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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1954, p. 18

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T AWUM lzGTMA , E -M - .. ---!O KU. - -OC. --i,1-- - wt,àqmy .Turn Page for Addiiional Classified BIRTHS BICKELL-Keith and Audrey are happy to announce the safe arrivai of Dale Marie, a sister for David and Donald, at Memor- jal Hospital, Bowmanv'iile, on Thursday, October 21, 1954. 43-1 * BILLETT-Jean and Keith Bul- iett are happy to announce the birth of their son at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvllle, on Oct. 25, a brother for Mary Jean and Jerome. 43-1* DAVIS-Jack and Shirley Davis (nee Myles), are happy to an- nounce the arrival of their dtaughter, Jackelyn Diane, 7 lbs., 10 oz., at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, Tuesday, October 5th, 1954. A baby sîster for Sherryl and Karen. 43-1 HEAVYSEGE-To Mr. and Mrs. - B. R. Heavysege at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvillc, on Tues- day, October 19, 1954, a daugh- ter, Nancy. 43-4* KOZAK-Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kozak, (nce Myrna Tuerk), are happy ta announce the arrivai of their son, Wayne Anthony, in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Monday, October 25. 43-1 LOVEKIN-To Mr. and Mrs. Jas. P. Lovekin, Toronto, a son, James Patrickson, at Women's College Hospital, Tuesday, Oc- tober 19, 1954. 43-if MAGUIRE-To Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Maguire (nee Mildred Reeves), a son, Douglas Arthur, on October 24th at Women's Col- lege Hospital, Toronto. 43-1 ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGill, Enniskillen, announce the en- gagement of their daughtem, Joyce Gwendolyn, to Ralph Francis Virtue, son of the late Mr. ,and Mrs. Charles Vîrtue, Enniskillen. The marriage to take place on Satumday, Novem- ber i3th. 43-1* DEATHS DILLING-At the Austin Rest Home, R.R. 3, Oshawa, on Tues- day, Oct. 26, 1954, Roy H. DilI- ing, aged 66 yeams. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- Service in the Chapel on Thursday, October 28 at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 43-1 Receptîon Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Ashton, ,-aydon, will be at home to their friends and relatives on Satur- day, Nov. 6th from 3 to .5 and 7 ta 10 p.m., on the occasion of their golden wedding anni- versary, 43-2* For Rent TWO rooms, upstaîrs. Adults. Phone MA 3-2360. 43-i THREE roomed apartment. Ap- ply Helen Moore, 105 King East. 43-1* HEATED four roomned apart- ment, no bjection to one child. Phone MA 3-3813. 43-1* GARAGE, central location. Tele- phone (evenings) MA 3-3948. Apply 24 George Street. 43-1 * GROUND floor apartment, 70 King St. West, Bowmanville. Phone 3-3559 Oshawa. 43-i 1Aricles For Saile CASH register. Phone MA 3- 3340. 43-1 ONTARIO pçtatoes, 75 lb. bags, delivered in Bowmativiile. Phone MA 3-2473. 31-tf LAJY'S winter coat, wine, zip- pered-in chamois lining. Phone MA 3-5521. 43-1 MOTORCYCLE, Harley-David- son, good condition, sacrifice. Phone MA 3-5545. 43-1* TWO-burner oil cook stove, small size, easy to heat. Phone MA 3-5920. 43-1 ONE blue cow, 6 years old: 300 round bales mixed hay. Phone MA 3-2677. 43-1* BABY'S stroller, veranda extèn- sion gate. Phone MA 3-3785. f 43-1 REMINGTON electric shaver, almost new. Phone MA 3-2918. 43-1 LARGE Quebec heater, equipped with two oh l urners, cheap. Phone 3-5571. 43-1* 288 SQUARE feet new Gypsumn wall board. Phone MA 3-3828 after 5 p.m. 43-1* CHOICE table turnips, also sweet apples. S. W. Brooks. Phone 3-2227. 43-1* LADY'S green coat, size i4, col-- lar trimmed with mii tails; 1 yellow 2-piece snowsuit, size one. Phone MArket 3-3125. 43-1* FOUR-burner electric range with automatic oven. Mrs. Wm. Mc- Keowan. Phone Newcastle 3681. 43 -1 MODERN kitchen unit with sifik and taps; G.E. electric stove, 9- piece dining-room suite. Phone Newcastle 3716. 42-2 ALL alumînum combination doors and windows installed. For free estimates Phone MA 3-2753. M. Jurko.. 37-tf MODERN dining-room suite, six chairs, buffet, table; excellent condition. Phone MArket 3-3490. 43-1* MAN'S tuxedo, size 36; stove annex; bathroom basin, all - in good condition, Phone MA 3- 5403. 43-1 KARN organ, good condition, $25; 1 -piece snowsuit, practically new, $10. Mrs. Lorne, Paeden, Newtonville. Phone Clarke 1622. 43-1* Singer Sewing Machine Co.' 1FOR SERVICE Phone MA 3-3649 BOWMANVILLE 36-tf CHOICE YOUNG TURKEYS ALL WEIGHTS DRESSED AND DELIVERED PHIL FINNEY Phone MA 3-2309. 41-tf WANTED YOUNG CALVES FOR SALE FRESHER & SPRINGER COWS SCHWARZ BROS. WE BUY - SELL - TRADE Credit can be arranged Telephones MA 3-2895 - MA 3-5935 FOUR ooms and garage 1 mile I OWfl'AL'VILLE from post office. Phone MA 3-j 34-tf 5812 ___ 4-2ÀONLY two left International TWO rooms, bathroom, at Kr~ Harvester 8.2 cuibic font refrig- Inn, Newcastle; ent $25 per! erator's, freezer across the top, month. 42-2* reg. $350) for only $235; Coffield _________________- -.--washers wîth automatic timers HOUSE with conveniences and and elcctric ptîmp, reg. $210 for garage at Orono. Available Nov. $139 and youir trade-in; Phillips Ist. Milton Tamblyn. Orono. 17-inch televisiori. reg. $299 for Phone 65 r 19. 43-2* $269; no clown paymcnt, 24 - ___ - - months to pay, at Farm Eqtîip- THREE large rooms, share bath- ment and Automotive, 134 King roam, in Enniskillen. One or St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA twa children welcome. Phone 3-5689.4- MA 3-2640. 43-1_______4i - - TYPEXVRITER sale: Exceptional FIVE-moom apartrnent for' revît puirchase makes big savings pos- at 91 King St. W. Appl 'y W. H.I sible. Alstandlard mortels, rek-, Brown, Case farm implemient ju1 ' ieS7.9 p ow$95) deaer.43- Assorted ,vide carrnages $29.50. CENTRAL, three rooms, wash'Rmntn and Udrod and utilitv room. corner King noiseless standar'd (identical to and Temperance Sts. MArket' latest model) reguilarlv S 225.00 3-2832. 144 King East. 43.1* clearing $69.50. New portables ______ - __ -reduIced $69.50 (tcrms). Adding TWO roms, at 143 Duke St., machines $19.95. Each fully available November lst. Apply' guaranteed. $5.00 deposit, bal- Bookdale Kingsway Nurseries. ance C.O.D. Order toda ' vwhile 40-tf supply Iasts. Crown, 1011 Blcury, FOUR rooms and bath, upstairsMotelQe.43 apartment, heated, private en- j ~TTn91 trance, adults. Applv Box 237,1 DO IT YO URSELL c/o The Canadian Statesman. 43-1* TWELVE room house with hydro, suitable for two families,' threl miles north of Bowman- ville. For particulars, MA 3-5805. 1 43-1* SEVEN ronm house near Black- stock, heavy wiring, good loca- tion. Refemences. Apply Rupert Werry, Blackstock. Phone Black- stock 98mr3. 43-i0 FOUR-roomed apartment, heat- ed, kitchenette and bathroom, built-in cupboards, washem, ayail- able nôw. Apply Arthur Apart- ruents, Apt. 1, 90 Qucen St. E. 42-tf NEW mpdemn bungalow, cil heat, 1I t and cold water, electric s ove, hardwood and tile floors, rent ta one or two couples, no children; less than mile from Highway 401. Apply Box 252,1i 9/0 The Canadian Statesman. T IL E Pic each and tip - AIl kinds Expert instructions supplied CUSTOM FLOORS LAIM H. G. HEAL Phone MA 3-2902 Bowmanvtlle1 _______28-tfl "'CLIMATITE" ,ALUMàUIUM COMBINATION WVINDOWS MALONEY ALUMINUM SCOMBINATION DOORS $59.%0 installed EASY TERMS ROSS CLARK Phone MA 3-3801 Bowmanvle Wandas ecauty Shop Articles For 9ale BODY wood, $5.00 a stove wood cord. Phone MA 3-5860. 42-2* TREATED 'Darwin tulip bulbs. Plant now for spring bloom. 60c dozen or 100 for 3.50. Phone MA 3-3609. 43-1 WESTINGHOUSE console radio in excellent condition, Lazy-BQY chair and ottoman; bird cage a rt stand. Phone MA 3-3533. 43-1* SAVE on lumber, direct from mili to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phone 17r11. 13-tf DO your own floors -rent a sander or a floor polisher from Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 34-tf INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. Free estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf USED spacé heater, large size, heats 6 rooms; several used washers. at Lander Hardware, 7' King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-1 SUFFERING from backaches, rheumatic pain, sciatica, lum- bago is over if you let Rumacaps help you to relief. Ask your druggist. 43-1 CHESTERFIELD, chairs, floor lamps, pictures, drapes, cheap. N. J. Scott, Brookdale-Kingswýay Nurseries. Phone MA 3-3345. .43-1 DRY hardwood, $18.00 a cord; hardwood slabs, $18.00 a cord; softwood slabs, $10,00 a cord; sawed and delivered. Telephone Newcastle 2146. ,38-tf HEARING aid service, testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5438. 20-tf USED oil space heaters, Findlay cook stove with oil burners; new Marquette deep freezers; Phillips and Fairbanks-Morse television sets. -W. H. Brown, Case farm implement dealer. 43-1 ONE ankle-length ice-blue even- ing dress, size 18, worn once, taffeta with lace and net over- skirt with lace jacket. Must be seen to be appreciated. Phone 3-3393. 43-1 KEYS cut to order by new, modemn machines, automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 King St. E., Bow- manville. Phone MA 3-5408. 36-tf VENETIAN blinds - Stock sizes, white or eggshell slats, plastic or cloth matching tapes. Made-. to-measure blinds a specialty; free installation; 28 tape and slat colors. Morris Co. Telephone MA 3-5480. 10-tf Help Wanted, YOUNG man for aeria] erection, good wages. Phone MA 3-3262. 43-1 WOMAN as companion and help with housework. Apply Box 253 c/o Canadian Statesman. 43-1 EARN good money in your spare time. Pin boys wanted at Martyn's Bowling Academy. 43-4 RELIABLE woman for general housework, live in. 628 Hortop, Oshawa. Phone Oshawa 3-2790. 43 -1 YOUTH with somne high school ediîcation to learn printing trade. Apply The Canadian Statesman, Bowmnanville. 43-1 WANTED-Junior stenographer for Oshawa law office. Typing and shorthand required. Phone Oshawa 3-4211, stating salary desired and qualifications. 43-1 RAV'LEIGH business now open in Bowmnanville. Trade well established. Excellent opportun- ity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept. -J-140-189, Montreal, P.Q. 42-2 BE in business for ymurself with our agency consisting of 2501 ,guara nteed produets includingl cosm-etics, t on i cs, vitamins, spices, culinary extracts, floor, polish, windo-brite, farm pro- ducts. Territory open in your district. Famnilex, Dept. 4, Montreal 24. 43-i Emiployment and Claims Officer Grade Two (Female) $2850 -r he$3240 Unemployment Insurance Commission Oshawa, Ontario Particulars regardlng dutles,I qualifications, etc., obtainable from posters jlsplayed at Nation- al Employment Service and Post Offitee.- Applications should be filed twlth the Civil Service Commi"s- sion, 1200 Bay Street, Toronto, INOT LATER TRAN NOV. 12, 1954 43-1 Lost TWO, blankets, propcrty of Bow- manville Baiýons Hockey Club, have been missing since the end of the 1953 season. Will the! person who has ilhese blanketsj please return them to Frank Jamnieson, manager ci the Bar-j OaI& 3i . "l VL'T" VVI 15LIlfO i LAJLIWI L VLJN b The Omono W.A. le holdini a turkey supper, Wedncsday Navember lOth. Further par ticulars later. 41- The annuai Girl Guide Cooki Day wili be held this Saturda October 30th. Cookies are 35, per package. 43.ý Trinity Faîl Faim, Friday, No 12, 2 ip.m. Tea 25c. Films fo children, also baby-sitting serv ice. 43-: Reserve Nov. 3Oth, Dec. li 2nd, 3rd, for the High Schoo production of *iQuaiity Street". 434 Reserve Thursday, Ncwembe 25, 1954. for Star Free Conce in Tinity United Chumch, featur ing Leslie Bell Singers. 42-: Modemn and old time dancirI every Saturday night in Tymori Community Hall. ,Dancing fron 9 ta 12. Music by Scllecks Musicaimes. 40-t Plan to attend the chickei shoot of the Goodyear Rod an( Gun Club to be held at Nom: Bnthwell's on Saturday, Noven ber 6 at 2:30 p.m. 43-, Tinity Faîl Faim concert, Tris ity Chumch, Friday, Nov. 12, 8:1ý p.m. Oshawa Barbershop Quar tet Society assited by Mm. Klcn Hamburg, violinist' 43. Memoriai Park Associatioi chrysanthemum tea is pnstpone( from Nov. 6th ta l3th. Therx will be a fancy womk booti home baking, and aftemnonn teý from 2:30 to 5 p.m. 43-' Din'na f'gct Tartan Club Mac Kenzie tea and bazaar, Oct. 3( at 2 p.m., Legian Hall. Procccci for Pipe Band. Variety of boaths tea and fortune telling. Some thine new-thc man with ah ith pockets. 143-l' In aid of Blackstock Unitec Church W.A., Solina Youný People will present their pla3 iiMaid of Money" in the Blacki stock Toiinshila Hall, Tuesda3 evcning, Navember 2nd'at 8:15 40e and 25c. 43-11 Harness racing at Orono sponsorcd by the Orono Tur: Club, Saturday, Oct. 3Oth. Pos' time 1:30 p.m., 8 heats, wagerî ing privileges. Admission $1,00 Free parking, free grandstand Come and sec harness racing ai its best. 42-À The annual turkey banquel and variety concert of Lcskarc United Church is being held or Wedncsday, November 3rd, com mencing at 5 a'clock. Plenty o: turkey and other gond eats Adults $1.25, childrcn 12 anc under, 65c. 43-1 Salem Harvcst Home service- will be hcld Sunday, Oct. 31, al 2:30 and 7:30. Guest speaker Rcv. H.'Turner, Bowmanville Special music by choir, assisteè by Mr. R. Coombes in aftcmnoor and Mrs. Ted Hoar and Mms. Rny Tnpping in the evening. 43-i1 The annual meeting of thE Bowmanville Boy Scouts Af. sociation will be held at thE Lions Commuzqity Centre, Thurs- day, November 4th at 8 p.n' Parents and aIl those interested in Scouting arecocrdially invited. 43-1 Goodyear Empînyces Recrea- tion Club Dance, Friday, October 29th, at Varcoe's Pavilior, Courtice. Dancing 9 p.m. ta a.m. to Bryce Brown and his Sevenaires. Admission $1.50 per couple, Recreation mcmbcrs. $2.50 per couple non-members. 42-2 Newcastle United C h u r c h Woman's Association Bazaar and Supper, Friday, November 5tk, in the Sunday School hall. Bazaar commences at 3:30 witl home cooking and miscellanenus booths. Hot supper will be scrv- cd at 5:30 for 65 cents, children 35 cents. 43-. Thc annual Armistice Suppe sp on s or ed by Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Legion will be hcld at the Legion Hall, Saturay, Nvembe 46-at7 p.m Personal HUSBANDS! Wives! WaNM pcp, vim" Tmy Ostrex Tonic 'Tablets for new vitality, todav, "Get- acquainted" pize only 60c. AIl dmugrists. 43-i ?IYGRENC supplies -, (rubber goods) mailed pastpaid in plain sealed envelope with prîce list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28. Nov-Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham- iton. Ont. 1-52 ky, Ir- -3 Je Iy, 5c -1 IV. iv- -3 t, -6 ýrt [r- -2 rg zs -tf n id n- -2 n- 15 r- ni -3 n ad 30 ds is, îe j* ad g iy ly 5. j* 01 -f st 10. d. at 2 et )n r- If ýs. id 1 't ir, ?d In 'y Auction Sales Twcifth Annual Shorthomn Sale, 44 head Purcbred Scotch 3Shomthorns ta be sold at auction at Baker Famms, Hampton, Ont., Monday, November lst, 1954, at jl1:30 p.m. Jack Baker, Manager, CHampton, Otro 1- Real estate and household effects, property of late Herman Hooey, in the Village of Black- rstock, on Saturday, October 30th. Sale at one o'clock. Terms on meal estate made known day of sale. Terms on household gonds, cash. Phone Orono 17 r 10. Ted 1Real Estcýe For Sale1 HOUSE for sale. Apply Frank McMullen, Newcastle. 43-1 IN Oshawa, 5-roomed brick bungalow, modern cupboards, oil heat, central, suit older couple. Dial Oshawà 5-341. 43.1* NEW attractive five roomed bungalow, 1½ acre land. near No. 2 Highway on Solina Road; heavy duty wired, water, im- mediate possession. Low down payment. Laverne Clemens, Phone MA 3-2436. 43-1* Jackson, auctioneer, Port rerry. EVANS'REAL ESTATE 42-2* For homes, farms, tobacco John Patton & Son, Lot 6, Con. famms. building lots, at eason- 8, Clarke Township, one conces- ý able priccs, in Durham County, sion noth, %k mile east of Ken- contact dal, has sold his famm and will W. C. Evans, Broker selI by public auction on Satur- Phone 84 - 17 Orano day, Nov. 6th, at i p.m. sharp, ________- 41-4 ahl his farm stock, implements, J. VAN NEST REAL ESTATE 1954 Cockshutt "30" tractor, hay, NEEDS LISTINGS grain and furniture. Temms cash. LtUsSiYuHoe No reserve. Lawrence Harris, LeFarm el oruinomss clerk. Jack Reid, auctinneer. Ca i oandtBusier 423 118 KING STREET EAST Livcstock sales are held evel-y BOWMANVILLE Moda eennecom rig tPhone MA 3-3230 7 p.m. at the Durham County Sales Arena, situated a haîf mile west of the Prbvincial Forestry Station at Orono. Ail livestock sold in the order in which it comes in. Your coilsignments are always appreciated. The place where buyem and seller meet. Owned and operatcd by Jack Reid, auctioneer. 42-3 I have received instructions from Mrs. J. E. B. Staples, 62 Oriole Parkway, Toronto, to seli by public auction on Friday ev- ening, Oct. 29th, at 8 p.m. at the DurharA County Sales Arena, 1/ mile West of Orono, her entire household effects. This sale will include such items as a solid walnut dining-room suite, 3-piece chesterfield suite, electrîc wash- er, ahl enamel cook stove, bed- room and kitchen furniture, dishes, glassWame, etc. Temms cash. No reserve. Lawrence Harris, clerk. Jack Reid, auc- tioneer. 42-2 Auction sale of houschold furniture, real estate and fuel. I have received instructions ta scîl by public auction, the estate of the late Mrs., Annie Jahoston at hem late esidence in Janet- ville, on Saturday, Oct. 30,' 1954, at 1:30 p.m. sharp. No eserve an furnitur'e. Terms, cash. Real estate consisting of frame bouse in good condition, with hydro and ¾ý acre of land will be of fer- cd for sale subject ta a reserve bid. Also other parcel of land (about 14 acre) with stable. This land suitable for erecting a house on, will be offercd for sale subject ta a eservýe bid. Tcrms càsh. Auctioncer's re marks- This home is situated in the Village of Janctville on county road, and immediate possession may be -had after sale. Land suitable for good garden. R. J. Payne, auctioneer. 43-i Auction Sale 1 have eceived instructions 42-tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold. Rented. Mlanaged and Appraised L. M. A L L 1 S O N Real Estate Broker Phone Z566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffie signal, Newcastle. 20-tf -Pedwell Real Estate I'arms and aIl other properties, businessès, etc.,-for sale. H. C. Pedwell, Brokerl 1Newcastle Phone 38-SSL 25-tf REAL E79TATE FOR SALE 5 room d frame bungalow, new; 3 lbedrooms, 3-piece bath, kitchen cupboards, hardwood and tiled floors, furnace, large lot. Full prîce $8,000.00. 5 roomed frame bungalow, heavy wiring, basement, for quîck sale. $5,500 with $2,000 cash. 40 acre farm, gond barn a"nd stable, garage, 7 roomed brick house, hydro and bath, near Oshawa. $8,900.00. We have lots, houses, farmsj and businesses in Bowmanville and surounding district. M4. E. Leask, Broker 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5919 43-i De WITH REAL ESTATE 160 acre farm, 10 miles from Oshawa, with 72x36 ft. bank barn, 35x50 ft. extension, steel driving shed, water bowls, creek, well, close ta schonl; 8-roomed clapboard in 'splendid state of repair with hardwood floors, hydro throughout. Price $15,000. ITemms. Consider house for down Ipayment. 200 acre farm witb trout creek, whereof 100 acres wood, le fmom the Board of Education, 70 acres workable land, 50x3O ft. NIXON REAL ESTATE SCa rtwright Public Sehool Area, bank barn, driving shed, 6 room- 4-room insul brick house, ie ta selI by Public Auction on ed frame house, well. Price hydmo, well, gond lot, $2,300. n.Saturday, Nov. 6th 100 acr faJm , close ta high- 4-room frame house, 3-pigce El 1954 way and town, all workable daRy batb, furnace, insulatcd, fll 1. a theReceatinalHall loamn land with cmeek, 100x30 ft. basement, close ta school, gond at he ecratinalbank barn, 2 driving sheds, lot. $7,000. water bawls, steel stanchions, 7-room solid brick home, Blackiock ilo.etc.; 10 roomed brick house modemn tiled kitchen with cup- !r The following with fumnace, hot and cold mun- boards, 3-piece bath, fumnace, 1, School Desks and other Sehool ning water, hardwood floors, hardwood floors, double garage, 1 Equipment from the six sehools hydmn throughout. Asking price $9,200. Temms. Possession ar- 5s that have been sold. $14,500. Must be sold soon. ranged.1 ýr 100 acre farm whereof 80 6-moom brick home, living, 59Single Desks, 52 Double acres womkable, gond tobacco dining raom, modemn kitchen, 3 SDesks, 9 Chair Desks, i Teach- landt, 20 acres hardwood bush; bedmooms, furnace, garage, gar- :er' s esk, 2 Pianos, 5 Stoves, 3 well, barn 60xJi0 ft., diving-shed den and many extras, beautiful Folding Cots, 3 Clocks, estimated 40x3O ft.; 7 roomed frame house, home, $9500. h16 Single Cords nf Hardwood, 3 garage, hen house. Price $8,700. 5-room brick bungalow, 3 bcd- dcords Kindling, 4 Tons Fumnace 6 roomed 'bungalow on 13 acre oomns, heavy wiring, 4-piece Coal, 4 Step Ladders, a number lot with 3-piece bathmoom, full bath, ail heating, insulated, Sof Cupboards and numemoius oth- basement, electnic heater, water venetian blinds, gond lot, land- cme articles of school equipmcnt. pressure system, hot air heating, Fccped, $8,500. Let's, make this a community heavy1, wiring. Price $6,500. 5-ronm new frame bungalow, -sale. Residents wishing to scîl $1.890 down. heavy wiring, fI4lI basement, in- n anything at this sale arc wel- 6 roomed unfinished bungalow sulated, cupboa ds, cook stave, come. in nice location of Bowmanville, well, etc., bctween Bnwmanville Terms Cash - Sale at 1:30 p.m. 24x36 ft.,* 3 bedmooms, picture and Oshawa. $5,50)0. Tcrms. r Henry Thompson, clerk* window, sewer and water avail- 6-room house, insulated, heavy e Clifford Pehick, auctionee5. able, gond si7,e lot. Price $4.200. wiring, 1/2aÇre land, $3,000. n4~3-.2 6 roomed claphoard house, $1.000 down. centre of Bowmanville, with Lot with cellar excavated, size Vanted T u bathrôom, garage, sewer and 28x40 ft. with footing, water and ToBywatcr, l/ acre lot. Price $5,000 sewcr ta* basement. eCHILD'S crib, dlean condition, or arrangcd. 4-moom bungalow, 2 bedmooms, 1Phone MA 3-2343. 43-1*b 6 oomed new bungalow, 3 living room, modemn kîtchen. n ___ ____________ edroorns. with full cellar, 8 acres sandy loam, 2 wells, - OW buin gndreiserdfumnace bathroom, clectric' heat- harmn, stable, garage, 4-room 1 ccrtified and 'ommercial nats er7,btiili-in cu pboards, hai'dwood' brick bouse, ¾ý mile from schqol, -n1 al~.8 ~San Price $8,000. Possession arranged. Blackstock 89r nc lctint. wtr.4w1aes-4.0, af ah n Bachelom's 2-roomed home, 500 acres near Perth. 150 til- eBEFORE scîîîng you lve poul- 1,x6f. unfinished, on 1/ acre ]able, 315 in woods, maple and try. try us. Our pie r high- lod't well and hydmo install- pine, lake on famm, gond fishing erc. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany ed rc 1,500. $400 down. and hunting. gravel pit, two rPhone 7 r 13. Reverse charges. Temms. . streams of water, sap evaporator,, 1. 51-tf .5 oomed insulated bungalow could tap around 3,000 trees, nice b ~with bathmoom, garage, nicq fire- hîp-roof barn 40x7O, gond stable, nWANTED-Live poultry. gnose place, built-in cuphoards,h eavy new a few ycars ago; 8-roomn n feathers, feather ticks, scrap' wired. Priced $4,800. Consider frame hous e, full basement, well, 1iran. rags and metals' Raw offer. implement shed with a ful lnmeý furs and decmskins. Phone 3-2043 Besides ahove mentioned pro- of horse implements. Total ask- 1 Oshawa, collect. 46-tf perties we have about 60 monre, ing price $ 10,000, haNf cash. -- ta choose fmom. James Nixon, Broker tWill Pay Cash Now JonF Contact 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville, aJhF.De Wtth, Realtor Dial MA 3-5682 1. for 25,000 SCOTCH PINE Newcastle Phone 3341 _______43-1* C rsm Tes Member Oshawa-Whitby andCasF rS l Apply 43-1 i~~~vnsie ra~e'36 CHRYSLER coupe, excellent -1flcar.dlluAUu Garage Livestock For Sale condition. MA 3-3986. 43-* rPONTYPOOL ONT. __________ ~_ _~ _____234tf 12 YORKSHIRE pigs, 8 wecks '5 BUICK sedan, two-tone paint, aId. Phone Clarke 3833. 43-1e radio and heater, in good con- For ale r Re t -dition thmoughout, $1.3,50 or near- For S le orRent LAYING strain Rock pullets, ert offer. Phone MA 3-2981. SIX-moomn house in Pontypool, $1.25 each. 30 Hunt St., Bow- 1 43-11 hydro, 60 cycle, constant bot 1 rmanville. Phone MA 3-3941OR3d2.statFa io water, 3-piece bathroom. garage, -1 matir transmission, power steer- Jon garden: furniture, optional. i TWO purebred Holstein heifers, 1 ing. radio. heater. discuto St. Estsie. ndhosespringing: accredited. vaccinat- 1 $700, terms if desired, tFr North of schoo1. HO 1881, cd. Neil Malcolm, Blackstock.; Equipment and Automotive, 134 Toronto. 1%_Fairside Ave. 41-5 i 66 r 4. 4r3-le ,Kingý St. E., Bowmanville. Phone Roo n a d B ard ~ AI~ J5T~fl eelrsMA 3-5689. 43-11 -- 1 - arents excellent vwatch and YOUNG girl wanted to share catile dogs.aiiîo pîftatoe's and A mîan haî; no more religion, rnam. Ail canveniences. Phone 1 table tumnipa for sale. Phone itan he acts out in hi,' îfetune. 1MA 3-392S. 43-1* MA 3-2365. 31_er Ward Beecher. L BULLDOZING EXCAVATINO TRENCHING - LOADING DRAGLINE - CLAM WORI Trucks and Loader for Gravel and Fi11 Jobs FREE ESTIMATES Tripp Construction PORT PERRY 3921W 32ti A. E. (SAMMY) COLE Plumbing and Healing AGENT FOR Mor-Sun The Furnace with the 10-year guarantee 26 Ontario St., Phone MA 3-3478 BO WMAN VILLE (Formerly Bothwell & Cole) 30-tf Turn Page for Addiiional Classifieds The Canadian Statesmaii CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FRsSALE FOR RENT - HELP WANTED CARS FOR SALE LOST FOUND ETC. Cash Rate 3c Par Word with a minimum of soc 1ust bo paid by date of insertion Icharged, an additionai 2Ue wili b. added. Achar?@ of 25c will be made aIl repla iesrected ta this 0111 NOTICES COMINO EVENTS' AND CARDS 0F RANK8 3e a Word With a minimum el 1I.O0 for 33.words or les. BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTF MARRIAGES DEATES $1.00 pet~~ia lu MEMOi7ÀMS 0 $1.00 plus loc. cin"0 far vers» COMMEXCIAL CLASSIFIEDI Incllides ail advertising loi persansa:t îrnis seîling services ideos or goods of ony description -3ce pr Word; minimum chargiE 75e cash with order. To regulai advertisers payable montbly is ploiyiClansîted nt 251350 psi &W nh1ih a minimum of onf inch. Additional insertions cl the snme rates Ail Clossîlied Ads"must bu ta this office not Inter thon 12 o'clock noan. Wednesday. S.Ind cash. stamps or manav order and savu rnaney. Clip 1his oui for tczndv eey n . 1 Tau. MAT. OM. uth, 1954- , 1 . Tm eimADIM 4 . nowuuuqvnzm MTAMO M&ÉMO 1 Jolie Real Estate For Sale -Wcmted To Rent P edwell Real Esiate LARGE garage or shed, suitable $11,00(X-200 acres, 8 oom brick for, storage, centraily located. house, bank. barn 40'x80', ail Phone MA 3-3262. gond womkable land. On new__ highway north of Newcastle. Found Haîf cash. $9,000-no0 acres tobacco land., LADY'S wrist watchf found 0~ 6 room frame house, goona Tuesday, October 26th. Pha bank barn, other buildings,, 3-3072. f 43-1 water, hydro,' telephone, sur- COW (or heifer) strayed onto rounded by tobacco farm. this farm. Owner mav !ive Haîf cash. same on identificat' C arke $6,300-One ta 16 acres can be 821.~. 42-2* bought with brick and cernent block house, 12 rooms, newly W r a d - remodelled, attached garage. ____________e_ On a gond moad clo'se to New- -- castle. Easy terms can be ar- YOUNG girl wishes baby-sitting ranged with immediate pos job. Phone 3-3624. 43-1 session. DUTCH girl wants housewomk.. We have a number of new farm Phone MA 3-2583. 43-1w listings in the Lindsay district. Contact us before buying. DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- ton, for custom killing. Phone Hf. C.' Pedwell, Broker MA 3-3243. - 2t Newcastle Phone 38-SSL PLASTERING, chimneys built 43-i and epaimed. Caîl Herman Van - - 1 De Belt, 35 Wavemly Rd. Phone O. E. CARSON REAL ESTATE; MA 3-3694. 43-2* 115 acres of choice famm land. l Large stmeam through property, ANY kind of womk, by day or Oshaa 1 miesno ous onweek. Will do farm work. AsIc Oshaa 1 miesno ous o'for Jim. Phone MA 3-2292. land; a beautiful location with many potentialities. Price $8,000. _________43-10 Terms. FLOO ,R and wall tile laid, cup. 50 acres gond cday, a farm not- boards built or any carpentry cd for its high productivity. work donc. M. Jurko. Phone Barn 30x6D, sevcn-moom insul-' MA 3-2753. 37-tf bric house, $8,000. Terms.- _______ 250 acres-SO acres hamdwood, NEW\ plasteming and repairs 185 cre wokabe, arn30xOOjwaterpronfing basements, aii 185acrs wrkalebam SOiOO Iwomk guaranteed. Free estimates. 9 oomed frame home, large A. C. Woods. Phone collect implement shed, all buildings in 13r0.Nwovle 34 gond condition, plentiful water ___ supply. Many potentialities in STENOGRAPHER, m a r r i e d, this one, such as tobacco, Christ- desimes temporary position until mas trees, etc., Bumketnn district.. approximately mîd - February. Priced to selI at $11,500 cash. Newcastle, Bowmanville, Osha. 112 stomey white frame home wa district. Apply Box 251, c/o on Wilson South. Hardwood and Canadian Statesman. 43-1 tide, 4-piece bath, hot and cold - water, automatic oil fumnace, ALL types of woodworking, also iaundry tubs and finished room automotive shop, motor rebuild. in basement. Price $8,700, about ing, repairs to alI types of cars, haîf, cash. wclding. All wnrk guarantced. Bargain for quick sale. Phil- Tom Smith, Tymone. Phone MA lips Ave. -stuccoed brick bun- 3-2243. 43-1i 'galow, oil-furnace, hardwood, 2 bedmooms., living-room, dinini- SAVE MONET AT rolarge kitchen. Fullprice DAVE' Retdya on o 5 e SHOE REPAIR Nice bungalow, Solina Road. 47-tf Reduced ta $5,300 with $1,000 à cash. Farm wanted--Have client ap' 'wanting 35 to 65 acres. Gond buildings, near bus service, ___ot iVIJLU W Cen over 50 miles t6 Toronto. Will FLOORS WAXED pay haîf cash. Cali Chas. D. ANJOLSED Rankine, MA 3-2762. ADPLS Homes--In Oshawa, Bowman- Bowmanville Tel. MA *3-3790 ville and Port Hope vicinity. _____________43-10 Farms-We have several of Ontamio's top farms neyer before GENERAL CONCREft listed. AND MASONRY Businesses - Theatres, stores,Cosr garages, factorie% and summer Cosrciion or ±iepair ,properties.oEtmesFe O. E. Carson Realtors EtmtsFe Chas. D. Rankine L. TURNER 52 King St. W. MA 3-2762 P'.. BOX 177, BOWMANVILLE Bowmanville 4- 3t

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