w ~- - TEU8DMT 21904 Legion Spon sors Dan ce Wii Present Proceeds To Hos pifai Auxiliary The Bowmanvillîe Branch o! Ladies' Auxiliary will be con- the Canadian Legion in coop- ducting the week of November eration with the Légion Ladies' 1, and also with the street sales Auxiliary will sponsor a dance on Friday evcning, November 5, at the Lgion Hall near the end and Saturday, November 6. of November with procceds toi Poppy Canipalgn Important donated to the Women's Aux- President Ross McKnight also i ~liary of Memorial Hospital,i ~OwMI0 anville, it was decidcd at stresscd the importance of the 'the negu1ar meeting of the poppy campaign wbich provi des ~ranch held last Thursday night. funds for dîsabled and needyl Enl tinetCara i veterans and their famiies, andi EntetaimentCharmanJimurged members to wonk hard to Fair anounccd that lie would ar- put it across. range details of the benefit Co1d i arotie dance with Mrs. T. Wesley Caw- ord JmFar utie ker, president of the Hospital plans for the annual Armistice Auxiliany. Pasaeas en Supper on Saturday evening, Plas re ls ben[November6an tedhtte mnade for the annueal Children's vm r6 n ttdta h Chis 'srt o cidenadLadies' Auxilhanrhave offered1 brth ardste rs o!idegnan to donate pies for thîs event free Â.membens under 12 to be held in of. charge, and also donate theirE the Legion Hall on December 11 services for cooking and servingE he said. the meal. A vote o! thanks was1 Chairman Pete Bathgate o! the passed to the Ladies' AuxiliaryE Poppy Committee announced for serving at the banquet giveni that the poster contest in Bow- for the Bantam Legionnaires1 inanville Public and H i g h basebaîl team recently and also Schools en the Remembrance to Cecil Mutton for the interest Day theme is coming along weîî be had shown in the team thla and that pizes for the winners summer and for donating twoa have been arranged. He urged turkeys for the victory banquet. members to help with the house- It was announced that the to-bouse canvass for Remem- Legion will hald a dance for brance Poppies whicb the Legion membens and their wives and Pipe Band members and theïr j wives on November 13.V Comrade Bathgate pointed outE S PE CI AL L thre s nothing in thej L 0 R IL AR S ospital to identify it as such. t r c McKnight to arrange to have a TO TI small plaque made to be attach- ed to the door on the inside o! this room. Comrade Bathgater reported that the radio in this OTTAW Aroom is being repaired and that a new footstool had been ordened E h for it.b W INILII FAIR1 President McKnigbt also sug-S gested that be arrange for re-7 painting the Legion crest on theB OCT. 26-30 front o! the Legion Hall or haveb a new one painted. FARDE AND ONE-HALF To Hold Special Meeting r FOR THE ROUND TRIP Several applicants for m em- bership in the Bowmanvile 1Légion Branch cannot attend the Good golng-Monday, Oct. 25th regulan Thursday evening meet- i -Saturday, Oct. 30th inclusive. ings to be initiated, Chairman 1Frank Burns o! the Membership vi Retumn-Leave Ottawa not later Committee reported. He sug- than midnxght, Sun. Oct. 31st. gested that a special meeting be T held on a Sunday afternoon to t initiate these applicants, and-this 7 4 Fai »f -O suggestion was accepted by the h Sports Chairman Bill Bates ne- tported that the Branch Darts M~ League has been organized and C play hl start early in Novem- ber. Vice-President Jack Knight dE is president o! this league, Com- in ÇÀ rade Ah Mavin is treasurer and *À&VF V Comnade Jim Woodward is sec- hc retary and statistician. ch It was reponted that Comrade be pflppfffJ$9.tic LRepay in 15 monthly instalments of only'$16.OO eck Cet np to $1000 on sensible terns-on your own signature. Requiremeuts are easy to meet. Fast, one day service. Cail HFC today! @ HOUSEHOLD .FINANCE 111/2 Simcoe St.South, sehond floor, phone Oshawa 5-1139 OSHAWA, ONT. PORT NOPI BRANCHa 71 Wtt.n St., 2nd floor, phono 3080 CLOTHING ARTICLES NEEDÉD, *FOOTWEAR -RADIOS PANS à-FURNITURE BOOKS aPICTURES lPRODUCE m DISHES ,STOVES wANYTHING SALEABLE TRU ANAnAV £'A'~mBMA UV~IAMVVTU W.WPUTU ZION (Hope Township) ili if of nf dr la 'e m th l sy Thank-offering services wi be held at Zion United Churci Sunday, Oct. 24 at il a.m. an 7:30 p.m. Rev. Lu!ftman. c Baltimore will be in charge c both services. Welcome Chol Aill provide special music fo morning service and Bethesd United Church Choir in th evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ruthvei had Tbanksgiving dinner wit] Mrn. and Mrs. Al! Dobson (Stark ville). Misses Shirley and Audre: Tufford spent Tbanksgiving wit] hein parents. ,- Miss Doris Anderson wa home for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Gerow anc Mrs. R. Gerow motored t( Oshawa this weekend. Mn. E. Ruthven spent Tues day and Wednesday o! this wcel In Ottawa. Zion W. A. meeting will b( eld Thursday a!tennoon at th( ýhurch wben preparations wilI e made for the special services Members o! the W.A. arc prac. Âcing a bumorous sketch en- Âtled: "Ada Gives First Aid". Sunday being a pleasant day nany in this district were away iewing the destruction caused )y hurricane "Hazel" on Friday iight. Congratulations to Mn. and [nrs. Geo. W. James on neacbing hcir 25th wcdding anniversary. 'he writer o! tbis column was rry pleased to receive an in- tation to the "At Home", Fni- ly, Oct. 15 on this occasion but egrets, duc to circumstances ?yond ber control, was unable oattend. vi by n.l i T. to Mcl Hawley is stili a patient at Sunnybrook Hospital. Comrade Al! Samelîs was welcomed back to the meeting after a recent lengtby iilness and thanked the members for the baskt o! fruit be received while a patient at Sunnybrook. h Celebrate Diamnond Wedding ' Mr. and Mrs. Albert Beckett, o! Kemble, were gucsts of Mn. and Mrs. W. W. Horn for a couple o! days. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Mack- lin, Tyrone, were Sunday vis- itons at R. J. Hodgson's. A number o!f ficnds from here attended the 35th wedding anniversary reception o! M and Mrs. Geo. James at the Lions Community Centre, Bpw- manville, on Fniday. Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy at- tended the funeral o! ber un- cie, Mn. John Kenney at Crown Hill and also called on rela- tives at Shanty Bay and Mr. Cn.hus rch han ofBing e- and. rs.W. Anott o!BaSre vice will be held on Sunday afternoon at 2j30. Rev. M. C. Fisher o! Newcastle will 'Oc guest minister. Music by Our choir, assisted by Miss Helen Spicer, soloist, o! Toront, Conservatory graduate. 1 1 SALEM Considerable' damage was donc in this comxnunity by the hurricane with many tres blown down, roofs taken of and &-b&ge percentage of thej late apple crop ruined. W.A. held thé4r October meetin' at the home of Mrs. H. McClure. The evenmng was spent in making plans for a bazaar. Upholstery pieces were given out for making into arti- cles for the bazaar. Lunch was served and a social time enjoy- ed. Salem folk presented their play, I'Aunt Tillie Goes to Town" at Enfield on Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Buttery entertained at a family dinner on Sunday in honour of the 25th wedding anniversary - of Mir. and Mrs. Tom Buttery. Those preàent were Mr. and Mrs. T. Buttery, Ted, Glen and Joan, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ham- er, Harmony; Mr. and Mrs. Jos- eph Levitt and Jim, Town; Mr. Will Levitt, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Craig and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. H. Van Der Huel and family, Nestieton, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Collacott. Mr. and Mrs. Ken shackleton and family with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Allun, Kir- by. Mr. and Mrs. F. ïBlackburn, Miss Grace Blackburn, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Welsh, attended the weddîng of their nephew. Mr. Elgin Savery, Oshawa and Miss June Harrison at St. Chad'st Anglican Church, Toronto, and1 the reception afterwards at Kilcooley Gardens, Mimîco. 760 x15 $22o35 'These tires have been picked out and carefufly examined and guaranteed to be in perfect shape hefore retreaded. G. F. JAMIESOA( TIRE SHOP King and Silver Streets Bowmanville . .~. . Be,..... BBB ***** S*ê***** ê******* ê*O***** INJOY q"J"ILDf Cam8da's Md,Set-énqCigarette 1 .9, k HAMPTON Miss Ada Pascoc, Shute in- stitute, 'London, Mrs. R. J. Me- Kessock, Oshawa; Mrs. H. E. Tink, Solina, wcre recent vis- Itors with Mrs. Joe Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Harland Trul were- recent guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Robent Shields, West Hin. Mrs. W. G. Doidge and Miss Norah Horn spent a feW days last week with fniends at Port Hope. Mr. and Mns. K. Cavenley with Dr. and Mr&. Norman Al- lin, Bowmanvllle. Mn. and Mrs. Hanland Trull spent the holiday week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cun- ningham, Fenelon Falls. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Caverly and «daughter Lynn, Stoney Cneek, wene guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caverly. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Mount- joy spent Thanksgiving week- end with Mr. and Mrs. H. Lee, Omemee. and called on othen friends there and at Fowler'si Corners.,9 ,Mr. and Mrê. Charlie Warren enjoyed a trip to Western On- tario wbere they. visited a number o! friends Mrs. Dr. Gordon Martin and family, Richmond Hill, visited ber parents, Rev. and Mrs. F. Reed last week. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hooper, Mrs. R. Clapp, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner, Tyrone, were recent visitons with Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Hodgson. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Caverly and daugbter Linda, Bowman- ville, with Mr. and Mrs. K. Ca- verly. Mrs. G. Adcock and Anna- belle, visited relatives in Osh- awa on Sunday. Mrs. Herb Burgess, Oshawa, called on friends here recent- You have to be a real old citizen to remember the bride in the above photo who was born in Bowmanville 84 years ago and l«t ber native town just 65 years ago and on June 61th o! this year celeprated ber 60th weddîng annivensary at their home, 932 First St., Lake- view, Port Credit. This vener- able couple is Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Klein and the bride is Re- becca Black, daugbter of the late Wm. Black Who lived on Liberty Street, opposite Levi Mvorris' home and was an cm- ployee o! the Upper Canada Furniture Co., wbich was locat- ed on Elgin St., just beyond the rresent C.P.R. tracks. The editor, obtained these facts and a lot of other ancient history about Bowmanville and .ts citizens during a very ini- ;eresting bal! hour chat on Wed- nesday Iast when IMrs. Klein called at The Statesman office to renew her subscription. Imagine being away from town 65 years and still takes the hometown paper! We neyer saw a woman o! ber years mO bright, aient and a mind as keen as a nazon as she reminisced about the good old days wben she iived here. In her younger days among ber host o! frîends she was called "Dolly" Black wben she was a milliner with MIiss Amelia McTavish wbose shop was where W. Ross L p F 'i sE Strike's law office la now bo- cated.. She had four brothers, Tom, Will, Albert and' Percy. Albert served bis apprenticeship as a printer in the Statesman office ithe 80's, later going to the United States to follow bis trade. She is now the only sur- vîving member o! the family who lived bere. Naturally we wanted to get some in!qrmation about the Diamond Wedding, although it took place four months ago, to pass on to our readers. The celebration was somewhat o! a surprise as several carloads o! old friends came from Brant- ford, as well as many neigh- hors called to offer congratula- tions. Among messages receiv- cd wap a cable from Queen Elizabeth's private secrctary, telegram from Prime Minister St. Laurent and a beautiful scrol !rom Hon. Arthur Welsh, Ontario Provincial Secretary. Mn. Klein ia in bis 90th year and was employed with the Beadmore Co. for over 30 yeans. He also prizes bis 50- year jcwel wbich be received several years ago as a niemben o! tbe Canadian Order o! For- esters. On ber trip hene on Wed- nesday Mrs. Klein was accom- panied by ber daugbter, Miss Evangeline Klein, Mrs. Thos. Beaton and Mrs. Emma Tuggey. Four Generations in Attendance Christening at St. John's Church An event o! considerable in- terest in Bowmanville was the cbnistening on Sunday, October ylOth, in St. John's Anglican yChunch o! Elizabeth Ann Etcher. Four generations were present at tbis eVent. The baby's moth- en is Mrs. Gladys Etchen, and ber cfather is Artbur Etcher, o! High 9Street; the grandmotber, Mrs. 1Benny King, o! Elgin Street, and st h e great-grandmothen, Mrs. -JQhn Poolton, Elgin St., were tpresent. Elizabeth Ann Etcber wore a christening robe that was used by ber grandmotber. Elizabeth Ann Poolton (Mrs. King) over bal! a century ago. The gown was puncbased in Willington Quay, Northumberland, Englànd, in 1896, and was brought to Bowmanville 43 .years ago. Since that time, it bas been used by at least 25 relatives o! its ownen, Mns. King. Another link with the past Is a silver spoon which was given to the baby recently by ber gneat-grandmothen, Mrs. Isabella Poolton. In this spoon are teetb marks of Mrs. #Poolton's great- grand! ather. Presuming that the original owncrs wenc the parents, o! the child whose teeth- marks are in the spoon, Eliza- beth Ann is then their great- great-great-great-great grand- daughter. Elizabeth Ann Etcher, to her family, is Elizabeth Ann the !ourth. Three o! the four Eliza- beth Anns werc present at the chnistening. The one who was not present was Elizabeth Ann McPbail <Mrs. William Poolton). Present were Mrs. Poolton's daughter, Elizabeth Ann (Mrs. George Graham, Sr.), ber grand- daugbter, Elizabeth Ann (Mrs. Ben. King), who is a niece o! Mrs. Graham. and o! course, Elizabeth Ann Etcher, great- great grand-daughtcr. Among those present were Mn. and Mrs. Jack Poolton, the baby's great grandparents, and Mn. and Mns. George Graham, Sr., the baby's great-great aunt and uncle, all o! whom, were present at the chnistening in England oven 50 year. ago of the The Statesman SOd Ai 1F%lId%mAiWg" C4PfPPe Trull's Store, Courtice Stnong's Store, Pont Hope .Reg. Edniund's Store, Bethanr Johnson'u Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwnight, Newcastle S. Brown, Newtonviile C. Pcthick, Enniskillen T. M. Slcmon. Enniskillea F. L. Byarn, Tyrone G. A. Barron, Haipton A. E. Ribèy, Burketon H. T. Saywell, Blackatock Keith Bradley, Pontypool C. B. Tyrreil, Orono H. K. Reynolds, Kendal Gilbert Food Market, Millbrook Hendenson's Book Store, Oshawa - Bowmanville - R. P. Rickaby - 0 Big 20» 1W. J. Berry Jack's Smokc Shop Rite's Smokc Shop Jury & Loveli BIgle Hanndcn's Handy Stoie Tmu 8hmom aoffie baby's gnandmother, Elizabeth Ann Poolton (Mrs. King), wbo, as bas been mentioned, was the third Elizabeth Ann. and who wore the same christening robe. A strange note in this story is the fact that the only one o! the immediate family who bas not used the cbistening robe was the baby's mothen, Mrs. Gladys Etcher, who was'not cbnistened until she outgrcw..the gown. The godparents o! the child are ber aunt and uncle, Mn. and Mns. Carl Etcher, o! Toronto, and ben grandmothen, Mrs. Benny K4ng, Elgin Street, Bow- manvilie. Rev. Warren Turner performed the cbistenihg cere- mony. I WonderM B uyI More-For- Yosr-Mouey 0 Boys oirl'Stze.-3, 4, 5, 6 and6 0 100% Nylon Watr Rep.H.e>t Fobrie 0 Cosy, Worm, 7-0z. Quilteci Kasha Unônbg e Closely kn4t wool auffs ond an&4t '0 Do"b .hn. MIe.s the kid f ofm4. thamo*hers d&owa of, W tmr* ftnd itirough a v.ry speciol p4rchas., w weOb" a#0 i.Off« you a snotono l wut et LOW CMS~. Fkl .fqlah*y nylon fabrôs in a one-pi.c. syle wit$ mco#chlg k.lm.t. Each suit ; s nugly Un.d with storm cuffa ond full- sengé nmipper oloing. WOW.-rep.14.n*"Sanforizd- and eoiowr- Red - Navy - Brown - Green LMITED Bo wman ville Lions Conimunity AuctimonSeule Starting ai 1:30 p.m. Saturckiy, October 23 Lions Comm uhit y Centre BEECH AVENUE For Pick-up Please Phone One of the Following Numbers MA 3-3129 - MA 3.333À-i MA 3.3410 Taike Ala* of WoIkerFs Loy-ai-Way Pion $1.00 Down, $I.S0 aW. wM hod yow u r pw SNI]W TRE AD St. John's Church News Sunday is National Laymen's Sunday in the Church of Eng- land. In keeping with this fact a distinguished layman in the person of Mr. A. D. Hardie, M.A., will be the preacher at Il a.m. and 7 p.m. at St. John's Church. Mr. Hardie for many years has been an outstanding member of the Diocesan Synod, serving on rnany important committeeg in- cludîng the Executive Commit- tee. At the present time he la Vice-Chairman of the Diocesan Town and Country Church Com- LÀ,ittee and q ne of the trustees of the York Rectory Fund. After pears of distinguishelU service, first in Hamilton and later in Toronto, with the Red Feather Fund, Mr. Hardie retired and went first to live at Brighton and then at Coiborne where he pres- ently resides. Here as elsewhere - -1 1 -1 1 1 TIRES SUBURBANITE TREADS 600 x16 $1595 670 x15 $17o95 710x15 $2050 MU CANÀDIAN STAtBUÉA& DOWMARVnl,& OMT*lffn IbA~ fýý ship in church and crmnt Mr. Hardie will be assis'Yn the service by laymen from the church. The Rev. Gea. Nichol- son, Blackstock, wil be the celebrant at the 8 a.m. Holy Communion. Mr. Nicholson is an old friend of St. John's con- gregation. The Rector o! St. John's Church, Rev. Warren Turner, ia one of twelve Canadian clcrgy invited by the Episcopal Church in the United States to attend the National Convocation on the Town and Country Church, sponsored by the National Coun- cil of Churches, and the Epis. copal Conference on Rural Work, both being held at Salina, Kansas, October 25 - 29 inclusive. Mr. Turner, who is Chairnian of the Diocesan Town and Country Church Cominittee. bas also been invited to the annual meet-, ing of the Department of Town and Country of the Division o! Home Missions, National Council of Churches, being held et The National Town-Country Church Instîtute, Roanridge, Parkvill%