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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1954, p. 8

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Tm~ NYA CMAWtm f A .D t u w .lb mkg er1,o h ot iemotion was passed that a 200 Or no Poic T u*ste watt bulb replace the 100 watt J r Ctii bulb in the lanxp on the north Ct side af the atreet. If this la flot sufficient then a 300 watt bulb M l b o k f In re seFie r te io i A ele th a ecev00o.lAe The Orono Police Trustees chief stated that compensation Ath e calsociation ai th protection t h gpttonr W einotcbury fh asnfiremafrGuides and Scouts requestng VVi I Take he wsnt ear-allocation af time for their se- the south end of the village at ing a helmet. tivities at the Orono Armouries. Prelimninai-y work of convert- their regular meeting held on The trustees received reports Ti a eerdt pca n h îlo iea h e Monday evening af last week. that the sidewalk program was Ti a eerdt ilig'h ilo ieo h e These Persans have agreed ta completed and also that the meeting ta be held on 1Friday Ontario Reformatory just west pya yearly fee of $5.00 and a Armouries was now insured. of last week when the trustees of Millbrook into a broad and fixed sum ai $50 for each fire Considerable discussion re- cansider arrangements for the lvlpaei a opee call. vle rudarqetb h newly purchased armauries. It last week, and actual construc- vwas also stated that a meettng tion af the building wilI start Thefir-chefBrue Mrce, OanaUnied hurh fr ashould be held with interested this week, It ha.s been an- was instructed to obtain the ne- street light at the Church cor- nued cessary connection for the f ire ner. C. T. Miller stated that parties present- et a inter date nucd src rvdn h atddth rea hscre hudta make final arrangements. The Sherry Construction truc prvidng te cst id he tee n tis crne shuld Miller informed the trustees Company, R. R. 1, Claremant, flot exceed $20. This connection be trimmed ta allow the lightthtehamtwiharre-ddheecvtggadnad will be used in Mutual Aid ta faîl on the steps and was of ethative hai mte Depa re aid eveling rk, ade ege work. The chief also requested the opinion that the best ar- Hgwyqwe uvrs risHryContuto oTrn et least four helmets for the rangement wauld be an under- Hgwy hncletdan ad ntuta aTrn fire department. Mr. Woodyard ground wire ta a light at the and approaches were discussed ta, have the construction con- recommended that further in- base of the stops. None of the which exist along the Highway tta. 20,0 ubead fin the village. Work will be Attla 5,0 ul ad formation be abtained and trustees wvere in favour oi done on these when the village of earth was moved by the brought forth at the next meet- moving the existing light from sSer imi h rlmnr ing as ta the cast of the hel- the north side of the street ta gives approval which it intendsSerfim nthpeimar Mets. Further it was comment- the south side. Mr. Woodyard ta do through the township. work. Somp 125,000 cubic yards were pushed down the ed by the Trustees that thepe stated that it wvas a dark cor- slope ta the narth and the re- should be abtained. The fire ner and recommended astrong-O o o Cei Un n maining 125,000 put a new face Oron Cre it U ionon the ravine ta the south, Opens for Business 1Witb Recent Meeting Goodyear 25-)~ 1 The Orono District Credit X ~ Pn Union was opened for business Rec ive in at a meeting held in the Town- ship Hall, Orono, an Tuesday Two long-service employees evening ai last week which ai the Goodyear plant here, was attended by 25 persans. Harry Cryderman and Ernest The by-laws af the Credit Brummell, were presented with Union were received at the 25-year-pins and thee iirm's meeting, details ai the plan cheques for $100 et presenta- were explained and busineq-s tion ceremonies held recently. opened with the receiving oi! Mr. Cryderman received his Now T UT N 'Temberships and deposit boans. peetta rmPatMn Clii Mallry a th Gaar-ager Charles Cattran and Per- WVHITE bas 29%l more aska Credit UJnion was present sannel Manager Jim Presson; hiding strength cvcn than ta discuss the plan and painted whiie Bill Oliv&r, Manager ai beforc. It costs less because out that a 50 cent membership t Cost Department, gave a it gocs farther. Takes less fet will be charged. Character. summaryof the highlights in loans ta the amount oi $50 are his lufe. TRUTotit pain. less work. TRi)- customary, he said, and beyond WHITETONE WHITE sheds this promissory notes and cha.- Mr. Cryderman was born gme . . . actiiahly clcans;'tie martgages are the chiei just east ai the Bawmanville itwf.Forlatig wlie-means ai security for a loan. town limnits et Shaw's, he said, ntesaond sig ht. n atne public achool nesn ong-ru n conm. Coaperation Neeessary there and Bawmanville High pait it TRUTNE Mr. Hewitt emphasized the School. Aiter leaving school ne ...... pintivit TRUONEcooperatian necessary between took a business course at the Union. He stated thet too aiten then joined Goodyear in the the work resta with the treas- Meterials Office in Augguat, rer but this should nat exist 1929. He was Inter transferred KING T. E.the members ta work for suc- Stores and in 1940 was madec f IGST . BQWMANVILLE PHONE. 77 cess. purchasing agent, which posi- _________________________________________________ Mr. Macllroy hinged success tion he still holds. oi the Union on the desire tu ciel ia far have faith in one's self and also AtilCvoAfas faith in feilowmen. Ht stressed In civic lufe, Mr. Cryderman children's eccounts bath as a has been active as a membera ààL benefit ta tht child and the ai the Bowmnanville Lions Club ti C redit Union. and the Men's Canadian Club, ti qw The local Union will insure He is a Past President ai the value and also insure deposits mari es lso been a mem'ber C dollar for dollar. This, it was oi the Trinity United Churoji NI said, is an attractive feature of Choir for many years and was the Credit Union mavement. .ormtery President ai tht graup. h' Those entitled ta membershiz For the past four yeers hie has si in the local Union are Co-opera .- been a member ai the Board M~ tive members and all residents ai Directors ai the Mernorial b ai Clarke and Darlington Town- Hospital. ti ships. In 1940 he was married ta Interest rates are set et 6% the former Clio Anderson and per annum and 1 % on tht un- they reside et 112 King St. E. ...... paid balance for wege erners. Ernest Brummell Preseetation- . . . .. . ....... It has been estimated that be- Mr. Brummell was presented tween 3 ta 4% will be paid as with his 25-year pin by Plant iterest on share libans. Manager Cettran, and tht com- . *Tht local office will be at pany's $100 cheque from Chief teDurham Farmers Cut Chemit at Marrison. Cao operetive with Mr. Spry z.t3s ona Wrbr secretary. ough, England and came ta Mr. Spry opened his books Canada in 1911, settling et Ca- 40 aiter the adjournment of the bourg. Aiter p year there lie * .'~meeting and received many de- maved ta Bowmanville and se-- S..posits in tht Union. cured a job at Goodyear in the 1 sprîng oi 1913. During World Fine Programme Wer 1ilhe served in Bermuda oeand Europe with tht Royal K i ~ AICanadien Regiment and tht Yelverton vv.A. 136th Battalion. Ht returned ta Goodyear- Tht monthly meeting of tht following his dlscherge In 1919 Yeiverton W.A. was held et tht and for tht following 10 years home ai Mrs. Murray Malcolm was in and out on two acca- InThursday, Sept. 30. Foiiow- sians until hired permanently igthe Ode tht Devotional was for Mill Mixing in August,- taken by Ruth Wilson in tht 1929. A year inter lie was absence af tht Convenar Mrs. transierred ta Calenders. Since Jack Wilson. Tht theme ai tht 1946 hie has been on the Mill deiotional was timely, Te "Thanksgiving" with scripture taken from Psaim 100 and a !rpniig y .var 1-rt ti-I A iI i n a1 es tu Britain would be the fl TO B e gin onl fr'st ince 1952 when Canada exported about 994,000 bushels ta tht U. QiO that total 800 000 ~efor atorY bushels came from British àa!. Zeformatory mbia. and 194,000 fira Novai Cnada was a big suppler b.- Two ~eassiuppig on theavrage more than5,00,00 bshes ayear -looking taward tht road lead- ta Britain. But Britain'a dollar ring westerly out ai Milibrook. shortage forced her ta curtail tTen acres were cleared and purchases in post-war years, 1elght were graded. 0fo with tht exception ai a iew 1,Work ai pourinq the20io deais lIn which tht Canadian .concrete wnlls which will sur' Government was involved. tround tht rtformatory ai-ta ai 78,000 square feet wiîî start Canada raised tht matter ai this week. These wiil be pre- rt-opening tht U.K. market at Lcast andi then hoisteti into & a meeting of Canadien and Br!- ,vertical position. A 100-ton tish Governments officiais in 1ready-mix cancrete plant has Landon recently. tbeen erected by tht Hardy "We are very anxious ta get Company. Temporary offices beck into tht U.C. market," Mr-. have also been bult. Burrows said. Tht whoie construction job la Canada's apple crop this estimated tW lest two years year Is estimated et about 13,- and cast $2,500,000. At tht 000,000 bushels, an increase oi height ai tht work it is expeut- about 1,500,000 from 11,500,000 ed that 300 men wiUl be em- iast year. ployed. When campleted, tht refor- ato-jwil hvecapecity for 250o Junior Farmers hadt-aaeprisaners. i Liii- . à À - y.r. Employees and Cheques. Room Test Press. H'is Several Hobbies Mr. Brummell is married and has ont daughter. Ht Is e keen fisherman and also has a hobby ai wood-working in lawn orne- ments and furniture. Ht is a canscientiaus worker who cen get alan: with ather people. Other service pin awards made during August were: Lawson Kirkton, 20 years; Jade Calville, Enrl Masters, Lea Led- dy, 10 years. Reports Indicate Britain May Buy C inadien appies may soon be gaing. ta tht United King- dom market again. The Trade Department an- naunced that Britain is making dollars eveilabie for a "iimited" purchase ai iresh apples fram Canada and tht United States. Details ai tht amaunt ai Mofney ta be made available and tht volume of shipments to he allowed into tht U.K. are ta be announced later. L. F. Burrows, secretary aif the Canedian Horticuiturai Council, said tht U.K. decision wiii "help us immensely.' He snid it wlil particularly help Canada dispose ai 5maIl sizes af apples which do nat go irell on tht Canadien mark,ýt but which are populer in Bri- ain.1 New shipments i Canadien Business Directory LEGAL STRIKE and STRI[KE Berristers, Solicitors Notantes Public W. R. Strike. Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 10 Ring St. W. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Cing St. W. - Bawmanville Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 JOHN REGAN, B.A. Barrister Notery Public 3Temperance St., Bawmanvilie Phone MA 3-3292 MISS APHA I. HODGINS Barnister, Solicitor Natary Public *mperance St. - Bawmanviile » -' iaýmýlwed .by tht Lord's Prayer ini*D.WM~~ R -~ -.;.. . 'nisDR.- W.1 M. - RUDELL, DD.S The inuts ofthe revOffice: Jury Jubiiet Bldg. ~l Tt inuesaithtprvius Lnertaineu bUy 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville meeting were rend and adopt-A *r k Office Hours: anIArs. A. J. rra nk 9a.m. ta 6 pm al The world's finest cheddar sw'ered tht roll caîl. Next 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturdey meeting in November wiil be cheese is made right hore bhl i hivniga tehm On Tuesday niternoon, Sept. Closed Sundey ai Mrs. Ray Robinson. 28th, Mrs. A. J. Frank enter- Oic hn A359 Canada. And, aur Caniadian...Thprra wsincrg tained for Mrs. J. H. Mechn House Phone Newcstle 3551 cheese is ont of the best af Mrs. H. Stinson. Ruth Wil- who bas recently moved a D.E.w SSO, ..SD.l anîd cheapest sources of good- son gave a ,reading, "Whicn Bawmanviile fram Toronto. Office inu hishm Are You", folbwed by readings1 Mrs. Meachin is a graduate i10 bry St.N.-homnil food value. It's an excellent by Helen Nesbitt, "Our Baby" Ontario College ai Phermacy Office Hours: sourceOf Prteinwhichand Mrs. Stinson, d'Tht Ladies l andi aiter graduation serveti on 9 e.m. o6pmdal souce f rotin whchAid." A contest was given by tht staff ai tht East Generel 9 a.m. ta 12 noan Wednesday everyhody needs for buiildinig Patsy Wight ta conclude the and Toronto Western Hospitals.Cbeduna and ropairing healthy tSU5 program. Mr. Jack Meechin is Service PhonedM A 3-560 Adohiebous lunch was serv- Manager for Frenk's Garage Enjoy the many varieties, ed by Mrs. Joyce Malcolm as- and has been ix tht Garage DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. of'ndinseee ise yMn. W. J. Malcolm business for 15 years. Ht serv- Office afCnain hes!and Mrs. Harold Stinson. ed 3%, yenrs as a Flight Engin- 23 Ring St. E. - Bowmanvilllt Neivcheee rcipc! jjiteeer in tht RCAF. Ht is e mem- Office Hours: Nem' czeee ecs~'s Wrteber ai th t Toronto A ngler's and 9 a.m . ta 6 p.m . daily to Marie Fraser, Dairy Foods It is on tht saund educetion Hunter's Association; an eri- 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday Seiiaiuea.o the people that tht security thusiastic bowler andi his hobby Closed Sunday Seric Breu.and destiny ai every nation is amateur phtography. Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 DAIY FOD SEV chiofly rest.-Louis Kossuth. Jack and Vivienne were ~ DAIY FOO I SERICE BUREAU AIl education shouid contni- members ai St. Thomas Angli- AC O N A. y A division of Dairy Farmers of Conode bute ta moral andi physicel cen Church in Toronto ana are ____________________ 409 HURON STREET, TORONTO sti'ength andi ireedomn - Mary 1 hoping ta make meny new WU J.. H. COGGINs ____ ~~~Baker Eddy. frîends in Bawmanvillt.CareeiAoutn 64 King St. E. Bowmanviile (Above Garton's Bus Station) Phone MA 3-3612 J. HUNTER AND COMPANY NO Wis he IME to UY eurCertîfieti Public Accountanta Oshawa 5-1621 .gjri C ZIIMD A Pay3Y4 intrutSuccessors taO0. S. Hobbs 91k ,for 12 years. CHIROPRACTIC ersa0 Are always worth 0. EDWIN MANN, D.C. 1000 on the dollar. Office: Chiropractor seS AL Ve May be cashcd at SpccinltY Paper Products Bldg. jMNSany time at full 63 Tempcrance Street INETETface value plus Phone MA 3-5509 Dvres Office Hours: By Appointment freinOPTOMETRY f10558K EITH A. BILLETT OPtormetrist 141 King St. E. - Bowmanvllle Wood Gudy &Com anyTelephone MA 3-3252 Wood Gu dy Co pan Office Hours:, 9 a.rn. ta 6pm 86 In WstTor.uto iEvening by Appointncnt T u l e h e o ., M p I a 4 - 3 8 1J O H N1 A . O V E N S Optamnetrit Jury & Lovell BowmanviUe PhonO MA 3-3778 noio rirst Meeting 0f ail rmaditfe Haing fre uomral partis asth countytt Jun on eHsas- oSebe e ronoaTow8.Hal Thn Spebe 2 t, 8.30.k Tpn htpesideent, M a in, eebd thteeting bytskine ero dy al Tae answ erst h rilac caiTh mstinteuret- thg place yu istd urn th th um thmer."regla Asthseettinfirne at reger meiinncha e Mayeseral n minuted iethe rendrtand tpre ued. acthtnreports ai tht June danend uy i Mr. Edgar Nichais, a repres- entative ai the FQoeration ai Agriculture gave us a short tnik on tht formation and tht development ai the Federation. Mr. Jay Brown, the assistant Agricultural Representa- tive shawed, us some bautiful nd interesting sîldes»that he took on his trip ta tht west coast during the summer. While tht girl campers were gettlng lunch, tht gentlemen campersled in a few games. ThtevenIng came ta a close jby tht singing ai Tht Quten. Ebenezer Ladies Shown Pictures Ladies Berean Class meeting Sept. 29, 1954. Group 1 was in charge ai this meeting, held in tht S. S. Room, with e ierger attendence than usuel, since ine gentlemen ai tht cammunity hed been invited. President Mrs. Alan Down, called tht meeting ta order. Ail jained in singing n thenksglv- ing hymn, fallowed by the Lord's Prayer. Minutes ai pre. viaus meeting and an execu- tive meeting were rend and ap- proved . Tht following were nnmed as e committeetotapack e Christ- mas parcel for Davidi and Mary A Sadden Day', Work in the When Ail Io Shid And Dan*, gardon ce w hi te clothes - ~ ~ over-exertion of =. can anly be U hable ta leave -after that, alt you with stiff, thte world wonin * aching muscles. th~mae rdw thn But those alto -e ay e a ne r, are w ise le But whifeness is something tise. t he w a ys of To make your white clothês ABSORBINE JR. - dont let tItis whiter-use Laundry Blue. Soaps Ilay them up". They rub Absor- and detergents - regardless ci bine Jr. en the sore spots-and find their colour-tnke out dirt. Blench relief quickly, easili, and effective- takes out stains. But Laundry ly . . This is why. Your pain Blue adds whiteness te your white and stiffness înay he largcly caused, clothes. In vour rinse water doctars say, hy pressure. Sensitive Laundry Blue 'becomes millions ai nerves get irritated. Local areas tiny particles that weave through become sorteand swollen. Absorbine your white c!otmes, catching liglît Jr. rubbed on briskly helps ta liko miniature sequins - togive counter-act that prfflure. It cools themn new, brilliant whiteness. It and soothes, too. Look for Absor- works in seconds. bine Jr. et ail drug counters-only Cet R E CRI T T'S BLUE or $1.25 for a long-lasting battît. KEEN'S BLUE. 'lVhat's For Dinner Tonigli?". . . Htre's one suggestion--sa1mon steaks, wîth a slice of lemon .. a tossed salad' and a steaming bowl of deliciaus KRAF'ý DINNER .. that's mchlow cheddar cheese melted ita creamy macaroni base . .. flavor. fui, nutritious and inexpensive. Did you know that you can give your family the enjoyment of Kraft Dinner et less than fie cents a ervingt' It's such a useful stand-by ta keep always in the kitchen. Cooks in seven minutes. Kraft Dinner is one of tht products of modemn science in tue kitchen-a superbly lavored dishi that's been prepared ahead cf tim s0 that ail you have ta do is heat it and serve it. Were You One 0f/2The Lucky Ones . .. who bcd a real holiday this year? Or, like se many of us, did you find there just wasn't enough money ta go away on? Wouldn't it be a good idea ta open a savîngs account at y-aur b neareat brancb of the BANK 0F MONTREAL, and make sure of a healthful holiday next year? If you make up your mind ta follow through on such a plan -ta put aside a few dollars evcry pay day-thon, oh, happy day!-you'll have the money next ycarl People who know tht facts tel] me that there's nothing more important than a good holiday for general health and welfare. So-cali on your B of M now . . . Open a Sunshnt Acountand aart t sav-for---t-Hlida w at'sa without oe? T d No doubt about %. sparklig Ice-cold Caca-Cola helps set the pace for good times. No other soit drink bua ever won the approva! of so many people ... and the invitation to, "Have a Coke" la a byword for those who want ta serve deicious, wholesome refreshnent iK AUllwdz@d heOler Of COCO-Cole mnder confioct with Coca-coi.lad Hambly's Beverages (Oshawa) [id. 14 KNGSTWWS OSaAcAl ONT. - ffl-eexdwj i Un, OUIFZgAwvzLlàl!4 CRÇTAFM 1 PAGE ZIGHT 1 TRUIMAT OT.?b.I Bridges, in England. hMrs Gar. Messrs. H. F. Osborne api net Goyne. Miss Anne Hait and W. McKnight favored wi il Mrs. Carl Down. music on piano and violin te Chas. Found ushered in the pleasure of the audience.ý the devotional iperiod with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Fauhd suitable piano music. Mrs. Wal- showed pictures of recent tra. ter Brown chose "The Bible" vels from Fiorida ta' Alas,* as her theme, reading fro:n which afforded intereat ami John 5. The open Bible-search entertainiment for aIl. the scriptures for knowledge. Appreciation ta al 4b Jesus wa.s sent into the world helped to make this a plessant ta bring that knowledge. Grace evening was aptly expremsed and truth came through Him. by Mrs. Somerville. Refrésh- Mrs. Brown closed with pray- ments were served by Goup er. Offering was received. lin charge. husband of a fricnd of mine lost everytbing. Ià cahed hie insurance policies. And thon, in tlhres mnonth , he died. Friends wondered how his widow could m1anage . . . Thankfully she told me that ber husband, during bis prosperous years, had 14)ught bier a GOVERNMENT ANNUITY. . . backed by t1 ofvema the Canadian Goverument. Il iM bringing her an incoe hiel There s a truth in this etory for everyone . . . T'he bestt Uly 10 ensure an oki age free jrom financial worry in ta buy a Governm-.nt Annuityl I'd like te send you a bookiet about themn-FREES WÏt te mc--Byrne Hope Sandera, 1411 Crescent St., Montreal. 4Ak Any Dotor... and he'li tell you how necessary saladeareai your daily diet - Ask any good cook and she'l1 tell you that "You'll taste the difference with e Miracle Whip t". Yes, MIRACLE WHIP bas that 49one and only" flavor-a secret with Kraft-so il can't be copiedi I like the fact that MiracleWi bus the lively flavor of an old-fashioned hie dres,-ing . . . and the luscious smoothness of mayonnaise. So gct, out the salad bowl this very day . .. and whip up a valad ... servcd, of course, with Miracle Whipi Equally delicious 145 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA, ONT.

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