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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1954, p. 16

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P- ----- ---- .Bethany -News dlBy mms.Pou, Cami Calm Bus Driver An item in the Campbellford ]4ews was brought to our at- tention.. . just another Hur- ricane Hazel story that bas a local interest. "Maurice Whiteside, driver with the Colonial Coach Lines for the iast 18 months, earned the deep gratitude of three dozen East Northumberland district scbool teachers on Fni- day night, when he piloted his bus through, around, and over many obstacles thrown in his path by Hurricane Hazel. The group was caught in the storm whiie they were returning from a teachers' convention. in Nia-1 gara Falls.1 "Aithough they ieft the Falisj about 4 p.m. it was long after midnight when they arrived inj Campbellford. The teechers1 were ioud in their praise of the skili with which the driver handied his vehicie and were also grateful ta himn for the way in which he kept the spirits of the group high during the trip. His calmness did much ta en- sure the composure of the lady passengers. Not once during the trip did he give his passen- gens a chance ta realize the seiousness of the situation they were in. "The bridge aven the Hum- ber River at the western en- trance ta Toronto was render- ed unserviceable within a veryc short time after the bus had passed aver it. Several parts of trees fell in front of the bus and he oftea had ta get outj and cut bis way clean with an axe. Most of the time it was l raining 50 bard be could bare- I ly see his- way. "Because o! the starm several detours were made anaund country noads. Although be must have been nenvaus bim- self many times, he neyer ai- lowed bis own anxiety ta be appreciated by the passengens." Maurice Wbiteside, living ini Peterborough since be became employed by Colonial Bus Liriez as formerly fnam Betbany, a son o! the late Mn. and Mrs. Willis Whitesides. Knawing Maurice, we can vauch for the story. It sounds quite typical. Messrs. Donald Lowes, Wil- liam Shean, Harold White and Preston Neals, were amang those fnom hene wbo attended the International P i a w i n g Match at Breslau. Mns. Orboe Wright, Miss Mur- iel Flett, Mns. Walten- Rowan, Miss Joan Bnistow and Edwin Cballice attended the Teacben's Convention held ini Oshawa on Fniday. Mrs. Ina Palmer and Mrs. J. Davis spent last weekend in Pe- terbarough witb Mn. and Mrs. H. McMabon. Fniends will be pleased ta know that Mn. Milton Wnigbt, who bas been in Peterborough Civic Hospital for many weeks is now convalescing at bis home. Weekend guests witb Mr. and Mrs. James McKinnon wene, Mn. and Mrs. Sidney McKinnan o! Cleveland, Ohio and Mn. and Mrs. Cecil McGill, Toronto. Miss Dorothy Jackson, Peter- borough, spent the weekend lwith Miss Marie Canr. 1Mn. and Mrs. Frank Marti- chenko visited with relatives in Kitchener during tbe weekend. E E ti e 0 p 0: A tE w m pf SE K< he a% b( at dE yE Pi sp th ha su ib Po an thi ho Th an th4 e pej ti thi da, ow rei or( tes a. ini in ieve na( Adulés, #1.25 Children under 12, yeans', 75e THURE. - FRIS - SAT. OCT. 28 - 29 - 30 .They called hzrn Oftj WARNERNEBROS. 0-01s£èttD V W RNERBRO.,tdo i"'0uc"'. WAROý BONDO- MICHAEL PAtE GERALDINE PAGE JHNSARROW Ict.. JMES ARSS "1 9-WARNER BROS. also ""MERRY MIRTHQUAKES"ýI A Musical with three Comedies with LIBERACE acting as niaster-of-ceremonies ini his own inimitable style Thursday and Friday-Complete shows at 7 and 8:25 Saturday-Complete shows at 6:30 and 9:05 NGONDAYI TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THIISD Y-NO.- 2 3 -4 'W uAtilAGNES MOOREHEAD - OTT0 KRUGER- GREGG PALMER ADMISSION - - - Aduits 6ýc, Children 25e Complete shows at 7 and 9:20 FEIDA- SATUDY - 1#0y. -S A double bal in Technicolor THE NEBRASKAN (Western) THE IRON GLOVE (Drama) MATINIMS EVERY WED - FR! - SAT - 2 O'CLOCK )u through western Canada, ie United States and Mexico. tarting from London, Ont., iey covered 9,000 miles ini 52 .ys, eating and sleeping in ie busses and caaking their wn meais as they went along. >mmenting on each one Miss lett sbowed pictures of grain ing haryested in the prairie avlnces, the Calgary Stam- ede, the famous springa at an!!, beautiful nase gardens kVancouver; views of Wash- ýton, the capital o! the Unit- 1States; the Mormon Taben- ace at Sait Lake City; views !Oregon, Califonnia, Hoily- îod, San Francisco and Mex- 0. M<r. Emory Smith was chair- ani for the evening and in his marks commended the pupils ýtheir veny fine efforts, the achers, Mrs. Orboe Wright id Miss Flett for their ini- ruct ion and especially thank- gMiss Flett for sharing the ghlights of ber holiday with ,enyone, Suceeuisful Supper T'he Turkey suppeir rerved TN CANADTAW WI~ATUEM~AW. ~OWANVWXU 6WI'AWn ADbED POWER, '-LUXURY- RIDE IN FUTUR1STIC 1955 PONTIAC Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Hughe and Misa Wendy Hughes, T< nonto, were Sunday guesta witi Mrs. Richard Failla Miss Joan MtGiII, Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. ant Mrs. Bruce McGili. Airman Gordon Woods, wit] the RCAF at Clinton was homE for the weekend with his par- ents. Mn. and Mrz. Ruperi Woods. The members o! L.O.L. 1022 beid a successful dance in the Town Hall on Saturday. Mrs. Emma Cavano is in Lindsay tbis week witb Mr. and Mns. Jack Gillespie. The Ladies Orange Lodge held a successful progressive euchne party in the Orange Hall. Prizes for bigh score went ta Mrs. Lloyd Argue and Neil Finney; consolation awards ta Mrs. D. Smelt and John Palmer; lucky door priai ta Mrs. Bruce McGiii. Mr. and Mns. Bruce McGill entertained with a progressive euchre party at their home, donating the proceeds ta the Ladies Guild of St. Mary's Churcb. There were 54 present. Finst pnize went ta Mrs. Robert Kerr and John Palmer; conso- lation prizes ta Mrs. Mervin Smith and Lawrence Staples; lucky teacup prize ta Mrs. Ai- ban Sisson. Rev. T. S. Gault ex- pressed the thanks of the Guild members to Mr. and Mrs. Me- Gili fon opening their home and announced thTat a similar event wouid be heid at tbe Rec- tory in two weeks' time. Miss Launa Morton, repres- ented the Manvers branch of the Canadian Red Cross Socie- ty at their Convention beld in Toronto last week. Mrs. Arthur Thompson, Osh- awa, bas been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wright for two weeks. Bethany Oratory Contest At the Bethany public school Oratory Contest beld in the Town Hall on Monday evening, Leone Smith, a Grade 7 pupil was awarded first prize. Leone 'chose for ber syibect "Mar-ilyn Bell and Her Historie Swim Across Lake Ontario." She will now compete in tbe Manvers townsbip finals on Thunsday evening. Paul Pomeroy was piaced second with bis subject "The Postal System." Coileen Dur- ham, speaking on "Good Pos- ture" neceived third prize. Oth- ens in this same group and al wartby of mention were Mur- ray Henderson speakfng on "My Trip Around Lake Erie"; Saiiy Coburn, "Just Fifty Miles From Home"; Dianne Bigelow, "Canada"; Brenda Rowan, "Tbe Land We Love"; Donna Dur- ham, "Marilyn Bell"; Tommy Rayson, "The Deer Famiiy"; Wallace Cooper. "Cabin Trail- ers". Grade Four pupils al, gave recitations and in this 'gnoup Jane Fallis was placed first with her poem, "The Squirrel." Alian Smith neceived second prize, reciting "The Autumn Wood." Others in this ciass wene, Larry Lamb, "The Bea- ver"; Sharon Bigeiow, "Indian Summer"; Dianne Mulligan, 'Someone"; Jýck Durham, "Oc- aober"; John Jackson, "Harvest Hiome". Grade Three pupils al necit- ed poems and in this class Car- )lyn Smith neciting "Came Little Leaves" received first prize; Randy Longfieid with The Elf Man" was placed sec- ond. Others in this class were; Allan Bnistow reciting "Good Morning Merny Sunshine"; Ross Jordan, "My Shadow"; Bobby Edmunds, "The Rain"; Howard Morton, "The Wind"; Ronaid Jackson, "Jack O' Lan- tern"; Melvyn Smeit, "The Voodpecken". Grade Two pupils, Patsy BiÉelow, Dianne Smith, Mary Rose Gault, Eleanon Ponteous, Roy Scott, Biily Smelt and Bob- :y Smelt each gave short reci- ations and ail were presented vith a book. The Beginnens, in Grade One, îaking their first public ap- :eanance each recited a nun- ;ery rhyme and Sheila Wood, athaieen Morton, Bobby Dur- ia and Gien Wright wene iwanded with comic rbyme aooks. Re-written from previaus copyrights of CB. Tuck. Optometrist Disney Bldg. 31 King E., OSHRAWA * Phono 54148so. 269. Any examiner wbo under- stands the above instruments and their use is able ta use them as best suited ta the case and so la flot bound ta nely upon the patient's answer ta bis questions as a deciding factor in the cor- recflîon of the case. Examiners are aiways on the watcb for what may be consid- ered perfect eyes and struck by tbe fact that very few eyes are normal. When we find a pen- fectly normal eye it is no un- common thing for it to have a Svery imperfect mate- (Covvrighted) es th td th e Le re ,e ýe e Il e e s and Mn.. W. McMinn and Jim- mie of Whitby; Mn. and Mn. Ken McMinn of Oshawa~ visit- ed at Mn. E. Cryderman s. Mr. and Mrs. George Knox, Canal and Marilyn Russel and Eldon Sloan visited at Mn. H. Fannow's, Stankvile. Mn. and Mrs. Hanry Knox and Dean visited at Mn. Hilton Tink's, Ebenezen. Mn. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor visited Miss Evelyn Taylor at Peterborough. Mn. and Mns. E. Larmer, Miss Beryl Larmen, Black- stock; Miss Lena Taylor, Mn. and Mrs. W. Wight, Bowman- ville; Miss Lillian Hoar, Tan- onto, visited at Mn. E. R. Tay- lor'. Mn. Harold Moore, Heathen and George, Gregory Stephens, Bowmanville; Mn. and Mrs. Fred Dant and Doris, Zion; Mn. C. Shontridge visited at Mn. Frank Westlake's, Sr. Miss Edith Marlowe and Lillian o! Bowmanville were Sunday tea guests at Mn. Fnank Westlake's, Jr. Mn. and Mns. Jack Pearce.I and Dorathy a! Ebenezer vis- ited at Mn. Isaac Hardy's. Mn. and Mrs. Jack. Bakerj and Master Ronnie Baker at- tended special service at Hampton on Sunday and visit- ed at Mn. J, Smales'. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac, Hardy Morris Co.'s 75th Year of Community Service Many families have found it a great comf art to know. that it costs nîo more to have the heipful, experienced service and complote facil- ities Morris Co. provide. b y the Women's Association of own scbool. -the United Cbunch was a de- To Leone Smith, aged 12 SOLINA cided success with a record years, daugbter o! Mn. and Mrs. rcnowd attending, many coming Bruce Smith and Grade VII pu- C.G.1.T. Met Saturday - from distant points for this an- pilio! Mrs. Onlo Wrigbt at Beth- ,Sauina C.G.I.T. group met on nual everit. The tables décorat- any, went tbe finst pnize. Leone Satunday a!ternoon in the Suri- » ed with yellow and mauve is now eligible ta enter Dur- day School noomn with Barbara f 'mumis wene most attractive ham County finals ta be held Hooey, president, in tbe chair. and laden with ail kinds of riext week at Salina. Hen sub- Plans wene made fan the Hal- h orne cooked foods. The even- ject was "Marilyn Bell and lowe'en panty ini tbe hall on Sat- ing entertainment was a play Hen Historic Swim Acnoss Lake unday evening, October 30 when *"Too Many Relatives'- given by Ontario." everyone will be welcome. an ail local cast, dinected by Norma Jakeman, a pupil o! Tbe next meeting will be on *Mn.. Manseli Finney and Mrs. Mrs. Ronald Pomeroy at Fallis' November 6 and tbe rail caîl is Thomas Jennings. scbool received second prize "An important fact about India". Harny Savage (Kani Finney) witb ber speech "A Champion The programme included a nead- 1a writer o! stanies that were Swimmen". ing by Patsy Davis and a piano mastly publishen's rejects and Pearl Kerr, pupil of Mns. duet by Helen and Patsy Kniox. his wife Mabel (Manie Canr) Ralph Malcolm at Yelverton The warsbip service witb "Senv- 1were newlyweds suffering from was placed third. Rer topic was ice" as its theme was led by e financial difficulties. Planning "My Visit To Linidsay Fair". Gladys Ye!lowlees. ita - spend a quiet evening at Donna English, pupil o! Mns. It was aur pleasune ta bave Lhome, tbey had many interrup- Ray Robinson at Janetville, as guest at this meeting, Mns. Ltions. First, their landlady, Mrs. came fourth witb hen topic "A Clarnrce Penfound o! Countice, Donnelly (Marie Finney) de- Tnip Thnaugh Algonquin Park". who led iri the affiliation service manding hen unpaid rent. Gra- In fifth place was Jim Mal- with tbe W.M.S. Mrs. (Rev.) cie Evans (June Wright) de- loy o! Lotus, pupil o! Mrs. W. Reed was also present. cides ta use their apantment ta Williamsan. Jim's topic was1 The new C.G.I.T. study book canvince ber basbful laver, Jas- The Prablem o! Watchirig "Saris and Saridals" was meri- pen Wilkins (Ray Finney) that Clocks".1 tioried by Mrs. Penfound during it is time hie declared bis in Betty Lau Mitchell, pupil o!f, er intenesting talk an exper- tentions. Tbey are interrupted Mn. C. Cranston, Pantypoal, was iences with the C.G.I.T. groups by Policeman Buttenfield, wha in sixth place speaking on as a leader. is also a wauld-be-poet (Bill 'Marilyn Bell". An Explorens group fan the Martichenko). Aunt Ermiri Judging tbe speeches wera yaungen girls will also be form- triade Evans (Mns. 'Harry Ry- Rev. R. Bonsteel, Mns. Robent ed with Mrs. Bruce Taylor as ley) arrives on the scene, coin. Sisson and Rev. T. S. Gault. Ini leader. The meeting ciosed with plicating mattens. Lucy (Ingrid giving thein decisiori and criti- taps. Attendance 17. Rajski) la bired as a tempon- cism, Mr. Bonsteel stated that Several from bere attended any maid ta create a good arn- t had been mast di!ficult. Ail the Plowing Match at Breslau. pression. In tbe midst of this six contestants were prize win- Duning the apening af Sun- the bridegroom's uncle, Otto nrs in their own rigbt. These day School Sunday monning Savage (Charles Preston) an- contests in oratary are a most Donna Vice read a cbildren's rives unexpectediy. He is a valuable expenience for each o! story and Ray Watkins nead confirmed waman-haten, so bas you. Learn ta eniay speaking the scipture passage. not been told o! bis nephew's in .public and ta express youn Next Sunday, October 31, manniage. Ta funther campli- opinions ini public." Suriday Scbool wiil be at 1:30 cate mattens, Smokey McGee, Durîng the evening there o'clock with cburcb service (Edward Rose), a despenate were several musical numbers !ollowing at 2:45 o'clock. ciminal, decided ta use tbe !rom the chairs of Bethany, Although we were unable Savage apartmerit as o hideout Yelverton and Fallis' school; a ta attend the neceptian hoor- !rom tbe police. The Aunit and duet by two Pontypool pupils: îng Editon and Mrs. George W. Uncle, who are bath dea! mak2 a chorus by aIl six scbools. AIl James we join witb the mariy some real comedy with their musical numbens wene accom- neaders o! The Statesman in misunderstanding. The young panied at the planab n extending sincere congratula- busband, due ta bis wife's in- James Gay of Nestleton-, wo stians an their 35th wedding fluence !inally seils a story and the music superviser fan the anniversary on October l5tb. thein firiancial worries are at scbools a! Manvens township. Mn. and Mrs. Frank West- an end. The maid, who was s0 Chairman for the evening was lake, Sr., Mn. Percy Westlake, inexperienced tunns out ta be Mn. C. Cranston af Pantypoal, Mn. and Mrs. Frank Westiake, a publishen's executive. The wha expressed tbanks ta the Jr., attended the funeral o! policeman finally gets bis rr adjudicants and toalal those wbo Mrs. E. Gage at Bowmanville. and ail is well. h ad attended, on behaîf of the Our sympatby is extended ta This hilariaus camedy was Manvens Teachens' Association. Mns. Frank Westlake, Sr., on remarkably well acted and kept the passing af!lber sister. the entire audience in gales o! The gneatest vicissitude o! Mn. Gardon Pascoe, Kingston, laugbter during the perform- things among men is tbe vicis- was at home for tbe weekend. ance. situde o! sects and religions.- Mn. and Mrs. Tommy Ander- - Manvers Speakers Francis Bacon. son and daughtens, Toronto, visited at Mn. John Knax's. Pupils fronm the scbools o!f Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome Janetviile, Yelverton, Fallis,, T 1 C K E T S and sans visited at Mn. C. Betbariy, Pontypool and Lotu's TO EVERYWHERE Disney's, Mt. Ziori. competed ini, the Onatony cari- Air, Rail or Steamship Mn. and Mrs. John Bromeil test operi toalal scbools in Mari- Corisuît and Mns. Wmn. Bromeil, Ton- vers township and beld in1 J U RY & L OV E LL orito, visited at Mn. W. Par- Bethany on Tbursday evening. 3owmianville inder's. Each contestant was pneviously 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 -Mn. and Mns. W. J. Spires, a finst prise winner in thein __________1____ Millbrook. wene Tbursday tea guests at Mn. E. Spires'. Mn. and Mns. Allan Balsan and !amily, Catanaqui; Mn. and nrs. R. Baisan and daugbters, Hampton; Mn. and Mns. Neil Rainey, Anlene, Milton and j3 ~CariOn, visitedMns.MW. A. E R J.Balson's. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Tink Mn. and Mns. E. Spires andj family visited at Mn. D., Ab- bott's, Mn. Frank Burrows' ana Mrs. G. R. Cnouse's in Osli- awa. Mn. and Mns. W. Parnunden and Helen accompanied by Mrs. Jack Large, Rahbie and Janet o! Bowmanville, visited on Sunday at Mn. J. Bnomell's and Mn. Chris Caak's, Toronto. IMiss Mabe] Rarris la visiting !iends in Whitby. fMn. and Mrs. D. Clarke o! Willowdale visited at Mn. Wm. Dancb's. Mn. and Mrs. Davi d Beathj and daugbters af Beath Farms wene Sunday visitons at Mn. Murray Vice's. Mn. and Mrs J. MMinn, Mn. YOUR EYES and Il Men's Plain Service with sym'ipathetic understanding Rubbers $1.85 pair Special for Hunters! Insulated Boots l» warm with this new lnsulated boot. This boot was time tested ln a 45 minute dry tee test wlth an ordinary boot. The non-insulated boot coutl not be worn mare than 121/2 minutes in the minus 60 degree temiperature. This însulated boot was stili wearable after a full 45 minutes. only $1145 pair RUBBER BOOTS Heavy Red Sole Rubber Boots - Knee Length only $5.95 pairi MISSES' AND CHILDREN9S ONE-STRAP OVERBOOTS Cotton Fleece Lining Sizes6- .2, $359 Sizes i13.a 8 g. Saine as above with heavy cuif and with heavy pile lining Sizes 6 - 12 $445 Sizes 13 - 3 $4.65 Lloyd Ellis Shoes 39 King St. W. Bowmanville MA 3-5941 g- Turkey Supper ORONO UNITED CHURCH W. A. WEDNESDAY, NOV. lOth OOMMENCING AT 5 P.M. 8e generous when the Legion canvassen calls at your door next week. Poppies will also be sold cm thii fstreet Friday Evening, Nov. 5 Saturday, Nov. 6 Remember- AUl funds raised by poppy sales i Bowmanville are used ta help needy veterans and their families ini Bowmanville and district. q Displaying the most sweepung lime-up of Ufirst..time" featunes in Ponitiac history, ini- cluding two brand-new V8 engines nated at 180 and 162 honsepower and a boost ta 145 hanse- powen lin the economical six cylinder model, 1955 Pontiacs in six completely nestyled series wene announced today from coat ta coast. Stylflg advances (illustrated above) include lowened roof-and-belt-lines and a drap in hood and rear-deck heights ta produce a low-slung, aient appearance; and a new pananamic wind- shield and more massive grille pointing up thc luxury aspect of Pontiac design. la and Stanley ý,isited at M. Ro.y Slack's, Maple Grove. Mn.. J. Baker spent soverai days at Mr. Chas. Jahnson's, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Orm.; iston and childnen, Newton. ville; Mr. Edwin Ormaston, Ebenezer, visited at Mr. Tom Baker's. Mn. and Mrs. S. E. Werry visited Mr. R. J. Luke and' were tea guests with Mr., Fletcher Wenry at Kedron. Mn.. Audrey Metcal!e and! Larry, Oshawa, visited at Mn. Wes. Wenny's. Mn. and Mns. Ralpb Davis and Patsy, Mn. and Mns. J. Yellowlees wene Sunday even- ing visitons at Mn. J. B. H,.ý Davis', Oshawa. ý. Mn. and Mns. Joe Koss e* bononed - by relatives on thein 25tb wedding anniversary and were tbe necipients of ioveI4 gifts. Mn. Charles Aluin of Bow. manville was a Sunday dinner guest at Mn. Wes. Yellowlees'. No one lves t4én whon he fears.-Aistotle. - He that can have patience cas4 have wbat be will.-Frankin. It la a great disgnace ta reli- gion, ta imagine that it is an enemy ta mirth and cheerfl. ness, and a severe exacter )f At ELLIS SHOE STORE you wilI find a complote line of Rubber Foof-wear FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY MEN'S TOE RUBBERS ý&'ý $2.25 pair m m m m 1 Tm CANADIM VrAT2w£m. BOWMAIryffm. ONTAMO imu ODATI ()M. 2m, mi 1 1=1. -"

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