THE CANADIAN STATESMAK, BOWMANVIL!, ONTARIO "Adventure In Achievement"" Bethany W. Sponsored by B.& P. Club HerelHear Two Tai In Honor of Women f's Week At Oct. Meetii The Business and Profes- world body. The Bethany Women's L sional Women's Clubs of United In the international field of tute met at the home of States and Canada are celebrat- Business andý Plofessional Wo- Vincent Jackson with ing women's week under the men, Margaret Hindman, mem- Thomas Jennings presi< ailurmng theme "Adventure in bership chairman, announced Twenty-four members ans' Achievement."- recently a project to study the e h oici ihapo Dag Hammarskjord, Secre- status 0f women in five Near edthe preiden t announce tary-General of the United Na- land Middle East countries. ThMres .DeGeer woulcd a tiens, had this to say at the The ten-month study, financ- leader of the Girls Fou opening meeting of the Eighth ed by a $47,500 Ford Founda- Club, with Mrs. D. Smeli Session of the Commission on tion grant, will be made in her assistant. It was decide( the Status of Women. "Among lEgypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon apply for the annual Legi all the achievements of the and Syria. tive Grant. past century, including those The idea was first proposed Mr. Edgar Nichols of1 discoveries and developments in 1952 by International Presi- Hope, President of the Dur] that have transformed the lives dent Dame Caroline Haslett of County branch of The Fedg of men and altered the very England during a federation tien of Agriculture addres mneanîng of time and space, it board meeting in New York. the group. giving some of mnay be doubted whether any is She said it was necessary be- highIights of the Federatfi 5o profoundly significant and cause of information from the ognzainandit ups in the long run se beneficial as United Nations on cruel cus- e bihn t ups the emancip~orgnîationofwmn etbihga link between theemaciptio ofwomn. toms and traditions practised rural areas andi the GovE Minerva Bernardino, the vet- on women in some Eastern ment. "It is the strongest v( eran feminist from the Domini- countries. the farmer ever had in Can. can Republic, reminded thc Commission of the heartening The study will also pave the We are ready to help ail fai fact that more women repres- way for organization of Busi- ers." said Mr. Nichols. He« enteti their governments than ness and Professional Womens advised- local Farm Foi ever before at the last session Clubs in the East. groups and to follow ti of the General Assembly which And let us not forget that as weekly radio b ro adc a s electeti Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi business and professional wom- "Groups meeting regularly Pandit as president of this top en we have a contribution to discuss their problems locz make te our community and in and then present them so doing we shaîl fulfil our spe- Dominion wide consideratio T I C K E T S cifie obligations to promote the In this connection, Mrs. I TO EVERYWHERE aims andi purpoýes of our Feti- M. Finney offered iher ho ir Rail or Steamship eration, and to further the in- for a Fanm Forum meeting Consult terests andi needs of gainfully November lst. A lively dise JURY~ & L o vE LL employed women everywhere. sien period concerning Bowmanville So let's aIl join in this«chal- Wheat Marketing Agency, c 1Ring St. W. MA 3-5778 lenge of "A dve n t ure in trol prices of farni produi Achievement-." controlled production, cre -g..unions and immigratioxis pri p i 8 SUI-US lems, followed Mr. Nich( talk. Mrs. ]Rupert Wood, wbo i migrateti from Aberdeen, Sci land to Newfoundland in l£ and Who came to live ne Betbany several years ago, ga a most interesting talk on ce J) ditions in Newfoundland. "Fis ing is the largest oth0reg1ranirg nature of the surface of t Island there are few railwaý dtad f iving. Pilnes traxr gregularly to the most iolat ______ nures is adaly etingte ma g dive t. Churche 'rbeinghau toCaa n biti w-oerai tur gling hsou n eeprovi showhed severpalspicturs that'spcia dae.'It' a rin tht'splaes wChre sh-r eni her fan ily hdatilvd i he Provice right bth day ntenCanadandaMs. M. iny g a Thainkgivirnem. roin "St m oila's so easlk onte eih)igngwa-o add s enjyeti antilun serveidusring the slh that 'pecia date' It' a drnk tht' n rfi For ark youin ervncei Glen Rth a e n ngt adairy. M. n itnin gav milks soeasyon te weghtdreTam; the mg o that a aktofte isthat the drear MA. 3-5444 Bownianville with the thing they know.- ____________ j Oliver Sbneinen. . 1 HEAT 'blue coal' burns with a dlean, steady heat that insures your health and comfort in even the -toldest weather. Colormarked for your protection, 'b1ue coal' is the most efficient hard coal. It burns evenly with littie attention -spreading a clean, healthy warmth throughout your home. you more heat for less money! Order today from- Sheppuw'd& Gi' .Lumber Co. Linited 96 King St, E Bowmanvi île Phone~ MA 3-57151 Authorized 'blue coar decaler §4-v Prnir~~l ;. ~ 4 ~ Ithat the Fathers' Night meeting Pricip Ceremon.JIy of Interest p Isually helti in January will be W D IGO IU R lin November this year. She also W D IGO IU R ksanflouned .that 75 members WOOD - FALLIS MRS. WILLIAM FOWLER at the first meeting of the year, A quiet wedding took place1 Mrs. William Fowler, the fo which is something of a record. at the Unitedi Church Parson- mer Martha Anne Baxten, agi ng A suggestion box instituteti age in Bethany, on Saturday 67 years of R. R. 1 Bethany diq last year is still in operation when* the Rev. Richard Bon- suddenly in St. Joseph's Hosp Insti- and suggestions for future steel performeti the ceremony, tal, Peterborough, on Sunda meetings are encourageti. The uniting in marriage Audrey Shhaiudroenop Mrs. Association will cater to a ban- Myrtle Fallis, daughter of Mrs. ation two weeks previously a] Mrg. 'quet of the Men Teachers' Feti- Mable Fallis and the late Tho- was making a good recover Iing. eration on Nov. 2. mas H. Fallis cf'R.R. 1, Ponty- iexpecting to come home th ver. Miss Myrtle Hall presided at Pool to Ross Wilbert Wood cfwa thatithePian foropenng ad cls- Mllbrok.week. Her sudden death a !t as ing exercises. The bride was wearmng ganirets.okt e aiy t asafternoon dress of pink brocati-1 Mrs. Fow]er bati liveti alma i-Ho eti tissue taffeta with black se a lhrlftm i h it jsla- Speaker EPlis cssrisand a corsage Ofi ndher ietimeninctheme W ork weeteartroses. She was at- 1 ber of Yelverton Unitedi Churc Bibe S ciey V orktended by ber sister, Mrs. Mur- and its women's organizatior PortBibl Socetylel Lavergne of Trenton, who A evoted mother to ber fant At etnay . . one navy witb green accessor- ily andi a kindly neigbbor, st, [es A efay W . les anti corsage of pink roses.begaty ise. thed Mrs. A. H. McMaster enter- r. om anal. ht fIi a She is surviveti by ber bui tantiteWmn's Ascaingommn banti, William Fowler, a daugi e of F 1of the Bethany Unitedi Chunch A reception for tbe Immedi- ter, Mrs. Eanl Weatherilt (Mai I for their October meeting, witb ate families followed at the garet) of Bethany; one soi Mrs.ManeliFinny pesiiin. Clb Aago inPeterborough Leonard at home; and a. ,erothe: the. MnelFne rsdg.anti afterward the hapy couple Hanry Baxter in TorontýL> sr-Mrs. R. Carr read the lOth e ern- Psalmn as the cipture lesson left on a motor trp te Niagara The funeral services~ ad.wibMr.O.Sene gvn Falls anti Buffalo. For travel- helti on Wednesday from t« ada th lesonthogbSpnceThans ling the bride was weaing a home of ber daugbter anti son giving anti îeading in prayer. navy blue suit Wit ik ac- in-a, r. nt Ms. a also ~~main item fbuies was cessonies anti corsage of roses. Weatbenilt, Bethany witb th rumplanning for the Cburcb Anni- Mr. anti Mrs. Woodi wi.ll live Rev. Richard Bonsteel officiat reir evcst ebl at Millbnook. ing. Bunial was in Graham' :t.versarysevcst hl of Octo-Cemetery, Bethany. can morning anti evening of Oct- ýay ~ ber l7tb anti on the following hum, students at the, Grove Naeanens wry ere , Mrueî for Mr nd MrsJohn FrgusonCattra are pcturedWednesday, Octoben 20tb, witb Pneparatony school in Lakefielti,NesHry eas Mit on"committees appointedti t coin- were home for the Thanksgiv-WeteitChrsCapa Sfollowing their marriage which took place in Trinity plete arrangements. ing weekend with thein parents, D. Bernardi anti G. Robinson. me United Church on Saturdlay, September 25. The bride is The pnogram in charge of ,Mn. anti Mns. Bruce Ryley anti Baigtemd eui on the former Jeanne Reynolds, daughter of Mrs. W. J. Mrs. T. J. Jackson, who gave iMn. anti Mns. J. T. Cobunn. floral tnibutes of sympathý us- Reynolds and the late Mr. Reynolds, and the groom is the a reading "The Deadly Parai- 1 Mn. anti Mns. Ross Carr antid n CalsWeadBenarMe the ~~lel" anti also tolti the story of Mr. Harry Johnston motoned vyn PonteousDnl enr on- son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cattran, Sr., ahl of Bowman- Mary Jones, whose desire to to Feversham for the weekenti Eoner stn, AVincentJakow ctso vile own a Bible was so great that visiting with Mn. anti Mns. No- Rbn isn mrs o 'dit -Photo by Ballard & Jannett, Toronto the finst British anti Foneign man Neals. eJamesLoydMapck usl e b-Bible Society was foundeti. Mrs. Mis ilrdSsoTon ais' J. B. Hendenson tolti of the first Ms ide isn oo-at ly asik SabahDa cho ognie to. spent the weekenti with Mn. I-I rr, an S c ool C luainLotion, Engolanti n 7 anti Mns. Roy Janvis. Evenyone Is citiclzing aný Rnnob gln nt aies8"utofbis Mn. anti mrs. George Wad- belittling the time. Yet, I thinli !m-- o m e cind S ch ol C ub ortaliek ke pingOt tfhedelI were witb thein daughter that aur times, like ah times 928a chiîdren of the London. sluins ant son-in-law, Mn. anti Mns. are very gooti times, if w' ear r F n ? s u s o out of if on SLîntay bas M. a)eGe at Raglan for knew wbat to do ihte. ve H e r F n i c s i n gonthe Sna Shosof Takgvn.Eesn on-today. We bave neason to be sh- grateful for our Sunday Shools ýw- ndi the part tbey play in the ,Ye On Child Problem S teii education ofth lys. Bowmanville's new physician, "Prelutde" by Bach. Poî'teous tolti of the work af b bY Dr. E. Derry Hubband, was Presitient Mrs. Mel Wise- The Bible Society in CanadaABN 170- guest speaker at the regular man conducteti the business anti foreign countnies. Mrs. T. n- meeting of the Home anti portion of the meeting anti alsýo Jennings gave a reading "The an- Sehool Association in Ontario welcometi the very large crowti. Book at Betitime" anti how the tve Street School on Oct. 6. A cap- Minutes were neati by Mrs. 1. Gideon Society originateti the o mi- acity cnowti of about 155 ne- Muntiay, Rec. Secnetary, anti idea of placing Bibles in Ho- o in- cessitateti bringing in a nurn- treasurer's report given by tel bedrooms. el ber of atiditional chairs.. Mrs. R. Richards showeti a Thanksgiving hymns were :et Dr. Hubband, in an informal barik balance of $ 157.05 anti sung thnoughout the meeting nit manner, led a discussion on cer- cash on hanti of $2.91. which closeti witb the Benetiîc- nd tain chilti problems. In a few Mrs. E. Pcrfect, Corr. Secre- tion.A N ie- preliminary remarks, he coin- tany, reati a letter soliciting a Lunch was senveti by the limenteti on the necent methocis donation of $10 to the Save The bostess anti membens of group te of bringing up chiltiren in Chiltiren Funti for a crippleti two. eswhich chilti psychiatrists ungeihldnnshm n uti.Te Mns. Lloydi Kennedy express- YR ne parents to let chiltinen "express president announceti that as eti the thanks of the membens ce themselves". the executive hati power to vote to Mns. McMaster for the use of Tigtaebeu ocae up to this amount, the tiona- of ber home. Srecently though," saiti Dr. Hub- tion of $10 hati been sent. A The ladies accepteti with bard. "I dont know why it cad of thanks was also receîv- pleasune the invitation of Mrs. Cai oanhe took so long." Dr. Hubband sees eti from the Coyle famîly for H.M. Jakeman to meet at ber a rtr omr lifsint flowers sent upon the death Of home« in Novemben.a awianht 'P methotis of allowing chiltirenMr.JmsCleS.,af-i her husband so mucli bh to do tbings s0 long 'as they mer presitient of the Associa- are socially acceptable.o. BETHANY she would help to Dr. Hubband feit that ]y 9Field Dayh anwe andi stealing two of te Supervising Principal A. M. Mn. William'IShean waýs the hn iTease wavs in wbich chiltiren instinc- Thompson announcedti ta sv lucky winner of an electric cof- ts apparently "yes" tively express themselves, andi eral events schecluleti for the ferb1uesn h e these things of course bave to Fieldi Day that afternoon had eorreclt ubofwetkr hnIs co m~ be curbed. A discussion ?momg been naincti out anti would be nels containeti in an agricul- Fabian tacdes the ti Dr. Hubbarti's audience then run off the following day. He trlehbta itsyFar -arose as to why chiltiren lie or also saiti that funtis raised i n Mr. anti Mrs. Lloyd Capstic«k sinister case of "THE 'steal anti how parents deail ai d o heJnirRe(Crs an dfamily fUbndevisiteti with these problems. grssei$4 anti possibly $150 Mn. anti Mrs. Milton Weather- TROUBLED WIFE", Parets eilMethtis wouti b clarei. t on Wednesday. another true life mystery Varon mehois f onnc-enMr. Thompson also introduc- Mrs. Winnifreti Fitzgerald, tio wre roghtou, scbas ngthre embrsof heteah-Peterborough, spent several from the files of Scotland miong te bcuht tket, uhan- ,estaff who were flot prescrnt ia ys ]ast week witb Miss An- taice thack ni ditkthatarhe a the Septcmbr rneting: Mr. nie Sisson. Yard. Don't miss this til akadamtta eJohn Lemon of Ontario Street Charles Weatherilt, Charles strigesoefme tookit;by iscssin; y gotiSchool, whose home is in Beams- Preston anti William Shean en- example .of the parents; by ville; Mr. Len Swatridge wha joyeti a mator tnip througb the in authentic London starting very early ta teach the teaches Grades 7 anti 8 a t Cen- Ai gonquin Park district on1 chilti the dîfference between tral School, com-ese fromn Sunals itngwhMr seig spcly what is bis anti what belongs Stratford, and graduateti this andayso viiigh waio th n etnsepca ta others in tbe home. Oniy vear from Western University; Mrsoo. HughDavitsan a £ 1' conclusion reacheti was thatani rsH.Pipwoshoe ak od Otevso. there are no bard anti fast is in Tyrone anti came to Cen- Missh N. Nholsev R onStl rules for tiealing with ail chilti- tral School from Maple Grove asnte gust fv . Bonsteel nen on these problems, but School. Mrs. Guy Tripp anti Mns.i wbat parents believe anti 11W Winners of the shielti for at- they act .1hen confronteti with tendance of paqpnts were: Vin- Henry Tripp are visiting with îM m uuN X the pnoblems is the way in cent Massey-Miss Mann, Mis,_; relatives in Toronto. wbich the chilti will learn. Cooper, Mrs. Symons; Central chi.Lte fKsonar pec n sev- --DN SD prctîce a Bwanvieg n sMiss Bragg: Ontario Street- enal ti slast week with lber CHANNEL 5 ROCHESTER A 03 pAg. 1 waintroducvle onby M ss Harkel' anti Miss Coucb. parents, Mn. anti Mrs. Ernest Geoge Bwn. Dnr. Hnbdba rd Father's Night Stacey. _____________________________ Geors Bow n. Co.lom bia ut The president an)aunceti Robent Ryey ani Peter Co.- Amenica, anti was educated i n Englanti anti Canada graduat- Sang" by Mendelssobn anti r YOUR EYES andj Re-written from previausi copyrights of C. H. Tuck. Optometrist Disney BIdg. Opp. P.O. OSHAWA -Phono 5-6143 267. The eyes reveal characten, tbey tell us samething about tbe persan, be it of the chanacter, physical weakness on beauty. These facts shoulti be rememben- eti when a correction is sought anti when the prescription is in- tendedti t assist the patient in everv detail. Glasses may be chosen in a suiteti style ta fit pensonal appearance. Tbis only neetis an artistic temperament in the wearen or the one who fîts the correction, anti must give con- sidenation in detail to the exist- ing error. (C61pyrÀghtecU When you see a con tractor on a job, a bank Joan may be helping ta finance it. Manufactureras and merchants use bank credit to help buy materialis, procon and maiket doodg. ged ied ;pi- ly. ind 'y, -iii sa ind Est .ct in- re ns tri- Rr- )ni 'e 1,e irl he , ,rsad terpi - poucr browfo armsan o hyer pmenr producesborrow f;o a bankta bu eqwpenti met aesonaileedu The benefits of bank credit run through ail personal and commercial life. Bank credit operates silently, but on every hand you have satisfying assurance that it is "at work" ... in ail types of communities, for ail sorts of worthwhile purposest The chartered banks continually adapt their' many services to meet the changing, expanding needs of modern enterprise and modemn living. THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY i I -s VA=E TER gives HEALTHY THUFMAT, OCT. 14th, 1934 ------------- 1 ýýý OMMTOIMAW #%Oqffl Qa,&IL edkos