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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1954, p. 10

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PAGE TEhi I Social and Personal Mr. and Mri. Perey Farrow, Allun Rowe and family. Stamkvlle, and Mr. and Milton Mr. and Mms. Wm. Barr and Robinson, Kendal, had supper family of Bowmanvile wemc with Mms. G. N. Smith. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Miss Nomma Hollowell spent Mms. G. H. Hodgson. Wednesday evening with Mrs. Mm.R .Prisnhsr- Geo. Smith. tMne.RD.emaomin Mon r- Mms. Eic Pearce, Robert, tre ohrhm nMn Marilyn and Douglas of Lana- treal after a week's visit with ~ weme ghem daughtem and sen-in-law, ing ere ecet gusts ithMr. and Mms. Marshall Picker- anrs. .aJ.nS Rikard d. ing and family. Mm. and Mms. Marshall Pick- The Evening Branch of St. eing spent 'the -Thanksglving Geomge's W.A. met in the Par- weekend in Montreal P.Q.ý ish Hall on Wednesday, Octo- Mm. and Mms. Gordon Bache- ber 13, with 17 members and lbm ofTomonto and Mr. and Mmm. two guestU present. After the Gordon Watson of Omono were minutes and other reports were Sunday guests with Mm. and given, a committee was dawn Mrs. Stan Brown and family. up te look-aftem the Little Help. Mm. and Mrs. C. J. Agnew of ers for the est of the year and Port Coibomne visited with Mm. a tentative date was set for and Mms. Gordon Agnew on the annual party. Further plans Monday. for the card paty were made. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Farm of The emainder of the evening Toronto weme Thanksglving was spent in sewing anà was visitera with the latter's moth- concluded iwith delicious mre- er, Mms. W. J. S. Rickard. feshments. Mm. and Mms. Frank Robb _________ and George of Markhamn were recel$t visitors with Mm. and Before we consider whether Mms. Marshall Pickeing and a thing be well said we ought family. first to consider whether it be Mm. Frank Patteson o! Guelph welh that it hc said làt all.-Sîr is visiting with Mr. and Mmi. -Walter Raleigh. Friddy & Saturdù: 0 Specculs!, Men ps Suifs... Iii Fine Qualiýy Gabardines, Tweeds or Flannels wlth TWO PAIR PANTS Regular $59.00 ÔNLY .s27.9.% Men 's -Topcoafs Fine Quality Gabardine in colours of Grey, Blue, Beige 'i hu pi Co 3-Season with Coal Z 19-I1N LINING Regular $2495 -sI5.93 Headquarters NUNTING SUPPLIES F'e carry a complote stock of intimg supplies at low, low Sices - Rubber boots, Rip loots, Hunting Clothes, Camp ats, Sleeping Bag% Blankets, BOWMANVILLE SURPLUS SALES 1King st. B. BoauiU Phone MA 3-3211 f a tr se er lb o. en it Fr ab an e] niý tio Ch an col ter Sn tol we wa tai be thE in on the gmo pos ans Bib Apple Losses Heavy lIn Newcastle District Af fer Hurricane Hazel * AS Hurricane Hazel swept throu gh Newcastle on Friday night the greatest loss was no doubt suffered by local orch- ardists whose large crops of late apples were tomn from the trees by the thousands of bush- els and strewn on the ground, While hydro and telephone lines were twisted and broken. Councillor Fred Couch chair- man of the property committee was on the job with his help- ers throughout the night. The members of the volunteer fire department were stationed' at the fire hall ready for any emergency, while Mr. Oouch, Police Chief Randali, Fire Chief Miller and Stan Powell witn the assistance of the Alldread tow truck kept falling trees and branches off the streets. Mr. H. S. Britton of the lo- cal hydro fought a losing bat- tle in his attempt to keep local power lines in operation witli two or three lines breakîng for one repaired. Electric service was cut almost continuously fmom about 7.30 Fiday even- ing until the ealy hours cf Sat- Ùurday morning. With the terri! ic gales which toppled and broke trees like matchsticks the community was most fortunate in the absence of fimes which would have been practicahly impossible to con- trol. A small band of men did a valiant job thmoughout that stormy night and surely do deserve the hearty appreciation of all esidents o! the village of Newcastle for a tough job well done. The only known casualty of the night was a painful strained knee suffered by Councillor Couch, while working in the dark, had the misfotune te faîl into a grease pit at Alldread's Garage. Saturday morning a chain saw was -obtained and trees and limbs which had been blown into the streets duing the storm weme cut and emov- ed estoring the streets te or- dem once again. 0 BEAC.TCKLarmer was ual oatn 1The worship service and study Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc- book were conducted by Mrs, Laughlin, Linda and Bobbîe were Hutton with Mrs. E. Dorreil, Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, C. Wright, Mrs. R. Larmer Mrs. Gordon Sturrock, Bowman- and Mrs. L. Wright taking parts. ville. Mrs. D. Dormell and Mrs. L. Miss Wilma Toms had an ap- Wright were appointed as nom- pendicitis operation at Commun- iflatiflg committee. ity Hospital, Port Perry, on Sun- After the business. thank-you day evening. We ahl wish her a notes, reports, etc., lunch was speedy recovery. served by Mrs. Carl Wight's Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wood and group and a social time enjoyed. Eldeen, Bobcaygeon; Mr. and 0.N.O. Installs Stove Mrs Alfred Thornpson, Messrs. Mrs. Neil Werry was hostçss Joseýph and William Thompson, to the O.N.O. last Tuesday even- Oshawa, with Mm. and Mrs. Orig Venning.Noreen Malcolm, president, Miss Beryl Larmer, R.N, of conducted the meeting. Roll Trail, B.C., is home for holidays. caîl was answered by "What I We are glad that Mr. Ernest would like in my dream house". Larmer is improving in health.. There was considerable bus- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner and iness to be attended to. Plans family have moved into their were made for the annivemsary lovely new home in North Black- dance. The Clu b voted to a stock. for installing an electric stove in Mr. and Mrs. John Quesnel the Recreational Centre, which (ne Babar Jakso), shaaMr. Wallace Marlow had secured1 (neera Jackson), shwa for us. The next meeting will Miss Doris Hamilton, R .N., be on Nov. 9 at the home of Mrs. ,Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Merrill Van Camp. Hamltn.After the business, Mrs.Wer Mr.and Mrs. Russell Mount- codcted a limerick contest joy wîth Mr. and Mrs. Freeman after which she and hem group Eddy, Orono, on Sunday. served a lovely lunch. Miss Shirley Hamilton, Toron- St. John's WA to, with Mr. and Mrs. John Ham- The W.A. of St. Jo:hn s Church ilton. was held in the Parish Hall on The following were the prize Thursday afternoon, Oct. 14th winners at the Men's Club at 2:15. The meeting opened euchre party at the Parish Hall with devotional exercises con-j on Thursday evening: door prize ducted by the President. -Mr. Riddell; ladies -Mrs. Mar- Two communications from vin Nesbitt, ivrs. T. Langfeld, Mrs. Bateman were read; one, a Mrs. George Fowler; men-Mr. letter of thanks for and apprec- Flem Thompson, Mr. Marvin iation of a very pleasant after- Nesbitt, Mr. Percy Van Camp. noon in the Parish Hall and the There were 10 tables. parting gift of a beautiful Bible; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Spinks, the second was hem resignation Oshawa, with Mrs. Ed. Darcy as Literary and Living Message and Mrs. Ira Argue. Secretary. Mrs. McArthur kind- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Agg, Whit- ]y accepted this office for the by, with Mr. and Mrs. Allan remainder of the year. Rahm. Taking orders for the Bul- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Arm- letin and Christmas calendars strong and June, Mr. James was also included in the duties Armstrong, Burnt River, at Ray of this office. McGill's. It was decided te answem the Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahm and roll caîl at the November meet- family at Bill King's, Oshawa. ing with a small useful article Rev. and Mms. M. Butters and to be included in the bale beingi boys, Inglewood, at the Rev. C. sent tdthe W.A. House, Toronto. W. Hutton's. Reports were given by the Mr. and Mrs. Harold Martyn Corresponding Secretamy for and boys at the Sid Martyn's, cards sent and thank you notes Oshawa. received; by the Dorcas Secre- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mar- tary saying the list to be pro- [ow and Bill, Mr. and Mrs. Herb vided for the Indian girl in the Swain with Mr. and Mrs. Weir school at Prince Albert, Sask., Swain, Toronto. had been received; by Mrs. Mr. Merlin Bailey has been Nicholson me the Board meeting ransferred from Gaît to Toronto. in Toronto and of the Deanery .Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thompson held in Coîborne by those who and Jean with the Lloyd Pas- had attended. sant's, Cadmus. The meeting closed with hymn Mr. and Mrs. James Logan, and beinediction after which Stouffville, at Ronald Ginn's. lunch was served by Group III In the large potato contest for with Mms. G. Staniland as con- Cartwright that Martyn's gen- vener. rai store held, first prize was mon by Norman Edgerton, Cad- ,us, with a spud weighing3 1s., 10 oz. Mrs. J. Swartz, also ENNISKILLEN )fCadmus, Won second, her rmtry weighing 3 lbs.. 312 ozs The W.M.S met on the ev- United Church service was ening of October l2th at the mithdrawn Sunday evening as home of- Mrs. J. McLaughlin twas Cadmus anniversary. with Mrs. E. A. Wermyu pre- Hazel Was Here siding. Devotional was in HuricneHaelviste u lstcharge of Mrs. W. Ferguson. Huricae aze vsitd s lstMiss Gloria Wright favoured ýriday night, causing consider- with -selections on the accord- tle confusion and usspaeM .Clr vlan ban rofs eredamgedence Penfound, Courtice, gave rid the hydro cut off. Some a very thoughtfuî talk on the *ctions were still without pow- value of the C.G.I.T. member- ýat time of writing. A big ship. The Re-affiliation Ser- ight was plannèd at the Recrea - vice of the C.G.I.T. was under ional Centre with the Oshawa the direction of their leader,' 'hapter of Barber Shop Quartets Mrs.O C stnadcn id other talent. The chorus c 0udCd sh thenresntaion- )t there and Mrs. Ralph Mal-lue ihtepsnaio dlm, elocutionist, but the at_ of a donation to the Overseas endncewassmal. r. ayScholarship Fqpd. Group two iooks provided lights with his Mm ad lncrh, enadBr w truck and several flashlights M.adMs enr rd ere used. Everyone present ley accompanied Mr. Alymer vas delighted with the enter- Hemring~ Oshawa, to Willow- inment. The proceeds are to dale to* visit his cousin, Mr. ,used to instaîl cupboards in and Mrs. Lorne Butson. e kitchen at the Recreationali Mm. and Mms. Leonard Brad- !ntre. ley visited Mr. and Mrs. George Blacstoc C.GI.T. Rahm, Blackwatem. Blacstoc C.GI.T.Ver>' sorry Enniskillen news The Blackstock C.G.I.T. met is scarce this week, telephones 1the United Church basement are out since the wind sto&m. n Thursday, Oct. 14. with eight Congraýulations to Mr. and imbers present. We opened. Mrs. Geo. W. James on celé- ie meeting with games bY brating their mecent 35t1i Wed- roup three, followved by Pur- ding annivemsamy- se and roll caîl which was Glad to report Mrs. T. M. swemed with a verse fmom the Shemnon has returned homne ible. from visiting friends and me- The Leader, Miss Chant, ar- latives at Manitoba. riged to entertain the group to_______________ party at hem apartment on Fmi-I IY evening fmom 5 to 8 p.m. Secr U&1~ ,rsh--p-service andr Tapsi closed Wedding ?Anniversary Occasion TRUEDAY, OCT. 21st 1l of famiIy Gathering -k. -b .4 d ýe i Un belle vable but You'11 own the Finesitmade , *THESE TWO CAN *EASIER 'AND BETTER WITH ADDED ECONOMY TYPICAL EXAMPLES à. FOR A FAIWTY 0F 2 or 3 3 MONTHS SUPPLY $1O0-85 per wk. FOOD AND FREEZER FOR A FAMILY 0F 4 or 5 3 MONTHS SUPPLY $14-99 ler wk. FOOD AND FREEZER FOR A FAMILY 0F 6 or?7 3 MONTHS SUPPLY $19.44 per wk. FOOD AND FREEZER Alil foods specialiy processed for home freezer use in a goverument inspecied plant of You wili receive ahsolutely free a beauli fui sel of menu cards in a pIasticized recipe file box when our Food Counsellor comtes out Io your home with your Pasapori Phone eBowmanville MA 3-5578 -E -4 Drop in and See Our Flôor -ipa Display ~ e .pp....*... Clip and Mail This Coupon and we will inake an appoinlinent wiih you fo have a frained food counsellor help you with your problems. This Can Mean Unlimited Savings in Tiine,_Money and Labour, to You.1 KITS ON'S AMANA PLAN 73 KING ST. WEST BOWMANVILLE Please send Food Counsellor to: Amdes Phone -K -oôbiito htovr ________________________________________ "At No Obligation Whatsoever" <1/z. Afewcadle 9;46f2i4en1 Gordon Agnew, Edilor 1~hons 3621 THE CANADIMiq- STATESMAN. BOWMANVILL, ONTARIO AReal Servicr Mai thiouponDe - ~~~ ~ ~ ~ r M i Coupon --1,---- -------- -------- .4 1 Rarely is th&re such a large family gathering as occasion. There are il children and 24 grandchildren, ail the one piètured above. When Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nimigon of whom to judge from the above photo, were enjoying of Pontypool celebrated their 43rd wedding anniversary the family reunion. recently, members of the family gathered for the happy -Photo by C. B. Tyrrell, Orono S OLINA scienit. Mrs. G. Heal presided inteCmunt al Friday disrupted Solina Women's Institute met "Happy Homes Do Not Hap- Mm. and Mrs. Wes Yellowhees awa, and on Thursday afternoon with pen, they are the esuU of Harold and Murray; M. and Taylor vis Ms. Wes Yellowlees, president, combined efforts," was com- Mrs. J. Yellowlees wee Sun- dal, on Su in the chair. The opening ode mented on by Mms. Roy Lahg- day dinner guests at Mm. Don Mm. Don was sung and the Mary Stew- maid, reading a poem "Home", Thompson's, Courtice. aawe art Collect was epeated in un- by Edgar Go est. Two piano Miss Evelyn Taylor, Peter- J. Yellowli ison. Following the -reading of solos by Mms. Murray Vice borough, spent the weekend at Congrati. the minutes several cards and were enjoyed. Beautiful col- hem home. adLi letters of thanks w ere read. oured s ldes w ere s o nayM .nndms . La m Lbr h o fis Mms. Gordon Leask reported Mms. Jack Cruickshanks, these Blackstock, Miss Bemyl Lammer, that 15 card tables had been were scenes taken in Scotland Trail, B.C., visited at Mm. Har- purchased for use in the hall. where they visited this sum- vey Yýellowlees. Let then Plans were made for the bus nmer. Lunch was served by Cnieabe dmg ws Statesman tnpte oroto e te Wmens goup1.caused by Hurricane Hazel dur- This is Institute Convention on Nov- Next Sunday, October 24, ing Fmîday night. Telephones about relig ember 4. The November meet- Sunday School will be at 10 were eut of working order for Biting my ing will be in the form of a o'clock. There wihl be special several days owing te fallen Beating m3 quilting ili charge of the West services at Hampton. Jimbs and trees. Roofing was "Fool," sai grmpup. The moll caîl was an- Solina soccer team will be tomn from sevemal barns and "Look in t' swered with the name of a honomed at a tumkey banquet houses and hydre service was -(Anon.) b- S t s C for some time. Mrs. H. Ogden. Osh. 1Mr. and Mrs. E. R. iited friends at Ken- tinday. in Kellestine, Toronto, eekend visitor at Mr. lees. ulations to Harvey Yellowlees on the rieir daughter. rn W ork for vou-The iClassifieds what I found ou: gion: truant pen, lyself for spite, d my muse to me, thy heart and write. Continuous Areas Name - hone 3621 True! HELP YOU LIVE Supply of Low Pricèd Food is Guaranteed If You Live in ihe Serviced by this NewspaiDer

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