WAOUE - O I lirA LOÂVLArff , B U W AN VILLE, ONTARIO THULIbSDAYZ furnaces. No one had toast fol relatives in Toronto. water soaked miside. No wash- and Mrs. Carr of Halifax, N. S., O de tL J.JeL.L an y e w ing, nor fronang on $aturday visited with Mr. and Mrs. Roisa - mornIng. We know of several Carr on Tuesday. O f Sr tarE By rs.Roa Crramilies who cooked breakfast! Mr. and Mns. R. R. Edniunds, By Mr. Ros Carron smll Cleman camp stove-i Bobby and Murray motored toi __________________________________________ sually used for summer pic- Milton on Wednesday. W ie Nurricee azel Visite Bethany 'with trees across the roads; heard was of the lady with her r and Mln. Ge r.Dulas n tesan W.wee ey oruconsiderable damage to hydro electric vacuum cleaner pîug- aDsheriofyNew To r.ont glas win The spanaC We er vey-ortnae i gd itothe wall outiet van Driver onwToonto, ere hich nnthe n naeman d telephone wires; but noth- thenasking her hunsban fh guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ger- has eden in ew this littie village nestled i i mg beyond repair. wudmdIoig ti oscvnMull Eia n ndary ter hae ee famoteacides, or losa <ef The greatest inconvenience what was wrong. "It wouldn't Mn.dthH desYeerdrdmpoes' nolies,c ideas rado f win caused by the disruption run!". We wcre surely incon- ton is visiting with Mrs. Emma d thir apprenticE oterpacs the hydro service early on venienced, but we were lucky! Cavano. ters (or as the oThe mostacens os. cm onfrBtnylstlapry af MisJeGibeLndon, tive" as it was9 wsteFriday evening;caeo fo ehn ssilapet ae MisJeGrbeL nified name years Then o thefrm p operty ofh about an hour at nine a'clock place tg live in. was with her mother, Mrs. AI-'smnyohr barln oc hernnorts of and was off for the remainder Women's Missionary ScietY Ian Gribble, for several days themfront ootffiev Alla Cocrane norhwes ofo! thc nîght and until 4:30 on li ek ntenw n the village. The roof was tomn Sunday. How quickly twe take ers.MrvnPrtos nnai d.i the ncws andf th off inthe hurricane and the things for grented! It i justtertinedShcimebers of he Mr ndMn.BantMo kupa rotme.1 aides- gradually collapsed,' leav- twenty-six yers since Hydro Women's MM o nkC-Pmero b onkughnd MiS une rom tme ta ing ail his season's crop exç>os- came ta Bethany, bringing with the United Church for their Oc- onPtboogerSu-ra sme a ed to the weather. There was it al the advantages o! electni- tober meeting Mrs. Geàrgc day guests with Mr. and Mrs. cmployees while no livestock injurcd and the city. How did we manage be- Waddcll presîded for the devo-A.HMok Cochrane's are gencrally thank- fore? tional period and also told of Miss "Pcggy Reynolds ih with the old home to fui that the damiage was n o Worae, it could easily hava On Saturday morning, ferm- the influences of Christian relatives in Toronto this wcek. the editor was de' played havoc with their bouse ers hed no power for their leaders in India. Ahl the mcm- Mr. and Mns. John Steples, ceive a letter frc as well, which is very close to clcctmic milking machines and bers joined in repeeting the Hastings. were Sunday visitors Honey, of 4595 the barn. The propety was creamn separators and we heard Wetchword and Mrs. F. Barr, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Row-* Vancouver 8, B.Ç. bought by Mr. and Mrs. Coch- quite a few complaints. They a former president, who is vis- land.vR.. osel i rane just recently and is bet- had forgotten that at one time iting with the Porteous family, terknwnastheCal isonthis was all done without edec- rpWeig stwood tand Hsinio term, situatho emCrl it ntric power. Taking a quick run rWetchtowerherldsrcportiong una tng charge of the fa.s n thu a tated Te Hlviiondown the main street we found were M s. . Spencer on India, seieso n dHe tinite sChrc à on this farm thatwasToung some Mrs. R. Bonsteel on Jpthad eries nteUitdCu R!elay Tower was erected, it be- nyWto wsdigs Me ing anc of the highest points j warrying about the power be- nrs. T. Jackson for christian Mr n Ms evil er, of land.) ing off sa long in - the Cold stewardship, elso giving ~a re- rglan ed Ms evleMG Storage Locker, which la a part poart o! the recent Missionary Rga n Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Clarence Neal reports the of his store. Hope Rayson, Men- Rally held in George St. Unit- McGee Lindsay were guests roof off his hen hause and ager of Master Feeds could not ed Church, Peterborough. with Mmr. and Mns. George Wad- sheets Of steel carried same grind any grain for the farm- Ms .Secr ol hredeli on Sundey. diancefmThe roaf o n ers until the power line was of the program an the studof BMr. and Mrs. Gerth Manlcy, ban.Th r of o Emory repaired. Reg. Edmunds, wha India. A short dialogue ihB deyvstd with Mr. enadPmeo ndn Smith's house was also dam- has the grocery store and meat Mrs. Spencer representing Dr.Mr.RnlPoeo onS- aged, as were roofs on the barns1 market was wondering what P. Bryce as intervicwing chris- day. of Weston Hutchinson, Harold wouîd happen to his stock of tian leaders, Mrs. Nasih, Miss Back to Lamps Again White and Lewis Staples. Sev- meat, for his refrigerator and S. Sing and Dr. Sunda Gaik- On Friday night, due ta the erel television acrials were counter had entirely defrosted way, portrayed by Mrs. W. hurricane, there was no hydro torn from their moorings. We during the night, neither could Rowland, Mrs. M. Porteous and power in Bethany. As we gat have reports of traffic stopped he use his electric grinder for Mrs. R. Bonsteel, told the stary our anc and only lamp down« ground steak, nor his electric o! mission work in India. from a high cupboard where meat slicer. Bruce Ryley was "Aduit education is important. littie used things are kept and not only thinking o! the cffect Dr. Lauback's new eeding sys- tried ta rub some of the dust on his refrigerated stock, but temn is doing much ta avercome, off it, with the aid of a flash- doing some shivering et the illiteracy end the wark being light, we were emembering the sam tme fr his ail burning accomplished by Christian deys of aur childhood whcn fnace depends on clectricity. echools and çolleges is most that was the only llght we ha,. At the McMaster Snack Bar, gratifying. There are 274 mis- Our mother was always me- ice crcam was their chief war- sian hospitals, 65 leper hospi- minding us ta "Be careful, liol.d ry and they had a truck piclc taIs, orphanages and schools the lamp straight." We thought, it Up- and take it ta Port Per. for the physically handicapped. in turn that we were almost ry, where for some unknown There is great need for mare grown up when we were al- -reasan, they stili had hydro tmained teachers and doctors as lowed ta carry a lamp from onc power. The telephone operators there is only ane doctor for room ta another. ail had sare wrists, having ta every 22,000 people. Christian We gat thinking too, of anl Arthur J.1 resart ta inging numbers with missions must continue if the the conveniences we have ta- the hand crank. (Ever use one people in the far East arc ta day, in comparisan. How did in his 86th year, hs u;\- o! those old wall phones that better their living conditions. aur mother ever do the wash- oldest surviving fo IF yau ring by hand? Just think After the close of the meet- ing for five little girls and twa man emplayee, an( what it would be like ta an- ing, lunch was served by the littie boys. who no daubt didn't oldest subscribers swer every caîl that cape in io hostess and a social, hou n r osv hi lte nBwavlea a swtchoar an rin th joed.withaut the elcctric washing ega. In his letter An I idnumbers that way.) A. H. Laies' Guiid , machine? Haw did she manage short resumne a! Monk had quite a pile of e- t oteioigfrtesm A BURNING leaf, blown peired shoes standing in line The Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's t oteiaigfrtesm by he ind cn sarta fre awaiting their final finish on Chumch met et the home of graup as wcll as the edults, b7 ii widciastnt fne the electric buffer and polish- Mrs. Carl Smith with 17 mcem- with e flat iron heated over a that wili destroy youn home. cm. Orlae Wright, the Barber, bers present end Mrm. Charles hot stave in summer and win- R s Somnebody elge's carelessness misscd his electric clippers. The Reynolds presiding. Minutes ter? We take so much for grant- but YOU have ta stand the garages owned by Frank Mer- and crhrlodec es mh rend ed ! Haw we hated the Joua. One more reason why tichenko and Preston Neals btMs Cale mih whgams Io».Oneboudcrry adequate found business a little slow also reparted that the sale o! task o! clcaning thcmn evemy you houd crry deqate wîth na gesoline. sales and n Home Baking held the previaus day as one o! the hausehald Fire Insunance on youn air for tires, nor power ta run week had been a dccided fimhaanssgedt s.Frs us Haînjo tlgh property. their cîectric equipment. nancial success. Mrs. T. S. thi.ng after the breakfast dishes mni noigh Andwht ! te am ~ Gault led the devotianal periad. were washed, the lamp glasses with the major le Le u ecc jurpr- rsAnd whausoe hoves? owigtstan an dectumn drape for-the dta be cleened and palish- now touting e 230 Let s ceckyou pri- es ad husewves Noligtstrwasd dcirdrt uywa i- frth esathat cvemy bit o! ight this week walkedi teetton today! seemed ta be the chie! worry chuoldsietrog.Tebolhg inl cr and old fargotten coal aiu rch; elso e new suppl !cudsie hag.Teb w highsigesolr combination bymn and prayer af the lamp hed to be tilled toahrbwe lamps were resurrectcd from baoks. Plans weme made ,ta wth oa aiilnlte wckthe30 ak .TUil i. A E attics by thase whu had savcd seli home caaking and candy trimmed straight ecross, slight- na Bl eslk JANES gBruce Ryley reports afd ta have a "Fîsh Pond" at ly rounded at the corners. We Nine bowlers haè te ushng usiessinthe sale o the annuel bazaar which st neyer did learn t doý it exact- o better with Jel Insurance Real Estat lamp glasses (must have been be held by the Woman's Aux- ly right, anec camer Was always top man with scores .Office Residence over-stocked sametime) as wehl iliary in the Tawn Hall on langer than the ather, or else 228 for 796, Russ F MXA 8-5681 MA 3 5493 as candles, coal ail and flash- November 13. there was a hump ini the mid- Bill Mutton 768,E Xing Street E. BowmaaviI gts oo ay oe A social boum fallowed with dle which would ceuse it ta 744, Don Wright viewerc without heat, depending lufnch served by the hastcss as- smokc! Elliott 723, Bill Bate an elèctrically run ail burning sisted by Mrs. E. Lamb, Mrs R. There was anc lamp, though, Perfect 705 and Ru. Woods, Mrs. D. Smelt and MIrs. that we neyer minded dlean- Dick Little's teer H. Reyson. ]ng. It was a gorgeaus affaîr single geme 1176 The November meeting wiîî wîth a hand painted chine Taylor's outfit high B R ES LIN J3be held eit the home a! Mrs. shade and a fninge o! crystel 3318. Dr. Keith Sie M àîe Charles Reynolds. pnisms banging dawn bclow. It won al îow honors UaiedChrc Anivnury was a "Hanging Lamp", which gle o! 841 and a t:. ainriunCes Uie Church vesr was suspendcd from the ccii- low for the seeson. The Bethany United Cuc ing aven the dining-raom table Annivcrsery services were well by brass chains, and cven Dr. Charlie Aust attended on Sundey. Gucst min- thase chains had ta be kcpt even 100 for law1 ister was the Rev. T. D. Lind- shining. It had a much larger Ray Brock 102, Bill say o! Hastings. In the morn- wick than the ordinary lamps B ill Oliver 114 anc N EW W P H Iing his text wes "That thou and thrcw a fairly goad light Oke 115. Bill Begie mayest know haw thou aught- down on the table where we triple with 403, Dr. FOR ADE-O-ME SUREest ta behave thyscif in the sait ta do aur homewark, when 45Bil obent47, R House o! Gad, which is the the dishes werc cleared away. cm4, BruKetMil7 Church a! the Living God, the Anather anc o! jimilar stylee 3,BueMl TIlP T 'O P C L O T H E S " pillar and gmaund o! the tmuth." but with mare tnimmings, hung ikPtfed40 <Tmothy 3:15). "Thc Church in the living-room. We remem- ALLEY CHAI is anly as good and as stranig ber thase lamps especially, for The averages this as the people who serve it. We once wben the entire family the iowest an recorc need more ca-operatian, a grea- was quarentined with scarlet 28 bowlers aut of 84 ter vision o! wbat the Church fever, aur mother, et hem wit's 200 average. The th 5 0and al ît's arganizations are end ta amuse us in the getting- in the leegue area meant ta be. We need ta prac- better stages (no radio for en- par. Dr. Howard chair sang four anthems: "I lnterns up- only on7 derk of 4. Ray Brack had *Was Glad", "The Lord Ia MY nights and teke thcm dawn et o! 414. Ross McKni [ tgh,"o adoS Is eleven o'clock. Curfcw! Moon- hed high single for MThv Narne" and "Camne Untolit nights it was fat deemed o! 1312 with EltonE *Me" with Mr. Ralph Preston necessary ta put themn up. Thcy ing a 3531 triple. Dr me taking the solo parts. were very wonderful in the team had low single S* The church was beutifuily minds of everyone, but we cen o! 901 and 2876. *decomated with autumn !lowcms stili remember some o! the par- M.,,, Major Bowlii, and many from e distancelsh ar- et opann hti a enscmliin1hti a Standing end o! 4 cd ini the Anniversary services 'more difficuit ta convince *o! worship. childrcn af bcdtimc. We hari Fins! Scheduie,1 M*Visitera no light.s, fat even the moon, Teamn W L Wc xprss incre angetIon Friday night and Saturday Osborne 9___ 3 0*lations ta Editor George James night here and Taylorla a nd Mrs. James on the celebra-' looked descrted Seve for ths Milne 8 4 'I PM ~ ~ ~ u tion o! their recent wedding an- fwlmpcnie n an~ gneil - 8 4 - . . niversary. "Hurricane Hazel" tcrns in somne windows. Cancilla - 6 6 EVEReVVEK DY *us tram ~attnig ueyhdoi nc a! the Fair. _ 6 6 EVERY EEK DI es were wlth themn on thîs hep pcrhaps it is wise -fat ta place Litte - -5 7 : poccsin, ndwe rut tevail aur cggs if ene basket" as Slernon -_ 5 7 IV~ I /M ae ay oe apyte i poer aean i-Rndyears tagether.M ways keep on hand anc o! the McKnight 3 9 O C MissO alte McKinnon. Cern- despised coal ail lamps in case Bates 3 9 :1 rose. Alta.. is visiting with Mr o! cmemgency. SADMISSION (inc. tax) $1.15 No children under 16 * and Mrs. James M¶cKinnon . _________Averages FIRS CLAS LNCh OUNTR ~Recent guests with Mr. and The building o! new houses G;.Oson Ful ouseMelsfnm 5cMa.A.H.Mceseswee ;n., Canada this ycar is runnîng ;C Brock FUJ COrS Mela ro 75 aand Mrs. A. Racicot o! Mount ahead of 1953, when mare than B. Westieke . :1. Den n iç. r. ani zdr 100,000 new dwelling units were 'R. Halliman ---- w Mr andMrs.Harod Sader comol~eted ta establish an ail- IB. Hearlo UUEmU.... son05 pmst laut we..kend with i ur««reod high. MW. O'Raurke _ F. Blunt ____ 12 203 Living Former Employee M. Hearrisn 12 202 R. Haerrieo 12 201 o~vC. O _ 12_20 esm an, 85 îears OId S. 'rrewvin -___ 12 200 J. Stainton ____ 12 199 A. Piper 12 199 Letter from Vancouver G. Clarke12 199 J. Brough ~____ 12 199 of 76 ycars ini which makes interesting read- R. McKnight . 12 198 han Statesman ing sa wc are pleased ta pess J. Graham ~ 12 197 SJames Femily them on ta aur reeders:. D. Little .___ 12 197 ri severel hun- 1 B. Williams 9 197 who have serv- "Born in jour neighboring A. Spicen 12 196 ceship as prin- town o! Newcastle, March B. Oliver-____ 12 195 'Art Preserve- 3Oth, 1869. Entemed "Stateýs- H. Janzen 12 195 given the di- man" office as an epprentice In BD McKnîght 12 195 -s ega), as weîî 1884, which was before the G. Piper 12 195 who served in present editor was born, and K. Luxton.. 12 195 as clemks and four yers later went ta Toron- M. Vanstone 12 194 1 dtnal d-ta whcre I livcd for neeriy 20 G. Stephens 12 194 d ed tori de-yeers. D u ing that tim e type - time we hear setting machines were intro- these former duccd ta the trade and I had IT 18 STIELL GOD'S WORLD others honor the apportunity toaren tbe Tog e a eert h whcn back n linotype and was a linotype op- Tog e a eemt h wn Recenl eratan for the final eight yeers world with blood, ilto e t ne-I was in Toronto. They cannot hurt the throbbing arngte Atur J. In 1907 I left for the west heent o! earth. W. Oth Ave., and after a yean in Edmonton I The winds shaîl blow, end wak- Arthur, naw established e weckly newspe- ing leaf and bud per in the town o! Sedgewick, Bach spring eternelly shll Alberta. In 1918 1 disposed of came ta birth. frm iterY t n A lerta- and The nains shall faîl, the stars Honey ýprabably the armer States- id anc a! aur s who left out 65 yeans ýhe gives a lailman Bowls )ingle in Majors neye now been for neenly 36 years. 1 have been a member a! Typognaphîcel Union since 1890 (with the exception o! the time I wes ini business for my- self in Alberta) and tram which arganization I have been me- ceiving a pension since my mce- tirement in 1945. Been an Odd Fellow sice before leaving To- onta. Been an active member o! Canadien Memoriai United Church ini Vancouver for many yeams. Been intercsted ini lawn bowling for about 30 years, a game which I cnjay very much, and spend mast o! my after- noons an the greens during the summer manths. Last my partner in lite about 12 jean eaga. Since that time I have made my home with my daughtcr. Celcbreted my 85th birthday on Mamch 30th, and plcascd ta say 1 arn enjoying remarkably goad heelth." Eerly this spring the editor sent a letter ta Mrs. May Weekes, who was Editress a! The Statesman before Mr. Hon- ey joincd the staff in 1884, but hem lcttcr wes eturned trami Celifomnie whcre she lived for many ycars. If she is stili liv- ing she wauld be in hem 93rd he aid Dutch- J.1 s hest seasonI' E. lague and *is J average and B. off with the G. o! 345. Only R. rs were aven R. 1Muttan 307, B. 303. T. d 700 triples B. ake Westlake J. es o! 265, 303, J. E{allman 777, D. Doug Taylor F. 729, George S. es 709, Emnie D. uss Oke 700. E m had high- iend Daug h triple with lemon's tearn ýwith a sin- triple o! 2774 stin had an honars with Il Bel 113, ndWild Blill ley won low .Austin 417, Ion Maynerd 1Bob Stock- Ine 447 and TTER js ean are rd with anly 34 boasting a thrce doctors eway* below 'd Ruqdle is .Kcith Sic- Charles Aus- .B.A. revert- so as ta help h thein aven- ge last yeam iting system ible for the ,ge bowlems. r? inding Doug ave tied Os- first place ith Osborne pins. issed the is. n Statesmen ta point out ghts. Norm single game itriple 825. 1an 814 tri- ead law sin- ithis geme a! the ma- 'ee straight low and he Dr. Howard .the season dlow triple iight's team the season Brock hav- r. Rundle's eand triple ig League ti Week 1954-5 Pins Pts. 13479 21 12740 21 12824 2(0 12588 18 13104 14 12447 14 12993 13 12850 13 12125 10 11786 10 12141 7 15 iS 7 12 8-. 12 2 12 ) 12 22-1 12 224 Gay ---12 Perfect --12 Coale . __ _-12 Bates 12 Elliott 12 Oke --- -____ 12 Wright ______12 Polley 12 Bagneil 12 Mutton -___12 Faim ----_ 12 Lander -_ _ _12 Taylor -12 Blackburn - --12 Woods ..____12 Wright . 12 Rundle 12 ~uo .! MILD £ MELLOW 8 O'CLOCK COPNIE ýsl.09 *USTOM &ROUND CASE LOT SALEI ANN PAGE 13MANS withi PORK 2O-0z tins et". of 24 S 3.09 SAVE Seo GRAPEFRUIT Fia. No. 1 Marsh Seediss, 96's 5 ICEBERG LETTUCE Cal. No. 1 Extra Large POTATOES No. 1 White Table Stock 10-lb1 TURNIPS Mild Louentlan No. 1, ae f light heeven's door. And birds wlng back ta sornt sefe nesting place. 1 The river weave its sang egeinst the shore; Childmen be born . a credit to the race! It is God's world . .. it shall b. eiways 50. 1Though men play God, the green erms of the grass 1Sheil fold them close ta meke a field . .. bestow iObscunity. This, toa, shaîl came i ta pass! iFor men are tenants, and pound o! sod Is all thcy are! The world bo.! longs ta God! 4 Eunicc Mildred LonCoe.*W, Art Is flot a thing: it is a we:y. -Elbert Hubbard. Septic Tank Users! Tank and Tule CJff Outs are costly and 1«Iqpessary use I TILLEY'S SEPT-BAC Nyal Creophos Stops stubborn bronchiel coughs Body buildeie and an ideal tonic Lge. boille 1.25 NEW ENERJETS SEBORIN ehecki dandruf! Gives jeu good health 1.00 - 1.60 30-day supply $5.95 Puf 150 Dolein Magie Johnson'sS pecial ait 8e-1.50 Baby Powder 23 Baby Shampoo 23 Bobbi 88e value Pin CurlToni Pin urifor 69c Permanent 1.75 _____________ PEPSODENT 1.75 TOOTH BRUSH WITH Brylcreecm TOOTH PASTE Nsl' and Comb Bay9ei Special ayHi 690 COLGATES PASTE WITH Treatment GARDOL-2 tubes 59c size 1.50 Wildrootfo89 Shampoo HOT WATER BOTTLES- Nestle's bai! pnice Guaranteed Hein Rinse 69e 1.29 » 1.79- 2.19' - 2.49 39 0 Ayerat 10D Ced Liver Wampoie's Extneet - 1.25 011- 1.00 - 2.25 Phospholccithin -.-- 1.25 Neo Chemical Food Scott's Emulsion 73c - 1.33 Liquid-- 1.55, 3.35, 5.90 Watcnbuny Camp. - 1.25 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Baby Scales for Reni COWLING1s >1 PE WE FIT MA 3-5695 DRUG STORE TRUSSES Es %1s SAVE 7% ags.5,5c SAVE 4%/ 16 26c' SAVE 16% kg.25c SAVE 12% pkg33< SAVE 10% &e 59c SAVE 12% ach 49c bag 69c 5 for29c *ach 17C bag 39c 1 chOc 1~ box of 60 bd 3 p 8-az celta Pl PRODI/E SPECIALS CABSAGE Presh Green No. 1 PORK SHOULDER ROASI Shankles 629< PORK BUTt\ýROAST 1Meaity lb 39c Extra Lean%1'tPIE EFETV N L miNiCID BIEF 'Ah 29c BATURDAY, ROCTIVER 3 ,15 Roady to Cook, 4 to, 5 lb. Average I GRADE A FOWL ý9 1 Super Aigt iRdiest, Smoked ,'I BACON 1-6 Pkg Sc M to A«Ký- l DMbLV DATEDI - JANE PARKER WITE BREAD 24-m lcaf 1 5c IVRY DAY UN IVERY DIPAR A&P OPPERS MORE LOW PRICI ON MORE ITEI A&P Nectar TUA BACS Jewel SHORTINING Puddings and Powder SHIRRIFF'S LUSHUS Instant MIL-KO Jans Parker Jane Parker Large ANGEL CAKE Jane Parker POTATO CHIPS I I il 9n-q « um momminow mý PAM Mx -VR OCT. 21st, 1934 Cal. Fancy Valencia Il 1 ORANGES 5-lb cello SUPER-RICÈqr ÀvirÀ rs Mb«