l'yuUSMAT. OCT. SIet, lm TIM CANADIAX TATF£SMAN. BOWUANVTLLr. ONTARIO Guos IN .MEMORIAM COUCU-lh >jovng memoryC dear father who passed aw October 25th, 1950. A tribute of love and reine brance Of a father, one of the besi «Zh. joys that h. missed on lil Journey May ho find ini God's garc of rest. affIy nissed by Denelda a Id. 42 BEU~Y-In ioving memnory gear -wife and mother, &01: 'eywho passed away Octol Vedýo flot need a special da3 To bring you to our mind, For the 4ays we do flot think Are vy hard to find. 9 ail thia world were ours give, We'd give it, yes, and more, 'ro see the face of Lillian, de. Corne smiling through1 door. -]Cver remembered by husba and famlily. 42- C;RROD-In ioving memory John W. Garrod, who pass away October lBth, 1942. L.ove's greatest gift, remembrance. -Ever remembered by wife a] family. 42. Cards of Thanks I wish ta thank Doctors Rund and Ferguson and nurses ai aides of Memorial Hospital, tho who sent cards, flowers, fri and candy, and those who i quired, and the neighbours wl no kindly helped in any way. Mrs. James Brown. 42- 1 wish to thank Dr. Fergusc Jur se3 and staff of Memor: iospital, those who sent flowe: fraWt and cards and those w. aled to see me, also Rev. ar )4rs. Seymour. A special thanI to Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevei where I arn now staying. W. H. Moore. 42. The family of the late Mr Wolter Souch wish to thai $hefr friends, neighbours ai rglatlves for their kind act messages of sympathy and beau Ifuil floral offerings during oL ,Iereavement in the Ioss of ot plother. WVe especialiy thar 74ra. Hodgert and staff of Stratti gven Rest Home. 42- To date $277.95 has been co« Jetdfor the Dot Diiling Fun( ,ig roney is in the banik an le be used for her medical eà I~fund wish to thank al P Diflino's friends and organize tions who have contributed an &li2 those who have assisted i çmctIng this money. 42-1 1 wlsh to thank Drs. Sturgi. Austin and Ferguson, specia nurses, nurses and staffc Memorial Hospital, also thos wbo sent fruit, flowers and carc and macle inquiries. A ver: acial thanks toail who ser akigto our home and helpei care or our children. Elsie Beckett. 42- 1 wish ta thank Doctors Mc ICenzie, Rundle, Austin; specia nurses nurses and aides of Meni ortal Ïiospital. Also those whý gent cards, - flowers, fruit ani candy. To my neighbours aný ijriends who have been so kmn and helped me since I cami 'home. Thanking vou ail onci &gain. Mrs. Harold Couch. 42-' Articles For Sale WINTERIZE NOW! Genuine Perd, Mercury, Monareh, Metedi Service wil buy VA 46 NASH - CHEV.- BUICH te MERCURY, i'947 DODUE - FORD 1#48 CHEV. Sedan Dellvery 1948 PONTIAC Sedan Dellvery »49q CHEV. %-ton Plckup "<1950 MOPIS Convertible, radio »EFItJf n UY- GIVE "STEW" A TRY Bramley Motor Sales Llmlted N.rourY Lincoln . Meteor e EWCASTLE PHONE 2971 Always Open 42-1 IS while the other side is zoned total area of 15,000 suare feet ifi dDirector of Probation Etobicoke Heroic Fire Chief I for heavy industry. Mr. Mason Elmer Bpntxng akdwa replied thot the Plann Board the procedure would be tf an S a le dM oorealized this was lot the most industry wished ta b id ln an therof M s. eorg dy desirable situation, but he area zoned as rural. M~r. Mason Gives TaIk on His WAork Brothro r.GereM oy pinted out that the Board had (staied that the peetb-a Work W anted Hfsolo ecL AwLrb L rit with the situation as1 provides that n sme ~~~~~~f~~~a aCloshoebywai~~Ai A 4 I . Brush iii m.eaiii Bowmanville and has net been iland. If an indusrywanted 'ay, after achool and Saturdays. Tele- VV oIT>en s '4d ne ClI4 Wlb Tus flood disaster ln Etob- of the flood. He was not able f poila nero wnstch astoe bil o uldhean o îd phone MA 3-5514. 42-1* icoke renultlng from Hurricane Ithe truc k which carried theNwxamensidi nwtwn i e d ar.l oudshave fo se - Daniel Coughian, Director of been 70 % reclamation of the Hazel caused personal concerîr Efobicoke firemen to theirreesnaeas- YOUNG Germait woman wanfs Probation in Ontario, former people given this chance. ta Mrs. George Moody of Bow- death but bad driven toafthe Mr Scott questioned the de- tion of the rural are& as in- ~, day work, 9 fa 4. Phone MA judge and an ordained Angli- Blazmng Trail rnanvllle, hs rohr i- Humber in bis own car fa as- sirability of designating fthe dustrial before the industry fes-~5822. -21* , a lryaadesdte Poain ii Otro I am Bel, is Chie! of the slsf in rescue work. He wvas lakefront as a residontial area could build there. de ALNTNAatiHm- Women's Canadian Club on blazing the trail for other Efobicoke Volunteer Fire De- swept Into the stream himise1 and aoth deia tions fterh r peetnnt uesM. n, fr cutom Abtir, HarnpMonday affernoon, Oct. 18, oni provinces, Mr. Coughlan (saiti partment. but was saved front drowning ti Ower gon ot fthe Base toshdbe nsee r iLie ol-lihtindsty.He Mason asked Mr. Baker and md MA -3243h32-t this liffle known aspect Of A frained staff of former law- Che l er narys-by okrsnth ba.I others who wished to have an M 3323.32t Cie Bll vr nary uf b wrer o te an. stated that the- ground there ti ormedfin o -.BB ltig xet - criminology, About 90 attended yers, mînisters, graduates in fered the fate which overtook Mr. Bell was badiy shaken wa toc soft fa support tounda- theirpresmendt oninfo BABY siting exeptFriciay. the meeting, which was the social science and psychology, Ifive of hl: men who were by bis brush with deatb but tions for large buildings. He change s in tepeetznn Shirley Rabbins, Phone 3-3273. first of the Fali season. Presi- as wel.- as about 301;' who are drownecin the swirling waters is now recovered. Mr%. Moody 1ofl htteVle fb-a osdrdfrhrt f a Lorraine Harper, Pboné 3-2069. dent Mrs, O. W. Rolpb Of Or- not university graduates, but of the Hlumber River Iast Set- bas nlot seen him since thxe astoit that ouh fNocmet the vae !b'lw c ndere ufet ao lian 42-1w ono presided îand welcomed are mature people, experiene- Lrday morning at the heighf flood last weekend. 2Vianstone's Creek oh o ocref the n emting andDvlomn ber members and guests. ed un social problentsadmin .9Hagheynbuld or zoned rathe lanning andtheveylopmet 1PL00R and wali file laid, cup- Filled with enthusiasm and isterg this a green boitor park rat eroad tbfour heblw ith 'y boards buit or any carpentry sincerity, Mr. Coughlan gave ' i1 1 than as residential. Board Prendf0cuclwt th work done. M. Jurko. Phono his audience some starfîing Upunfi now in Canada, fhe mebr one u oee, eomnaIn ta t b Prt'accann that parsdor greenbthes car passed. Two or fhrecitizens Zof MA 3-2753. 37-tf facts. "In many respects, Can-lw as oly providBd.that the tia membrs por enfed ouf hwever recommenationthpa Idtab -ada is well over 50 years be- punishment fit the crime and beetbihd nn iieta ten hsmeig ta Phone MA '3-5757. Harry Van penai rystem," ho stated. "We o! the offencier. In England A B oardf th ard t orth ville, 1 ilLnb omn ave many fbings in Canada a! since 1907. the opportunity o T w - ozonB-L wes. Lo izsBaed fthmeing.r w vil.42- bchw cnbepou, 1î probation for certain crimes Milton Ellioft askod for clir- over the past fwo years ini ýa SAVE MONEY AT said. "But there is not yet »!n h..ee .cmpulsory in their '. i .. .... . ~ Ifications on the size of lot re- drawing up the zoning by-law Lbe Caada a uiveritydeprt-courts. The reduction of the'l v e liu U . j z n quired by the zoning by -law was moved by Mr. Scott, and D V Imont or chair in criminoiogy,, number of! eol in prison where wator and sewer facrli. tbey received a generous round nd Ah Sfc peh r Cuh-bs enptrlg.fies do nlot exist. Memnbers o rn h The ofice hich r. Cogh. bs boo starling.A group of nearly 100 inter- the new zoning by-iaw ls pa5s- explained thilt fa build a one- aplueafeig -1* ln now directs was esfablish- In 1907 in Britain, witb a ested proporty-owners packed ed. However, new industries family dwelling on a lot wbere Religious contention lu the S H O E R E P A i R ed under the Attorney Gen. population o! 33 million peo- the council chambers aftfixe could flot ho built in ftho zone. there ls wafer facilities but no devll's harvest. - Jean de la o! SKATES SIIARPENED eral's Depart ment of Ontarb ipie, 186,000 were in j ail. B3Y Town Hall Monday night dur- Objections Raised sewer, the lot can be 50 feet F~ontaine. ed 35 TE1WPERANCE ST, (-n rear> as rocently as 1952. Already its 1937, with a population in, ing a public meeting at whicli awd u uthv oalxsoyrcrsta vr 4-istaff has been able to reduce creased ta 39 million, those in members o! the Bowmanville Artbur Baker objected ta we but,50 susavefe atotl istorysf recigods thf ee- the number o! ropeaters in prison numbered 32,450. InPlnig ad Dvopet the fact that the zoning by-iaw ae f750sur et oscesu eiin ihu x penitentiary rm80,t 6.Cnd in fixe same year, wi lninth d Dvlomn makes an area on Mearns St. build a one-family dweiling on ception, began as a verile spir'it- BTTTU L 7TLDOy rm 2ZtI6%Nand Board explained the propos9ed north o! Concession St. E. an a lot wbere there is nelther ual movement, oniy f0 end up ind IIUProbation Explalned a population o! 141/àmillion, new Bowmanville Zoning By- swesorf o! tethe Boys Trainingclesasica mch .1* tV~T'TTPProbat ion, the sekre-there were 98,602 in prison. lw essfteowsTriigbe10er r wate h avoteut a ter Cri e yei.tcl ah - EXAiVAING plined i h peakrexacovct laThw. erncScbool properfy a heavy ln- e10fo ieadbaeaie-rhrCny aind, s te hane acovic- Wy To iffreneChairman L. C. Mason, Sec- dustriai zone. Ho stated that TRENCHING -LC ýADING ed persan is given to redeein Mr. Coughlan foît that th!ý retary-Treasurer Albert Cole in old maps of the fown tiis'y -DRAGLINE - CLAM WORK birnself, in other words, sus- NIAIne i anda n n ohrmmeso tehdbe are f o e lie Trucks and Loader for pended sentence. If, under su British figures was due large- Board explained the regulations sidential building lots and foltTo Nw Mme s J i ýnd ravl ad Fll obs perisio, h messues p, henll fa the systent o! probation which will be imposed lxy thé if sbould ho rotained for this sif FREE ESTIMATES fersn asbesvd usd hro adntasoe by-law wben if la passed, purpose. ~ Tipp Contrutio ffanbe d iflese f ri 1ee intanae abavereottheanswered questions o! thoso Mr. Mason replied that this i sr e o RTPRRb92 aenilyo batio vehicles and more liquor re..peef adpifdou h eton has been designated for C u u s a PORthe latter various zones on a large map heavy industry because if 39W Fnnily rbto athe j strictions, fhougb delat ranbMrCoonorteCPRliofo whc 1*32tf!cheapest method o! deaiing ,accounts for a certain percen- danyM r.sonxlaied ha nt e aspr teCPrack c ou h u with those convicted o! crimes tale. Mr. MaonodpaiR eliefthea sLrtiscussecIeiunin E S M Y O Ethrough our courts. Figures la In Ontario. 65 % ta 70 % o! Board was sot up two years Ho pointed ouf however, that :)nA. E (SA MY) OLE h«I connection are quito starf- those appearing in the courts ag'o and since that fime bas the zoning plan is not a per- Two new members, Kinsmen candidates that Klnsmanshlp ln ial Ii ~ , 3 ling to the average person. For have heen connitted before. been working on preparing fixe manent one, and if if becomnes Howard Brooking and William founded an the ideal o! cant- r t flu lflng and .ueafing instance, it costs $1,400 fa keep Basically, said Mr. Cougixian, by-law for dividing the town obvious later an thaf 1no in- Dadson, were inifiated into munify service and is nof a 'hoAEN FR a man in Kingston penitentiary the laws are made to perman- inta proper zones; doing its dustry is going ta locate there membersbip in the Bownxanville cloak to ho put on and off at nd AGET FORfor a year, and 76% o! these ently proteef fixe people. The work in close ce--,aperation if can be re-classi!îed as a Kinsmen Club at the rogular meetings, but a life fa lead. He &s Io-S nare. repeaters. If costs $1200 to only way ta achieve this Is by with the Ontario Dopartment res1dential zoneO. 1 meeting in the Balmoral Hotel on presenfed themn witb thoir Kins- ma-Sn maintain hlmi in a reforma- j yfmo a hc ea- o! Planning and Development. On the matter o! later Tuesday nigbt. mon pins anrd certificates of Th-earua neet h tory where 70% are repeat-1 ilitates a large percent age )f Members are Mn. Mason, Mr'. amendmenfs and changes fa An initiation teami made up o!f ebrbp n ahmme 10yargaaec rs. It costs oniy $50 for a man1 offenders. Colo, O. F. Robson, Dave Hig- the zoning by-law, Norman tbree past presidents a!fixhe Club; o! the club welcomod themin Ita 1.1 26 Ontario St., Phone MA 3-3473, on probation, and there bas j In listing whaf Ontario bas gon, Bill James, Mayor Morley Scot t asked wbetber the Town Deputy District Governor Ken membershll, with a handshake. DOWMANVILLE I-donagis wa hehs n stn n lnLndr ofi oldhv uhr xk (ormrlyBotwol & olo I ir ro- neVnstne ad Gon andr. ounil oulbbaesathoifyNicks, Kin Stan Dunn and Kin A letter rom Kinsman nation- 1,. loua commiffees and tb r ro one, in bringing lier penal Studied af Toronto fa make changes or wvbetber Jack Lander, conducted the ime- al beadquarters reganding flood nk Forerl Bthwll Coe) jects Mn, Long mentioned tixat 1sysfer up-to-date, Mr. Cougix- Ho poinfed out thaf fixe zon- tbey rested onfirely withb fhe pressivo initiation ceromony. relief in Southern Ontario was ýts, ~~ ~ ~ 30thie Port Hope group is at an praised training chools ing by-law ad already been Departpmenf a!e Planning andnddovttaChima rvn present attempting a unifarm - such as Gaîf and Bowmanviîie suomitted fwice ta the Ontario Dvlomntao o t gtthe m Dn ulndtebc-hne v f himnIvn iti£Yk n adtatte r osd carmn !Pann n local council, being more fam- ground of Mr. Brooking who was Brown o! tho Intor-Club Com- ur GeerlConcrelle system o! bouse numbering. anîlar witlxeyarecothe situationf iannngnandborn in Wesleyville and attend- mitfeo ta ascertain if some radTixe tourists committes, he o rd aot fiebs h ieDc-omntdh eprm Bowmanville fixan planners in ed public scixool there and bigh mefbod o! raising funds could rik ~~ ndsaid, is very important, and holie nd o-ay. Excellent prog- suggested some changes in fixeTootsulhaeuhriy colinBw nvl. frb okdotwt heRay h-urged tixat we shako off our r ress bas been made througi-r fhe first draft, and fixe Bowman- ta earot soud het afthiey cixalin Bho waville.Aer b wad L onsCufs.iThfe trotarir Masory uveileandFamly ourt, vlle Planin Bord adeby fthe painting and decorafing 1 ed thaf national beadquarters nturstoseowo!auis t nicltbut if is in the age groupa o! these andi added some changes zoning by-law. MnJme inm o! J. H. Abornetby & Sons. had donated $3,000 for flood re- )l. Construction or Repai r itsfand plcefa vristrya 16 ta 22, and adlults of 22 ta26 of ita own before returning if Mr. Mason and M. JmsHo enlisfed in fixe Midland Reg 1lie!. GodnMlChi sîgns and ofixer mas gi and up that su mucixeaisf Toronto where if was again explained ta Mn. Scott thaf iment ini Wonld War II, and odnMl hi d ESTIMATES FREE cultural interests, lho said, are.t odoe tuxdanlprie.wen a propenty-owner wishO e r en dshrgdrtund Cixairman Clarke Wilson of xgivon the important considera- Tributes Paid The prosont by-law can stil, 1 ta have changes made ta fthe ta bis former occupation. In fixe commitfee which in making Of L. TURNER tion fbey desorve by an Agni- The speaker said thaf Agnes ho aitered, Mn. Mason said, zoning by-law hoe must firsf 1952 hoe formed bis own paint- arrangements for the concert o! etcultural Commiftee. Speakers rt.i-tnait in future years wiîî &îbher as fixe result o!fixhe pub- pl a onCuniw i ng and deconating !îrm which teGle Mile Choir o! Toron- a. P0. BOX 177, BOWMANVELLE tram fixe C. o! C. or Board o! be remembered by ber achieve- lic meting, or because o! ne- sif s as a comnittee o! adiusf- ho now operaf os. Ho is marnied to whicix is being spongared by' id33-ff Trade attend farm forums, and ment of causing a Royal Com. presenfafions made by pnivate ment. If tixoy believe fixe and bas fwo childnen. fixe Kinsmen Club affixe Town spek o cunty cfiensbewee f o resntchanges are for fixe best fhey Kin Irvine Brown introduced Hall on November 18 and 19, dis- in pako town countr e- mission ta ho sot up fa in- iiesbtentepeet, eomedtth eatMr ao ttemeig.H tiue aubrofictsa ifR p islationships. vestigate Canada's penal y-I1time and when if la submiffed cantreommeani nd afievDopn- M. asn f ixe oma eei eofiue ume !tcest If __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ So mne af ixhe Im portant ite mns ste mn. A ft fie ine sie was a Town Coun il. Affer if m n ! l n i g a d e eo - w s ir n B wm n il, h eacix m em ber ta sol. He point- a, REPAIES fa ail makes o! ne!nig- the Chamber o! Commerce hferally a voice crying in fixe passod by counicil if wilî again ment that fixe changes ho made. saici, andi affended Bowmanville ed ouf that fixis la net juif a ne- al 1orafons, domesfie and commer- must undentake, fixe speaker wilderness, Mn. Cougixian said, go ta fixe Deparfment a! Plan- In fixe groaf maianify o! cases, Hi gh Scixool and fixe Oshawa cital o! sangs, but an excellent et ciai; milking coolera. Higgan said, are major projecfs faj The nesult was one affixe most ning and Developmenf for final tixey said, fixe Departmenf fol- Coflegiate and Voiational Insti- vaniety prograni including fplk e Elecfnic Limifed, 42 King St. E. bring fixe wonk o!fixhe chamber tixorougix reports ever ta ho approval before if becomes law. lows fixe advice o!fixhe local tute. Fallowing graduation b o dancing, pantoimes and 9ther la Phono MA 3-5438. 25-ff ta fixe public oye, a sound fin- made in any country on this The Doparfment can aiso hold committee o! adjusfmenf. went ta work for the General very entertainlng featureg. " anclal position tbroug asoisuet. fwskn nasix a publie meeting on fixe by- Questions Askod Elecfric Company in Peter- Brha oe wr rsne ri PFROFESSIONAL toievision ne- 1st gohfes ad al conec- jc.Imb aulf Reot asdtheIIlaw, ho said, if there are ob- Mr. Scott a'iso brought up fixe borough as an apprenfice drafts- itdyrsswr rsne -d pais by fctory-raine techne- sysera o feesand a onnec Archabault epomttter"Ijo!twhettaxer manerman.heIne1953inhotrjoin.eIn1Genera jotad KinsmentaKWilly W Wal WalliJohn d aisbyfatryfriedteini-tien witix the Botter Business would say that 80 % o!fixhe ne- Haectindnsy ta if. Ib3 ian. Television Service Pnotec- Bureau in Toronto, ta proteet cammondafions in fixat report Tixe by-iaw divides fixe area isucix as fixe Bowmanville IMator& wbere hoe now warks in HaestranRay LkatthanueKin tion Ca. Phono MA 3-3883. ftxe citizons o! the fown front wiih came ouf ln 1938 have wifhin fixe town limifs infa Foundry whicix la 11w located fixe crafting departmenf. WRelistrade auck Cafatin. Kn i41-tf peddlers and solicit ors. r e mai n ed unfouched,"' Mn. five zones, Mr. Mason pointed in a ressidenfial area cauld exc- Objects o! Kinsmanship behaîf o!fixhe club ta recent RADIO and toievision repaira. Must Help New Industries Cougihan sfated. out. Tixese are residential, pand in that area in fixe future, Kin Dunn outlined ta fixe bnidegroom Kin Ted Bird. il mp deviehiv u nd Te bey. Doreenio, nt wy f omeria, ligixf industriai, once fixe by-law is passod. If candidates fixe abjects o! Kins- The sing sang was led by Kin deliery Lone oren 5 Kng Mr Long stafed, can do a roal leffîng people off," fixe speaker beavy industnial and rural, was poînted ouf ta hîm tixaf mansbip wixich are fa promot e mnvine Brown, wîîo aiso gavea SE. Phono MA 3-5713. (FormerlyI service in meeting new busi- said. The cast o! keeping menr and tixese zones can only be fixe Fourrdry or any other ini- gooci business ofiic and theo brie! classification talk. Oparfnier in "Tixe Radio Sbop"). messes which came intotonadwmniprsnc pre useci for the purposos ton wbicix dustry in this position COuld spirit o!f olerance andi co- "yfr Mn aHnHw id on1adwmniprsncmae ytrMa"wsKnHw id 38-tf andi belping flxom ta gef setti- wî h fixe cost o! giving t hem they are designated, Ho matie build an addition fa ifs.present aperation among ifs memixers. ird odnadcii a i A eti. It is responsible for sign- tixe opportunity ta nedeem if dean ixowever, that fixe by- building on adjoînîng landt, but Kin Lander explainedtihieadCodnadcr&cwsK ofin up tixese new industries inI themselves by placing tixem on law does nof affect prosent if coulti nof builti atifonal components o!fixhe Kinsman Bill Dadeon. le C.fix Dner te Chamber, adcletn probxation, speaks for itsel!. buildings or their uses. If ligixt facilities on land in fixe resiti- crosf, chie! of wbich is fixe St.1 Membera o!fixhe feam under (Cofiuei ron pge01e) duos, since fixe Secretary- We are blaziig fixe frail in or ixeavy industries, for xenta rawxc iinfai Andrew's cross whicix standsl Captain Stan Dunn wbicb sold Manager is net a collector o! Ontario. Thxe full effecfs wiîî ample, are presontly locatet in jin ifs presont site. for service througix personallfixe most tickets on fixe Kinsmen amic lite o!fixhe town andti fix ees. net ho realizeti for tramt fîve wixat la designafed as a resiti- If was also poinfeti ouf by sacrifice.1 car last summer VJre treated ta 3district whicb if serves." Ho suggesfed a Prajecta ta ton yoars. We baye gov- I ential zone in fixe by- law, tey1Mr. Scott fixat on1e aide o!fIHunt Depufy District Governor their dinner by ftle members,- of Manager la Needed Commiffee ho sot up ta bandle erniment support for this wonk can .9till operate tixere af or St. is zoneti as residenflal Nieks poînfed ouf ta fixefixe two losing feams. - Mr. Long propbesied failurej sucix projects as floodi relie! o! neiabilitafion. It's up ta for fixe organizafionit n Baw- 1 tunds and ofixen special von- fixe publie now. The system mnanville if a full or part-tinte tures. stands or talla on fixe reception salaried manager was net I - T ho Merchants Committee it is given by fixe public," fthe tainedti a do fixe detailed and can promote many thinga fa speaker concluded. iclenical work for the Ciamber laffract shoppers fa the town Mn. Cougixian was infroduced III1 ) L \ 1 ~ of Commence. Ho advised fixe sucix as Dollar Days, Farmnera' by Mns. A. Wifbenspoon antiNON CMN C. o! C. ta "aim hîgh, andi you D Iays, Santa -Claus. parades and Miss B. Mcîntosh o! Newcast le1 corne ath ta fixeBoard o!f '~'"""'" with.. . We shahl ses what Traie n ortHop ati ix said. "We hope fa trt a happons. TrdeinPrtHoean teLadies' Commire i1ix u Smui argin a!roft he t eit. These forwh ahetaiho prosonfeti as aun- S P E C IA L P R IC E!O Scous, ho istihue fxen ;ifture, f a hoknows botter Enraimnwbcwsu- atwnl drireofsar provi ee ý wbaf Improvements shaulti bce obprsnelatSu- tow diectrie alo povie:matie in shxopping facilitie.s and. day evening. due fa unforseon valuable information ton cîti wb at recreation taitesw circumatances, will probably ho1 5 7 ic .e iso e a l o e frot 'these offen covers.fx tha nefohe yo t bttrDots and a Dasix, front Oshawa, Wo aieswt wn~ ) undertsking o! other projet. od aieswihTi peakers MuatAvod CnfUo jefs. Two very beautiful salas a~ group made up o! Stan Hos- MuetAvol ConUct were sung for fixe gathering by kîn Brent Snowden and Davel 7 One point wiich Mn. Long Rosemary Merkley, accampan- Hfnter, are reputoti ta ho very bnougixt ouf was fixe tact that led by Mrs. Albert Cale. Mrs. good, s0 don'f mils fiemn. fixe Chamber o! Commerce Cale aiso auppliedth ie accant- At a meeting o!fixhe Teen must not con!licf wlth fixe ser- paniment ton a sing-song wicît Town Executive Tuesday even- o l vice clubs or cammunify on- was led by Keifix Jackson. ng, :Recreation Director AId9* ganizatians in the town. '*l'here Affer Mr. Long's address Vail stafed thaf fixe Tee n-agers Imusf be harmony hefween tixe Mn. Mason spoke on fixe ad- wixo aftnded fixe dance iaý-,r Cixamben anti Town Councîl i vantagos o!fixhe new Bowman- Saturday were0one o!fixhe fln-I since fixe Cixamben bas no legal ville ZninBy -law wixicix was est groupa he bas came in con- right ta take any action mn -ta o explnetiandi d'scusseJ tact wifi. We can ho prouti o! town maffens," ho suid, "bta a public meeting 'in fixe tiis. anti muet try ta make hlm' muef merely make suggestions Town Hall following fie Chan- continue with this be. M.'T odcr" fo fixe Council for their ap- ber dinner. Ho inviteti aU Vail anti bis wI!e Marg wene! provl o amedmet."those present f0 attend this chapenones ut fixe dance, anci An item wbicb draws mer- meetinf. OTjoyed them-celves as much as A rn' 1 imoa n < os chante anti citizons ta fixe Part Pros dent Hooper con trafu- flosf o!fixhe feeners, ho said. O rono Moeorganîzaf ion, Mn. Long1 lateti Mn. Banting on fixe fine November l2th and 26th are Bovimanville srfr gnagrup insurance wiieb1 joahlho iat done as progrant r set aside for Teen Town dances O on they have. chairman for fthe dinnen nxeof- J in tat month, 80 keop these la connection with the ver- in&. dates open. .4 r r 1 ci Y e r t It r