9't 9AAfTAPS<"A'IWOD ~ fBUMA I"rIVV1 TAJ commîttee convened oy r.f Clarence Turner. The next meeting will be held on Fniday S naws HIud,,>Nov. 26. Annual PartyCanadian women used an t average of slightly more than i, 1 Il pains each ai full-iashianedv O n Hflw , é hosiery in 1953. if What wiI a n ew 4 ti të Without diagnosis, pickup, installation or delivery charges, the Iatest price list issueti by General Electric an August 23rd, 1954, lists the AVERAGE price of a 21"1 picture tube as $57.70. It lists 27 different types of 21" picture tubes, ranging in price from $80.45 ta $46.95. PROTECT yaurself against this unexpecteti expense - andi al other expenses, deinys andi cares of your televîsion set by inquîring today about aur Television Service Contract, with the partial REFUND feature if you shauld nfot have occasion ta use it. Mail the attacheti coupon for full particulars, Or telephone us, èind a representative will be pleaseti to explain aur contract fully ta you tit your convenience, We cen guerantee to caver any make of set. BOWMANVILLE Protection Company PHONE MA 3-3883 *1 - - - - - - - t - - - - - Date. Name Phone _______ give me fulil details about your %eo na-~îw , ~. V-~ There was a sound of revelry by night and an inspection it proved ta be the annual Home and Schaol Hallawe'en party at Shaw'& Schoaal held on Friday night, Oct. 29. A capacity crowd, decorated windows, beautiful, weird, comic and teniiying f ig- unes danting hene and there, r shrieks af laughter, the fright- ened cries ai little childnen set ; the scene for this memoniable occasion. Kenneth Wenny. president, acting as master ai cenemanies introduced the judges, Mns. At- chison, a former teacher, Mn. Hohbs, supervising principal ai the ares, and Mr. McMaster, chairman af the Anea school board. Those present apprecia- * ed the fine musical program provided by Mns. Otto Bragg bath during the pne-view ai diffenent classes and actual Special Low Rail Fares TO Royal Agricultural Winter fair TORONTO, NOV. 12-20 FARE AND Ô¶E-HALFP FOR TUE ROUND TRIP Good going-Thursday, Nov. 11 to Saturday, Nov. 2Oth inclusive. Return-Leave Toronto flot later thet midnight, Nov. 2lst. Pull information from any agent i 1- l.et, Pink Pilla for Pale People. H m conomist Describes firee famous pills were a cure Recently VVed in Trinity for wla ails you, from un- 4-H Club Work to W. 1. Meeortbinenurgt g Two beautiful vocal solos Bowmanvile Women's In- The clothîng units are, BigbMrs. Kol. Thui asex stitute met an Thuraday even- Well Dressed and Well Bioo m rs ae copne ing ith35 ampoi d, Cttos My B SGrm- pressed by Mrs. E. Jackman, members as their guesta Pes- dCtnshlM Wa , BeeparingMrs. G. R hsankd as.ex- ing with 35Shaîl I Wea, SleepingButtery. Rcad n r.T dent Mns. T. Buttery heartily Garments, Workmng With Wool. Mrs. L. Truli, Hampton, welcomed the guests. The Club Girl Entertai"s: thanked the Bowmanville memi The usual opening exercises Hospitality in the Home is 1 bers for their kind welcome and routine were follawed by studied with emphà'sis on the and hospitality. President Mrs. roll cafl-a shower of fruit, planning -and préparation Of: T. M. Chant, Hampton, also jams and pickles for the Mem- refreshments for vaioius oc- added hier appreciation. A very criai Hospital. casions. There is also a Home enjoyable evening was spent Mns. R. Webber mntroduced Defence Club called, The Club by ail followed by a dainty the guest speaker, Miss E. Girl Stands on Guard, and the, lunch served by Mrs. G. Rich- oemye, Home Economist for Home Garden Club, where she ards, convener, and her group. D~urham, Peterborough a nd will study the care of a gardien, Victoria. After thanking Mrs. cannmng, freezing, c o mnmia n I *Webber for the kind introduc -stonage, and the use af vege- J701(oe~~ A~ tion Miss E. Smye expressed tables in meals. 1 ZION (Hope ~Twnship)~ thanks toa aU branches of the The béat value oi club work W.L. for the support and help i h esnlt rista Friday aitennoon was a gayL they have given ta thé Home- are developed ini the club girl: time for the Zion school pupils iniaking Clubs, and the way inl dependability, co-operation, in-las they celebrated Hallowe'en, wkich they have developed tegrity, resourcefulness a n d venturing forth, representing the clubs ta the tremendous seif-reliance. everything from -M i c k e y national organization they are MisSy pkofoma 1 Mouse" ta "Big bold pirates". taday. Ms mesoea 0mn The programi was followed Spekin ona paseai o ppantunities the 4-H Club has by games, contests, etc., and Sec g nomi a hihaisenofHme oat a fer girls, 12 ta 26. In clos- then a big lunch, with candy familiar and interesting, the apngeshencangratulated Bowman- 4- H Ms ville Club an having gaodapesndsfotw nd p - omemaking Club, Ms leaders as Mrs. T. Buttery and a happy aitennoon. Many un- Smye said the club girl gains Mrs R. Webber. aer school age youngsters a practical knowledge ai 15 dif- 1joined the party. ferent units, each teaching and Mrs. W. Horn, Hampton, The younger set were out in stnessing a different facet ai program convener, introduced Ifull force anaund Hill Top Sat- knowledge of Home Ecan- the first number, a 2-piano duet unday evening. All in disguise *omics. There are five goad by Miss J. Niddery and Mns. and certainly flot afraid Of *clubs, Supper Club, Dressing Cale with a lighted candle on1 witches. Same ai the busy lads ~ ~--s Up Home Grown Vegetables, the piano. Liherace has nothîng1 were caught up ta their tricks. The Mlky Way, Meat in thelaon these talented ladies. lWe're still wandering if a cer- Menu, The Cereal Sheli. 1 The highlight number wa.s tain yaung fellow has located! The girls learn the principles I an amusing reading by Miss J. his bicycle yet that a passiflg The marriage of Shirley Evelyn Jean Farraw cf good nutrition and the pre-1 Niddery. a charming TV and matarist picked up (as a joke) paration and coaking of food. 'radia annauncer selling Plun- while the masked man was in and Denis Raymond Severn took place in Trinity United - ------ - - hiding or did he walk home? Church, Bawmanville, an October l6th. The bride, daugh- #Mns. E. Ruthven spent Thurs- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Farraw, Bawmanvîlle, is about day of last week in Peterbano. t intergse olwn h eeoy h ro Mrs. Carmen Irwîn. has been o. intergse alwn h eeoy h ro B ig o rwiffi ber parents, recavering is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Severn also of omn Br1n 'Yo r frm anattack ai influenza. We ville. are pleaseci ta hear she is well -Photo by Rehder and home again. ilMr. and Mrs. Peter Kessler ugn.Th fieqatyo PA IN T IN G and John, spent Saturday even-IB ride, Entertained jdig h ieqaiya Raby. lnsm lsssmd unue CoaslainMs tM r allw-Prior to a rrag ather difîicuît.juin I. O BE M S Csell:Z:anMs tar alw Mis adinHlla m The president reminded those el h eemarried last Sat- Mis adinHllwsm h present that Shaw's H. & S. undy itrnon t ewon- ententained prion ta her mar- Club was iaunded 20 years aga Io ville United rch. n ew rage on Oct. 16 ta Mn. Elgin. villeUnitd Chrch.and called on the iirst presi- Congratulations also ta Mr. M. Heard. A miscellaneous dent, Mns. Walter Rickard, ta y S- Sid Brown. the Newtonville shower was given at the hame niake the presentation af the J. , uer eir }'svillage stonekeeper, who tookof Mrs. Bud Moses, Damb finst two prizes. The other pri- J. H . A ernethunto himseli a bride last Sat- Lane, assisted by Mrs. D.Man- zes were presented by the unday. tin, when iniends and neighbons i udges in turn. on ~There was a veny good at- gathered ta showen the bride-î Best dressed girl, pre-school g tendance at Zion Thankoffer- to-be with maily lavely gifts. age -L Margaret Werry, chick- S tu d y, I~ o . 1ing services Sunday mraninig After the gifts were pnd a en. fl and evening, Oct. 24.Th eliciaus lunch was served by Best dressed boy, pre-school S a ur ay ov 6 h Church aspnettily decarated Mns. Moses, Mrs. Martinan g - Ray Ripley, pirate. whnwith late Autumn flawers for Mrs. Don Allin. Best dressed girl, pblic when ~the occasion. Rev. Lufiman ofî A miscellaneaus shower was school age - 1 Ruth Man ie Baltimore was in charge ai bath gîven at the home ai Mr. and Werry, faîry; 2 Mangaret Cny- services. Welcome choair pro- M ns.Lamne Hoskin, Bunketon, derman. M R. W . REIM ERvided special music for the where many useful and lovely Best dressed boy, public monning service. A solo was jgfts were received. The bride school age - lFreddy Graham, of the nicely sung by Mn. Lloyd Kel- and groom expressed their 8 Jimmy Smale, penguin. logg. Bethesda chair provided thanks ta the hast and hostess Chanacter- costume, girls- msic for the evening. Sevenal and all present. Aften everyane Janet Graham, Rudalph, red- P ITTSBURGH PAINT CO * Iavely anthemis were given. adbee w 53 hoere wthnasd neer.t by will be in our store to answer your questions sincere thanks and apprecia- taken by Ken Hoskin af Osh- David Wenry, Huckleberny tian ta Rev. Lufimnan and visit- awa. A deliciaus lunch waS iFinn.1 ing chairs fon their splendid served. Mo.st original costume - On- II A i lassistance at these services. A presentation was made ta ville Osborne, n e v a 1 v i n g The Women's- Association the bride and groom in Ennis- clotheslîne with milady's wash J. Hi. I-I ern et n, served lunch ta the visiting killen omnt Hall when out ta dry. AyTad \V L P PR chair Sunday evening. they neceived a beautiful Comic costume, children and hammered aluminum lazy- Comic costume, aduits - 85 King St. W. Phone MA 3-5431 Official comparîson: It takessusan senving tray. Everyone Tins Husak, a tramp. $101 ta buy what $100 would enjoyed a deliciaus lunch. Best dnessed lady -Barbara purchase a yean aga. A presentatian and pantry Bnowse. ___________________________________________________________________ shower was given at the home Best dnessed gentleman- of a Mrs. Ross Romhough, High Lyian Brown. Street, assisted by Mns. Normani Best couple - Mn. and Mns.c Wilcax, when the bride and L. Wood - Old fashîoned cou- groomn, eceived an ironing ie.a board, sandwich toaster, and Biest Hallawe'en costume, lange box ai gracenies. The girls-Donna Ayne, clown. c hostesses served a lovely lunch. Best Hallowe'en costume, The groom was honored by boys - James Lane, witch. TELE V ISIO N hisfellow workrs, employes National cse - Michael t ai Mn. Howand Hoskin, Con- Cddra, ete tracorOshwa.Las Ûodayman. evenng hey resntedhim Lunch of sandwiches, cookies, with the gift ai a lovely Ken- pumpkin tants and caifee wasE flWLIC DCt sred_ b herfrsmet STARK VILLE Miss B. Willianms, Toronta, with Mn. and Mrs. }'ned Todd. Mn. and Mns. Morley Robin- son visited Mn. and Mns. R. Boughen, Newtonville. Quite a number attended the Caswell -Hallowell wed- ding at Newtonville United Chunch Satunday afternaon. Mns. Bert Trima visited friends in Oshawa necently. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Little and family, Healey Falls, were guests ai Mn. and Mns. Orme Falls during the weekend as also wene Mn. and Mrs. Paul Bundette, Toranto. Mr. and Mns. Ross Hallowell and Jack have maved ta hio home in Bawmanville. Mn. and Mns. Lawnence Sav- ery, Oshawa, at Mn. Wm. Sav- ery's, Sunday. The annivensary services at Shiloh wene well attended on Sunday. In the afternoon Rev. Fisher, Newcastle, sok.j Music was pravided by Sh-ilo-1- choir with twa fine anthems and Mns. Morley Robinson, saloi.st. Music at the evening service was pnavided by ODrano choir and a fine message by Rev. Luffmani Baltimore. Mr. and Mns. Charles Yule and Dianne, Oshawa. at Mn. Ewant Rabinson's. Mns. George Smith, New- castle, attended Shîloh anni- versary and was guest at Mn. Percy Farrow's. Same attended the presenta-I tian for Mn. and Mns. Reid Wood at Newtanville Satunday evening. ,Mr. Wm. Hallawell, Newton- ville, spent a few days visiting friends in thîs district recently. Mns. A. Gibsan, Newcastle, wais guest at Mr. Harold Souch's an Sunday. Mn. and Mns. Hugh Kelly and Mns. Whitmee, Bawman- ville, with Mn. and Mns. Lamne Tadd Sunday. Miss Colleen Falls, Taronto, with Mn. and Mns. Llew JfallQ.- well. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallawell at Mr. Morley Rabinsan's Sun- day. Mn. and Mns. Clin ton Farrow1 and son, Newtanville, were 'Sunday guests ai Mn. and Mns. Carl Todd. Friday evening Mns. Harold Cas.well, Zion, entertained ai- ýter the wedding rehearsel for the Caswell - Hallowell wed- ding. Mn. Jack Walker and Miss Beulah Hallawell, Toronto, were weekend guests with Miss aNoma Hallowell. Recently an organized shoot- ing ai wolves occunned in Mn. Llew Hallowell's woads when one was killed and another seriously wounded. It appears this incident iallowed the ser- ioua molestation ai sheep else- .vhere with the wolves being 'ound in this ares. L USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN $1800 IIOLDS ANY ARTICLE UNTIL CHRISTMAS ________________ I introducing to BowmanvilleI THIE MAN FROM Scei 6bipRes AND 1115 WORLD FAINOLJS BEVERAGES Meet Commander Edward Whitehead cf Londan, England - "Thirot Envoy" to North Americ. from the Bouse of Sebweppes which bas been great institution ince 1794. The Commandert importe the original essences for Schwcppes Tomie Water, Scbweppes Club Soda and Scbweppes Ginger Aie so that these world-famous beverages eau be bottled rigbt here in Canada and brought to vou at popular pnices. "Schiwepperv.escenee lasts the whole drink throuîgh," says the Commander. Enjov ibis unique carbonation in the authentic Gin-and-Tonir, or a highball mixed with Scbwep. pes Club Soda or Ginger Aie. Takes only 30 seconda ta mix ini a tafl glass. Wonderfuil RETAILERS MAY OSTAIN iiiit SU PPLIES BY ('ALLING SINITH BEVERAGES, LTD.. TELEPIIONE MA 3-6520, AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR FOR BOWMANVJLLE TERRITORX t.-.. Pic fure Tube cosf you? Television Service 0 DIVISION &T. S. Atidreu - i Without, obligation, please Television Service Contract. TEE CAIqAnt« MITATP-ttu,&v lRnWUAMM11P rWMADIO% ---------- -- ----------------- THURSDAY. NOV. 4th, 1954' ILegion Auxiliary I HAMPTON 1 iofsatiG Adolshw, woenvSun ;Makes Plans for Mr. Riussell Reynolds, Toron- MssFornay.ry Bw to, spent a few days with his manville, is now residing at the 'A disic u p r sisterLlRends home of Miss L. Reynolds. Armstce up erMr. W. G. Giffler, Sunder- Miss AnnabelI: Adcock vis- The Canadian Legion Aux- land, visited Mr. and Mrs. The- ited Mr. and Mrs. J. Saunder, ihiary held their meeting at ron Mountjoy for a day or twO. :Oshawa, on Sunday. the Legion Hall Nov. 1 with Miss Bertha Armaur, Reg-; Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Presient E RunNe.,fLon~don, spent the week-end S. G. Niddery ini the death of chair.- Minutes of the laâtie hrNarnt, r.aLons.! i metngwee ea ad p-withhrprns r n r. lher' sister,.- Mrs. C. Gage, re- proved. Com. M. Este was Go ror ety initiated into the Auxiliary. Mrs. Harland Truil, Mrs.1 A goodly number of Women'a Five applicatin wee prov- Harold Salter and Mrs. Loren- Institute ladies were guesao ed for membership.1 zo Truil, visited in Peterbora, Bowmanville W. I. on Thurs- Correspondence w a s read onTe1 dyo as ek day evening when Miss Smy,,, and included many cards of, Mrs. Wes. Hosgin, Harmony, Home Economist, was gues%. thanks. Com. Beard is to con- called on friends in the village,1 speaker. A pleasant sgcial even!l. vene the parcels ta be sent taOon Saturday. ing was spent together.-1 active service men. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer William- A number of Hampton ladies ý îComn. Humphrey to conven'e son, Miss Mary Keith, Toron- attended the Womnen's Institute euchres for month of Novem- to; Mr. Louis Williamson, Mr.bz" tSln nWdedy er.e bazaar a been cnland Mrsf. Mitchell, Ponty- atron celd until spring. Com. pool, were Sunday visitors withi Knight ta convene a wedding Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dewell. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lyon and on Dec. 4. Reports were given j Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mount- family have moved into their by special committees. Mem- jy attended anniversary ser- nice home in the south, end of bers were reminded ta assist vices at Cambridge St. United the village. rwith the Poppy Fund DriveI Church, Lindsay, and visited Rev. C. W. Hutton W-Black- the Armistice Supper and a with Mr. and Mrs. C. Staples. stock, occupied the pulpit atkL gaod turnout is expected for Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cunning- the Sunday mornixig church-> church parades this Sunday. ham, Fenelon Falls, were Sun- service, taking for his text, "For Meeting was adjourned fl day visitors at Harland Trull's. Iwjthout me ye can do noth- lowed by lunch. The draw Mrs. Austin Barron enter- jing". He presented a chafleng- was won by Com. Hayes anid tained friencis in honor of her ing message which contained. donated by Com. Rundle. brother, Franklin Trull's birth- 'many inspiring# thoughts. day on Saturday evening. _ Being laymen's service, next ivi. a. L. i11tL was WILIISunda-, AMr. Fred Ormiston of relatives at Fenelon Falls forIBrooklin, will occupy the pu:l- a few days last week.; pit at the Sunday mornirîg Mrs. S. Kersey, Mrs. Jack. church service. Sunday School Lyon and Judy attended a at 2 p.m. birthday party at the home aiof_________ Mrs. Mel McCune, Varcoe's Rd. an Saturday when her daugh- Logan Mauntain, tawering ta ter Cheryl celebrated her third 198,500 feet an the Yukon Alas- birthday.: ka boundary, is Canada's high- 1Mr. and Mrs. Bill Doidgesj est peak.