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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Oct 1954, p. 18

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THE CANADIAN STATESM, EOWMMqVILLEONTARIO THtTRSMAT, OCT. 14th, 1061 Turn F Addifional 1 BIB' JOHNSON-Dot Johnson are har the birth of tl Walter Alex, at pital, Bowman October 12, li pounds, 13 oufl( MOTYL-Mr. an Dryden, Ont., (r rack), wjsh ta an: of their daughte Born in Wes Toronto, Ont., c MUIR-Rarierto Osborne) wish t, safe arrivai of Gail Patricia (6 Memorial Hospita on October 6th sister for Robert STUTT-A daug stacia (Stacie), t Jas. Stutt. at Mer Bowmanville, Oc- TRELEAVEN-D H. Treleaven,1 Betty Gasietti vw the birth of their liard, at Kingstor pitai on Thursdaý A brother for AI]. ENGAGI The engagemen of Mary Lois, dai Victor Wagg of IV, ta Mr. Sidney Janr of the late Mr. anc L. Brown, New~ marriage ta take pE October 30 in Ma Church. DEAT: ASHTON, Frederii Toronto East Ger on Sunday, Oct. 1 erick T. Ashtan, in Beloved hugbanc Martin, 120 Lawlo. to; dear father of]I A. Densem), Miss1 Amy (Mrs. E. L. D (Mrs. F. D. Hubbs) igan; Bill, Enniskill of Toronto, and thE Ashton; dear brai Jennie Pascae, B Service was at the Funeral Hame,F -Rd., Toranto, an interment Pine Hi CANN, Harold-In rhursday, Octobei Harold Carna, in h Rested at Narthci Funeral Home, 53 Bowmanville. Serv Octaber 9th at 3:30 ment Bawmanville PRISE. Arthur-Ai 66 Atlas Ave., Torc .esday, October 6, Frise, belopved husbi eth Frise, and fatin ý. Elliott (Betty) o :)nt. Services werE ýhapel of MeDougal ,td., with intermer kt Glendale Mema] 'EWELL--At Met-n 3awmanville, on Fr 954, John Wesley l4 years, beloved dna Fielding and ýf Mary. Service he Morris FuneralC aanvil1e. an Monda: o'clock, Intermez ille Cemetery. DUCH-At Stratl orne. Bawmanville, kct. 12, 1954, Agnes ,idow of Walter O, ear rnother (if Lola mer Cox>, Enid M, ?y Burgess), B eigh ton M,, Orval E ,of Oshaw,ýa. Re: mneral Home of P mith, 53 Division Si lle. Service Thurs C1 C C L B r 8. E' Oi th m de E LE Sn v.l s' -W. E Me Lo r vhi dat net da Ch 13, ma hor Sur 8 t the. versary. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bowrnanville. will be their friends at the L rnunity Centre, Beec] Friday, October 15, fr and 7 ta 10 p.m., on th of their 35th Wec niversar-.y Found ONE Hostein heifer, Con. 6. Isaac Hard: MLA 3-2184. Lost WILL mhoever borrowl tension ladder please Dr. V. IL Storey. >aefr*Articles For Sale Articles For Sale AUCTION SALE Work Wanted Auciion sales Real Estate For Sale Real Estate forS SPACE heater, large size. Phone IMcCLARY electrjc range, dlean 70 HEAD 0F BEEF CATTLE HESIC Gadpcteg- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE EVANS REAL ES T MA 3-5868. 41-1* condition, four rings, automatic 8 HOJtSES, BREEDING EWES ighoTTn G MAn-37 ic.t9ed The undersigned auctioneer Properties Sold. Rented, For horn-s, farms tba C lassified OTROptte,7 bb ags ven heat, best offer. Jackson, SWINE AND POULTRY îgPoeM -76 has received instructions from Maaged and Appraised farms. building lots,atr j __________ONAROpoates 7 l. agMaple Grave, R.R. 3, Bowman- 200 TONS HAY - GRAIN PLASTERING, chimney ui-MisBachaana eia delivered in Bowmanville. Phone ville, south at Sheli Station. bid isBaceKyt ela ,THS MA 3-2473. 31-tf 41-1* CORN - MACINERY ing and repairs. Phone 4MA ',Blanche's Hairdressing Salon",1 L. M. A L L 1 S 0 N able prices, in DurhamC 3-364,______________nthVilagef________, o Real Estate Broker contact. .Eas ______________________hrper arscfth aden afrcso iln.Po Saturday, Oct, 23, 1954, at 1:00 Phone 2566 -NewcastraffiOnW. C.Eoaes84B-oke ýuglas and Ruth DINING-ROOM suite, in goad KEYS cut ta order by' new, Teesaeo!te ae 3-64,BnGTNatoir. 40- * in th Vi ller oypool wobocsNew o astefntfhne8ic1 rn ppy to anriunce condition, reasonable. Apply 27 modemn machines, automaticaîîy, DRLNTO AatornHmpt. hr, aisheec reause inl Nwate :hi hr oQueen St. 41-1 while you wait, at Masan & Dale H re asad ofrcsonklig hn furitrese s cs.RemisesIXN EA E Meroral os ON Qebe hate, tov b-r Hardware, 36 King St. E., Bow- LOTS il to 13, CON. 6 MA 3-3243. 32-tf as o ae em ah .j sgaNwate manville. PhonONEMAu3-5408.aCLARKEtTOWNboardJ. Payne, auctianeer. 41-21I 6-room brick homen iig ville, Tuesday, and heater guard, $12.00. Phone mnil.PoeM -50. CAK ONHP FJLL that silo befare the groundPe&el 1 Pif* dining-room, modemr ichn es..- 41-1 VNTA lns tc ie, o! Oshawa, at Kendal MA 3-2357. 41-1 Monday evening cornmencing at den, and rnany ext beutfu n r.F Moy , CHILD'S crib, also white figure whie orTIAN b lnds l- tackplsies, _____________forsale___ ___ _ _ 7 P.m. at the Durhamn County i arms and all other prperties, h m .$95 0 ~dMs .Mty skates, size 12. MA 3-3102. orcohmthn ae.Md-Public auctian, an BABY sitting, except Friday Sales Arena, situated a haîf mile businesses, etc., for sale. 7-roam solid br, ck emo. nee Lama War- 41 l* or cfothematching tapes. Made nounce the bith omauebida specialty; 1 Shirley Rabbins. Phone 3-3273:ws fteBovniIFrs era tiled kitchen withcuoa erJance lle. CAL tov wih wtere to-m fe ntas tiobnd28apead a audy, Ociober 16Lorraine Harper, Phone 3-2069. Station at Orono. Al ivestoki H. C. Pedwell, Broker 3-piece bath. fumnace,had tern Hospital, ane house east of Black Cat Inn, colars. Morris Ca. Telephone Commencing 10 a.m. sharp 4-1cornes in. Your consigaments: Newcastle Phone 38-SSL Ters.doublessgareS92. nr Oct 6, 1954 . _________________ 41______ MA__3-5480._________________ FLOOR and wail tule laid, cup- are always appmeciated. The 25-tf 4-rooni frarne bouse3-ic 41-1 LRENresaehàe n Belgian Mare, 12 yrs., 1,700 boards built or any carpentry place where buyer and seller, bath, fumnace, insuilaefl two ail drumis; large Quebec Singer Ihs.; Belgian Mare, 11 yrs., 1,600 work done. M. Jumko. Phone meet. Owned and operated by REAL ESTATE FOR SALE basernent, close ta olgo and LARE ore pae eaeran Ibs.; Belgian Gelding, 16 yms., MA 3-2753. 37-tf Jack Reid, auctianeer. 40-2 Blackstack, camfortable four- lot. $7.000.j ao annaunce the heA 3-5571. 41wl* iviacine Co. 1,650 lbs.: Percheron Gelding, 8 theire dauhte3-5571.______41________ ewing M cieC. raorn bungalow, with bydro, 5-moom new frarnebugl, ti,64 z) d augt OEMCrrfrgrtr heeFRSR yrs., 1,60(0 lbs.; 2 Percheron GARDENS done with oto-tiller. 70 head of beef cattle, 50 sunmoarn. cistemnanad basement, heavy wiring, fullbsmn lbs, U z., a OE cCaryreriertor tre FR'SR'b'CEGeldings, il yrs. and aged, both Phone MA 3-5757. Harry Van breeding ewes and lambs, 60 only S3,.500 for q uick sale. insulated, cuipboards, coo tv al, Bowrnanville, years old, in good condition, -h3e649~A 1,700 lbs.; Clyde Gelding, aged, Belle, 18 Mill Lane, Bowrn- pigs, 8 horses, 200 tons hay, 2,0001 Sid Martyn well, etc., between Boravil h, 1954. Baby $135. Higgon Electric Limitad. Phone MA 3 P±. 1,500 lbs.; Clyde Mare, aged, ville. 40-2 bus. grain, 15 acres of'ensilage' and Oshawa. $5.500. Tms Jr. 41-l' Phone MA 3-5438. 41-1 BOWMANVILLE 1,500 lbs. cama, 2 complete lines of farrni 43 Park Rd. S. Oshawa 4-room insul brickbue __________ 36-tf 1 MILK cows SAVE MONET AT machinery, poultry, wood, etc., Dial 3-9810 hydmo. well, gond lt,$.30 htem, Jean Eu- POAOS-5lb a,$,0 2 A1nguS Cows, fresh, with A E the estate of the late Harper L.S. Snelgrove Co. Ltd. Temms. ao Mm. and Mms. Ed Mostemt, first farm south-east CHOICE calves at foot; 2 Angus CqAws J.) V Carscaddea, Lots 10, 1l, 12 and 41-i 4-roorns and bathmoorbav moial Hospital, of narmow subway, No. 2 High- due Dec.: Angus Cow, due Jban. HOE : A R13, Clarke Twp., first fammn west wiing. $2,500 for quiksae tober 8th, 1954. way, Nwcastle. 40-2 YUNG TURKEY Angus Cow, due Feb. Angus SH5 E R EP I of Kendal, ta be sold without O . E. CARSON REAL ESTATE 4 roonis and bathmoom ev 41-1 IIGrotalmrl21 L EGT Cow, dute time of sale: Angus raserve, on Saturday, October 16, 50 acre f amm, Oshawa i1mies wiing, insulated, garag,$.0.' DINIG-rom abl, mmble21xALLWEIHTSCow, dute Nov.; Hereford Heifer, SKATES SHARPENED commencing at 10 arn. Terms milmisl-rcbue bn ces, dylan od: r. and Mrs. W. 24", ail dmum with tap, 42 gals.; DRESSED AND DELIVkERED due time of sale: Hereford Cow, 35 TEMPERANCE ST. Mn rear) cash. Lawrence Harris, clerk. -omislbi os;bn 1 ceca o Kingston, (nee 100' stainless steel clothas ine rnilking; Durham Cow,ý, milking; 47-tf Jack Reid, auctianeer. 39-3br 0xO;totsra.$».bidns ce uh ish ta anounca with pulcys. MA 3-2832. 41-1* P Angus Cow, milking; Hereford Terms. elsio7rrnfa -- HL FJNNEY BnaonwwOhw iehall, sio, 7$oo0frae0 bu0e son, Jonal ON osigcikn,4cnd Durhamn Cow, rnilking; DTMr. Ross Tr1Hallowell, Lots 7 and so, oa H OUG oatigchcknU 5emies $,00clwn,200 acres pastume, rnLi i Genemal Hos- lb. rough dessad, and 'aven 0 Durham and Angus Caws, pas- BULL OIG8. Concession 4, Clarke Town- mi les 10 ow n.'nrh ofwtr om uh y, October 7th. readv 25e each, extra. Phone PLhone MA 3-2309 turc bmed; 3-vear-oîd Purebmed ship, three concessions north of Corie,on ewpvdra, tree]ad $4.500. Tems ison and Errol. MA 3-3821. 41-1 41-tf Shorthorn bull; 12 Angus Heif- E C V TN Newtonville, at the end of the $4.400. $200cs euimed. Farrns, 8 acres ta 5001crs 411 - -ers, 2 yms.; 15 Durham Steers and TRENCHING - LOADING pavement, bas sold his farm and qeyes emso aac. JmsNxn ONEnewca raiaor o it ANTD eifrs yr-ods;20 prng RALIN -will rsali by public auction on VRy easykeungn alance. Ja10mLieySt.NixonBoke EMENT 1935'48 Chev., 1lpush-button YOUNG CALVES Calves. y.od:2 pigDALN CLAM WORK Saturday, October 23, bis entireaug brtick buhatng, awow, it 10 ibe M Ay t.N.-B568 v car radia. Phone MA 3-3525 FOR SALE SHEEP Trucks and Loader for herd of Shorthorn cattle, harses,atmtialhatgadooDaMA-68 t sanucd-41-l* FRESHER & SPRINGER COWS 26 Leicester Bmaeding Ewes, Gravai and Fi Jobs swine, breeding ewes, pouîtry in Newtonville an higbway.411 i sanued-L.ese a 24 Leicester FREE ESTIMATES hagan tv od ry, $1,0dcown. ýughter of Mms. DEER rifle, Remington" 30 SC W Z B OS Larnbs.1 new Waterloo tractor, full lima Several good homes in Bow- Pd elRa Varkham, Ont., pump, in good condition. Apply SH A ZB OS l SWINE Tririn Construction af exceptionaîîy good farm manvilla witb very reasonable nes Brown, son 136 Wharf Rd., Bawmanvilla. WE BUY - SELL - TRADE Yorkshire Sow, 14 Pigs at foot: machinery, lumniture, dishes, payments. $18,000-200 acres, brickbue ci Mms. Clifford 41-1 Cradit can bae arranged Yorkshire Sow with 12 pigs, 12 PORT FERRY 392W glassware, stoves, etc. Furniture Homes-Ia Oshawa, Bowman- ahl conveniences, largi ba vtila aTheQATT isyapls laTlpoe Shoats, 125 lbs.; Yorkshire Sow, 32tf t asl onnniga 0i ville and Part Hope vicinity. baras, 50 acres valuabasw ntnvle.T e Tmothpg,8 ek pen. the mraning. Termns cash, no Farms-We have sveal of log timber. Will ccnie .rkham United nn awmbpg,8wesM A 3-2895 - MA 353 POULTRY E.f"TIU P P resarve. Jack Raid, auctiona Ontamio's top farms neyer before good bouse with eas 41-1 aId. Earl Trawir>, Enaiskillen. A535.1. E -u.u±ui; CLE nmatsonbaane Phone MA 3-2351. 4- OMNIL ,20 Hybrid yea-olds. , ..Lawrence Harris, Cerk. 402 ist~esse-Thetrsstoeson7,bal50acebikhue 41-1 OWM________ tfFEED 4- lumbin-rTarestrs $700-5 arsbi ITT"MOOCCEHreyDvd 20tnsloeHa,200 u.Plm igandu etn EASTERN garages, factories and summer 10 raoms, ail convenecs roson 42-45, good condition, VflTPZof Oats, 15 acres Ensilage Cam. AGENT FOR ONTARIO ASSOCIATION Chaetis. D. Rankirn4036'ad5o catte a on,9 ,I,,hfo bet rasnabe of O I Y URSLF ha. D R41-e 1 4 and o astetbcmee n ick T.-At the lth orbs esoal fer. ~MACHINERY MAuA-~gsBwmaii ce akalblnebs îeral Hospital Phone MA 3-5545. 41-1* M-H. Binder, 6-lt. cut; M-1. A1r-Sunbrn-AnMA 3-2762 omnil acewrkbbli 0, 1954, Fred- SAVE on lumber, direct frani T I L E Mower, 5'à-ft. cut; M-H. Mow- Tha Furnace with the - 'T V T'pavad road 2 miles fo b is 84th year. Miilta yau. Philliiap Lumber cm, 6-lt. eut; 2 Wagon Boxes, 10-year guarantea LiIU ±11LIJL SALEJ LEASK REAL ESTATE good village. Hall cas n 1 afMrioKnon, n.Poe7/cechadu l id M.-H. 10-lt. Hay Rake, Daering: 26 Ontario St., Phone MA 3-3473 30 FEMALES SELLING 4 raarned Imame bungalow, just easy terms an balance. ýr Ave., Toron- 17rl1. 13-tf Expert instructions suppliad 10pme aernarlkew: Cockshautt BOIVMANVILLE Many with calvas at foot. finisbed, 2 bdoasbthkic 12 0 10ars,1ro menaat (Mms.ut M.rne rl Soem good hrd bul prospects. en cupboards, attached garage, f rm buse, ot and cod w t Merle AssttnaaLALL ualuminum mbcombinatUSTOMCUSTOM LFLDORSrmLAID ail-bath& 6-lt. hcut Mowamhaneamlynbdleerdbaak baot. 40nxlOOurchasei e %iddri), Jean doors and windows installed. For new; Tudhope-Andemson Manure ,Frarybohel nCl) hsectbahaebrnsaata aon lt Cnbeprcs ), EmoMic- fee stiate Phne A 3-753 Speadr; e-Derig Cltiat-30-tf frorn sanie of the most outstand- for $6.200 witb a low payment and ather buildings. leOnt.; Jack M.lrktimta3PhneMA H. G. HEAL o,1-ot;Ccsut1-u ing Canadian berds. af $1,000.00. paved road. Will cosiIV e late Herbert PoeM -92Bw Secd Drill; M.-H. Hay Loader, (.rg Plonrf D 1.i 5-roorned frame bungalow, bouse in NewcastleorPr tber . ai Mrs. DO your own floors -r-ent a hoeM3-92B manville rope: Mc-Deering Hay Tedder, GnrlC cetP ebo ugh e;3bitm,3pee ah oe rhl ah 3ooklin, Ont. sander or a floor polisher froni 28-tf 3 sets Wooden Wbeal Trucks and FAIR GROUNDS furnace, kitchan cupboards, $10,000-85 acres, large rc W rn S er ia L a n d r H a rd w a re , 7 K in g S t. E ., itb fla -b ot o m ac ks]aiogo oerl Wm S erinwihflt-otor go adwood and tile floors, large bue h mdm c n 873KigsonBowanile.Phne A -574 R oms to Bent two 3-4 WgnstTbga Masonry . alurday*, October 23 lot, fll price $8000.00. iances. This us ah veg iWednesday.______________ 34-tf Slaigbs, set Knaa Slaigbs, 2 Fan-y40ar r,7mienot- ldwthcekWl - ROOM, suitable for two. Dial MihssGrvai Bx; 2,00 lb ilîs Cematery. PAIN of rheumnatism, sciatica, MA 3-5485 alter 5:30 . 41-P' Sca ls, F. & W. Corn;Bna,0ptlbha0 r' asoeOsbrick bodwtbath,500 crs nîng F & W or in e, Constructlion or R epair One oai l Oreatest opportun-; asto f Oshawack oo d e wihara , 500ta 4uit archseric bouse 41-1 lumbago, can be halped by tak-- Turaip Sower, Turnip Pulper, ities t uy foundation cattle ia garage. Good buy &4 $8,950.00. maoms, new bathroom n k iToronto, on bv thousaads of hakul ers. For Rent Cut Box, Grain Grinder, 6-h.p. ESTIMATES FREE raent years.ban.oa odrd ýr 7th, 1954 _____________of_______________ Gas Engina. Farée Purnip, 2 Bug- Wiefrctlget-Fu-omdbnao ih fo saa 30 ,Ask yur druggist. 41-1gi Ctr2TwnPas4LWrefoctlguta- baturoom, 4 acres af land, -fom Obaa $.00csh uis 65th year. ONE heated room. Phone MA geCte,2Ti lw,4L TURNER Ed. Pearson, Secratary, mile south af No. 2 Highway at witb terms on balance. .îtt & Smith ONE coal and wood cook stava, 3-3939, 41-1 Single Plows, Bisseli 3-drum / nai eateto al Division St.,iglscuoa, lresieT Roller, Stone-boat, 2 sets af 4- P.O. BOX 177, BOWMANVILLE coOnaiDertnti Mpl Grove; barn witb lqt, $5,500--5 acres, 5-room un ic Study,1rb la in limst c 1lagconin E-omd pmnin it eto amos cDeig33-tf Agriculture large garage, han bouse. Suit- galow, furnisbed: doubl a 7iceSatrday crb. Al i firt cass ondtion THEE-oome Duncant wtBrowtinHaAuctionearing ew$7.400.narigardleenr equipmantl.rice raustne haveo 0p.m. Inter- Arnold Wade, Newtonville, Tala- private bath and antrance. Tale- Crean-i Sapamator, large quantity 41-2nBrwn $3.000 $,40.gadwn pament. M Cemetemy. Phone Clarke 26 - 1. 41-1 phone MA 3-3818. 39-3 af Stovawood, Lumbar, Wire BUILDING 41_____________ 2 We hava lots, bouses, farms $,0 onpyet - 41-1 ISLTOboigi W om n ahom p Fenc, Shovels, Forks, Chains,Hoe i and businesses in Bowrnavile1 We have a large list ai thebs - INSLATIN, blwingmetbo, TW Boams co and atb tatesA- etc; set Brass-rnounted Breecb- Ne w Hm sLivestocK For Sale adsronigdsrc.fmsfon$.0 a$500 t is home, 1 with rock wool. Warkmaasbip l o'4 / Cnda tts ing Hamness, 4 sets Back-band adsrordn itit am rm$5(0)t onto, on Wad: guaanteed, Free astimates. man. 41-1* Harnass, 15 Horse Colars. LAYINTG strain Rock pullats. M. E. Laask, Brokar We also bava bouses in a h 309HuntASt..rBowmanvL.le. 40 Pho65eOCtarie St4, PLYnaUMA 3-5919 nearby towns and villaes 194 rbmHryL ae hn lreFOUR-roomed self - contained, 31949t St.,MOUTH SEDAN Ca- Baw65rOn aroS.PhnileMA351 andi ai Eliza- 2420. heatad apartment. Phone MA Pumcbased naw by the lata Mm. Cr____ _______ 5ronibugaowi iam of Mrs. A. DRY bardwood, $18,00o acod 3-5677. 4îî*1 Carscadden, actual mileage is TEN pigs. aine weeks old. Phone 41-i Hope, cellar full size, 1and )fPryon od 3 A326.41-1*- tubs, beavy wiring, aeti softwood shahs, $10,00 a dard; -r -Ps -Ofgrg, hssl Bul-in Cupboards M -28 -- De WITH REAL ESTATE bot watar heating, ln b eld at the wodsas$10adr; FOUR roams and gaaei mile 29,530salofers an autstanding GOOD young Durham cow, due 110 acre lamm, 90 acres womk- 12x15 feat, kitchen 10x1wil Il1 and Brown safw d a d iv $1.0Telaphona fom Pot fice. Ph~one MA lm of1.200 t a ,00lbs. ech and io ritafreshan now. Clake, J1524. q b ad,2 lre e it o rdy Nawcastle 2146. 38-tf .-41-2 f___,20___1500_______an_411__th shaped 3pe rial Gardens, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~are carrying a lot ai condition. h pdb n ba ,cre;8 o m- o m lt4 x1 fe. 2a2G~las ACRES ai workahle land and There are two completa lines afI rm os, ls ovlae 41-1 CREAM ai-d io22ofa le-Tîle or Wood JERSEY and Holstein heileredrmebuclstailg. ramlt4020et.Rs trcraga autcmseod ras in hay. Possession im- Farmn Macbinery, in excellant cle o ae hn MA- Prica $8,000. Easy terms. anable down paymn.Bln trerne euy oeodmediately. Phone MArket 3-3260. condition, ta ha soldin the moma- y328.4~* 0 celr,12 ce ak sment. 1it ossin rial Ot. 8pitaldesser tharemiPhoe.3Wi3068Mms.F. Cator. 41-1 ing commencing at 10 arn. Came .LUllJ -~>UiLd j I able, 201 acres waad, ceek, me- H. C. Pedwell, Brn1 riay ct 8 ak p r tad. Ph ne 3 06 er~' e e ytin us h ol _ _ __ _HACKNEY pony, male colt, or man a atre, large L-shap d Jwell, aged between 4 and 7 .n. 41-1 THREE large roms, share bt-ta sttle estate. Kndal W.A. FREL ESTIMATES taefrlyngbn.Poaibank arn; 9 oomd brick ouse,ï Newcastle Phone 3-S husband af oom, in Enniskillen. One or wih erv lnch mforg nd___________________ __Phone______Il- cfear atherHEARIN aid ervice test REASONABLEn wRATES. MAne3-343sere.l41h,1 jribydro RtbmoughoutTESMAContmacts-11 ________________onrac-- was held at service and completa stock ai 3-26401. 41-1 altemnoon. FOX and deer houpcds. E. R. 1 witb cannina caor.y. Akig Cbapel, Bow- batteries and dards at Higgo - Terms - Cash .j Knoweîston, Enniskillen. Phone prc-l,00 aytrmS.Fo E iy, Oct. Il at Electmic Limited, 38 King St. E., ROOM, suitable for bigh school Lawrence Harris, Clark. Herman asne MA 3-2754. 41-h* 200 acre farm, sandy tobaccoE cag !t Bawman- Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5438. girl or business persan, with or Jac k Reid, A uctioneer, Orono..- ad 7 ce evl ce!WL runi odit'37th d 41-1, 20-tf witbouit board. Phone MA 41-1 BUILDING CONTRACTOR PUREBRED Leicester awes. G. wood, spings. 75x35 ft. hank unig cniion, wit go hae atTYPEWvRITER sale: Exceptional 3-561(0. 41-h1 PHONE MA 3-2729 B. Rickardi, Bowmanville. Phone barn; 10 roomed Irama bouse mator, for ail space heater. ae ohvn Tuesay purchasa makas big savings pas- FIVE-roomed bouse, just nortîi Notices 41-1 MA 3-2813. 41-1 witb batbroom, pressure system, phone MA 3-2744. 4- onRERED Hoîsein heifr- ydro, etc. Close ta scbool, vil- Jean sich àbla. AhI standard models, reg- ai Bowmanville. Aduîts anly. - PTo 12Hlsei5 ier aecre amm, fore $2,00 ).Suhand uhlar prica $175.00 up, now $39,50. Abstainers. Phono MA 3-2251. Our telephone number basi Wanted T Buy frasb n l 1age.Asking prica $2,0os00 Pgef i I r e n e ( M m s . A s s o r t a d w i d e c a r n a g e s $ 2 9 5 0 .. 1 - * h e h n e r m 2 1 4 e a n a c n t d p l D . W t v l g , a l 'ý o k b , 4 x 9 1(Mrs. Mar- Remington a n d Uaderwood - h MA* een 3-ang7d fornb 2674s ta E toso_______________osePhoeNecasle_366. .owmanville: naiseless standard (idantical ta ATTRACTIVE three-roorn heat- ~insadrke i-377 for b o t b bu-FVEtnaibldattrw JoePhnNwcse36. tavlgaIwral,4x9 aXi~s adxc I~ cmisin rieWl Cshriwstmin,73 mlag;na anavilie, with fumnace, bath- MARRIAGE._~TS~ at om Car-'nged w prtmnund g Sr t. . il par ommssentReotsasen ithn in fr 5,00 COCh PNE waranty. heatar, ail fiitem ropesr ytneectnie I MEORl hrvo n y t Tnnw decarated, available now.! ana week ai raceipt ai manu- Christmas Trees , inteized, ffr.Phone 3 e386 , etc . ,large o. Pic'.0-pus I a n o hi ~ Ave.,e C... fa onLIAe pplv N. .Scott, Brookdale cripts, book iangth taka langer. PNewpriate. Bs 4fr.1 $650-12.0 dw.COMMERC-IALCLASSIFED Rerom______ Nwcste 6 roompd untinished bungalow; I ncludes al acvertisanq Io he occasion B es Kingsay Nurseries. 40-3 ea sn pay ment aid starnp- ---l in nice location in Bowmanville, IpOrsofl3 or firme sellinq services ding an- ecndiioed iks e. eladresedenloe ithiRchardsons Garage thpcuewno.3bd iesorod faydscpii ,srp . A t r 1 h v od two R1W anted To R ent w t itr id w a - 3c d e o god i nimumcn ri 40-21 onditioed \ra~e cit lerIhv odw ooms, sewar and water avail- 75c cash wth order. To regula, $0ad p- nanuscripts ion yau rio eading! PONTYPOOL ONT. al.Pie$.0 ah detsr aal otl $0 ndues ilb hre.Gehle23-tf SMALL bouse with conven- al.Pie$.0 ah deîsr aal otl HOME for Spaniel pups. Phone fe viih1brgd lanomfica yta dls Bx22 6roamed dwelling, Bowman-, Hughes,_B.A.,_________ Agent, i________________ox_42__________assfid a $.50pe -ii Pon MA3-91 Clrk 122.4-2*Bowraanville, Ontario. 41-3 FrSl o et c/o Canadian Statesman. 41.swtndhatr roo, ce $5,ms00 i~ach d1;ýiaasitis5 a Phona TELE VISION sets ta repair aller _____________- Terms. ae 41-2 IF You HAVE A Mondav, Oct. 18th. Please Phone The__are___ _____o__ur JuirBk ei MA 3-3883. 4-ti Seed Cleaning SIX-roorn bouse in Pontypool, Boman Bar Te ls afreutsme ae <mir' AI eno nerto b ydro, 60cycle, constant bot lrehs ipaete ebv heoh~nthlrta DEAD STOCKý remaved irom Dan't lorget xve have the water, 3-piece bathroom, garage, FRONT hed-sitting noom fan two for sYe. 12 'ic na1 ed.dy WE WIL DO IT FR YOIUI vur farna pramptlv for sanitary machines ta niake No. 1 saed otit 'and gardon: lumniture optional. aen or two girls, home priv- Coltaet I ah trmso oe WE WI L DO I'1FO YOU e r nd , sampe o mon eecl my efxcar- disposaI. Telephone collect: C- f naarlv ail claver. Swain John St., East side, 2nd house 1 leges. neasonabie rates. Appl Ne J)h n F. De liitb, Realtor Clpti u or hnderfre 41-1g.L Gordon Young Li.mited. 60-ti stock 89 r 11. 1, Toronto. 15 Fairside Ave. 41-5 8-3454.. 41-2 41

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