Mr. Fred Brooks, family spent Sunday with Mr. Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Har- and Mrs. A. Clough, Trenton. old Murphy, Long Sault. Miss Mabel Davey is visiting Mrs. \Vm. Cobbledick visited Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fralick, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thompson Prince Albert. and Jean, Blackstock. Mr. Milton Tamblyn was a Mr. and Mrs. Luther Barra- patient in Memnorial Hospital, bail, spent Sunday with Mr. dnd Bowmanville. He returned Mrs. Milton Samis, Burketon. home on Sunday. Mrs. John Turner is visiting Mrs. Herbent T. Turley, Ot- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stevens, tawa, visited hen mother, Mrs. Bowmanville. James Dickson on Tuesday'. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Bowen! Mr. and'Mrs. Donald Powell, visited at Mr. A. J. Balson's'Miss Mary Powell and Mn. Sol ina. jPowell, Elizabethville, called Mrs. Alex Watson and Mrs. on Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones. ,WHY PAY r CASE LOT SALE IONA AÀ WAX BEANS Case of 24 20-oz tins 2 9 SAVE 26e STOCK UP AND lAVE loma Halves PEACHES Anin Page SALAD DRESSING MeCormiek's Jersey Cream Bowes MINCEMEAT Janle Parker MINCE PIE Nd & MeIow-Custom Grouind 8O'CLOCK COFFE Jane Parker Daily Dated Biced WHITE BREAD Canladian OLD CHEESE Ann Page KETCHUP A&P Fancy Red Soakeya SALMON Chpi stie 's RITZ Brea!, .at', of Champions WHEATIES 2 15-oz tins 31c SAVE 4* 16-oz jar 29c SAVE 4c 2-lb pkg 5 3 c BAVE 2e 28-az tin 37c SAVE Se »C~h 49c ibl.09 24.sz laaf 135c lb45c il-oz btl 1 9c %'s gn 35Ç 8-az pkg 19c ff-az plg 25 c FRUIIS and VEGEJABLES CReSNANBERROCO 1lîbcello pkg 3 c California No. 1, Freth New Crop TOMATOES rello pkg 1 9c Fi esh No. 1 W;,îhcd and Waxed SWEET POTATOS 31%$19C B i..-ord No. 1 Pp-c C ELERY STALKS 2fo15e Ci!iformia No. 1 Fresh Green BRUSSILS SPROUTS 2 b 3c A&P SUPER RIGIIT MEATS GRADE "A" TI D E f OVEN READY IUftIEIS 9 to 13 Lbs. Average or BROILERS Mob59c DUCKS OVEN READY rade A 4 t 5 Lb Average lb 537c SHOULDER ROAST Mankless Park lb 29c BUTT ROAST p" 16lb39C SAUSAGE MUÂT meple Leaf Pure Pork lb 39C SIDE BACON super Rght R;nidless w-b pkg 63c SPECIAL. - $AV£ 4o A POUND HADDOCK FILLETS York Peleos untH Iat., effeomive S pr£u Oct 9, 19%4 lb 33C Pupils Provide Music> at Cartwright Public School Openling One of the nicest features of the Cartwnight part included, front row, left to right: George Elliott, Central Public Schol opening at Blackstock last Friday Lloyd Wilson, John Hutton, Ardis McArthur, Maurice was the entertainment provided by the pupils of Grades Redmond, Peter Vander 1-eul, Jack Swain, Gordon Gay. 7 and 8. They opened the ceremonies by singing a stirring Back row: Patsy Hoskin, Annie Redmond, Diane Blair, song, not heard very often these davs, "The Maple Leaf". Beppie Duivesteyn, June Fowler, Audrey Van Ryswyk, Their second nqmber was "Bless This House" with the Winnifred Schwartz, Margaret Hooey, Evelyn Whitfield, lyrics altered to "Bless This School", making a most Shirley Snooks, Margaret Davison, Doris Griffin, Sylvia effective and appropriate presentation. Pupîs who took Kozub, Lorraine Henry, Bill Hutton, Larry Ashton. Beautiful Frontat Cartwright Public School Though too young to attend at present, littie Miss Joànne Ballingali, aged two, was on hand for the opening of Cartwright Central Public Schooi last Friday. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ballingali, Blackstock, and along with hundred of Cartwright and district citize ns, toured the beautiful four-room structure after the ceremonies had been completed. HAMPTON Miss Gladvs Chapman, Na- kina, Northern Ontario, is with Mn. and Mrs. W. Chapman while on holidays. Mrs. S. Scuithorpe, Port H-ope, spent a few days last week with Mn. and Mns. W. R. ireenaway. R ecreation Revues m, By AL VAIL Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Powen, ~_______________________________ Lindsay, Mn. and Mrs. John COACHES them at our first meeting of orsed Mrfadly0f Car- Thene will be a meeting of coaches. If you have not ne- nt Jist n. and fmrs. Gar the Recreation Minor Hockey ceived a form to fi out, you SntJhntn n fmly o League coaches and those whlo will be able to obtain one at Sunay.are interested lu coaching a Central School, Ontario School Mrs. W. W. Horn visited Mrs. team, at the Lions Centre, or. at the Arena office. Catharine Jacob, Port Hope, ou Tuesday, October 12, at 8 p.m. If at ail possible we hope to hursday. For the past two Saturday get going with our schedule Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Reynolds, imonnings the youngsters have on October l6th. This de- à.orontu, visited his sister, Miss ýbeen out on the ice getting pends on the coaches. As soon u. Reynolds on Monday. thein skating legs. We have as they feel you are ready to Mn. and Mrs. Ken Pooler, asied thern out again this Sat- go, we'll get you started. ýarry and Randy, Oshawa, Mr. ursday at 8.15 a.m. Any coach ** and Mrs. Mel McCune, Sheryl Who wishes t0 corne out Satul.- REGISTRATION NIGHT and Cathy, Vancoe's Road, were day with the boys will ha more Registration night wss Wed- ,ýunday visitors at the home of than welcome, at the samne time nesday, September 29th. At their sister, Mrs. Jack Lyon. you wili be able to see what tlîis time 45 people registened Mn. A. L. Pascoe, Solina, is available. for the B.R.D. faîl activity pro- spent Saturday with his sister, The kids, as a group, are oi Jrm However there were a! Mrs. Joe Chapman. Mn. and par with any other group 1 mrge group who showed in- Mrs. Everett Elliott, Misses Ma- have seen in other towns. terest by telephoning. ry and Barbara Elliott, Oshawa, Actually if ail bouls down tel Anyone who did not-rgse were Sunday visitons st Mrs.1 coaching and I think that yoU = negistration night may do J. Chapman's. las coaches have done an ex- -se on the opening night of Sympathy is extended to Mrs. cellent job. The forms should etch individual class. There is C. E. Daw in the death of her ail be filled out and turned in a complete list of ail activiles brother, Rev. Kenneth King- by the timne we have our and prognam in this week'sj ston of Endicott, N.Y.1 meeting. Statesmnan. So join the group' Anu Balson has been a pa- I amn very anxious to meet1 thet you wish sud we %iill be tient in Memonial Hospital, al Of You. as a group to find glad to have you with us. Bowmanville, havingi under- out how you have operated in The Recreation Dept. wishes gone an appendectomy last the past. Ernie Dickens and to thank the instructors for week. She is now at home sud Ralph McIntyrý will be with their excellent display on ne- convýdescing favorably. us that eveninp. gistration night sud for com- Mn Wi1l White is aiso receiv- ***irig along and making the night1 lng cane at the Memonial Hos-j MINOR HOCKEY possible. pital. Bring your skates and sticks* Mr. and Mrs. Perey Dewell and there will be another skat- STM1CU and Mrs. Jôe Chapman, attend- ing session for you. We expect Here is one group that not ed the Silver Wedding Anni- imany of last year's coaches, too many people know about. versarv celebration of Mr. and out with you on Saturday Speaking for myself, I was1 Mrs. Hiilton Tink in the com- mnorning if it is possible for, very impressed with the club's nunit1v hall, Solina, on Satur- them to make it. Be at the collection of stamps. There are; day eveniug. arena at 8:15 a.m. Well tne stamps that are years and yearsi Alr. sud Mns. George Gilbert looking for you! The coaches old f rom mauy countnies of the .ent a few days with theirlare looking forward f0 being wonld. aughter sud son-in-law, Mr. j with y'ou again this season -andr Many of these stamps are d Mrs. Dennis Marshall at I know that vnu feel the sain- very uncommon and, therefore, anipton. waN. %worth a great dleal off fliOne\. M'.rs, M. Mouintjoy àipent Sat- Donit forget to bring in y'our A good stamp collector collects ~arday in Toronto. lorus su that we wili l ae âtamps in the sanie way a good art collector collects rare pieceà of art. If you can fînd time to visit this club I think it would be well Worth an hour of youn time. The members will be only too pleased to offer any explanation needed. FaIliActivitier, B.R.D. Faîl Activities begin the week of October llth. Their is a complete list of fal program in this issue of the Statesman. There should be one recreation activîty in this list to fit everyone's need. Choose the group you wish to join. I know they will be glad to have you. Teen Town About one hundred teenagers enjoyed a hay ride TFriday ev- ening of last week. The group left the Lions Centre and went down to a hall at the beach for dancing and eats. 0OBITUARY G. E. LEIGH-MALLORY George E. Leigh-Mallory, 64, with General Motors'at Oshawa' for the past 30 years, died Oc- tober 2 at the Toronto Gener- ai Hospital. Me was the son of the late Wilfrid Leigh - M Ilory, who came to Canada frý m England. Born in Burfordi Mr. Leigh- Mallory attended Trinity Col- lege School, Port Hope, and MeGill University. He had also lived in Cobourg and Bowman- ville. Me was affiliated wt the Institute of Engineers and attended the Anglican Church. Me was a cousin of the late Air Chief Marshal Sir Trafford Leigh-Mallory and his brother, G. L. Mallory, who was lost on Mount Forest with Andrew Ir- vine in June, 1924. Me leaves his wife, Madeleine Martha Leigh-Mallory, and a daughter, Mrs. Vernon Lang, Toronto. The funeral service was held in St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville. at il a.m., on Wednesday followed by inter- ment ini Bowmanville Cemet- ery. BLACKSTOCK Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eowman who were married 67 years on Sept. 29. They were marrifd at Mount Forest. The Cartwright Public Schoul children are prepaning for their Annual Public Speaking Con- test which will be at the Re- creational Centre on October 20. Misa Kathy Dawson, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Daw- son ai Westminster Blvd., Windsor, bas begun her studies at the University of Western Ontario at London. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Van Camp and Aileen, spent the weekend at Listoweil with the Norton Van Camp family. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mount- joy wîth Mr. and Mns. Grain- ger at Peterborough on Sunday. Last Wednesday evening the neighbours of Rev. C. W. Hut- ton and Mrs. Hutton gathered at their home for a little party on the eve of their 15th wed- ding anniversary. They gave the happy couple three pieces of crystal ware. Miss Jane Barrie, of the High School staff spent the week- end at her home in Peterbor- ough. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin, Ronnie and Larry visited Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin and David at Ajax on Sunday. Mn. and Mns. George Ruth. erford and Allan, Oshawa, With Mrs. George Fowler on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp, Enniskillen, with Mn. and Mrs. Leith Byers. Mr. and Mns. Wilfned Fnank.s and Sandra, Cobourg, and Mr'. Glenn Van Camp, Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Camp sudAnthur on Suuday. Mn. aud Mrs. Ray McGill with the Lloyd Staples, Lifford. Mr. and Mns. Carl' Wright have sold their fine farm to Mn. John Carnaghan of West Hill. The Carnaghans and their four childreu will be comîug hene the first of May. Last Fniday eveniug in thei Community Hall Mn. and Mrs. Murray Hoskiu, recent newly- weds were given a shower by their friends. Among the gifts were a tnîlight lamp, a bridge vey. Special Colgates Paste wlth Gardai 2 tubes 59e size Only 89c Tlntz Shampoo 1.79 Vacuum Bottles 98e Lunch Kits 1.25 Thermos Botties 1.89 - 1.98 PHONE MA 3-5695 Ener] els Give new health and vigar 30 daya treatment 5.95 Siari Vitamins Now Haliborange 1.00, 1.75, 3.25 Cadol Drops 9()c, 1.65 01 Percomorph -- 1.10, 2.95 A.D.C. Drops --- 1.60, 4.25 Aiphamette Llquid 85c, 3.00 Halibut 011 Capsules --- 75c, 1.29, 4.79 Ayenst 10D Cod Liver Oul------------------ 1.00, 2.25 One-A-Day Multiple Vitamins 1.25, 2.50, 4.25 ABDEC Caps --- 1.95, 6.75 HUDNUT'S QUICK TONETTE HOME PERMANENT HOME PERMAN-ENT 1.75 1.75 Nyal Creophos for Bronchial Coughs Large bolle 1.25 COWLI NG'S Fly Bombs 980 - 1.39 Chanel§ Nerve Food 79c'- 1.98 Dodd's 59e Alka- Seltzer DRUG STORE WE FIT TRUSSES Bowman ville High Schooli Noght School POSSIBLE COURSES Should a sufficient number register the following courses will be offered? TYPE WRITIN G (for beginners) E N GL ISH - ai High Sehool lovel MATRICULÂ'rION SUBJECTS Th ese Classes will he held Tuezdays and Thursdayu, 7:30 Io 9:30 and are openlIo everyone who is nol affending day school. FEE $5.00 Must be paid on first night of cour». Accommodation in ail classes is limited REGISTER AT HIGH SCHOOL THURS., OCT. 7 or THURS., OCT. 14 CLASSES BEGIN TUESDAY, OCTOBER l9th Total twenty weeks L. W. DIPPELL, Principal. TRtMRDAY, OCT. M.th 191* set and blankets. Mr. Neil Mi.. colm was chairinan for a spicis- did prgam. Mr. and Mrs. Hos- km, theg former Shirley Bllght, a f Brooklin, will be living in Brooklin. We extend congratu- elations and good wishes ta the young couple,. Otir community was chosen with two other groupa in --On- tario to take a Parent Educi. tion ProJect. Miss %McBrlde ' the leader, sponsored by -the Institute. There il a large gra4b', tajing advantage of this and the course is in the Cartwright High School on Monday. United Church W.A. Mrs. Gordon Strong W~ hostess to the Septemben UnUq.? ed Church W.A. meeting wi4z~ Mrs. H. Shortridge presiding., Mrs. Cecil Hill took the de. votional period. The presicit : reported that new church aup- per tables had been made and eral thank you notes were read. An invitation was receivad to attend Prince AlbérWom- an's Association Antiqi a n.d Hobby dlsplay. It was voted to send $5 to the' Bursary Fund for Leadership Training School. Considerable. talent money and baking sale money was handed in to ýh. treasurer. Roll caîl was answered by "a Bible verse of Thankfulness"r and there were 23 memoer's present. Mrs. Ernest Swain was In charge of the program. Mrs. Harold McLaughlin read, "It Isn't the Church It's You". Miss Phyllis Strojg aud Mrs. H. Mc- Laughliu sang a duet. The meeting closed with a social haîf hour. ORONO Among the guests from Or- ono at the Keat's 25th &nni- versary in Toronto, were: Mr. aud Mrs. W. C. Crossley, Mr.., and Mrs. Madison Hall, Mrs. John Morris, Mrs. Geo. Butters, Miss Alma Cuttell, Mrs. R., R. Waddell, Mrs. Thornton Wil- son, Mn. Wm. Armstrong Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Morton, Mn. and Mrs. Ern Hamm, Miss Mary Somerville, Mrs. A. A. Drum- rnond, Mr. and- Mrs. Wm. Da- 1 .