Culverhouse - Choice Cream Corn Choice - 4s - 5's AyIçner Peas OId South Orange Juice - -~~' ,r TUECANADUN 1 TATSURAEWAVLL.O4AI taffeta which had three quar- 1I ter length sleeves and portrait j rnecklinies. Their ulioes and bats Iwere in matching color mnd yellow Shasta 'muni. W edd *n z JQThe bride's mother, dressa~ In aqua wool and wore a browri velvet bat and a cor5age o Butterfly roses. The grooms L... mother was in a mink brown * wool dress and matching shadc bat and she wore tawny goid ïï roses in a corsage. The wedding reception was held in the YWCA with friends trom Sault Ste. Marie, Lively, Kingston, Orillia, Toronto, Osh- BICHELSON- DYSON worte bandeaux of nylon tulle awa, Port Hope and Roseneath to match their gowns. as well as from Peterborough ~A very pretty evening wed- Mr. Wlbert Michelson, A&n. attending. ding took place ini the Evan. pnior, brother of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Green will 11elàitc Contre, Bowmanvillle, acted as best man, and uhn make their home in Toronto on Oct.1 8 When Lorraine Ell- were Elmer Michelson andr after a short honeyrnoon. 'Ibeertheyan Of Bowmanville, Kenneth Michelson, also broth- For her going away outfit, bcnetebride of Mr. James ers. and Mr. Lorne Trimble, edhsuibrid ele da-toônas-or Harold Michelson. Arnprlor. Bowmanvîlîe. dhesuitd drbsenacel The bride la the daughter of A reception was held in the :orie. and she had a gardenia )4r$' George Dyson, Toronto, Lions Community Centre, Beecn corsage. and the î_Mr. Dyson, and the Ave., the bride's mother wear- gom ffl he son of Mr. and ing a dress of wine crepe with HEARD - -HALL ,àgrs. Charles Michelson of Arn- navy accessories and corsage lwprlir. 1 o! yellow roses, The groom's St. John's Anglican Ch~urch, 1 ev. J. G. McElhoes, Parry mether assisted, wearing a Bowmanville, was the scene of Bound, officiated, assisted by navy crepé dress with navy the marriage on Oct. 16 of Ma- ]Rev F. B. Fifield, Bowman- and wine accessories. Her cor- deline' Winnifred, daughter of ville. White 'munis, gladioli sage wvas o! red roses. Mr. and Mrs. Royal S. Hall, and candelabra formed the The bride and groomT left la- Bowmanville, to Elgin Mar- background for the ceremony. ter on a weddîng trip to North- wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mar- Miss Leta Bragg, Bowmanville ern Ontario, the bride wearin4 Wood .W. Heard, Enniskillen. Played the wedding music and for travel a navy suit with WhNte and -yellow 'munis accompanied the soloist, Mias dusty rose hat and accessorieis formed the background for th? V'erna .Syme, of Cookoville. of navy. Mr. and Mrs. Michel- ceremony, performed by Rev. The bride was given ln mar. non will reside In Mac Tier, Warren N. Turner. Mr. John ria e by Bey. E. C. O'Brien, Ontario, where the groom will Smart played the wedding mu-1 Orillia, and chose a floor length be pastor of thé Pentecostal sic. gown of white sîlk embroider- Church there. He is a graci- The bride was given in mar- cd taffeta with moulded bodice uate of Eastern Pentecostal niage by ber father and chose1 and, bouffant akint, The bodic* Bible College, Peterborough, a floor length gown of white i leatured a portrait neckline and the bride is a dsaconess slipper satin with moulded],j and brie! scalloF ed s'eeves. and graduate o! Eastern Pente- Inaatch-ng th: scallop motif )f costal Bible College at Toronto. the She wore elbow Prior to ber manniage, the lehi<t mittens of lace. Her fin- bride vas the gueEt of honor at 21lst 1UfllUflL ger tlp ve1 of nylon tulle vwas several showers. The Evange- caught- to a matching coronet listic Centre, Bowmanville, onv and. she carried a white Bible Sept. 25 gave a miscellaneous cregt4'd. With pink roses. Sweet- shower held in the homne of heant roies were also caught in Mrs. Don MacDonald. King St. the White streamers. East. On Oct. 5 Miss Vera Miss Vera Clapp, .Bowman- Clapp was hostess at a miscel- v'ille, was maid of honor, wear- laneous shower wben friends Iig a ballerina length gown o! !nom Whitby, Oshawa, Toron- silver. green taffeta and car- to and Bowmanville were pres- riéd a nosegay of bronze 'munis. ent. Miss'Donna Poley, gowned in A post-nuptial neceotion was silvei aed taf'eta, was jun*,or held in Arnprior on Oct. 16 for 0 bndswi ndcnre ns-the bride and groom at the b ga- àl'yellow *munis. Both home of the gnoom's mother - - -wben ail the relatives not pres- ent et the ivedding had the oo- nootunity of .offering congra- tulations to the couple. About 70 were present and many love- JIt5 easy lW gifts wr eevd On Oct. 19, the Arnprion Pen- tecostal Church honored the t O couple with a miscelianeoua shower held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. è le-Mihlo orcleri'our when close to 70 fiends were CA NADA PUCKRIN - -R1SO 5A vi ~In a quiet cerem ony on Oct. T77 'IN G 16 et the United Cburch par- sonage, Enniskillen, Lois Iona Ormiston, daugbter of Mr. and 4 Mrs. Harold Ormiston, Enfield, B ON D Sbecame the bride o! Irvin Isaac Puckrin, son o! Mr. and Mns. ' US!g< Isaac Puckrin of Whitby. Rev. f/ &g, R. M. Seymour performed the The bride wore a navy blu.e ,just write or telephone and suit wlth red accessorieà and E say whast you wish te buy, a corsage o! white gardenias. &Md an application form with She also caraed a white Bible cnested with gandenias and bey-c H E compIete details will be ing small white gardenias uaaiied tg you immediately. ceught in the white ribbon streamers. CANADA SAVINGS BONDS Miss Mary Helen Bowmnan, aethe safest investiment you Enfield, was her attendant, a/ay orh weaning a blue elysce suit with2 R « nts o the o lar: and navy eccessories. Her corsage2 F 100 cnso h olr n was of pink roses. Mn. Alvin you can get your money Puckrin, Whîtby, brother o! the gom. was best man. baclc anytinie you need it. A eptowahldtte home cf the bride's parents, the bride's mother receiving In W'ood, Gundy a dresseof navy blue crepe with &Company Llxited matching eccessonies. Assisting 36 King Street West lier was, the groom's sister wbn wore pale blue brocaded ta!- PLAIN OR SALTED Toronto 1 feta with black accessories. CH IS E S Both were corsages of red CiR St E' Telephone EMpire 4-4321 rose. . GENERAL ELECTRIC The young couple left on a, L C H U D _________________wedding trip te Owen Sound L C3 U B and parts of the United States. NATURES BEST They wlll reside on the groom'sN K N ferm jst Whitby, R. R. 2. UM P IN .1Prier to her miarriage -the the type cf DURO Shallow or nîage by Mr. Levern Wood, 1)«p Well Pump you need, or and she was attended by iMiss fer f Ider. 'aing W Joese! ToDroint, mand Miss jà afr f es«i. JonigWae5 eesiyfDarnt,aMis sstt Joan Henry. The groom is son e! Mrs. FLORIDA - JUICY Green, of Peterborough, and O the late Dr. John C. Green. HeOR N E ford, o! Lively, Ontario. The ABB Wusheswr Mr. RobentW.C BBAG I Green ad Mn. J. Gerald Mid- GARDEN BOYv WASHE[ dlcton, o! Peterborough, andi Mn. George W. Green, o! Seuit C AR RuT S *Ste. Marie.FAC EPRO Anoriginal niodel o! white AC EM RO v tulle over appliqued taffeta E U~~ NEW1 was worn by the bride. It had a flared, full length skirt oven ONTARIO COOKERS a crinoline and the moulded Id bodice wlth beoeming portrait014 N neckllne wus tinished with long U H lily peint leeves. A headpieceFPl0zE JAc JK aEB0RUO ilfashionet! of the taffeta and BIRDS EYE LE E tulle held hen veil e! tulle il- q.iLUpMNG AND BEA11NG lusion. She cenied a bouquet BIRDS EYE FRENCH1 r?*oNz ils BOWMANVILLE ofe!white gandenias. Dlvs âcmee S. Bridai attendants were inl mm__________________ballermna drum of duùwy pIa Iwas a lavenden orchit!. Thet pale plnk. Ail wore bandeaux dress of pale1 yung couple will reside . t atch their gown.u and car- with znatching shi eCang Street West on their ne- ried' bouquets o! plnk carnna- black aceessonies. turn. tions, couple will neaide IMr. Denek Severn was ville. SEVERN - FARROW greernaisan and ushens were .Tinity.United Church, Bo aneTo- Lake ShorE manvlle waàthescen ofthe The brides mothen received manniage on Oct. 16 of Shirley et the réception which !olewed Intended for Evelyn Jean Farrow and Denis' in the Legion Hall, Bowman- Mn. and Mrs. Raymond! Severn. Baskets of ville, wearlng a blue suit with visited in Torontc white 'mrn.s= fonmet! the back-i accessonies of pink and! blackr. Mn. and Mrs.1 g round for the cenemony per- Assisting ber was the groom's and !emnily spent onmd by Rev. T, A. Morgan. mothen, 'vho wore a beige suit Mn. and Mrs.1 Tht bride is the daughten o! with bnown velvet accents and Brooklin. Mn. andi Mn. Hanry Farrow accessonies. Both wore corsages Mn. and Mns. A andi tht groom is the son o! o! pink roses. and !amily and 1 Mr. andi Mn.. Gordon Severn, For their wedding trip te the1 Chantes Bedwini ail of Bowmanvllle. Mr. Arthur Thousand Island& andi the Un- 1 Mn.. H. S. Tavloi Colilsori playeti the weddlng ited! Stateý, tht bride wore a Mr. and MnIs. music. Given in marriae. by her fathet, the bride *one a floor * ROOFING CONTRACTORS NOliSE FURNISHINCS e TRJ iength gown o! white lace and nylon net overa veny full, îkÙ.t of faille taffeta. The bodice of lace fhlhioned with 69 a portrait neekline, wau cern-- plemnerteti by a lace bolero OFC U jacket. $er full lengtli veil was eaught to a cononet o! lace and she carrieti a bouquet e! ned~ roses and iily-of-the-valy. m Mise Margaret Bruce was maid of honrio, weaning a floon length dness of pale green failles taffeta with overskirt o! nyon net. A lace jacket was wonn.... oven the lace bodice. Misa Vio-i let Severn and Miss Donna Thentell wene bridesmaids, in gowns of mauve andi yellow in lace andi nylon net. Miss Gwendylene Farrow was jun- m ion bnidesmali weaning a gown » o! pale blue nylon taffota with nylon overskirt, anti ittle k flower girl, Brenda Farrow, FLCRIC APPLIANCES S IFT WRAPPINGS NURSING worea a simiiarly styied gown in LOOK luNTHE HOMES a RURS & CARPETS e PRINTERS a GROCERS IME IST 5 RIBS - BEEF STANDING RIB ROAST Sirloin & Wing Steak Its Our Annuel Trois tond Solle et fine foods end yoiur cpportunity te pooket nmre riqhty substantiol soviags. Loy oway your entire wInters conned food noeds by pur- choslaq in thiee, six, dosen, and *y*% cou* lots et sovingt. An op- portunlty et a lie-tine le offent soviegg that you con 'bank" for meonthe oheoi at R.d &White1~ Johnson's Paste Wax STRAWBERRY JAM BREEZE DETERGENT J A VEX '7cu Castor 17 20-oz. ~3 tins 25c tnE. L15C Bath f2ûc Size afl 15-o -Z. pkg. 21c 2-LB. TIN -f-89C STTYART'5 39 24-OZ. 39 JAR GIANT 7 c 32-Z 763 %BAKtR'S EVERYDAY- LOW PRICES GOLD MEDAL 0 D A 5 Lb. 31c PUNPKIN PIE SPICE éf AYLMER Watt0-0 20c PEAS & CARROTS CAMPBELL'S 2 19c TONATO SOUP 2 EVAPORATED - BLUE LABEL 22 FRNR-lbF ML tin 9 Ati" IEML WOODBURYS - IDEAL bIb. 81c BATH SOAP 3 FARM BOY tin 34c SEEDLESS RAISINS CROP EN FO( BRIES FRIES'-l1 Large o. 9 2 Lb. 25C 3-lb. Polly 25 Bag 25 )D S -1 oz. pkg. 39e 2 oz. pkg. 2 for 43e BETTY CROCKER CAKE MIXES 2 pkgs. for 45c There's a RED & WHITE Store ini Your District OSHAWA'ý McKenna Super Market, 948 Simcoe St. N. Sproule's Food Store, 272 King St. E. Sproule's Food Store. 458 Simcoe St. S. Stroud's Food Market, 54 Simcoe St. N. WHITBY Stroud's Food Market, 116 Erock St. N. AJAX - Ajax Marketerla BROOKLIN - Brown's Marketerla LITTLE BRITAIN - Bullock's Groceteria PORT PERRY Dowuon's Food Market, Queen Street MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove Groceterla DO WMAN VILLE Teos Marketerla, 55 King Street E. ORONO - Cornlsh Groceterla PORT HOPE Roberts Brou. Food! Store, 43 Ontario St. Roberts Uptown Market, 276 Ridoîli St. COBOURG-Jettery Food! Market, 66 King E. or Roast lb. 53c t LB. 69c LB. 29C LB.. 55é LB. 59C et- 'Yellow Quik !GARINE 43c ]KRAFT SE WHIZ ar 35c fE ASSORTE» COLATES x79c .AÏIURE FREE, 20-0t.24 20-0z. ' 7 1 for 27c à for* 27c LUoz 20C à for 33C LESl Blue Bonne MAR IL CHEE% 8a0& je SUPRE1m CHO( 11hl. bol DOLLN R 1 is -Z. L:n 21-oz. < tini à FRESH GROUND LEAN MINCED BEEF BONELESS VEAL LEG ROASTS END CUTS - BY THE PIECE LEAN PEAMEALED BACON Buyv 12 Tinms Get 1 Tin Choice - Halves Goodtaste Peaches Choice - Cut Aylmer Wax Bean Stokely's Pork and Beans ""i - DYSQN'S DILL PICK! jar 31c E D WHITE' IPOOD - ;ý ;; c : 1 -, -. - - - - - - - - - - - - s t: 1 ; 2 ýl 2 -. ti m =-= - - PL ý-- - --- - PAGE w Vlb blue corduroy and family and Mr. and Mr&, hortie coat and Timinsm, Toronto, and Mr%, L The young Ray Carr, Belleville, wvlth Mr. le in Bowman- and Mrs. W. Holmes. Mns. W. Clemnence, Shaw'@ _____wjth Mr. and Mrs. 3Jackt -e, Carkce1 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lake and Peter with Mr. and Mn. Ever. last week ) jett Brown, Orono. Bey. Jaynes Miss Joan Carbrey, Peterbor- ýo. ougch, spent the weekend wità Robin Alldred Miss Nancy Lake. tSunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Avery Don Duncan. and family with Mr. and Mdrs. Leslie Wottofi, Oshawa. Arthur Bedwini Mrs. Bill Lake and son B~ill Mr. and Mrs., and Mr. and Mrs. R. Haw- with Mr. and thorne and family, Bowmnan- iCourtice. ville. with Mr. and Mns. Ait Bob Shupak Brown. tAVEI. SERVIE 0 COSTUME RENTAI 0 CARPENTERS ISE! Why diin't 1 think of It?I a 1