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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1954, p. 18

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sa« uaivew TE eANADIAN STATMAN,_E OWMANVLLF, ONTARIO TUDY C.St Turn Page for Additional Classified BIRTHS COOK-Mr. and Mrs. Morley Cook (nee Gladys Beech) are happy to announce the birth of a daughter on Wednesday, Oct. 13, 1954, at the Port Hope Hos- HIGGON-To Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Higgon a daughter, Saturday, October 9th. 42-1 STANILAND-To Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Staniland on September 30, 1954, at Port Perry Hospital, a daughter (Deborra Marion), sister for Frances, Brian and Nancy. 42-1* YELLOWLEES - Harvey and Lois (nee Larmer) are happy to announce the safe arrival of Brenda Joan, 7 lbs., 2 ozs., at Oshawa General Hospital, Tues- day, October 19th. A sister for Karen. 42-1 ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Archer, Blackstock, wish to announce the engagement of their only daugh- ter, Mildred Lillian Florence, to Everett Bertram Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, Clark's Beach, Newfoundland. Tlhe mar- niage to take place in Toronto in November. .42-1* Mr. and Mrs. Sp. Gordon, Kendal, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Emily June, to Mr. Elmer Leslie Munfor4, son of Mr. anÈç Mrs. A. Munford, McCord, Sask. The wedding will take place at the groom's home on October 23rd. 42-1* DEATHS I l ... 'I - .%. - "I 1I l fl çl I -- r' i - 1i r'N1 ETWTt'"riV rr Trr, einices r r ocu BODY wood, $5.00 a qtove wood cord. Phone MA 3-5860. 42-2* ROOFING nails and spikes. Tele- phone Blackstock 2. 42-1 ONE oil cook stove, like' new. Apply 101 Scugog St. 42-1* .303 DEER rifle, cash. MArket 3-5936. 42-1 A pair of cil burners and drum. Phone MA 3-3974. 42-1 ONTARIO potatoes, 75 lb. bags, delivered irn Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-2473. 31-tf SPREADER, Otaco, on rubber, $25000. Phone Blackstock 2. 42-1 BABY'S Pink wnter outfit, in good condition. Phone MA 3- 3358. 42-1* ONE Stirling DeLaval milking machine, good condition. Phone Clarke 16SL. 42-1.* PLOW, used, Otaco, 3-furrow, on rubber $195.00. F. Hoskin, Blackstock. 42-1 DINING-room suite, beautiful china cabinet, cheap. 27 Queen St. MA 3-3939. 42-1 COME to 219 Liberty St. N. for red grapes, ideal for preserving. 40c basket while they last. 42-1 GURNEY four-burner table-top electric stove in good condition. Phone MA 3-2830. 42-1* QUAKER oil burning space heater, in good condition, 45 gal- lon oil drum. MA 3-3313. 42-1* DEER rifle, Remington .30 pump, in good condition. Apply 136 Wharf Rd., Bowmanville. 42-1* ONE Guerney coal and wood stove; one rangette, both in ex- cellent condition. Apply 155 Church St. 42-1* MODERN kitchen unit with sink LUmLicis ir i.e ALL aluminum combination doors and windows installed. For free estimates Phone MA 3-2753. M. Jurko. 37-tf DO your own floors -rent a sander or a floor polisher from Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 34-tf PLOW shares, cast and Ductal- loy to fit Ot,âco, Massey, Inter- national, FTeury, Cockshutt, Ford, Ferguson, Oliver, Case, etc. F. Hoskin, Blackstock 2. 42-1 TABLE turnips $1.00 per bushel or delivered in Bowmanville in two bushel lots. Leslie Taylor, Burketon. Phone Blackstock 80 r 12. 42-1* WHY suffer the agony of rheu- matîc pain, sciatica, lumbago, when Rumacaps will help you to welcome relief. Ask your drug- gist. 42-1 INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. Free estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf DRY bardwood, $18.00 a cord; hardwood slabs, $18.00 a cord; softwood slabs, $10.00 a cord; sawed and delivered. Telephone Newcastle 2146. 38-tf SWEET cider, apples-Tolman Sweet, Courtland, Maclntosh, pears, potatoes, carrots, stove- length wood. Bring containers. Shaw's Market. 42-1* HEARING aid service, testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5438. 20-tf KEYS cut to order by new, modern machines, aiÙtomatical1y, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 King St. E., Bow- manville. Phone MA 3-5408. 36-tf BOURE-A OsawaGenralWiULdp, ix.n ~recL1C tov, ~VENETIAN blinds - Stock sizes, Hospital on Tuesday, October 19 piece dining-room suite. Phone whieo gselsas lsi 1954, Leonard W. Boumne: Newcastle 3716. 42-2 bite or eggshehl states.plastic Tynone, beloved husband Of EIGHT-piece oak dining-room to-measure blinds a specialty; Elizabeth M. Crowe and dean suite; one Findlay Oval stove free instalation; 28 tape and shat father of Mrs. Roy Spry (Eliza- with waterfront. Phone MA 3- colons. Morris Co. Telephone beth Ann), brother of Mrs. Frank 5822. 42.1 * MA 3-5480. 10-tf Mason (Belle) and Walter, Toronto; George *of Nonwood, GIRL'S red winter coat, size 14; Sne and Harvey of Richmond Hill. boy's navy blue trench coat, size Sne Resting at the Morris Funeral 12, both in good condition. Phone Chapel, Bowmanvilhe. Service MA 3-3506. 42-1* e igMahn o in St. Savioun's Anglican Church, Orono, Thursday, at 3 o'chock. PIANO, Evans Ingersoll, excel- FOR SERVICE Interment Orono Cemetery. lent condition; washing machine Phn 42-1 wîth pump, Ai condition. Dial Phn MA 3-3649 3-5548. 42-1* BOWMANVILLE COULTER-Suddenly, at Bow-SAEo mbndretro 36-tf manville, on Monday, Octoben mil nlubr drctfo l8th, 1954, Manson Coulter, aged Co l to you. Phillips Lumber 60 yeans. Beloved husband of Co' Kinmount, Ont. Phone For______________ Minnie Hutchinson, and dean 17r11. 13-tf ONE heated noom, centrally lo- father of Clarence, Picton; Mrs. ctd hn A333.4. Ernie Dickens (Geraldine), and CHOICE ctd hn A333.4- Mrs. Charles Wright (Mi V TTIT19 YS"I TWO 24Cofarle 42-1'm Service was held at the M~oris YOUNG ±UnRKE a~ Appîy comfrilebe 42oom Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvihle, ALL WEIGHTS TOros ahom tKn on Wednesday, October 2tb, atDRSSE AD DLIERE In, ew at mt $2 pr 2 o'clock. Interment Bowmýan- DESD AD DLVRDIn ecsl;rn 2 e ville Cemnetery. 42-1 PHL FT t'1T1T'V month. 42-2* £J.fl~LiI GROUND floor apantment, 70 SYER, Edmund Coulter, M.D.- MA9 King St. West, Bowmanville. At his late resîdence, Orono, Phone MA -23U Phone 3-3559 Oshawa. 42-1* Ont., on Monday, October 18, 1954, brother of Nelhie (Mrs. T. 41-tf FOUR roonis and garage, 1 mile Carscadden) and Jean, both of from 'Post Office. Pbone MA Lindsay and Ernest of Bowman- WANTED 3-5812. 41-2 ville. Resting at the H. Barlow YOUNG CALVES Funenal Home until Thursday, FOR SALE TWO nooms, at 143 Duke St., Octoben 21, il a.m., thence to FRESHER & SPRINGER COWS available November lst. Apply Orono United Chuncb for service Brookdale Kingsway Nurseries. at 2:30 p.m. Intennient Orono SCHWARZ BROS.40t Cemeteny. Under Masonic aus- EBY -SL - RD Irom arte,3pie pices. 42-1WEBY - EL TR ESI-om aatet 3pic Credit can be arranged bath, separate entrance, garage, GAGE-At Cannington on Sat- Telephones Phonae MAN-5v. 42-1'chSt urday, Octoben l6th, 1954, Eliza -MPhneMA3MA95 4- beth G. Avery, in bier 82nd year, MA 3-2895 - A353 THREE large roonis, shane bath- beloved wif e of the late Charles BOWMANVILLE room, in Enniskihlen. One or M. Gage, and dean mother of 34-tf two cbildren welcome. Phone Mrs. E. M. Mark (Allie) Lind- - 324.4- say; Mrs. M. Bertnim (Ruth), TYPEWIIITER sale: Exceptional LAG4rotr2-1eecrtd Haydon; C. Nelson Gage, Thorn- purchase niakes big savings pos- AG rn oordcrtd hilh; Mrs. R. Pannabecker (Mih- sible. All standard models, reg- self-contained, downstairs, bot dred), deceased. Service was ular price $175.00 up, now $39.50 and cohd water. 187 King E. hehd at the Morris Funeral Assorted wide carniages $29.50' Dial 3-5548. 42-1' Chapel, Bowmanvîlle, on Tues- Remiington a n d Underwood HOUSE, on highway, Maphe day, October lgth, at 4 o'clock.. noiseless standard (identical to Grove district, all conveniences, Interment Bowmanvilhe Cerne- latest model) regularly $225.00 available at once. Box 249 c/oa tery. -.42-1 clearing $69.50. New portables The Canadian Statesman. 42-1r reduced $69.50 (tenms). Adding -- - WADDELL, J. M.-At Portland, machines $19.95. Each fuhly FOUR roins and bath, upstairs Oregonn, on October 6th, 1954. guaranteed. $5.00 deposit, bal- apartment, heated, pivate en- J. M. Waddell, formerly Of ance C.O.D. Order today whihe trance. Apply Box 237, c/o The Orono, Ont., husband of Camilla; supphy lasts. Crown, 1011 *Bleury, Canadian Statesman. 42-1* brother of Jean Hodgoîî, Spo- Montreal, Que. 41-3a kane; Marguerite Cowan, Marion- APARTMENT available Novev-n- Evans, Olono, Ontario. and W. - r*m ber 15, 4 roonis and bath, buiht-9 A. Waddehl, Ottawa, Ontario. DO> U 11. UUI1tLF in kitchen cupboards, heavy wr Service %vas held on Mondav at ing, centrally located. Write 11:30 arn. in Finlev's Rose Cýha- T Box 247, Canadian Statesman. pel S. W. Montgomery. Coni- TIb E42-1* mitment Park Hill Cemetery. Vancouver. . 42-1 Vî2c each and up - Ail kinds FOUR-roonied apartment, heat- S Expet istrctins uppied ed, kitchenette and bathroom, P WHITE. William George-At Epr ntutossple built-in cupboards, washer, avail-v Memroial Hospital, Bowman- CUSTOM FLOORS LAID able now. Apply Arthur Apart- 0 ville, on Tuesday, October l9th. ments, Apt. 1, 90 Queen St. E. fi 41954, William George White, be- H. . HEAL 42te loved husband of Helen Johns G._____________ and dean father of Donald of Phone MA 3-2902 Bowmanville VV'ated To Buy Oakville and Doughas at home; 28-tf brother of Evehyn (Mrs. Charl- REED organ. Wm. Dykstra, R. ton McBnîde), Allan of Peter- T MATT" R. No. 2, Newcasthe. Phone 2<1651Ic' borough: Charles of Oshawa; JJL 1IJ.J.LI42.Ï1* Ruth (Mrs. Clarence Tink). ALUMINUIM COMBINATION -r Hampton, aged 56 years. Rest- WINDOWS 12 USED stanchions. Pete Kess- r ing at Northcutt & Smith Fun- MAOE 1MN' er, Newtonville. Phone Clarke it eral Home, 53 Division St., Bow- COMBINATION DOORS 22 03.42-1-1' MALOEI' LUMII'M "JE manvihle. Service on Thursday,. NOW buying good registered;rr October 2lst at 3:30 p.rn. Inter- $59.50 insfalled certified and commercial oats N" ment Hampton Cernetery. 42-1 EASY TERMS and barley. E. Swain. Phone'$, Blackstock 89 r Il. 41-4l' ' Wanted To Rent ROSS CLARK BEFORE selling your 1h'ive poul. DUTCH family wants farn for Phone MA 3-3801 Bowmanville, try. try us. Our pnîces are higb. L rent. Phone Clarke 530, Newton- I Vanda's Beauty Shop er. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany di ville._______ 42-11 __ 40 tf' Phonie 7 r 13 Reverse changes. N _ _ __ ___ _ -- - 1Si-tf F: ONE wornan would ike to r-ent '1955 MOTOROLA television $215,iWNEDLV putB.goe 3 roorns, etc.. in Bowmanville or up; Phillips Television $1250 and feaNters, eater tîcksy. srp Newcastle, or would share home iip. ail witii aftiminized tuîbes, iron, rags and metals. Raw l e with one person as companion. Cofficld ivashers with pu * funs and deerskins. Phone 3-2043 jal Write Box 248, c/o Canadian automnatic timner, Loveli winger, 1 saa ohet4-fCI Statesman. 42.1 1 regular S210 for $139 and vour jsaa olet4-fS ______________________trade-in; 8.2 eu. ft. Internatioil' ilPy Cs o For Sale or Renit tpsh v in doorbutter keep- for2,0 CTHPN -_____ ~--- - - er, negular $350 for $244.50. Nqo or5,0SCTH IE - SIX-room bouse in Pontypool, down payrnent with 24 monthsý Chrisimas Trees hydro, 60 cycle, constant bot to pay. Used 'vasbing machines water, 3-piece bathroom, garagej and radios in good condition, Apply and garden; furnitune optional.1make us an of fer at ' " John St., East side, Lnd bouse Equiornent and Automnotive. 134 Hi chardson"s Garage M Nortb of school. HO 1881, King St. 7., Bowmnanville. Phone TPO N.SC Torontbo. là Fairside Av@. 41-51 MA 3-5689. e PONTYPOO UuJIý(ir4,. VENTb Turkey dinner at Hampton United Church, November 3rd. 42-1 The Orono W.A. is holding a turkey supper, Wednesday, November 1Oth. Further par, ticulars Jater. 41-3 The St. John's Guildettes' an- nual bazaar will be held on Sat- urday, Oct. 30, £rom 3 to 5:30 p.m. 42-1 Resenve Thursday, November 25, 1954, for Star Free Concert ln Trinity United Church, featur- îng Leslie Bell Singers. 42-2 Modern and old time dancing every Saturday night in Tyrone Community Hall. Dancing from 9 to 12. Music by Sellecks' Musicaires. 40-tf Trinity Faîl Fýir, Friday, Nov. 12, commencing at 2 o'clock. Concert at 8:15 p.m. by Oshawa Chapter of Barbershop Quartet Society. 41-tf Bazaar and afternoon tea, un- der the auspices of the Order of Eastern Star on Friday, Oct. 22nd, at the Lions Centre, frorn 3 to 5 p.m. Tea, 35c. 42-1 Come to the dance at Ennîs- killen Community Hall on Oct. 22nd. Music by Ruth Wilson's Orchestra. Sponsored by En- niskillen Athletic Club. Admis- sion 50c per person. 41-2 Plan to attend the annual turkey dînnen in St. John's Par- ish Hall, Bowmanville, on Thurs- day, October 21, 1954, (to-day). Dinner served at 5, 6 and 7 o'clock. Anyone wishing tickets please Phone MA 3-2764. 42-1 ' Solina Women's Institute Ba- the Community Hall. Sewýing, baking, country store, touch-and- take, fish pond and afternoon tea. Come and enjoy yourself. 42-1 The Business and Professional Womern's Club will hold its an- nual tag day for the U.N. Fund "For AIl the World's Children"' on Oct. 23. Please make youn contribution in proportion to the need. 42-1 The Evening Branch of St. John's W.A. are holding a rum- mage sale in the Parish Hall on F'niday, Oct. 22, from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Proceeds from this sale for Toronto Flood Victims' Re- lief. 42-1 Memorial Park Association chrysanthemum tea is postponed1 from Nov. 6th to l3th. There1 wrill be a fancy work booth,1 horne baking, rummage sale and afternoon tea from 2:30 to 5 p.m. 42-2 Harness nacing at Orono, sponsored by the Orono Turf Club, Saturday, Oct. 3Otb. Post time 1:30 p.m., 8 heats, wager- ing privileges. Admission $1.00. Free parking, -free grandstand. Corne and see barness racing at its best., 42-2 Goodyear Ernployees Recrea- tion Club Dance, Fniday, Octoben 29th, at Varcoe's Pavilion, Countice. Dancing 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. to Bryce Brown and bis Sevenain'es. Admission $1.50 per couple, Recreation members. $2.50 per couple non-members. 42-2 Thank-offering service at. Countice United Chuncb is Sun- day, Octoben 24, at 7 o'chock when Rev. A. H. MeLachlan, Ajax, will preach. Special music by the choir. Hot turkey supper at Courtice United Cbunch, Wed- nesday, October 27tb, served fromn 4 o'clock on. Admission $1.50 and SOc. 41-2 Sbîloh annivensary services are Sunday, October 31, at 2:30 p.m. with Rev. Fisher, New- castle, guest speaker and miusic by Shilob Choir; at 7:30 p.m. Rev. Luffrnan, Baltimore, and Orono Choir. Shiloh annual bazzar is on Nov. 5 cornmencing at 8:30 p.rn., followed by a pro- gram and lunch. 42-1' Tl{e annual Armistice Suppen sp on so re d by Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Legion -..l -h -c. h au iit. t' egnon 1-ril Satrda, Nvemer at7 p.rn. FIVE purebred Oxford ewes, AUl veterans in this area are in- priced reasonable. Lloyd Skin- vited to attend. Tickets may be ner, Tyrone. Phone MA 3-2110. obtained at the Legion Hall, 4- Hooper's Jewellery Store on from 4- tny member of the Legion Ex- LAYING strain Rock pullets, ecutive for $2.00. 42-1 $1.2-5 each. 30 Hunt St., Bow- manville. Phone MA 3-3132. Eanle Grey Players of Toronto42* n e s en t* the Shakespearean422 comedy, "Twelfth Night", in the Town.liall, Bowmanville, Wed- Hielp Wanted nesday, Oct. 27. Opening cere- nonies of newly decorated aud- WANTED - Boys for general itorium at 8 p.m. sharp. Play factory work. Apply in person, begins at 8:15. Tickets fromn 63 Temperance St. 42-1 Business & Professional Wo-______- nen's Club members or at Mc- RAWLEIGH business now open Nulty's Sports Shop. Adults, in Bowrnanville. Trade well' 1.00, students 50. No reserved established. Excellent opportun- sats. 42-1, ity. Full tirne. Write at once. Rawvleigh's Dept. -J-140-189,1j The Darlington F o o t b a h11 Montreal, P.Q. 42-2 League are holding thein annual, ance and cup presentation at THE Bowmanville Chamben of [ewcastle Cornrunity Hall on Commerce requires typing, mail- Prmday, November 5th, 1954. ing and stencil cutting service.J Bryce Brown and bis Sevenaires! Please state expenience and' )rhestra, Oshawa, xvill be in at- hourlY rate required to do this undance. Tickets will be avail-. work at home. W'rite Bowrnan- ible from your local football ville Chainber of Commerce, c/o Iub. Admission $1.00 per per- Balmorah Hotel, Bowmanville. ;on, wbich includes a dnaw for' 42-I ;75.00 worth of door pnizes.1 Dancing 9 p.m. to 1 arn. 42-31 AGGRESSIVE salesmen! If you, _____________________have a car we Ilave a wonderfuh rural area for..oî. Nfake money: See C eaning by working a Famîlex dealership S e e d C I i f ll r pa t t m e. W p offer you Don't fonget we have the a large variety of cosmetics,: nachines to miake No. h seed out dailv necessities and other useful! ýfnean'- ?Il clovet'. Swain nroducis. '.hv iYn')t vwrite for de- red Cleaners. Phone Black- ladls? Familex, Dept. 3, Montrcal tock 89 r Il 6 41-2*'24. 42-1 FARM SOLD AUCTION SALE Purebred Shorthorn Cattle, Horses, Breedint Ewes, Swlne, Poultry, Wood, Hay, Grain, Waterloo Tractor, Machlnery, Furniture, etc. the property of Ross Hallowell Lot 7-8, Concesion 4, CLARKE TOWNSHIP, Con. North of Newtonvllle to be sold by public auction or Salurday, Oclober 23 CommencinK at 10 a.m. sharp HOit SES Percheron Gelding, il yrs., 1,600 lbs.; Percheron Mare, 12 yrs., 1,600 lbs. CATTLE Shorthorn Cow, 6 yrs., bred June 29; Shorthorn Cow, 4 yrs., June 11:; Shorthorn Cow, 3 yrs., bred June il; Shorthorn Cow, 4 yrs., bredl May 28; Shorthorn Cow, 5 yrs., bred May 7; Short- horn Cow, 7 yrs., bred Apnil 4; Shorthorn Cow, 8 yrs., bred July 24; Shorthorn Cow, 3 yrs., July .10; Shorthorn Cow, 4 yrs., bred July 6;; Shorthorn Cow, 5 yrs., bred July 4; Hereford- Durham Cow, 7 yrs., caîf at foot; 2 Heifers, open, 1% yrs.; 3 fat Steers; 3 Durham yr-olds; 2 fat Heifers, 7 Durham Calves, 5 fat Calves. (All cows artificialhy bred to Shorthorn bull). SHEEP 5 Leicester Breeding Ewes, 4 Leicester Lambs. SWINE Yorkshire Sow, due Nov.; Yorkshire Shoats, 150 lbs. ea. POULTRY 40 Hybrid Pullets, 35 Hybrid yr.-old Hens; 40 Hybrid Roost- ers. FEED 30 tons Mixed Hay, 1,000 bus. Mixed Grain, 200 bus. Fal MACHINERY Waterloo-Minneapolis MolinE Z Tractor, used very little, likE ne&w; 4-section Harrows; Fleur3 Bissell Tractor Plow, 3-fumrow on rubber, nearly new, Fanning Mill, 2 Cutters, Adamis rubber. tired Wagon on rollen beanings, nearly new; Slush Scraper; Scain Wagon on rubber, nearly new: 2 flat-bottom Hay Racks, good; 2 Wagon Boxes, DeLaval Elec- trie Separator, No. 18, like new; Mc-Deening 10-f t. Hay Rake, ex- cellent condition; Mc-Deering 13- dise Fertihizer Drill, excellent condition; Steel Drag, Fleury Single Plow, Mc.-Deering Oih- bath Mower, excellent condition; M.-H. 13-tooth Cultivator, Mc- Deering Manure Spreader, excel- lent condition; M.-H. 7-ft. Grain Binder, roll of new Fence; M.-H. 3-drum Steel Roller, roll Lawn Fence, Steel Vice; 2,000 lb. Scahes, 250 lb. Scales, 2 Single Scufflers, Extension Ladden, new; 2 Bai.n Ladders, Knee Sleighs, Tiîrnip Pulper, Horse Blankets, Buggy Pole, Stone- boat, new; Block~ and Tackle. WOOD and LUMBER 25 Cords Beech and Maple Stovewood, quantîty Dry Ash and Maple Lumber, quantity Cedar Posts. FURNITURE 3-piece Chesterfield Suite, Kitchen Cabinet, 2 Findlay Cook Stoves, 1 nearly new; 20 Kitchen Chairs, Studio Couch, Parlour Suite, 3 Bedroom Suites, Side- board, 2 Extension Tables, sev- er'al Small Tables, Hall Rack, lage quantity of Bedding, Linen, )ishes, Curtains, etc. For the best in Durham Cattle nd Farm Machinery plan to at- tend this sale. Sale to com- mence at 10 arn. and continue ntil evenything is sold. Furn- ture sold in the morning. Lunch 5rved by Newtonville W.A. Terms Cash - No Reserve L. Harris, Clerk Yack Reid, Auctioneer, Orono. 42-1 a c c s e: a] il SE Livestock For Sale 11 YORKSHIRE pigs. Leland Crago. Phone MAnket 3-2485. 42-1* REGISTERED Shorthorn bulîs serviceable age and youngen. Leslie Taylor, Bunketon. Phone Blackstock 80 n 12. 42-1* Auciion Sales - I The undensigned auctionei bas received instructions f ro Miss Blanche Kay to selli "Blanche's Hairdressing Salon in the Village of Pontypool,c Saturday, Oct. 23, 1954, at 1: p.m. sharp, ail her househol furniture, dishes, etc. Premii4 also for sale. Terms cash.1 J. Payne, auctioneer. 41. Real estate and bousehol effects, property of late HermE Hooey, in the Village of Blacl stock, on Satunday, Octoben 30t Sale at one o'clock. Tenmsc real estate made known dayg sale. Terms on household good cash. Phone Onono 17 r 10. TE Jackson, auctioneer, Port Per: 42.I Hereford Sale. The sixth ai nual registered Hereford salef J. R. Nokes & Son to be hel on their farm, one mile East( Manilla on Saturday, Oct. 23r at 1 p.m., comprising: 45 head( choice mellow cattie, 13 bul and 32 females, many of whic are bred heifers due sale dat Sale under cover. Lunch avai able. Catalogues on request. 42- John Patton & Son, Lot 6, Cci 8, Clarke Township, one concE sion north, 1/ mile east of Ker dal, has sold his farm and wi sell by public auction on Satui day, Nov. 6th, at 1 p.m. sharl ail his farm stock, implement 1954 Cockshutt "30" tractor, ha3 grain and furnitune. Terms cast No reserve. Lawrence Harri clerk. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 42- Livestock sales are held evei Monday evening comrnencing; 7 p.m. at the Durham Couni Sales Arena, situated a haîf mi West of the Provincial Foresti Station at Orono. Ahl livesto: sohd in the order in which cornes in. Your consignmený are always appreciated. Th place where buyèer and sellE meet. Owned and operated b Jack Reid, auctioneen. 42- I have received instructior from Mrs. J. E. B. Staples,6 Oniole Parkway, Toronto, to se by public auction on Friday e-ý ening, Oct. 29th, at 8 p.m. at th Durham County Sales Arena, 1, mile West of Orono, her entir household effects. This sale wil include sucb items as a soli walnut dining-room suite, 3-piec chesterfiehd suite, electnic wash er, ahi enarnel cook stove, bec room and kitchen furniturE dishes, ghassware, etc. Term cash. No reserve. Lawrenci Harris, clerk. Jack Reid, auc tioneer. 42-: EASTERN ONTARIO ASSOCIATION Aberdeen-Angus 2nd FALL SALE 30 FEMALES SELLING Many with calves at foot. Some good herd bull prospects These cattle have been selectec from some of the most outstand. ing Canadjan herds. Pef erborough FAIR GROUNDS Saturday, Ociober 23 1:00 P.M, One of the greatest opportun ities to buy foundation cattle ir recent years. Write for catalogue to- Ed. Pearson, Secretary, e/o Ontario Department of Agriculture Newmarket, Ontario Duncan Brown, Auctioneer 41-2 Lost FLAT, brass key, Thursday, O( 14, on King St., between Scug( and Division. Box 246 c/o Canai ian Statesman. 42-ý Boom and Board at tn,, on :00 ses R. -2 ian ýth. on of ýds, 7ed ,ry. 2* of ld of n Real Estate ForSae EIGHT room brick bouse, the property of the Robert Lindsay Estate. Selllng price $6,000.00., For information and inspection, contact M. S. Dale, Executor. 42-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Dwellings, farms, lots, etc. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Dial MA 3-5682 42-1 * EVANS REAL ESTATE For homes, farms, tobacco farms. building lots, at reason- able prices, in Durham County, contact W. C. Evans, Broker Phone 84 - 17 Orono 41-4 J. VAN. NEST REAL ESTATE NEEDS LISTINGS Let Us Seli Your Home, Farm or Business Real Estate For Sale Pedwell Real Esial $30,000-135 acres choice fs îng land, river runs th Pasture at back of farm, well fenced, 8 room bric bouse, oil heating, all moder conveniences, o a k f 1 Ir throughout, pressure sys in ahl buildings. bank bar with tbe f inest stabling cernent barnyard, new stee implement shedjb*g erected You could not ffler an)yti more in a farrn. SQhool acr the road. This farm is on. 2 Highway. S a t is fact terrns can be arranged wit the right buyer. $6,300-One to 16 acres can be bought with brick and cemen block house, 12 rooms, new~ remodelled,' attached garage On a good road close to New castle. Easy terns can be an- rancred with imniediate pos- ýog id- YOUNG girl wanted to share room. AIl conveniences. Phone MA 3-3925. 42-1 FRONT bed-sitting room for two men or two girls, borne priv- ileges, reasonable rates. Apply 133 King East. Telephone MA The Canadian Statesrmn CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCI FOR SALE FOR RENT - HELP WANTED CARS FOR SALE LOST -FOUND -ETC. Cash Rat. - 3cpr word Wjth aciminimum ci 30C Must be paid by date af insertion Il harged. an additional 25c wiil b. added. A charge of 25c will b. made foi ael replies directed ta this office. NOTICES- COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANES 3ceca word with a minimum et $1.00 for 33 words or logsa. BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MABRIAGES DEATES $1.00 por insertion 1N MEMORIAMSvrs 81.00 plus 10c a lin. forves COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS Includes aIl advertising loi persoa or firms selng services ideas or qaads af any description -- 3c par word; minimum charge 75c cash with order. To regulai advertisers -payable monthly Disp'yiC"ý"i'id il 'S30 pet iclh w h îa oone inch. Additionci insertions at AIt Classified Ada musti hola this office not later thon 12 o'clock noon. Wedn.sday. Sond cash. siomps or mnon.? order and sive rnoney Clip th s out toi --. reti:7ýn-A u rhîîeu new bungalow 3'jo~wmIanv1ile. Pnone MVA 3-5689.> bedrooms) with full cellan, funn- 42-1 ace, batbroom, electric beater, built-in cupboands, hardwood floors, nice location, town water. _________________ Price $8.000. 6 roorned ranch style bun- TELEVISION sets to nepain alter galw, nfiishd, 4x3 Iret,(3Monday, Oct. l8th. Please Phone, bedroonis), large living roorn MA_338_ 3 41-tf I with dinette, picture window, DEAD STOCK removed fromi sewer and water available. Price vour fanm promptly for sanitary $4,50f). disposai. Telephone collect. Co- jThese are just somne of the ap- 1Iounf, 1266 or Toronto EM. 3-3636. iproximately 68 propenties we Gordon Youngz Limited. 50-tf have for sale. Contact -- ____ John F. De Wlth, Realtor Persona] NewcstlePhone 3341 42-h HYGIENîC supplies - (rubber -goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with prnce list. Turn Page for Six saniples 25c. 24 sarnpien $1.00 r1l Order rt 'T k ÀdiloalClsiida Nov-Ru b,)er Co., bx UI,L 8 w .. 1 1 1" -t 1 a W .. 1 lm . --- TNMDAT, OCT. 2lot 1934 .1 ls BOWMAN VILLE Many good farns for sale, sone ich Phone MA 3-3230 will consider houses in ex- te. 42-tf change. i1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE H. C. Pedwell, Broker *-î Properties Sold. Rented. Newcastle Phone 38-SSL Managed and Appralsed 42-1 D. L. M. A L L 1 S O NNoie s- Real Estate BrokerNoie !n- Phione 2566- Newcastle, Ont.---------a 111l Two blocks nonth of tnaffic Meeting-Darlington Ratepay- ir- signal, Newcastle. ers' Association, 8 p.m., Friday, rp, 2zo-tf at 52 King W., Bowmanville, to ts,- discuss question of donation fromn l:Pdw l R a Eit our funds for hurricane relief. ,P. edw ll eal stae Cas.D. Rankine, President. 1iS, kiarms and all other propenties, 42-1; -3 businesses, etc., for sale. We are now manufacturing - cernent blocks, both interlocking ry H. C. Pedwell, Broker and standard, and would be at pleased to serve you with a good ty Newcastle Phone 38-SSL product at a reasonable price. le 25-tf Tripp Construction. Phone 392W,ý' ryPort Penny. 40-tii Ok . E. CARSON REAL ESTATE i t Homes-In Oshawa, Bowman- ts ville and Pot Hope vicinity. OPPORTUJNITY FOR AUTHORS he Farms-We bavé sevenal o1 Literary Agent deals with al er naist 's top farms neyer before types manuscnipts, short stonies, by lited.articles, book lengths, etc. Your .3 Businesses - hars stores, wr ett h etmarkets, gaags fa Threandsoks ent to th wil e est nhoe gaprpragstfoie s anesum e rton opinlrive an o hest 62~ Chaetis. D expneca etmopniona t eter itd f2 Chas.27D2 Rankin can be t mae imank etabigle, an v- MA2-272 o$1nvlleho t m a t ordsmin - s .,l 42-1m$1 hprgthouandpers minBoo 1/e REL STTmuOmSL hafrge $3 perscript. ooe /2 40reLESATE FgOdbrnaE luenhdfrthousand o on$10 le 40tae gar, 7goomd briandMhundmed sthosndons $10,er id house, hydro and bath, near pen cent. Reports sent w~hn e Oshawa. $8,900.00. one week of rece ipt of ii .. 5 roomed frai-ne bungalow, scripts, book length take lIgeý.' î .heavy wiring, basernent, for Please send payment and slamp. ,,quick sale. $5,500 with $2,o00 ed, self-addressed envelope with 'i cash, script. After I have solçi two 7e We bave lots, houses, farms manuscripts for you no »a.n and businesses in Bowmanvîlle fees will be charged. GleâM'e .2 and surrounding distriý' Hughes, B.A., Literary Agent, - M. E. Leask, Broker Bowmanville, Ontanio. 41-3 65 Ontario St., 1>1oiie 4Ài -5919 Bowmanville 42-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 5 room new bungalow with mnany extras, large living-room, air conditioned oul heat, splendid location. Illness forces sale. 9. 4 noom stucco, 4 years ohd, in Voters' List Posted csplendid condition. .-Family has -outgrown this lovehy cdean home. Clerk's Notice. of First Postlng 100 acre farm near Tyrone inofVtr'Ls splendid state of repain, close too oes u school, heavy wiring. Owner VOTERS' LIST, 1954 netining. Municipality of Bowmanvllle .We bave service stations well County of Durham tlocated. NOTICE is hereby given that 1 I J. Van Nest Real Estate have complied with Section 9 of ' 118 King St. E. Bowmanville the Voters' Lists Act and that I Phone MA 3-3230 bave posted up at mv office at 42-1 Bowmanvilhe on the l8th day of I October, 1954, the list of alh De WITH REAL ESTATE pensons entitîed to vote in the 230 acre fanm, 100 acres wonk- said Municipaîity at municipal able, 10 acres wood, creek, L- elections and that such list re- sbaped bank barn, garage, 8 mains there for inspection. roomed brick bouse with bydro, heavy wired, close to schooh, And I hereby cali upon ahi church and highway. Price voters to take immediate pro- $14,000. Termis. ceedings to have any errons or 290 acre farm, 130 acres work-I omissions corrected according ta ~ able, 100 acres wood, 3 cneeks,i law, the Iast day for appeals be- 98x0 f. bnk ann he bose;ing the 4th day of Novemben, 10 roomed solid brick bouse witl. 1954. furnace, heavy duty wired. Prîce Dated this lBth day of October, $8,500. Haîf cash. 1954. 135 acre farm whereof 125 acre A. J. LYLE, finst clasa workable loam, 10 Clerk of the acres maple bush, 120x35 ft. Towp of Bowimantille. bank barn (9 yehrs ohd), 4 welhs; 4?-2 8 roomed insulated f;ame home with furnace, hard#food fhoors, Found heavy wined. Price $13,500. Easy terns. 110 acre fanm, 90 acres work- ONE Holstein heifer, Lot 16, able, 95x30 ft. bank barn with Con. 6. Isaac Hardy. Phone U-sbaped extension; 7 roomed MA 3-2184. 41-2 frame bouse, creek, wells, chose ONE sheep. strayed on premises to village, etc. Price $8,000.ofCVaDaBken.On , Easy down payment. fCtanDm'ukeo.On 125 acre farm, ahh workable er may bave sanie bv paying for close to village, etc., witb 90x40 ad. Phone MA 3-2517. 42-10 ft. bank barn, driving shed, etc.;CO (obef)stae ono J l0-roomed frame home with this far. Ower mtaedhave bydro, beavy wired. Pnice thsm nidiiato n. Cly arke $10,500. sm nietfcto.Cak 5 roomed cernent block home, 3821.4-2 Pontypool, with bathroom, waten pressure system, electric heater, Cars For Sale beavy wired, large lot, full base- _ . _________ ment. Price 16,500 cash. 1948 PONTIAC sedan delivery, 6 roomed frame bouse with gooÉi condition, heater, winter- furnace, bathroom, water pres- îzed. Ternms. Phone 3-3151, 191 sure, electric heater, large lot.1 King E. 42-1 Pnice $6,500. $1,890 down. 5 roomned insulated bungalow 1954 FORD demonstrator, Fordo- with bathnoom, nice fireplace, matic drive, power steejp built-in cupboards, heavy wired, built-in radio, Iow i~ garage, nice location. Price terrns, et Farrn Equirett $4.800. Half cash. Automotive, 134 King St. E.,

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