I _____ ?I!URDAY, OCT. 14th, 1054 Mr. John B. Kent, Ottaw home fer Thanksgiving end. Mr. and Mrs. Art Hoop famnily spent the weekei Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Broug aînily spent the holiday in Kitchener. iss Margaret Cunnini 'oronto, was a weekend Of Miss Barbara Crydern Miss Dorothy Hoar, Tc spent Thanksgiving weý with Mr. and Mrs. E. V. 1 '1Visiting with Mrs. C. A.1 Egin Street, last week, wa R. A. Sonley of Marwayne, Mr.Fj k Down, Detrol I ted wi ' his sister, Miss j r D ewnver hanksgiving ý~end. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Smal famnily, Ottawa, spent the end with bis mother, Mrs. Smale. Miss Judith Balson,1 ston, spent the holiday her grandmother, Mrs. Smale. Mr. and Mrs. Austin F St. John's Chur< (Anglican) Rev. Warren Turner, B.A., B.D. 8 a.m.- HOLY COMMUNION HOLY BAPTISM EVENSONG B. & P. Wtien's Club~ in attendance "SPECIAL REVIVAL SERVICES"f Evangelistic Centre Ontario Street North H~ HEA R Rev. D. A. Tayloi of Mount Forest, Ont*., ~Evangeist, Bible Teacher, rand Successful Pastor DON'T FAIL TO HEAI THIS MAN 0F GOD Lively Singing and Talen - that will thnill your soul Sunday 11 a.m. -7 P.m Tuesday to Fiday 8 p.m. October 10 to October 24 You are Welcome REV. F. B. FIFIELD, Pastoi The Feuil Yoi SIMCOI CHRISTIA YOUNG PEOI wiJl be held in the October Z Speaker: REV. H. THEME: f/ictorco -Very Intere Trinity Uni Minister, Rèv. T. A.M.-- Rev. À. F. of Centre Street Un "If God B Rev. S. C. of Albert Street Uni "The Hat Organist, Mr. Arthur Coll -- .'VMA1 VI.LLLrlONTA.ZRIO .PAGE. SE'VMI Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Winacott, Quebec City, are visiting with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ev- erett Winacott, and with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Ardies, Toronto, for the next three weeks. -. ~ ina CoRpjell andMrs. Hilda 'a, was Teeswater, were gueits cf Mr. Colwell were Mr. Ted Colwell, week- and Mrs. Chas. Denton for the Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. weeknd.Art Lymer, Ray and Douglas,r weekend.Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. E. W. er and Mns. Kyle Squair recently vis- Foley, Town. !nd in ited ber brother, R. W. Rundle, Windsor, who is a patient ini Attending the funeral of gb and Grace Hespital. their brether, Mr. Dudley Gar-- fîeld McGregor, in Brampton, week- Mr. and Mrs. Len Dodds and last Friday. were Mrs. W. H. son John spent the b.oliday week- 1Birks, Mr. and Mrs. G. Arthur igbam, end witb Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell, and Mrs. Marjorie __ guest Dodds, Stratford. IStout, bis niec7__ nan. Miss Louise Cowan, Toronto, Thanksgiving weekend guests )ronte, spent the weekend with ber witb Mr. and Mrs. W. Ross: ýekenid cousins, Mrs. M. Comstock and Strike were Magistrate G. E.ý E{ar. Mrs. G. Anderson. Strike and Mrs. Strike, Ottawa;I Wight, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Badger Mr. and Mrs. Dan Stevenson, is Mrs. spent the Tbanksgiving week- London; Mr. and Mns. Fennel ýAlta. end with relatives in -Orillia Julian, Woodstock. t, vis- and Parry Sound. Oshawa Presbytery of the sLola Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D. United Church beid sessions in weelr- H. Williams last week were ber Trinity United Cburcb en Wed- sister. Mrs. C. 1). Cole and son nesday, with the new chair- le and Jimmy cf Arnprior.- man, Rev. Harold Turner cf St. Paul's United Churcb, Bow- week- Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Edger, manville, presiding. C. J. Peterborougb, spent Thanks- gîving witb bis parents, Mr. Tbanksgiving weekend visit- King- and Mrs. W. A. Edger. ors with Dr. and Mrs. Keithî Siemon were ber parents, Mr. with Miss Audrey Venton, Toronto, and Mrs. James Thompson, C. J. spent Thanksgiving weekend Sr., and brothers. Mr. and Mrs. with ber parents, Chief Sydney James Thonipson, Jr., Mr. Jack Fladd, Venten and Mrs. Venton. Thompson cf St. Catharines. - Recent visitons with Mr. and On Oct. 23 members cf the Mrs. Peter Bradley were Mr. and Business and Professionai Wo- Mrs. Lewis Bradley and Mr. and men's Club wiil conduct a Tag Several merchants çh Mr.George Bradley, alO Day fer the U.N. Fund. "For Toronto. Ail The World's Cbildren." on hand with cheques and Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Taylor, They hope for your generous the Bantams came marchin Montreal, spent Thanksgiving support of this fund. ftI-1 bail championship. The mo weekend witb Mrs. Oscar La- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bradley banquet and presentation tc Belle and Mrs. C. Hutchinson, accompanied by Mr. and Mns. future. Murray Paterson, Beech Ave. 1, A. Redknap, Newtonville, spent? Mr. and Mrs. Howard Chap- Thanksgiving week with Mr. accepting cheques from Wî] man, Coîborne, who are on and Mrs. Edgar Whittaker, Queen's Hotel, and Howard their boneymoon, spent the Harnilton. Mr. and Mrs. Brad- Grocery. weekend with Mr. and Mrs. ley remained in Tonento for a Ernest Turney. few days. elarwsva ap e c Mr. and Mrs. Kani Hall, ac- Among those wbo attended the wheelbqawseverad lsaies o companied by Mr. and Mrs. Brown - Morrison wedding in gatsus.Sdcare Gordon Leech, Toronto, spe1t KngtetUitdCucha d larger squash in his garder the holiday weekend in Buf- Oshawa, on October 2, were Mr.whc wodreueason falo, Rochester and Newark. and Mrs. G. W. Grabam, Sr., Mr. boat te move thern. Under the Visitors with Mrs. Fred Col- and Mrs. G. W. Graham, Jr., Mr. circunistances our staff photog- mer for Tbanksgiving weekend and Mrs. John Graham, Mr. and rapher rnay drop around to the were Mn. and Mrs. Greg Col- Mrs. Dennis Pickard. Little garden and get a photo o. à mer and daughter Donalda, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hacking these Marnroth squash. - and Mrs. A. Thompson, Brace- attended the wedding in Toron- Mr. R. W. Morris has accepted bridge. to on audyo sMrln a position as chief techrnciaa j .R . aisn p safturday of MissandMrilynwitb The Television Service Pro- Mrs. R. M. Jae son sph e nt J h forte ofson n treao n dM r. tection C om pany w hich as its latwe ib e agtr Jh esnAnesn r.laboratory in Bowrnanvilie. For Miss Gýladys Jamieseon, Wind- Robent Hacking, Aurora, spent so.Gay eundwt e h ekn ihbrson, Mr the past five years Mr. Morris sp xady reurnd wih hr te weked wih hr sn, r.bas pursued a caneer in tele- te send the holiday weekend and Mrs. H. G. Hacking. vision, working in both the U.S. at home. Winners of hockey tickets in and Canada. Today he is well Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Sargent the Bowrnanville Lions Club known tbroughout the television and Larry, Teronto; Mr. and draw for Saturday, October 9, industry. His association witb Mrs. Hilton Peacock and Gary, were Bill Bagneil and Alex such companies as Electrohome, Port Hope, visited their mother, Crombie. Winners ef tickets Phillips, Motorola, Marconi, Hal- Mrs. E. Crago for Thanksgiving for the game at Maple Leaf licrafters, RCA Victor and both weekend. - Gardens on October 16 were Arnerican and Canadjan Admiral Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wesley, Henry Pearce and Frank Blunt. Corporation enables bu to bring David and Stephen and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Rowe, to the Bowrnanville district a John Wesley, Peterborough, Miss Betty Taylor, Toronto; wealtb of knowledge te be shar- spent Tbanksgiving weekend Mr. Brenton Rowe, Montreal; ed by ail. Mn. Morris has studied with ber mether, Mrs. J. H. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Densem, advanced techniques at the Uni- JobnstQn. Willowdale; Mr. and Mrs. Wil- versity of Buffalo under Amer- r Mrs. A. J. Frank and Mrs T. lard. Skuce, Lifford, were ican Admiral Corporation and W. Buttery spent the weekend at Tbanksgiving Day guests with is well prepared for colour tele- > Prvinila Gilý GideCam atMrs. W. H. Densem and Mrs. vision when it cornes te Canada. r, Po vinLae Girl GuideiCampea- H.Hurphries. Leaving a position as chief tech- sions were beld for these inter- Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Byers nician of Peterboro's largest de- ested in camping. and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt partment store, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs.Jams ScttTorotohave returned frem a five weeks' Morris and daughter wiil take was a recent visiter with ber motor trip te the West Coast, up residence in Bowmanville. daugbten, Mr. and Mrs. Jack corning home through the United -_ ______ ,t Weise, at the Balmoral Hotel, States. On the way eut tbey vis- adugbtr, Braane. grand- ited friends and relatives in COURTICE dauand s arbera ne Morden, Treberne, Quili Lake Miss Margaret Reynolds, cf and Vancouver. Ebenezer Auxiliary M. Teachers' Clee eebruh Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jackson, The Ebenezer Aiîxiliary held and Miss Muriel Reynolds, Mac- Misses Florence and Leta Jack- terOtbrmeiga h donald HlGepspent the son spent Thanksgiving with hbmeroctobs.emeeting at t he holiday weekend with their Mr. nd JeanRat Mamoa n. evotional, taken by Mrs. M. 4 parents, Mn. and Mrs. W. B. arndMr Jer tt Jackson,. Mr. Newton, was on "Thanksgiviing". Reynoids. ~Reeson and Misses Lola andM strhokwsaeny Ron Kitson, son of Mn. and Edna Reeson, Osbawa, also Mrs. Pollard and deait with the' Mrs. Wlfred Kitson, leaves spent Sunday with tbem. eCers".an wýa t shonthein- Bowrnanville on Saturday for Takgvn a ussecs.I a oso h m St. John's Quebec, wbere be *Th Maniving 0Da y.guest pact made on India hy the r will begin bis training as a wsbM.an r.O.F a-Christian cornrunity. MVrs. Pol- member cf the Royal Canadian son, Cburch St., were bis par- lard was assisted by Mrs. red -Air Force. ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Rab- Owen, Mrs. Herh Nichols and ________________________son and brother, Mn. and Mrs. Mrs. H. Sweetrnan. M. W. Robson and Marge of It was decided to pay haif the > Fenelon Falls. Miss Patricia money for the "~Book Sheif on i Robson, Albert College, Belle- India" that the Wornan's Mis- Annual ville, and Miss Gloria Rebson, sionary Society ladies are buy- University of Toronto, aise ing. uth R a Iyspent the holiday weekend with The Nominating Committee usi wt e lytheir parents, te be Mrs. G. Chartran, Mrs. F.1 cf heOne cf the most important Owen and Mrs. W. McKnight. of thepublic meetings te be held in The Presideant'Mrs. W. Browni Bowmanville since waterworks gave a fine report of the rally : L I4~ LJEwas instailed about 40 years aga beld at Tyrone recently. LE G Ewili be the Town Planning meet-. TeSupySertry 1r. Of îng in the Town Hall on Mon- Pollard, gave a report an d it was ofday, Oct. 18 at 8:30 p.m. Tee decided ta bave a quilting at ber mnany citizens do net realize the home on Wednesday afternoon, LN REFORMED importance of this new by-law, October 20th. PLE'S SOCIEIES 5 we are warning ail property 1 It was decided te bold a Wo- r )PLES SCIETIESowners to be on han& Monday man's Missionary Society Farnuly1 ip Trnitv rTýI-f 916-16nigbt and get first hand what1 Party for supper on November1 Give Cheques 1 to Champions Fed. Agriculture (Continued from page one) theIMinister of Agriculture, Hon. P. S. Thomas, to grant permis- sion for the taking of a vote of producers on the question of an Ontario Wheat Marketing Scbeme to be drafted by the Ontario Farm Products Market- ing Board and approved by the Ontario Federation of Agricul- ture Wheat Producers' Associa- tin. by farmers who are beartily in favor of sucb a scheme. James Jacklin, a representative cf the Ontario Federation cf Agricul- ture wbo was present at the meeting, pointed eut ttiat these r petitions weuld have te be sent te the Ontario Federation as seen as possible if action is te be ebtained this Fali. Name Temporary Fildman At a meeting cf the executive of the Durham Federation beld inSep tember the committee ap- ipointed te look after the hiring of a Fieîdman for the Federatien had reported that there had been î ne suitable applications for the position. In view cf this fact they recommended te the exec- utive that Presidlent Edgar Nicb- ols be authorized te act as a Fieldman until .the end cf this year, with expenses paid. This recemmendation was aIso ac- -id citizens of Newcastle were cepted by the Directors' meeting. ýashon Sturay nght hen The operation of the Ontario ash n Sturdy nght henHog Producers' Marketing Board home with an Ontario base- was discussed and members felt k ey will be used for a victory that it bas been most successful.a he club members in the near It was pointed eut that in the n team anagr, isseenhere 18 months it bas been in opera-a eam mnage, isseen tien, Ontario hog preducers have [an Walker, proprietor of the reaîized $6,500,000 more from a J. Toms, of the Corner I.G.A. sales of their bogs through the ti Board than Manitoba producers Iý have realized from the sale of fi the same number cf hogs with- Z INout a provincial marketing board li MON sucb as Ontario's. Costs of the g Board during this period have C Solina will present their plaY been only $600,000. Members "Maid of Money," in Zion Church felt that the success of the On- M on Tuiesday, Oct. 26th, at 8:15. tarie Hog Producers' Marketing Y. Board points the way for similar r Admission, fdults 50c, childreni boards te be set up for the 25c. Home-made candy will be1 marketing cf other farm pro- si sold dtiring intermission. 41-1 ducts. i ~:;~îCOMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Pot-Luck Supper Date cf the annual Pot-Luck Supper ef the Durham Federa- tien was set fer December 2nd, the first Tbursday in December, and Directors Walter Rundle, Clarence Allun and Secretary Ed. Miîlson were named as a cemmittee ta arrange fer a speaker and entertainment. It was announced that there will be a Zone Meeting cf tbe Ontario Federation cf Agricul- ture in Brighten on October 22 and the President and several directors will attend. Oakley Carley gave an inter- esting report on the Folk Schol mevement in Ontario, stating that it brings eut leadership qualities in those taking part. He Pointed eut that the principle of the Folk School mevement is similar te that of the ce-epera- tive movement, as those whe at- tend pass on the knewledge and experience gained te other per- sons. He asked that the Durham Federation send one or twe members te the folk schools beld ,each year. Clarence Allun reported that the Oreno District Credit Union is now in operation with an of- fice at the Durham Farmersý County Co-Operative and invit- ed those interested te join. Walter Rundle tbankedPrs ident and Mrs. Nichols fortei hespitality in acting as hasts for the meeting. The Noveniber meeting wîll be held on Nov.4. Sets, styles, waves ALI AT ONE TIME PIN CURL PERMANENT " NO NEUTRALIZER " NO RE-SETTING 10 NO TIRESOME WINDINBl $ 7 Comploe sKir MÂACLEÂNS TOOTH PASTE FIGTS O. HDE CHECK~~S DBET SPECIALS on I.D.A. BRANDS Aromafic Cascara - - - 23c, 39c 3 oz., 6 oz., regular 30c 0e, SPECIAL A. S. A. TABLETS 5-grain acetylsalicylic acid for the relief cf headache, neuralgia, pain in general. 100's 300's I.D.A. Cod Liver 011 - - - - 69C B3P. Standard - 16 0z. - Reg. 89e I.D.A. Cod Liver 011 Caps - - - 89C 20 min. - 100's - reg. 1.19 I.D.A. Halibut Liver Ôil Caps 93c, 3.99 100's, 500's - Reg. 1.29, 4.79 "Auer" Cigarette For LIGHTER Chrome and enamel finish Balanced Two designs Value 1.00 Fitness I DAMALT Children Like It and It's Good for Them Extract of Malt and Ccd Liver Oul Pleasant, Nutnitieus 1 -1 b . 7 5 c 2-lb. 1 9)O 4-b.j jar I.LZ jarL.LZ Malt and CLO. 1.00. 1.75 COUGHSI Pinex Prepared Cough Syrup ---------------50c, 85e Pinex Concentrated --75e Dr. Chase Brand Tabs -------- - 59c, 1.49 Brome-Quinine Cold Tablets----------- 39c, 69e Buckley's Cough Mixture ---50c, 85e Jack and J111 Cough Syrup soc Pertussin Cough Remedy 59c, 1.00 Mason's 49 Cough Remedy -- 45c. 75e PESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex.NMcGregor, We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Idafer Capsules -- 1.50, 4.50 Idafer Liquid -------- 1.50 Dr. Chase Enerjets - 5.95r Avicaps -------- 1.40, 3.60 Rybutol - 1.98, 3.49, 5.95 Mead's Mulcin 1.50, 2.75 Frosst's N.C.F.- Liquid -- 1.55, 3.35, 5.90 Mead's Poly-Vi-Sol 1.85, 3.10, 4.75 Squibb's Special Formula Caps --4.00 Kepler's I.D.A. Toilet Tissue Extra strong Extra sofl and 'f .0gentie i k 750 sheets 2 roils for 25c and COLDS Bronchida"m rjCough Syrup Promptly relleves deep, c tiight, ehesty ccoughs due to colds 8 oz. bottle75C KLEENEX ~ PIACKAGE 0P 200 tls VI x"x 2C20 Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 eral other friends and attended Blackstock Fair. Mrs. Chas. Enirtn visited er sister. Mrs. Gordoni Collina, Scugog Island, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hedge visit tDavid each weekend at Sick LChildren's Hospital, Thistletown, and report he is very happy with the other small boys confined to the same hospital ward. David'a friends trust he impreves rapidl3y and is able to corne home before the three months' rest period has passed. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steel and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Campbel and Karen were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. How- ard McMullen and family. The Hacker family of Midland, the Edmund's family of Milbrook and Mr. Nelson Brown of Van- couver Island, B.C., were also Present. It was the occasion of Mr. and Mrs. Howard MeMul- len's wedding anniversary and aise birthday celebrations for Patricia Edmunds and Betty Jean Hacker.1 Miss YvonneChant spent the holiday xith her parents and family at London. The village folk have almost ail had a share of cold and flu lateiy. We trust those indispes- ed at time of writing, Mrs. Lang- feld, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Oliver Rohrer, Miss Rose Mountjoy, ~Miss Eunice Wilson and Mr. Bruce Heaslip will soon be able to resume their normal routine. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Davison, Margaret and Douglas took a Sunday drive through Algonquin Park. nited Chunch, Oshawa 1 this ,dilemma-and b headacéhe- -It -was neot"enly Thanksgiving' what you don't see in this week's Sunday at Ceurtice United 3eFo U" sue you'Il get i next week's Sunday Scbooi, but aise Promo- Be Fo Us"edition with a lto other up-to- tien Sunday. The teachers greet- date news. ed their new pupils as they pass- S ~The Southern States wbich ed tbrougb a gateway formed boast about having two and by sheaves of cern. There was tbree crops in garden and field a record group passing from Be- H. tkisonin a year are not toc fan ahead gînners into Pnirnary Grade, aise H. Akinsn ofOurown Durham County in a good total attendance. ited Church, Oshawa rotary growth. As preef cf this super fertility and fast growth, Fiendship cannot exist ex- iast week Reeve Sid Little shar- cept among gond men-Cicere. Rd of God", ed witb the editor a treat of Pure hurnanity, fniendship, second growtb, large luscieus borne, the interchange of love, Columbia bernies picked from bning to cartb a feretaste cf bis garden on Friday. And te beaven.-Many Baker Eddy. IioMus. Bach., L.R.S.M. show that the weeds badn't got He is our fiend wbo loves liothe stant cf oun popular Reever more than admires us, and due ta bis muitifarious municipali would aid us in our great work. duties he al5o brought iû hia -William Ellery Channing. j an ce tE lie Mn. and Mrs. El! Mains bave purchased the lot west of Tem- kin's cottage from Allan Beacock and are clearing the ground for mnoving their trailer and kitchen as soon as pessible. Mn. Fred Hyland and Arthur and Mn. Clifford Hyland, Tenon- to, were Sunday visitars with Mir. and Mrs. Byraxi Hyland and 'amily, Omemee. Mn. and Mrs. Harry McLaugh- in and Lawrence were Thanks- giving visitons with Mn. and Mrs. George Wolfe. Mrs. Cecil Wilson and Gwen were holiday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Lamb, En- niskillen. Mrs. Hugh Taylor, Lindsay, spent the weekend with Mr. and "M CANADIAN STATESMAN. nôWVAWVff T.lF nvmàw'rm