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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Nov 1954, p. 9

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_____ ___ -i - - _ -~ I ~ i- -~ - * .~TU C.LnuJMADUN I5TSMM. 1 B WMANVILLE. ONTARIO A Rd Youngman's Col umn Mm T Statoajuan' Gras. oots Columalutt Since childhood, I have been succesa of aomething new and faMiliar with the Biblical stary novel. Of the "Lait Supper", but its One of the blggeat headaches Bignificance escaped me until was trylng to figure out how O(t. 26, when I was invlted ta znany would attend. Wel, it's IPartake of a "Ilast aupper" Pro- nice ta report that everything vledb Ms Pu Hy~ fturned out fine, due ta excel- apl Grve. lent organization. Three hun- Mrs. Raynal was barui In dred and fifty people enJoyed j~Lflgryemigrated ta the U. a wholeuame meal, cafeteria ~; but 1906; was marrled style, plus a nieighbourly social 11;and for more than 25 time, in the basement of Maple Years bas lived in the vicinity Grave United Church. of Maple Grave. Our hostess, wearlng a cor- Sil do flot know what faith this sage of beautiful red carnations, Jdy professes, but she reads pravided by a Maple Grove A Well thumbed, yellowed Bible, couple, accupied the place af Which is ber constant guide and bonor et the head table. She comfort. Her children belleve muât have been surprised ta se she la a ood mother and a de- s0 many desirous af showing vaut Cr n. An2d they hear- their goad wlll taward ane, lyaPprMe% ai her wlsh to have barn in a foreign land, speak- "Plast supper"l. lng the English language with 1Mrs. Raynal, wefl past ber difflculty, but who was their eightleth blrtbday, believes gaod nelghbour of twenty-five *veryone shauld pravidefi. years standing. flncill or their fuieral and Many af the guests were un- for the "Iýlsat supppir", whlch can acquainted wth Mns. Haynal, tae. place anytllne after the bu t came, haping ta make ber seventieth birtbday bas been lait days a littie brighter. Dur- passed. lng two solid houri, people A manth a go this lady was would strolaver ta Mrs. Hay- very il, and belleving that ber nal, give ber a warm band- life was ebbing fast, expressed claSP, murnier appreciation af a desire ta have a "lait supper", ber hospitality, and express the with the people of the neigh- hope that ber health would 1 bourhood that she has called soan be greatly impnoved, but homne for thç paît quarter cen- ber impassive face did flot be- tuny. She prôvided $300 for the tray ber thoughts. But when event whlch, if not he1vd hefore the crowd lutily sang "For Office rs of Florence Nightingale Lodge- No. 66 L.O.O.F. IlÏ The above inembers of Florence Nightingale Lodge No. 66, row, lef t to right: R.S.S.-Charles Disley; I.O.O.F., Bowmanville, were xnstalled in office by D.D.G.M. Wm. A. J. R.S.N.G.-Walter Hackney; L.S.V.G.-Everei Pearse on October 21. Front roW, left to right: J.P.G.-William Shotter; Forsey; I.G.-James Delaney; Lý.S.S.-Brjar N.G.-Arthur Youngman; V.G.-Rayrnond Hutchinson; R. Se'y-Robert Anderson (Charles Greenham, proxy); Cond Mitchell; F. Se'y-.William Corden; Treas.-Gordon McMurter, lBack Luther Nichols; Chap.-Eric ClweUl (absent her death, ciould be held ln ber Shesa Jolly Goo'd Fellow", ber show that a Iittle klndness, honor soon after. reserve brake. Guess you folks1 plus oodles of bard work an Naturally, the goad people know what I mean! It was pro- the part of a group of ordinaryC o s r c i n t B en Of Maple Grtove were undecld. bably th.e flrst time in ber people, like you and me, can ed about such an unusual re. elghty odd years that any fair- accomplish. qeable dichus ined cnig- slzed groiqps had bothened ta It's a safe bet tbat the gen- On IN ew I-igh S chool erale isussonin heneih-tellilier, ln nllicking style, eral neighbourhoad -denived bourbood. Othens thoau ghbt that ibe was O.K. by tbem. much benefit from this unusual "'something shauld be done", A month ago, this lady was get-together. People were tiiere 'but what? Flnally, a few kind- prepared ta caîl it quits, but who had not attended any Ma- We y l w P s e Iy seuls declded ta accede ta due ta bier neighbour's spon- pie Grave function including M.Haynal'a wishes - Do It taneous interest un ber, she is church service, for aven twen- Construction ai the new $365.- Municipal Board, and the On- Now! Toa much praise cannot naw detenmined ta go right on ty years. Newcomers had a 000 addition ta the Bowmanville tario Departmént of Education be given ta the volunteers wha, living among the nice people chance ta size up what kind of District High Schaol can begin has also given final approval of atartlng from scratch, made a af Maple Grave. Juit goes ta people thair neighbours were. just as soon as1 the United the project. Counties Council is I We topped our meal off with- Counties Council gives third and meeting tomorrow (Fniday), and not a 'wedding cake - nat an final neading ta t ho by-law for when it gives the final neading anniversary cake, but a "cake issuing debentures ta pay for the of the' debenture by-law, actual in bonor". It was the traditional caît, Trustee Alex McGregor bas construction can stant. fruit cake with plenty ai de- annaunced. The contracting firm ai Brad- corated white icing. Financing plans bave already fond Hoshal Associates Ltd., wbo IJohnny Jamea, 14P. Mayar been appraved by the Ontario will build the 37 by 181-foot ad- Morley VanstoneandMrýs. Van. diton wth attached gymnasium A I Icutt, Alan and Mns. Strike, Doc. t LON SostucioULTth *W UP ' and Mns. H. R. Rundle andG building Immediately. housewlves boys brought greetings from (!ntended for lait week> Work bas already begun on M Ef e' Bowmanville, and bad supper Mn. and Mns. Harold Murphy, the new Port Hope High School Srfe utter at the head table with Mns. Hay- Mns. Edith Murphy and Mr. AI- and the îod-turning ceramony toe ny other sprod nai. The ovenall good tempered bent Murphy visited Mr. AI- wa e.Duonker onstrucfthioC atrnosphere added a nice touch bert Murphy at Hamilton San- ekDuerCntcioC. i ta eypleasant event. ru. Ltd., Kitchener, are the cantrac- It was a treat ta see the min- tors on this job, which it la ister, Rev. J. M. Somerville, Mr. and Mns. Wm. Johnson estimated will coît $419,000. eyeing the crowd speculatively and Willie viîited Mn. sud Mns. The addition ta the Bowman- -perhaps wishing that the B ert Johnson.: ille District High School will average citizen were as inter- Mn. and Mrs. John Malette, ontain a ganeral îbop roomn for ested in bis spiritual welfare, 'yrone, r An-woodworking and matai work, as bis temiporal, and noting the nvitrsaM.anMr.A an agicultural room for teacb- differenca in size between the Million. ing modemn agicultural science, "free feed" weekly day crowd Mr. and Mns. Fred Pantner' an home economnica room, a sew- and he undy cngrgaton;witb Mn. and Mmi. Harvey ing noom, a music room, an art sudtheSudayconreatin.Partnan,* Tyrone. room, a libmary and two standard Natraly ou refr uttr gAlhoub MssAlen Aed Mr. Frank Peterson, Osh- clasîroomi. Nawmly ou refr bttt i lthughMis Alen kedawa, with Mn. and Mris. R. In addition It will bousea will give Statesman readans a Gibson. gmaim rnia' fie It'sa amatural dair3r food, made of id' camplete account oai-the sea m n kEeTo agrenoiuse offrithipagrficetra whaesoe ceam dlivnedta ou îo's iri metig a th D rornto, and Mn. and Mns. Fred noom, and boys' and girls' wash- bamn County Club ai Toronto Partnem with Mr. and Mn. nrooms. A cafeteia ilasoa oecamry while fk la countiy-fnesh. on Oct. 28, 1 hope she won't Walter Vaneyk. builtrin the b asemnt o ed mind me sayîng how niuch I iRobertionof heol Butten's flavor is ail its 0V/S.. -ejoe Mr. and Mrs. Roetsn chool, utilizing ipace now taken bnoe er neadings ai the Bowmanville, with Mn. and up hY two lunchrooms and a mild, ddlicate, creaniy. For finit minutes ai the club, Aug. Mrs. A. Million. bie am good eating. good living, 8, 1898. ____oh________keon bilr oon The olost ad hr acom-vîîited bier daughtar, Mns. Win. tees nothIng lie butter! panist wera unusually good mu- Johnson. B A K T C sicians, and much enjQyed by Mr and Mrs. Fred Camaron, BA K T C For a bookiet of grand '15w jair the audience. Hampton, Mr. and Mns. John Until last Thursday, I'd neyer Wright and Muriel, Janatviile, (Intendad for lait week) foodreclpay, write ta Marie Fraser. beard Jobnny James, M.P., giva wene visitons ai Mn. and Mns. The unused schools in Cant- Q -a public addrass. I now realize R. Gibson. wright were sold by Tender as **IRn FOOD$ iavas uifflu wbat pleasune I've missad. His Glad ta report Mns. Walter follows: Purpie Hill School was A Diisin o Dory Fmm f Cn4àthinty-five minutes, forceful Vaneyk borne from Bowman- hought by the Purpie Hill L. A4DivisiON STREETmTRO fCNOa thought-provoking, non-politi- vil le Hospital much impoved O.L. 399; Archers School, 409 H RON TREET TOR NTO c l ad re m oselait s auodenc in healtb. M r. and M rs. H . D e bought y Leslie A rgue; Cad- wi s n oforea h ia laMille and boys, Mr. and Mns. mus School, hought hy Clar~ence * harsugec a Get nian S. Van Damn, Burketon; Mn. and Mountjoy; Mahoodi Scbool. in relation ta current Interna- m.BJonnM.adMsbugtyRisPipCaar tional affais. r.1.JhsnMran r.buh yRs il;Ce&- Ha exprassed the hope that Robent Sim and Mr. and Mns. ea School, hougbt by Harold' thaDonandHuberRivr. Vaneyk wera Fniday aven- Beacock;Egypt School, bouglit they ton tas Hu brfinan- rng visitons wlth Mr. and Mmi. by Bart Van Ryswyk. cialleyaid îr alî lavais a o- W. Vaneyk. The following young peoe ernmntwillInsitut 'M Mn. and Mns. Fred O. Smith, attended the Convention at Ai.. emnen, il Intiut ime- Gloria and Bob, Bowmanviile; monte aven the weekend: Joyce diae onervtin 'eatic', Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook and Graham, Joan Hoskin, Phyllis wbich, in future, might avant LauanadMs lniStogDre VnCm ad duplication of the bonror andCunaie, LindMisansay ee Snolng VDneenC an Cmpan bavoc wrougbt by the late îam- Cmessuwer Linsayofwer.Sun-dHelenanCm. LodBeacock ented "Hurricane Hazel' dy sPprustaiM.nd M.ndMsLly We agree one bundrad pejr' Mmi F. G. Smith and Graca. weme Sunday guesti 'aiMr. and Mn. G. Kovac bas put insul- Mrs. George Wolfe. cent with bis opinion that any brie on their bouse. Mr. and Mmi. Harvey Ginn, civil defense program, for any Misses Pauline Robinson, Omono, witb Mm. and,. Mrs. G. comuniy, houd h adins- June Waddell, Maisia Galla- Tennant and Mmi. James Ginn. terd y esrveuntsofd h gher and Mmi. H. Shantz, Ham- Mr. Merlin Bailey, Toronto, armed services, wbo had, 50 ilton; Mmi. Charles Forbeck, at borne. racently proven their efficiency H S-~andworh a ths tpe i wrk. milton, ware gueits ai Mn. Mrs. Wilbert Archer, Mns. sud mi.OrmeMiler.Perey Van Camp. Mrs. Clan- - " C nad neds leny o M. Send Flood Donation ence Marlow and M mi. Earl P. lkeJonn! en wth Tuasday evening, October 19 Bradburn attended Osbawa sufiintinelienetat.n ten members ai Club 50 motor- Presbyteny convention at En- pnoresivlyandwih eouh d ta Courtice wbene they niskilien Church. san inthen caw a aguewene guesti ai Mns. Ethel Go- Mr-. and Mns. Herb Swain, thgeir po with force, w lth he along with tw a visitos. Miriam, Donald and Ralp, ________ ________ 'emes on boo O rsdG$25Stath HurrcnedRei M. and M. Ceiuperguson, business. It was decîded ta ers, Bowmanville. logi, wih oni orte ook PO r es. G.5 Sth courrcadhe ith M. and Mrs. clFRun y Fund. Miss Hazel Pantnan, pro- Newcastle, with Mr. and Mmi. fram convenor, presented this Russell Mountjoy. pnogram: Scriptune and devo- Rav. George Nicholson con- tional were vary ably taken ducteci Holy Communion at St. by Mmi. Gwen Murphy; raad- John's Chunch, Bowmanvilla. BARGAIN COACH FARES ing by Mra. John Johnston, Mn. and Mrs. Wain Swain, Mrs. eggyMilion, Mns. Ethel Toronto, visited their relatives Gobe ndK.eith Gable. at teweed IUESDAY AND N O -Ipg? Million offerad Mn. Lancaster, Etohicoke * WENIStY m V1l IIIf meeting wben alection af offi- Phillips Church, was guest at cers wlll take place. St. John's on Sunday. Ha and RETURN LIMIT-7 DAYS Mmi. Doris Baker and Grace bis wife wera entertained at Smith are program convenors. the Rectory. 0I Lunch was served by the hast- Richard Lionel Downey, in- oss and committee. fant son of Mr. and Mmi. Beibween TORONTO Rev. and Mri. A. E. Cross- George Downey, Cadmus, was ROUND TNP YOU well and Eldon, Lindsay, ware cbistaned hy Rev. George AND COACH PARE SA VE Sunday evening callens witb Nicholson at St. John's Angli- 0 MONTREAL . . . . $12.90 $8. 15 Mr. and Mns. F. G. Smith and - ___ OTTAWA -. . 9.55s 6.00 Mn. and Mns. Wn.#Babich FAST RELIEF FOR 4PETERORO -.. 3.00 1.85 and famlly, Cauntice, witb Mr. WINDSOR . eand8.65 .50.sîckaws athd Gau OWEN SOUHD. 4.75 3.00 briel.M.G. ayc dGa A !H N *LONDON . . . . . 4.40 2.80 Sarry ta report Harry, John *WINDSOR . and Bruce Baker have been A- I *D -ply o- ROC "D.yiiwb.. ot-eu..wbéo e Tomoo-Pe.N.bwo..d. Wo.staloS%. san, Gordon, who lives in Cal- 1 l1£ can Chunch on Sunday. Waiby family ai Oakville,. weme guasti of the Fred Ham- Mlons and Mr. and Mri. R. Wall. His friands are glad ta know that Mn. Orr Venning la im- pnoving fine aftem bis opera- tion in Community Hospital, Pont Ferry. Mnr. and Mmi. Charles Wilson, Clem and Glenn, wîth the Ai- bert Timms, South Myrtle. Mn. and Mri. Mervyn Gra- ham, Mmi. Edna Gibson wîth Mm. and Mmi. Bruce Gibson, Pont Hope. Mn. and Mmi. Howard Poul- son and Nancy, Mmi. Harny Poulson, Fenelon Falls, with Ray McGills. Cartwright was represented at the Provincial Junior F4rm- arg; JcIdging Competition et Guelph. Donald Green and Lawrence McLaughlln, the Beai Taam were placed second; Allan Dayes and Mal Samelîs, the Swinc Team, placed eigbth. St. John's Anglican Cbunch Turkey Supper Friday evaning was a fine succeis. Rev. Nich- olson showad alîdes in the evening. Mmi. Alex Jobnston with the Avenys at Tilbury. Mr. and Mmi. Carl Wright, Mr. and Mmi. Dalton Dornel and family with Mn. and Mns. Jim Marlow. Public Spçaking Contest Annuai Public Speaking Con- test for Cartwright Public School pupils was held ini the Recreational Centre lait Wad- nesday avening. Eaml Dorrel and R1. W. Jackson are the Di- nectars for Cartwright. Mr. Donnaîl acted as chairman. The Maple Leaf apened the aven- ingi proceadingi with chonuses by the pupils undan thea dinec- tion of Mn. Gay, intenspensed I $1 land, "Floride. the Sunshine State"l. Miss Barrie cf the %ih School' staff wa.s the Judge 'and gave a fine constructive crnti- ciîm. She placed Jack Swai% tinst and Betty De Vries, sec- ond. They will go ta the corn. petition at Solina this weelr. Port Penny Lions Club donated finît. prize and Dr. McArthur donated second prize. Henry' Thompson gave a prize ta the teachers. Roy Turner and Grant Campbell. AUl the other con- testants received a git frorn the School Board. Jr. Farmers Have Brooklin The October meeting of the Durham Junior Farmers was held on October 22nd at Orono Town Hall. The meeting commenced by everybody joining in singing the Junior Farmers' Sang whlch was foilowed by a sing sang led by Mary McHolm. Marg Aiken. the president, welcomed out visitors the nelghbournn Jun- L.S.NG.-Hrber Po ior Farmers fromn Brooklin. L.SN.G-Heber Pwell; It was declded at the execu. :t Winacott; Warden-George tive meeting that the banquet a Caswell; R.S.V.G.-Donald and dance would be held an d.-Bruce Lonsberry; O.G.-- November 26, 1954, in Newcas- t when picture taken). tle Hall., The committees in -Phoo b Redercharge ai the banquet and -Phoo b Rederdance gave reports an the pro. gress of their cammittees. It through the content. was also noted that the dead- Th ui and their subjects lune for entnies for the publie epupis .speaking contest b. rnifddle af were: Patnicia De Vries, "This Navember. Canada"; La r ry A sh t on, Glenn Larmer was then call- "Spring-board ta Succesi"; ed upon ta Introduce Barbara Bonny Saywell, 'The Worth ai Redner from Belleville. Bar. a Smile"; Diane Blair, "What bara îhowed us some beautiful Makes a Successful Student"; coloun sldes that she took while Bill Hutton, I'Alberta's Black on the exchange visit ta the W a ter"; Nicole Fo rr e st, British Ilies lait summer. Twne Tinkle LiteSa; The evening was brought ta Ju ne Wry, "Queen of the Plue la close bv games, dancing and W7vaters" <Marilyn Bell); Mar- then lunch. garet Davison, "Canacuian tLi- zen"; Leilie Asseistine, "Why I Ath Proud ta be a Country The religions ai the world Boy"; Jack Swaîn, "Ryerson are the ejaculatios ofa a few Institute; Sylvia Kozub, "GusiImaginative inen.-Ralph Walde Ryder"; Barry Fisher, "lBird Emerson. Migration"; Betty De Vries, "A No day should close witbout New Canadian"; Frances Stani- a look at the stas.-Jean Paul '350 FOR YOUR OLD WASHER REGARDLESS 0F AGE MAKE OR CONDITION# DURING THIS SALE off 5YEEK 0#&Y 'Superline Washerl Ihi. ho stylilhmodem washer, wth MfuitImth skirt, doimo shaped ld id dtudt. e " non- splash tub. Ho$ t he remous Beatty '*5Iman hbc"" woshlng action - quickest and cleaneat in th# world. Tub hm, top capacity. ;Touch reote malceswringe $e. t0'vie -'and end feset readjuuis the pesu,. qulckly. Note the. clwomiom piated tcays end ti. Nos the. latest Beatty, heavy duty, bail buoring mochaniom. NO BELTS. Life. ubdcoted. TOTAL VALUE OF WASHER ANo BLANKET $247.0 TRADE-IN AtowANcE 11.50 YOU PAY 7 oNLY $169.50 NO DOWN PAYMENT if YOU HAVE A TRADE, TERMS TO SUIT 'Mason & Date HARDWARE MA 3-5408 Bowmanvifle 36 King St. UESDAT. NOV. 4tn. lI AND THIS 4$479-50 ELECTRIC BLANKET ~ DOUBLE BED SIZE. k uis Automatic - hia$ 9 saFeîy thermostats. Set control for the. .**., temperature you want. Talces very laffi. current. Keepi you . more comfortable thon 3 wool ~j blonicets. Hos Rayon Satine bindingi. Unconditional GUARANTEE. INCLUDED WITH THIS SUPERS NEW WASHER quom dqàwàvwàku amafflm1wa» Bowmanville m NM MA 3-5408 36 King st. a

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