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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1954, p. 7

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T~UES!>AY. OCT. IBth. 1051 TEE CANADIAN TATEBMA2i. EOWMANVflILE. ONTARTO PA( Social& PhoneM Miss Lena' Haddy, Toronto, viited friends in town last week. Mrs. A. W. Hammond, Toron- to, spent Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold Hammond and Mur- frray. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest HurI, Midland, were recent visitors with ber brother, Gordon and Mérs. Badger. i, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Balson and family, Kingston, visited her znother. Mrs. C. J. Smale on the Weekend. # Mr. ,and Mrs. L. B. Nichots Visite4 friends in Calabogie and attendcU*the United Church an- nivery services. iMr. and Mrs. Charles Papineau a~nd James LcOtus spent the Weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Papineau. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Darch of Seaford, Long Island, N.Y., have returned home after visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke. Mrs. J. E. Anderson has been attending Michigan Gr an d Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, held in Grand Rapids, Mich.-_ 7 Ri AL 9: Ce] ST. JOHN'S CHURCN (Anglican) Rev. Warren Turner, B.A., B .D. HOLY COMMUNION CHORAL COMMUNION 7p.m. - EVENSONG *eacher: M. REV. G. H. WARDE, M.A., Bishop of Lewes <England) EL SAINTS' DAY, NOV. 1 :30 arn. - HOLY COMMUNION elebrant: BISHOP WILKINSON Trinity Minister, Ar Thai 11 A.M. - RT. REV. V Ex'-Moderator The Interi 7 P.M. - Special Presei Address: "TRINI» We welcome the to Organist, Mr. A Unit Rev. T. Art nka, VILLARD rof the UnitE nediate Choii morning se Servic cnted by the TY's F Rev. T. A.IV *nmembers of * our evening Lrthur Collisoi Leagues teach the youngsters the fundamentals of the game. Your contribution will help develop the young players o! teday, who will be the Intermediates of te- morrow. Donations may be made te Walter DeGeer, Blain 'Elliott, Nelson Osborne, Frank Jamieson or Ron Abbott, or left at either o! the banks or the Bowman- ville Arena. The names o! fIAT COMMISSION FILM PRODUCTION IN SOUND-COLOB hocky boosters will be printed ÙThe Canadian Statesman, and PAOLMI 0F you will be given a sticker for 30" m 81eqa your car windshield or store or 2a fs y' 9 x NO ADMISSION CHARGE home window. Following la a Iist of Bow- AIS SmIZE 12xl i.~ *h.manville hockey boosters from in theOctober 13 te October 27: A. A. Dewehl, W. R. Strike, Alvin Bowm nvile Twn allClemence, Alan Strike, George Bowm nvile T wn allMoody, Ted Woodyard, Bowman- ville Cleaners & Dyers, Alex A S u da , O t.Anonichuk, Stewart Carson, Sund y, ct.314it Aick Lyle, Mrs. Charlie De- f pew, George Graham, Cli!!f Samis, Joe Flett. Charles Cat- A T 8.45 PM tran Jr., Lander Hardware, W. J. Berry Book Store, F. F. Morris 'Ne Delivet COME! JEVEEXONE WELCOME Co., Olympia Cafe and S. Blain Elliott. Two Carlisie. Avenue Residents Win Money in Sweepstakes Fr. . C. Pethick over the weekend. Mr, and Mrs. Peth- P I'ro a ding anniversary last Thurs- 3-30 wreinRgiaSak. ti FnalyAran e Mr. and Mrs. Walter DeGeer i cl y A r n e week attending the Pass Out Miss Betty King returneof te i~~r son Jn's A e u h rgu squadron of the R.C.M.P. JimA trM chA g l ber native Jamiaca this week basturhree week' eae nis r after an extended visnt with rtrighm wt i At a meeting held in the home games. Ms.Stnly mihents. They leave Regina- to- Queen's Hotel, Port Hope, on Referees -. Rej Mr.adaw .SalySih day 'for the trip home. Saturday, Oct. 23rd under the will be carried Bradshw St.Enjoy a social evening on chairmanship of Frank Buckland, referee appointe( Two articles ars stlll un- Nov. 4th. Club 15 is sponsor- a Vice-President of the Ontario and one linesma claimed: Nos. 2033 and 842 ing a "Stay-at-Home-Bridge" Hockey Association, a Lakeshore the home club. from Beehive Rehekah Lodge in aid of the recent flood vic- Intermediate "A" league sched- lyfswl Penny Sale. Caîl for samne at tims. Your friends will wel- ule was drawn up alter much Plerapoff inte Mrs. P. Leach's, 66 Wellington come -this oppo7tunity of join- debate.reresapit St. ing you in Canasta, Bridge or The first issue to be solved G. Frank Janr Mr. and Miyrs. Wm. Sutherland watching television. L u in c h before a schedule could be drawn ffianager Of the]1 and famlly, Bond Head; Mr. and provided by Club 15. 43-1 up was Port Hope's unwilli!ng- Watt, chairman Mrs. A. J. Lymer and family, Ladies o! Oshawa Presbyter- ness to continue in the group if Management Co: Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mrs. ial, affiliated societies, C.G.I.T. the Orono Club played its ed the meetingt Mina Colwell and Mrs. Bert Col- and Explorers don't fail to hear "home" gamfs in the Peter Bowmanville Bai well. Mrs. Kenneth Masih of Cen- Campbell Menorial Arena, Port Watt attended ir Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grills, tral India,. who will speak at Hope. The Port Hope clubs Secretary-Treasu Oakwood, visited her uncles, Trinity United Church on Sat- objection was that with a second borne. Messrs. George and Will Allin urday evening, Oct. 30th,' at Intermediate club operating out on Sunday. They also called to 7:30 p.m. The gentlemen are 1o! the same rink was detrimental see Mr. Fred Allin at Austin's also welcome. to the Port Hope gates. T Rest Home, Oshawa. An Easter lily bloomnirg in The second issue was the oh- T a n < M.adMrs. C. M. Carruth- October is sufficientLv out of 1jection of the club representat-mi Mr adthe ordinary to cause comment. 'ives to have Orono continue inMpH ers and Mrs. Annie Smale at- Mrs. F. Cator took a handsome Intermediate "C" category in ôd A tendd te wedin in ol-plant havw*g three blooms on the Lakeshore group. These borne last Saturday of Mrs. it to Sl? Church last Sun- issues were solved as follows Carruthers' nephew, Mr. Mal- Se Receive colm Rutherford and Miss day where it graced the chan- Around midnight a compromise Shirley Irwin. cel and has since brought forth was suggested by Dane Found inquiries from plant loyers. whereby he agreed to play all The "Tartan Mrs. G. Moffatt, Miss Agnes Rev. Warren N. Turner this "home" games in the, regular October meeting Carruthers and Miss Marjorie week bas been attending the schedule after Jan. 1, 1955, in Mrs. Doug. Blor ferecendof the Frati on-o National Convocation of the the Newcastle Arena. Wednesday, Octol Woen ea he rs'Asation o Town and Country Church at If games cannot be played in members were pi of Ontario, Region 4, at Lind- Salina, Kansas,ý and visiting NwateAeadet ako h antp the National Town and Coun- ice. the Orono Club will endeav- ing "MacKenzie" say on Chrh nsiue Ro- our to work out with the visit- which is to be hel Mr. F. E. Pethick (Ted), bridge, Parkville, Missouri, just ing club an arràngement where- Hall. It was di Grosse Pointe, Mich., and Mr. outside of Kansas City. Since by the game will be played in teacup reading a, C. H. Pethîck (Bud), Toronto, lits inception in 1947, 327 young an arena other than Port Hope thing new and visited their parents, Mr. and men and women have receivec Arena. If such an arrangement Pick-pocket Man' training there for the rural is not possible there is a likeli- events). ministry. hood a postponed game or two AIl club men I Due to eather cnditionsmay have to be played in Pothern "at vangeDiS C cued by aHrricndHaetion Hope Arena. hine Tra Evan elitic caued y HrrianeI-lzel'on This arrangement is subject to A lovely lunch Oct. 15, a number of relatives approval of the Directors o! Mrs. Blore,. Mrs of Mr. and Mrs.-Geo. W. James Peter Campbell Memorial Arena, and Mrs. Hildit Centre were unable to get to their port Hope, -with whom Mr. numbers were 35tb wedding anniversary re- Found of the Orono Club has Thertell Jr. and (Pentecostal> ception held in thehinr~s a signed agreement.________ Cente. I viw ofthisMr. A motion was finally put on Rev. F. B. Fifield, Pastor and Mrs. James had another the floor whereby if the Port anniversary party at their Hope Club could not go along home on Sunday afternoon for with this compromise the group ____ 10 a.m.- these relatives. About 38 were should go ahead and draw up a SUNDAY SCHOOL present from Toronto, Weston, schedule with the Orono Club Richmond Hill, Oshawa, Ked- "in" and the Port Hope Club 11 a.m.- ron and Enniskillen. "out". The Port Hope Club re- luctantly conceded to the com- WORSHIP promise. The second issue was solved quite easily with Orono 7 .m -R obert M orris agreeing to play Intermediate p.m...*1 "A" so that the club could re- EVANGELISTIC I-H urt I-i ngrsr main in the group. " ".' ~These issues being solved atOM Ail Welcome least for the time being, thé fol- I n Accident lowing schedule was te rw à n" - Coming - Robert Morris, an employee o!f aehr n.""Shdl Department 274 at the Goodyear Bowmanville Home Games-- __ SUIÇDAY, NOVEMBER 28 plant here suffered the loss of Sat., Nov. 6-Cobourg REV. ADAMS the tops of two fingers of his left Sat., Nov. 13-Lindsay i hand in an accident at work on Sat., Nov. 20-Orono a converted monk Tuesday of hast week. . Sat., Nov. 27-Port Hope e ___________________ He was trimming curved rad- Sat., Dec. 4-LakefieldLmao _____________________ it1 hose in a cutting machine Fni., Dec. 10-Lindsay ---____________ wben his hand slipped and the Sat., Dec. 18-Cobourg knife cut off, the tops of the Wed., Dec. 29-Orono second and third fingers of the Sat., Jan. 81-Port Hope hand down to the first joint. He Sat., Jan. 15-Lakefield was taken to Memorial Hospital Sat., Jan. 22-Lindsay tetdby Dr. V. H. Storey and Sat., Jan. 29-Cobourg thur Morgan, B.A.. Charles Austin. He remain- Sat., Feb. 5-Port Hope- _ ed in hospital untîl the following Sat., Feb. 12-Lakefield afternoon. BwavleAa ae - ~~~~~Mr. Morris will probably be BwavleAa ae away from work for some time Fni., Nov. 5-Port Hope yet. Wed., Nov. 10-Lakefield (to be played in Peterboro) Fni., Nov. 19-Orono ?r a y(in Port Hope Arena)e e e Tues., Nov. 30-Lindsay (Continued from page one) Wed., Dec. 8-Lakefield Ralse Money for Scouts (to be played in Peterboro> Wed., Dec. 15-Port Hope coi machig ontst ora (in Port Hope Arena) large hampr of Durhamn Fr., Jan. 7-Cobourg Conyapples, This was fin- Thurs., Jan. 13-Lindsay ally won by Rotarian Blain Wed., Jan. 19-Orono B E IN ,D.. Elliott, who gave the apples to JFr(aNewasleArena) 4 0-01 test resulted in the substantial Fr, Jan. 28-Port Hope -. 'ed Church of Canada sum o! $61.31 heing realized Fr, Feb. 4-Cobourg for the Bowmanville Boy Tues., Feb. 8-Lindsay r wil sig attheScouts Association. Lion President Marr asked Paof iervice Rceto ietrA alt Semi-final-3 out of 5 series. ".,, the front o! the hall where he Final-3 out of 5 or 4 out of 7 was presented with an honor- senies (subject to completion ary membership in the Rotary date set by O.A.H.) Club by Rotarian George Out o! 15 home games the Hýacking,. an- honorary member- B arons will play 12 Saturday Although two local people, Mrs. Roy Swindells and Percy Hayward, both of whom by co- incidence live on Carlisle Ave., had their hopes of winning the really "big" money in the run- ning of the Cambridgeshire Handicap Wednesday rudely dashed, they will stili receive a considerable chunk of cash with which to console themselves. Since both of their horses ran in the race, they will each re- ceive approximately $1,075 from their Irish Hospitals Sweep- stakes tickets. Mrs. Swindells came very close to winning a $28,000 third place prize as her Ihorse, "Turk's Blood," a pre-race 8-1 favorite, finished fourth in a Toronto Police Find Stolen Truck Sunday A truck belonging to C. H. Porteous, Concession St., which was stolen from in front of his home on Friday afternoon, was recovered by Toronto police in that city Sunday morning. Bowmanville police had sent a description of the stolen vehi- cie to Toronto. John Prince, an employee of the T.V. Shop here, and another youth were in the truck when it was recovered. The youths were returned to Bowmanville and Prince wvas taken to jail in Cobourg, where he was re- manded until next week on a car theft charge. Prince had beeen laid off nt the T.V. Shop on Thursday and is alleged to have taken Mr. Porteous' truck the following afternoon. Mr. Porteous is the1 father-in-law of Gordon Woods, proprietor of the T.V. Shop. Old Mill, Toronto, when host- esses were Miss Denise John- stop., Toronto, Miss Ann Hodge and Miss Verna Hall of Van- couver._ KIRBY photo finish. Mr. Haywardr6 horse, "Black Lîght" finished wefl back in the field. Mrs. Swindells did not listen to the race Wednesday morning, stating that "it was nerve- wracking enough as it was". She almost wished that her borse had finiqhefi last, she said, instead o! bei'ng so close te taking third place. "However, winning $1,000 for a $3.00 ticket, I suppose I can't complain", she philoso- pbized. Mr. Hayward has been buying sweepstakes tickets for 25 years and it is the first time he bas won anything. His wi!e, who also bought a ticket on the sweep, has been trying for 10 ygars without any luck. Several Showers Given by Friends 0f Miss Joan Rice Prior to ber marriage on Oct. 16, Mrs. Walter Bell, the former Joan Rice, was enter- tained at several pre-nuptial parties. Before leaving Van- couver, B.C., where she was a pbysiotherapist at the Van- couver General Hospital, the bride-elect was guest o! honor at a shower when Misses Den- ise Johnston. Ann Hodge and Verna Hall were bostesses. In Bowmanville she was en- tertained at a miscellaneous sbower at the home o! Mrs. E. V. Hoar when MVrs. Hoar, Mrs. S. G. Chartran, Miss Kate Foster, Mrs. R. Cowie and Mrs. G. W. James were hostesses. The bride was also entertain- ed in Toronto at a shower given by Miss Jeanne Lindsay, Mrs. John Doil and Miss Joan McGillis. A dinner and pre- sentation also took place at the Ik~$4 COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE FROM NOW UNTIL OCTOBER 3Oth ,NourCits, Nouvalgin, lieu, Uhoumatle Achea a Cd poil.. oc FALL DRUG Your chance to stock up on quality drug store merchandise and gift items at pre-season prices. IIDAMALT I.DA. Brand Extraci of Malt tYAX PAPER and ed Lver reavy Quality and od Lver 100-ft. roll, 12 011. 1 lb., 2 ib., inehes wlde, dis- 4 lb., reg. 75c, penser box, met- 1.2, 229-pecal al eutting edge- 1.29 2.2-Speial Reg. 29e 59e - 98e - 1.89. Special _ 25e SALES ANb PRE-CHRISTMAS PRE VIE W I.D.A. Brand MINERAL OIL Heavy Grade A fine quallty medicinal oul 16 oz.. 4 0 oz. reg. 55e reg. 1.10 1 43o 87c Cocoanui 011l Shampoo - - 23c, 39c 4, 8 oz., reg. 33c, 49c Cold Cream Soap 2 /23cc o12 13 Halibul Liver 011 Capsules 89c 3.89 1PO's, 500's - reg. 1.29, 4.79 Idasal Tableis - - - - - 59c For relief of pain, headache, neuralgia, 5 grain, 300's, reg. 89c Milk of'Magnesia - - - 16 oz. 32 oz.- reg. 35c, 60c 29c, 49c1 ~JPaper Napkins - - - 15c, 2/29c p70's, white, embossed - reg. 17e 30 Slomach ,Powder - - -59c, 1.49 E TISSUES ~4, 16 oz. -rg 5,19 45c Tollet Tissue ---- 2 For 23c -Soft, strong, snow white reg. 2/25c j Tooth P asf e - - - - - 39c Whitens the teeth - Sweetens the breath- Reg. 57c Shave Cream - - -- --39c Works into a rich, fine-bubble lather - reg. 49e Hoi Waier Boufles - - - - 1.29! * I.D.A. "Utility". Guaranteed 2 years "Ecnoy" WRITI NG PADS Note Size - Eeg. Ille Ladies or Letter ,- Eeg. 15e 8c, 2F.o, 15C 13c, 2 For25c Envelopes ladcofok 2 Rg 13e 2 For 19C Thermomeler - - - - - - 49C Oral clinical. Certified accurate. In a black case Exceptional value Wash Clofihs -, - - - - 2 For25c PRE-CHRISTMAS -SPECIALS CHRISTMAS CARD Solid Leather BILLFOLD SPECIAL VALUE 50 lovely cards for --- 9 8e 4.00 value for 2.50 Also, Fine Quality Famnily Engllsh Morocco BILLFOLD Box oft50 quality zards $1.50 2.50 value for - -- - 1.79 CLUB BRUSH and COMB .S.eea"HETIG 1A Nylon bristles, lucite-backed aeatHETN PA Matching plastic comb 4 Thermostats 1.65 value for---------- 98e 3-speed Switch -Rubberset" 4.49 ,SHAVING BRUSH Fine quality. Sterilized LADIES' DRESSER SETS badger hair and bristhe Beautiful finish, patterned $4.00 value for ..----- 2.98 metal frames and bandles "Auer" 3.49____________ CIGARETTE LIGHTER LDE'HI RS Triple gear action LDE'HI RS Chrome and enamnel finish. Roll type - Nylon bristhe Guaranteed Made ln France Top~ Value .1 . OOnly 59e DESRITIONS A SPECL1TY McG.0re£àgoC)r, Your Local l.D.A. Drug Store Sots, styles, wmes ALL AT ONE TIME PIN CURL PERMANENT 0 NO NEUTRALIZER 0 NO RE-SETTING 0 NO TIRESOME WINDINGI $ 75Complote l Protects hands like a magie gloire! THE NEW SCIENTIFIC JJISCO VER Y by e Nta coemetre.. not a ereamx.. no gra IlO and actually repel5r waerad dirt . . forma an invisible coating tbat proteeta bands wbîle 700 work 1 "w &Oka Phone MA 3-5792 I -------------------- The Orangemen held a very successful dance at Kendal hall on Friday night. Mr. John Monroe, Madoc, was the happy winner of the deep freeze. Some of our W.A. merabers attended the W.A. Presbytery at Enniskillen United Church on Thursday. Miss Donna Souch, Stark- ville. spent the weekend with ber grandmother and aunt, Mrs. Jas. Wannan and Jean. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hendim- son and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson, Ajax. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wannan were: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Patterson and son, Toronto; Mr. Talbert Fin- dlay, Thornhill, and Mr. and Mrs. Marwood McKee, Cad- MUS. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Walker and famnily and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Findlay and family, of Thornhill, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bail. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wilff and family attended Kendal Anniversary on Sunday andi visited with Mrs. Chas. Thomp- son and Arthur. Miss Barbara Reid spent the weekend with her parents. Mrs. Bigelow is visiting witft her son, Mr. P. J. Bigelow and family, Port Hope. TI1C KET S TO EVERYWHERE Air, Riil or SteamshiP Consult JURY & LOVELL 3owmanville 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 TMMMAT, OCT. "th, leu PAC TM CAWADUW 8TATEMM. BOWMAIfVMU& CMAIM

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