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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Oct 1954, p. 12

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PP CF'_TVELVZ THM7SDAY, OCT. l4th, 19M4 The Orono News Mr. and Mrs. J. Lamb and and Mrs. R. Hodgson, Toronto' family, Ottawa, spent the long Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leishman' weckend with Mrs. Thornton Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. IM. J. Tamblyn. Miss Shirley Porter, Oshawa, Visitors with Mxs. Frank< '%,th Mr. and Mrs. Neil Porter. Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. 0. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McGee Cowan were Mr. and Mrs. Perc. rrent Thanksgiving weekend Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Jack at Tally Ho Inn in the Hign- Cooper,, Mr. and hirs. Don lands af; Haliburton. Cooper, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Visitors witri Mr. and Mrs D. Dove Hamilton and Mrs. A. J. Jakeman were Mr. anc1 Fred Reesor, Port Ferry. Mrs. Victor McFarland and Mr. Albert Rose, Miss Alice Victor. Sydenham; Mr. and Mrs. Rose, Mr. and Mrs. D. Potter Bob Ficher, Stoney Creek. and Kennie, Toronto, spent Mc. and Mrs. Bruce Mercer, Sunday with Mrs. Russell Bcst ]Brucie and Valerie spent Sun- and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Carson.- day with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mrs. J. Richards was supper Goade, Markham. guest Sunday off Mr. and Mrs. Visitors at D. G. Hoopers Jim Major. wece: Mcs. H. M. Asling, Miss Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Ewing, Ada DeLautinville, Rev. and Toronto, spent the weekend Mrs. G. Andrews, Mr. Te-d with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil S. Smart, his son and daughter, McLaren. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ray- A number motored to Dash- mand Ciapp, Tyrone; Mrs woad an Thanksgiving ta sec Garnet McCay, Bowmanvilie; Orono bail team win t hat Mr. and Mrs. Meibarne Philips, game. Maidstone, Essex Ca. __________ Mr. and Mrs. O. Cowan, Mr. J. A. Paterson, Miss Mary Rab-Torno *- inzon, Mrs. Hazel Robinson andTo nt th Gra Johnne took in Waodbridge By Lewis Milligan Fair an Manday. Mcr. and Mrs. Frank McGee, From times prehistaric cities TFo--onta, spent the weekendihave cxpanded and grawn on holiday with Mr. and Mrs. top off anc anather, and they Iv-;n Farrow's. are stili daing it. In same in- Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. stances acchaeologists have dis- Cecil Jones wece Mrs. W/m. clased in their excavations the l"TecHolm. Morrish; Mrs. Wmr.1 remains of several cities be- Ugiow, Newtonville; Mrs. Lewis neath the deserted ruins off the Scîgel, Detoit; Mrs. Claude ilast anc. Today we can sec this St.evens, Lansing, Michigan, pracess going an before aur ý1r. and Mrs. Don Stevens and eyes in Toronto, which is per- Mr. and Mrs. Gco. Joncs and haps the fastest grawing city on Lc shie, Bowmanville. the continent. During the farty Miss Audrey Billings, Osh- ycacs I have iived in Toronto a;;.a, spent the long weekend I have neyer seen sa many with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bill- structural changes and territor- in-;s.' ial expansions as have taken 1"i!r. and Mrs. Alex Watsan place in the last ten years. Oid spent Thanksgiving weekend massive buildings in the heart v.ith Mr. and Mrs. Archie off the citY seern ta have d isap- Vatson and family, Toronto. 1peared a ver-night and gaun. Mc1. and Mrs. Colin Taylor, izQ7scrapers have sprung Up ai Bawmanville, spcnt Sunday if by magic the following dlay. wvith Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoar In the aId residential suburbs, and Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mitchell palatial and humble homes, ondf attended Anniversary Sec- shops and churchcz are being v~~at Ocono United Church. reduced ta rubble. The bull- r '. and Mrs. L. B3rowý,n, To- dozers and clawing excavators ritand Mr. and Mrs. J. C. go into action and the oncrý (;a1flcy visited Mr. and Mcs. "quiet ncighibarhoods,"' with al H'yLycett on Sunday at their unwritten domestic andl lheir cottage, Mink Lake, aiso social aid romances, have vn nt Golden Pheasant Lodge, ished into thin air,.an ]itnsviie. fThe littie third-flooor room 111. and Mrs. JIack Marshall, in which I am writing this was ~'oonto, v isited Mr. and Mrs. once a servant's bedroom, h 1% .îr v. n.l b ouse was buiit about the mid- Mr. and Mrs. O. Cowan, die of the Victorian period by P IlH. Robinson anid Mr. J. wcalthy City merchant. Thc Pý-'son attended Woodbridgc spaciaus parlar and dining room Son Thanksgiving. an the ground floor, with elab- 'vo ad Mrs. Bill Found, Lon- arate tire-place, carved manteis ciý , suent the weekencl xvtto and Alice in Wondcrland look- 1fdr. and Mrs. Danc Found and ing-giasses, are, naw occupied I\' sr-. by a sehool of languages at- and Mrs. Owen Fagan, itended mostiy by imigrants Ii.cland Karen, Sarnia, from far countries. The upper _ cd with Mr. and Mrs. F. O- roams are ail rentcd as offices C (,o iDcr. ta accommodate the business ~and Mrs. Brooks Cowan overuîow tram the crowded Mr. and Mrs. Lavertie centre of the city. The street \van spent Sunday at Apslcy. an which the house is situatcd P'lr. and Mus. Jim Bail spent is stili lined wîth elm and ma- y eek visiting Mr. and Mrs. pie trees, but the city is already l'idle ThrnhllandM".extending its great structural tentacies araund this old-time Sresidentiail area. Only within the last fcw weeks a row off aid '1,~ but camfortable bay-windowed "THE ýhouses down the street ievcled ta the ground ta make parking HRIFY space for the ever inereasing THRFTY THITY number off motor-cars that swarm into and around the '. AI IlCity. vvaiipapers Came and sec these 30 new papers at a special low price. Also our regular Une, and about 40 designs we are clearing "IVallpaper la Smart"l Abernethy's Paint & Wallpaper MA 3-5431 85 King St. W. Ileg l/ogr 4, -r ggAtqJV~S ARtouND TmE rmnof the iast century, when alumiinumi was practicaily a preciaus metai, a famous racing stable had one off its tharoughbreds shod with racing plates of the wight- saving material. They weremrade at Tiffany's, the famous New York jewetlery boume Nowadays it is standard practice for race horses ta rua on aiuminum shoms.Siiice the tumn ai the century the prce off alumninum bas been reduced ta the point where it is now onc of the most economical ofana materials, extcnsively used for things like barns and boats and bus b"des. Aluminum Com.. pany of Canada, Ltd. (Alcan). There is samething sadly nostalgie in the sight of an aid mansion being tamn down, watching the wreckers rippin g off the roof, tumbiing the brick- work and cxposing the skeletori interior with the floral decorat- cd raoms, the empty cubboards, the leaded-windowed aicoves and wide staireases-ail orf which, if they could speak, couid tell many tales of old un- happy and joyful things off fam- ily gatherings long ago. This mamning, on my way to town, I was watching this wrecking process when a young mother with hec amali boy paused ta look on. Turning ta the youngstec, she said: "See, Jimmie, they're taking the house apart." That word, "apart," struck me as very des- 1criptive. As a housewife she Pkncw that a home was made up of many parts, and she probab- ly realized for the tiust time what it wouid mean if ber own home were taken ta pieces in that way. But it is the aid, nid story off the rise and progrcss off ail great cities. Babylon, Rame and London sprang up out off small villages and were built and re- buiit by'succeeding generations avec hundreds off years. Mod- ern cities like New York and Chicago have grown more ra- pidly, awing chiefly ta the mass3 migrations off peopies frorn the Oid World ta the New, with their wili-ta-work and eager individual enterprise. Toronto was founded and built by im- migrants, and it is being rebuilt and its boundacies are bcing widely extended today as a result off the cenewed influx off hard-working and thrifty im- migrants since the close off the war. In the last few years Ta- ronto bas nat only grawn sky- lward and multilatcraily, it bas grawn underground and built the ficst subway rapid-transit system in the Dominion. and the finest in the warld! Ycs. Toronta is going ahead in ail directions. HAMPTON Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams, Bowmanville, and Mrs. Char- lotte Stephens, were Sunday visitors with Sam Dewells. Another Durham County boy who deserves mention is Mr. Roy Stephenis off Oshawa, son off Mrs. Charlotte Stephens off HamptQn, born and raised at Hampton. Roy bas workcd bis way up ini Generai Motors and bhas recently been appointed Ivice-president off the superin- tendents off .11 the plants, both here and in the U.S. Congratu- lations Royl el Mr. and Mrs. James H-ar married in the Evangeiistic Cent evening. October 8, are shossu a cake at the ceception wvhich foll former Lorraine Elizabcth Dysan, Dyson and the late Mr. Dyson, a. of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Michelso -Photo b: Try aur 30-day test! Shop ini RED & WHITE ecdi weelk for i'oe înonthb. keeping ail your sales sl*ps - then compare the cost against auy typical previous ',0 days and you'I1 finid, as iiianv of our custoiners have, that you eaui fce-d your famnily better for less at RED & WHITE. REGULAR PACIÇAGE lES FOOD ,/ýlUYS TOMATO CATSUP LBY SALAD DRESSING GRAPEFRUIT JUICE WAX BEANS ALE EVERYDAY LOW PRICES AYLMER-PLACE PACK SWEET GHERKINS ('AMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP SWEET TREAT....FANCY SLICED PINEAPPLE NIAGARA KIST-PURE ORANGE MARMALADE TREESIVEET-CONCENTRATED LEMON JUICE GOLD MEDAL POPPING COIN IT'S DELICIOUS-BROWN LABEL SALADA TEA IUNCLE BEN'S-CONVERTED LONG GRAIN RICE CUL VERHOUSE-CHOI(:E DICED BEETS 16-oz. Jar 33C 2 ti' 25c tin z.28c 24-oz. 9 *Jar 25 2 -oz. ' 2pkgs. 27 12ý,-1b. 57c ';kg. 25c 2 z o 0-z.21c v 0, FLORIDA MARSH GRAPEFRUIT SUNKIST JUICY ORANGES 288 S12 GARDEN BOlr-CRISP RADISHES(3bnh, GARDEN BOY-FIRM CARROTS 2- FIRM-RIPE B ANIfAAs KRAFT VELVEETA CHEE SEEDLESS 10 for 49C Doz. 43c 2 ag 15c -z. bag .Each Lb1. 19C SE FROZEN FOODS BIRDSEYE GREEN PEAS BIRDSEYE BLUEBEHIIES 29cb. pkg. 2cq 10-oz. 6-as. Cello 47c 41c MIRACLE WHIP lb, 27c 16-oz. 45 jar45 SOUTH 4linz.22C 2 20-oz. tin31 FREE - 1954 YOU STILL CONTEST CLC EACH TIME YOI RED & W YOU CHANC el istic Centre WESLEY VILLE ville is -visiting her daughter, News framn here was nat re- On Monday evening six girls ported last week, flot because met at the thome of Marie Aus- it was scarce but the weckiy tin for their fortnightiy meet- time table got out off order. ing. The meeting was conduet- No matter how long delayed cd by Donna Oughtred and the the first frost always cames too worship service in charge off soon. W/e have becn fortunate Bannie Austin; Pearl provided flot ta have had any in Septem- a game and the evcning's pro- ber but when it did corne it ject was explaincd by Berniece was quite severe and two Best. nights in succession for good rnca.urc. The tamata scason was aimast aver and had been Advertjsing Boosts indifficulties, at lcast the goeswrbecause off poor Ttl C-yr. ripcning weather. Many flow- Total Co.sumlpm ion ers growing frcshly with the 0 aiy Pout late abundant maisture wereOf D iy Po ut finished but theNfrost helped ta bring along the mums, and the Canadians increased their dispiay off colourcd leaves- the consumptian off dairy foods al glory off the taîl garden and aiong the line in 1953, accord- i woods. ing ta most recent Bureau off One important event a wcek Statisties reports. Officiais off aga was the birthday party Dairy Farmers off Canada be- whcn Roy Austin entertained ]ievc that their program off ad- his triends; the choir too bas vcrtising and public relations, been busy practicing for the establisbed in 1950, bas spark- anniversary. This wili be the cd industry co-aperatian and is 94th toc this church building. beginning ta pay off in the in- A quilt was in the frames at creased per capita cansumption Mrs. E. Barrowciough's ~of f dairy foods. However, thev Tuesday and tinished the foi- point out that increasing pro- lowing day. This was flot a Red duction of milk and shortening wpg~as held at Part Britain at ducts stili pose grave probiemis Mrs. K. Ashby's on Wedncsçda, toc the industry. n a nd thcee W/. A. members, Mes- There werc at lcast two sig- daines W/. Tufforcl, II. Austini nificant reversais in dairy fao-I and E. Barrowciough attcnded fcansumptian' trends in Canada the thankaffecing meeting off last yeac. Both fluid miik and the W.M.S. in Part Hope onI butter turned upward an a per aild Michelson wha were Thursday afternaan. capita consumption basis, wviti-i re,~~~~ 1omnilFia Thanksgiving wcekend was fiuid milk moving from .85 off a tre thcy cut the, riay1ept quictly bere with absent pint per persan peu day ta .86 as tey ut he edding members off families returning off a pint per day in 1953. But- [owcd. The bride is the ilhome wvhere passible: Mu. and tec consoimption raised from daughter of Mrs. George, Mus. Hauold Barrowcloughi and 20.82 paunds per capita per tnd the groom is the soIPlBi attended the McKay fam- 3crt 08.Rcn ocn Dn, Arnprioî-. vl gathering at the homestead ment reviews give at icast part )CasnSuiPrH on ' Sunday. off the credit for the reversai off y Crso Stdio Pat Hpe Mrs. D. J. Hill off Marvel- the butter consurmption trend 1THE EARLE GREY PLAYERS SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL COMPANY 0F TORONTO wiIl present the comcdy "TWELFTH NIGHT" ln the TOWN HALL BOWMANVILLE WEDNESDAY, Officiai opcning ecremanies of ncwly dccorated auditorium at 8 p.m. sharp. Play begins at 8:15 p.m. Sponsored in Bowmanvillc by the Business & Prafesslonal Women's Club Tickets on sale at McNulty's Sports Slhop, King St. E. I and from members ci£,P (!TAi" T almrebAN flrU1TMA.NVIIY?? ONARI mit11 BETTER YOUR CE 0F WINNING I DALTON'S PRODUCTS CUT NIXED PEEL pg RED GLACE CHERRIES 8-az. CUT MIXE» FRUIT vg CUT CITRON PEEL 8-. 18SC 29c 21c 21c Il' SOFT-ABSORBENT BELSEY 'rISSUE PEEK FREAN-BISCUITS SHIORTBREAD SOUTHERN CROSS SOLID TUNA FISH BEAVER BRAND ROASTED PEANUTS 'VANKIRK-CHOCOLATE IEDDY'S BOOK MATCHES WOODBURY'S-le DEAL BATH SOAP Bath Size CLARKE'S IRISE STEW IL 39c L.27c ced) "p -l. 35C pkg. 2 rails 39C 8-or- pkg. 25c 7-oz. tin 25c 8-of. Cella 2 Ic 81-os. Cella 33C Ctn. of 5o's 3For 29c 15-as. tin 27c J- OSRAI McI4 Spi spr 4. Str( WHITB Str( AAx Mreei AAj arxtei BROOAjax BroKLn'sMree Bro'sMketer PORT PklRn POT PERooRMake DowsonStFdreet Th ere's a RED & WHITE Store in Your District- WA- LITTLE BRITAIN Çenna Super Market Bullock's Groceteria X48 Simcoe St. N. Little Britain roule's Food Store MAPLE GUWVE 272 King St. E. Maple Grove Groceteria roule's Food Store Maple Grave 58 Simcoe St. S. OMNIL roud s Fo d Ma ketYeo's M arketeria 54 Simcoe St. N. 55 King St. E. Li -oud'sý Fond Market 116 Brock St. N. Queen Street 66 King St. E. ORONO Cornish Groceteria Orono PORT HOPE Roberts Bros, Food Store 43 Ontario St. Roberts Uptown Market 276 Ridout St. COBOURG Jeffery Food Market n Pictured above are Wilfred Powers, Fruit Manager of Strouds, and Marge Tilden, CKLB, presenting Mrs. Ken Kubnke of Bowînanville R.R. No. 3 BONELESS ROUND SIRLOIN or WING .STEAK or ROAST SWIFT'S PREMIUM CHEVROLET VEAL FRONT ROLLS CAN WINFRESH SELECT CA WNBEEF LIVER si ) SES OCT. 16 SITSPEU U SHOP AT SLICED SIDE BACON è to increased advertising of the produat. In the past four years cheese has found its way ta Canadian tables in a steadily increasing way. The per capita consump- tion increase was from 5.83 ta 6.03 pounds, a ncw ail-time re- cord. Ice cream was aiso consumed in recard-brcaking quantities in 1953, up from 1.89 gallons per capita per year ta 1.94 gal- lons. Conccntrated milk pro- ducts consumptian increased from 20.30 pounds per capita per year ta 20.78 pound~ Dead Stock Removed Ilighest prices Pald for Dead, Old and CrlPpled Farm Stock. TELEPHONE COLLECT Cobourg 1787 NICK PECONI, 1PETERBOROUGH 2.208 MM/ INR E D'&I WHITE 0:00D 9 8 1 e4 /~ THE CANADIAN STATP-qMAZ- nn'tvm,&Mm.'r.v mmm,&iDTP% OCTOBER 27th Adults, $1.00 Students, 50e No reserved seats 23c 15-or. tin 27c ZE

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