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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1954, p. 13

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A very complete and interest- pirates used Port Royal as their a Ing account of the history, econ- headquarters they buried a greata 01-~Y, and climatic characteristics deal of their plundcred loot in- a of zhe island of Jamaica and the cluding gold, jewels and silks a everyday life and activities of its around the town. In June, 1622, People was given to the Bow- a terrific earthquake tooka. inarville Rotary Club membgrs place in Jamaica and much of!e at their regular meeting on Fri- Port Royal sank beneath the d".. by Miss Betty King, whose sea. The town was then moved M hý. e is at HaIt Way Tree, St.ito an adjacent location and was a W'Ai d-rew's Parish, Jamaica. rc-named Kingston. The old ic iss King, who was introduc- portion of Port Royal left above ti e( ay Rotarian Forbes Heyland, the water was called Spanish fi ha, been visiting since July with Town and is still a part of Pl h er uncle, MacDonald "Mac" Kingston.w Smith on Bradshaw Street. She In recent years many at- eý Pointed out thdt her native tempts have been made to sal- ti Jamaica la very small and could vage the treasure buried by h( be set in Lake Ontario "with the pirates, Miss King stated, pý stili tugh room left so that but none of these have yet been in uld have to row ashore." successful. it is a very mountainous island, Kingston is now the capital li she said, with many rivera bear- and main city o! Jamaica and f. ing Spanish names given to themn the House of Representatives Vj when the Spaniards owned the Is located there. In 1944, the country in the years from 1494, speaker said, Jamaica was w when it was discovered by given a ncw constitution anda Columbus, until 1655, whcn it a form of responsible govern- I wastakn b te Bitih. ment. The 44 members of the bý Before the Spaniards took House of Representatives are R p( -session of Jamaica, she stat- elected by the people under ae eci, it was occupied by a race of system of universal suffrage. ed Incians, and as a resuit of the There is also a legisiative count-* mixture of the Indian, Spanish, cil partly nominated by the Negro and British races, the British governor, and an execu- P p opulation today is o! mixcd tive council of 10 - five of blood, with many people having whomn are chosen by the gov- ~ as an asfor boo uns. ernor and the other five select- 6 Intested by Pirates ed by the House o! Represent- CI Miss King pointcd out that the atives. s Caribbean Sea was infestcd with Islands Seek Federation ye pirates in the century before "The West Indian islands are ye 1655 and these buccaneers made hoping to federate in the future their headquanters at Port Royal and become one Dominion in- - on Jamaica. Their leader was stead of a scattered group of Henry Morgan, a Welshman, and islands with diffenent forms of when an armada of, Spanish govennment," Miss King de-1 ahipa was coming to attack clared. "They have asked Eng- Jamaica he went to the British land for authority to proceed authorities and suggested that he with this plan." be made governor. He told Describing the physical fea- thcm that If he wenc, he wouldtrsofJmiath spke use his pirate ships to fight off ted th at bcaus o theae the Spaniah. He was made gov- motainou nat bcue of the n eror andefknigthn e pt ih.there is a considenable amount Wor- d by eeting the ispans of electric power developed fo-tan rsevn the Britand from streams, and the remain- to' te Briish.der of the island's powen --luring the period when the necds arc met by stcam gener- ating plants. There arc 208 miles o! railroads on the Island, she said, and the roads arc mostly paved and ini good con- Most of the big business firma in Jamaica are controlled by the whites, Miss King said, but the negroes are taking an in- creasingly important part in business ventures and do verSý well at anything they attempt. t p-.. Partly on account of the warm /i- weather. which scldomn sees ."o the temperature drop below 60 degrees, day or night, summer - or winter, the Jamaicans like a lot of leisure time. They % work only from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and devote considerable tinie to the movies, dancing, the legitimate theatre, pantomines and sports. The most popular e e o sports, she said, are cricket, * * ~football, horse racing, golf and Righiy Seasoned Food *LO0RN E D 0RE E The people of Jamaica like 85 King St. 9. their food very highly season- MA 35713ed, Miss King stated, even the salted codfish which they buy * ' e from Canada. They consume a large amount o! cooked green bananas, avacado pears and grapefruit (breadfruit) which they cook and eat as a vege- ..........table. The health of the people k D Io is good except for a high in- cidence of tuberculosis among the negro population. To help BhshIL~ILIm jcheck this disease, the govern- ment provides free hospitals and sanataria. P olhio first came to Jamaica only in July of this ycar, the speaker stat- cd, and it is bclievcd that it was bnought there by natives il who had been working in the Unted States. This new dis- case poses a grave threat to il Jamaica because of the vcry Warm climate. Most Jamaicans take their religion senîously, Miss King dcclared, and worship together in their churches without seg- t8 ?"~~regation. The Anglican relig- ion i thepredominant one, but manyother religious de- e hr.Educational standards arehig ontheIsland. There are high elementary schools -*_"likeourpublic schools and many High Schools and Junior ;m Colleges where the standa;rdïs CALIFORNIA ICEBER< L ETTU C GARDEN BOY 1FRESH SI F1 M.rdseye Orange Juice TEE~~~~~~~~PG CAAIN TTBMN OA<YLK NA Young Lady Describes Pic fure of Jamaica To Rotary on Fridav FR FL c crop, has donc a great deal f or the country, Miss King assert- ed. Other important export.s are sugar, coffee, cocça, tobacco, rum, molasses, seices, dyes, 1 citrus fruits and éoconuts. The nIvmvIuvhu most important minerai found Pd JM.PS & SOFTENE L in Jamaica is bauxite, theor LIMITED Pr82 fnom which aluminuni is made, and large quantities are mined LONDON - CANADA by a Canadian firm and shipped W- to Arvida and Kitimat in Canada where it is smelted in- J ACK BROUJGHl to aluminum. Zinc, lead, man- ganese, gyptum and silver are 'L.UMBING AND HEATINO also mined on the îsland. PHONE 615 BQWMANýVILLIE The toirit industry is aLso Division Street 8. iimpo. a'- and in one year provictes an niuch as $30,000,000 in revenue. Tourists are most- ly fnom the United States, Canada and Great Bnitain. A welfare industry for women rnakes handbags, shoca, fabnica and dresses which are uold mostly to the tounîsts. The cultural lite of thse Jamaicans is not ncglected, M4iss King said, and Kingston lias fine libraries, a museum and an art gallery. She also described the odd animal and insect life on Jam- aica which ineludes mongooses and lizards o! aIl kinds, such as the four-foot guana and the cnoaking lizards. Impressions of Canada The speaker concluded hen address by giving her impress- ons o! Canada. She stated that she found Canadians veny friendly a n d hard - wonking people. "With continued hard work and a willingness to help each othen and the large num- ber of ., immigrants coming hcre, I feel that Canada ahould have a very great devchopmcut in a comparativcly short time," she dcclared. Misa King was thanked for hen very interesting and colon- Eul address by Rotanian George Vice. Other visitons at the meeting wcre E. J. Morley o! Orono, Rnd F. R. Schon o! Bowman- vil and they were wclcomed y President 0, F. ".Oddy" Robson. He also congratulat- ýd Rotanian George W. James n the occasion of his 35th x ed di ng anniversary. He' ointed out that Mn. James, xho is often referred to as 'The Old Grey Mayor," is one )f the most ardent supportera ýf the Bowmanville Rotary lub, and up to the time he .zffered a heant attack three 7ears ago, had achieved 22 iears perfect attendance. Mn. James thanked the club S.. Eliot. 4 /«IiwtSWIFT& FINE FOODS Quality, particularly in foods ... is ahways your best buy. When you walk out of our store with a bag full of Swift's Premium Products . . . you're ready ta serve your family with the finest in nutrition. Nutrition quality-controlled, ta add years ta your life ... and ife ta yaun years! RESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES .ORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS âRAPEFRUIT 10 for 49< Si'ze 28', kist Oranges -2 doz. 6'9< E HEAD 17c DINACH 10-0z. pkg. 2 for 2è5C ROZEN FOODS 'oz Wrapiped 1 lb.36 Pkg. 27< - -j--' Lb. Swm*ft's Quality Products ALLS*EET Margarine Lb' 39c P R E M LUNCHEON l2ioz.41 SHORTENING JEWEL Lb. 28c PARD DOG FOOD 2 Tins 25c DALTON'S MARASCHINO RED CHERRIES bot, 23c BRUNSWICK SARDINES 3 Tins .25c CROWN ~ TEA BACS Pkg. of 100 bats 91C V ITA -B C-oz. pkg. 34c JELLO ~JEk5 3For2c CRAN. SUGAIR 10 Lb. 8iC SARAN WRAP roll 39c IKRAFT DINNER 2 Pkt. 29c GLD DUTCH Cleauser 2 Tins 27c ROBIN HOOD FLOUR 'b 39c P lUNESVALLEY Medium 029c RAISINS PARM BOY 15..oz.21 CURRANTS GODL pkg.21c Quality. CHOCOLATE NESTLES QUIK CORN FLAKES CATELLI'S Macaroni S pagyh e 11i The Orono News memfbens for their good wushes and invited them ail ta thse an- niversary celebration at the Lions Community Centre that afternabn and evening, A minute's silence wus ob-ý served ini memory of late Ro-7 ,tanian Wesley Jewell and â; Lprayer o! remembrance offer-' cjd by Rotarian Rev. T. Arthur Morgan. Fathers Recelve Instructions The ceremony of pnoviding baby gifts from membens to Rotanians Dave Hlggon and Jins Stutt, who are recent fathers, provided a great deal o! merriment for the gathen- ing. Rotanian L. W. Dippel conducted this portion of the program with a practiced man- ner. He dcmonstnated to the new fathers the propen method of replacing diapens. o! bottle feeding and o! cradling tic cnying offspning at 3 a.m. ;n the morning. President Rob- son prescnted them with babyý blankets whech were gifts from the "club. An appropniate 'sing-song for the occasion was ie b y Bob Stevens with Dave Morrison àt thet piano. Mn. Robson con- gratulated Rotarian S. 0. "Marty" Martin on the job he la doing as Chairman o! the Magazine and Public In- formation Committee. Thcy constantly try to escape,J 'Prom the darkness outside and within By drcaming o! systems so per- fect That no one will need to be good. But the man that is will sha-1 dow The mian that pretends to be.1 -"Chorus from the Rock," T.1 Miss. Audrey Billings, Osh- at Beaverton on Saturday. The Danadian Citizen, The Beaver". Mr. and Mrs. Adam Keane awa, with Mr. and Mn.. Carl and Mn. Sam Keane, Oshawa, Billings. Misa Dorothy Devine and Mr Mn. and Mrs. Harley John- Henry Leamen, Toronito, were ston, Toronto, visited Mr. and guests of Mr. and Mn.. Wm. Mrs. Gco. Monton.1, Leamen. Mn.. Harry Mercer visited Mn. and Mrs. H. Snell and Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Mowat, Danny, Toronto, visitcd Mn,. Toronto, last week. Ken Gamsby and family.. Mn. and Mns. Chas. Wood Miss Mary Bowcn, Niagara visited Mr. and Mri. Roy Falls, spent the weekend with Barrabail, Whitby. ber mothen, Mrs. F. Bowen. Mrs. E. E. Patterson, Bow- Mn. and' Mrs. Kani Hall, manvile; Mrs. Jini Patterson Bowmanville, visited Mr. and and Rîckcy, Cobourg, wene Mrs. Frank Hall on Sunday. guests at the Bnownie's after- Mn. Frank Hall neturned homne noon tea on Saturday after- last wcek after six weeks' inl noon which was very success- Memorial* Hospital, Bowman- ful as they made over $34.00. ville. Mrs. H. Swancott, Mms. E. Congratulations to Mr. and Fogg, Mrs. Jini Major, Mns. P. Mrs. Fred Brooks (the former Patton and Mrs. Osborne spent Mary Phasey o! Orono) who Thursday in Peterborough. were mannied by Rev. J. K. Miss Edith Sherwin la ne- Moffat, Simcoc United Cburch, tunning home fnom Tqronto Mrs. Neil Smith is with ber Due to the atorm Friday sister, Mrs. Saunders, for the evening many fnom Orono Mnste . were prevented from attending Mr. n . Jim Major and the "At Home" at the Lions family were in Trenton Sun- Community Centre to offer day. Mr. and Mrs. A. Clough congratulations to Editor Mn. returned with themn for a visit. Geo. ~James and Mrs. James on Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bryson, their 35th wedding anniven- Bowmanvîlle, Mrs. M. Sherwin sary. and Laurence Sherwin visited Mrs. Oda Laing visited Mn. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Reeson, and Mrs. Wm. Downing, Tor- Markham. onto, last week.j Mn. John Tamblyn and Mn. Dr. E. C. Syer passed away Madison Hall returned home on Monday night at Miss Sadië from a business trip through Brown's residence. Funeral is1 the States. ' to-day <Tbursday).c Mn. and Mrs. Russell Van Mr. and Mrs. A. E. West and1 Horne, Wbitby, visited Mra. Mrs. Roy C. Forrester attendedc Fred Tamblyn on Fniday. the Walton - Carson wedding bride is a micc o! Mr. West. Rev. John Kitchen's IBérman on what makes "Happiness" Sunday mornlng was very in- tcresting. As there was na evenlng service many attend- cd Klrby Church Annlversary Services and Rey. Kitchen was on the Hampton charge - and next Sunday will be on Canton charge. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood and family, Laketleld,- spent a few days at Mn. and Mrs. Chau. Wood's. Mr..and Mrs. Junior West and !amily, Peterborough, vis- ited Mr. and Mn,. A. E. West. Mrs. O. Gibbs, Dunbarton, visitcd Mr. and Mn. Ed. Graham. Mn. and Mn,. Roy Barnabail, Whitby, were Satur4ay- even- ing visitons at Mn. Luther Barraball'.- and Mn. Chas. Wood's. S. S. No. 9, Clarke No. 9 Home and School Club met at the school last Tuesday evenîng. The watcn pnoblem at the school was discussed with nothinq definite dccided. It was also dIacusscd whether or not to send the children on a trip. The Royal Winter Pair and the Ice Capades were suggested. Decision is ta be le!t ta the ex- 1ecutive. Mrs. Raynand sang two solos "Loch Lomond"l and "'Annie Launie" which were much en- jhoyet o! the pnognam was the publictpeaking contest. The following are the names o! the coontestants and their subjects: 1. Helen Hancock, "First Lady of the Air". 2. Betty Branch, "A Good OSHAWA McKenna Super Market 948 Simca. St. N. Sproule's Food Store 272 King St. E. Sproule's Food Store 458 Simcoe St. S. Stroud's Food Market 54 Simcoe St. N. WHITBY Stroud's Food Market 116 Brock St. N. AJAX Ajax Market.ria Ajax BROOKLIN Brown's Marketeria Brooklin PORT PERRY Dowson's Food Market Queen Street Ment Dept. Values!. SWIFT'S PREMIUM Smoked *Shankless IL.39c '.(IlFSme7Boneless Pc, EXTRA SPECIAL!1 LEAN RIB STEWING B[ MEATY - Ideal for Roasting SIDE SPARE RIBS Swift's Premium FrankfL SWIFT'S BROOKFIELD -SINLESS )t Roast - EF irters m Picnics' IL 29c Lb. 9 fo, 9 IL 49c IL 37c PURE PORK SAUSAGE 1-lb. pkg. 4f EVERYDAY 10W PRICES 12..oz. 9 20O-o., l tint 19C 24-oz. Jar 25c 2 tins27c HALLOWE'E N CANDY 29<* 1-lb. Celle Pkg. 'i6'16c 20-oz. E.i9 tin E.ý9 tinz Ea. 15C 12-oz* 2or25c Paramount Fancy % tin MQRNING GLORY COFFIE 1-1b. bag l'o .3 PILLSBURY Angel Cake Xix SH!RRIFF'S Lemon Pie Filllug GENERAL FOODS Cake Frosting WESTON'S 7-MINUTE Minute Rico 16-o. pkg. 67c Pkt. 17c ni. 25c Large size 'Il 37c Lowe- Prcs . Hges ua.-o.U A y There's a RED & WHITE STORE in Your District F LITTLE BRITAIN Bullock's Groceteria Little Bnitain MAPLE GROVE Maple Grovq Groceterja Maple Grave BOWMANVILLE Yeo's Marketeria 55 King St. E. ORONO Coruluh Grocetrb Orono PORT HOPE Roberts Bras. Food Store 43 Ontario St. Roberts Uptown Market 276 Ridaut St. COBOURG Jeffery Food Market Birdseye Cod Filuets. SPECIAL VALUE ROSE BRAND - REG. PACK MARGARINE Grocery Values! BUYS 55C 12-oz. 23 SQCKEYE SALMON AYLMER PEAS CULVFRHOUSE CHOICE Asparagus Culs TRINMAD Grapefruit Juice 2 IDEAL WIIOLE DiII Pickles CRtEAM Corn STL rTio choie. 15-oz. tins 2for ZYc Tomalo Sauce Egg Noodies CAR DRAW OCT. 22nd RADIOCKL STATION CL 10:15 A.M. r/ R E D HITE 1:00D 1-1b. pkg. 4 .s c TE-M C"AnLa..w ivrATMOL41q. CM rAMO la A Min ý ffntTffl 3. Doris Laing, 'Aurora 80w. jalis", 4. Walter Gibson, "The King of Fruits -The Apple". 5. Gail Armstrong, "The Lady of the Lake". Mra, Bowen announced Gail Armstrong the winner. Judges were: Mr. Rutherford, Miss Cain and Mrs. Carlton. Meeting adjourned and lunch was served. Mrs. Lloyd Pedwell, Carol and Susan, Toronto, spent last wcek with Mr. and Mrs. Har. ald Pedwell. Mr. Lloyd Pedweil spent the weekend and this week with them. Miss Leslie Stephenson spent a few days with Miss Lois Bar- chard. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jaynes, Fred and Philip, Mr. anfd Mrc. Ken Stephenson with Mr. and Mrs. Bil Barchard, Sunday. Mrs. A. Fisk spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bar- chard and Sharon and Mr. and Mrs. Calvert Barchard an~d family, Whitby. Mrs. Wm. Henning Sr., Osh- awa, spent a'few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wally Gibson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allun spent last week at the Plowing match at Breslau. Master Bruce Alii spent the week with Mr. and Mn. Stan Allin and family. Master Keith and Hugh Allun spent the week wjth their cou- sin, Barry Pedwell. TICKETS TO EVERYWRERE j JURY & LOVELL 1 3owmanville BEST 'FOO CULVERHOUSE CHOICE 19-os. pkg. Large dm 47c 19C 27c ý,

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