I *.q.. fttIoeA, . r. , 10m Institute Serves Turkey Maple Grove Champs ln Jr. Football League A Camplimentary dinner ai roast turkey with alla ai thse trimrnmiIlwuas erved by the tute te tise champion Trail Ran- 4, er saccer tcam and their e.JuSts on tise evening ai Oct. e0t Guests included Bey. L. SSomnervîlle, Mr. and Mrs. E. Youngman, Mn. and Mn&. Han- Svey Brooks, Mn. and Mrs. Rab- ent Hicks, Coachs Howard Brad- rley and Mns. Bradley, Club laders, Bon Brooks and friend, MIESs M. Rodman and Mn. Wm. Laird, Mrs. Laird, Ross Met- calte and Jimmy Cryderman. At thse conclusion ai tise dinner tise ]ad,' were thanked on be- haîf ô«-%~e boys by Don Flint. d ollowing tise dinner, presi- decnt Mns. Cecil Milîs presîded for tise negular October meet- ing when the Trail Rangera as a group wene guesta ai tise evening. Business conducted încliîded plans for tise home nursing course wbich will commence on Oct. 26tb 'at 7 p.m. at tise *cisurcis. Miss Lena Taylor pub- lie healtis nurse, will be ln charge ai tise course. members ta purchase tise Red Cross books At 25c. eacis. Mrs. Chas. Snawden and Mrs. Chas. Kerr were appointed ta look after tise chatering ai a bus for tise area convention day af Nov. 4th. Wisen a Maple Grave gentle- man brings a bride from an other community it is custom- ary for tise W.I. in a spirit ai Welcome and good-will ta pre- sent tise newly -we ds with a amaîl gift. On this occasion Mrs. Mills presented scisool principal Mr. R. Hicks and bis bride with a magazine rack and a complimentary card. Aften a warm "thank yotu" from tise recipients, Ross Metealfe led ln singîng "Fan They Are Jol- ]y Good Fellows". Mns. Morley Flintoff canven- er ai cammunity activities and public relations was in charge cf tise pnagram. Mrs. W. H. Brown spoke on tise motta, "Happy homes do flot happen; they are tise result ai comblned effort". Mns. Brown aaid, "we do not always have sunny weathen non would we warittit". It takes bath clouds and sunsisine in tise fulfilment of lufe ai human being as in tise realm ai nature. In making a 'happy home we face bath laud and sunsisine, while being goad nd doing good. Happy homes ,em.e fnom peace and under- nding and tise strength wbich carnes from tise union and ca- operation af ail. Thougi tisere is physical hunger in tise world tisene is tise gneater hunger for eand appreciation. Among 'eral "ights ai a child" is tise '8 important one af tise ight ta a good example by Chris- tian parents. Mrs. Brown con- cluded, with a poem, "It takes mo little ta make us glad". Mn. Samerville expre.ssed r bis appreciation of being Eguest of the boys and spa) ebriefly an the value to your .peopIqp af the study of natur .in the wonderiul world aboi; rthem and mentioned that th *Boy Scouts of America hav been asked ta study conserva tion af natural resources fo *their good deed next yeai Mrs. Flintoff turned the re mainder af the program ove ta the boys. Leader Ron Brook took the chair and asked th~ soccer team and the new exe cutive ta take a baw. Mr. Harvey Brooks introduc ed the guest speaker, Mr. E Youngman of Pontypool, chie forester of the Ganas-aska pro ject area. After relating a re cent interesting experience ii the planting of trees in smal amounts of soul on the rock north of Lindsay, Mr. Young man told the story of a trip t( Alberta with his wife to visiý their son and to attend the Calgary Stampede. From several amusing inci dents along the way and fror experiences of Western hospi tality, where folk.s are not sý far from' frontier life came sev. eral lessons for human beha vior. In regard to the thrills oi the stampede littie was omit- ted: flot even the crueltv of thý sacrifice of life and limb for thc entertainment and competitior l of the show. From it ail CaME a great example of true sports. manshîp. A fine program of music wa, enjoyed consisting of violij solos by Mr. Hicks with Ros. Metcalfe at the piano and pi- ana solos by Jimmy Cryder- m~an. Mr. Wmi. Laird thanked Mr. Youngman for his intersting contribution to the program, the ladies and other, program guests. Mrs. Flintoff and her group served sandwiches, cookies, tea and milk chocolate. There were araund thirty boys pres- ent. Thanks are extended tc Glen Rae Dairy for milk cho. colate hnd to Mr. Cecil Millh for donation toward the dinner. .Stafford Bros. Monumental Works Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND> MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention ta detai] are your assurance whcn you choose from the wîde selection of iniported and doamestie Granites and Marbies istock. THE DURHAM COUNTY DISTRICT CON VENTION of thse Ontario Farmers' Union to be held Thursday, October 21 8:30 p.m. at BETHANY, ONTARIO Guest Speaker, MR. A. V. CORMACK -and others Ali farmers lnterested ln a better future are urired te attend Motorola.Te.V. It's the BIG NEWS for '55 The Big Look.. A newly designed, more compact picture tube gives, you far more viewing area. Be among the first>ï,own a new Motorola TV - with the revolu- tionary "BIG LOOK" picture. from $205 Farm Equipment& Aufomotive TOM COWAN, Proprietor 134 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILL E MA 34889 TI!E CM<ADIAIf STATESMAI, EOWMAN-mlL, ONTARIO I. a îg Ire lut he ve ks re- ef in ;i le Lake Shore, Clarke Mrs. Merîdetis and Mr.' Moi- fat, Bowmanville, were Sun- rday visitors with Mn. and Mns. ýgGeorge Skelding. 1, Mn. and Mrs. Robin Alldred rand iamily spent Friday even- ing with Mn. and Mns. Fred pHenderson, Newtanville. S, Mn. and Mrs. Ahf. Brown -ea nd family spent Sunday witb ;_ Mn. and Mrs. Bill Lake. 0 Miss Blanche Wotten and Mrs. James MeGregar, Osha- ýwa. with Mn, and Mrs. Cyril rAvery. -ICongratulations ta tise New- c astle Bantam Baîl Team on winningtise O.B.A. champion- shi p. Morley and Everett Lake are membens ai tise team. Mn. an-d Mrs. George Skeld- ing Jr., Newcastle, and Miss Nancy Lake isad dinner Sunday evening with Mn. and Mrs,. George Skelding. NESTLETON Tise Nestleton W. I. met attse home ai Mrs. E. Sues, Oct. 6tb, witis 19 ladies'and some cisildren present. Tise meeting, in charge ai Mrs. L. Joblin's graup, opened With tise Ode, followed by tise Collect. Tise motta "What tise wonld needs is more kindness", was given by Mns. J. Watson.! ,Mrs. Sues, Community Activities and Public Relations Convener, gave a splendid reading an "Tise S.t. Lawrence Seaway". Plans were made fan tise exhibit for, Blackstock Fair, also fan tise W..1 Convention in November. Raoll! cail "Little things tisat make life beautiful" was well answered. Tisere were several thank you notes nead. Wea ah sang "Tise Maple Leaf" and same otiser. sangs and closed with "'God Save tTise Queen". Mrs. L. Joblin put on a contest which was won by, M ns. C. Wilson. Mns. Wilson moved a vote ai thanks ta Mrs. Sues for another splendid meet- ing in ber home, also ta tise group in charge. Next meeting at Mrs. Marvin 1¶esbitt's home, in cisarge ai Mrs. R. Davison's group.1 Mn. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm, and farnily spent Sunday even- ing witis Mn. and Mrs. George, Black ta watch television. Mr. and Mrs. Victor MalcolmI entertained tise quartette oný Tuesday evening. Tbey areý pnactising ta sing at Cadmus and Bunketon. Miss Gladys Emerson, R. Oshawa,' spent a few dava witis bier parents, Mr. and Mis. Mv., Emerson.1 Mrs. K. Samelîs, Mrs. G.! Johsns, Mrs. M. Emerson and Mrs.! D. Beacock attended tise Mis- sionary Rally at Tyrone on Tues-: day aitennoon, Oct. 5tb. Mn. Francis Inwin, Toron ta, spent a few days witis bis sister, Mrs. Herbent Vine. Mrs. Victor Malcolm, Wayne and Brenda, visited Mn. and Mrs. L. Joblin. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Palmer and iamily, Langstaff, visited tieir cousins, Mn. and Mrs. George Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Robent Sadler, Bowmanviile, visited Mr. Wil- fred Williams and Mn. and Mns. Ralpis Sadler. Congratulations ta Miss Anna Samelîs who won first pnize for, ber sînging at Blackstock Pair j night, also congratulations ta! Miss Gloria Sadler who won 2nd pnize fon ber singing tise samne night. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Middleton and Gardon. Malton. spent tise week-end witis Mn. and Mns. H. Vine. Congratulations ta Mn. Edward Armstrong wiso celebrated bis 86tis bintiday on Tisunsday, Oct.i 7th. Tise Nestleton W.A. and W.M. S. will meet at tise home oi Mrs. Adelbert Beacack an Tueaday,1 Oct. l9tis, in change ai Mn.. Bea- coek's gnou p Mn. and M ns. Victor Malcolm, Vernon and Mark visited Mn. and Mrs. George Kerr, Yelven-! toni. on Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boe and .Andrea, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Emerson and family_ Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Frank1 Emerson and Mary, Toronto;j M4r. and Mrs. Menvin Bird and1 family. Brooklin, were gueste of Mrn. and Mn.. M. Emersan. Hefty Heave for New Record ENFIELD Mn. and'Mrs. George Gibson, Taunton; Mr. and Mrs. George Harper, Fac and Sharen, Utica, visited at E. Prescottfs. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stinson and fami]y, Toronto, visited at tise Stinson home. Mn. and Mrs. W. C. Pansons, Miss Laverne Orcisard, Bowman- ville, vîsited at G. Bowman's. Mn. and Mrs. Bob Parr and family visited at Mn. D. Mc- Lean's, Blackstock. Mr. an-d Mrs. Elmer Lee and family visited witis Mr. Chester Lee's, Wbitby.1 1 Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Pascoe were Sunday tea guests witis Mrs. E. W. Pascoe, Brooklin. Mns. Elmer Lee entertained a few iniends on tise occasion ai ber isusband's birtbday. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ormiston on tise an- .Aav vO rrrumÀ6 Blackstock Institut* Makes Donation to Cartwright Fair Mrm. A. L. Eailey opened her home for the October meeting oi Blackstock Women'a Imati- tute. Following the Institute Ode and Mary Stewart Collect, the President, Mrs. Lorrie Tbompsan welcomed the viuit- ors. Reports were given by the cammittees in charge oi exhi- bits at Port Perry and Orono Fairs. The Treasurer's report showed a balance ai $255.26. Twenty-iive dollars af this amount was vated to thse Elack- stock Fair Boàrd. Arrangements were made ta charter a bus for the annual Women's Institute Convention In Toronto, Noveznber 3, 4, 5. The day chosen b y the mem- bers is Thursday, November 4, and it la haped that a large number of ladies will arrange to attend thse Convention at that time. Thse roll eall was answered by "A new develapment in Agriculture or a vegetable and, its vitamin content." Mns. Han- old McLaughlin read an amus- ing account of a busy grand- mothers activities, entitled, "The End of a Perfect Day". Mrs. Lloyd Beacock's piano solo was enthusiastically ap- plauded and the address af the afternoon was delivered by Me. Glen Larmer. Glen gave a most interesting and comprehensive report af bis two years at Kemptville Agricuitural School The group in charge senved a veny bountifuil lunch ta the 43 people prescrit. It was an- nounced that the November meeting will be beld at the home ai Mna. Vennon Assel- stine. FL 001 MODEL Clearanc of FRIGIDAIRE PROD'UCTS FOR ONE WEEK ONLY 9.1 cu. ft. Frigidaire Refrigerator Full width freezer chest, butter keeper, racks on the door Regular $369 Clearance $289 nival of thelr daughter alsa to Mr. andf Mrs. Ronald ôke who are the praud parents ai twifl girls. The folk fram this community gatbened in Enniakillen Hall ta celebrate the appnoaching mar- riage af Misa Lais Ormiston and Mr. Irvine Puckrin. Mr. Wallace Pascae called the meeting taonder and ofiered the best wishes ai the community toi tise young couple who received a lange number af beautiful and practical gif ts. The evening was spent in dancing and viaiting, follawcd by lunch. For aur Thanagiving service and concert aee Coming Events. Thse W.A. bazaar isas been postponed until Oct. 2th and will be held at the home ai Mrs. Donald and Mrs. Edgar Prescott. KENDAL Miss Colleen Low and parents, Belleville, visited in London aven the holiday. Mn. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux and Miss Theressa Couroux vis- ited Mn. and Mrs. Ray Moore in Toronto, Sunday. Thenessa re- mained for a holiday. Messrs. Herb Reynolds and Fred Warren have had televisian sets installed recently. M-r. and Mrs. George Mercer and family visited in Oshawa Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Cy Elsev. Miss Irene Inchs af Windsor1 spent thse holiday at her home near Cobourg and visited some of ber Kendal friends on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pattonl visited their family in Peter- borough on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mencer weret in Toronto, Sunday. Mirs. N. McKay came back with them. Holiday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kennedy were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Woodward, and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Collett and daughters, Port Credit. Special interest la being taken in thse evening annivensary service of Kendal United Chuncis, Sunday, Oct. 24th, when Port Hope Maie Choir are in charge of the service. Tise monning service is being taken by Rev. Harding of Welcome. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mercen en- joved a Thanksgiving dinner Monday evening with Mr-. and Mrs. Geoirge Mencer and family. Thse last known passenger pigeon, a bird that existed in Canada in thse billions less than a bundred years ago, died in captivity in tise Cincinnati zoo in 1914. made and committees appoint- employed in manufacturing. STÀRK VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Cisarles Yule, Miss Barbara Barclay and friend, Oshawa, spent Sunday at Mr. Ewart Robinson'&. 1 Mn. and Mrs. Llew Halloweil and Jim, were supper guests at Mr. Orme Falls', Sunday. Mns. Warren Carson and lamily sap cnt Sunday with Mns. WjIson, Perrytwn. Mr. and Mrs. G. Baundy and Bruce, Port Hope, visited Mibs Alice Hallowell, recently. Mn. and Mrs. Carl Todd and fanilly, spent Sunday witi Mir. and Mrs. Henry Bowen, New- castle. Mn. and Mr&. Allen Cornish and Dennis, Toronto, visited Mn. and Mrs. Victor Faî-row. Miss Mary Hallowell attend- cd a shawer in Port Hope, Wed- nesday evening for Miss Gerry Rowden. Fcllowship Circle met at Shi- lois last week with a goad at- tendance. Mr. M. Staples, Or- ono. gave a fine address on Friendsisip and lunch was serv- ed atter tise meeting. Nursery scisool staî-ted at Mns . Westheuser's on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Stone, Orono, visited Mrs. F. Stone. Mrs. G. Plum, Toronto, spent tise week-end at lier brother', Mr. Arthur McKay and Suniday; tbey entertained tise membe-s ai the family at Thanksgiving dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Little, ,Gary and Dennis, Healy Falls, and Mrs. Tisas. Falls. Kendal, were guests at Mr. Llew Hal- lowell's, Manday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Souch and family, visited Mrs. J. Wan- flan and Jean, Kirby. Mr. Delbert Hallowell, To- ronto, visited bis father, Mr Jake HalIowell, during thse w ee ke n d Mr. and Mrs. Allen Stewart and family and Mrs. Fred FaILs, Peterboro, spent tise weckend with Mn. and Mrs. Leonard Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robin- son and daughters in Peterboro, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim were at their Cottage recently. Shilos W. A. was entertain- ed by Mrs. Pike at the parson- age last week with a fine at- tendance. Mrs. Jim Stark had charge of tise Devotional pro- gram witis Mrs. Ewart Robin- son reading the scripture. Final plans for thse bazaar were Apartment, Model Frigidaire Refrigerator Delivered in crate These are not floor models but xvili be delivered direct in the crates in which they came Clearance $219 ALL MODELS EQUIPPED WITH AUTOMATIC DEFROST j -~- - Ted Dowmanville NEW MODEL Frigidaire Range Full 40 inch top with large oven, warming oven and util- ity drawer, deep well coaker and full width fluorescent lamp across the back. Special $309 li' FamIly sIre Frigidaire Refrigerator c1i u. ft., full width freezer across the top, butter keeper racks on the door Regular $319 Clearance $239 AT NO EXTRA CHARGE 1 N OL HAVE YOL> INVESTIGATED THE ADVANTAGES 0F A FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC DRYER? DO YOU KNOW WHY THE FRIGIDAIRE AUTOMATIC WASHE R IS BETTER? Inquire about our stock of used Frigidlaire Appliances Woodyard!,s Appliances Orono Bob li-annah, shown above, ail set to make one of his long-distance heaves with the shot, set a new Junior record in the shot put event at the Tri-School Track and Field meet held in Port Hope on Wednesday of last week. Competing against athietes from Port Hope and Cobourg High Schools, he made a record heave of 38 feet, 21/4 inches to beàt the old mark of 35 feet, 4¼/ inches set in 1952 by a Cobourg boy. Bowmanville students set a total of 10 new records in individual and relay events. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope ed. blrs. Dobsan gave a read- Iing aAkd Bey. and Mra. Pike a duet. "'In Thse Garden." Aiter lunch was served, Miss Norma Hallowell cxtended words af tisanks on behaîf oi the ladies ta Rev. ' and Mrs. Pike for tise pleasant evening et their home. Mrs. Ewant Robinson Invlted the ladies ta ber home for tise November meeting. In recent athletic activities, it was pleasing ta aur commun- ity that Charles Trim gained a high record. Whai Others Say BEHAVIOUR 0F PRICES (Farmer's Advocate) Under a system of free enter- prise one would expect food prices at tise retail level ta rise and fail in harmony with the fluctuation in prices at the farm gate. It doesn't work out just that way, as everyane knows, and tise Agicultural Committee of the U.S. House af Repre- sentatives dccided ta find out why. After a thor-ougis statis- tical suî-vey the cammittee canW out with tise gloomy pronaunce- ment tisat: "Consumers can expcct little benefit, isowever, from tise low- er farnm pîices unless recent tendencies ta increase market- ing and processing charges are cuirbed." Thse committee sized up tise situation in this mnanner: O4ut of each dollar spent by thse Arnerican isousewife for foods, 56 cents goca for pracess- ing, marketing and transporta. tion charges. "The farnier receives 44 cents, of wbich 30 cents meets tise cast af producing his crap." With thse housewife's food dol- lar she is paying for mare than fôod, it seemns, and tise cost ai transportation, service, packagi- ing, taxes, and rentals are sti. 1 going up, wbile the price ai what tise farmen bas ta sel la going down. If a wizard anywisere can de- vise a method of by-passing many af tise folderols and ai getting food, in goad condition, at lesp cost, fromn producer to consumier, he will perform a tre- mendous public service. In value ai pr-oduction, man- ufacturing leads agriculture in tise province of Manitoba. About 15 per cent of Can- ada's total labor force is direct- ly employed in agriculture and about 26 per cent is directly PAGE 1PUPTUM Orono 1