TRURSDAT, MT. tut, 1954 Chamber of Commerce!l Witt Print Town Maps Include Vital Statis tics Plans Campaigu to Get-Out-the-Vote and Encourage Citizens te Run for Municipal Offices at Forticonung Town Elections The executive of the Bow- inanvile Chamber of Commerce ~cided et a meeting held in ïe Balmoral Hatel on Wed- '.4esday night of last week ta have maps of the Town of Bowmanvilîe printed, on which Will be incarparated vital sta- ~',.tistics about the town, for dis. tribution ta prospectivene industries and ather persans seeking information. They 'ývill contain informa- tion 5uCý&lb% the mili rate, wa- ter SIupFly, railway and high- k Way facilities, average wage -and rentaI rates, number of schools and churches, availabil- itY of zaned industnial proper- ty. and ather pertinent infor- Ination about Bowmanville. The Public Utilities and Pro- fessional Committee under Chairman George VanBridger was named as the committee ta look after the publishing af these maps and incarporated information. New Committee Formcd A speciai cammittee ta be knawn as The Civic Electian Camniittee was set up with Ron Abbott as Chairman ta trv ta arouse greater interest amoqng the general public in the civic election on December 6. This committee wilI try -ta in- terest the public in the clection ta the paint that they will en- sure that a full siate of pas- sibly 14 or 16 candidates will run for the eight positions on Town Council, and also that there will be a full siate of can- didates for school boards and the P.U.C. The cammittee wiii also hold a "get-aut- the- vote" Chairman Elmer Banting of the Membership Committee was tauthorized ta advertise for a carresponding secretary for the Bawmanviile Chamber of Com- 1merce and ta receive ail appli- cations. Formation of a Ladies' Com- mittee of the Chamber was dis- cussed and ail members felt that such a committee would be a great asset ta the Cbam - ber. President Art Hooper felt that this matter should ba brought up for further discus- sion at a future general mcm- bership meeting. Treasurer's Report Treasurer George Moody re-f ported a balance on hand of $548, with one or two outstand- ing buis yet ta be paid. President Hooper brought ta the attention of the executivc, the necessity for estabiishing some methad of cantrolling the activities of peddlers and hawk- ers naw operating in Bowman- ville from time ta time. This niatter was refenned ta the Re- tail Merchants Committee ta investigate and report back ta the next executive meeting. The offer of Clarence Hockin ta send out officiai receipts for manies coilected for member- ship ducs was accepted by the executive. Present at the meeting were President Hooper, Gea. Moody, Gea. VanBridger, Elmer Bant- ing, Ron Abbott, Keith Lath- angue, R. P. Rickaby and Ray Lathangue. MORRISH TEE CANADIANq STATESMAN. ROWMANVILLE. ONTA1PTO la ".7~ WLYU W En One of the Voaluable Prizes and -have fun playing 'the "KNfOW YOUR DOWMANVILLE" CONTEST Store No. 7 is___ Store No. 8 is___ Store NO- 9 is ____ Store No. 10 is It's simple - This is ail you have to do,-r Eaci week there wiIl be a number of picturcs appear in this same space. These picturcs have been taken in one of the stores listed below. You simply cut eut tic pictures, and fi in tic name of tic store you think the picture was takerjn. LU~~A theY cnd ofue every ratepayer ta exercise his We extend very hearty con- you f iii it out you att demnocratîc privilege of voting gratulations ta aur genial editor contest headquarters lni the civic election. M r. Gea. W. James and Mrs. James on the occasion of the The decision ai 1. 35th anniversary of their wed-, merce wiIl be final. ding an Friday, October 15. Un- fortunately, the invitation to at- As nhany ent tend the At Home went astray. Enmployees and owni (P and by the time it was received jfl it was tao late, much to our Statesman and their il disappointment. Four hundre( '/' Mr. R. J. Ashton has sold his aa ytemrhn 4Xfi well drilling autfit and house-awybth mrha -t : hould effects and left Morrish on prize is $100, 2nd-$d Thursday, Oct. 14th ta spend the receive $10 ecd. winter with bis daughter, Irene Sattc ot and san-in-law at Niagara Falls. trth-oe Mrs. F. Cornish and Miss M. yourself some easy C Beckett spent the. Thanksgiving 1Bc oiso holiday with Mrs. Mary Simp- Bakcpe1 son in Toronto. I pictures are availabie Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cornish and: daughter Linda ,were Sunday guests with Mrs. F. Cornish and Mr. J. Cornish. a ( xfs We are sorry ta report the iii- ness of Mr. Harry 'Young. He TDW OADAP was taken ta Port Hope Hospital E WOYR APL PEB LEfor treatment. We hope he will BOWMANVILLE CLEA ~~*rst abBlee ta return home bef are & DYERS seentist Oersted produced te wk the home of Mrs. M. J. TD A ' Iltpebble of metallic alu-. Osborne. bath for the bazaar- SEVERN'S BAKERY mninum. Hall' a centure passed one a print, the other a cioth BOWMANVILLE SURFI before a technique was dicv wt a lining. -Two or three 1 W. J. BERRY BOOK ST( qulsaeon order, OSBORNE'So sred for turning out the meali start early this week. OBRESSOT quantity. Candles and the aid reliable ELLIQTT'S SHOES AN Modern processing of bauxite coal ail iamps were brought out McGREGOR DRUGS e to make low-cost aluniinurm pf retirement eariy Friday even- use fataticquatiiesof ing when power went off and usesfanastc qanttie of continued s0 untîl nearly 5 p.m. Power. That is why Canada lu Sunday. Frîday night this cot- one of the world's major alu- tage shivered and shook, dishes minum suppliera, In Quebec rattled and doors had ta be nail-Jr - rr e s province, ameiters at A1r«fr, ed shut, whilc we satin semi- A F r e s Maligne darkness waiting for the roof ta Shawinigan Falls, Islige fly away but at daybrcak, cx- and Beauharnois last year uscd cepting for a carpet of appies Pe p aring ncarly one-fifth of the country's and stray branches on the lawn total electrical output. And in ail was as usual around us but BriishCoumba nw oures the havac caused by "Hazel" was Seven judging teams of the BriishCoumba nw oures evident ail alang this highway Durham County Junior Farm- of water power are feeding the -trees, barns, roofing. orchards ers have been busy for the past pot hines of the ncw smnelter at with trees stripped of tons Of two weeks taking coaching from Kitimat. Alurninum Company appies were a sarry sight. We Arclua ersnaieE of Canada, Ltd. (Mla). were very pleased ta have aur -rulraReesnti E usual bright lights an again ta- Summers and bis assistant Jay night for aur stock of candies Brown in preparation for the was almost gane and the coal Ontario Inter-County 4-H Judg- ail can empty. ing Competitions ta be held at teOntario Agricultural Col- te Guelph, tamorraw I(Fn- Teams winning this competi- Ph to C nt st # tian will represent Ontario at *the Dominion competition ta * * be held during the Royal Win- R ule Pri es *ter Fair in Toronta fram Nov- l'h Conm test th *og A NYONE MAY ENTER 1swfine and be ate n ti tlaped that they ma.y do as well N OTHING TO BL>Y tif, however, as about 600 JuirFarmers from aIl sec- tin of Ontario will be taking SIM LY6 prt Seven .Judgink Classes Leave a roll of film for developing. When you pick 1 Followinig are the boys who it up you receive a slip te write your namne and 0 will represent Durham County address on. Deposit the slip in tie Contcst Draw 1at Guelph: Swine - Mel Sam- Ilx at our door. eelîs and Alan Daves, R.R. 2, *Nestleton. representing the West DRAW WILL BE MADE Durham Swine Club. Beef Cat- Satf, November 27th Enter as cf ten as you wish Names cf winners will appear in Canadian Statesman i w m w 4 ~PRIZES *-_ I sI-Kodak Pony 135 Camera - $41.25 IF ' t 2nd-Lealher Gadg-it Bag - - $26.50 * S ELE O 3rd-nLealher Gadg-if Bag - - $ 9.00 R IIEUMATIC' PLUS Ten Prizes of 2 Rolis of Verichrome Film tP to fil your camera *FAI M JURY & LOVELL When We Test Eyes It ha Done Properly 10.nDOFflr YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE ls PHO.NE MA 3-5778 BOWMANVIL' 1tic contest an entry form will be printcd and after ttaci ail your pictures and eithcr mail or send it in to '(te bc announced later). as te winners by tic Bowrnanvillc Charnier cf Cern- tries nîay be entered from one pcrson as tbey wisi. ners of tic participating stores and Tic Canadian rimmediate families are not eligible. ed dollars in mcrchandising certificates will be given nts participating, redeenmable at their store only. First $75, 3rd-$50, 4th.-$25 and, thc next 15 winners will [est te-day - you'll have lots of fun and rnay niake Christmas moncy. f The Canadian Statesman containing tic contest le. t Store No. il is ______ Store No. 12 is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Each Picture has been taken in one of the following Stores lA NCES ANERS PLUS STORES rORE PND CYCLE ND LUGGAGE COWLING DRUGS WALKER STORES LANDER HARDWARE ELLIS SHOE STORE KENNEDY DRY GOODS JURY & LOVELL RICKABY'S "BIG 20"» MARR JEWELRY MASON & DALE HARDWARE MeNULTY'S SPORTS AND CYCLE F. F. MORRIS FURNITURE Teams Bs ~.p %r Contes f -4,__By o tic - Lawrence MeLaughlin -~ and Donald Green, R. R. 2, Why Coaches Go Grey Nestleton, representing North By Mr. Ross Durham Beef Club. Dairy Cat- Nt:Witnfo h iw tic - Gerda Craig, R. R. 5, ote:r. tt fo the ochicnews Bowmanvilie and Ruth Mc- 9fMr Rss the cibtoacrugbcnce Hulm, Part Hope. representîninete exhbitkeion gbyndgme the SotIth Durham Caîf Club. manville, at Pickering.) Potatoes - Laverne Morton, The Bawmanviiie teani play- R. R. 1, Cavan and Ailan Johnl- cd weli enough ta win the son, R. R. 2, Pontypool, repres- game. Excellent passing was enting the Durham Potato Club. performed by Mort Richards Grain-Merriiî Browvn, Newcas- but the pass catching by the tic, Ken Brooks, Boiwmanville, ends was very sad. The only representing the Durham Grain light in the darkness was the Club. Forestny - Neil Boyd, catching by the flying wing, Orana, Bob Youngman, Ponty- Bob Dow. pool, representing the Durham The final score was 15-2 in Fonestry Club. Tractor - Bob favour af Pickering as they Canruthers and Keith Lamb, made three touchdowns but had Bowmanviile, representing the ail thein convent attempts Cartwright Tractor Club. blocked by the charging Bow- Whiîe in Guelph the Junior manville line. Farmers wiil have an oppor- The Pickering squad was big- tunity ta take a tour of the ger, but they didn't outcharge O.A.C. campus. farms and our bays. The margin of dif fer- buildings on Saturdav\. ence between the two teams More Heat ..a.. at less cost witb tic POPULAR QUAKER QIL SPACE HEATERS Cone in and sce tic W nany inodels tiat we now have on display. There as a niodel for every purpose and'every purse W. H. ROWN DEALER FOR Case Farin Machinery Firestone Tires Delavai Milkeru and Separators Beatty Brou. Stable Equipment KING ST. W PHONE497<p BRESLIN'S HIGGON ELECTRIC LIMITED McGREGOR HARDWARE J. H. ABERNETHY PAINT AND WALLPAPER ROBSON MOTORS ROWMANVILLE AUTO PARTS SHEPPARD & GTLL LUMBER CO. YEO'S GROCETERIA FRIGID LOCKERS AND KITSON AMANA PLAN ROY NICHOLS HOOPER'S JEWELRY and GIFT SHOP CARTER FAMILY TEA ROOM WOOD'S T.V. SHOP KEN'S MEN'S WEAR MAHER SHOES CAWKER'S I.G.A. JOHN & JUDY SHJOP S. J. JACKMAN & SON FLOWERS McDONALD'S GROCERY PARKIN'S GROCERY ~ê> ~ ta anothei' in mid-air. It is a O' very handy process ta know >when in a roomn where ink is ~noreec/i abot creec (9 wThe students of the school Turnerhad their individual pictures Turne take at schooi iast week. We. ~.,***.* .. ,.. **.**.~.. ~..~xould like ta state now that any numaurs that the photogra- was four or five passes dropped phers were hired cheaply fnomn by the Bowmanville ends. The 'Kingston are pureiy faise. two points we did get came on Books and pens and other field goal attempts. abjects in the schooi not in One af Pickering's touch- their proper place are confis- downs came as the B.H.S. balf- cated hy the state and piaced back dropped the bail or let it gel away from hlm in attempt- up.J by the Pickering defensive haif who moved down the field ta score unmolested. Ed. Leaver, Doug Cattran and Bob Dow piayed a very good game. Last Wednesday, for the first time since history began the B.H.S. cheenleaders were eiect- cd by the student body instead of the staff. This change was mativated by the statements nf former cheerleaders that thev feit they couid perform better in the knowledge that thev had the students' genuine support. As il -as, aill who tnied out put Son such a good display that Mr. lie was only too glad ta be ne- lieved of 'the job of judging them. Froim twenty contestants the foiiawing were elected as the 1954-55 cheenleaders: Beveniy 1 Cowling, Dianne Austin, Non- ma Dale, Pat Conway and Faye Piper, with Caron Mutton and Eîeanar Osborne standing by ta I. Drama Club Brian Van Nest can sit hack and relax for a littie while now that he bas the Drama Club on its feet for the year. This group meets on Friday noon hours in Fifth forru. They present a number of plavs throughou' the year and have been a mia- jor contributor ta Variety INight. The executive this vear consists of President, Margot Rankine; Secretary, C a r o 1 Phiimmen and Treasurer, Ann Turner. On The Wing We noticed Mn. Lucas point- ing out a misspeiled name toi Mn. Dippeil on the picture of the 1941 dugby teani. Those of us in school now are apt ta for- get he taught here be fore. We wonder if an *vone has seen his name on the Memaorial Plaque' Our number one 1-bot of th- Week' goes tn Alan Porter whn h perfecýe-1 a methor I f transferring ink rom one Pen 1in the office. For some time rthere have been warnings is- ;sued as ta where bicycles be- long:' The ather day one wam found out of place and an ex- traordinary measure was tak- en. It wound up in the office. Please don't anybody Park their car where the Enfield bus goes' The big storm took its toli at the schoal as three trees came down, the largest just missing the building by a few feet. Ah wel]! Better luck next time. I FABA of SCOTLAND YARD A clever swindler defrauds a famous Bond St. jewellery siop of a £2,000 necklace. Tien a clerk buying a ring for his wife is positivcly identified as tic thief. Fabian is impressed by tic manî's protests of innocence and tic Yard casts a dragnet over England, in search of a possible double. Now on TV sce ths tense draina froin the files of Scotland Yard as prepared specially for television. '"Against the Evidetnce. '. WUAEUVUNEXT WV fMRu WWEDNSJDàAY CHANNEL 5 ROCHESTER AT 10.30 2-AUJE. FTVI m pAr4p. vrvà a At the end of 1 ý . -