y~P~v, os,. ..~ ~. ________ THE ~ANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE. OWrARIO PAGE PII~I Darlington School Bd. Grant s Permission to Use Various Schools The reguler monthly meeting of Sou hDerlington Twp. School Amea Board was held et Maple Grave Schaal, Tuesday, Octaber 12. Alter the usuel routine busi- ge" sao! the reading and the con- Eirmlng af the minutes and the ýý.sng of accounts the follow- ".thg metters, weme given atten- tion. Requesta to use schools et Shaw s and et Courtice for Mis- ,èsion Band meetings were grant- ed. Request ta use basement o! 'old school et Courtice for "Cul," Ineetinge vwas granted. Reui>o use new school et ,Wapl e for social even- Màngs and for dancing was grant- %d povided that such events be open to members of com- xnunity only and that they be sPonsamed by same definite or- genization which wauld be e- apansible for the conducting ai these. Ail such consents were given with the definite undprstand- Ing that ail buildings used must be left in a manner approved by the Board, the teachers and the janitors concerned and that if extra work through the use of these schools for such pur- poses were necessary some con- sideratian should be given. The progrea made regarding the campletion of additions et S. S. No. 6, et S. S. No. 8 and et the new achool et S. S. No. 12 was discussed, and it wes felt that in the best interests af the Board, the architect and the contractor, the property chair- man, the architect and the se- cretary should go over these. In order ta get a better pic- ture ai future accommodation nedessary, secretary was in- stmucted ta prepare hy October 25 a survey of pre-school child- en in the Hampton, the Maple Grove and the Courtice com- munities. Owing ta the untidy appear- ance o! school grounds et new Courtice school, because o! there being no proper place ta keep bicycles it was agreed that racks should be built ta take came o! these. up for payment: Furniture .---------$4400.50 Transportation -- 297.50 Fuel ------------------ 136.60 Sports equipment 23.85 Administration ---- -- 21.48 Operational --- ----- - 138.94 New heating ---------- 235.0,9 Maintenance .- -419.66 Instructional supplies -- 568.64 Ânglicans Hold Conference Discuss Rural Church Problems Outstanding Bishop WiII Attend' A Conference elf rather un- session of the Conference with Usual interest, fol Anglicans in the Great Chapter of the Ru- the Toronto Diocese, is to be rai Deanery of Durham and held In Bowmanville on Nov- Northumberland. erbber Ist, concerned with the Seats at the Conference and~ problems and the challenge of meals are being reserved for the Rural Church today and those who register. but visitors sponsored by the Town and are welcomed at the celebration Country Church Committee of the Diocese. The main attrac- tion will be the Bishop o! Lewes, the Right Rev. G. H. Warde. Dr. Warde is over on thiS continent for a few weeks and has beên in attendance at the Pan-Anglican Congress in Min- neapolis, the World Christian Conference in Evanston an d the Nationhl Convocatio n n- the Town and Country Church et Salina, Missouri. The Bisih- op is a leader in Rural Work mn England and will address the Conference twice in the course of the day. The H. K.I ~,..atson, B.A. will speak on the eJublect "The Challenge of the Rn ral Church" and in the even- ing there will be a special film shown called "In Fertile Soil". * his Conference, the first of type to be held for many years in the Toronto area will take place at St. John's Church, Bowmanville. The Rev. W. N. Rt. Rev. Geoffrey H. Warde Turner, B.A.B.D., Rector of this Church, will be the Chairman o! Holy Communion and at the of the Conference. Beginrting eveniing session which begins at with a celebration of Holy Comn- 7:30. On Sunday, October 3lst, munion at 9:30 a.m. and Greet- Bishop Warde will preach at ings from the Co-adjutor of St. Paul's. Perrytown at 10:30 Toronto, the Conterence will arn., at St. Saviour's, Orono at carry on until the evening at 3:00 p.m. and at St. John's, which time there will be a joint Bowmanville at 7'*:00 p.m. Trinity -W.A. Holds Thanksgiving Meetw Trmnity United Church W.A. held their meeting in the S. S. rdom October l2th with a fair attendance. The preaidont, Mns. Chas. Johns, apened the meet- Ing with the therne sang and prayer. Mr&. Sadler opened the devo- tional with a thanksgiving hymn. Mrs. Russell Bragg read the scripture followed by re- marks and prayer by Mrs. Aus- tin Wood. Mrs. Lloyd Ayre gang the son g o! Thanksgiving accompanied by Mrs. Rabb. Robert Stacey gave the read- ing on which he won the Iod medal presented by the Wr. T.U. et Newcastle last April. This was followed by an ad- dress on Thanksgiving by Mrs. g$quair. Mrs. Johns conducted a business period and plans were Unacqe for the Trinity Faîl Fair. EDead Stock Removed iîghest pricespald for Dead, Old and Crlppled Feras Stock. TELEPHONE COLLECT Cobourg 1787 NICK PECONI, PETERBOROUGH 2.2080 PERW PS ~R I4ATE t roWoLD RM12E,~ ~WEk*ME A MODEL Li- bILL W A. K1LP. R1( Oshawa Couple Married 10 Years On Saturday, Oct., 9, relatives gathered et the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Smith to congratulate themn on their lOth wedding anniversery. Mr' Ce- cil Rahm o! Burketon, Ont., act- ed an master ai ceremonies. Little Mise Linda Grace pre- sented her great aunt with a corsage and Master Kenneth Carr presented his great un- cle with a boutonniere. Mrs. Donald Car reed an eddmess on behali ai the relatives. Lais Ormiston and Miss Ada Rahim pmesented their aunt and uncle with a service o! dishes and a damask- table cloth. Miss Darothy Smith gave ai humorous reading and Miss1 Carolyn Carr gave a reading1 which was followed by singing 'For They Are Jolly Good Fel- lnws', after which an evening of carids was spent. Refreshrnents were servedI which included the traditional bridaI cake. The cake was made by Mrs. Donald Carr. Another hour of visiting was spent and the gathering broke up in the wee small hours af the morn- ing. PONTYPOOL Hurricane Hazel was not very much thaught af Iocally. She camne in with a real vengeance, rem6ving roofs, aerialis, smash- ing windows and uprooting trees large and small. However, we are very thankful that our losses were only monetary and extend sympathy ta those who lost loved ones and property in the' more stricken areas. The Logan-Elliott wedding took place on Sattirday et Bal- lyduf! Presbyterian Church. We exten aurcongratulations. Mr. and Mms. Earl Argue, Mr. T. E. Cain, Mr. Gordon Kirk and Mr. J. Payne, attend. ed e persanage board meeting in Janetville on Wednesday night. Mm. and Mis. Bert Reid and son Ronald. o! Toronto, apent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Logan. The United Church is plan- ning ta have its annivemsarv some time near the middlé o! NJovembem. We extend aur congratula- Uons to the editor, Mm. George rames and his wi!e an their 35th wedding annivemsamv. We were somry we were unable ta t the invitation to attend STARK VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Perey Farrow were dinner guestsaet Mrs. George Smnith's, Pfewcestle, Thursday evening. Mr. Wm. Savery, Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Severy and Betty ettended the Savery-Harrison wedding et St. Chad's Anglican Church, Toronto, Saturday. Miss Lorraine Farrow, Bow- manville, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and.Mrs. Howard Farrow. Mr.-and Mrs. Ross Hallowel and Mr. and Mrs. John Stark, attended the wedding of Mns. Sta k's brother, Murray Logan, in Peterboro, Saturday. Mrs. Carl Tod.d and Doris, Mrs. Lamne Todd, visited Mrs. Llew Hellowell lest week. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mms. Brenton Farrow on their mamiage on Saturday. Mrs. Farrow, formerly was Misd El- lon Wilkins af Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Leverne Wood and family, 'Peterboro, spent a couple af days with Mr. and Mr&. Morley Robinson, recent- ly. Our district wa in the path aif the starm Fridey evenm.g. It caused considerable damage to the barns of Messrs. Victor Farrow, Arthur McKay and Warren Cerson. Also there wves other damage ta trees, tele- phone and hydro services and boards blown off et variaus places. -Mr. and Mrs. George Etwel have retumned irom their cot- tage. Mr. and Mrs. Vasey, Midland, Mr. and Mrs. Byers Vasey, Ta- ronta, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Todd. Spiritual forée is stronger than material; thoughts mule the worl.-RlphWeldo Emerson. Mr. and Mrs. S. Walker, Douglas TYRONuEt and Gardon, Miss Phyllis May- nard and Ethel Hall, Mr. S. Mc- arveat Home Servies Coy, Bowmanvile; Mr. and Mrs. Tyrone United Church Clo- Henry Waod anid family, Ken- brated HarvetH oS neth Chamberlain. Misa Gladys October 17th, wlth good at-Maynard and Miss Verne Mc- [tendances at bath aftrnaon and Roberts, Oshawa~, were guests af evenmng services. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Maynard. The guest speaker, Rev. Jahn Mns. W. Macdanald, Bowman- Smith af Whitby, gave challeng- ville. wlth Mml. Florence Scatt. ing messages, speaking in the i Bey. and Mrs. Fred Jackson afternoon on the theme, "Thanks and John spent Thanksgiving qivng, the best means of with his parents, Mr. and Mns. hanksglvlng!. "We can best A. A. Jackson, London. Mns. eThnk Yoti' ta God". said the JL.ckson and John remained until speaker, "by faiýhful attendance Fnlday when Mr. and Mrs. A. et church worship together with A. Jackson retumned home wîth loyal Christian service". The them and attended the Thank- evening sermon was a sequei tao ofering services et Tyrorse. that of the aitemnoon. Christian Rev. and Mrs. D. Lute and Stewerdship was empheslzed as Suazanne were tee guests Fiday well as the metter of the evening with Mrs. Alma Yellow- Christian's esponsibiities ta- lees and girls. Suszanne me- wards church and cammunity. mained for the weekend. The Tyrone Choir rendered an- Mr. and Mms. W. Ellîott and thems and Rowland Coombes Bille, Oshawa, visited Mr. and sang a solo at bath services. Mrs. L. Janezyn. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Stainton, Thys Vandergaast. Taunton; iMr. and Mn. GerritVandergast 1 family were all present et thefr Bowmanville, visited Mr. andi home. Mrs. Henry Hogeterp. Miss Marion Wright, Oshawa Mr. and Mrn, L. Alldread and. and Misa E. Knox wîth Mr. aâi Maxine, Mr. James Alldread Mrs. W. Jeweil. were tea guests af Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wood. Cecil Alldread. Bowminvile. Nora, Boyd end Ralph, Orano, David Lute, Gore's Landing, visited his sister, Miss Allie with Jerryr Hardy, Friday even.. Wood et the home af Mrs. Alma ing. tai Yellowlees. Sorry oha Mr. J. Wilson is Miss Doreen Rahm, Water- still in Memanial Hospital, Bow- down, is spending a week et her manville. 4~L1 wish him a qulck home. recovery. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm attend- -Hurricane Hazel did plenty af ed the funeral an Tuesday af his damage -eround this district. aunt, Mrs. C. Gage, jrom Marris - Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rehni Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. visited Mrs. G. Nldery end Mary, Interment Bowmanville Ceme- Hampton. tery. Don't forget Tyrane United Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. Church chicken pie supper. See Len Boumne and family on the caming events. pessing o! her husbend, Mr. L. Mr. and Mrs. J. Park and fam- Boumne, an Tuesday, October 19, ily, Peterborough, called an Mr. in Oshawa Hospital. and Mrs. W. Park Jr. Congratulations ta Mr. and ]Rev. and Mrs. John Smith and Mrs. F. L. Byem on their 35th children, Whitby. were tee guests wedding anniversary an Friday, ai Rev. and Mrs. Fred Jackson October l5th. On Sunday their Sunday evening. I 'ewutasure of TV value The You've neyer seen ift So ig by Admirai You ve neyer seen if S.o Super Giant 21"" TVI Good Aluminized Picture Tube i somf LITTLE 95 WALNUT slightly higher in mah<uany or blonde use this char t fo measure TV value ADMIRAL 270 sq. in. PICTURE ALUMINIZED PICTURE TUBE 18 TUBE "Robot" CHASSIS AC POWER TRANSFORMER Foolproof PRINTED CIRCUITS 20% SMALLER CABINET $249-95 OTHERS h FOR 33 King- St. W. Bowmnunv.iI. 220-250 sq. in.? .NON-ALUMINIZED .15-16 TUBES? NO TRANSFORMER old type ASSEMBLY BULKY old style CABINET up to $150.00 more OP MA 3m3262 4 "Triumph" A lI'wood You ve. Cabinets neyer'paid THE - CAN-ADI-AN STATZOM", BOIMA?7Vnla ONTARM