* 'J UI~ LLI.L'f TECANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVHI.JL ONTARJO THfURSA.NO.4.15 For the first time in history, the name of New- Tommy Rowdon, O.B.A. secretary, is holding the trophy castle was placed on Canadian record books a few weeks preparing to hand it to Captain David McCullough acting &go as Champions of the Ontario Bantam "D" Basebail on behaif of the champions. Teddy Lane, one of bis team- teams. Last week, their accomplishment was made official mates, is on the left and Manager Murray Patterson looks at a banquet held in the village when provincial O).B.A. on*from the rigrit. officiais attended to take part in presentation ceremonies.I -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope Lorne Doreen *'RA DIO and Te.va service 85 Jung St. E. -.Bowmanviile Phione MA.3-5713 Canada in 1953 suffered the loss of 1,300,000 man-days af work through strikes. Equiva- lent ta a big factory paying 5,- 000 workers and turning out goods for consumera all year long. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. R. W. Troilope, President of the Dominion Automobile As- sociation, announces the appoint. Iment af Robert R. Edy, ta the position of Executive Assistant ta the President. Mr. Edy was formerly Assistant Sales Man- ager. Prior ta Mr. Edy's con- nection with the Dominion Auto- mobile Association, he enjoyed a successful dual career as a con- cert singer in London, England, and in New York. in addition ta being a- senior Sales Executive with Lawson & Jones, Limited, af Canada More latterly, he has been associated in an exec- utive capacity with the Garfield Weston interesls in India, South Africa, and the lfnited Kingdom. (Advertisement) The November meeting of the Newcastle Lionettes was held in the Queen's Hotel on Manday evening with a good number ai members in attendance. After a deliciaus dinner the members ai the committee in charge re~ parted on the success ai tht' Bantam Basebaîl Club banquet, for which the members catered. A letter ai thanks was read from Murray Patterson for the fine banquet served. Also a "thank you" note from Mrs. Lillian Aiken for fiowers received fromn the club during her illness. The chief items ai business during the evening was the plan- ning for the annual bazaar. It was decided ta have booths for the sale ai used skates and toys, aprons, home cooking and candy and a penny sale. A special new feature was de- cided upon for this year's ba- zaar. In arder ta create interest amang sclrool age children, it has beàn decided ta hold a Hobby Show in conjunctian with the bazaar where children are invited ta show the results ai their handiwork in campetitian Dead Stock Removed Hlgbest pries pald for Dead, OId and Crippled Farm Stock. TELEPHONE COLLECT Cobourg 1787 NICK PECOni PETERBOROUGH 2.2080 wjth ather child.ren. Ail school chiildren in Newcastle and CLak Township will be eligible ta n ter their wares at this show. Children in Grades 1 and 2 are invited ta enter a poster "My Day"; Grades 3 and 4, a poster an health; Grades 5 and 6, a cdlection ai weeds, and gradesi 7 and 8, aprohs, wall brackets,I magazine racks ar bird houses.1 AnLy UUy or (haîf doz.) tries in the be judged t the bazaar iplay at the It was c special m( Monday àf day fvenîný John Rîcka ing aifa'rtic NE Mr. and and Marga rillia Sur vis'iting Mi anc Mrs. E Mr. and spent Thun ronto, and Douglas ied Gardon ini Dunnvil visit. Mr. and1 san, Kath Lang ver guests with Mr. and visited Mr-. Payne (nei family at E dav. Mr. and Mad M. Village Honors Newcastle Couple Recently Married A large crawd of friends and' neighbours ai Mr. Neil Britton gathered at the Sunday Schaol Hall ai the Newcastle United Church an Friday evening iast ta honour Neil and his bride, the former Miss Vivian Prout of Bowmanvile. Early arrivais at the hall which was beautifully decorat- ed with 'mumis, enjoyed piano melodies played by Mr. Neil Stewart while the crowd was assembling. Mrs. H. C. Bonathan and Mrs. L. Dehine, who wel- camed aIl as they entered, ush-. ered the lbonoured guests ta the platform at the front of the hall upon their arrival. The Rev. M C0. Fisher, acting as chairman for the evening, spake a few words ai congra- tulation and advice ta the young couple and introduced the num- bers ai the programn which in- cluded vocal solos, by Miss Jane Bennett, playing her awn accompaniment at the piano, cornet solos by Merrili Brown, accampanied at the piano by Mra. Everett Brown who a]so accompanied Mrs. Trudy Sal- lows wha favaured with mouth organ salas, and a guitar duet by John Fisher and Larry Pearce. A congratulatory presenta- tion address was read by Mrs. P. F. Hare and the gifts, a lave- ly gateleg table and table lamp were unveiled by Miss Ruth Bonathan and Mrs. Pauline Storks. Neil and his bride each expressed thanks ta their friends for the lavely gifts and for the good wishes expressed by them. Following the program and presentation a social hour was enjoyed by all present and re- freshments were served by the committee in charge ai the evenmng. and Mrs. Melville Irvine in Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Flintoif, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Buschlen and three children, Toronto, have baught the Clarke Williams' farm. They maved ta Nestie- ton last week and are welcam- ed ta the cammunity. Several from Nestletan at- tended Mr. Charles Gibsan's funeral in Port Perry on Mon- day. Interment was ini Utica cemetery. Friends will be glad ta know Laverne Suggitt was able *ta return from Oshawa Hospital after suffering an ac- cident whe felling trees on Saturday. His injuries were flot so seriaus as first feared. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- son visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Thompsan, Bea- verton, on Sunday. A most successful Pot Luck supper was held in the base- ment af Presbyterian Church on Frîday evening. Procee&i were in the neighbourhoad ai $50. Visiting ministers wiii be here preaching for calls for the next few Sunday. It is haped the manse will soan be occupied. CÂDMUS liama. Extra Police on Duty Find Little Hallowe'en Damage The practice of the Lions Club in supplying the kiddies with something of interest ta do, plus the efforts made by the Property Committee of the Village Coun- cil were largely responsible for the quietest Hailowe'en on re- cord according to Police Chief Art Randaîl. A five-man police force consisting of Chief Randaîl and Special Constables Stan Powell, Frank Miller, Albert Naylor and Gaston Dubeau, was on patrol in ail parts of the vil- lage throughout Saturday night 1 and local damage was held to a minimum. The most serious damage be- ing reported ta the police was the upsetting of a small number of outhouses, mostly in the southerly portion of the village. After making the rounds for treat or trick, and attending the frolic at the Community Hall everyone seemed to be content to cail it a day. The Property Committee staff has been kept really busy dur- ing the past few weeks. In ad- dition ta the fine job done dur- ing the hurricance by this de- partment, the extra constables on the job Saturday night were members of the Fire Department and we notice the flag pale at the Community Hall has recent- ly been newly painted, another credit ta the property depart- ment. Merdith Faflis. Sympathy i.s extended to the families of Mr. Charles Gibson who passed away on Saturday morning. The funer- ai was from Port Perry and burial ini Utica cemetery on Monday. A number from around here attènded bath Hallowe'en par- ties on Friday. One was at Blackstock and the other at Balyduff. The children also dressed on Saturday evening and called on everyone. Mis& Dawne Black, Toronto, spent the weekend witth Mr. and Mrs. George Black. Miss Jane Passant, Oshawa, spent the weekend wîth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Pas- sant. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gibson and family, Hamilton, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gibsan; Mrs. Bill Rbinson, Kingston, and Mr. Melville Johnston, Torinty were Sunday visitors with the Gîbsons. Mr. and Mrs. James Fallis and David, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Robrer, Kenneth and Bar- ry, motored ta Holland Marsh and Bradford on Sunday ta see the damage dane by Hurricane Efazel. Mr. and Mrs. Thampson Tay- lor and family, Bawmanville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and MIrs. Les Johnston. BURKETON Mr. S. Saywell was the guest speaker Sunday, Oct. 3lst and was in charge ai- the Service in the absence ai Rev. R. M. Seymour. The school teacher, Mr. Gar- don Munroe, had a nice Hallow- e'en party for ail the children at the school Friday aiternoon. r gir may enter a pan1 Mrs. James Gray and Mrs. neighbars in Thursday evening )bran muffins. En- Ken. Gray staged a surprise when Mrs. Viola Dixon af e Hobby Show are tae birthday party in honour ai Whîtby, was a recent visiter. he evening preceding Mrs. Milton Gray and Mrs. Cy. Recent guests ai Mr. and Mrs. .and will be on dis-~ Churchley, Saturday evening Ken Roblin were, Mr. and Mrs. abazaar. at the Gray home, on the oc- H. Thompsan, Mr. and Mrs. H. decided ta hald two casion af their 6th and 3th Lowery, ai Cherry Valley, and ieetings next week, birthdays respectively. Mrs. M. whiie there visîted relatives in fternoon and Thurs- Gray was visiting iriends in Orillia and London. ig at the home ai Mrs. Oshawa through the day. The Mr. and Mrs. Rasa Hubbard rd ta finish the sew- two tables were tasteiully dec. and Jance, Trenton, with Mr. 21es for the bazaar. orated with candies, flowers and Mrs. B. Hubbard. and pink and white streamers. M.adMs.R ohel After a bountiful dinner, the MapeGoe ihMr. and Mrs. ohel guests ai honour received eubbrd many loveWy and useful gif ta. M.adMs H o ,Oh Everyone then gatheredron aw, t Mr. and Mrs. H.O- J r.Wm te the piano and joined ini a sing-awwt MradMs.H ret matared ta Or-sang. Strutt. Bek r al iday and eyd Mr. Wm. Bek r al rs. Nesbitt and Mr. Those present from a dis- Breck, with' Mrs. Breck and Robert Doak. tance were Mr. and Mrs. Cy. famiîy. i rs Cas GstChurchiey, Collîngwood; Mr. Mrs. E. Strutt, Enniskilien, *sday Chisiti g iT and Mrs. John Heard, Mrs. with Mrs. E. Caughili. Psar sti Hope. - Verna Winn, Mrs. Grace May, Mr. and Mrs. W. Avis and Davisn accmp an Mr. Thomas Barrie and Mrs. Jim, Todniorden; Mrs. A. Ber- Paisey achs omen Pearl Barrie, al ai Port Hope; ry, Miss Isabel Carter, Orillia, Paileyte is omeMr. and Mrs. Roy Johnston with Mns. J. Carter and famiiy. lle for a weekend and Stanley, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. R. Carter, Sunday viaitors at the home Wayne and Randy, Peterboro, Mrs. F. L. Gist, Su- ai Mr. and Mns. M. Gray and with Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams ryn and Mary ai Mr. and Mrs. James Gray and relatives. e Sunday supper were Mrs. Arthur McMahon Mrs. Jim Curran is an the 'Davison and Gist.' and Wesley and Mr. and Mrs. sick list. We wish her a speedy Mrs. D. Thompson Brian Wilson. recavery. and Mrs. Clintonj Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Suttan, Mrs. Fred Hoiroyd, Hamp- e Ann Ellilot) and Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Ken. ton, with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. 3idgenarth an Sun- Gray and David matored ta Tompkins. West Hill an Sunday. Mrs. W. Brvan spent a few Mrs. Bruce Heaslip 1 Mss Crystal Failis spent the days with Mn. and Mrs. Orvla kLnmv mte 16lw u"W"h W â m 1ýwu& à M President of District Teachers Principal Merle Slute of the Bowmanville Ontario Street School who, at the 2lst Annual Convention of the Teachers' Institute of Oshawa and West Durham, was elected presîdent for the coming year. The convention was held in Oshawa. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope 8 MI"LO MD. New Low Pii. 1~ lona Orange & Grape.fruit SAVE 2o MÂRMALADE li.czaie25c Powdere or Puddings $AV£ 4o JELLO Amsrted PIe'vois #3 pkgs25c Eoonomy H..v SAVE 2o WAX PAPISR 100-ft mm 25 c Moaarch (Rgulib.) SAVE 3o jMARGARiNE 21b.%33c lanas SAVE 31. PEACHIS eme of24 2o-«ltins4.49 w v--- 1 A&P MurUIT & VEGETABLES Florida Marth lWedleu No. 1, Sims9 Florid No. 1, Boatfor Juice, $me MO8 ORANGES2 daZ45c A REAL VALUE FOR TH1E WIS'E &HOPPER.. 24 ORANGES AND 10 &RAPUf RUIT FOR 90c. Fancy, Fresh, Crisp, Excellent Eating MINTOSH RED APPLS 64qtbasic 69C Jane Pàirker-8Sliced WHITE BREAD DAILV DAINEDI CILLOPHANI WeAfP Vary M..êy SHORT MS OAST c Full eut Extêra Lea, Ixelent f.. Wmburti'g.eor Ment Pure POK SAVIAU 1b39< GP Prices affective until bat., Nov. 8, 1954 I ,~ Hobgoblins anc Lions Club Hal Folaowing their trek from house to house ta play trick or treat smre 240 spooky looking children gathered at the com- munity hall for the annual costume judging and "shellout" conducted by the members of the Boys' and Girls' Committee of the Newcastle Lions Club under the chairmanship of Chas. Gilkes. With Mrs. John Garrod at the piano and Percy Hare at the mike directing activities, the throng oi youngsters was caîl- ed ta order long çnough to sing the National Anthem and listen ta the address of welcome by the Club President John Riekard. Then ta the strains of march music played onthe piano the contestants paraded around the hall while the judges, Rev. M. C. Fisher, Miss Ruth Bonathan and Mrs. P. F. Hare periormed the next ta impossible job afijddging the costumes. Among the decorations of the hall was a large net strung high above the heads of the yaungsters loaded with various coloured in- flated balloons which, aiter the judging had been completed was1 1 Spooks Enjoy' llowe'en Party cut loose and a noisy scranible ensued as the reveliers sought ta grab the flying balloons. .On leaving the hall each costumed merrymaker was pre- sented with the Lions treat, a bag containing apples, candy and nuts ta add ta their a]ready large store of contributions for the night. Prime Wlnnerm The iollowing is the result af the costume judging: girls, under 8-Lila Jacobsen (Majorette), Germaine Dubeau; boys under 8à -Jimniy Smith (Snawman), Jimmy Colwiil (TV Man); girls 8 ta 12-Donna Ferguson (Egp tian, girl); baya 8 ta 12-ýDick; Brinkman <Fireman); girls 12 and over-Pauline Storks (Peter Pan); boys 12 and aver-Peter DeJahn (Son af the road); the yaungest child in costume-(tie) -Keith Arthur Baîl and WillardI Lendam; best costume-Frances Rickard (Butterfly); best camic -Pat Belsey (Scarecrow);* best' couple-Linda Roberts and Don- na Ferguson; best comic couple -Donna Carveth and Jill Wil- 1 1 10 for 45C 24-«iSfl 5c 1b 39C 1