Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wright who cele- brated their 3th wedding an- fiversary on Saturday, Oct. 9th at the home of their daugh- ter. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jeweil and Boyd and Mr. S. Jewell, Miss Marlon Wright also were pres- ent, and presented their par- ~ents with an eiectric blanket. On Monday evening a Thanksgiving dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Jeweli and Boyd. Those preseat were, Mr. and Mrs.El- gin Wight, Mrs. S. Rundie, Miss Jean Rundie, Mrs. Edith An- derson, Bowmanvilie, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wray and famiiy. Oshawa; Mr. aad Mrs. Ross Cryderman and daughter, So- lina; Mrs. S. Hoar, Mrs. W. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Wright and Marion. On behaîf of their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Wright were pre- sented with an eiectric kitchen vilock. Tragi Passng of the store now~ occupied by J. A. Tragc Pssin of Abernethy. I recent years he H arold Cann in hadhresided in Toronto. bog~ F ir Guted ome to Bowmanville where funeral Fir (Suted ome service was held Saturday af- C ternoon at the Northcutt & Ctýzns were shocked ta heair Smith Funeral Parlors, Rev. H. of the tragie passing in Toron A. Turner, minister of St. Paul's to on Thursday of Harold Cann, United Churéh, conducting the a well known native son o service. Burial was in the fam- ily plot at Bowmanville Cern- Bowmanville. According ta re- etery. ports in the Toronto papers he, It is recalled that several was 64 years aid and was a years ago Miss. Bertha Cann, semi-invalid war veteran and sister of the deceased, passed pensioner and died when trap- away suddenly in the same ped by fire in the second floor house in Toronto, under mys- kitchen of his home on Way- terious circumstances, land Ave. It was reported he __________ had been brought home 0013', two days ago from Sunnybrook Hopialwhreheha benaCADMUS Patient off and on for several years. Blackstock Fair as well at- Neighbors said Mr. Cano was tended t i s year by Cadmus alone in the bouse, where he folks an d was a huge success.1 rooms, when fire gutted the One of aur prominent youngi second story. 'The six-rooin men, Mr. Stuart McQuade, brick structure is accupied by carried away the gate prize 1 Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Forbes, ex'hich was donated by The Who were at work. Farmers' Union. Mr. Cann was discovered ly. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lawson ing on the floar near a gas and Bruce, Yelverton. were stove in the rear second-floor Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. kitchen. One burner on thc Marwood McKee. stove had been turned on. Mr. and Mrs. Verdun Leth- Wendail Statton, principal of angue, Marie. Diane and JIohn- a nearby schooi, said he naticed ny, Balyduff, were SundaNv smake pouring through the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James1 Windows and called the fire Failis, and Mr. and Mrs. Gar-t department which responded in don Hanna and family, Osha- less than two minutes. Mr. wa; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cann's lifeless body was found Adams and family, Bowman- on the floor. Police said the ville, were Thanksgiving Day fire appeared ta have started guests of the Fallis'. by a smouldering cigarette or Mr. and Mrs. John McKeev- cigar. er, Oshawa, were Saturday Mr. Cann was son of the late evening supper guests with William Cann, a prominent Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Passant. business man of Bowmanvila Miss Crystai Failis, Port who was for many years a Hope, spent the weekend witn partner ia the lumber operated ber father, Mr. Merdith Fallis. fîrm of McCleilan & Co. now Congratulations ta Mr. aad opened and operated by Shep- Mrs. George Downey on the pard & Gill Lumber Ca., Lim- arrivai of a baby son, at Bow- Rted. Harold was a veteran of manville Memoriai Hospital. the First World War haviag Miss Nina Johaston, Toron- enlisted in the 136th Battalion to, is spending a couple of but was discharged before the days this week with ber par- ,i unit etoeresa bin ents, Mr. and Mrs. George .?.0edically unfit for service. Johnston.j -Following his discharge from Rev. Hugh Crozier, Whitby, the army he became a partner will be the guest speaker on 111 the firm af Williams & Cann, Sunday with Nestieton quar- furniture and undertakers, -in tette in the moraing and the A1:ý" Wf"lflAif PP 1?PI' q..J v Ai& N.A BWMANVILLE CLEANERS WALKER & DYERS LANDER1 GLEN RAE DAIRY ELLIS SH( STEDMAN'S KENNEDY SEVERN'S BAKERY JURY & L BOWMANVILLE SURPLUS STORES RICKABY': Mza W. J. BERRY BOOK STORE MARR JEI OSBORNE'S SPORTS AND CYCLE MASON & -.i ELLIOTT'S SHOES AND LUGGAGE McNULTYV McGREGOR DRUGS F. F. MORI Biackstock choir in the even- Newcastle Friends ing when the Cadmus United Church hoids its anaiversary. Honor Mrs. Embley The cottagers were al aut this weekend again, inciudingGo gtoV 'n pg Mr. and Mrst Walter Fisher, on t W nie Mr. and Mrs. Bill Crockter, FIMr. and Mrs. Keith Brown On Friday evening, Oct. lst, and Mr. and Mrs. Ciare Fallis the members of the Newcastle and their families of Toronto, Ladies' Softbaii Club held what Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gray had the appearance af being a AND were at Port Hope on Suinday visiting Mrs. Grace May. regular meeting at the home af Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton, Margaret Ash. However, much Oroaao, were at Mr. and Mrs. ta the surprise of the guest of Ken. Grav's on Saturdax' and honor, Dareen Emblex', the girls attended 'Blackstock Fair and bad reall 'v gathered ta bid hier Mr. and Mrs. Ken, Grav and "Bon Voyage" on lier forth- David returned to Oroaao on coming trip ta Winnipeg ta Stinday and attended the An- jain ?ter hu.sband, Ross, who is niversary services. stationed with the R.C.A.F. Mn. and Mns. Leanard Kel- there. lett and Betty Anne, Oshawa, After a short business peniod were Saturday guests with which iacluded tentative plans Mr. and Mrs. Howard MeMul- for a banquet, the decision ta ]en and Sunday guests with continue maathly m ee ti ng s the McMullen's were Mn. and through the wiater mnonths and Mrs. Don Edmunds and Ross, an invitation by Vickie Gray ta Millbrook; Mr. and Mrs. Mar- hold the next meeting at her vin Baker, Susan and Charles home, Margaret Ash read anl ai d Mns. Eani Miner and Bey- apprapriate address and Don- 2 3 er13' of Peterborough. een was rsne with a hand- Mn. and Mrs. James McMul- i some piece ai luggage with the ]en are spending a week in best wishes of each girl. nder 16 Peterborough with the Bak- Doreen very graciously and er's. gratefully thanked the girls Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fowler and wished them caatjnued and family, Oshawa, with Mr. success as a tearn. A deliciaus arnd Mrs. Les. Johaston Onl lunch was thea served. ,qT Suaday. A numben af close friends of Mrs. Ross Embley, gathered at Ail great art is the expres- her sisters (Mrs. Daug Wal- sian ai man's delight in God's tan oe usaOt t wark, not bis own-Jahn Rus- t l e Gdpe"bfn ~. km. er departure for Winnipeg ta join Ross and set up hausekeep- ing in lier new home. Doreen was taken campiete- ly by surprise upon ber arrivai at the house, but with the help and ariynsheregainied bert compasure and joined the smal 1 gathering. MiENT AT A pleasant evening was spent playing Bingo with Coanie En- wright and Mrs. Morley Sai- E'S NEWours. A great deal of pleasure ws sariag ythe callin an- enough ta wia the surprise prizes which were aIl wrapped and upon being opened produc- SC OLed balloons.witls Before a nîost deliciaus lunch wvas senved, Trudv Sallows nead an addness ta Doreen, express- h dual controls ing the best wisbes anad hope for good luck ta Doreen, Ross kent only and Sandra, from their friends gathered in their honour. Mar. ganet Ash then presented Dor- een with a wallet ai money appointment expressing thein feli,îgs in a more tangible waY. KEITH LATHANGUE Dareen, though visiblv mav- ed. thaaked one and ail sincere- ]y for thein kind wishes and t.boughtfulness. MIN LONG BRANCI JUST OFF QUEEN ELIZABETH WAY HIGHWAY 27 West'of Tomontý 1:30 P.M. SEPT* 30.-OCT. ADMISSION (inc. tax) $1,15 No childien ui Ample Parking Space FIRST CLASS RESTAUR»I Füll Course Meals fromn 75c MM*CALL KING' les FOR APPOINTI M BOWMANVILLI * 1954 Chevrolet suPplied wit * Lessons by appoint» M Phone MArket 3-5561 for THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ROWMANVILLE )NTARIO ~&rw WTI7U! W. nOn.. of the Voluable Prizes and have fun playing the "IKNOW YOUR DO WMAN VILLE"' Store No. 1 is It's simple Store No. 2 is Store No. 3 is___ CONTEST S t o r e N o . 4 i s - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - This is' ail you have ta do Each week there will be a number of pictures appear in this same space. These pictures have been taken in one of the stores listed below. You simply cut out the pictures, and fi in the nam'e of the store you think the picture was taken in. At the end of the contest an entry form will be printed and after you fi it out you attacli ail your pictures and either mail or send it in to contest headquarters (to be announced later). The decision as to winners by the Bowmanville Chamber of Com- mnerce will be final. Only one entry is allowed per person, but as rnany entries may be miade from one family as there are members. Employees and owners of the participating stores and The Canadian Statesman and their immediate families are not eligible.6 Four hundred dollars in merchandising certificates i'fill be given away by the merchants participating, redeemable at their store only.- First prize is $100, 2nd-$75, 3rd-$50, 4th-$25 and the next 15 winners will receive $10 each. Start the contest to-day -r you'l have lots of fun and may make yourself some easy Christmas money. Back copies of The Canadian Statesman containing the contest pictures are available Store No. 5 is__ ______ Store No. 6 is______ Each Picture has been taken in one of the following Stores BRESLIN'S HIGGON ELECTRIC LIMITED MeGREGOR HARDWARE J. H. ABERNETHY PAINT AND WALLPAPER ROBSON MOTORS BOWMANVILLE AUTO PARTS SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. YEO'S GROCETERIA FRIGID LOCKERS AND KITSON AMANA PLAN ROY NICHOLS RIS FURNITURE C.,Pethick, Eaniskillen T. M. Sieman. Enniskillen F. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton A. E. Ribey, Burketon H. T. Saywell, Blackstock Keith Bradley, Poatypoal C. B. Tyrreil, Orano H. K. Reynolds, Kendal Gilbert Foad Market, Millbnook teilectuai iood of the famil3r S. Brown, Newtaaville The Statesman Office circle.-Launier, 1901. PUBLIC HOOPER'S JEWELRY and GIFT SHOP CARTER FAMILY TEA ROOM WOOD'S T.V. SHOP KEN'S MEN'S WEAR MAHER SHOES CAWKER'S I.G.A. JOHN & JUDY SHOP S. J. JACKMAN & SON FLOWERS McDONALD'S GROCERY PARKIN'S GROCERY Henderson's Baok Store, Oshawa - Bowmanville - R. P. Rickaby - "Big 20" W. J. Berry Jack's Smoke Shap Rite's Smoke Shop Jury & Lovel Elgie Haraden's Hand. Store The tea provincial gavera- ment., had net general revenueg af $1,314; millioil in 1953, about 29 per cent of Ottawa's total revenue that year. Happy indeed is the countr whose litenatune if;ai such a characten that it cati be the in- MEETINMG will be held In the TOWN HALL BOWMANVI LLE ai 8:30 p.iu. Monday, October 18t1. for the purpose of discussing and hearing complaints on the proposed Town of. Bowmacnville BymLaw Io regulale and resirict the use and location of buildings and premises, thq height and bulk of buildings and the occupancy of lots within the Town of Bow- manville, and for the division of the said town into use zones for such purposes. The revised copy and plan ôf this proposed by-law inay be inspected in the Tom;n Clerk's Office. BOWMANVILLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPEMENT BOARD LAWRENCE C. MASON, Chairman ALBERT COLE, Secretary-Treastirer. g M TffRS!DAy, OCT. l4th, 1954 Mr. and Mrs. R. Wright, Tyrone Celebrate 3Oth Anniversary DRUGS STORES> HARDWARE [DE STORE VDRY GOODS OVELL "S "BIG 20" ;WELRY DALE HARDWARE 'S, SPORTS AND CYCLE Th e Statesman SoId At Following Stores Truli's Store, Courtice Straag's Store, Port Hope Reg. Edmund's Store, Betbany Jobason's Drug Store, Newcastle T. Eawright, Newcastle A - - - - - - - - -- DNTARIO PAGE rivie ri TED WOOVARD APPLIANCES rawl.lNn 0 1 i