T~A? OCT. 10w, 1104 lUE CA~WANAN UTATUBMA~. EOWMA~NTHL~ oeTAmO PAGE WIFTW Public School Athie tes Compete for Honours At Inter -School Meet Central Publie School won the Bowmanville Public Schools Annual Track and Field Meet held on Thursday, October 7, With a total of 82 points, Ont- aria Street Schaol placed sec- ond wfth 61 points, and the new ,Vincent Massey Publie Schoal ame third with 6 points. IFor the frst time in many years, the weather was unfav- orable on October 6 when thp ~4ieet was scheduled, and the events were i-un off the follow- ing day. On the Tuesday pre- VIaus, Primary and Junior events had been run off at each achool, 0j the FleîId Day on Thursd4 w Il finals in the Junior,- Tntermediate and Sen-O' Mdor events. Champions declared in these events are as follows: Senior Girls - Katheline Fowler, 1'2 Uints; Senior Boys - Bob u lne, 7 points; Intermediate Girls-Ann Leddy. 9 points; In- termediate Boys-Wayne Ther- tel. 6 points. New records were recorded in the following events: Senior Girls - 75 Yard Dash - Kath- eline Fowler-9.8 secs. Senior Girls - Softball Throw - Ka- theline Fawler-136' 3". Senior Girls - High Jump - Bever- ley Smith 4' 4". Intermedi- ate Boys- Softball Throw - ]Billy Osborne - 174' 3". The events are as follows: Senior Girls 75 Yd. Dash, 9.8 secs. -1 Katheline Fowler, 2 Kar-en Bragg. 3 Beverley Smith. Softball Thi-ow, 136' 3" -1 Katheline Fowler, 2 Beverley Smith, 3 Karen Bragg. High Jump, 4' 4", New Re- cord - i Beverley Smith,2 Karen Bragg, 3 Katheline Fow- lIer. Relay- Central School. Ka- ren Bragg, Katheline Fowler, Beverley Smith, Normna Cowle. Standing Broad Jump, 6' 3'j"...l Karen Bragg, Kathe- line Fow ler, 3 Beverley Smith. Running Braad Jump, 12' 51jà" -I Katheline Fowler, 12 Karen Bragg, 3 Beverley Smith. Senior Boys Standing Broad Jump. 7' 2)- 1 B. Milne, 2 C. Mutton, 3 D. Highfield. 75 Yd. Dash, 9.6 secs. - I B. Milne, 2 K. Hodgson, 3 C. Mut- ton. G. Kennett, tied. Softball Thraw, 219' 10" -1 C. Vanstone, 2 R. Pollard, 3 G. Kennett. Migh Jump, 4' 8" - i K. Hodgsan, 2 W. Lemon, 3 W. Niddery.1469 Running Broad Jump, 1'6 -1 B. Milne, 2 R. Pollard. 3 K. Hadgsan, D. Highfield, tied. Relay Central School - G. Kennett, B. Milne, K. Hodgson, T. Hallmap. *f, try to S ix It Yournell Cati a Heating Expert"t GO -WY O'TVUKONTA 1 è PLUMOING - HAIU I.-,OIBRNR 47 KiNG ST. E. . MA 3-5651 rui a w- = Pole Vault, 71 10" - 1 C. Vanstone, 2 G. Adams, 3 D. Cat- tran, L. Highfield, tied. Intermediste Girls 50 Yd. Dash, 7 secs.-i Anne Leddy, 2 Diane Ferguson, 3 Rose Marie Morrill. Running Broad Jump, 12' - 1 Anne Leddy, 2 Julia Allun, 3 Di- anne Ferguson. Relay-Ontario Street-Anne Leddy. Dianne Ferguson, Lyn- da Rackham, Karen Downey. Standing Broad Jump. 6' 19Y -1 Anne Leddy, 2 Julia Allun, 3 Connie Niddery. High Jump. 3 ' 10"-l Lynda Muttan, 2 Carole Abbott, 3 Ju- lia Allin. Softball Throw. 118' 10"-l Kardn Downey, 2 Eleanor Pick- ard, 3 Annabelle Stevens. Intermediate Boys High Jump, 4' 14," - j Gr-e- gory Cooper, 2 David Milne, 3 Kenneth Park. 50 Yd. Dash. 6.5 secs. - 1 Wayne Therteli, 2 Irving Gill, 3 Gregory Cooper. Standing Braad Jump, ' 64" -i Wayne Therteli. 2 David O'Rourke, 3 David Milne. - Running Broad Jump, il' i, - i 1Rager Meadows, 2 Brenton Hughes, 3 Donald Bag- nell. Relay - Central - David O'Rourke, Irving Gill, David Milne, Brenton Hugh'es. Softball Throw. 11~4' 3"- New Record-i Billy Osborne, 2 Byron Hughes, 3 flan Turner. Pale Vault, 6 , 11"-l Bryan Hughes, 2 Winstane Vanstone, 3 Donald Bagneil. Juniors 50 Yd. Dash - 8 year Girls-l Carol Vance, 2 Rickie Waversweld, 3 Jean Cole. 8 year Boys-i David Kerr, 2 Bobby Dunn, 3 Ralph Cale. 9 year Girls-I Evelyn Jones, Trixie Sernplonius, 3 Gwendy- lene Farrow. 9 year Boys-i Russell Mate- ly, 2 Michael Dickens, 3 Brad- Iley Yourth. Central School: Juniors Running Race 8 year Girls-I Sharon Me- Murter. 2 Carol Vance, 3 Jill Kilpatrick. 8 year Boys-i David Kerr, 2 John Kilpatrick, 3 Bobby Dunn. 9 year Girls-i Patsy Kilpat- rick, 2 Trixie Semnplonius, 3 Ail Wilson. 9 year Boys-i Michael Dick- ens, 2 Bradley Yourth, 3 Alan Osborne. Chestnut Balanclng Race 8 year Girls-I Diane Taylor, 2 Sharon McMurter, 3 Karen Morrison.. j8 year Boys-I flicky Watson, 2 Philip Bragg, 3 Larry Rogers. Bean Bag Relay 7 year Girs-I Carol Lathan- gue, 2 Katharine Russell, 2 Shirley Williams. Bail Throwing Relay 9 year boys-I Pleun Dors- man. 2 Bobby Halîman, 3 Ron- ald Luxton. Central School-Primary Running Race 5 year Girls-I Virginia Sle- mon, 2 Marlene Fowler, 3 Bon- nie Leavitt. 5 year Boys-I Ricky Dewell, 2 Steven Wright, 3 David Bickell. 6 year Girls-il Gail Kilpat- rick, 2 Ann Lathangue, 3 Jen- nifer Purdy. 6 year Boys-i Peter Buck- ]k me 9 When you buy 'blue coal'-you buy quality ... a hard coal that contains more heat per ton. %l1ue coal' burns with a steady even heat that means big savings on your heating budget. Insist on this quality colormarked coal, your assurance of dlean, heaithy comfort. Why settie for anything less-when the best coots no more? Buy 'blue coal' and SAVE! Order today from- Shoppum'd&"GI Lumber Co. Limited 96 King St., L. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-57151 A idhSdied blue ooar l' .er Wheelbarrow Race 5 year Boys-i Douglas Har- ness, Ricky Bate 2 Tommy Carter, Paul Kelly, 3 Peter Tordiff, Danny Ferguson. Duck Race 6 year Girls-i Corinne El- liott. 2 Olga Werciezwski, 3 Brenda Virtue. Wheelbarrow Race 6 year Boys-i Dwight West- lake, Joe Reader, 2 Barry Whiteman, James Manduck, 3 Tam Veitch, Bruce Meadows. Skipping Race 7 year Girls - i Rosei«ary Malkiewicz, 2 Glenna Frost, 3 Daisy Reader. Bean Bag Tos 7 year Boys-h Bruce Then- tell, Gerald Marness, 2 Donald McMurter Ritson Kinnear, 3 Larry Lurlnem-ann, Glenn Lux- Vincent Massey School -Junior Races Running Races 8 3'ear Girls-I Jean Cale, 2 ~Bannie Mutton, 3 Curai Trim- ble. 8 yeur Boys-il Gary Crom- bic, 2 Gary Neal, 3 Jirr Hendry. 9 yean Girls-i S-nidra Diil- ing, 2 Darlien McCulhoch, 3 Mary Woalner. 9 yeur Boys-i Brian Smith, 2 Michai Charles. 3 Woodrow Perry. shoe Rae 8 year Girls-i Bannie Mut- tan, Jean Cale, 2 Curai Begley, Johanne Parkhiii, 3 Curai Smith, Judy Bell. 9 year Girls-i Duriien Mc- Culloch, Sandra Dilling, 2 Ma- i-y Wooiner, Susunne White, 3 Judy Henderson, Janet Mount- joy. Leap Frog Race 8 yeur Boys - i Danny Hughes, Jim Hcndry, 2 Gary Neal. Put Murphy, 3 Randy Cale, Bnian Stevenson. Wheelbarrow Race 9 year Boys-h Peter Tom- lmnson, Brian Smith, 2 Michal Charles, Allan Hooper, 3 Bryce Adams, Bluine Adams. Running Broud Jump-9 ft.. -1 Brian Smith, 2 Michai Chai-les, 3 Peter Tomlinson. Primarv Races Running Races 5 & 6 year Girls-i Barbara Smith, 2 Martia Fugan, .3. Ju- dith Allen. 5. & 6 year Boys-i Ronald Parker, 2 James Muguire, 3 Ronald Hooper. 7 ycar Girls-i Mary Ed- wards. 2 Lai-raine Munko, 3 Jean White. 7 year Boys-i Henry Dyk- stru, 2 Larry Pernis, 3 Bnian Forsey. Bean-bag Throw-5 & 6 year Girls-i Patty McKnight, 2 Ju- dith Allen, 3 Barbai-a Smith. Bean-bug Balance - 5 & 6 year Boys-i Dieter Anlaug, 2 Jîmmie Kitney, 3. Ronald Park- erSkippng Race-7 year Girls -i Dianne Biggs, 2 Mary Ed- wards, 3 Karen Oke. Wheel-barrow Race - 7 year Boys-i Bill Ci-omble, Keith Banting, 2 Irwin Colwell, Bill Depew, 3 Bobbie James, Ste- phen Burns. Field Day Sale During the aftcrnoon four booths were busy servîng cus- tomera, students and adults. Ai- thaugh brought ta an early end by the rain record sales were recorded. 1er, 2 Larry Lee, 3 Dena Mo- IDonald. 7 year Girls-i Sheila. Allin, 2 Kathy Osborne, 3 Shirley Pat- field. 7 year Boys-i Henry Kooy, 2 John Hughes, 3 Christopher Clinton. Dean Bag Race 5 year Giris--Susan yetzal, 2 Marlene Fowler, 3 Virgmxia Slemon. 5 year Boys - 1 Leonard Tomlinson, 2 David Bickell, 3 Rickey Dewell. 6 year Girls-i Janice Purdy, 2 Gail Asbury. 6 year Boys-i Terry Nioh- ols, 2 Peter Buckler, 3 Bradley Lucas. 7 year Girls-il Anne Hack- ing, 2 Audrey Hayes, S Joan Blight. 7 year Boys-i Michael Rus- sell, 2 Caesy Denhertog., Ontario Street Sehool Junior Races Runnlng Race 8 year Girls-il Linda Huber, 2 Ricky Waversveld, 3 Mary Waversveld. 8 year Boys--i Ralph Cale, 2 Tally Thompson, 3 Larry Hate- ly. 9 year Girls-i Gwen rai-- raw, 2 Evelyn Jones, 3 Grace Verby. 9 year Boys-i Teddy Gould, 2 Russell Hately, 3 David Alli- son. Three-legged Race 8 year Girls-l Mary Wav- ersveld, Gail Mulholland, 2 Bannie Taylor, Linda Corson, 3 Lenore Fowler, Margaret Pick- ard. 9 year Girls-i Evelyn Jonee, Gwen Farrow, 2 Maria Sweep, Nadine Lambert, 3 Joyce Kuip- ers, Janny DeWeyer. Wheel Barrow Race 8 year Boys-il Tony Wilkins, Danny Jones, 2 John L le,1 Ralph Cole, 3 Gerry FallsPat- rick Vinish.« 9 year Boys-I Erie Fernlund, David Allison, 2 Tommy Cal- Ian, Lloyd Moore, 3 Billy Tay- lor, Larry Vesna. Primai-y Races Running Race 5 year Girls-I Donna Cale, 2 Sharon Dadson, 3 Laurel Somerscales. 5 year Boys-I Paul Kelly, 2 Ricky Bate. 3 Douglas Harness. 6 year Girls-i Glenna Park,j 2 patsy Deboo, 3 Gabriel Kas- singer. 6 year Boys-i Otto Richter, 2 Bruce Meadows, 3 Joe Ren- der. 7 ycar girls-i Rasemary Mal- kiewicz, 2 Crystal Gimblett, 3 Susan Luxton. 7 year Boys-i Donald Mc- Murter, 2 Gerald Harnes.s, 3 Bruce Therteil. Bunny Race 5 year Girls-b April Rie, 2 Alfreda Jones, 3 Sharon Dad- son. a statement of the sales are as sins i Toronto.0 preacher. A meeting of the full swing agairi and fllows: Mr .and Mrs. Wes Elliott, Mi-. congregation on Thursday even- men are finding emT Canned Goods-Brenda Oke, iand Mrs. Reg Elliott and Ross, ing wil decide the date of Oui- A speciai collectic Joyce Prout, Phyllis Nimigon, Mrs. Wm. Jackson, Howard turkey supper. taken on Sunday mor Donald Oke. Boyd and Bill Winn, attended We extend congratulations ta United Chureh in aid White Elephant-Lynda Moi-- the funeral of Cyril Cheaney aur grand old man, Robt C rti liood Victime. tison, Sheila Coverly. Lmnda at Powassan. Mrs. Cheaney bett, who wil celeMrt î t We are stili f eeling Brooking. was kilied in a car accident et birthday this week. We wish math of Hurricane1 Fruit & Vegetables - How- Braeebrîdge. hinm many happy returns. 1 trains have travelleý ady lor, B Gaitn, Ken Gat- B %. or in ofVancouver The wlnner of the gold watch 1 Our fair village wlth TaaloBBoen, Kd emi-B.C., an d r. Ross Lang, oi for the, highest yield and berit tion of work trains. 1V. mer,Dai we.E.Sm Chicago, have been visiting his quality of spuds wil be an-, was disrupted for se plonius. sister, Mrs. Neva Little, and nounced at the 500 Bushel Po- but it is naw eoming t . Refreshments - Lana Purdy, have visited many friends this tato Club banquet in Millbraok Newcastle. We under Bey. Lane, Rosemary Goheen, past week. Alec Little, Toronto, on Friday evening. The cropi service wili be resume Baba Vermeulen. was also home. now ail harvested with the wc$st day. Finanolal Statement Miss Margaret Jackson, R.N, weather conditions experient2ed Receipta and Miss Ruth Jackson, nurse in many years. The last few Canned Goods --- $ 65.18 in training et Civic Hospital, days of harvesting were the best A true friend la t White Elephant 36.90) Ottawa, spent lest week end et of the entire season. God, and he oniy Fruit & Vegetables ---- 38.83 homne. We are sorry ta report that hearts can unite th Refreshments ....$h.7 Guesta with Mi-. and Mrs. Mr-. W. J. Boggs has bast one ert South. Expenses: Win. Jackson ta, celebrute their of his best Hereford cows. Color in the faurth McGregor . 70.20 23rd wedding anniversary, Christmas ti-ce cutting la in ta the printing indust Cryg. Dairy 20.00 were Mns. A. Jackson and Phyl-*.u uouuuuuuu.uumeouu euu Smith's Bey.- 3.23 lis, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Honey à Bags -..-___ 1.10 and Mary, Milliken; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Peacock and John-* $94.53 ny, of Barrie; Mr. and Mns.* Net from Refreshments - 23.04 Jackson Peacock, of Toronto; Mr-. Vernon Peacock, Elizabeth- Total ---4.9 ville and Misses Margaret and Total Sales - -----$256.48 Ruth Jackson, Ottawa. :ID U FIE R I] ExpensesWe were soi-ny to learn thut jîa Pnîmary Prizas: Mrs. Vernon Peucock le in Par tM Hope Hospital and ail wish her Miss Hall__ 4.44 Mrs. }Iartley, Toronto, la vis- , A K O O T Mrs. Symons__ 4.65 1 iting Mrs. Trueman Garbutt this: _$ 10.75 Sunday and wil assist Kendal lu Ribbons___ 26.401 chair ini singing for the marn- B Trucking -___ 6.00 ing service of the anniversary. !; MrVs. F. Stoker underwent an la Total -----$-- 43.15 aperation in Sunnybrook Hos- Bank .Deposit _ _$121.81 pital lest Wednesday and w e - are glad ta learn she le caming a. $164.95 uîong us weîî as can be expect- ed. KENDAL PONTYPOO (Intended for last week) 1 Hurricane Hazei is the chief Miss Blanche Kay and ber tapic of interest. Friday after- mother left for Toronto on Sun-* noon we lied a very heavy rain day where she wili purchase a follawed by terrific wincls and home there. For severul years* ramn at night. We thought we Blanche has operated a beauty a were really getting the worst salon in aur village and was M of it. The hydra, service was highly respected. She was ai- disrupted for -25 haurs, and the ways willing and reudy ta give line north langer than that. a helping hand in any commnuný- Telephone lenes were also down. ity, project. Mer many friends 1 r.M . Many trees were blown down. gathered in the Orange Hall on a A Mr Seensbarn, formerly Saturday evening for a farewell EEY VE the Wes Tebble farm, wus flat- dance und presentation. In the lUR EE A tened antI most barns an the afternaon her furniture had bee nj Sixth Line were minus a par- sold by public auction. Mer* portion of their roofs. Aerials, many friends and patrons xvishi rail and picket fences came to hier and her mother the very O,.jC T. 2 5 - N O V . grief as did the apples not yet best in the future. picked. Mowever, as the news Mr. and Mrs. Laurence God-* ADMISSION (ine. tax) $1.15 No children un( came through of the terrible dard, Tanya and Teddy were damage elsewhere we have not Sunday visitars here. FIRST CLASS LUNCH COUNTER too much ta complain about The United Church members Fi oreMasfo 5 Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couro- expect ta have their anniversary Fl oreMMl rn 5 left Saturday morning for Ca-j services on Sunday, Nov. 14 with che Bay. Marie visited her cou- Rev. Kitchen of Orono as guest inuuu Uuoeueu.uoum uuumI m Lder 16 BEFORE YOU BUY ANY USED CARTRC Your Ford-Monarch Dealer Is In business ta stay. He ha& a stake in his community, a reputatian ta maintuin. Ho knows that your confidence is hie most valu- able asset and ha wants ta win that confidence by giving you the best merchandise in the but: condition ut the best prices Ne reaIIy knows cars s e eho wanfs f0 keep on knowlng you. Your Ford-Monarch Dealer bas years of experienco in the automotive business. Ho knows arsu... and he hue the staff and the facilities ta put themn in first-cluss condition and keep thom that way! His aim is your satisfaction. YourFord-Monarch Dealer's prices ore rock-bottom for top condition. The emphasis ie on value when you buy a us.d car or truck fi-rn your Ford-Monarch Dealer. He wants to keep hie used curriolig off the lot, so be's ready ta offer you the beat da i town on top-condition MOdela Your Ford-Monarch Dealer guar. antees that oniy the boit used cars und trucks are worthy of the A-I sticker. . . only those that can meet hi& rigid standards of condition and performance. Ho keeps his standards high and backs them wîth his reputution, COME UNTO TOUR FORD-MONARCH DEALER THE SEST BUTS IN TOWN ARE WAITII V114 r! EANS VEyUSio CAR AN RC ?HAT RATES ND . SG HA$ BIEN 0 Recondffl0ned by expeij servicernen for a performnanceappearan.au *'flsPected and chce o eafety. hok<fo *Priceri for Outtanding vau& * luthul and accra1 0 Warran te<i b770rPo Monarc ele Pri se FOR TOU Farm Equipment & Automotive 1 .- TOM COWAN Prop.,. li34 King St. E. Dowmanville Phone M 3m5689 . BOWMANVILLE FOR MORE HEAT AT LES$ COST IM. M4 Tffl- CMAMM «TATIMMUW. BOW L4WVffjM 0"AM many local kployment. [n wili be ernlng at the 1 f the On- g the after- Hazel. No ed through the exce:~ Mail service everal daya through via -stand train Ld an Tues- the &t of wha made henî.-Rob. idimension Itry. PÀ(m rnpmw