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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Oct 1954, p. 13

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TEUEDÂYOCT. l4th, 1954 j~~ 97ScreecA (9uli By Bon Turner JUNIORS OPEN SEASON poiish and finesse and their Our High School junior strength showed on the longer rugby ttamn got its first chance plays as they succeeded in ta PlaY this year when they making three major scores enhaged in an exhibition gamne which helped to give them an Wth O.C.C.L.'s "A" class squad 18-0 edge when the game end- ,t Friday. ed. Prom the spectators' point 1Ohawa had the advantage of view thaugh, it was a well 5-M a better qualified roster and balanced game and provided &a more experienced team plenty i excitement. Bowman- ainat Bowmanville's ".B" ville made same good plays c dais group. The local teamn which a littie more experience 'vas sporting its new equip- should help ta perfect. MTent and in their red and One thing we noticed was white (school colors) uniforms the conformity of ail the play- and dazzling white helmets ers in appearance when they looked much umarter than #Pt on ail their equipment. Oshawa, at leut when standing X"ou couldn't have recognized stillyour grandmother if she had AlthoMj B.H.S. neyer did been in the lie-up. Despite ý*lake - tally thcy came very the briskness of the weather wciosZparticularly at one time the cheerleaders, sporting mega- liwen a player standing behind phones, put on a very gond dis- the 0shawa touch Une couldn't play catering ta bath sides af get the bail as it passed the field. * alightiy above his outstretched bands. At the samne time they PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB piayed a firly goad defensive There seem ta be a lot of game and tackled everything new clubs 'sprouting up this in sight. In fact ane stary has ycar. One ai the first of these it that ater a particulpotly ta get organized was the rough scrimmage in the Bow- Photography Club. It has a nianville end, halfback Barry following ai about 15 members Cowling was found clenched and should prove to be a very ta anc ai the goal posta. interesting association. The Oshawa played with more President is Bob Carruthers 75 'Years of Faithful Service ta Our Community Experience Leads. To Leadership.aa Leaders.hip provides Services that are imitated but neyer duplicated! (9) One of Ontario's fineat funeral establishments. (b) A distinctive chapel capable of accommodating 200 people. (e) Unhurried counsel and assistance. (d) Service within a fifty mile radius of Bowman- ville wlthout additlonal charge. (e) Convenlent main street and OFF-the-street patklng facilities. (f) Merchandise- ranging f rom the lowest prices i Ontario t. the highest quality available anywhere. ()Cars and drivers at the disposai of the family from the time we are called until the funeral service la completed. (h) A Pre-Need Plan b y whlch funerals can be arranged in advance. (i) 24-Hour service and attendance provided by our staff of four wlth highest qualifications and licensed i our profession. These and many other extra services, finer equipment and careful personal attention cost nothlng more! who shot the form pictures for the Screech Owl magazine last year, and the Secretary-Trea- surer is Betty Gibson. ON THE WING Bowmanvillc relmy ran away with the Inter-Schoal Meet at Port Hope winning six of the seven cups and iasing the re- maining anc by anly twa points. Under the surveillance ai the Pire Chief a mack fire almrm went off last week and every- one poured outside. None oi the pupils seemed ta mmnd the interruption. Our Latin teacher, Mr. Sher- idan, is gaing ta play hockey with the Bowmmnville Barons this 'ear. We wonder what his position is. Lattas dcxtrum, maybe? 11 We noticed John Stacey, a student ai B.H.S. last year, at the rugby game on Fridmy. He is now attendirîg Rycnuon. Foliowing the big game the heroes ai the gridiron returned ta the dressing room hot and grimey. Aiter a few minutes had passed Willie Hooper rounded the corner smiling broadly and swinging a near empty water bucket. Holding it forth he joyfully exclaim.ed: 'Water, anyone?" Byd Henning Wins Triple and Single ln Durham Bowling Bud Henning took aven bath the high triple and high single scores in Durham Bowling League action last Friday night by chalking up scores ai 740 and 359 rcspectively. Neil Bailey stili holda t he hi gh average with- a respectable 222 ha we ver. Baw'viile Foundry 11998 23 Palmer Motor Sales 11707 19 Biackstack- 10816 19 A. & P. 10971 17 Foresters 11910 16 Mapie Grave- 10880 15 L.O.L., No. 2384 11219 14 Eînniskillen No. 2- 11186 14 McNulty's Sparts- 11353 il Enniskiilen No. 1 10684 Il Tyrane---- -- . -- --- 10805 9 Hampton------ -10028 0 '1. Neil Bailey 222 2. N. Henning 220 3. Bud Henning 212 4. Keith McGill ---- --210; 5. Hap Palmer 209 6. Frank Smith 219 7. Jim Leyitt 207 8. Jim Thompson 206 9. John Stacey ----205 '10. Ted McLaughlin ------ 200 Lemon League: R. Coombes, 97; H. Stevens, 95; Ron Ashton, 88. McMullens Attend Little N.H.L. Show HeId in Toronto The executive and a plaai and coach irom each commui ity with teams entercd in ti Little N.H.L. last winter wei guests ai Mn. Graham, Vie President ai the Simpson-Seaî Ca. in Toronto last WednesdE evening. Newcastle was repi sented by Wayne ýIcMullei and his father and coach, Frai McMullen. yer in- he ere a«s ay The group were guests at a banquet at the Diana Sweets Restaurant on Bloor Street where Syl Apps and Joe Prirn- eau were the guest speakers. Follawing the banquet, the boys were taken tai Maple Leaf Gardons and were outiitted in Mapie Loaf Hockey Club uni- forms and piayed a hall hour game against Future NHLers (a teani composed ai younger membens ai Leaf Player's fam- ilies). Following this game the group were given tickets ta at- tend the Mapie. Leaf-Hornets game being played in the Gar- dens that evening ta round out a very enjoyable evening's en- tertainment for these boys, their coachesand members of b. THE, CANADIAN STATESM Onie Etche Leads Ladit Averages i Av. Games 1 Lil Phillips -- --- - 199 9il Vi Coole - -------- - 193 9 1 LydidO Bates .---------- 192 91 Mary Walters ------ 192 9: Eva Whitehead ------ -- 187 91 Bantams Wind lWith Turkey Bê The players ai the Bowman- ville Bantam Legionnaires base- bahl team and a number ai guests onjoyed a fine turkey banquet in the Legion Hall last Fnîday evening ta wind up a successiul season and celebrate winning the championship ai the Lakeshore Bantam "B" Basebali League. An excellent turkey dinnen was served ta the boys by the Ladies' Auxiliary ai the Cana- dian Legian. Turkeys for the dinner were supplied by Cecil Mutton and the rest ai the meal and sait drinks were provided by the Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Legian. Foilowing the banquet Man- ager Murray McKnight thank- ed the Ladies' Auxiliary mem- bers for serving the meal, and the vote ai thanks was accept- ed an behali ai the ladies by Mrs. Jack Knight. Mr. Mc- McKnight pointed out that this year was the finsti time in hîs- tory that a Bowmanville team had won the championship ai the Lakeshore Bantp.m "' League and congratuiated the players an their fine play and good sportsmanship this sum- mer. Coach Jim Richards also Deputy Minister at Boys' Training School Cadet Inspection The Bowmanville Boys Train- ing Sehool Cadet Corps No. 2464 received their anual inspection an Wednesday evoning ai last week when Colonel Hedley Bashor, Deputy Minister ai Re- ionm Institutions for the Prov- ince ai Ontario reviewed the cadets. Supenintendent J. J. Brown and Assistant Supenin- tendent J. Pankhill aiso took part in the event. The occasion manked the second annual prosontation ai the Coi. Basher Tray which is given ta the traop demonstrat- ing tho best eiiiciency in march- ing and ahi-round performance aven the year. The tray was won this year by Baker Traap Who took it away irom Charlie Troop, last year's winners. Eighty-iive boys took part in the review which was held under fioodlights in the field sauth ai the gymnasium. The cadets looked veny smart in thein new uniiorms and with their new issue rifles highiy poiished. Training Officers Present The Deputy Minister was ac- companied by Captain Evans, training aificer ai the area on the march past salute and in- spection ai the troops. Col. Basher praised the work ai the officers ai the school who have taken aver the training ai the boys and tumned them into one ai the smartest gnaups ai their type in the province. The aificers included in the words ai praiso were Lieutenants AI Cuth- bentson, John Graham, Al West, William Rabb, and the Schoi's Recreational Director Bill Bag- neil. f Aer the review, Col. Basher gathered the boys around him in a semi-circie, and gave them a iniend-ta-fniend talk, that in- ciuded his hope that more boys wouid be able ta join the corps, if theyv sa desired. "Reports reaching my office by the officers in charge of the 10-day summer training period at the reserve army camp held each year at Paint Petre inciud- ed nothing but the highest praise for the conduct and eiiicioncy ai you boys", the Colonel said. He misa told the boys that their training at the school would give them a firm foothold, shouid anv memben wish ta make the armv thein caneer aiter graduation and upon coming ai age. "Thore is nothing finer than a lufe i1 the armed forces," saîl Coi. Baser. I i i E-ml * LAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ___________________________________PAGE TWMITEEN On Monday, October 4th, Em- ma Brommaeli and Ruth Barclay came up with three nice 200 games with Emma's giving her top honoura for hîgh triple, 648; Ruth only nine pins behind.- Good going, girls! Lii Phillips is stili holding her own at the top with an verage ai 199 and Vi Coôle coming Up there fast. This week we had twa lucky drmws. Ena Etcher receives* a gift donated by the John and Judy Shoppe and Molly Badger (iucky me) a gift donated by Ricicabys. Eleanor Larmer bowled a nice 241 which awards her the cen- tificate donatcd by Mr. Breslin for high single, while Olive Moi- fatt receives a certificate irom Mr. Bresiin for her low,1 low game. There were quite a iew 200 games this week,, 50 here are ai few high triples: Emma Brom-1 meli 648, Ruth Barclay 639, Lydia Bates 625, Eleanor Larm- er 611, Helen Piper 603 and Bernice Budai 600. Our Lemon League is fainly smali this wedk but here goes: Audrey Martin 97, Norma Hoop- er 97, Jean Patrick 93, Sadie Bucknell 92, Donna Walker 86, Muriel Halroyd 85, Rena Bath- gate 80 and 59, Helen Lockhart 83, Dorothy Virtue 76. Olive Mai- 1 fatt 54.1 SPECAL. week with Mrs. Wm. Uglaw. A very pleasant fiitieth wed- ding anniversary took place on Sunday, Oct. 10th at the home ai Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reich- rath when about seventy-fîve friends from Oshawa, Bowman- ville, Newcastle and Newton- ville, called ta ofier their con- gratulations. The event was made ail the more pleasant be- cause the recipients were total- iy unawai-c qi what was ta take place until a few hours pre- vious. The iaxnily had looked mter *Il the details not forget- ting a shoulder corsage for mother and a rosebud for fth- er. An abundance ai bemutiful faîl ilowers were artistically rranged thr4,ugh the roams. The next morning the groom ai fiity years ago remarked to his iamily that he icît twcnty years yaunger. Sa here la hop- ing that they will be spared to enjay many more yeats. Ottawa collects about $30 million a weck through indi. rect taxes. Of Ottawa's total annual re- venues, nearly three dollars out ai four came irom sources ather r fs Tecm NE WTON VILLE Mrs. Cecil Robinson has been g on the sick list and under thec E " B oy/lina doctor'a care hsptwek 1 Mr. Ed. Samis undcrwent a1 17 9major operatian at Memorimi Bernice Budai18 91 Hospital, Bowman v i 11le, on Anna Strike-- 186 9: Thursday. Kayt Beaurie 180 9 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bonnett, Eima olow 179 ' Toronto, spent the holiday at MrmaBrrionmi 179 9' the Robb cottage. Mar Harisn 1 9 ý Mr. and Mrs. Cltnton Farrow Donie Etcher - 178 and son Glenn and lier father, o t Cri 178 9 Mr. Stanley Bowen, motared Duth Brclay 178 9 ta Huntsville on Sunday. RhlnBara 177 e Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Red-r Mole MiprNul-t-- 176 9 knap spent the holiday week- Anita Nicke-----son-- 176 9 end with Mr. and Mns. Edgar Helnit Duknn------176 9 Whîttaker, Hamilton. HaelnDavis------- 173 9 Mr. and Mrs. Lew Cunning- aElavis--Larmer ----171 9 ham, Belleville. with Mr. and JleanorLxton- - 170 9 Mrs. Arnold Wade. Mary Wilcox .----- 170 9 Mr. and Mrs. Henryr Reich- Lii Hooper.-------- 170 ' i'ath and daughter Carol, Mont- Doris Joli ------ ---- 169à 9 real, and Mr. and Mns. Jas. Lola Wright ---- - 16à 9 Adams and family, Toronto, Norma Gay ---------- -168 9 with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Molly Badger 165 9 Reîchrath. Reva Parker ----- 164 1 Miss Martha Hamnilton, Belle- Amy Wnacot 164 1 ville, with her niece, Mrs. J. Jean Pairey- 163 9, E. Van Allen. Ev Sweetman----- 163 .1 Mr. Bud Jones, Montreal, Edna Large ----- 163 and Miss Shirley Jefis, Nap- Hig sigleElenorLareranee, with Mr. and Mns. Wiilis Highsinle-Eeanr Lamer .1Jones. 241: high tiple-Emma Brom-1 Miss Drury, Toronto, with meil, 648; high average-Lil! her sister, Mrs. Ernest Eiey. Phillips, 199. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Berry Team Standings land Mrs. Frank Anderson and son Neil, Morrish, with Mrs. Points Pins Cecil Walkey: Onie Ethcher--------- 19 7688 Mrs Victoria Bruce, Ban- Vi Coole ---------- 19 7622 croit, 'with Mr. and Mrs. Ray- Eleanor Larmer 17 8219, mand Bruce. Doris Joli ------------ 14 7535i Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Gil- Lydia Bates------- Il 77691 mer and son, Stewart, Ottawa, Bernice Budai 11i 7224 with his mother, Mrs. Frank Kay Beauprie ---- 9 7695 Gilmer. Olive Patfieid ------ 7 I5 Miss Alice Nesbitt, Toronto, Lil Phillîps ----------- 5 7382 with her sister, Miss Annie Norma Gay---------- 5 7038 Nesbitt. Helen Dunn ----- 5 6823 Mrs. Rod Gilmour (nee Pat Hazel Davis ------- 2 6582 Ware), Toronto, with her grand-'e parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Ovens. Her husband, Mr. Gil- mour, and her father, Mr. Ken Up Season Ware, were north hunting. ~nqu t Frday liam Whittaker who will be 88 anqu t Frday an Oct. l4th, 1954. Mrs. Whit- taker is at present with her thanked the boys for their fine daughter, Mrs. Win. Chester, cooperation and congratulated Oshawa. them on winning the cham- Mr. and Mrs. G. Oemega have purchased a home in Bow- pianship. manvilie and maved there at Promises Continued Support the end ai the week. They Vice-President Jack Knigit 'h ave one son and one daughter of the Canadian Legian stated Newtonville United Church that the Legion had been hap- was the setting on Saturday, py this year ta sponsor the Oct. 9th, for t he wedding ai team ta the extent of buying Mabel Aileen, daughter ai Mn. their sweaters, caps and samne and Mrs. Wilber Ogden. ta af thcir baseballs. He said that Wiibert Moreton Hendorson, next year the Legian hopes ta son ai Mr. and Mns. Wm. Hen- back the team ta an even derson. Rev. S. J. Pike oiiic- greater extent and ta pravide iated. full uniforms for the players. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Haskill Legion Sports Officers Bill and son Stephen, Toronto, wlth Bates aisa assured the toam Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade. membens ai the catinued sup- Mrs. Margaret Day, Torontoj port ai the Legian and stated with Mr. and Mrs. Clintoni that the organization had been Brown. happy ta help sponsor such a Mrs. Don Powell, Elzaet 1~ fine graup ai boys, ville, spent a iew days last 1 ;_ SAVE $19,e95 011 HEATER _____WITH 50,000 B.T.U. Heat Oltput Your choice of t'a beautôlul Y colcurs . . . Shodawed Mahag- ooy or Blonde Hammrloid. Coleman 011 Hecter (as illustrat.d) 99.95 Coleman Power BIower --- 29.95 Cost Normally - -------- --- $129.9C - fteuzh up to 5 or 6 om wIth nouml cfroÀuliiP" directed worm oir of floor I.vel. MAT N& omo-wr Liiindev BUY NOW AND Hardware 7King St. E. BowmanvillePhnMA357 Ithe Little N.H.L. Executi ve. Bowman ville High School Niaght School POSSIBLE COURSES Should a sufficient number register the following courses will be offered.! TYPE WRI TI NG (for beginners) E N GL ISH - ai High School level MATRICULATION SUBJECTS floue Clanes will ho held Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7:30 to 9:30 and are open to everyone who is not affsnding day school. FEE $5.00 Must be paid on first night of course Accommodation in ail classes is limited REGISTER AT HIGH SCHOOL THURS., OCT. 7 or THURS., OCT. 14 Between 7:30 and 9:30 CLASSES BEGIN TIJESDAY, OCTOBER 19tb Total twenty weeks 1 L. W. DIPPELL; Principal. YOURS FOR ONLY *10 9.93 SAVE $19e95 1- 1 1 m 1 ATTENTION! YOUR RIGHT ADDRESS FOR DUTCH CLOTHING IS C. A. DENHERTOG 66 King St. W. Bowmanville (Above The Canadian Statesman Office) r 6Dem't try à 'Bondy-bien' - C#Ml a MIatiamg Exp.wt" '%-- BECAUSE tIS SPOT IS '114E ONLY WARM ONE IN THIS ROOMt 7ATeS wHY!# Aiwa'Ys CaOU a RoIiabIe Heating Contracter for Expert Workmainship-Quality Materiali Try Le A, PARKER & SONS PLUMBING HEATING- OIL DUR NERS 17 KiNd ST. E. -BOWMANXVILLE- MA 3-5651 O .FFER Phone MA 3-5774

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