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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1954, p. 1

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New Phone Number MA 3-3303 e New Phone Number MA 3-3303 "tDurham County's Qteat Fcurily Journal" VOLUME 100 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, ÉHURSDAYp OCTOBER 28th, 1954 10e PER CO01 PYMER4 kNew Pum ping Station And What Do You Tbink- Hap-pen ed Then? At Bowman ville Beach Wl! Open Saturday The new pumping station on iwvas started in the faîl of.4 the lakefront at the East Beach i ear and completed in Juiy.1 an integral part of the is capable of pumping 4,000,000 new IW20,do water supply gallons of water per day and' syttl from Lake Ontario com- should meet the water needs of pleted by theBowmanville Pub- Bowmanville for a great many, lic Utilities Commission this1 years to corne. From the pump- summer wili be officially open- 'house the water supply is pump- ed at a ceremonv to be held on; ed uptown through a 16-inch Saturday at 3 p.'m. pipeline to Queens Avenue i The public is cordially invitedi front of the Goodvear plant,. to attend this officiai opening' where it connects w,ýith an older ceremony and the pumping sta- 8-inch main. The new system is tion will be open for public in- also tied into the older system at: spection from 10 arn. to 4 p.m. several points on its way north The new water suppl- system' from the lake. Jovial Atmosphere Reigns Supreme at Inter-Club Meeting A very good turnout of 130 Jess Van Nest and Carl Hamil- mnembers of Bewmanville's I ton, were also introduced. three service clubs, Rot ary,î Those present joined in sing- Lions and Kinsmen, attended ing the club sengs of the three the inter,-club joint meeting service organi zations, with the held in the Lions Community 'Lions song being led by John Centre Monday evening. j Watson, the Rotary song by Lions were hosts, the Kins- Bob Stevens, and the Kinsinen mien were guests and the Ro- ýseng by Irvine Brown. A gen- tarians supplied the program ýeral sing-song was led by Mr. at the excellent meeting to be Watson with W. E. C. Work- remembered for its fi ne spirit man providing the accompani- of good fellomship." The guest ment. speaker was Joseph Hulse, Birthdays were celebrated by Head of th,ý Food Research Lions Bob Kent and Cliff Group of the Defence Re- Samis, and Lion Stu James search Mecicai Laboratories conducted a dràw for tickets at Ottawa, whose interesting in the Lions Hockey Draw address will be reported fully which were won by Lion Dr. Ini Our next issue. E. W. Sisson. Roy W. Nichols, Following an byelen roast Miss Mae Hilditch and Lion beef dinner served by the oHehrnt. ladies of St. Paul's Evening (Continued on page 'seven) W.A,, President Jimmy Marr of t4ie host Lions Club, wei- ors of the three service clubs Fie Ir o \tO the meeting. "The Lions look forward to these semi-O n Ej S r e *nnual inter-club meetings gn S r e wmaviîe We tak pr{ inMay Be Moved h e fact that ail the service clubs co-operate so well and Unless a few parents in the ÔWork so closely together. This North Ward section of the tewn -t mit of harmýony enables us take steps to curb their child- furtber extend our service ren, they may be without fire -wvork." i alarm facilities in the near fu- Head Table Guesis iture, accerding to Fine Chief Lucius Heoper. President Marr pointed out Apparently, the alarm box that the excellent attendance at the corner of Elgin and Sec- at the meeting proved that ond Sts. has for some time everyone thoroughly enjoys been the target of * youngsters. the Inter-Club meetings. He Several times il has been found Introduced the head table with the door wide open and guests who were: Lions Secre- once, it was filled with gravel tary Norm O'Rourke, Chair- and sand making considerable mnan George Hacking, of the repairs necessary, Rotary Inter-Club Coi-nmittee, Chief Hooper was most an Kinsmen President Art T-Oni-w . , r- ..t_ " Popularity of the Children's Story Hour sponsored the large group which attended this regular eve by the Bowmanville Public Library and conducted by Mrs. Saturday morning. From left to right: Dougie Bi M. J. Hutchinson is evident in this photograph Te Mary Edwards, Dianne Biggs, Mrs. Hutchinson, children pictured with Mrs. Hutchinson are just a few of Turner and Erie Lawson. -Photo by C Night Classes At High School Arp- PnnrijiAIr Barons to P 'lay Orono ln Exhibition Game middle-age. have enrolled Lcaiannîl btbhee e evening classes in lyping being Lclfn ilb bet e given at Bowmanville High a preview of what will happen Sehool. There were net a sut- in regular Lakeshore League ac- ficient number who registered tion when the Bowmanville for High Scbool English orý Barons play an exhibition game Matriculatien subjects te war- with the Orono Orpha-ns here, rant offering these courses this Saturday night at 9 o'clock. year. But if there is eneugh These lwo teams will meeti interest next year, these and six times during the regular possilýly other commercial su)5- season and Saturday night's con- .iects will be taught. test will givethe fans a pretty Ther aresix en ad 14gond idea of how the teams will wmen take ix pmtuchtyng1 shape up over the long haul. The wome taingup ouc tyingOrphans have stepped up from under the guidance of Miss Jean Intermediate '"C" to "Aý' cate- McInnes, B. H. S. Commercial geny and have strengthened their teacher, who reports thal the teani onsiderably.- mother and dad groups which censtitutes about haIt the total Playing Coach Ernie Dickens number, is doing well. AIl are will aise have several new men keenly interested. Classes are in Barons' livery on Saturday hel twce wek a th scoolnight, and the squad will i e from 7:30 te 9:30. The course is loiî o rss a week age t e the saw meant mainly for beginners but osawe g oteOhw any who have taken typîng and' Truckmen. Remember __ gamne become r,1s±v ar wlcmeto. tJime is at 9 p.m. rather than 8:30. day Night per game. Team Manager Frank Jam- ieson bas informed us that the Barons Club is short two blank- ets which semneone teck home at the end of the 1953 sao.He would appreciate it very much if the persan who has these biankets would turn them over to him. Donations are stili coming in slowly for the fund te equip the team and get il roiling for the! season. If you have been putting off making youn contribuîtion, (Cenlinued on page seve) Fire Brigade Visits Jyrone -- -- --~--'noyen on iuesdaay Wien lie __________Subscribers' Tickets MondaY 1 1Mrs raian harles Carter Sr.. pboned The Statesman asking You i "a lBob.WA.taofevean, MISS Ci. OU~nsca As Season Opens sr, Mr. Hulse, Chairman Irvine us te advise parents in Ihat ChimaiobWtte teVVf Brown et the Kinsmen Inter- area te take whateven àteps Iwo A cidents Arena Management Comrnittee Bewmanviile Fine Brgd Clu Cemitee Cairanthe flt ecssay bnngbas announced that subscribers'Iwas called te Tyrone Wednes-y The four-day pheasant hunt WltenRundite etth iomns ther chiîdrcen unry ontrolg tickets for the Baronrs home1 day noon where they found a Xmv o fl ing seasen began in Darling S Inter-Club Cemmittee, a n d and eut et the tire alarm box. feno games will go on sale Menday. chimney fire in the home -)f ton and Clarke Tewnshîp*~eig Presîdent O. F. Robson et the Otherwise, hie said, the box wilîî ci yAfNvmeriat1e..atternr.FlrneSco.Th os Can yen use some extra Wednesday (yesterday) menn- , HoS ia Rotary Club, have te bc moved to another ~n a Arena and no tickets wiil bie was tilled with smoke, but the shopping money for Christ- ing with a large number etf i- Twogust a th metng loatonfo saet. woaccdetsintheeat ndsold prier te that time. Thev blaze was almost subdued, nmas? Yen mighit easily have hunters geîng eut te try for e1I n oo t Twoguets I he eetng loatin fr afey. woaccdens i te est ndwiîî assure yeu the sarne scats when they arnived due 10 the some if you enter the "Know their limit et three ceck birds of tewn were investigated by ton every game and aise of ob- efforts and fine extînguishens Vour Bowmanville" Contest. for the day. Ms elyCwepei owmarnvilepoie n na taining an eaual number et seats put te use by grocer F. L. Tam to page 5 and 3'ou will Art Collis and Art Rowe werp dent e h ais uiir S tatesm an C à-lum nistatenen for the playoffs. Pnîce is $1.00 Byamn and other neighbeurs. see this week's pietures two hunters who managed 1: et Memra In the fîrst, Bill Sellers, Hunt fflere. 0 bag the limit, whiie Hugh ville, atne esosc h ,', ~St., sutfened a cul over the eye __ If you haven't already Moore shot two and Wally Lar- Auxilir oni tteO 1JW~ O~. IAI:.iL when is car went off the Cr~ n .rn started you can obtain bak mer, John Pouls and Bob Gi tari HoptAsction el 401 C lo v erle af o n Li- CL I L n u nb e rs f T h e a n a d ia n w e re a m n g th e h u n te rs w h o i h o a o k H t l o H irs ~'g-II m e berty St. S., ripping out a'Vs s Statesman at the: office. The had sht one bird each by rnteocudyeeig tory' in C hatelainedivingsth on. SLervgin alsinaha t r ANArules are simple te follow nori. Unéoubtedly many locall Attedn ovnin ss S tory in C hatela ne drivng sout on Librty youn insia.Palastyehunters R.managedu te batginae msiensntonsMondaydtoandgTuesdayn te the C.N.R.stio when hie entries as yen wish. it betore the day's sbooting f rom Bomnie Axlar B~ Brbaa Mrdoh tat ur ciumisbwhownies ailed ta make the turn on the Rt. Ex. Comp. P. S. Conibear,1 Chapter, wbîch was proposed by Earn that extra Christmas was over. were: r. Wse akr eacbBabaeekurdet th e beaubunit howies e cloverleat and bis car knecked Grand Suverintendent et On- Camp. A. L. Blanchard. He spoke money the easy way by The 'seasen closes Saturday presidet r.I .Dpei W ofTeSaemn staff bistoi l hrhs l the embankment. He was talc- panied by Ex. Camp. H. Pningle 'te the individual but te the wel -____________ were deligbted te learn last lhomes; et the I:irds and bloms en ta Memoniai Hospital, Bow- et Keystone Chaptqr made their fane et the cemmuniby and the LCunhervatecontreaurer; Kes week that one et our colleague, in bier backyarr and se on, mar ville, by bis brother wbere officiai visit te Palestine Chap- country as a whoie. l. Tolmie has remînded hunters Youg, r.Dncn Si bib tbeh bg-imbig-thtime"wrie ninin the ceuîledws teàwritetheeuSkating thaNot24, .R.Clan kakegClbTewnshipe owsh isi nnoawrs a writing field. icurdlig ning ngseblo- e asteaedfr hecu. p erdAM,, o .f249, GR.C. on The toast te the visitons was ',,iUregulated Township the same Ms .V or i i artes uny u, w a ls e us, amazing. At 5.30 p.m. Sunday Miss jodye ls ek proposed by Ex. Camp. H. G. as Darlington. and that hunters Mr.RyDligse-tes.o Eie Cartes LneB.wrtilsedid and in a , Hazel Bail, 179 Balsam Ave., Accompanyinig theni were SEV- Freeman and responded ta by mut bai owsiplcess h who wites The Statesmans style guaranteed te mnake the 'Tarante. was driving west on eral officers and companiens, and Ex. Camp. Pringie. The toast t0'O! ol s P rt for sbooting pheasants, andSu.MssIeeSaws- Confietarclum plu obituanhier ofanh st adend m"-'ing St. when she stopped atter the work et the evening the candidates was pneposed by Confdental- lusobitarie, trForn andd oran.bitruptthere.eng teesitee haderenpenintendentandrabets thee THospiforal.i weddincs and a lhast et gen- jWt brceiîcmdsy but n eîgtesg thdbe efre namost i!Ex. Camp. A. W. G. Northcutt n* residens ad sans.00and foratthenddwr Ms rne au ebith haadeidnt broeate athe corner et Liberty St. Peint- exemplary manner. an enjoyabie and responded ta mest ably by. or Far ilies nresiens ad ios p or Otersta h hsîa Ord eebrty icc' ethe ane ing the direction te Higbway lunchean*was served in the ante- Ce p. Raymond Kennedy. The 'taxes in Clarke il is 75 cents. Hincksl sitn ut r.T word frtierthe eeliter wasnt a 401. A car driven by William I room. most n.o o\able xnnta On Wednesday, Octeber 20. the Any persan found damaging E. Prot itla;Ms a~ Ch act thl e bcer we mighlt Rekker, R. R. 3, Bawmanville, JRI. Ex. Comp. Conibearir e brught te a close b.v the sing- Bowmanvilie Skating Club huld farm prcpcrtY or refuising te Pickand isMr hp-n Chastilai e uwanerthat e mhv crasbed into the rear et the plied te the toast te Grand inget Auld Lang Syne. a pre-season skating pariy at the leave wben asked by the pro. Miss Mno asoee b a tl end authr ess ouh a ilcrveihrdivrws- ___-Arena fer the Family Group. iperty owner te do se is lhable office saf isVlaGv mialtdst.ors i u injured and damage te the 'de- m , About 75 children, teen-agers Ite have bis license canceiled. Miss PylsCag prtn bist ides was sligbt. R .aLI n ,w-r ô n p ae s_ _ _ Naturaiiy, we at The States- Y ôIg , ul îc S eake s arents rughyup, ed Hunting heurs are tram 8 'RSEm; Ms Rod Gedn ma oealorlylraesthemselves. ja .m. ta 5 p.m. daîly except Sun- Nrey man ruhepeil a utloaneders wr wssktngfmaouiday, wben ne hunting is per- copis etChatlain le ead ~ ~ ' ~ UC10n 1 rort Thee wa skaing rom boutmitîed. Licenses can be pur- Mns .G hata n coielshf ihtliet eut a Lonbuy * îÀro D rlv inton ,'//f7 te 9. This inciuded races which 1'cbased aI Watsen's Garage, Or- Mrs. Ga .Jmsmtrdt this wondertul story. However, ~D D E E D were run off with race track o na; Tom's Store, Newcastle * Aunraon rdyan pn word of warning tram those Q NEeicny by Bill Bagneli and and Laing's store in Newton- Ih awt the abnssn who know-Don't *read it be- BiII s inI% $248 .ms. AîhrConstable. The prize 1 ville. John. fore geing te led. IIn 5C o55t 5 PtJ5 5 IH J55q5Ion5 winners for the x'arious classes!i- JIncidentally, for those who Brsk- ere as foilows: girls. 6 and un- haewiigabtos .B idding BikdeMrgareî ftln smenoWl!! Donat i have niting mbition, Mrs.On Wednescdav e\enuug Oct. S.S. No. 4 and Margaret Flin- d ,Wnv os n Lu nney tells us she spent sev-11 under. Lorne Carter; 7 te lo- p ra yan ~niin saresbe Eerlhng trm ppesta 20, a capacîty crawd filied the ýtoft of Maple Grexe chose r gils.Eiien Huhe; oxs,,Jh fore ~ Witess Mur- t hingbîrds a a ecnî ses btegiarlsc.Pubic Seakînuaghapse rooyshose 'Thn sue ar rtigsoree-1iasement of Hamhpton Churchi Marilyn Bell". Sandra Mason Catr;lt 4grs e c s o o c r den" Moi e ilWaS par-tie went undpr the hammer as ailc- contest foy Dalngton tow'î% British Empire". Karen VicK- LdyadbyGr ani Wrk-betwcen ber regular re- tine i ilîs candued AnmefP r penting and heusekceping du- toerBl halscnutdshîp. ens cf Countîceke on. "Pen- Wietercswn npo tics. The road of an author is ithe annuai Lions Communîtyi Mr. M.. bobb-, as chaiuîîaii icillin The WVonder Drug.*' 1 gress. Mrs. Norman MujlholIand a . net an easy one. This stery has 'Auction Sale on the front 'lawn welcomed these pre-ýentam craueBeea cfT-oe and *Mtse Doxugla s bmu-r . I bene umitenetret ehebtmheCmmnîvCetr as xpaîeete ed ersic 4k o 'h Gowote o-pakd h1bx unhs bîh 10 ri O 1 eîe Tn publicaiçns. Fr a whieepubli schao bacco.' Deanne Vance. Sauina, the guests hart broujght, andal puliaton.rday hie t a ernon centests among pbics h ada brfepc'ATe D-made cottee and coa. On ar- utre n cusgust in a orse auda feno.puis. He then called on Mn.hda e oi ATe i netai h EIsiE 'arruthers Lunney tually, c revied and aga n i-wbeedled eut et the crowd yvr in hrssbyteji-dence chose "Advertising" asý were greeted by a super buffet variety show te bc sbaged bere wili t]eeeepovd omn eralnewsartwes, eceied hr c eTistied n i a aeptir,- f hliattl ione Hmptes b%,i ther * bis sàhject. luncheon which proved that Club November 18 and 19 by the, ville reietaneptnivt eral nes artiles, reeived er ed ojt. Ths time t was ccept.i the efimembeMrs arelicooksotet;jthe hiHam-tGoldeno. Mile mChoir art Toronto heseeg-anoexcellenthoipnogrormnetseen- first author's cheque and saw c and a dneam bad corne trie! !et $248 had been taken in. Pro- in the evening, wxe heard Mnr. Merk1cry arid Mn. Lemon est onder.i under the sponsorship ot the, tertainmn n tbb aelm ber own by-line in the Novem-I Mrs. Lunney aiready bas mre- ceeds et the sale will be used by choruses tram the pupiLs -if of the Bownanvile Public,; Bow.-nanville Kinsmen Club will help th1 le itm tHn ber issue of Chatelaine maga- 1 adcn the Lions for cemmunily service 1 S.S. No. 4 and also fnem the Schoois acted as judges ane î Alex Anoiîichuk kindàlN pro- b oae efodrle ud iaeHzl z1flC. gratulatiens from bier friends,1 work. Hampton seniors. Thev wene their deeis,.ion -,.as in faveur otf vided a record player and there etfbbc National Association et TeKnmnCufihst -No one was more surprised "but we would like te add this A fairly large crowd attcnded 1 ail wcll rendered and much Tcrnx- Rate, John Allun and WAS dancing during and atter Kinsmen Clubs, il bas been an- stress bctc hlIi hwb than we who work with bier verbal bouquet te tbc floral the auctiaon sale ahid bidding was appreciauecd by 't i adienice. Brurýf Bowman. These three, supper. The teen-agers' Bunny nued evey ay a indthl istad ncberadiulg e-wrkrsbrisk. The wide 'ariety ot The finst sjpakcr ()f the ev- prkcsxill continue i b o oeingaac b T eN tiona d. , eof the odn Ml hi smtjs cf theusualdignified, hemey lpresenled te ber hast week. articles was set up on tables an. ningz was Bruce Bow7',lfenrsi and wîhl speak again Harry Hughes and Bill BagnelKnmnCu a led o-tewrbtavneysô style she adopts in bier column, lWe're ail sure that Ibis is only as usual, manv boyers found!Bradleys, 'wha spok- 'iln "Nat- aI Solina on Or'i. 27th - keîit Pace witb them, aimost eut- ;addaceu o 30( a ibtpdnig atmms theChaelanestey xasa h. bc frs eta lnglis etsu h ings tbey had been searching ! ure*s Protection of '.Viid An;- 'Mn. Clarence Hockin, on b1 i thm.jte officiai Ontario t Hurricane folk danigadohrvne 00)0 word -'wtoduinit" entitledi successes. Somie day, when for rman vmonths. Donations et i mals'. Ternx' Rate of Hampton half af the Los1Cuuhn'The dean Prieswre.uan tRelief Fund and the Bewman ententaimn nadiin t "Witncss tei Murder". novels by Elsie Carruthers clouhing wvene net as large as'ý chose 'bIn.ects" as iiis sijer-'. preyenled thesep bovs with 1 supper lime. The winnrrs: Miss- ville Club will lie. advised what vocal oo]nFagsb bset Attenrcading the spine-iing- L.îînnex- are at the top et the usial 5in(c mariv- (itizens had Faith Prckînuu t 'Irrwil Mrs. Clari- Allia pire- res Rtibv Osborne and Sandra ils share of Ibis donation ibe. standingraie hi.I rm 3ing stony, ive were more as- Best Seller list, xe'Illbe proud givrn uheir uus< d lothing te (nove .poke onu liný':-*(-,!a:- rufûa suîiîahle gft la each Constable, Me.ssrs. Trevor Jack-, This amount A-il] be paid tram iser ta eacc hebs h touadd than @ver. To think to say -'We knew bier whea", hurricane flood relie£,. r Sjystem". Myrna Peteibon of ilof the oéther seven contestants. 'son and Gien Hughes. the concert proceeds. ever stgdlBomnil Citizen s' Generosit y Enables Legion Ladies To Help Flood Victims The people of Bowmanvillef The ladies of the Legion A4x and district have been most gen- iliarv have been busy during the erous in their response to the collection for flood victims of last week receiving donations of Hurricane Hazel made by the clothing and food at the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary of the Bow- Hall. mending those articles of manville Branch, Canadian Leg-: ciothing which needed repairing, !on. and packing clothes and gro- Mng. Edward Rundle, pres- ceries 'in cartons te be sent ta ident of the Auxiliary, has an- Toronto. Most of these cartons eI nounced that 18 large cartons of have been taken to Toronto by clothing, 14 cartons of groceries motorists from Bowmanville 'andca nned goods, and'two beds: driving to that city who ISave and mattresses bave been sent generously consented to deliver SIto Toronto te be given to those1 them to the University Avenue who lost their homes and pos-Aruiouries. The depot to re- 4sessions in the terrific hurricane ceive these donations is now lo- and flood of October 15 and 16. cated at 12 Shuter Street, op- In addition there are stili a posite Massey Hall. Sdozen cartons of clothing wait-j The Ladies' Auxiliarv wi]l ac- ing to be shipped to Toronto. and cept additional flood relief dona- Sit is exPeçted that more canned tions until tomorrow (Fniday) goods will also be sent. 'evening at the Legion Hall. 'On tari o St. Prih'cipal 15 Elected Presiden.t 0f Teachers" lnstitùte nit on ýrough, Mary ~arson B.&P. Tag Day Takes in -$350 For U.N. Work There was splendid nesponse ta the United Nations Tag appeal spensored by the Business & Prafessional Womnen's Club an UN Day, October 23. This is the second yean Ihat the Club bas sponsared the appeal "For Al the World's Cbildren". The sum of $313 was reteived by the tag- gens an Saturday, and il is cx- pected that donations wiil bring Ibis ameunt up te about $375. The International Cemmittee et the B. & P. Wemcen's Club is grateful for the assistance et ahi those wbo centributed and the splendid work et tbc seven Higb Scbool girls whe tagged on Sal- urday. Tbey weýre:-'Patsy Pingle,- Mary Ana Heavysege, Ly nn Bagneil, Gail Bagnehi. Leslie Luffman, Marilyn Leckwood, Sandra Candler. P.hoto Contest Mr. M. Slute, principal of Bowmanvilie's Ontario Street School, was elected president of the Teachers' Institute of; Oshawa and West Durham at the 2lst annual convention jheld in Oshawa last Fridny . ow- manville also had this honour a few years ago when Mr. Tom Turner, now principal of Cen- tral School, was elected to this post. One of the highiights of the convention, attended by some 300 public school teachers, was an address by Byrne Hope Sanders, head of the Sanders Marketing Research and Can- adian Opinion Company. Her talk used the resuits of recent poils to give the teachers some idea of public thinking on educational matters. Miss Sanders said that when people were asked to say what they considered their biggest mistake in lite, the answer most frequently given Vas that they did not complete their education. She felt this fact might be useful to teachers in trying to influence students ta A trend indicated by poils taken of a cross section of citizens indicated that more people are favoring a central. Some -Hunters ized control in education as well as other matters. She aiso feit that' specialization and a more bighly organized ad- ministration in any element of çociety tend to smother the hurnan element. A poli taken among the 14 te 21 age group indicated that students would like to see in- struction on marriage and f ar- ily life incorporated int the educational system. Miss Sanders' address fol- lowed opening ceremenies in. the morning held ai the UAW Hall. Rev. S. B. Coles con- ducted opening exercises and Mayor John Naylor welcomed the group to Oshawa. A greup ot solos by violinist Kiemi Hambourg, preceded the ad- dress. He was accompanied by Wallace Young, supervisor cf music for Oshawa publie schools. Atternoon sessions were held in Ritson Road School. Dele- gales splil into 13 gnoups and spent the aftenon in discus- sion of some of the problems facing teachers to-day. *Members of the executive for the coming year include: Mr. M. Slute, president: Miss F. Meleod, vice-president; Miss M. Kelly, secretary-treasurer;, school and township represent- atives, Mrs. D. Venning Mns. R. Munre,- Mrs. H. GoheeNi 1: -Nom e e ri 1 uuuulliu lubty ctit! wviuuiilt! Luu, 1 -k» 1

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